Dispatch, Winter 2012

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dispatch cvm.org.uk

latest news from cvm | winter 2012



CVM calls men to stand together for a day of Prayer & Praise In partnership with:




MESSAGE FROM CARL Welcome to the latest edition of Dispatch! In the next few pages you’ll find updates of our work together, across the UK, pointers for prayer (with a new look prayer calendar which we really hope you’ll find useful) and some breaking news! We have lots of exciting conferences and events planned for the year but one that we are really passionate about is our Prayer & Praise Day on February 25 at Market Harborough Evangelical Church. This FREE event will be held from 10am to 4pm. I really feel strongly that we need to get this movement praying for evangelism more than ever before.

I WOULD LOVE TO SEE HUNDREDS OF MEN PRAYING AND WORSHIPPING TOGETHER I really urge you to get involved. This will be a day for men to draw a line in the sand in terms of their involvement with men’s ministry countrywide. I would love to see hundreds of men praying and worshipping together. We know that prayer and praise has an impact on our lives and our ministries. This is a strategic day of prayer and praise for every man who is passionate about reaching their mates with the message of Jesus. We are hugely excited to announce

that Graham Kendrick will be leading the day and guiding us in our intercessions. Visit cvm.org.uk/prayer to reserve your place, or call 01246 452483. Bookings are required for this day. (Lunch not provided so please also see this as an opportunity to fast.) I look forward to seeing many of you as I travel around the UK. Thanks so much for all your support and encouragement and for all your efforts on the ground to make Jesus known to men. Your brother and friend in Christ, Carl Beech, General Director CVM

CVM, The Hub, Unit 2 Dunston Road, Chesterfield S41 8XA t: 01246 452483 e: info@cvm.org.uk w: cvm.org.uk

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STRONG APPEAL CVM would like to thank everyone who donated to our Christmas Appeal.

Men from up and down the country are taking advantage of the early bloke booking for the CVM Gathering 2012 – Life In Full. The weekend will take place at Lynt Farm, Nr Swindon, from 29 June to 1 July. Carl will be speaking along with some special guests. Steve Legg is co-hosting and all the usual fun stuff will be there with some great added extras. All will be revealed in due course! The one and only Graham Kendrick will be leading worship at the conference which costs only £65 if you book now! There’s a special rate for those with an NUS card. Visit cvm.org.uk/thegathering or call 01246 452483 to get yourself booked in.

We raised more than £7000 for our mission to see one million UK men won for Jesus. The money will go towards producing evangelistic resources and to support our grass roots network of groups and evangelists working across the country. Thank you everyone, your support means an awful lot to us!

THE TIDE’S TURNING! There are now more than 485 men’s groups across the UK signed up to run top quality evangelistic events in their regions. The groups are making a stand to stop the current exodus of men leaving the British Church. If you would like to find a men’s group near you, see cvm.org.uk/groups; to sign up a new group or as an individual, visit cvm.org.uk/partner or call 01246 452483. Set up a standing order and claim a free gift!

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GETTING THINGS SORTED! CVM partner Sorted Magazine hit the shelves at WHSmiths this month. The publication has become the first Christian magazine to be sold at the national store sending a powerful message to high street retailers that there is a demand for more wholesome lads’ mags. CVM’s Carl Beech and Alex Willmott are regular contributors to the magazine, which can be subscribed to at: sorted-magazine.com

Give CVM at least £10/ month and get Sorted for free – more details at: cvm.org.uk/partner

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UNLOCK THE CODE Our initiative and book ‘The Code’ is really impacting lives. One man sent us a message to say that his church gave a copy to every man who attended over Christmas. A man then came up to them in the New Year and said that the message in the book had changed his life. That’s the power of the Gospel! Why not buy a copy for a friend or consider giving them away at events. The office has stock, and we can offer great discounts for bulk purchases: cvm.org.uk/shop The Code is supported by our Bible Studies which are available online for free. After reading the year-long Bible Studies, John Glass, General Superintendent, Elim Pentecostal Churches, described the resource as: “Relevant, inspirational and challenging - Codelife scores a hat trick - straight into the back of the net!” Christianity Magazine also praised the Codelife Unlocked series in a national review. Why not start your year right and download the free studies looking at what the Bible says about the big issues affecting men today? You will find the 12 months of Bible studies at codelife.org

| dispatch | winter 2012


CVM AND NEW WINE Last year we held our first joint event together which was a great success.


‘Join us for a day of learning, inspiration, encouragement and friendship.’

Hundreds of men gathered at the Soul Survivor venue in Watford to worship, pray and talk about how we can win at Saturday 12 November 2011 – Watford A day for men least one million UK men to 21 January 2012 – Manchester who want to make Saturday With Carl Beech, Mark Melluish, Christ. We have another “Iron a difference Anthony Delaney & Patrick Dixon (Watford only) Sharpens Iron” day planned in Manchester and more Find out more and book online at www.new-wine.org scheduled as we move into 2012. Keep an eye on the website (cvm.org.uk/events) and emails for details of these days. We are really excited and honoured to be working with such a great movement and network.

REGIONAL DAYS Wherever you live in the UK, you will find a regional day near you. A chance for you to be encouraged, equipped and meet with hundreds of like minded men. Details on our website (cvm.org.uk/events) and by email. To subscribe to our emails, go to cvm.org.uk/subscribe

PRAYER DIARY Due to the increasing number of events now being run by our groups, we can’t fit them all into Dispatch! Instead, please use the website for a list of events week by week (cvm.org. uk/events) and the new pull-out prayer calendar on pages 6-7 as a focus for your prayers throughout this period. We are really sensing a need to get our movement praying harder than ever before as we seek to reach men in 2012.

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» W/C 9 JAN | IRON SHARPENS IRON DAY As CVM is preparing to host a men’s day with New Wine in Manchester later on this month, please pray that lives are changed with the message of Jesus. Pray also for our partnership with New Wine and for our plans going forward. Pray that together we would reach many men across the UK and see many more men’s groups established. » W/C 16 JAN | REGIONAL DAYS Please pray for the guys on the ground meeting across the UK to encourage, support and inspire evangelism. Pray for the organisers and host churches who have a huge amount of work to do in order to put on a great day. Pray for lots of bookings too! A list of days are on the website: cvm.org.uk/events » W/C 23 JAN | RESOURCES CVM resources are being used by churches, men’s groups and individuals up and down the country. Please pray that the guys using the resources will be stirred to share their faith with others. (Resources include: The Code, Beechy & Willmott Podcast, Codelife Bible Studies, Man Friday, Blogs, Cinemania, Men DVD) cvm.org.uk/shop » W/C 30 JAN | PARTNERSHIPS Important partnerships have developed with other major movements including New Wine, Sorted, Fusion, Restored and Care. Please pray that we can serve and support our brothers and sisters in the coming months. Links to these other organisations and details of their work can be found on our website. » W/C 6 FEB | THE GATHERING Please remember us in your prayers as we plan for our biggest event of the year, The Gathering. Pray we have a great turn out from the guys and that men come to new life in Jesus. Why not pray for a mate to agree to come along! Please pray that we will see many men come to faith at the event. cvm.org.uk/thegathering » W/C 13 FEB | STRATEGIC PRAYER AND PRAISE DAY CVM will host an integral prayer and praise day in Market Harborough Evangelical Church on February 25. Please pray for Graham Kendrick as he leads the event and that the guys attending will be inspired and encouraged. cvm.org.uk/prayer » W/C 20 FEB | STAFF Continue to pray for the CVM team as we look to achieve more for the Kingdom this year. Please pray also for our wider national team. A list of who’s who for your prayers is on the website under the “about us” section. cvm.org.uk/team

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» W/C 27 FEB | NEW RECRUITS As the new Directors get to grips with the huge task at hand, will you pray that God uses them powerfully this year? Mark Lyndon Jones (Wales) Stephen McGuire (Scotland) Spud Murphy (Northern Ireland), Steve Martin (South England) cvm.org.uk/team » W/C 5 MAR | SPORTS WEEK A group of men will be taking their not yet believing mates to the CVM sports week in Lanzarote this month, please pray that the guys will have a really great time and for some life-changing conversations. Pray for safety and for Carl Beech who is speaking. cvm.org.uk/lanzarote » W/C 12 MAR | NATIONAL MEDIA As prominent Christian media organisations broadcast CVM news more often, please pray we keep our eyes on the Gospel. Also pray that God uses our efforts to reach those who haven’t yet encountered the Christian message in the UK. » W/C 19 MAR | FUND RAISING CVM exists thanks to the regular donations from men on the ground. Please pray that more people catch the vision of the movement and support our cause financially. cvm.org.uk/donate » W/C 26 MAR | AREA COORDINATORS Pray for all our area and town coordinators that they will see unity amongst the men in their regions as they look to reach those in their communities for Jesus. cvm.org.uk/team » W/C 2 APRIL | CVM DIRECTORS Pray for Carl, Dean & Dave who give leadership to the CVM team and work to shape the vision of CVM across the UK. Please pray for wisdom, lots of energy and God inspired ideas. Specifically Carl as he leads, speaks and writes; Dean, as he manages and directs the administrative side of the operation and Dave in his role as Creative Director, in charge of all our media and design output. cvm.org.uk/team » W/C 9 APRIL | MEN’S GROUPS Last year the number of CVM men’s groups rose to just under 500. Please pray we see more groups signed up this year as men look to run top quality evangelistic events in their towns and cities. cvm.org.uk/groups » W/C 16 APRIL | GROUP LEADERS Remember the CVM group leaders in your prayers as they word hard to inspire a culture of evangelism in their churches. Pray for their encouragement, for more helpers and that they would see longed for breakthroughs in the year ahead. cvm.org.uk/groups » W/C 23 APRIL | BOARD Please pray for the CVM board of directors and Chairman Ian Manifold. Pray they continue to develop Godly insight and wisdom as they help direct the footsteps of CVM. A full list of board members is on the website. cvm.org.uk/team » W/C 30 APRIL | MEN As more and more men step out in faith due to the work of CVM, please pray that God adds to the number of men in churches up and down the country. We want to see a million men encounter Jesus.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR | YOUR PRAYERS cvm.org.uk 01246 452483 | | 7


SPUD’S BOILING! CVM’s Alex Willmott chatted with Northern Ireland Director Spud Murphy about his first six months on the job. How has CVM Northern Ireland been recently? The last month has been crazy busy! Naturally, I’ve been going to a lot of meetings with church leaders trying to plan a strategy to reach men with the Gospel in 2012. It’s been brilliant, but it’s all fifth gear sort of stuff.” How are you feeling about this year? I’m really excited about 2012. At the end of January we will launch the CVM Area Network called CVMNI West (creative I know!). It will cover the extreme west of Northern Ireland, places like Enniskillen, Omagh, etc. We have a fantastic team heading things up with big plans to win men to Jesus in 2012 and beyond. We also have our own Iron Sharpens Iron event in partnership with New Wine on 31 March 2012 where I’ll be a keynote speaker! But the thing I’m most looking forward to has to be getting away for a week with a mate who isn’t a Christian

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WE HAVE A FANTASTIC TEAM HEADING THINGS UP WITH BIG PLANS TO WIN MEN TO JESUS IN 2012 AND BEYOND and doing some sea, surf and sport on our Lanzarote Sports Week Oh and Everton to win the FA Cup and Rory McIlroy to win all four of golf’s majors! What are the challenges going forward? We have a number of challenges going forward including financing, resourcing, etc. but the main one would be for churches to catch the vision of what CVM is trying to do, to open their eyes to the majority that haven’t got any sort of men’s ministry in place and that we would see men saved in their hundreds, if not thousands!”


CVM WALES UPDATE CVM Wales Director Mark Lyndon-Jones on seeing Welsh men’s lives changed. What’s been happening? CVM Wales kicked off with a new monthly initiative aimed at gathering men from across churches around South Wales to look at ‘The Code’, share life, talk about what God is doing. It’s a relaxed informal evening aimed at encouraging and inspiring. The feedback from our first three Code evenings has been extremely positive: “I was really encouraged on Monday night, I went home buzzing - took me ages to get off to sleep!” “It was great to hear real testimonies about what God is doing in real guys.” The objective has been to demonstrate how a simple discipleship format can encourage and impact men’s lives in a powerful way. What are you particularly excited about? January is sure to see testosterone levels soar as we engage competing Men’s groups in a “friendly” Mega-Ten-Pin Bowling Evening on the 30th January – with up to 26 teams of eight guys, jockeying for the top position and the top prize. This will be a great opportunity to engage our mates in a social occasion. In addition a bunch of men’s group leaders are meeting to pray and commit the plans for CVM Wales in 2012 in reaching men for Jesus knowing that

IF WE SUCCEED THERE WON’T BE ENOUGH SPACE TO RECORD ALL THE TRANSFORMATIONAL STORIES THAT RESULT when we “Commit to the Lord whatever we do, our plans can be established and succeed” (Proverbs 16:3). What are the challenges going forward? It’s more about how we maximise and seize the opportunity that Christ challenged the disciples with “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35). The main challenge in 2012 is for all of us to engage in some fruit picking for the kingdom, by connecting with real guys in our circle of influence, to build relationship and introduce them to Jesus our Captain, Brother, Rescuer and Friend. If we succeed there won’t be enough space to record all the transformational stories that result. cvm.org.uk/wales

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CVM SCOTLAND UPDATE Newly appointed CVM Scotland Director Stephen McGuire chatted with Alex Willmott about reaching Scottish men with the message of Jesus. How have the last few weeks have gone for you? The last month has gone very well in Scotland. I have been working with a bunch of guys to set up a brand new men’s group called Neil’s Curry Club (NCC). The first meeting attracted eight guys and a few curries of course. They have established great plans for 2012 and have mapped out their level one and level two events and also decided to begin studying the Cave Lyfe material. I have been particularly pleased with the networking that has happened over the last month, a friend telling a friend and such like, which leads to a message out of the blue from someone looking for information about CVM. What are your hopes for this year? I am specifically excited about the following areas for 2012: 1. Seeing men in Scotland having their faith in Jesus energized and to have the confidence to speak up about the difference knowing Jesus makes in their lives. 2. Men coming together to pray, read their Bibles, discuss what it means for them and ultimately grow together.

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3. The new friends that I will make as I work with churches and men’s groups all over Scotland. 4. After attending the CVM National Day in December I am excited about working with the CVM team and the lasting friendships that are starting to develop. 5. Running our first regional day in Scotland! What can we be praying for you this year? The biggest challenge for me is juggling my time between family life, work commitments and CVM. At the moment I am working full time and fitting in CVM related work as a volunteer in the evenings and the weekends, the temptation is always there to do too much and neglect my family. This is becoming increasingly more difficult as the momentum for CVM in Scotland is building and I am getting busier. My constant prayer is that necessary financial resources will be found to enable me to work with CVM in a more formal capacity. cvm.org.uk/scotland

CVM ENGLAND UPDATE We are really excited to announce that we have appointed a part-time director for the South of England to provide support and encouragement to all our groups based from Milton Keynes down! Steve Martin, currently heading up the Naval Christian Fellowship is giving us a day or so a week to provide this much needed support as we have experienced a rapid increase in the number of groups over the last two years.

Plans are also firmly in place to appoint a part-time director for the North of England, where we have seen similar growth. Please pray for the necessary finances and organisation needed to make this happen in 2012. The next edition of Dispatch will see interviews with Steve and others.

‘WELCOME’ TO OUR NEW GROUPS! Romford 2 » MFC - Men Following Christ Worthing 3 » Hosanna Mens Group (Broadwater) Hitchin » Iron (Hitchin Christian Centre) Holt » St Katherines, Holt Poole 3 » Mandate (West Cliff Baptist) Reading 2 » MOVERS (Men of Vision East Reading Squad) Aughton » Christ Church Ipswich 3 » Band of Brothers Ipswich International church Cardiff 4 » Salvation Army (South and mid-Wales) Chelmsford 4 » CGC Chelmsford Men

Spalding » Spalding Baptist Men’s Group Carlisle » Elim Community Church Hemel Hempstead 2 » South Hill Church Football Chesterfield 2 » Chesterfield Baptist Church Scarborough » Ebenezer Baptist Church Battersea Rise » St Mark’s Battersea Rise Southampton 3 » Bursledon Blokes Cambridge 2 » All Saints Men’s Ministry Wigan » Christ Church Pennington

East Acton » St Kat’s Men Canterbury » Barton Evangelical Church Ashbourne » Church in the Peak Men’s Ministry Ballymena » High Kirk Church Shedfield and Wickham » Benefice of Shedfield and Wickham Bournemouth 2 » Momentum Wallington » Holy Trinity Men’s Group Newcastle-Upon-Tyne » The Coast Men’s Fellowship Horsham 2 » M4C (Life Community Church)

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cvm.org.uk/thegathering 483 ce on 01246 452 Book online or call the CVM offi group bookings) g deadline: 18 June (11 June for Bookin




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