C-VILLE Weekly | June 26 - July 2, 2024

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Deborah Bell and Martin Burks of J.F. Bell Funeral Home

Stay awhile Abode

We inventory 40— and delve into the influences of nine—of the oldest businesses in Charlottesville.


11 The results of the VA-5 Republican primary are uncer tain—and already contested.

13 The 2024 Olympics will see ‘Hoos old and new representing Team USA.

15 Real Estate Weekly: Southern Development to build Stribling homes at Flint Hill.


35 Preview: Jason Isbell showcases his talent and honors his influences at Ting Pavilion on June 30.

37 Last Look: Colleen Rosenberry’s exploration of grief is on display through June at Studio Ix. 40 Sudoku 41 Crossword

43 Free Will Astrology


P.S. 46

Theater Director Bob Chapel in the HotSeat.

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Hello, Charlottesville. Thank you for reading C-VILLE Weekly.

I can’t remember when the first Power Issue—our annual ranking of the most influential people in Charlottesville—ran in C-VILLE; it’s likely been well over 10 years ago now. In its earliest versions, we (the editorial staff) would create what we felt was a fairly solid rubric, taking into account factors like money and network for each of the individuals we were considering. But it was by no means scientific, and pretty soon the list started looking frustratingly—at least from an editorial standpoint—familiar year after year (I’m sure you have a picture in your mind).


For the last few iterations, we’ve refocused the issue to highlight different sectors of power: dynamic local youths, big names in the local arts scene, those making an impact through activism. And this year, we’re exploring the idea of power as longevity through the lens of some of the oldest businesses in Charlottesville.

You’ll hear about a local law firm’s connection to Aaron Burr and how an area day school takes its name from a woman who fought for education for Black girls and women. The list includes a beloved local toy store and a resort that continues to adapt to the demands of its clientele. The businesses we feature in the issue are all different, but they have at least one thing in common: endurance. Certainly there’s power in that.

JUNE 28 – JULY 15 all

Tuesday – Friday 10 – 5 Saturdays 10 – 3

“These 10 state universities, spread across the U.S., attract highachievers and turn out hard-working, highly regarded employees.”

Forbes Magazine, which recently included the University of Virginia on its list of “The

New Ivies”


Redemptive justice

The FBI has identified a suspect in the 1996 Shenandoah Park murders of Julianne Williams and Laura “Lollie” Winans through DNA testing. In a June 20 announcement, FBI Special Agent Stanley Meador indicated new DNA tests gathered from evidence matched the profile of Walter “Leo” Jackson Sr. A convicted serial rapist, Jackson died in an Ohio prison in 2018 while serving time for other offenses.

Triple threat

Police have responded to multiple shots-fired calls in the last week alone. Around 5pm on June 17, police responded to two calls at Sixth Street SE and Monticello Avenue, as well as the 1400 block of Midland Street. Suspect Malik Luck is charged with three offenses and is in custody. Later that evening, CPD responded to calls at the 900/1000 block of South First Street where, after an investigation, 69 shell casings were recovered. The morning of June 20 at Carlton Avenue, an 18-year-old woman suffered gunshot wounds to her upper body and was rushed to UVA Medical Center, where she remains in serious condition. Five charges have been placed against 25-year-old Travis William Herndon, who turned himself in on June 23. All incidents remain under investigation.

Backed support

Following Gloria Witt’s victory in the Democratic primary for the 5th district congressional seat, she is kicking off her campaign with a visit to Louisa alongside 2025 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Abigail Spanberger. Spanberger currently represents Virginia as a congresswoman in the 7th district and is the only candidate in the Democratic primary for governor. Gov. Glenn Youngkin cannot run for reelection due to a ban on consecutive gubernatorial terms in Virginia.

Victory lap


Cost of care

Sen. Tim Kaine stopped by Charlottesville on June 21 for a roundtable with the Jefferson Area Board for Aging.

Kicking off the discussion, JABA CEO Marta Keane highlighted how Kaine’s work to reduce healthcare costs through the Inflation Reduction Act and work on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee have benefitted local seniors.

As part of the IRA, maximum insulin prices have been set at $35 and annual out-of-pocket prescription costs have been capped for Medicare recipients. Other legislation co-sponsored by Kaine— the Help Ensure Lower Patient Copays and Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging Acts—aims to expand patient protections from potentially predatory medical and pharmaceutical practices.

One issue of particular concern to JABA leaders not addressed by existing legislation is the marketing of Medicare Advantage Plans in Virginia. While they may be a potentially good option for seniors in other states, where coverage and plan availability vary, several roundtable attendees indicated the plans have major pitfalls.

“The most common thing I hear from Medicare Advantage beneficiaries is, ‘I liked my Medicare Advantage plan until I had to use it,’” said Randy Rogers, JABA insurance counseling team manager.

Kaine acknowledged the concerns but told the press it would be difficult to pass a bill regulating marketing of Medicare Advantage plans given first amendment protections for commercial speech.

Supply drive

Charlottesville City Schools just closed for the summer, but families looking for help with supplies for the 2024-2025 school year can begin requesting free school supplies. By applying through school-specific forms on the CCS website, families in need of assistance can request free school supplies and backpacks for each of their children. Supplies will be

The senator’s conversation with JABA comes amid his reelection campaign. Kaine is currently running for a third term

in the Senate and will face off against newly nominated Republican primary winner Hung Cao this November.

available for pickup during open houses and meet-and-greets at students’ schools later this summer.

People interested in donating to the drive, either through the Amazon wishlists or check donation, can find more information on the same site.

Beyond the supply drive, students in Charlottesville and Albemarle can also visit

the Back to School Bash on August 10 at Ting Pavilion. In addition to classroom materials, haircuts and hairstyling will be available at the event. For a fun time, students can also check out the Back Together Bash on August 11 at the Cherry Avenue Boys & Girls Club, which will feature basketball, roller-skating, food, giveaways, and more.

Sen. Tim Kaine was first elected to the Senate in 2012.

Too close to call



for the VA-5 Republican primary still aren’t certified

ore than a week after election day, the results of the Republican primary in Virginia’s 5th district remain up in the air. After a campaign riddled with barbs between incumbent Bob Good and state Senator John McGuire, election day saw a razor-thin margin between the two ultra-conservatives.

Things in the 5th district have been ramping up for months and fully kicked into overdrive when Donald Trump endorsed McGuire in late May. Though Good has since endorsed Trump’s 2024 bid for the presidency, his original backing of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis soured him to Trump loyalists in the Republican party.

“Bob Good is BAD FOR VIRGINIA, AND BAD FOR THE USA,” Trump shared in a May 28 Truth Social post formally endorsing McGuire. “He turned his back on our incredible movement and was constantly attacking and fighting me until recently.”

Between the Trump endorsement and McGuire’s accelerated fundraising leading up to the primary, Miles Coleman, associate editor of the Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, says, “If there was any surprise here, it’s that Good held up as well as he did. … For [Good] only to lose by a relative handful of votes, I think that says something about how resilient he was.”

Vote totals point toward a narrow victory for McGuire, but Good has told constituents not to count him out yet.

“This race remains too close to call,” Good posted on X/Twitter on June 19. “We are asking for full transparency from the officials involved and patience from the people of the 5th District over the coming weeks as the certification of results is completed. We believe we can still prevail.”

Since election day, Good and his supporters have become increasingly critical

of the results, with the congressman blaming election fraud for his potential loss.

Campaign Manager Diana Shores repeated these claims in a comment via email, citing concerns around procedural issues in Albemarle County, Buckingham County, and Lynchburg.

McGuire’s team has not addressed the allegations of election fraud in the 5th district primary. The challenger declared victory just after midnight on June 19, well before any election results could be verified.

“My life is a testament to the fact that America is the greatest country on this planet and I’m so honored to have the chance to serve her again,” McGuire shared on X/Twitter. “Folks in the 5th can rest assured that should they elect me in Nov., they will have an effective fighter in Congress who will get the job done for them.”

“For [Good] only to lose by a relative handful of votes, I think that says something about how resilient he was.”

As of press time, the results of the race have not been certified, but Good has preemptively called for a recount and investigation of election practices. He has also cited concerns about fires at three precincts on election day. No actual fires occurred at the precincts, though election officials told ABC 13 that fire alarms were triggered at three precincts. Voting access was reportedly restored at each location within 30 minutes.

Current counts have McGuire ahead by 344 votes.

“There is a saying among poll workers: May your turnout be high and your margins wide,” says Coleman. “This election kind of had neither, because it was fairly low turnout and ... the margin obviously isn’t wide.”

Accusations of election fraud aren’t common among members of the same party, but both Good and McGuire have a history of election denial. Both candidates publicly questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, with McGuire attending a “Stop the Steal” event on January 6, 2021, and Good voting against certifying election results as a member of the House.

If Good ends up losing the primary, Coleman says it’s anyone’s guess whether he doubles down as an “agent of chaos” or tries to improve his relationship with Republican leadership in anticipation of future campaign efforts.

While either McGuire or Good will still have to face Democratic primary winner Gloria Witt in November, whoever wins the Republican primary is likely to win the general election, according to Coleman.

“I would still put [VA-5 as] safe Republican,” he says. “This is a district where the Democrats can get maybe 45 to 46 percent of the vote pretty easily, but getting much past that is hard. … The last time this [district] flipped to a Democrat was in ‘08 with Tom Perriello.” Control of the House of Representatives is expected to be close between the two parties this year, leading Democrats to focus resources on more competitive races.

“From the Democratic perspective, they have a few targets in Virginia that are kind of sexier,” says Coleman. “They very much want to oust Higgins in the Virginia Beach area. District 7, the Spanberger seat, well that is a blue district, but one that they can’t take for granted.”

As of press time, a timeline for the recount in the VA-5 Republican primary has not been announced.

Bob Good was first elected to Congress in 2020.

Making waves

UVA swimmers dominate at Olympic trials

The University of Virginia will be well represented in the pool at the 2024 Olympics this summer. Several current and former Hoos will swim for Team USA, along with Cavalier commit and Western Albemarle High School student Thomas Heilman.

Even before the competition, the pressure was on for former UVA swimmer and Olympian Kate Douglass, who, as one of the top-ranked swimmers in the country, has been widely considered someone to watch coming into the event. Douglass smashed all expectations, including her own, by winning three events: the women’s 100-meter freestyle, 200-meter breaststroke, and 200-meter individual medley.

Finishing right behind Douglass in the 200-meter IM was Alex Walsh, who solidified her spot on Team USA with the second place finish. The pair has dominated this event in international competitions for several years, with Walsh and Douglass winning silver and bronze respectively in the race at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Alex’s younger sister, Gretchen Walsh, also made a major splash at Olympic trials. On the opening day of the swim meet, she set a new world record in the women’s 100-meter butterfly semi-final with a time of 55.18 seconds.

“I’m still in shock,” Gretchen told NBC Sports in an interview after winning the event final. “Making the team was the biggest goal, but getting a world record was absolute insanity. I couldn’t ask for a better first event of the meet.”

In addition to the 100-meter butterfly, Gretchen will represent the U.S. in the 50-meter freestyle and on the 100-meter freestyle relay team.

While Alex is already an Olympic medalist, this year’s games will be the first time both Walsh sisters swim for Team USA.

“To have a sibling duo that is this elite … both going for the same Olympic dream is so rare,” Alex said at a press conference in the weeks leading up to Olympic trials. “We’re proud of each other no matter what.”

Current Cavalier Emma Weber also made the roster in the 100-meter breaststroke, qualifying for her first Olympics. Weber swam a blazing-fast 1:06.10 in the event fi-

With her blazing-fast 100-meter butterfly, Gretchen Walsh became the first swimmer to set a new world record at the US Olympic trials since 2008.

nals, setting a new personal best and finishing 0.67 seconds behind defending two-time Olympic gold medalist Lilly King.

Alumna Paige Madden also had a stellar showing at trials, qualifying for the Olympic team individually in the 400- and 800-meter freestyle races. Madden will also be competing as part of the 200-meter freestyle relay team, an event for which she won a silver medal in 2020.

Virginia Head Coach Todd DeSorbo, who was tapped to head the US women’s Olympic team last year, will coach Douglass, Weber, Madden, and the Walshes in Paris.

On the men’s side of trials, Charlottesville 17-year-old Thomas Heilman made waves as the youngest swimmer to make the US men’s Olympic swim team since Michael Phelps. Heilman will represent the US in the 100- and 200-meter butterfly races.

Several other current and former Virginia swimmers posted impressive times at Olympic trials, with Claire Curzan and Jack Aikins coming just short of making the cut for Paris. Aikins took the 2023-24 season off from NCAA competitions to focus on the trials, and placed third in both the 100- and 200-meter backstroke finals.

The 2024 Paris Olympics kick off on Friday, July 26, with swimming events starting the next day.

“I’m still in shock … Making the team was the biggest goal, but getting a world record was absolute insanity.” GRETCHEN WALSH, TEAM USA AND UVA SWIMMER

Wednesday, July 3 5-10 PM


Register today for fall semester. Your tuition could be covered in full.



Do you appreciate all the benefits trees serve in our environment? Consider registering to become a Tree Steward in the Fall 2024 Training Class and joining us in our commitment to promote healthy urban and rural forests!

The Fall 2024 class will consist of a combination of online training sessions and field activities with a maximum of 32 students to facilitate the best field training possible. With a 15-week duration beginning August 6 and ending November 16, the online classes will precede the field activities held on every other Saturday at various locations in the Charlottesville area.

We look forward to meeting you, assisting you with the training program, working side-by-side with you and enjoying Piedmont Virginia’s beautiful urban and rural forests together as you progress through the class toward becoming a Tree Steward.

NOTE: Please go to the CATS website at www.charlottesvilleareatreestewards.org to view the complete class description and syllabus and to follow the registration link to Eventbrite. Questions? Contact us at news@cvilleareatreestewards.org

Annie Gould Gallery

Affordability swap

Southern Development seeks permission to build affordable units for 240 Stribling—at a different location

When Southern Development

Homes won a rezoning in Charlottesville to allow for the construction of 170 dwelling units on Stribling Avenue, the idea was that all of the required affordable units would be built on the 11-acre site in Fry’s Spring.

As part of the rezoning in late April 2022, Southern Development agreed to designate 15 percent of the units as affordable to households with gross earnings of less than 60 percent of area median income (AMI). Under the city’s definitions, that’s classified as “low- and moderate-income.”

A new request from the developer seeks to add the definition of “very lowincome household,” reserved for families who earn between 30 percent and 50 percent of AMI. But the amendment also requests permission to build at least eight of those units elsewhere so that they are available to potential residents sooner.

“Assuming the final site plan approval proceeds in a timely manner, construction of new homes [at 240 Stribling] is still likely to be no less than two years in the future, and possibly more,” reads the narrative for the request.

Southern Development also points out that construction is underway at its Flint Hill project, which is also in the Fry’s Spring neighborhood. Tree-clearing has

begun for the 60-unit community built between Moseley and Longwood drives.

Under the Flint Hill rezoning, granted in April 2020, eight affordable units are required to be built and the new request transfers the obligation to build—at most— eight of 240 Stribling’s 26 units to the Flint Hill project. That would create up to 16 units there, with at least two of them reserved for the “very low-income” category. Southern Development is working with Habitat for Humanity to build those units.

“We’ve had some amazing recent partnerships with them at Burnet Commons and Southwood,” says Charlie Armstrong, vice president at Southern Development. “They will definitely be building eight Habitat units at Flint Hill and we want them to build 16.”

Meanwhile, the city continues to work on the design for infrastructure to support the Stribling project. The council’s original vote to rezone was conditional upon the city entering into a public-private partnership with Southern Development to upgrade Stribling Avenue with sidewalks. The road currently lacks walkways and drainage. The city has created drawings and a final version is expected to be ready for public review in July.

This will be the first rezoning under the city’s new Development Code. Southern Development is not asking for any other changes to the rezoning beyond the affordability provisions.

Southern Development seeks a rezoning to allow for eight affordable units slated for a project on Stribling Avenue to be built at the company’s Flint Hill community instead. SEAN


Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, 15 miles south of Charlottesville, is this rare 572-acre historic estate whose design is reputed to be the only remaining private residence attributed to Thomas Jefferson. $15,000,000 Court Nexsen, 646.660.0700 www.HistoricEdgemont.com


27 acre estate, mountaintop retreat with 11,400 sf., 8-BR, 6.5-BA residence with many outside terraces, decks and unsurpassed panoramic mountain views! 10 miles to famed Omni Homestead Resort, 2 miles to the airport. Jim Faulconer, 434.981.0076 or Will Faulconer, 434.987.9455 www.highergroundva.org



In Ivy! Architect designed, light filled Contemporary with 1st floor master suite, chef’s kitchen, FR, 3 additional BR, study, LR, DR, terrace level guest quarters, 2-car garage, pool and multiple terraces. Western school district. MLS#653127 $1,595,000 Tim Michel, 434.960.1124 or Will Faulconer, 434.987.9455


42 acre tract on Wesley Chapel Road with the right to be divided into two 21 acre parcels. Big views with clearing towards the Blue Ridge. Stream frontage on Burruss Branch. Old logging road recently cleared for easy access. MLS#647055

$799,000 Tim Michel, 434.960.1124


Exquisite brick home on 88 acres less than 5 miles from city limits. Residence is in excellent condition, 7-BR and 11,000+ sf. The property is a mix of pastures & woods with long frontage on the Rivanna River, & miles of trails. MLS#652353 $5,200,00 Jim Faulconer, 434.981.0076 or Will Faulconer, 434.987.9455


436+ acres in Southern Albemarle! 4 division rights; complete privacy; lush, gently rolling terrain; long road frontage; stream; 3-acre lake; 125-135 acres of open land; mature hardwood forests. Under conservation easement. MLS#651411 $2,985,000 Charlotte Dammann, 433.981.1250


Meticulously renovated National Historic Register home, blending modern amenities with remarkable charm. Five-bedroom with tall ceilings, hardwood floors, stained glass windows, and trim. Quartz kitchen, magnificent primary suite, terrace apartment. MLS#653080 $1,295,000 Court Nexsen, 646.660.0700


Just outside Charlottesville near Earlysville. This 21 acre lot is situated at the end of a cul-de-sac that provides privacy and a quite setting among towering hardwoods, and is convenient to CHO airport and ample shopping of various kinds. MLS#640231 $269,000 Jim Faulconer, 434.981.0076 or Will Faulconer, 434.987.9455



A country French estate on 24 acres 6 miles from the University of Virginia. Timeless charm and modern luxury with soaring ceilings, spacious primary suite, home office, wine cellar, guest quarters, and private pond. MLS#652608

$3,995,000 Court Nexsen, 646.660.0700


Recently renovated contemporary home in soughtafter Bellair neighborhood! With 4-BR, 3.5-BA, and a vaulted great room, this residence offers superb construction. Enjoy stunning views from the screened porch. MLS#652438 $2,875,000 Jim Faulconer, 434.981.0076 or Will Faulconer, 434.987.9455


Nestled amidst the rolling hills of western Albemarle, this 76 acre parcel offers compelling views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, diverse terrain, and multiple estate-caliber building sites. 2 miles from Batesville Market, 15 miles from Charlottesville. Not under conservation easement. MLS#652337 $1,150,000 Court Nexsen, 646.660.0700


10 acres of mature woods. Property has long road frontage and consists of two parcels being combined and sold as one. No homeowners association! Design and build your dream residence on this very well-priced parcel. MLS#621178 $189,000 Charlotte Dammann, 434.981.1250

This summer, share your snaps in our first-ever food photo contest. Give us a sweaty cocktail glass, a gooey burger overflowing with melty cheese, a stack of pancakes oozing with syrup. Get the picture?

Enter at bit.ly/cvillephoto2024 before Sunday, July 7, and our judges will choose the most mouth-watering images. The winners (and honorable mentions) will be published in an upcoming issue!

4040 over over -ish -ish

40-ish -ish

In a city like Charlottesville, where Thomas Jefferson sneezed his creativity and innovation into practically every brick paver, it’s easy for entrepreneurs to feel buoyed enough to follow a dream. It makes for an ever-changing skyline, with new businesses springing up like wildflowers.

But amid that same skyline there exists a group of businesses that have stood the test of time—some even for centuries. With this year’s Power Issue, we’re taking a look at 40 over 40: venerable establishments that have, over the course of their tenure in Charlottesville, become pillars of the community, repositories of local lore, and witnesses to the city’s transformation. Their endurance is a testament to their commitment to quality and service, certainly, but it also endows them with a unique form of power–one that’s not merely economic, but is woven into the social and cultural fabric of the city. It manifests in their ability to shape local traditions, support community initiatives, and even steer public discourse. As we delve into the stories of the longest-running businesses in our city, we uncover how their remarkable longevity grants them a potent and enduring legacy of influence and respect.

These longstanding businesses are area standard-bearers BY CAITE HAMILTON



1834 (190 years)

The story of local law firm McGuireWoods starts nearly two centuries ago with President James Monroe’s private secretary, Egbert Watson. An Albemarle native who began his legal career as a law clerk for George Hay (a co-counsel in the treason trial of then-Vice President Aaron Burr), Watson started his one-man law firm—the very one that would become McGuireWoods— at the Albemarle County Courthouse at age 24. Watson’s first case, tried unsuccessfully, was the defense of two Black men accused of murdering a local tinsmith.

Today, McGuireWoods is a leading full-service law firm with 21 offices and 1,100 lawyers worldwide handling cases across multiple sectors: energy, commercial, fiduciary, products and consumer goods, transportation, and labor and employment.

“Our rich culture is one of a kind, in large part because we live our core values everyday—excellence, integrity, client service, diversity and inclusion, community, and collegiality,” says Michael Sluss, McGuireWoods’ marketing and communications manager.

According to National Law Journal’s 2023 NLJ 500, McGuireWoods is the 64th highest-grossing firm in the world. Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, the firm has changed hands multiple times since its founding but continues to hold its roots in high regard.

“Our history … imbues us with a profound sense of responsibility for the firm of today and tomorrow,” says Sluss.

Good, better, best

Better Living Building Supply 1893 (131 years)

Better Living has its stamp on buildings across the city. As general contractors, they built the McGuffey School, the Barringer Wing of the original University Hospital, and Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia—not to mention subdivisions like Camelot, Foxbrook, and Green Lea.

But when L.W. Graves started the business in 1893, the company had one product: lumber. And it was delivered by horse and buggy, no less!

It wasn’t until the mid-1920s that Better Living—then known as Char-

lottesville Lumber—expanded into the construction business, and later, during World War II, produced portable barracks and large shipping crates to support the war effort. (Future company president Richard L. Nunley was at the time serving in the 13th Air Force in the Philippines.) It opened a furniture business in 1960, changing its name in 1969 to Better Living, but closed in 2016 to refocus on its speciality: building supplies, custom millwork, and cabinetry.

Making history The story of Charlottesville's life wouldn't be complete without each of these well-established players.

1759 Boar’s Head Resort (265 years)

1834 McGuireWoods (189)

1872 Hanckel-Citizens Insurance (152)

1873 Schwarzschild Keller & George Jewelers (151)

1878 The Miller School of Albemarle (146)

1890 Timberlake’s (134)

1892 The Daily Progress (132)

1893 Better Living (131)

1893 Martin Hardware (131)

1903 Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital (121)

1907 Hill & Wood (117)

1909 Gitchell’s Studio (115)

1910 St. Anne’s-Belfield School (114)

1910 Standard Produce (114)

1912 The Jefferson Theater (112)

1912 Keswick Hall (112)

1912 Snow’s Garden Center (112)

1917 JF Bell Funeral Home (107)

Stay fancy

Keswick Hall

1912 (112 years)

The first 35 years of Keswick Hall’s centerpiece structure, Villa Crawford, were spent as a residence to five different owners, including Robert and Florence Crawford, the couple who built it in 1912. But, as with any home—even the upscale ones—the more people living in it, the more wear and tear it acquires, and by the 1980s, it was in shambles.

The property was rescued in 1990 by Sir Bernard Ashley, an English businessman who, with his wife Laura Ashley (yes, that Laura Ashley), had a growing textile and clothing empire. Laura Ashley had passed five years prior, and Bernard began purchasing estates to convert into hotels— two in America (including Keswick) and one in England. He transformed the residence into a boutique hotel, decorating it with his own collection of antiques and giving each room a theme.

From there Keswick changed hands a few more times, but unlike before, it leveled up with each new ownership. Today the hotel is owned by Molly and Robert Hardie, longtime guests and eventually members of the club who bought the property in 2017. Together they’ve upgraded its dining (Marigold by Jean-Georges), accommodations (standardizing room sizes and creating custom-scented inroom toiletries), and amenities (a revamped horizon pool, seven-court tennis facility, and a pickleball court). And the iconic Villa Crawford? It was transformed into Crawford’s Bar, “a beautifully preserved space that retains the charm of its 1912 origins,” says Molly.

“Our design philosophy draws direct inspiration from the region’s rich environmental and historical tapestry, offering guests an authentic journey through the area’s cultural past,” she says. “Our aim is for every guest to depart with cherished memories of a stay that captures the essence of Keswick Hall’s storied heritage and contemporary comforts.”

Open to all

Barrett Early Learning Center 1935 (89 years)

Born to a formerly enslaved woman just after the Civil War, Janie Porter Barrett spent a lifetime advocating for the rights and education of Black girls and women. She studied at Hampton University, taught there and at industrial schools in Georgia, and eventually founded the Locust Street Settlement House, where local Black students would come for classes, entertainment, and childcare.

In 1915, Barrett opened the Industrial School for Wayward Colored Girls near

Hanover to serve Black girls paroled from the prison system; it was renamed the Janie Porter Barrett School for Girls in 1950. But it was in 1935 that, under FDR’s Works Progress Administration program, the Janie Porter Barrett Day Nursery opened its doors in Charlottesville’s Vinegar Hill neighborhood. It remained there until 1958, when the United Way (then Community Chest) gifted it a new home on Ridge Street. In the years since,

Today the oldest Black-owned business in Charlottesville, J.F. Bell Funeral Home might never have opened were it not for John Ferris Bell’s cousin, who lured the tailor to Charlottesville. A local dentist, John Jackson told Bell that the city was lacking a funeral home for its growing population of Black residents. Bell moved from Chicago, where he’d also trained as a funeral director and mortician, to the heart of Charlottesville’s Vinegar Hill neighborhood to set up shop.

He opened J.F. Bell Funeral Home in 1917 at 275 W. Main St., a two-story brick building across the street from the wooden boarding house where Bell lived. A few years after he married in 1919 to Maude Lee, who later became a funeral director herself, the couple relocated the business to its current location on Sixth Street NW, hiring a local contractor to build the funeral home with an apartment upstairs for the family.

Four generations later, J.F. Bell Funeral Home is today run by Bell’s granddaughter, Deborah Burks, and her husband Martin.

C.C. Wells, the UVA student who purchased New Dominion in 1926 and moved it to the Downtown Mall, had a dream.

“All I ever wanted to do was sell books,” Wells told Charlottesville’s Observer newspaper in 1989, two years after Carol Troxell had taken over as the shop’s owner. And that’s exactly what he did, to hordes of customers who will likely forever remember seeing their favorite author give a book talk at the base of the store’s iconic staircase, or having one of the knowledgeable staff members pick out

their next favorite read, or even getting married (the shop has recently begun offering microweddings for bibliophiles)!

The oldest independent bookstore in Virginia, New Dominion continues to build on its legacy. In 2017, creative writing M.F.A. and former schoolteacher Julia Hoppe purchased the store, making a few modern changes (including a new cash register and website) while keeping the best of what Wells (and Troxell) had established before her.







it has become a fixture for the neighborhood as one of the few affordable childcare options for low-income residents, and it still attracts generations of mostly Black families.

In 2013 it nearly shuttered due to financial hardship, but residents rallied, forming a board of directors that within a month raised more than $30,000 to keep its doors open, demonstrating its vital role in the community.

1945 Tuel Jewelers (79)

1948 Mincer’s (76)

1950 Eljo’s (74)

1950 Korner Restaurant (74)

1951 The Nook (73)

1953 Foods of All Nations (71)

1953 White Spot (71)

1957 Barracks Road Shopping Center (67)

1964 Charlottesville Sanitary Supply (60)

1964 Boar’s Head Resort (60)

1965 Aberdeen Barn (59)

1972 Greencroft (52)

1973 Four County Players (51)

Pipes to t-shirts

Mincer’s 1948 (76 years)

Everyone’s favorite UVA merch spot didn’t always sell apparel with the University logo. In fact, the Corner shop’s first product was … pipes?

Robert Mincer started the business just after the end of World War II, following a layoff from his job as a foreman at a Long Island-based pipe manufacturer.

Too many military-issued pipes had made their way back to the United States post-war and, thanks to increased supply and demand, Mincer needed to find his next step. He and his wife moved to Charlottesville, where they opened a 100-square-foot smoke shop.

Spree spot

Barracks Road Shopping Center

1957 (67 years)

Before there was the Downtown Mall, there was Barracks Road Shopping Center. In fact, the success of Barracks Road was a major impetus for the Mall’s conversion. The shopping center touted “acres of free parking” on its first run of advertisements from developer Rinehart, luring shoppers from Main Street’s metered spots and prompting studies in 1959 to reboot downtown’s popularity shortly after Barracks Road opened.

Today Barracks Road is one of the oldest shopping centers in the country, with a mix of 80+ stores, restaurants, and experiences that include both big-name brands like Madewell, Warby Parker, and Ulta, as well as locally owned boutiques like Scarpa and Happy Cook.

“Known for its evolving collection of popular national and regional brands, intertwined with the allure of specialty local boutiques, eateries, and convenient services, Barracks Road continues to attract and maintain retailers,” says Sarah North, senior director of marketing for Federal Realty, who owns the shopping center.

“Barracks will remain a fundamental member of the community and we look forward to the next 40 years.”

1973 Ivy Inn (51)

1974 Crutchfield (50)

1974 Daedalus Bookshop (50)

1974 Shenanigans (50)

1975 Integral Yoga (49)

1975 Ivy Nursery (49)

1976 C&O (48)

1976 Downtown Mall (48)

1979 Blue Moon Diner (45)

1981 Miller’s (43)

1982 Ragged Mountain Running & Walking Shop (42)

1984 Spectacle Shop (40)

The store evolved over time to the sportswear business it is today, moving to its current location at the corner of Elliewood and University avenues, and expanding the product line to include everything from t-shirts and sweatshirts to books, water bottles, and toys for kids. It’s the go-to spot for UVA merch—especially after UVA wins a game.

Today the store, which opened a second location at Stonefield Shopping Center in 2013, is run by Mincer’s great-grandson, Cal, who took the reins in early 2023 following the passing of his father, Mark, who himself had run the store since graduating from the University’s McIntire School in 1985.

When Kai Rady moved to Charlottesville with her family in 1974, she was surprised (and dismayed) to find it didn’t have a toy store. Her son was active and curious, and she needed things to keep him stimulated.

Rady remembered seeing an article in Ms. Magazine (“a terrific list of at least 100 items, 90 percent of which were not in the area—including LEGO!” she told C-VILLE in 2013) and it spurred her to start her own store. She opened Shenanigans in her Ivy Road home before moving it to Barracks Road Shopping Center and, eventually, to its current spot on West Main Street.

Now 50 years in, the store hasn’t changed much in terms of its mission: “I’m looking always for play value,” Rady told us. “A toy can be very educational

… but if they’re not going to play with it, it’s not [useful]. It has to appeal to a child’s sensibilities.”

Amanda Stevens, a former elementary school teacher and principal, purchased the beloved shop with her husband Jimmy in 2019 and has since made a few valuable changes, including creating an online inventory.

“Generations of families have shared in the wonder of Shenanigans Toy Store over the last 50 years, and our family considers it a tremendous honor to be a part of this legacy,” Stevens said in a press release announcing the store’s 50th anniversary.

“We treasure our customers’ loyalty, the opportunities we have to interact with families, and the chance to give back to children in the community.”






2021 Chardonnay

100% French oaked with notes of yellow fruit ranging from golden delicious apple to delicate tropical flavors. Slow malolactic fermentation brings out the hint of lemon curd and crème brûlée. Savor the creamy mouthfeel and the lingering finish. Pair with rich dishes (lobster, risottos, chowders, alfredo) and nutty hard cheeses (Gruyère, Edam).

A historic Jeffersonian estate nestled in the Virginia countryside, Chiswell Farm & Winery invites guests to delight in locally crafted vintages, panoramic views, and warm hospitality. With a glass in hand, savor the breathtaking scenery from a rocking chair on our covered porch. Gather with friends around a dining table on the lawn or get comfortable in the historic and inviting Greenwood home. Whether you want to come up to the bar for a chat or spread out a blanket for a private picnic, there are countless ways to enjoy the best that Virginia wine country has to offer.

We serve our award-winning wines by the glass, bottle, and flight, seasonal specialty beverages, and a tasteful selection of local and gourmet snacks. Guests are also welcome to bring their own food to enjoy with our wines.

Ages 21+ only, no dogs or other pets permitted on the property. For a family-friendly experience, visit our wine shops at Chiles Peach Orchard or Carter Mountain Orchard. Visit chiswellwinery.com for our seasonal events calendar!

Fridays – Summer Sundown, 6–8 PM

Sundays – Sippin’ Sunday, 2–5 PM

July 7th – Painting Workshop (advanced ticket purchase required)

Seasonal hours:

Wednesday | 11 AM–6 PM

Thursday | 11 AM–6 PM

Friday | 11 AM–8:30 PM

Saturday | 11 AM–7 PM Sunday | 11 AM–6 PM

430 Greenwood Rd, Greenwood, VA 22943

434.252.2947 • www.chilesfamilyorchards.com/chiswell


A few notes from winegrower and owner, Dave Drillock:

Summer is approaching and the vineyards are in full growth mode! It takes a lot of time and effort to keep the vineyard on track, but I try to find time in between the hectic pace to just sit and enjoy what is being created in front of us!

Our Fifty-Third Winery and Vineyard 2023 Vidal Blanc was released this month. Vidal Blanc is a hardy grape used in France for the production of Cognac. In Virginia, it makes a wonderful wine. We like our Vidal Blanc in a dry style and this vintage has notes of tangerine, yellow pear and Honeycrisp apple. Medium bodied and crisp, this refreshing wine is perfect with summer fare or on its own with friends. Come out for a visit and give it a try.

The winery is an easy direct drive from the Charlottesville area. Live music is scheduled for most Saturdays while Sundays are reserved to “Un-Plug”. That’s code for coming out with family and friends and enjoying each other’s company, the views, and of course our wine! So come for the wine and enjoy your visit to our meadow-like setting in rural Louisa

County. We are down-to-earth and love to share our enthusiasm with customers about our wine. We are open 7 days a week 11am – 5pm. Check our website www.53rdwinery.com or call 540894-1536 for more information. We look forward to seeing you at the winery! Your business and support are appreciated.

Mark your calendar and get your ticket. Saturday, July 13th we are celebrating our 25th anniversary. Originally founded as Cooper Vineyards, the goal was to make unique well-crafted wines and we are intent on carrying on that tradition. We will be celebrating that day with a whole hog barbeque by Zippys Smokeshack BBQ! Tickets can be purchased on Tock by going to our website. Cheers to the past 25 years and the next 25 as part of the exciting Virginia Wine Industry!

June 29th – Live music by Lance Wolak

July 13th – 25th Anniversary Celebration! With live music by Stratus and food from Zippy’s Smoke Shack BBQ

Open 7 days a week, 11 am – 5 pm Sat/Sun. 12-6 pm 13372 Shannon Hill Rd Louisa, VA 23093 (540) 894-5474 • 53rdwinery.com


2023 Rosé

Our new Rosé is a classic, dry Provencal style wine with a gorgeous coral color. A perfect pairing for the patio, this wine exhibits a vibrant mouthfeel with notes of cranberry and citron.

Swingin’ with Elvis – Dinner and a Show (June 29th)

Great wine, great food, and Elvis is in the house! Join us for a buffet dinner catered by Graves Mountain Farm Kitchen and an Elvis impersonation including Elvis Presley hits from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Lee Dean performs the hits you’re sure to remember like “Jailhouse Rock, and “Burning Love”, and so many more of your old favorites. Your $85 ticket includes dinner, your first glass of wine, and the “Swingin’ with Elvis” performance. Head to our website to purchase your tickets.

Fridays - Friday Night Out! Every Friday night through the summer we feature half price wine flights, live music, food for sale, and grills available for use until 8:00pm.

Weekends - Live music all weekend long! Check out our lineup on our website!

Open daily

Mon-Thurs. 12-5 pm Fri. 12-9 pm Sat/Sun. 12-6 pm

40 Gibson Hollow Ln • Etlan, VA 22719 (540) 923-4206 www.ducardvineyards.com


BLUEBERRY CIDER & BLUEBERRY BAKED BRIE Blueberry season is here! June welcomes one of our favorite fruits of the season. We’ll be harvesting blueberries throughout the month and using them in beer & cider production as well as in our

kitchens. The best part is that you can join us for blueberry specials in the tasting room all summer, including - Blueberry Cider, Blueberry Wheat Beer, Blueberry Lemonade Wine Slushee. Or, try one of our food specials that are perfect for sharing like Blueberry Baked Brie with pistachios and a honey drizzle or our Blueberry & Bacon Flatbread topped with ricotta and herb salad. And, the whole family will love our Blueberry Sunshine Ice Cream made by SugarBear in Charlottesville. It is sweet cream swirled with Eastwood Farm and Winery’s blueberry coulis, lemon simple syrup, lemon oil and candied lemon. It’s incredible!

This Month at the Winery: Join us for Eastwood After Dark featuring upbeat, danceable music on Saturday nights from 5-8pm (in addition to our Saturday afternoon music lineup). Eastwood also hosts Live Music every Thursday and Friday night, as well as many other events - most events are free and open to the public and a handful are ticketed. See Winery Calendar on our website for all details.

Winemaker Pop-Up: Join us on June 14th for complimentary tastings from Jake Busching, Jake Busching Wines, and on June 28th for complimentary tastings from Joy Ting, Joy Ting Wine.

Father’s Day Market: Celebrate Father’s Day in style at Eastwood Farm and Winery where love and libations come together! Treat Dad to a delightful day surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, with a selection of exquisite wines and craft beers. It’s a perfect blend of relaxation, fine beverages, creative treasures, and delicious bites at Eastwood Farm and Winery. Plus, enjoy live music by Jim Richardson from 1-4PM and 2-for-1 beer specials for Dad all day!

Chef Tasting: Join us on June 26th for a special guided tasting of four new wine releases each paired with a decadent and delicious food pairing from Chef Andrew Partridge. Athena Eastwood and Chef

Andrew will lead guests through each wine and food pairing. These evenings are a lot of fun! Reserve your tickets on our website today. Seating is limited to 30 guests. $60/ per person


Every Thursday: Live Music 5-8, Select $5 Glasses of Wine, Beer & Cider + Chip Pairings With Beer Flights All Day

Every Friday: Virginia Oyster & Wine Celebration with Live Music 5-8

Every Saturday: Live Music 1-4, Eastwood After Dark with Live Music 5-8

Every Sunday: Music Bingo or Paint & Sip

What about the kids?

Kids can share in the experience with their own juice tasting flights and cheese boards!


Winery Hours: WednesdaySaturday (12-8 PM); Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (12-5 PM)

We look forward to welcoming you to our tasting room, seven days a week. Join us for award-winning wines, beer, and cider, as well as delicious lunch and dinner menus. Enjoy lounging on the veranda with a glass of our gold medal 2022 Rosé. Or, stay inside and enjoy live music with a seasonal flatbread or baked brie. We also have juice flights and cheese boards for the kids. See the Winery Calendar for details. Escape to Virginia Wine Country, only five miles from Downtown Charlottesville. Open year-round, seven days a week.

Pet friendly and large groups are welcome.  Ample indoor and outdoor seating.

Rt 20 near the intersection with Avon Extended (5 mi from Downtown Mall) Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 264-6727 www.eastwoodfarmandwinery.com


2023 V2

Indulge in a symphony of delicate flavors with our exquisite white wine blend crafted from 50% Viognier and 50% Verdejo grapes. The marriage of Viognier’s floral aromas and Verdejo’s crisp acidity creates a harmonious bouquet of tropical fruits, white flowers, and citrus notes. This elegant wine delights the palate with its refreshing acidity, balanced by hints of apricot, peach, and subtle herbal undertones. Enjoy chilled on a warm summer evening or paired with light seafood dishes for a truly enchanting experience.

We look forward to continuing to serve all of our wonderful guests this winter during our daily hours of 10am-5pm (last pour at 4:45). We offer first come, first served seating

under our tent or open seating in our outdoor courtyard. Wine is available by the flight, glass and bottle at our inside or outside service bars, with bar service inside on the weekends! A selection of pre-packaged meats, cheeses, crackers, and spreads are available for purchase as well as our new food truck which is currently open Wednesday- Sunday from 12p-4p. Our winter tent is up and heated for you to enjoy as well!

Bring the family or friends and enjoy live music every Saturday from 124p or play a fun 9 hole of miniature golf on our new course! (Weather permitting)

Daily- Mini golf open and available! Wednesdays - Wine Down Wednesdays start May 8th every Wednesday through October 5:308:30pm

Saturdays - Live Music from 12-4 pm (check out our website for the schedule!)

Hours: Monday- Sunday from 10 am – 5 pm

1575 Keswick Winery Drive Keswick, Virginia 22947

Tasting Room: (434) 244-3341 ext 105 tastingroom@keswickvineyards.com www.keswickvineyards.com


2023 Montifalco Estate

SOUVENIR Sparkling

Meritage Blanc

Ancestral Method Sparkling Wine: A Tradition Reborn

Ancestral method sparkling wine, also known as pet-nat (short for pétillant-naturel), is a style of sparkling wine that predates the traditional method used in Champagne. It’s a fascinating and increasingly popular category of bubbly that captures the essence of artisanal winemaking and natural fermentation. The ancestral method is one of the oldest methods of making sparkling wine, dating back centuries before the invention of the traditional method. In this technique, the wine is bottled before primary fermentation is complete, allowing the remaining sugars and yeast to continue fermenting inside the bottle. This natural fermentation process produces carbon dioxide, which creates the bubbles in the

wine. Unlike the traditional method, which involves a secondary fermentation initiated by adding sugar and yeast to a base wine, the ancestral method relies solely on the natural sugars present in the grapes at the time of bottling. This results in a more rustic and lively style of sparkling wine, with a wide range of flavors and textures.

Characteristics and Flavor Profile

Ancestral method sparkling wines are known for their freshness, vibrancy, and purity of fruit flavors. They often exhibit a cloudy appearance due to minimal filtration, adding to their artisanal charm. The flavor profile can vary widely depending on factors such as grape variety, terroir, and winemaking techniques, but common characteristics include: Delicate Effervescence: Unlike the fine bubbles produced by the traditional method, pet-nat wines typically have a softer and more frothy carbonation, lending a playful effervescence to the wine. Fruitforward Aromatics: With minimal intervention in the winemaking process, our pet-nat wine showcases the true essence of the grapes, with vibrant fruit aromas ranging from citrus and orchard fruits to tropical and berry notes. Subtle Complexity: SOUVENIR exhibits layers of complexity, with nuances of minerality, floral undertones, and herbal accents adding depth to the palate. In recent years, ancestral method sparkling wines have experienced a resurgence in popularity among wine enthusiasts and adventurous consumers seeking out natural and artisanal wines. Winemakers around the world are embracing this ancient technique and putting their own modern twists on it, experimenting with different grape varieties, fermentation vessels, and aging methods to create unique and exciting expressions of pet-nat. Whether enjoyed as an aperitif, paired with a variety of foods, or simply sipped on its own, ancestral method sparkling wine offers a refreshing and authentic taste of terroir and tradition, making it a delightful addition to any wine lover’s repertoire. Our sparkling pet-nat SOUVENIR is now available! Join us at the vineyard! Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday Noon-5pm. Visit montifalcovineyard.com for details.

1800 Fray Rd, Ruckersville, VA 22968 (434) 989-9115 montifalcovineyard.com



Prince Michel Winery proudly presents Harmony, a masterful blend that sings to the soul and dances on the palate. With every sip of Harmony, experience a

delicate balance of rich tropical and stone fruit notes, velvety textures and a refreshing melody of apricot and peach flavors.

Elevate your dining experience by pairing Harmony with light pastas, seafood delights, or a charcuterie board featuring artisan cheeses and fruits. Perfect for special occasions or a tranquil evening under the stars.

Visit Prince Michel, a cornerstone of Virginia’s renowned wine landscape for over forty years!

Family and pet-friendly, it’s one of the oldest and largest wineries in the Commonwealth. Also, home to Tap 29 Brew Pub, serving local craft brews and delicious pub-style food seven days a week.

Established in 1982, Prince Michel has grown into a widely recognized winery, garnering global acclaim for its wines. Owner Kristin Easter, one of a handful of female winery owners, champions a fresh approach centered on hospitality and personal wine enjoyment.

Indulge in a spectrum of wines, from luxurious craft picks such as Chardonnay and Petit Verdot, to distinctive options like the SemiDry Riesling from our Rapidan River series. Don’t miss our crowdfavorite Decadence Chocolate or a refreshing wine slushie for a delightful twist. We have something to offer for every palate!

Located in the heart of Virginia Wine Country, our elegant winery on Route 29 between Charlottesville and Washington DC offers wine tastings, tours, shopping, and scenic picnic spots daily from 11am.

Hours: Open 7 days a Week at 11 a.m.

154 Winery Lane, Leon, VA  22725 (540) 547-3707 • www.princemichel.com


2023 Radiant

Made from 100% Merlot grapes, this is a perfect wine to sip on the porch this summer and for festive occasions. Reminiscent of a Provençal rosé with fruity aromas of strawberry, mandarin, and papaya and hints of almond.

June Hours: Friday 12pm to Sunset; Saturday 12pm to 6pm; Sunday 12pm to 5pm; Monday and Thursday by reservation only.

Until June 30 - Exhibition of artwork by Courtney Hopkins.

June 27th – Français with Françoise: An evening of conversation in French starting at 6:00pm.

June 28th - Book Club @ The Vineyard starting at 6:00pm: Evicted by Matthew Desmond.

July 5th - Book World Meets Wine World at 5:30pm: Alex Kingsley will read from her book The Strange Garden and Other Weird Tales

2710 Hebron Valley Road, Madison, VA 22727 540-407-1236 www.revalationvineyards.com


Sparkling Rosé

From the very moment you see the exquisite charm of the newly designed Veritas Sparkling Rosé bottle, you know you are in for a treat. The color of the wine is sky pink, like a pink sunset that speaks of warmth and love. Fresh as fresh can be, the wine fills the mouth with textured, almost candied red fruits, so smooth on the palate that you might even miss it. The mousse is delicate and creamy, leaving a long sigh of satisfaction.

Owners Andrew and Patricia Hodson bought Saddleback Farm,

what is now Veritas Vineyards and Winery, in March 1999. Throughout the years, they have planted, cultivated, and harvested over 5,000 tons of grapes. With more than 60 acres of vines and eleven different types of grape varieties, Veritas has become a household name simply because of the outstanding quality of its wines. With each year, winemaker Emily Hodson pays homage to the stunning landscapes where our grapes flourish under the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Emily combines traditional methods with cutting-edge technology to preserve each varietal’s authentic essence and unique character. In every sip of Veritas wine, experience the artistry of winemaking tailored for your enjoyment.

To help celebrate their Silver Jubilee, Veritas is releasing a small batch of Magnum bottles (equivalent to 2 regular bottles) of their 2022 Veritas Reserve and 2019 Scintilla, along with a locally made commemorative 25th Anniversary box. These wines will be released on June 25th and can be purchased online or by visiting the Tasting Room.

July 8th - Wintergreen Music Presents Vines and Violins

July 19th - Adam Bean Supper Series

August 10th - Starry Nights AllDay Music Festival

August 16th - Jean-Paul Bourgeois Supper Series

151 Veritas Ln, Afton, VA 22920 (540) 456-8000

Celebrate with the Hodson’s at one of this summer’s events on the farm:




Charlottesville is a town full of performing arts, and this weekend you can find pretty much all the entertainment you could want in one place: the Arts for All FestivALL Children and adults can explore dancing, singing, drawing, radiobroadcasting, and playing musical instruments at tents hosted by the Virginia Theatre Festival, Light House Studio, Empowered Players, the Charlottesville Symphony, The Cville Band, The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative, WTJU, and the Paramount Theater. Then, settle in for a stage show like no other as the Charlottesville Opera, The Oratorio Society of Virginia, and the Charlottesville Ballet present performances by orchestra, chorus, soloists, and dancers. Free, 5pm. Ting Pavilion, 700 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. charlottesvilleopera.org



Rebecca Porter heralds her act as “Virginia’s country music powerhouse,” and you’d be right to put your Stetson boots on. Porter and her backing band the Rhinestone Roses ride high on the wave of modern country while delivering a kick to the genre’s classic tropes. As a Pacific Islander living in rural Virginia, Porter writes from experience about trauma, discrimination, and the challenges of motherhood, and she stands up to declare that country music is for everyone. With Cassidy Snider & the Wranglers plus Jim & Juice. $12-40, 7pm. The Southern Café & Music Hall, 103 S. First St. thesoutherncville.com



You may have seen him performing on “Saturday Night Live,” or perhaps in one of several critically acclaimed films like The King of Staten Island. Maybe you’ve encountered him on your Instagram feed with Kim Kardashian or Ariana Grande and wondered, who is this guy? The answer: Pete Davidson, who’s bringing his Prehab Tour to The Paramount. To keep the show an intimate experience, Davidson has requested that no digital devices be allowed into the performance space. Instead, bring your undivided attention to enjoy (and cringe) while catching live standup from a talented comedian, actor, writer, and producer. Tickets start at $54.75, 7pm & 9:30pm. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. theparamount.net


Wednesday 6/26 music

Beleza Duo. Funkalicious samba soul sung in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Free, 7pm. The Bebedero, 201 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thebebedero.com

Karaoke. Downtown C’ville’s longest-running karaoke party. Hosted by Jenn Deville. Free, 9pm. Rapture, 303 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. rapturerestaurant.com

Karaoke. Sing your heart out at Fiorano Karaoke. Easy sign-up and a booming sound system. Free, 9pm. Fiorano Restaurant and Bar, 5924 Seminole Trail Ste. 101, Barboursville. fioranomediterranean.com

Open Mic Night. Open to all musicians, poets, and everyone in between. Hosted by Nicole Giordano. Free, 9pm. Holly’s Diner, 1221 E. Market St.

The Wavelength. Vintage rock and jazzy blues vibrations for your mid-week music boost. Free, 6:30pm. The Whiskey Jar, 227 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thewhiskey jarcville.com

Trousdale. Melodic and heartfelt harmonies from a powerful female band. $20–25, 8pm. The Southern Café and Music Hall, 103 S. First St. thesoutherncville.com


Embroidery Workshop. Learn or practice some embroidery stitches as we create fish stitch samplers. You’ll leave with a handout covering these stitches and instructions to the example sampler we’ll work on in class. 14+. $25, 5pm. The Scrappy Elephant, 1745 Allied St. scrappyelephant.com

Paint + Sip. Learn a variety of techniques and skills to render a “perfect picnic spot” scene. $45, 6pm. Pro Re Nata, 6135 Rockfish Gap Tpke., Crozet. prnbrewery.com


Bingo. Free to play, fun prizes. Free, 6pm. Firefly, 1304 E. Market St. fireflycville.com

Little Shop of Horrors A singing plant. A daring hero. A sweet girl. A demented dentist. $7–9, 7:30pm. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. theparamount.net

Nashville Lily Tomlin, Keith Carradine, and Barbara Harris lead an all-star cast in director Robert Altman’s fascinating look at the country music scene. $10, 7pm. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, 5th Street Station. drafthouse.com

SuperFly Run Club. Run around the city, then enjoy $5 pints. Raffles and exclusive merchandise to be earned. Free, 6pm. SuperFly Brewing Co., 943 Preston Ave. superflybrewing.com

Thursday 6/27


Baby Jo’s. Boogie-woogie takes on classics with a full horn section, groovy rhythm, shredding guitars, washboards, and the Queen of Boogie, Betty Jo. Free, 10pm. Rapture, 303 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. rapturerestaurant.com

Berto and Vincent. Join Berto and Vincent for a night of wild flamenco rumba and Latin guitar. Free, 7pm. The Bebedero, 225 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thebebedero.com

Don’t Look Up. Get your dancing shoes on for these experienced musicians playing traditional Chicago and Delta blues with a vintage rock ‘n’ roll sound. Free, 5pm. The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Blvd. thecentercville.org

Erin Lunsford and Sally Rose. An incredible evening with two powerhouse musicians for this up-close and personal songwriters’ session. $15, 7pm. Batesville Market, 6624 Plank Rd., Batesville. batesvillemarket.com

Gallatin Canyon. Live music by Gallatin Canyon and freshly shucked oysters from Oyster Catcher Sea Farms. Free, 6pm. Stinson Vineyards, 4744 Sugar Hollow Rd. Crozet. stinsonvineyards.com

Karaoke. Sing karaoke with us at Firefly Restaurant + Game Room every Thursday. Reservations recommended. Free, 8pm. Firefly, 1304 E. Market St. fireflycville.com

Matthew O’Donnell. “The Blue Ridge Bard” is a cornerstone of the C’ville music scene. Free, 7:30pm. The Whiskey Jar, 227 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thewhiskey jarcville.com

Rebecca Porter and The Rhinestone Roses. Rebecca Porter balances her distinctive storytelling with the dynamics of her commanding voice in a unique display of soulful classic country. $12–40, 7:30pm. The Southern Café and Music Hall, 103 S. First St. thesoutherncville.com

Thursday Jam with Steve Lanza. Steve hosts a gathering where you are invited to come and play along. Free, 8pm. Fiorano Restaurant and Bar, 5924 Seminole Trail Ste. 101, Barboursville. fioran omediterranean.com


Morning Toddler Time. Join the amazing Minou for an hour of toddler fun with singing, story time, and creative art exploration. Come in clothes you don’t mind getting messy. $12, 10:30am. The Scrappy Elephant, 1745 Allied St. scrappyelephant.com


Dart Night. Luck-of-the-draw, double-elimination games and $1-off pints. Free, 6pm. Decipher Brewing, 1740 Broadway St. decipherbrewingco.wixsite.com

Little Naturalist Program. Bring your 3–5-year-old out to Ivy Creek to introduce them to nature and get them exploring the trails. Free, 10am. Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic River View Farm, 1780 Earlysville Rd. ivycreekfoundation.org

Meet the Filmmaker: Jocelyn Diaz. Producer and executive Jocelyn Diaz joins us at Vinegar Hill Theatre to share her experience working in the industry. $5, 6pm. Light House Studio: Vinegar Hill Theatre, 220 W. Market St. lighthousestudio.org

Pete Davidson: Prehab Tour. Pete Davidson is a celebrated stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and producer. $54–99, 7pm and 9:30pm. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. theparamount.net

Trivia Night. Put your thinking caps on and come play trivia at the tasting room with our new hosts Mike and Miranda. Free, 6:15pm. Potter’s Craft Cider, 1350 Arrowhead Valley Rd. potterscraftcider.com

Friday 6/28


‘70s Dance Party. Signature DJ will spin ‘70s tunes. Dress of the era and wear your dancing shoes. Enjoy our 10th anniversary celebration with Raclette Man food truck and 100% estate wine. Free, 6pm. Chisholm Vineyards at Adventure Farm, 1135 Clan Chisholm Ln., Earlysville. chisholmvineyards.com

Atomic Light Orchestra: ELO Tribute. Join us for a night of electrifying music as we pay tribute to Jeff Lynne and ELO with the Atomic Light Orchestra at Pro Re Nata.Free, 7pm. Pro Re Nata Brewpub & Music Hall, 6135 Rockfish Gap Tpk., Crozet. prnbrewery.com

Best Consignment Store



Bro Patrol. High-energy and hilarious cover songs from the depths of your cassette mixtapes. Free, 8pm. Ace Biscuit & Barbeque, 600 Concord Ave. Chickenhead Blues Band. Jumpstart your weekend with the sensational “New Orleans boogie-woogie, upbeat, rhythm and blues” of Chickenhead Blues Band. Free, 6pm. Glass House Winery, 5898 Free Union Rd., Free Union. glasshousewinery.com

Cville Band. Come join us for an unforgettable concert in The Arboretum featuring the Cville Brass Quintet and The Cville Band Woodwind Quintet. Free, 6pm. Kimpton The Forum Hotel, 540 Massie Rd. forum hotelcharlottesville.com

Fridays After Five: Cherry Red. Covering hits from the Rolling Stones, not note for note, but with the correct feel and attitude. With Ark of Mark. Free, 5:30pm. Ting Pavilion, 700 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. tingpavilion.com

Ian Gilliam and The Fire Kings. Rock ‘n’ roll, blues, rockabilly, and country music straight from C’ville. Free, 9pm. Holly’s Diner, 1221 E. Market St.

Josh Mayo and Alex Bragg. Josh Mayo and his group of great musicians provide wonderful music for viewing the sunset outside of Högwaller Brewing. Free, 6pm. Högwaller Brewing, 1518 E. High St. hogwallerbrewing.com

Karaoke. See listing for Wednesday, June 26. Free, 9pm. Fiorano Restaurant and Bar, 5924 Seminole Trail Ste. 101, Barboursville. fioranomediterranean.com

LockJaw. LockJaw covers some of the best music created by the “Boomer” generation. Look forward to an evening of “A-Z” classic rock ranging from Aerosmith and The Beatles to Van Morrison and ZZ Top. Free, 8pm. Dürty Nelly’s, 2200 Jefferson Park Ave. durtynellyscville.com

Paint + Sip. Come paint with us, no experience necessary. Learn a variety of techniques and skills to render a “lakeside twilight” scene. $38, 6pm. Potter’s Craft Cider, 1350 Arrowhead Valley Rd. potterscraftcider.com etc.

Puzzle Crawl. This puzzle crawl takes you to the breweries on Preston Avenue. Crack codes, solve puzzles, and enjoy some of Charlottesville’s best beers along the way. $15, all day. Starr Hill Brewery, Dairy Market. puzzledbee.com

Saturday 6/29 music

Berto Sales. Sounds of Brazil, Spain, and Latin America with Berto Sales. His unique fingerpicking style and contagious energy will have you tapping your feet. Free, 11am. Tavern & Grocery, 333 W. Main St. tavernandgrocery.com

Center Band Concert. Director Bob Dunnenberger leads The Flashbacks and the Second and First Wind Bands. Free, 3pm. The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Blvd. thecentercville.org

Classic Road. Join us for upbeat and fun bands every Saturday night. Gather your friends and family and join us for live music that you’ll want to dance to. Free, 5pm. Eastwood Farm and Winery, 2531 Scottsville Rd. eastwoodfarmandwinery.com

Crozet Jam Band. Music in the orchard with the Crozet Jam Band, a group of seven friends who play popular tunes. Free, 2:30pm. Albemarle CiderWorks, 2545 Rural Ridge Ln., North Garden. albemarle ciderworks.com

Mighty Joshua. Independent reggae artist Mighty Joshua engages audiences by opening minds and activating bodies through song. With Lions Bridge. $18–20, 8pm. The Southern Café and Music Hall, 103 S. First St. thesoutherncville.com

Ron Gentry. DuCard Vineyards has the views, the wine, and music by Ron Gentry. Free, 5pm. DuCard Vineyards, 40 Gibson Hollow Ln., Etlan. ducardvineyards.com

Sue Harlow. Enjoy live tunes with your wine, cider, and beer along with a full menu of food options to choose from. Free, 5pm. Eastwood Farm and Winery, 2531 Scottsville Rd. eastwoodfarmandwinery.com

Work Wear Album Release Party. Local indie-rockers celebrate the release of their debut record with an intimate house show experience. $15, 8pm. The Ryans, 931 Belmont Ave.


No Scrubs ‘90s Dance Party. No Scrubs features rad DJs and ‘90s visuals that will transport you back to the days of fanny packs and AOL. 18+. $15–20, 9pm. The Jefferson Theater, 110 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. jeffersontheater.com


Drag Queens from Mars. Join the fabulous queens—Cherry Possums, Bebe Gunn, and Amazon Rome—for a free night of drag performances in celebration of Pride Month. Free, 10pm. Rapture, 303 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. rapturerestaurant.com


Poetry Reading. Join us for a reading with poets Lauren K. Alleyne and Leona Sevick. Free, 7pm. New Dominion Bookshop, 404 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. ndbookshop.com

Cville Band Open Rehearsal. Join U.S. Army Field Band rapper Staff Sergeant Nicholas “Nicco” Feemster for a hip-hop program. Free, 12:45pm. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. theparamount.net

Dead Billionaires. Effervescent, driving rock ‘n’ roll. Tight originals, loose covers. Free, 9pm. Dürty Nelly’s, 2200 Jefferson Park Ave. durtynellyscville.com

Greg Ward and The Dubsettors. An awesome evening with Greg Ward and the Dubsettors hosting an acoustic reggae party of originals and covers. Free, 5pm. Glass House Winery, 5898 Free Union Rd., Free Union. glasshousewinery.com

Jake Kohn. Jake Kohn is a singer-songwriter on a clear path to stardom playing alternative country. $15, 8pm. The Southern Café and Music Hall, 103 S. First St. thesoutherncville.com

Josh Mayo and The House Sauce. One of C’ville’s favorite bands playing rockin’ originals and classic covers. Free, 10pm. The Whiskey Jar, 227 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thewhiskeyjarcville.com

Mike Burris Band with Robey Family Band. Join The Front Porch and Rivanna River Company for an evening of live music under the stars. $14–16, 5pm. Rivanna River Company, 1538 E. High St. frontporchcville.org

Mike Proffitt. Music in the mountains with the superb stylings of singer-songwriter Mike Proffitt and his mixture of original and classic acoustic rock. Free, 2pm. DuCard Vineyards, 40 Gibson Hollow Ln., Etlan. ducardvineyards.com

“Swingin’ with Elvis” Dinner Show. A buffet dinner catered by Graves Mountain Farm Kitchen and an Elvis impersonator performing Elvis Presley hits from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. Free, 6pm. DuCard Vineyards, 40 Gibson Hollow Ln., Etlan. ducardvineyards.com


Saturday ‘80s Dance. ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s tunes to get you busy on the dance floor. Free, 9pm. Fiorano Restaurant and Bar, 5924 Seminole Trail Ste. 101, Barboursville. fioranomediterranean.com


The Arts for ALL FestivALL. An evening of arts exploration and a free concert with soloists, orchestra, chorus, and dancers. Free, 5pm. Ting Pavilion, 700 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. tingpavilion.com


Author Event: Crystal Hana Kim. Join us for a reading with Crystal Hana Kim, who will read from her new novel, The Stone Home. A conversation with Rebecca Taylor will follow. Free, 7pm. New Dominion Bookshop, 404 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. newdominionbookshop.com


Beginner Pottery Wheel Workshop. Learn to throw a cup, bowl, planter, and more on the wheel. Fun for friends, families, and couples. $85, 4:30pm. Morehouse Studio, 1575 Avon St. Ext. morehouse.studio

June Drawing and Painting with Classical Music. Listen to music. Learn about the composers. Paint what you hear. $60, 11am. Rose’s Inspiration Station, 2025 Library Ave., Crozet. piedmontplacecrozet.com

Kids’ Arts and Crafts Club. A different craft weekly, all summer long. Ages 8–12. $75, noon. Rose’s Inspiration Station, 2025 Library Ave., Crozet. piedmontplacecrozet.com

Magical Masterpieces: Numbers into Animals. We will turn drawn numerals into cute and whimsical creatures. Ages 4–7. $36, 10am. Rose’s Inspiration Station, 2025 Library Ave., Crozet. piedmontplacecrozet.com

Mosaic 201. Build your house number in mosaic. Adult class with prior glass-cutting and grouting experience. 5.5 hours with a 40-minute break to let the tiles set before grouting. $68, 10:30am. The Scrappy Elephant, 1745 Allied St. scrappyelephant.com

Publishing Playbook. You’ve finished your novel. Now what? This seminar will cover the ins and outs of the publishing industry with a published novelist. Free, noon. WriterHouse, 508 Dale Ave. writerhouse.org etc.

Artful PLAY! Pop Up. Join us for an Artful PLAY! pop up as we explore and create mixed media art inspired by the work of Eric Carle. All proceeds will support The Arc Studio. Suggested for ages 5–12. $25, 10am. The Arc Studio, 1149 Rose Hill Dr. dottodotspeech.com

Crozet Independence Day. Parade, celebration, and fireworks. Join our annual old-fashioned Independence Day celebration. $5, 5pm. King Family Vineyard, 6550 Roseland Farm, Crozet. kingfamilyvineyards.com

Geology Hike. Join us to learn about the geology of Ivy Creek and the surrounding area. Free, 11am. Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic River View Farm, 1780 Earlysville Rd. ivycreekfoundation.org

Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race/Walk. A Charlottesville summer holiday tradition. Proceeds from this year’s KID5K race will benefit five amazing local children’s charities. $35, 7:30am. Lakeside Middle School, 2801 Powell Creek Dr. k00733.site.kiwanis.org

Puzzle Crawl. See listing for Friday, June 28. $15, all day. Starr Hill Brewery, Dairy Market. puzzledbee.com

Storytime. Readings of recent favorites and classics. Free, 11am. New Dominion Bookshop, 404 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. newdominionbookshop.com



Cast of characters

Jason Isbell on how Martin Scorsese influenced latest album Weathervanes

Pushed off the road by the pandemic, Jason Isbell spent a good chunk of 2021 in Oklahoma, where he was acting in director Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon. That experience, from meeting Oklahomans in the rural areas where the movie was shot to watching Scorsese work, figured into Isbell’s latest album, Weathervanes

So how and why did Isbell end up in the Oscar-nominated movie?

“I didn’t really want to be an actor, but I think I wanted to act,” says Isbell in a recent phone interview. “I was looking for a way to help somebody tell a story. We were locked down; COVID kept us from touring. So I asked my manager to see if there were any television shows or movies I could get on. I’d never done that before. I played myself on an episode of ‘Billions’ and was an extra on the Deadwood movie on HBO because I loved ‘Deadwood.’”

That opportunity for Isbell came by way of Scorsese’s adaptation of the 2017 bestselling non-fiction book about a series of murders that took place in the Osage Nation after oil was discovered on tribal land, triggering an FBI investigation.

“I just kept auditioning. I knew I didn’t have any experience,” Isbell says. “But I told them if they gave some instruction, I could do it. And I wound up on set with Scorsese, (Robert) DeNiro, and (Leonardo) DiCaprio. It was terrifying. I was scared to death. That felt really

good. It is important to challenge myself as I get older and do some new things creatively.”

Isbell landed the role of Bill Smith (spoiler alert: He was one of the murder victims back in 1917) and found himself on set observing Scorsese and meeting folks who lived nearby. Some of them made their way into the songs that populate Weathervanes

While he’s known as a great guitarist from his days with Drive-By Truckers onward, Isbell knows it’s the songs that have made him a six-time Grammy-winning Americana star and one of the most respected musicians of any genre over the course of the albums he’s released since leaving the Truckers in 2007.

“That’s the part that really matters for me,” Isbell says. “There’s a whole lot of great singers and guitar players on my street in Nashville. I have to be able to write to stand out.”

Like much of his earlier work, the songs on Weathervanes are often sad character studies: a depressed suicidal woman (“Death Wish”), a copper-stealing, pain-killer addict who can’t go back to work (“King of Oklahoma”), and a kid kicked out of foster care who winds up living in a KOA campground (“Volunteer”).

“Suffering builds character, and it also builds characters if you’re trying to tell a story,” Isbell says. “That’s what’s interesting to me in other people’s songs, and they’re the kind I write myself.”

The time in Oklahoma not only influenced the songs on Weathervanes, it filtered into Isbell’s process.

“It definitely influenced how we made this album, just seeing the way Marty (Scorsese)

worked and the fact that he had such confidence in his vision. He would accept ideas and collaboration,” he says, equating the role of a movie director with that of a record producer. “Just to watch somebody work like that, he was able to create a whole universe with his vision. He’d keep some ideas and throw some out.

“I had a vision for how I wanted the record to sound. With that direction, we let the band have some freedom,” says Isbell. “My production style is I try to get the right people in the room and let them play. We viewed it more

Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

Ting Pavilion

June 30

as a band record than a solo project. I wanted to make it feel more like a live show.”

Given that creative aim and their finished sound, the new songs were immediately ready to be plugged into the live shows Isbell and his band, the 400 Unit, were playing.

“I thought about that a little in the studio,” Isbell says. “We’ve got a pretty big catalog at this point. I can play a whole lot of shows without playing the same song twice. I don’t want it to be in there because it’s the newest song. I don’t want it to be when everybody goes to the bathroom or the bar. It has to be in there for a purpose. I’ve never made promotion my priority, maybe it’s the third or fourth reason. I want to make a show that’s meaningful and moves people.’”

Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit are touring on the band’s 2023 album, Weathervanes, a compendium of Isbell’s facility with words, guitar strings, and musical IQ.

Sunday 6/30


Afro Dead and Sia Tolno. Afro Dead is a musical collective directed by Aaron Feder and featuring the talented Guinean singer Sia Tolno playing the music of the Grateful Dead. $18–20, 7:30pm. The Southern Café and Music Hall, 103 S. First St. thesoutherncville.com

Carter Freeman Ragged Folk Music. Celebrate Independence Day with us on the weekend prior. Cousins’ Oysters will be on site shucking starting at 11:00 am. Live folk music noon–3pm. Free, 10am. Tasting Room and Taphouse at Mount Ida Reserve, 5600 Moonlight Dr., Scottsville. mountidareserve.com

Cville Band. A pops concert featuring Disney tunes, TV themes, and recent Broadway selections makes for an enjoyable program for the whole family. Free, 3:30pm. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. theparamount.net

Elswick Gathering. Michael Elswick Gathering plays jazz, blues, Latin, swing, ballads and—of course—Cambodian surf rock. Two Brothers Southwestern Grill serves up delicious tacos and bowls. Free, 1pm. Chisholm Vineyards at Adventure Farm, 1135 Clan Chisholm Ln., Earlysville. chisholmvineyards.com

Gina Sobel Duo. Gina Sobel is a natural improviser. Accomplished on multiple instruments, she radiates energy and excitement in her live performances. Free, 2pm. Potter’s Craft Cider, 1350 Arrowhead Valley Rd. potterscraftcider.com

Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit. Featuring the rolling thunder of Isbell’s fearsome 400 Unit, who’ve earned a place in the rock ‘n’ roll cosmos alongside the greatest backing ensembles of all time. $59–99, 7pm. Ting Pavilion, 700 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. tingpavilion.com

Madeleine and Jeff. Pop, indie, rock, and country music from a versatile dynamic duo. Free, 2:30pm. Albemarle CiderWorks, 2545 Rural Ridge Ln., North Garden. albemarle ciderworks.com

Pat Anderson. The mountains are calling and so is the music by Pat Anderson—an Oklahoma-born, Virginia-raised roots rockin’ singer-songwriter. Free, 2pm. DuCard Vineyards, 40 Gibson Hollow Ln., Etlan. ducard vineyards.com

Ty Burkhardt. Ty Burkhardt is an instrumental fingerstyle guitarist who creates the sound of a full band by playing all the parts simultaneously on his acoustic guitar. Free, 2pm. Glass House Winery, 5898 Free Union Rd., Free Union. glasshousewinery.com


Corner to Corner Granny Squares. Basic crochet experience is needed for this class. Leave with a crochet hook and a granny square. Ages 10+. $25, 11am. The Scrappy Elephant, 1745 Allied St. scrappyelephant.com


Developmental Darts. Open to dart throwers of all skill levels or anyone who just wants to learn the basics. Free, 1pm. Decipher Brewing, 1740 Broadway St. decipher brewingco.wixsite.com

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping SingAlong. Get ready to do that Donkey Roll with Connor4Real but please, stay #sohumble. $13, 6pm. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, 5th Street Station. drafthouse.com

Puzzle Crawl. See listing for Friday, June 28. $15, all day. Starr Hill Brewery, Dairy Market. puzzledbee.com

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert The cult favorite about drag queens stuck in the sticks looks more fabulous than ever before in a new 4K restoration. $10, 11:30am. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, 5th Street Station. drafthouse.com

Trivia with Olivia. Live trivia every other Sunday. Free, 2pm. The Good Sport, 540 Massie Rd. thegoodsporttaproom.com

Monday 7/1


Berto and Vincent. Come join us for an evening of Spanish rumba and Latin guitar with Berto Sales and Vincent Zorn. Free, 6:30pm. South and Central Latin Grill, 946 Grady Ave., Ste. 104. southandcentralgrill.com

Betty Jo’s Boogie Band. Live boogie band with a horn section and all. Free, 7:30pm. The Whiskey Jar, 227 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thewhiskeyjarcville.com

DG3. Gin and jazz in the Château Lobby bar. DG3 is a jazz trio that showcases modern music and modern takes on classic jazz standards. Free, 5:30pm. Oakhurst Inn, 100 Oakhurst Cir. oakhurstinn.com


Salsa Dance Night. DJ Rafa will be spinning the latest in salsa and Latin-inspired dance cuts in the dance floor area of the bar. Come feel the heat and move. Free, 9pm. Fiorano Restaurant and Bar, 5924 Seminole Trail Ste. 101, Barboursville. fioranomediterranean.com

Tuesday 7/2


Karaoke. Sign up and sing your favorite songs. Hosted by Thunder Music. Free, 9pm. Holly’s Diner, 1221 E. Market St.

Ragged Mountain String Band. Live bluegrass and Americana roots music. Free, 7:30pm. The Whiskey Jar, 227 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thewhiskeyjarcville.com

Vincent Zorn. Vincent Zorn performs solo wild flamenco rumba. Free, 7pm. The Bebedero, 225 W. Main St., Downtown Mall. thebebedero.com


Geeks Who Drink Trivia. Good trivia, good times. Free, 7pm. Firefly, 1304 E. Market St. fireflycville.com

I Know What You Did Last Summer ‘90s teen heartthrobs Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar find getting rid of a dead body is a whole lot harder than you’d think. $7, 7:15pm. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, 5th Street Station. drafthouse.com

Music Bingo. Prizes to be won. Hosted by King Trivia. Free, 7pm. SuperFly Brewing Co., 943 Preston Ave. superflybrewing.com

Poker Night. Test your luck and skill at our hold’em poker night. Free, 7pm. Fiorano Restaurant and Bar, 5924 Seminole Trail Ste. 101, Barboursville. fioranomediterranean.com


Presence of absence

Colleen Rosenberry softens grief through creativity

Following the sudden death of her youngest son, Colleen Rosenberry revived a painting practice she had cultivated in her youth but that she had let wane as the responsibilities of motherhood and work mounted. Seeking solace in her grief, Rosenberry turned to artistic expression.

In the gallery at Studio Ix, Rosenberry presents “Journey From Grief To Art,” a collection of paintings with subjects including landscapes, interior settings, cityscapes, and architectural studies. The show is unified by the connecting threads of loss, memory, and peace, as well as the impressionistic style employed by the artist, who cites Monet and Van Gogh as inspirations.

hanging from a shepherd’s crook stand drives home the idea of guiding and tending, but behind the lamp, the viewer is drawn into an overwhelming sea of flora. Tension is built between the tight, flat rendering of the lamppost against the loose and impressionistic flowers that fill the picture plane.

Here, we gain the sense of how a small slice of life fits into the greater design of existence.

The scene set in “Breath” evokes a vigil, with a single light burning in remembrance of a pictured subject. We see the outline of an empty chair, vignetted by lamp light. There is warmth, but it only extends so far. The painting holds a second vignette, as this interior scene is couched within a view of the cosmos. Here, we gain the sense of how a small slice of life fits into the greater design of existence. At 14 by 12 inches, the size of the painting is intimate, pulling the viewer to look closer, drawing one into the scene.

“Guide into the Blooms” reinforces the notion of light as a beacon. A single lamp

A third piece trafficking in the theme of illumination, “Welcome into the Light,” offers a warmer composition dominated by yellow hues. There is warmth, but also an air of absence. The room is lit and inviting, but the table is empty; there are no dishes or silverware, no remnants of a meal or game of cards, just a solitary vase of flowers. The chair at the head of the table glows, perhaps alluding to a privileged position that will remain unfilled.

Together, these three works adeptly convey the presence of absence, where we see the trappings of habituation, but the inhabitants are nowhere to be found.

Other works in “Journey From Grief To Art” feature water and bridges, symbols of cleansing and “crossing over.” Still others focus on sunrises and sunsets, periods of transition and rebirth within a cycle of brilliance and darkness. Taken together, this collection of paintings is a strong illustration of the exhibition title, where raw emotion gives way to aesthetic understanding.

“Colleen Rosenberry: Journey From Grief To Art” remains on view at Studio Ix through June 30.
Afro Dead and Sia Tolno
Sunday, June 30 | The Southern Café & Music Hall

Everyone has unique


and we celebrate your strength, resilience, and ability to adapt. JABA is here to help you on the aging journey with resources like action planning, social events, benefits assistance, caregiver support, and insurance counseling. Reach out today to discover how everyone is engaged, included, and valued at JABA. Let’s look out for each other, and live better, longer.

Pride Month: LGBTQ elders face unique challenges

June was chosen for LGBTQ+ Pride month because in June 1969 there was an “uprising” at the Stonewall Inn in New York City that sparked a liberation movement. That was over 50 years ago. Many of those who have struggled in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights are older adults now, which comes with a host of new challenges. As author Dave Singleton put it, decades after Stonewall, “We’re still in the early stages of grasping what it really means to be LGBT and older.”

And still fighting for those rights. Last month, the Elder Pride Act was reintroduced in the House of Representatives, which would help Area Agencies on Aging better serve and support LGBTQ seniors in rural communities. More than 3 million LGBTQ people live in rural American communities.

“Those who live in rural areas frequently face increased barriers, which Congress can break down,” said Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.), chair of the Equality Caucus’s LGBTQ+ Aging Issues Task Force, who helped introduce the legislation. “The Elder Pride Act will increase resources for programs and services that will improve the lives of LGBTQI+ elders.”

“The rights and needs of LGBTQIA+ people, especially those who are older, have always been important to JABA,” says Marta Keane, CEO of JABA, our local Area Agency on Aging. “Many older adults face isolation and loneliness, often with few family members to provide encouragement or support, and for LGBTQIA+ older adults there’s the added fear of being honest about one’s identity, especially in care settings, with most having experienced victimization multiple times in their lives. And this can be particularly acute for those seniors living in rural communities.”

According to SAGE and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, there will be 7 million peo-

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ple identifying as LGBTQ+ over the age of 50 by 2030, and these older adults are two times more likely to be single or live alone and four times less likely to have children to provide support. Indeed, according to an AARP “Maintaining Dignity Survey” several years ago, 76 percent of LGBTQ adults over 45 worried about having adequate family and social support systems to fall back on— and most worried about abuse, neglect and harassment in long-term care settings.

As a result, 53% of LGBTQ+ older adults feel isolated from others, and caregiving challenges fall heavy on the community --- 21% of older LGBTQ+ people have provided care to friends, compared to only 6% of non-LGBTQ+ older adults. And statistics show us that LGBTQ+ older adults and caregivers are more likely to face poverty, homelessness and have poor physical and mental health. While Pride Month is a time to celebrate how far we’ve come, it is also a time to recognize how much still needs to be done.

“Those statistics highlight the issues that we address with all seniors, but they can be especially challenging for LGBTQ+ older adults,” says Keane. “That’s why we’re always seeking opportunities to celebrate the value in diversity and strive for equity and inclusion in our programs and services.”

Indeed, for those who came of age during the modern gay rights movement, there’s another frontier to conquer - aging with dignity.

“Our LGBTQ elder pioneers are fierce,” Lynn Faria, executive vice president at SAGE has said. “They’re the ones that lit the spark that ignited the modern LGBTQ rights movement, and they’re the fighters on the front lines today saying, ‘We refuse to be treated this way; we refuse to be invisible.’”

David McNair handles communications, media relations, and social media efforts for JABA.


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Complete the grid so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.



1. Makes noise, like a microwave

6. 20 08 Liam Neeson thriller

11. Some lab fixtures

14. “___ last I see the light” (“Tangled” lyric)

15. Nearsighted horned beast

16. Official language in Vientiane

17. Guest list for a private party?

19. The whole thing

20. “Iliad” warrior god

21. Pen tips

22. Studio 54, for one

24. Cheers

26. ‘50s experiment, briefly

28. Author of “The Namesake” and “Whereabouts”

32. W ild diving duck

34. Key near F1

35. St atus ___

36. Some chess pieces

37. Salt y expanse

38. Denim jacket ornaments for punks, once

40. Friend in France

41. “Ew”

42. Filled with ennui

43. Indescribable thing

47. Cut back, as a branch

48. Says

51. One of many Peyo characters

53. No, to Nabokov

55. Spinnaker or jib

57. Hot goo

58. Australian actor in “Saltburn”

61. Mid-show filler

62. “I’m only ___ mort al ...”

63. “The Floor” head-toheads

64. Comb creator

65. Lance Bass’s group

66. Throat infection type


1. ___ California

2. Make accustomed (to)

3. ‘50s Ford fiasco

4. Not able retiree of June 2024

5. Place to swine and dine?

6. Axiom

7. Moby-Dick’s chaser

8. Congolese capit al

9. Conclude

10. “Beats me”

11. Brick that goes boom

12. AP math subject

13. Perform without backup

18. Outperform

23. “... or something like that”

25. As follows

27. “No Scrubs” group

29. Cheats at cards, maybe

30. Ant-Man” star Paul

31. Platform that runs on Apple devices

32. Not much

33. Place to t ake a penny, leave a penny?

36. “The Big Bang Theory” character

37. Sort a academic-sounding, in a way

38. Fireplace buildup

39. Auditions

41. Suffix with Dickens

42. Mont ana mining city

44. Blow it

45. Stevens who inspired the musical “Illinoise”

46. Province where poutine supposedly originated

49. Not so common

50. Move sneakily

51. Attempt

52. Manufactured

54. “Strange Condition” singer Pete

56. Second-oldest programming language that’s still in use (behind Fortran)

59. Breakfast hrs.

60. Brigham Young’s gp.


(April 20-May 20): You are coming to a fork in the road—a crux where two paths diverge. What should you do? Author Marie Forleo says, “When it comes to forks in the road, your heart always knows the answer, not your mind.” Here’s my corollary: Choose the path that will best nourish your soul’s desires. Now here’s your homework, Taurus: Contact your Future Self in a dream or meditation and ask that beautiful genius to provide you with a message and a sign. Plus, invite them to give you a wink with either the left eye or right eye.


(May 21-June 20): Last year, you sent out a clear message to life requesting help and support. It didn’t get the response you wished for. You felt sad. But now I have good news. One or both of the following may soon occur. 1. Your original message will finally lead to a response that buoys your soul. 2. You will send out a new message similar to the one in 2023, and this time you will get a response that makes you feel helped and supported. Maybe you didn’t want to have to be so patient, Gemini, but I’m glad you refused to give up hope.


(July 23–Aug. 22): All of us, including me, have aspects of our lives that are stale or unkempt, even decaying. What would you say is the most worn-out thing about you? Are there parts of your psyche or environment that would benefit from a surge of clean-up and revival? The coming weeks will be an excellent time to attend to these matters. You are likely to attract extra help and inspiration as you make your world brighter and livelier. The first rule of the purgation and rejuvenation process: Have fun!


(Aug. 23–Sept. 22): On those rare occasions when I buy furniture from online stores, I try hard to find sources that will send me the stuff already assembled. I hate spending the time to put together jumbles of wood and metal. More importantly, I am inept at doing so. In alignment with astrological omens, I recommend you take my approach in regard to every situation in your life during the coming weeks. Your operative metaphor should be this: Whatever you want or need, get it already fully assembled.



(June 21–July 22): The Fates have authorized me to authorize you to be bold and spunky. You have permission to initiate gutsy experiments and to dare challenging feats. Luck and grace will be on your side as you consider adventures you’ve long wished you had the nerve to entertain. Don’t do anything risky or foolish, of course. Avoid acting like you’re entitled to grab rewards you have not yet earned. But don’t be self-consciously cautious or timid, either. Proceed as if help and resources will arrive through the magic of your audacity. Assume you will be able to summon more confidence than usual.


(Sept. 23–Oct. 22): When Adragon De Mello was born under the sign of Libra in 1976, his father had big plans for him. Dad wanted him to get a PhD in physics by age 12, garner a Nobel Prize by 16, get elected President of the United States by 26, and then become head of a world government by 30. I’d love for you to fantasize about big, unruly dreams like that in the coming weeks—although with less egotism and more amusement and adventurousness. Give yourself a license to play with amazing scenarios that inspire you to enlarge your understanding of your own destiny. Provide your future with a dose of healing wildness.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Your horoscopes are too complicated,” a reader named Estelle wrote to me recently. “You give us too many ideas. Your language is too fancy. I just want simple advice in plain words.” I wrote back to tell her that if I did what she asked, I wouldn’t be myself. “Plenty of other astrologers out there can meet your needs,” I concluded. As for you, dear Scorpio, I think you will especially benefit from influences like me in the coming weeks—people who appreciate nuance and subtlety, who love the poetry of life, who eschew clichés and conventional wisdom, who can nurture your rich, spicy, complicated soul.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The coming weeks will be prime time for you to re-imagine the history of your destiny. How might you do that? In your imagination, revisit important events from the past and reinterpret them using the new wisdom you’ve gained since

they happened. If possible, perform any atonement, adjustment, or intervention that will transform the meaning of what happened once upon a time. Give the story of your life a fresh title. Rename the chapters. Look at old photos and videos and describe to yourself what you know now about those people and situations that you didn’t know back then. Are there key events from the old days that you have repressed or ignored? Raise them up into the light of consciousness.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 1972, before the internet existed, Capricorn actor Anthony Hopkins spent a day visiting London bookstores in search of a certain tome: The Girl from Petrovka. Unable to locate a copy, he decided to head home. On the way, he sat on a random bench, where he found the original manuscript of The Girl of Petrovka. It had been stolen from the book’s author George Feifer and abandoned there by the thief. I predict an almost equally unlikely or roundabout discovery or revelation for you in the coming days. Prediction: You may not unearth what you’re looking for in an obvious place, but you will ultimately unearth it.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Aquarius-born Desmond Doss (1919–2006) joined the American army at the beginning of World War II. But because of his religious beliefs, he refused to use weapons. He became a medic who accompanied troops to Guam and the Philippines. During the next few years, he won three medals of honor, which are usually given solely to armed combatants. His bravest act came in 1944, when he saved the lives of 70 wounded soldiers during a battle. I propose we make him your inspirational role model for the coming weeks,

Aquarius. In his spirit, I invite you to blend valor and peace-making. Synergize compassion and fierce courage. Mix a knack for poise and healing with a quest for adventure.


(Feb. 20-March 20): What types of people are you most attracted to, Pisces? Not just those you find most romantically and sexually appealing, but also those with whom a vibrant alliance is most gracefully created. And those you’re inclined to seek out for collaborative work and play. This knowledge is valuable information to have; it helps you gravitate toward relationships that are healthy for you. Now and then, though, it’s wise to experiment with connections and influences that aren’t obviously natural—to move outside your usual set of expectations and engage with characters you can’t immediately categorize. I suspect the coming weeks will be one of those times.


(March 21-April 19): The “nirvana fallacy” is the belief that because something is less than utterly perfect, it is gravely defective or even irredeemably broken. Wikipedia says, “The nirvana fallacy compares actual things with unrealistic, idealized alternatives.” Most of us are susceptible to this flawed approach to dealing with the messiness of human existence. But it’s especially important that you avoid such thinking in the coming weeks. To inspire you to find excellence and value in the midst of untidy jumbles and rumpled complexities, I recommend you have fun with the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi. It prizes and praises the soulful beauty found in things that are irregular, incomplete, and imperfect.

Expanded weekly audio horoscopes and daily text message horoscopes: RealAstrology.com, (877) 873-4888


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Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316

Albemarle County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Commonwealth of Virginia, in re: R.S. (dob 9/15/2023)

The object of this suit is to terminate residual parental rights in R.S. (dob 9/15/2023) and aprove foster care plan with adoption goal.

It is ORDERED that Unknown Father appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before September 10, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

6/5/2024 Judge Pather DATE JUDGE


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Conceived and directed by longtime artistic director Robert Chapel, The Virginia Theatre Festival presents 50 Years and Counting: A Musical Revue, running Thursday, June 27, to Sunday, June 30. Celebrating the golden anniversary of professional theater in Charlottesville, this program highlights some of the most wellknown and loved songs from the company’s first half-century, including hits from Annie Get Your Gun, Guys and Dolls, My Fair Lady, West Side Story, and many more. Performed by audience-favorite actors and vocalists—including some Broadway veterans—this is certainly an event worth popping some champagne for. In advance of this raucus revue, C-VILLE Weekly spoke with Chapel to gain some insight into the man behind the production.

Name: Bob Chapel Age: 79

Pronouns: He/him/his

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Job(s): Professor of Theatre (now Emeritus); Theatre Director

What’s something about your job that people would be surprised to learn: Talent really doesn’t grow on trees.

Best part of living here: Everything that a university town offers and my very good friends.

Worst part of living here: Extreme heat and humidity in the summer months.

Favorite Charlottesville restaurant: The Villa and/or Tip Top.

Bodo’s order: Lox, cream cheese, tomato, and onion on an “Everything” bagel.

What’s your comfort food/meal? Ribeye steak, green beans, mushrooms, baked potato.

How do you take your coffee? With 2% milk and Sweet and Low.

Best advice you ever got: Do the thing one loves and let the experts worry about the investments.

Proudest accomplishment: Chairing the UVA Department of Drama and producing the Heritage Theatre Festival at UVA.

Describe a perfect day: Eight hours of very good rehearsal, then a lovely dinner and evening with my wife and dog.

If you could be reincarnated as a person or thing, what would you be? A person who could hit a golf ball 300 yards.

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Extended good health for my wife, Maria, my dog, and me. Wars around the world to end. Whatever current show I might be directing at the time to be a success (in this case: 50 Years and Counting).

Most embarrassing moment: Many moments—not being able to remember people’s names when I should.

Do you have any pets? A 4-year-old, 12-pound Havanese dog named Mayzie.

Favorite movie and/or show? Show: “Sunday in the Park With George.”

Film: Mr. Holland’s Opus

Favorite book: Act One by Moss Hart.

What are you listening to right now? “Morning Joe.”

Go-to karaoke song: “Somebody Loves Me” by Gershwin (I’m old).

Best Halloween costume you’ve worn: I never liked Halloween so I can’t remember.

Who’d play you in a movie? Richard Dreyfuss.

Celebrity crush: Meg Ryan (many years ago).

Most used app on your phone: Maps.

Last text you sent: To an actor in 50 Years and Counting

Most used emoji: I don’t use them.

Subject that causes you to rant: Donald Trump.

Best journey you ever went on: State Department Performance Tour all over Russia in 2006 (when Russia was a nice place to visit).

Next journey: Possibly to Greece in the fall.

Favorite curse word? Or favorite word: (I’m) Sorry.

What have you forgotten today? Nothing, it’s early in the morning, but I’m sure will be many things as the day progresses.

Who is your hero? Joseph Papp, former Artistic Director of NYC’s Public Theatre.

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