October 14, 2008

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TUESDAY October 14, 2008 FREE

New moms have better days ahead / p5

the depths of my basement / p30

Carmel resident Jay Sullivan turned a passion for cooking into a family business / p2

A quick, simple test that can save your life.

FREE AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) Screening

OCTOBER 16, 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. Learn more on the back page.

Photo by Lois Wyant

Hair Ball a success once again / p19


Carmel resident Jay Sullivan turned a passion for cooking into a family business By Bryan Unruh Current in Carmel

The first time Jay Sullivan cooked professionally was two years ago when he founded his catering and personal chef company. A year later, he was cooking for the Indiana Pacers. Self-taught and fueled only by family and an unbridled zeal for cooking, Sullivan’s unlikely success recently allowed him to open his first store, Jay’s Table to You, at 1315 S. Range Line Rd. “Most of us don’t have a passion like Jay does for cooking,” said his mother-in-law, Jan Fahey, one of several family members who have played an integral role in the business. “I enjoy cooking, but I am nothing compared to Jay.” The store, which opened Sept. 29, offers a variety of pre-made, frozen meals geared toward families who don’t have time to cook, but want a healthy, home-style meal nonetheless. “The theme is a healthy-eating lifestyle,” Sullivan said. “We use a lot of organic produce, lean meats, healthy grains and as much hormone-free protein as possible.” A father of three, Sullivan is quick to emphasize the business’s strong focus on family. He plans to hire employees after the store’s “initial stage,” but for now, it is a family business in the truest sense. His father, mother, sister and wife, Lori, all help with the store, along with Fahey, who manages its accounting. Sullivan credits Fahey with the idea to begin cooking professionally. “I had been in sales for years and wanted a different avenue to pursue,” he said. “She told me, ‘You should become a personal chef,’ and that was it. I had always loved to cook.” Fahey sees it as more of a natural transition, almost an inevitability given Sullivan’s lifelong passion for cooking. Sullivan’s family first noticed his cooking infatuation when, as a 2-year-old, he started playing with his grandmother’s pots and pans and using a chair as an imaginary oven. He began helping his mother cook shortly thereafter. He said he sees the same passion in his own children, especially his 7-year-old son, Brodie. “I definitely see myself in him,” Sullivan said. “I guess family and food just go together.” Sullivan plans to continue offering his catering and per-

Photo by Lois Wyant

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Jay Sullivan, owner/chef of Jay’s Table to You. sonal chef services, hoping to dedicate nearly equal time to both those and the store. He has a number of dedicated personal chef clients, and one in particular – Miriam Resnick, master Pilates trainer at Mindful Movement Studio – has eaten his food almost exclusively for two years. Another client, pharmaceutical representative Mitch Glanzman, has used Sullivan’s catering services frequently for more than a year. “Jay’s food is always a special treat,” he said. “It’s fresh and healthy, but still has lots of flavor. And he is very accessible.”

“She told me, ‘You should become a personal chef,’ and that was it. I had always loved to cook.”

PACERS TEAM CHEF Jay Sullivan began cooking for seven of the Indiana Pacers – Troy Murphy, Mike Dunleavy, Jamaal Tinsley, Shawne Williams, Ike Diogu, Kareem Rush and Danny Granger – last season. He said he expects to continue cooking for the team this year when the roster is more secure. The story behind his connection to the NBA franchise is surprisingly simple. “Their strength coach just Googled ‘personal chefs, Indianapolis’ and my name popped up,” he said. “I went down to Conseco Fieldhouse for a meeting, and then I just started cooking.” Some of the players expressed appreciation for his “health-conscious” cooking, Sullivan said. Dunleavy has contacted him on numerous occasions to discuss his needs and even dropped by the new store, and Murphy had Sullivan cook dinner for he and his mother last Thanksgiving.

OUR TAKES (Second in a continuing series) It is our position that American citizens should read and understand the constitutions of the United States and Indiana. We all can use a refresher course on what the founding fathers intended for the generations that followed the launch of this nation and our state. We will run excerpts from an article of the U.S. Constitution, then the Indiana Constitution, through Nov. 4. Today, we offer Article XI, Section 8 of the Indiana Constitution (reprinted as written). See how this passage possibly may apply to businesses in our state, especially in the wake of the bailout of Wall

, Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. II, No. 50 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032

Street. Consider what the case would be were you a creditor, but not a bank, and any number of enterprises, beholden to you, were forced under by putrid economic conditions. The article: “Holders of bank notes shall be entitled, in case of insolvency, to preference of payment over all other creditors.” To view the U.S. Constitution and the Indiana Constitution in their entirety, go to www.usconstitution.net and www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/const/. We urge you to carefully consider our constitutions before casting your vote in any primary or general election.

Cooperation in carmel It is our position that the City of Carmel should immediately investigate participation in the newly announced Central Indiana Purchasing Alliance advanced by Mayor of Westfield Andy Cook and Mayor of Indianapolis Greg Ballard. The plan conceived by the two as they were discussing their own individual desires to save civic money and to improve service provision for their respective constituencies is based upon the premise that larger buying power means both better access to materials and lower cost. While the agreement between those communities will not constrict options, it will only enhance their ability to buy as a part of

a much larger joint entity. According to sources, a number of other communities, including Noblesville, are currently considering the benefits of the union. Those additions would only enhance the buying power and increase savings and efficiency. With the creative and forward thinking approach of these two central Indiana government leaders, Carmel should take note. Certainly not all units of government can be constrained at all times in all ways by such arrangements. But all fiscally responsible and prudent leaders should consider which of their purchases might be subject to benefit from this arrangement.



CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Managing Editor – Mike Beas mike@currentincarmel.com / 730.4833 Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz stefanie@currentincarmel.com / 340.1836 Reporter – Brandon Bowman brandon@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Reporter – Bryan Unruh bryan@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com

Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton lara@currentincarmel.com / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper. To comment on Tim’s currentoons, contact him at: tim@currentincarmel.com.

another take




isdom could be defined “you are right, I did have the car keys, after as working the puzzle all. They were in my coat pocket. Sorry.” of life’s wonderful and Don’t put the keys back in the drawer and exasperating collection pretend that they were there all the time. of paradoxes. Those of us Dump the lie and live a little lighter. It has who have about as much life been my experience that the in the rear-view mirror as road gesture is rewarded. laid out ahead have come to But a pair of brain-twisters peace with our own mysteries. vex me during political season, Try these. Why is it that so much that I struggle to find we always want what we don’t a solution. Why is it that those have? Isn’t it that we are lookwho purport to love the most ing in the wrong direction for seem so often filled with hate? happiness? If we find pleasure How can love for the unborn within, we are far less likely to result in the bombing of those notice what we don’t have. Why who live? Rhetoric of war on are we often our own worst this or that doesn’t help. And to enemies? Maybe we need a little my friends on the left, why is it push. Maybe we need a little that those claiming to be of the Terry love. Figure it out and go get most open- and high-mined ilk Anker it. When we lose an argument, are the quickest to expose their why do we refuse to give the ugly biases. We are smart. You winner the satisfaction of victory? Perhaps are stupid. We are right. You are wrong. we aren’t mature enough to realize that Nana nana boo boo. Hmm. when one gives, one very often gets. Admit Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current a failure. Acknowledge it is embarrassing in Carmel. You may e-mail him at terry@curand difficult to accept our own imperfecrentincarmel.com. tion. And feel good about it. Imagine,

FROM THE BACKSHOP SEN. McCAIN? ARE YOU STILL THERE? Is it just us or does it also seem to you that Sen. Barack Obama looks like a winner in the campaign-strategy department thus far? This guy is relentless in courting Hoosiers, what with his massive televised advertising blitz, numerous appearances and a yard-sign patrol that rivals local mayoral and council vote seekers. Until last week’s debate, when Sen. John McCain FINALLY bared his teeth, we were under the assumption that this had become a one-man contest. McCain conceded Michigan, and sadly the battleground of Indiana may be next if he doesn’t start exerting his buttockular region. Very strange. We give McCain about a hair’s width in margin of victory in last week’s debate. It will be interesting to see if he comes out swinging on Wednesday. ••••• We’ve heard Sen. Obama talk about how we can buy a health insurance policy similar to the one we currently buy for federal employees. Recently, Sen. Obama said, in his second presidential debate with Sen. McCain, that we are “going to be able to buy the same kind of insurance that Sen. McCain and I enjoy as federal em-

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg ployees.” We’d like to know more detail. How much is that going to cost and what are the benefits? And how much do those federal employees kick in towards their premiums? We’ve long wondered how to obtain some of those quality benefits enjoyed by government employees, and maybe this is our opportunity. ••••• How about this? The liberal beacon, Newsweek, featured an un-retouched close-up cover shot of McCain running mate Sarah Palin with disparaging comments about her candidacy just weeks after a polished, highly professional shot of Obama and upbeat headline graced the front of what used to be a staple in America’s mailboxes. Ah, Newsweek, the one with the 22.4-percent decline in ad revenue as of Aug. 30. Keep it up, folks.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Seeing what others don’t


hose having watched or played of complete build-out. Mayor Brainard with Wayne Gretzky often said and the Carmel City Council are embrachis ability to see the ice and aning the New Urbanism model and workticipate his competitors’ moves ing toward building a new downtown was unparalleled. According to while at the same time attempting to preCigar Aficionado, Mike Liut, serve the character of the more a former goalie with the NHL rural west Carmel. St. Louis Blues, said of Gretzky: Mayor Cook and the “I’d see him come down the ice Westfield City Council are enand immediately start thinking, visioning a vibrant downtown ‘What don’t I see that Wayne’s community center at the interseeing right now?’ “ section of two trails. They are What is vision? Simply put, working hard to identify key vision is the ability to see a strategic issues in an effort to future state. Vision is the end differentiate themselves from goal a leader aspires to achieve neighboring communities and at with his or her team, whether it the same time create an environis athletic, corporate, commument within which families want nity or other. to live and business can prosper. Sue Visionary leadership is the Imagine yourself mayor for Finkam ability of a leader to state a today. What would your vision vision and motivate followers to be for Carmel or Westfield? work together in an attempt to achieve the Could you motivate others to achieve the vision. Visionary leaders are motivational, vision? Do you have it in you to be unredisciplined and focused. lenting in your pursuit of that vision? In a corporate model, the Board of What do you see that others don’t? Directors, executive leadership and the CEO set the vision for the organization. In Sue Finkam is interested in making a difference in the community through healthy conversaa community model, the mayor or town tion. You can participate in the conversation president, city or town executives and city by posting a comment on her blog at www. or town councils set the vision. Carmel is within approximately 10 years youarecurrent.com.


Simply Sweet costume exchange - In the spirit of the trick-or-treating season, we’d like to treat you for trading your gently-worn Halloween Costumes for spooktacular prizes. For each costume you donate, from now through Oct. 20, you’ll receive an entry into our prize drawings. All costumes donated will be given to Felege Hiywot Center, an outreach program serving inner-city kids.


know J.K. Rowling wasn’t the first person to say this, but I just read it in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, so I’m giving her the credit: “Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young …” As a mom whose youngest is now four, I am guilty of having forgotten what it’s like being a new mom. Bad me! To all of you with babies at home, this column is for you. Mothering someDanielle one who can’t talk, Wilson sign or even smile is hard work. It’s frustrating, it’s lonely and it’s all-consuming. There are no breaks, no thanks and no pay raises. You behave like a raving lunatic at the most-inopportune moments and have emotional breakdowns over the most trivial of things. You second-guess yourself, ask for help and then promptly resist any and all solicited advice. You curse your husband and other children, worship caffeine and Hershey kisses and question your decision and determination to breastfeed all within a single 3 a.m. crying session

(your crying session). And you pretend you’re happy when an old lady stops you in the produce aisle to ogle your newborn and then make obscene gestures behind her back when she says, “These are the best days of your life, honey.” These are not the best days of your life. I promise. And you are not a bad mother, you are not a bad wife and you are most certainly not alone if you ever wonder why on earth you thought it would be a good idea to reproduce. As someone who has survived those dark times, I want to offer hope to those of you still stumbling around without a flashlight. I had a 2-year old and 2-month old twins when 9/11 went down. I distinctly remember my mother-in-law calling me around 8:30 that morning as I sat on the floor feeding babies and changing diapers while watching Bob the Builder. She said, “Turn on the news.” Delirious from my 16th all-nighter in a row, I switched the channel to NBC, watched in horror as the towers collapsed, called my husband at work and then went back to the daily grind of caring for three babies. Essentially, I blew off the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history because I was too caught up in my own war at home. Looking back

on it now, I can’t believe how callously I behaved towards the events of that week. But as any postpartum mom will tell you, you enter a personal hell once you give birth and don’t escape for months, sometimes years. The good news? This is all totally normal. As your baby gets older and you get more sleep, you’ll have more good days than bad, and eventually you may even consider having another child. But it takes a while (and often months worth of play-date therapy and perhaps a return to your nicotine addiction) to get there. The important thing is to keep a sense of humor, reach out to other moms and ask for help if you need it. This is not the time to play Joan of Arc, nor the time to compare yourself to the beautiful people on television and in People. They all have nannies. Alright, enough validation. I’m off to finish Potter in preparation for the sixth movie, which comes out in July 2009. If only my infant niece would can it. I just want five stinkin’ minutes to myself for the love of Pete. Ugh, newborns. Peace out.


Reis-Nichols raises more than $10,000 - After two months of collecting money for the Red Cross through their watch battery replacement program, Reis-Nichols Jewelers raised more than $10,000 for the organization to help Hoosiers affected by this summer’s flooding. Instead of charging customers for the batteries, Reis-Nichols replaced them for free and asked patrons to add $5 to the in-store donation box. The company matched all donations, as they do with all local charities in the program. The total was $10,650, which shows how Hoosiers have stepped in to help those affected by the disastrous flooding.

attention new moms: it gets better

Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


Carmel Earns Designation as an IACT Green Community - The Indiana Association of Cities and Towns (IACT) announced that the City of Carmel has been designated as an IACT Green Community. The City of Carmel received its designation during an Annual Awards Luncheon on Oct. 13 during the 2008 IACT Annual Conference & Exhibition IACT launched the Green Communities Initiative to identify potential cost savings to communities facing budget shortfalls, promote economically competitive quality of life concepts and ultimately serve as role models for citizens as our country attempts to wean itself off of foreign oil while better protecting our environment. LIONS PANCAKE BREAKFAST - The Carmel Lions Club fall pancake breakfast offers pancakes, blueberries, sausage, orange juice, milk and coffee – all you can eat! Come out Oct. 18, from 7-11 a.m. Advance ticket prices are $5 each for adults, $4 each for children (age 2 and under free). Tickets at the door are $6 for adults and $5 for children. Please visit www.carmellions. org for more information.

The Monon Center will incur a significant budget deficit this year. Estimates for the shortfall range from $600,000 to about $1.2 million. Clay Township Board member Paul Bolin introduced several possible solutions to SHARP the shortfall at the Oct. 6 city council meeting, including moving money from the city’s broad parks fund to the Monon Center’s specific fund or tapping into an $800,000 uncommitted fund leftover from 2002. No new taxes will be required under any of the proposals. “The important thing is that we figure out how to prevent this from happening (in the future),” Bolin said. City and township officials expect the facility, which opened in May 2007, to require funding for its first five years of operation. But they didn’t expect the shortfall to be this extreme. Further complicating the issue, officials said, was the Carmel Clay Parks Board’s failure to notify the city and township of the problem until recently. City council President Rick Sharp said he first learned of the shortfall from an article in the newspaper.

“We represent the taxpayers, who will make up 80-percent of the deficit under any measure, and we were completely in the dark about what was going on,” he said. Parks board members had numerous opportunities this summer to warn officials of a possible shortfall, said township board Chairman Mary Eckard, but each Eckard time they insisted everything was “fine.” “That would have been the time to say something,” Eckard said. But parks board Vice President Susannah Dillon said the township and parks boards saw the same financial statements at the same time. “(Eckard) gets all those reports,” Dillon said. “She doesn’t read them.” Officials agree the statements, which the boards receive on a two-month delay, are often confusing and difficult to read. Dillon said her husband recently began simplifying the reports on his own computer. Parks board treasurer Judy Hagan said the department waited to ask for money until it could determine the severity of the shortfall, which wasn’t until early September because of the reporting delay. The board first discussed the issue soon afterward, she said, at its Sept. 9 meeting.

Eckard said she didn’t learn of the shortfall until the week of the last township board meeting on Sept. 23. James Engledow, president of the parks board, said the shortfall was “obvious” in July, when the board saw the first financial statements from June. He said the board should have warned the city and township sooner. “We blew it,” he said. The Monon Center was “devastated” this summer by frequent storms, Dillon said, which forced both the indoor and outdoor pools to close numerous times. The pools are the center’s primary source of income. Engledow said storms force the center into an awkward position, forcing it to choose whether to close or wait for the weather to clear. “If we wait, we have to keep the staff around,” he said. “We’re walking a fine line between running a good business and providing good customer service.” The board will implement numerous changes next year to account for lost revenue, Engledow said, including adopting a new lifeguarding system and more closely monitoring staff expenses. The current revenue crisis will move to city council’s parks and recreation committee today, Sharp said. The committee will meet with township and parks officials to determine the best solution and make a recommendation to the council.

Case named Top 500 by Qualified Remodeler Case Handyman and Remodeling of Carmel was recently recognized by Qualified Remodeler magazine as one of the top remodeling firms in the nation. Qualified Remodeler, which serves 82,000 remodeling firms nationwide, releases a top 500 listing each year. The top 500 listing considers six areas when reviewing remodeling firms. These areas include annual sales volume for the previous year, total number of years in business, association membership, certified employees on staff, industry awards and community service. In order to be considered, companies submit an application letter or an audited statement by their CPA to verify their total volume of sales.

Kelley School of Business alumni events On Oct. 15, the 2008 recipient of the Kelley School of Business Distinguished Entrepreneur Award, Mark Roesler, will host Kelley alumni at CMG Worldwide headquarters for a networking reception, remarks, and tour of his museum of celebrity memorabilia. The event will run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Further details and online registration are available at www. kelley.iu.edu/alumni/calendar.

ee st at e!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

HOLIDAY AUCTION - The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Central Indiana will be holding its second annual 12 Days of Christmas holiday auction on Nov. 2. The event will take place at the festive Oak Hill Mansion located at 116th and Hazel Dell Parkway in Carmel. Hors d’ Oeuvres, beer and wine will be served during the auction from 2-5 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 a couple and are available by calling 317-824-4820 weekdays, or by e-mailing Christine at clamar@mdausa.org.

By Bryan Unruh Current in Carmel

aC r

Main Street Sidewalk Project - Workers are constructing a sidewalk on the north side of Main Street from 4th Avenue SW to Guilford Avenue. The road will not be closed during construction, but lane closures will occur. The sidewalk is expected to be completed in approximately 60 days.

city examines monon center deficit




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CHS orchestra raising the bar



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riginally opened in 1916, Cup is by invitation only and Carmel was the Hilbert Circle Theatre is sought out by officials of the event. By considered to be one of the all accounts, there is a great chance that a great symphony halls in the trophy could grace the halls of a glass-enIndianapolis area for discrimi- closed case in a CHS hallway. The concert nating musicians. So imagine at Hilbert Circle Theatre is in the excitement and enthusiasm some sense a warm-up for the building as members of the concert in New York. What a Carmel High School Orchestra great chance for us to support prepare to grace the Hilbert our Carmel kids and purchase stage for a concert on Oct. 21. tickets for the event. Proceeds Last year, newly hired Carmel from the Oct. 21 concert will High School Orchestra Director help defray costs to New York. Soo Han boldly decided that The Carmel-Clay eighthduring his inaugural year he grade festival orchestra will would enter the students in the open the evening. This repreState Orchestra Contest. Carmel sents a first time opportunity had been absent from the annual for the upcoming generation competition for several previous of high school performers to Jeff years. If you have heard them collaborate with their mentors. play, you know what I mean Then during the high school Worrell when I say they are GOOD. So performance, Zach DePue, it will not shock you that even with a new Indianapolis Symphony Concert Master, director and little competition experience, will perform with the CHS Orchestra. Carmel took first place at state. Seeking out Hope Wagner and Lois Wyant, members this year’s challenge, Han has set his sights on of the Carmel Orchestra Parents Club, are The National Orchestra Cup at the Lincoln working behind the scenes to make everyCenter in New York City this April. thing come together. Contact Wyant at Han will be the first to tell you that 317-663-4798 for more information. it is not so much about the competition Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He and bringing home a trophy, but more recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with about the art, the ability to perform at the Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at Lincoln Center and the exposure for the kids to hard work. The National Orchestra jworrell@advantagemedical.com

1065 3rd Ave. S.W., Carmel, IN 46032


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com



O’Dea truly an inspiration

I would like to thank Jeff Worrell for his recent column about “O’Dea’s Legacy� in the creation of the Carmel Clay Veterans Memorial. Mike O’Dea lost his battle with brain cancer and Heaven has gained a new saint. Like Jeff, I witnessed Mike’s quiet, humble and generous spirit for the last two years. Asked to chair a new committee for the Indiana Subcontractor’s Association to begin anew a process that leads to the annual selection of high school graduates for college scholarships in construction studies, I had the pleasure of Mike serving alongside me. As a member of the faculty of Purdue’s Construction Management Program who had also spent many years in the industry, I could not have found a more dedicated and knowledgeable committee member. For the last two years, the ISA ran short of funds because we had so


many deserving students. Mike quietly got his checkbook out and helped make up the ayS ayS ayS d d d 4 2 3 difference both times. We both enjoyed in in in interviewing the students together for the Sold Sold Sold last two years. Mike was an inspiration to Caution me and he will surely be missed. I called his ion t u a C wife, Carol, after learning of his sudden loss Caution Caution to tell a woman whom I’ve never met what Caution tion It au Mike meant to me andCour committee. yS dayS dayS was not an easy conversation, but after the 2 8 5 da 1 1 n n n i i i call, I went out to my backyard and looked Sold Sold Sold into the setting sun in the beautiful fall uti on dusk sky and remembered theCa words of the Caution Caution Caution great hymn “Sine Nomine�, often sung on Caution Caut the Sunday after All Saints’ Day (11/1). Knowing that Mike had been a warrior, and a faithful one at that, I took a few moments dayS ayS ng in i d 1 d 2 9 n to tell Mike how much I appreciated him, n n i i pe S Sold Sold how much he inspired me and how much 4 day 2 he will be missed. Ridge Miller, Carmel

Guru gets it wrong

I find it ironic that I counted three major grammar errors in your article from the Grammar Guru (“Can’t We All Just Get Along?�). For example, she ended her first sentence of the article with a preposition “to,� which is considered poor grammar. Moreover, she wrote “If everybody was plural,� which is a failure to use of the subjunctive mood (it should have read “If everybody were plural.�). Furthermore, in the last paragraph the

Grammar Guru wrote “so don’t feel badly if you make this mistake.� “Feel,� in the context of this sentence is a linking verb, referring to an emotional state, for which the proper modifier would be “bad,� not “badly.� “Badly� would imply that “feel� is an action verb referring to the physical act of touching something, which was not the case in this particular sentence. Yes, Grammar Guru, we can all get along, if we practice what we preach.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008








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teeth whiteNiNG



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31 GULF VIEW CONDOS - Panama City Beach, FL: Spec views, in and out pools, private beach, two- and four-bedrooms, fitness center. Sells regardless of price. No min. No res. WINNETKA SEALED BID SALE Winnetka, IL: Luxury home with coach house, pool, sandy beach, tennis court, two acres.

HOUSTON HIGHRISE CONDOS FROM LOW $200k - Houston, TX: Roof-top pool, health club, great views, close to everything.


David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com.


FORT LAUDERDALE OCEAN ESTATE - Fort Lauderdale, FL: Ocean views, six-bedroom, 6.5 bathrooms, pool, spa, maid quarters, wine cellar.

Rhodium - Last seen in: Catalytic converters, jewelry; Special powers: White in color, highly conductive of electricity. How to play it: Stillwater Mining (SWC). Ruthenium - Last seen in: Fountain pens, hard drives; Special powers: Does not tarnish; easy to shape; How to play it: Start a hedge fund and call Deutsche Bank, which began trading minor metals for clients last year.

much video. Yet the collective YouTube community produces it each day. Other examples of online properties (websites) that are jammed full of UGC - MySpace, Flickr, LinkedIN, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia. Millions of people willingly provide the content that makes these online destinations work. The value of visiting is directly related to the other people - your friends or network. The audience grows exponentially through invitations from people who are sharing and consuming content. The “network effect” results in a catastrophic wave of people that share and consume. So how does this redefine marketing? People connect with people, not companies. People trust other people, not companies. People like you and me want to do business with other people like you and me, not companies. Marketing efforts have been redefined and now must have a central architecture of participation so people can connect with people. Is your effort to build relationships with potential clients, current clients and others relying on corporate telling or participation that leads to connection? Nobody likes to be told, they like to discover for themselves.

NORTHERN ROCKIES LUXURY CONDOS - Whitefish, MT: Resort style in great outdoors. Two- and three bedrooms, lodge, spas, fitness center, much more. Were low $300k – Bids start $99k. TWO SARASOTA WATERFRONT ESTATES - Sarasota, FL: Modern Masterpiece and Mediterranean Grandeur estates. No reserve. For more information on these and other real estate deals, visit www. toptenrealestatedeals.com.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

FIVE HOT COMMODITIES Vanadium - Last seen in: Military vehicle armor, engine parts; Special powers: Increases strength and rust resistance when mixed with other metals. How to play it: Denison Mines (DML) digs up uranium and gets vanadium as a byproduct. Molybdenum- Last seen in: Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers; Special powers: Mixed with steel to increase corrosion resistance. How to play it: Mining company Thompson Creek (TC). Cobalt - Last seen in: Rechargeable batteries, vitamin B-12, glass; Special powers: A blue tint; retains strength at high temperatures; How to play it: The London Metal Exchange will begin offering futures contracts next year.


verything is more fun with you there. That’s the founding principle of user-generated content known simply as UGC. Ever heard of it? It is content (text, pictures, video - anything) that is produced and made public by the user, not some faceless company. And it’s a big deal on the Internet. As the fabric and lifestyle of America is revealed through the backgrounds in videos and pictures supplied by any random David Cain person in their baseMarketing ment, backyard and bedroom, it’s beginning to look like people enjoy being voyeurs. Call it the reality generation or the “I like feeling normal” club, but people have a fondness for watching and seeing inside the lives of others. YouTube, one of the top public websites for UGC, produces over 3,200 hours of user content each day. It’s been estimated that over 90 percent of this content is new, never before seen. Think about that number. If I worked 52 weeks year for 55 hours a week, I couldn’t produce that


With crash comes opportunity - If you are already fully invested in the market and you’ve been getting killed this year, here is a small sliver of good news. This crash, unlike many, has been across the board. Top quality stocks, and even many bonds, have come down in price along with the riskier and more volatile assets. And that’s actually good news, because it means it is much easier to adjust your portfolio than it would be otherwise. Compare that to the last crash, in 2000-2003. When that hit, lots of people discovered they owned far too many dot-coms and “growth” stocks, and far too few bonds and blue chip “value” stocks. This time around, things are a little different. If you talk to fund managers, they’re going around right now muttering “nothing works.” Pretty much every strategy and asset class has been pummeled. Crisis, goes the cliché, means opportunity. And the fact that everything has been pummeled actually makes it easier to switch.

The companies you keep



Before & After

By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus before

Jazz up your exterior. Small changes that enhance curb appeal will swiftly pay for themselves, by creating a quicker sale. Statistics show us that the faster the sale, the more money the seller puts in his or her pocket. Why? Motivated buyers are more concerned about other buyers when a well-priced property is first listed. If the home shows well and your price is right, the home has a great chance to sell quickly. So consider a home facelift for less than $5,000. Custom Cedar shutters: $1,500. Six Decorative Corbels on front porch: $40 per = $240. Fiber Cement Cedar Shake board on home front: $500-$750. Home Exterior Painting: $2,000. Contact us for a list of quality craftsmen,


decorators, installers, painters, roofers, and other trades that were involved with this project. We would be happy help to refer them to you and help eliminate frustration. John Pacilio and his team specialize in Carmel real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@ JohnPacilio.com.

NOW OPEN Petland


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Owners: Juan and Carmen Lopez Address: 1461 U.S. Highway 31, Suite E-1 Carmel, IN 46032 Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sunday 12:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Phone: 317-569-7382 Website: www.petlandcarmel.com Petland returned to the Village Park Plaza on Oct. 4, celebrating its grand reopening after being closed since July. New owners Juan and Carmel Lopez hope to establish a renewed focus on community involvement and customer service. “Our mission is to match the right pet with the right family,” Juan said.

Formerly the vice president of sales at the Aluminum Company of America, Lopez brings a hefty business background to the franchise. “I wanted to have my own business,” he said, “and there is nothing better than being with animals.” The store offers free microchips, training DVDs and up-todate vaccinations with all of its pets.

MONEY MATTERS What effect will your personal financial situation have on your vote in the upcoming election?

“Probably a lot. It’s a good opportunity to make a change.” Linda Shupe works in Carmel

“None, because my personal investments will not be impacted.” Luci Snyder Carmel

“I am pro-life, and to me there is no issue that trumps the life issue. I don’t think either candidate can solve the financial crisis.” June Blanchard Carmel

The red, white and food



n the late 1600s Irish writer and It was maddening. Oops, I forgot. People politician Sir Richard Steele said, have too much information coming at “Reading is to the mind what exercise them these days. My bad. is to the body.” What an interesting Now we have a financial crisis in part statement as applied to because people can’t pay their our present culture. How do we mortgages. Much of the critiAmericans measure up in the cism is directed at those mean 21st century? I don’t think we’re old “predatory lenders” who faring very well. Don’t get me took advantage of people and wrong – I love this country, and let them buy too much house. I still firmly believe that it’s the Mean old bankers. We should greatest in the world. However, send them to bed without any we need a swift kick. supper. Last week I found myself Am I making any sense? with a couple of hours to kill in We’re losing it, folks. America the Atlanta airport. I took a seat is becoming bloated and dumb. in a food court to read a book I The world is laughing at us. just bought. Soon after I began Where’s our hunger to learn? reading, however, I became capWhere’s our work ethic? Why Kent Burns tivated with people-watching don’t we value actually earning On Success on the escalator nearby. What anything anymore? What hapstruck me was the percentage of pened to personal responsibilthem that were overweight. With a fitness ity? People like you and me have to rise club on every corner these days, what’s the up and meet this challenge. Our children’s scoop? Oh yeah, it’s those bad fast food future (and ours) depends on it. restaurants – they’re to blame. Many times so far this year, I’ve sent out Kent Burns is a Carmel resident, investor and co-founder of CrossConfirm. He is also a profesemails that were quite clear and relatively sional speaker and author of What’s Your Why? concise. What happens? I get phone calls His blog is www.kentburnsblog.com, and he and emails that make it painfully obvious can be reached at kent@currentincarmel.com. that people didn’t really read the message.

Seeing around corners

Mr. Gross recommends staying liquid and in high-quality securities such as short-term government bonds.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


nvestor Bill Gross may not be a brothers helped cause as they took the household name, but has particular money from the first window but failed to clout on Wall Street as his West coast deliver the goods in the second. This fear firm, Pimco, has grown into one of has turned into outright panic in many the largest bond mutual fund manag- instances, with businesses and individuers on the planet. His knowledge als tripping over each other to of how the credit markets funcquickly cash out of their stocks tion has made him a billionaire and bonds and move into liquid with an uncanny ability to see U.S. Treasury securities. around corners while most invesWhat will it take to get the tors focus too much on the past. market functioning in a normal A recent commentary of his fashion? Mr. Gross recomposted on the Pimco website mends staying liquid and in offered one of the simplest explahigh-quality securities such as nations I’ve seen of the current short-term government bonds. credit crisis and how it is affectI’ll add to that list by suggesting the economy. The particular ing equity investors look to section speaks for itself: “Imagine blue chip stocks, such as GE, yourself at the drive-thru orderProcter & Gamble, and, yes, Ryan ing a Big Mac. At one window McDonald’s. You’ll take some Fuhrmann you order and pay, at the other lumps as the market has yet to – 20 feet ahead – you pick up establish a bottom, but who your lunch. What if you thought that after said seeing around the corner was going to paying at the first window, your 1000be easy? So far in history, the market has calorie sandwich might not be waiting never failed to fully recover. for you a few seconds later. You might Ryan Fuhrmann, CFA, is a freelance investnot pay; business as usual might not take ment writer/analyst based in Carmel. Feel place. That is what is happening in the free to contact him at Fuhrmanncapital@ credit markets.” gmail.com or or visit his website at www. He described this phenomenon as “McFear”, which is what firms like Lehman RationalAnalyst.com.



DISPATCHES FREE ANEURYSM SCREENING - Many patients who suffer an aneurysm, stroke or heart attack do not exhibit any symptoms before it happens. To provide better preventive, diagnostic and surgical treatments, Clarian North Medical Center offers vascular surgery services. In conjunction with free vascular surgery services, there will be free Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screenings on Oct. 16, from 8 a.m. to noon at Clarian North Medical Center. If you or someone you know could benefit from this life-saving test, please call 800-265-3220 to schedule. All interested individuals must register.

Six Great ‘Good-Fat’ Foods GROUND FLAX SEEDS

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

SLOW AND STEADY - Research backs the idea that eating more slowly leads to eating less. In a study of young normalweight women, the group that was told to eat as much as they wanted as quickly as they could ate 10-percent more than the group told to eat slowly, putting down their spoons between bites and chewing each bite 20 to 30 times. The women in the slow group also tended to feel fuller longer. - Nutrition Action Health Letter

Perhaps the easiest way to get a good dose of good fats is from a handful of walnuts. One ounce has a whopping 2.6 grams. Eating tip: Add walnuts to salads or toss in the food processor to mix with basil for walnut pesto, or with chickpeas to make walnut hummus. Or munch on homemade spiced-up nuts.



Fatty fish like mackerel, salmon and swordfish are highest in these good fats. One four-ounce wild Atlantic salmon fillet has 1.7 grams of omega 3s, and one four-ounce can of sardines has 1.8 grams.

This light, flavorful oil has a nutty taste that can enhance almost any dish (add to beans or pasta, for example). Just one tablespoon contains 1.4 grams of omega3 fatty acids. Eating tip: Substitute walnut oil in many recipes that call for olive, canola or peanut oil.


NEW HEALTHFINDER.GOV - An improved and more accessible version of healthfinder.gov, a federal Web site designed to help people stay healthy, was launched today by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Its new design and interactive health management tools make information resources more accessible and easier to use for consumers and professionals. Healthfinder.gov’s features include links to over 6,000 government and nonprofit health information resources on hundreds of health topics. For more information, please visit healthfinder. gov and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and its National Health Information Center at http://odphp.osophs.dhhs.gov.


Flax seeds are super-rich in good fats. Just one ounce contains 1.8 grams of omega-3s. A recent study in Nutrition Journal found that men and women who followed an omega-3–rich diet from consuming extra walnuts and flaxseeds for six weeks showed improved measures of bone health. Eating tip: Sprinkle ground flaxseeds on just about anything: cereal, pasta, veggies. Grind whole flaxseeds in your coffee grinder, then store in the fridge for a few days. (They go rancid easily.)

Wheat germ is the part of a wheat kernel that contains most nutrients of the grain. One half cup has around 1/2 gram of omega-3s. Eating tip: Sprinkle on a variety of foods from breakfast cereal, to yogurt or pasta. Or incorporate it into recipes such as muffins and pancakes. But keep it in the fridge or freezer after opening to preserve the good fats.


Fresh-boiled edamame and other soybean foods like tofu are high in alpha-linolenic acid. Just one cup of edamame has 0.6 grams of omega 3s, more than one-third of your daily quota. Eating tip: This finger-friendly bean snack used to be only found at sushi restaurants. Now most grocery stores sell frozen soybeans in the pod or shelled. All you do is boil them in salted water and they’re ready to eat!

- Health.msn.com

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How to Protect Yourself from Daytime Sleepiness Does sleepiness affect your commute or workday? Try some of these solutions.

Form a sleep carpool. Ask a friend to take turns driving and napping on alternate days. “This can work as long as the driver doesn’t need to be stimulated by your conversation to stay awake,” says Downey. Change your schedule.

“Talk to your boss about telecommuting or flexible hours” says Dr. Quan. “If you work four 10-hour days, get enough sleep on those days to safely go to and from work.”

Seek sunshine. “In the morning, get as much bright light exposure as possible,” says Dr. Davila. Get off the train a stop early and walk to work, take a walk around your block before driving to work, or park a few blocks away from the office. Sleep on the clock. If you have permission, taking a nap during work hours is useful, says Dr. Quan. “Even 15 minutes will help a person get through the day.” If you commute on a train or bus,

Prepare for the drive.

Drink a cup of coffee or take a 20-minute nap, then drive home, says Downey. “Those are the best antidotes we know of to decrease drowsy driving.” If you still feel your eyes drooping when you’re on the road, pull over: Once you’re starting to nod off, the safest thing to do is get out of the car.

Skip late-night TV. Go to bed at 10:30, says Downey. If you’re addicted to The Daily Show, record it and watch it during breakfast, so you aren’t out of the loop at the water cooler. Talk to your doctor. It’s normal to have a few stressful days at the office or feel overworked and sleep-deprived every so often, but if you notice that you’re not feeling better after a number of weeks—or that your sleepiness has become an everyday, all-the-time feeling, you may need to be screened for a sleep disorder. Conditions such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy can make people more prone to falling asleep during daily activities. Or, if it’s really your sleep habits and schedule that need adjusting, your doctor may guide you in making lifestyle changes that can help you rest easier. - Health.com

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Work out. “Exercising in the morning increases alertness, which can help with your commute,” says Dr. Davila. If you’re sleepy after work, exercise before commuting home (between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.), for “alertness enhancement” and improved nighttime sleeping.

that might also be an opportunity to slip in a quick nap—but in either case, set an alarm so you won’t oversleep.



Tuesday, October 14, 2008



Fern R. Idle Leslie, 92, of Carmel and formerly from Lafayette, passed away Oct. 2. She was born on Dec. 10, 1915, in Pulaski County to the late Clarence and Laura Gripe Idle. Fern enjoyed working with crafts and especially loved to bake pies for her family. She was devoted to reading and studying the Bible. In addition to her parents, Fern was preceded in death by her husband, Byrel L. Leslie, and brothers, Kenneth and Robert Idle. Survivors include son, James (Jeanetta) Leslie; granddaughters, Jill (Todd) Leslie-Palmer and Jennifer (Kevin) Jones; great grandson, Drew Palmer and a new Jones great-grandchild expected in February; sisters, Ruby Inman and Virgie Irmeger. Family and friends gathered on Oct. 6 in Leppert Mortuary, Smith Carmel Chapel where the funeral service was held on Oct. 7. You are invited to visit www.leppertmortuary. com where you may share a memory, sign the guest book or make a memorial contribution to St Vincent Hospice, 8450 N Payne Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. The Leslie family wishes to express their sincere appreciation to Joyce Callahan along with the loving and caring staff at Crown Pointe for the care given to their mother. Carolyn Sue Tyson, 70, of Indianapolis, passed away Sept. 30. She was born on Nov. 10, 1937, to the late Franklin Hall and Merle Hall Prewitt in Selma, CA. Carolyn was an honors student at North Kansas City High School, Christian College in Columbia, MO, and the University of Missouri. She was a member of Pi Phi sorority at M.U. While in school, Carolyn participated in synchronized swimming, appeared in several musicals which included the lead in Time For Ginger and a comic role in Pajama Game. She graduated with honors with her major in foreign languages. After graduating from M.U., Carolyn became the youngest female Registered Representative on the New York stock exchange. On May 6, 1961, Carolyn married Ray Tyson in Kansas City, MO. They had met in high school in 1953. In 1963, Carolyn gave birth to their first daughter, Jennifer, and retired from the brokerage business. In 1970, her second daughter, Stephanie, was born. In addition to raising her family, Carolyn took an active role as Corporate Secretary and Treasurer of Tyson Corporation, which was founded by her husband. Tyson Corporation is still active in manufacturing, sales and leasing of commercial structures. During her adult life Carolyn became an avid tennis player and participated in the support and growth of the sport. She organized and coached youth teams and was a committee chairwoman for the professional Indianapolis Tennis Tournament, receiving the “Methuselah� award for her long service to the tournament. She played in many competitive tournament singles and doubles, locally, as well as several on the west coast. In addition to tennis, Carolyn and the family enjoyed sailing and snow skiing. Carolyn supported diabetes research during her lifetime and has served on the Board of Directors of the Indiana Diabetes Association. Although never professionally, Carolyn’s talent in home design and decorating was one of her passions. It was a commonplace for friends and acquaintances to seek her advice in those areas. Carolyn and Ray designed and built their last two homes. Survivors include her husband, Ray Tyson; daughters, Jennifer Moe and Stephanie Craft; grandchildren, Michael Moe, Mathew Moe, Jeremy Craft and Shelby Craft. Family and friends are invited to a memorial held by the Tyson family on Sunday, Oct. 19, from 2-5 p.m. in the Crystal Catering Fountains Center, 502 E Carmel Drive, Carmel, IN. Please visit www.leppertmortuary.com where you may share a memory, sign the guest book or in lieu of flowers, make a donation to the Diabetic Foundation, on line at www.diabetes.org, “Make a Memorial Donation�. Arrangements with care entrusted to Leppert Mortuary, Smith Carmel Chapel.


October 6 12:10:35 a.m., security check, 11925 N Meridian St 12:14:34 a.m., juvenile complaint, 1257 Spruce Drive

1:00:55 a.m., domestic, 3735 East106th St 4:30:12 a.m., animal complaint, 121 1st St Ne 6:05:56 a.m., security check, 545 S Rangeline Road 6:41:46 a.m., security check, 1215 S Rangeline Road 7:06:56 a.m., directed patrol, Lexington Boulevard / East Main Street 7:18:08 a.m., theft, 11 Shore Circle 7:28:07 a.m., investigation, 4100 96th St 7:35:33 a.m., directed patrol, Concord Court / Lexington Boulevard 7:39:54 a.m., burglary, 10291 N Meridian St 7:46:13 a.m., driving complaint, North Meridian Street / I 465 E 8:02:22 a.m., directed patrol, Saddleback Drive / Bennett Road 8:06:22 a.m., animal complaint, 9 Lansdowne Lane 8:21:05 a.m., directed patrol, 1040 Nevelle Lane 8:23:52 a.m., criminal mischief, 1195 Central Park Drive W 8:42:48 a.m., alarm burglar, 1020 W 116th St 8:45:23 a.m., investigation, 520 E Main St 9:00:34 a.m., security check, 10909 Gray Road 9:11:38 a.m., acc pd, West 103rd St / North Meridian Street 9:19:02 a.m., alarm burglar, 858 Rosalind Place 9:25:09 a.m., investigation, West 116th St / St Andrews Lane 9:45:36 a.m., directed patrol, East 146th St / Stephanie Street 9:46:11 a.m., investigation, Pennsylvania Street / East 111th St 9:43:24 a.m., theft, 9777 College Ave 10:04:57 a.m., investigation, 5535 E 131st St 10:08:17 a.m., theft, 5747 Prelude Lane 10:21:05 a.m., security check, 2700 W 116th St 10:23:44 a.m., alarm burglar, 1832 Milford St 10:31:03 a.m., alarm burglar, 13744 Fieldshire Ter 10:40:25 a.m., directed patrol, 931 N Rangeline Road 10:43:12 a.m., investigation, East 116th St / Keystone Avenue N 11:00:43 a.m., investigation, 3 Civic Sq 11:15:33 a.m., harassment, 1412 S Rangeline Road 11:22:49 a.m., security check, 1430 E 96th St 11:26:08 a.m., security check, 1300 E 96th St 11:34:03 a.m., security check, 1235 Central Park Drive E 11:43:24 a.m., investigation, Brunswick Drive / Lakeshore Drive E 11:55:53 a.m., alarm burglar, 1832 Milford St 11:54:38 a.m., alarm burglar, 12985 Fleetwood Drive N 12:01:25 p.m., theft, 1145 Golfview Drive 12:42:36 p.m., alarm hold up, 12414 Heatherstone Place 12:52:49 p.m., security check, 10909 Gray Road 1:03:22 p.m., traffic hazard, West 116th St / North Meridian Street 1:30:35 p.m., alarm burglar, 3210 Ferrell Drive 1:13:15 p.m., theft, 13496 Shakamac Drive 1:45:27 p.m., theft, 1421 S Rangeline Road 1:33:03 p.m., alarm burglar, 1216 Claridge Way N 2:18:17 p.m., acc pi, 32 I 465 E 2:28:07 p.m., acc pd, I 465 W / N Meridian St 2:47:33 p.m., alarm burglar, 2530 Milano Drive 2:57:54 p.m., assist public, 300 W Carmel Drive 3:06:02 p.m., directed patrol, 2450 E 136th St 3:03:43 p.m., acc pd, East 96th St / Westfield Boulevard 3:25:32 p.m., theft, 1428 Springmill Ponds Blvd 3:29:36 p.m., solicitor, North Meridian Street / West Carmel Drive 3:00:03 p.m., animal complaint, West Main Street / Monon Trail 3:29:45 p.m., animal complaint, 225 Boulder Court 4:43:25 p.m., found/lost property, 3003 E 98th St 4:42:19 p.m., animal complaint, 10635 Westfield Blvd 4:56:07 p.m., directed patrol, 746 Hickory Drive 5:04:09 p.m., alarm hold up, 1 E Carmel Drive 5:23:38 p.m., traffic hazard, 580 E Carmel Drive 5:34:50 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 5:25:12 p.m., acc pd, East 96th St / Keystone Avenue N 5:43:15 p.m., harassment, 520 E Main St 6:01:40 p.m., animal complaint, 12051 Hampton Court 6:36:37 p.m., theft, 99 2nd Ave Sw 6:49:08 p.m., driving complaint, North Meridian Street / West 136th St 7:00:04 p.m., traffic hazard, North Meridian Street / East 106th St 7:00:54 p.m., driving complaint, 703 Pro Med Lane 7:28:02 p.m., alarm burglar, 12070 Abney Run Drive 7:38:20 p.m., alarm burglar, 11611 N Meridian St 7:49:44 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 7:58:00 p.m., burglary, 824 Hawthorne Drive 8:11:15 p.m., security check, 10909 Gray Road 8:24:35 p.m., welfare check, 219 Surry Hill Court 8:37:52 p.m., f alarm commercial, 14395 Clay Terrace Blvd 8:59:57 p.m., acc pd, 3529 Brian Place 9:04:14 p.m., security check, 1424 W Carmel Drive 9:32:56 p.m., security check, 12800 Old Meridian St 9:53:19 p.m., assist public, East 96th St / Gray Road 10:24:38 p.m., security check, 2316 E 116th St 10:22:52 p.m., animal complaint, 1282 Bentley Way 10:11:43 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 10:55:12 p.m., security check, 1701 E 116th St


The Carmel Arts Council presents

Moonlight & Music You are cordially invited to join us for a formal evening of cocktails, dinner and entertainment.

Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:00pm–midnight Ritz Charles 12156 North Meridian Street Carmel, Indiana

Proceeds will go to the Michael Feinstein Foundation for the education and preservation of the Great American Songbook.

Open Cocktail & Sushi Bars • Free Valet Parking Black Tie Optional • Silent & Live Auctions Guest Entertainment: Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Guest speaker: Irwin Helford, Chairman, Michael Feinstein Foundation Guest Performer: Catherine Russell, blues, jazz and swing vocalist Dance Band: Blair & Co.

$125 per guest Ticket Information: Linda Bachofner, 317.844.6033 Platinum Sponsors Harris Bank Current in Carmel Gold Sponsor City of Carmel

Silver Sponsor


Table Sponsors


Carmel Arts Council

Dorren Squire Ficara—Executive Director Cherie Piebes—President Frank Whelan—Vice President Janis Wagner—Treasurer Abby Frantz—Secretary


Money matters when it comes to children


uring this financial crisis it is more important than ever to teach our children the value of money and how to appropriate the money they have. Whether it be an allowance or a paycheck, it is absolutely essential for our children to learn how and where their money is being spent. It requires a discipline on our part to effectively establish a discipline on their part. This is what works. This is what every family can Becky Kapsalis begin doing right Ask YiaYia now.


Establish an appropriate weekly allowance per child. Some parents provide age-appropriate allowance. For example: 1-year-old = 1 dollar per week, or if you can only afford $1 per week regardless of age, then by all means allocate only what is affordable. Just be sure you begin with something. Be consistent in your distribution and be disciplined in your follow-through of allocation.


Categorize separate envelopes for the allocation. For example: 1) Fun

Smart Solutions You have worked hard to build and create the life you want— these things deserve to be protected. That is what we do. We are a firm who believes in providing the best, most current, and smartest legal representation available. We work hard every day to ensure that is exactly what our clients get.


Money; 2) Special Project (i.e. bike, ipod, etc.; 3) Charity/Church; 4) Savings.


Each week, set an appropriate amount from the allowance into each category. This can be an even distribution or set at whatever you feel is realistic. From $1 – you can set aside 25 cents for fun money; 35 cents for special projects; 15 cents for charity/church and the remaining 25 cents for savings. I think you get the idea.


Each child is only allowed to spend the money they have in the envelope for the named category. They cannot borrow from the other envelopes.


This applies to all monies received from birthdays, grandparents, baby-


Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified Parent Coach, at askyiayia@indy.rr.com or call 810.9358.

No, it shouldn’t be this hard

Every kid deserves the confidence that comes with a solid start. That’s why Tutoring Club created the most advanced curriculum in tutoring to test and track your child’s performance. And why we guarantee that at Tutoring Club, your child plus 32 hours equals a student an academic level higher.

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Working children must do the same thing. With their paychecks they must determine where and how much they want to allocate to their specific categories. Checking accounts and savings accounts can still provide the proper allocation, but they must save all their spending receipts and total them up at the end of the day to make sure they haven’t gone over their allocation. Credit cards should not be given to children. Debit cards are acceptable if spending is defined and categorized within the limit. The point of all this is to teach our children NOT to spend more than they have and not to borrow. Our financial institutions wouldn’t be in this mess today if they followed that simple rule. Check out www.ynab.com for more information. Hugs!

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Next to Starbucks® and Charter One® at 10460 N. Michigan Rd. Suite 120

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Family Law Estate Planning Bankruptcy Real Estate Education Business

sitting, etc. It must be categorized as noted and allocated.

FOR THE RECORD / Education

11:28:36 p.m., security check, 1235 Central Park Drive E 11:31:01 p.m., harassment, 12525 Old Meridian St October 7 12:16:07 a.m., civil dispute, 13819 Ditch Road 1:13:33 a.m., assist other dept, Golfview Drive / Indian Trail 1:38:59 a.m., suspicious activity, 40 Arrowae Drive 1:51:14 a.m., alarm burglar, 1122 Keystone Way 3:18:49 a.m., alarm burglar, 1320 City Center Drive 6:39:05 a.m., security check, East 126th St / Gray Road 6:49:53 a.m., security check, Hazel Dell Pky / East 131st St 6:58:07 a.m., directed patrol, East Main Street / Lexington Boulevard 7:12:01 a.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 8:07:36 a.m., alarm burglar, 1361 S Rangeline Road 9:11:11 a.m., juvenile complaint, 11002 College Ave 9:46:48 a.m., alarm burglar, 13295 Illinois St 9:47:09 a.m., alarm burglar, 444 W Smokey Row Road 9:50:44 a.m., alarm burglar, 1020 W 116th St 9:58:58 a.m., driving complaint, North Meridian Street / Clay Terrace Boulevard 9:57:53 a.m., theft, 948 Rosalind Place 10:29:05 a.m., investigation, 444 S Rangeline Road 10:32:47 a.m., harassment, 12197 N Meridian St 12:14:41 p.m., animal complaint, 9830 Bauer Drive E 12:31:13 p.m., acc pd, 500 E 96th St 12:34:27 p.m., alarm burglar, 12887 Tuscany Blvd 12:40:07 p.m., investigation, 5148 Crane Lane 12:47:31 p.m., animal complaint, 376 Gradle Drive 1:13:46 p.m., disturbance, 998 S Rangeline Road 1:12:24 p.m., driving complaint, North Meridian Street / Clay Terrace Boulevard 1:53:57 p.m., investigation, Abercorn St / Broad Street 2:09:47 p.m., investigation, 12447 Meeting House Road 2:56:34 p.m., assist public, Broad St / Mercer Street 3:21:52 p.m., theft, 10401 N Meridian St 3:55:30 p.m., alarm hold up, 2375 E 116th St 4:04:10 p.m., domestic, 13819 Ditch Road 4:17:51 p.m., theft, 12657 Treaty Line St 4:40:18 p.m., investigation, East 136th St / Ironwood Drive 4:54:49 p.m., intoxicated person, 1st Ave Nw / West Main Street 5:08:58 p.m., theft, 4683 Grand Haven Lane

ACADEMIC HONOR FOR LOCAL RESIDENT - Brian Orr of Carmel was named to the Dean’s list for the spring 2008 semester of The Johns Hopkins University. To be selected for this honor, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Orr, the son of Michael and Kimberly Orr and a 2008 graduate of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis, majors in neuroscience.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

CHS softball callout meeting thursday - Any Carmel High School girl interested in playing freshman, junior varsity or varsity softball this spring should attend a callout meeting Oct. 16 in Room E201. The after-school meeting will end no later than 3:45 p.m., according to varsity head coach Emily Good. For more information, contact Coach Good at egood@ccs.k12. in.us or (317) 846-7721, ext. 7282. RED CROSS FOOD DRIVE - From Oct. 13 to Oct. 31, Orchard Park students will be collecting items for the annual Red Cross food drive. Donation barrels will be set up at school entrances and at the back exit of the school for before- and after-school enrichment students. To donate or for more information, contact Tim Phares, principal, at 317-848-1918 or tphares@ ccs.k12.in.us.

Taking the phobia out of homophones By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel

the grammar guru




This week’s column comes from English teacher friends of mine and grammarians who email me regularly. This is a common pet peeve of the grammatically correct population. It’s also a common mistake. Homophones. And not just any homophones, mind you. We grammar nuts understand why principle and principal or capitol and capital are difficult. We do not, however, understand the difficulty in four specific sets of homophones: their, they’re, there your, you’re to, two, too its, it’s If you’re a grammarian, your teeth are already merely nubs from the gnashing that these words written incorrectly in print have caused. I had a root canal and crown which I believe to be a direct result of homophone errors. Here’s the breakdown:


Their is a possessive pronoun: I believe that’s their dog. Their legs began to ache at mile fifteen. They’re is a contraction of they are:

They’re going to the park after lunch. He thinks they’re a cute couple. There is a place or direction: I put the book over there. There you are! The problem is that some people just love apostrophes too much. They want to use contractions all the time. The trick (if you can call it that) is to remember that the apostrophe means it’s a contraction, so take it out of contraction form to make certain it still makes sense: They are dog ran away. is obviously incorrect.


Your is a possessive pronoun: Please turn in your work. Where is your T.P.S. report? You’re is a contraction of you are: You’re an idiot! Do you know where you’re going? Again, it’s a matter of knowing whether the contraction is really the form you’re using. Insert the non-contracted words, and you’ll have your answer. To is a preposition or part of the infinitive form of a verb: The rabbit jumped to the log. Do I have to go to the family reunion this year? Two is a number larger than one and


Its is the possessive pronoun: The dog went to get its ball. Don’t drive my car; its tires are low. It’s is the contraction of it is or occasionally it has: It’s supposed to rain tonight. You don’t know where it’s been! This is the one that boggles my mind. The other possessive pronouns don’t have apostrophes, so why does everybody and his brother think that its should have one? Same rule as the other contractions: if it doesn’t make sense when you take it out of the contraction, it’s not correct. Brandie Bohney, an editor for Current Publishing, is a former English teacher who developed a mastery-learning technique for teaching grammar, style and punctuation to high school seniors. If you have a grammar question for her, please email bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com.

Beto Perez, creator of Zumba, is coming to Indiana! 4VOEBZ 0DUPCFS t Q N

CONNECTING WITH CARMEL CONNECTS - Each week, Carmel High School student volunteers work to help increase digital inclusion in Carmel and throughout Indiana. Their organization, Carmel Connects, is a chapter of Net Literacy. Besides refurbishing computers, the students teach Internet safety to youths, and help increase computer and Internet literacy to senior citizens. CHS student Will Petrovic was named Student Chair for the Net Literacy board of directors. CHS MENTORING PROVIDES TRAINING - Twenty-one Carmel High School students are signed up as K-8 mentors this year, a program which allows high school students to visit elementary and middle schools in the district and serve as mentors to younger students. Social studies teacher Robin Pletcher said intensive training is provided before the older students visit their younger colleagues. Beginning this week, they will spend the remainder of the year out in the community mentoring.


smaller than three. Very few people screw this up. Too means “also� or “excessively�: I’d like to eat, too. He chews too loudly. The trick here is to remember that too ends in the double o, so it’s the one that means more. The extra o wants to go along, too, even though it may seem too imposing.




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Tuesday, October 14, 2008



some Advice from Mr. & Mrs. Married

J “

ust stop looking and he will come mature adults, we can handle dating withto you”. out falling apart on our new potentials. “You need to take some time This goes against what the books say, but before you start dating again.” I say throw the book out the window on “You’re only 28. You still have this one. (More on how to date after a plenty of time to find someone breakup at another time). special.” - “You’re 28. You still have Blah, blah, blah. We single plenty of time to find someone people have all heard it before. special!” I am so grateful to my married Funny how the very people friends for all the support and who used to say that to us when love they give, but sometimes we were 28 are the same people I wish they could realize how who now are frantically asking much their advice isn’t, well, too us at age 33, “Have you tried fabulous. Here’s what we singles online dating? Do you have hear a lot: any friends who have single - “Just stop looking and he friends?” Yep, we took our time will come to you.” and didn’t get involved with So since you gave us that Rachael Noble anyone just like you said and advice, we’ve been sitting at now look, we’re old. Singlehood DATING home alone (or with our girlis great, I just find that thinking friends) every single weekend, to be funny. watching reruns of who knows what and When Mr. & Mrs. Married, who I’m so far, guess what? He hasn’t come knocksure have only good intentions, try to ing on our door. If you look at things from give you advice, show them this column. a marketing perspective, not keeping your A little education never hurt anyone and options open just keeps you from not find- maybe they’ll learn that the single life is ing Mr. Right. not as easy as they think. Carry on, single - “You need to take some time before people. We salute you. you start dating again.” Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and Maybe our hearts need a little time contributing columnist. She can be reached at before getting into a “relationship” again, nobleadvice@yahoo.com. but if we play our cards right and are

CARMEL COUGHS IT UP FOR HAIR BALL Somewhere Hairy is smiling. Or at least purring. On Oct. 4, the 2008 Hair Ball, an event inspired by Hairy, a 19-year-old tabby cat that died in 2005, went off without a hitch at the Robert Irsay Charity Pavilion in Carmel. The Hair Ball is a benefit for Spay-Neuter Services of Indiana, Inc., a non-profit organization that makes spay/neuter surgeries accessible to individuals and groups who might otherwise not be able to afford to have their animals sterilized. The annual event is dedicated to raising not only money, but awareness, said Cheri Storms, who leads the planning committee. “It’s named after our cat, Hairy. After he passed away we decided to have a fundraiser to prevent animals from ending up in shelters,” said Storms. “There are too many animals and too few good homes. We really need to go to the root of the problem and that’s with spay and neutering.”


Text and photos By Mike Beas / Current in Carmel


The Hair Ball continues to grow yearly. Attendance in 2007 was estimated at 300, while this year’s gathering, the fourth annual, brought in approximately 400 visitors. FAR LEFT: Spay- and neutering-related items (far left) kept up the browsing. ABOVE: Cheri Storms (left), founder of the fundraiser, chats up to Julie Rhodes. AT LEFT: Christine Jescke, president of SpayNeutering Services of Indiana (left) chats with Maria Konev and her daughter, Alexis.

The Fur Is Flying In at Z-CoiL! Reserve Your Fall/Winter Clog and Boot fitflops Now! Limited quantities are arriving soon Fresh Supplies of fitflops in Patent Leather and Sequins Are Arriving Daily!

Crocs Mammoths Are Here for Kids and Adults!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

0 1 $ Y L ON

Local sixth-graders take roles in The Sound of Music For Current in Carmel

C a r m e l F. C . Tu c ke r O f f i c e


“ Fantastic


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For the months of October and November, 11year-olds Anna Leigh Lasbury and Graham Zima of Carmel are sharing more than a hometown. They’re sharing a family. The von Trapp family, to be precise. “The Sound of Music� is a time-tested classic These sixth-grad- having debuted on Broadway in 1959 before ers play the roles of the movie version was released six years later. Brigitta and Kurt, two of Captain love working with other actors,� he said. Georg von Trapp’s famous seven children in The Sound of Music, on stage at Beef & “I have been in 12 shows, not including a small movie and camps. The one I loved Boards Dinner Theatre through Nov. 23. the most was To Kill A Mockingbird. I Both new to Beef & Boards, neither is played Dill when I was 8.� new to performing. Tickets for the show range from $33 “I started making up my own songs and to $55. The tickets include Chef Odell performing for my parents at age 3,� said Lasbury. “My sister and I were always put- Ward’s specially prepared dinner buffet and the show. Parking is always free. For ting on shows.� tickets, call the box office at 317-872That was only the beginning. 9664. Box office hours are 10 a.m. to 7 For his part, Zima has been performing p.m. daily. for about five years. For more information or show schedule, “(I like) just acting and seeing the visit www.beefandboards.com. audience’s reaction to my acting. I also

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



nothing but compliments and praise from our agents.�






funnel flows into town


ART SHOW AT BRITTON FALLS - Britton Falls in Fishers is host to an Art Show and Sale for the benefit of Breast Cancer Awareness on Oct. 18, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Oct. 19, from noon to 4 p.m. This upscale art venue is being held in Britton Falls’ Chateau and is free to the public. Britton falls is located in Fishers approximately two miles from the new Hamilton Town Center Mall. For more information, visit www.delwebb.com/brittonfalls or email deborah.doodeman@pulte.com. Deb may also be reached by phone at 317-485-7100.

MYSTERY AUTHOR HERE - Michael Z. Lewin, author of Oh Joe, will be at The Mystery Company bookstore on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. to talk about and sign copies of the book. The standalone mystery is set in Indianapolis. For more information, visit www. themysterycompany.com or www. michaelzlewin.org.

Commercial artist Eric Kass opened Funnel (www.funnel.tv) at 12 W. Main St. in July. I spoke with Kass recently to get his perspective on joining the Carmel Arts & Design District. What made you want to open a gallery here?

I’ve lived in Carmel KASS for about five years. When they put up the signs for the Arts & Design District, I was pretty excited about it because it means I don’t have to go somewhere else to do my art. It’s nice to have it in the neighborhood, and I wanted to be a part of it. Before opening Funnel, my studio was in my home. Although I work with people all over the world, I wanted to be more visible in the community here. Also, I want to bring something different to Carmel. My work is more contemporary than what the other galleries have. I want to add to the variety. Are you going to have exhibitions on a regular schedule?

Eventually. Right now in the gallery, I have hung all of my own work. But I plan to bring in other people’s work from around the world. So far, my focus

What: Autumn Magic Festival When: every Friday through Sunday in October Where: French Lick Resort, West State Road 56, French Lick, Ind. Cost: Varies by tour and venue. Details: Celebrate fall foliage in southern Indiana with a visit to West Baden Springs and the French Lick Resort. Every weekend Oct. 1 – Nov. 1 visitors can take guided boat tours on scenic Patoka Lake, ride on the 20-mile vintage railway or arrange for a plane tour over the Hoosier National Forest. In addition, try the Maze of Delights at the French Lick Springs Hotel and enjoy musical entertainment, puppet shows and magicians, with pumpkin painting and fall crafts at KidFest. Info: (888) 936-9360, www.frenchlick.com

has been on moving my studio, which is upstairs. The gallery is more for fun and to bring people in whose art isn’t from here, to introduce them to the Carmel community. What kind of art will you show?

I’m interested in exploring a certain aesthetic. The gallery will be about artists who are doing special things really close to their heart, but who maybe aren’t getting as much attention as I think they deserve – people whose work may be under the radar. The current exhibit is a mixture, mostly works on paper and pieces remaining from projects done for other shows. It includes prints, acrylic and ink paintings, drawings, furniture and conceptual pieces. My most recent work revolves around the Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi, or embracing unconventional beauty. It’s about feeling OK about transitions in life. So a work like “Five Ounces Net” is about a large piece of drawing paper totally changing its form (by turning into ashes when burned). It’s still a piece of paper. Or is it? It’s something different now, but it’s still the essence of that paper. I also make limited-edition wrapping paper, with images drawn from fond memories of my childhood. It’s both useful and beautiful, and intended to dress up the events of our lives. (Note: The gift paper comes rolled in a package of three 28-in. by 40-in. sheets for $8 a roll.)


What is your impression of the District so far?

As soon as I moved in, there was a gallery walk, then Rock the District and another gallery walk, and most recently the International Arts Festival. Although it has been hectic, people have been receptive. I’m really excited to be here. Barbara E. Cohen covers the arts for the Current community newspapers. Please send comments or story ideas to barbara@i-writersstudio.com.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

LESSON ON FRENCH AND ITALIAN BRANDIES - Sample, compare and learn about the difference between Cognacs and Armagnacs and brandies of different ages at Vine and Table Oct. 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. Hayley Cognata, Sales Director for International Beverage Company Inc. (importers of the highly regarded Kelt Cognac, Chateau de St. Aubin Armagnac and La Inga Grappa) will host this event. The cost per person is $20, and you may reserve your place by calling Vine and Table at 317-817-9463.

By Barbara E. Cohen Current In Carmel


McLaughlin’s album is out - Singer-songwriter Jon McLaughlin, a 26-yearold Carmel resident, has released his latest CD, “OK Now”, which is available in stores. The CD’s first single is entitled “Beating My Heart.” The CD’s release came Oct. 7. His debut album, “Indiana”, was released on May 1, 2007.




Pasta … I’ll have Amore

have been told I am a little longwinded, to cut the bull and get to the point. Unfortunately, it’s not in me, so the dilemma begins. Pasta, a great late in the year food, people start to favor this food in all ethnic cuisines. A base starch and cheap meal filler, the fall and winter inspire consumption in abundance. A reliable source of thiamin, niacin, iron and riboflavin, pasta also provides a significant amount of carbohydrates and contributes to Chef Michael our dietary need for Vlasich fiber. With pasta’s Culinary Explorer healthful attributes coupled with its simple requirements for preparation, it’s no wonder this active society seems to have entered into a pasta craze of sorts. Athletes, in particular, rely on pasta because of its energy source and its relatively low calorie and sodium content. The true origins of pasta are unclear to this day, but most Americans continue to associate pasta with Italian cuisine. Legend has it that, back in the 1270’s, Marco Polo returned from his trip to China with a noodle idea which he brought back from the Orient. Contrary to this legend, there is some evidence that ravioli was being made in Italy some 20 years before Marco Polo’s famed trip, so we will never know for sure. Despite the debate over pasta’s true origin, many ethnic cuisines have adopted their own form of pasta. Today, pasta’s international applications range from the Germans’ spaetzli to the Moroccans’ couscous, the Chinese people’s won tons or rice noodles, to the Japanese’s own soba noodles. Many ethnic cuisines have their own unique and delicious variations of pasta, but Americans seem to enjoy the Italian variety the most. Essentially prepared from basic flour and water, the diversity

Villaggio Ristorante and Bar

Belinda Canner hostess at Red Robin

of Italian pasta’s range is seemingly endless in both form and flavor. Familiar flavors include basic egg, spinach, beet or lemon pepper and variations of form include linguini, fettucini and vermicelli, just to skim the surface. Depending on the selection of form and flavor chosen for any given dish, sauce possibilities also seem countless with marinara, Alfredo, clam, meat, etc. The truth is, because of its diversity, one can feast on pasta frequently yet never tire from it due to the immeasurable combination possibilities. In both restaurants in the Marriott Downtown we feature a few of freshly made Italian pastas. One of our bestselling pasta dishes we run as a special is tortellini a la panna, which I would like to share with you as this week’s featured recipe. In the meantime, come visit the chefs and me for some specialty-made pastas. Until next time, bon appétit!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

it’s no wonder this active society seems to have entered into a pasta craze of sorts.

What she likes to eat there? Enchiladas and Mexican steak. What she likes about Queso Blanco. It’s homemade, cozy and very family-oriented. Queso Blanco 102 S. Union St. Westfield, IN 46074 Phone: 317-867-5200 Hours: 11 a.m. – 9 p.m., Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. – 10 p.m., Friday & Saturday

Villaggio Ristorante and Bar resembles a casual Italian dining spot. Guests can feel right at home in shorts and a t-shirt and still be able to have a fine dining experience. Located 15 minutes from downtown Zionsville and only seven minutes from Carmel, Villaggio Ristorante and Bar’s location is easily found. Owner and Executive Chef Emilio Cento has been creating food in the Indianapolis area for over 15 years. Each one of the dishes at Villaggio Ristorante and Bar is handcrafted by Executive Chef Emilio Cento, whose family has been pushing the culinary envelope for three generations. Like the Pasta Gabriele, in memory of long time chef and friend Gabriele Varolli, made with pancetta, peas and fresh basil in a fantastic red sauce, tossed with rigatoni and parmesan.

Tortellini A La Panna One single portion 8 ounces tortellini 3 ounces prosciutto 4 ounces cream 1 ounce butter 3 ounces peas 1 ounce Parmesan cheese 2 ounces sherry Saute prosciutto in butter Add sherry and reduce by one-half Add cream and reduce until thick Add peas, tortellini and cheese

Chef Michael R. Vlasich, CEC, AAC, is a Carmel resident and the executive chef at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. You may email him at chefmichael@currentincarmel.com

The Maverick Ingredients 1 oz. Bourbon 3/4 oz. Simple Syrup 3 Lemon Wedges 1/2 of a Ripe Peach 1 oz. Champagne

Where she likes to eat? Queso Blanco

40 South Main St., Zionsville Phone: (317) 733-3600 Website: www.villaggioristorante.net Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Directions: Muddle the peach and lemon in the simple syrup. Then add the Rye and ice and shake well. Strain into an ice-filled old fashioned glass. Top off with champagne and garnish with a peach slice.

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Muldoon’s 111 W. Main Street, Suite 100, Carmel The Jeff DeHerdt Trio: Thursday from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Rick Stump: Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m.; Visit www. muldoons.net or call 571-1116 for more information. Mickey’s Irish Pub 136th and Meridian in Carmel Living Proof: Friday; RICK STUMP Roadhouse: Saturday; Entertainment Reservations are accepted. Call 573-9746 for reservations visit of www.mickeysirishpub.com for Over 250or booths new & innovative products for your home more details.


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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com




Greater Indianapolis Fall Home Improvement Show The Greater Indianapolis Fall Home Improvement Show is being held at the Indianapolis State Fair Grounds in the Champions Pavilion, Oct. 3-5. The show boasts over 250 booths of new and innovative products for remodeling and updating the inside and outside of the home at one of the largest home savings events of the year. Home vendors will be showcasing the hottest new trends in kitchen and bathroom remodeling, organization ideas, fireplace updates, sunroom additions, and color and texture ideas for floors and walls. In addition to


Avenue Q A hilarious show full of heart and hummable tunes, AVENUE Q is about trying to make it in NYC with big dreams and a tiny bank account. Called “one of the funniest shows you’re ever likely to see” by Entertainment Weekly, AVENUE Q features a cast of people and puppets who tell the story in a smart, risque and downright entertaining way. Parental discretion is suggested. The show opens at Clowe’s Hall at Butler University today and runs through Sunday with various show times. Tickets are $22-65 each; for more information or to purchase tickets, call the hall at (317) 632-7469 or visit www.broadwayacrossamerica.com.

Heartland Film Institute Seminar As part of the Heartland Film Festival (Oct. 16-24), Heartland Film Institute is offering a seminar, “An Inside Look at the World of Independent Filmmaking,” on Monday at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center beginning at 8 a.m. Tickets start at just $20 for students, and the program is open to anyone with an interest in filmmaking, from writing the script to distributing a movie on DVD. Visit www. heartlandfilmfestival.org for more information.



interior home improvement ideas, exhibitors will display everything needed for exterior home upgrades including windows, doors, landscaping, siding, decks, roofing, guttering, garage additions and more. Show dates, times, and ticket prices are as follows: Oct. 3, 4-8 p.m.; Oct. 4, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Oct. 5, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Visit www.IndyFallHomeShow.com for more information and to download a free pass. Free passes to the show can also be found at your 34 Key Bank locations in the Indianapolis metro area.


4 p.m. Tickets range from $16 to $36 for adults and from $8 to $19 for children ages 4 through 12. Call (317) 6394300 or visit www.indianapolissymphony.org for more information or to purchase tickets.





ill Maher used to be a funny simply sounded like a thoughtful artist. guy. I saw him 20 years ago Maher has turned up now in the when he was the hired entermovies with his intensely anti-God screed tainment at an auto racing ban- of a film, Religulous. It is a Christianquet in Monterey, Calif. bashing, God-denying, religion-ridiculing He turned up a couple years atheist’s delight promoting the later on the ABC TV show irrationality of faith. “Politically Incorrect�, and Before its release, I spent through the 1990s morphed quite a bit of time studying the from comic into a savvy politifilm’s website, which has several cal/cultural satirist/wise guy. clips and plenty of explanatory Generally funny and irreverent, background. I got the gist of the his nightly mix of four oddlyfilm and probably won’t bother matched guests in group conpaying to see it. versation about current issues More than anything, I watch seemed compelling, relevant Maher and feel an intense human and often surprising. pang of regret, in a seriously I remember one night his prayerful way, that anyone is so guests were hard-right G. distant from and intellectually Bob Walters Gordon Liddy of Watergate hostile toward God and the saving Spirituality break-in fame, a verbose grace of Jesus Christ. Maher seems and passionate conservative like a scared kid trying to talk his African-American woman activist whose way out of the principal’s office. name I cannot remember, pleasant “Brady I’m happy, joyful and secure in my faith Bunch mom� actress Florence Henderson, and see Christ as the most consistently and Satan-worshipping bilge rock musirational, intellectually stimulating part of cian Marilyn Manson. my being. Rationality dictates that God’s Surprisingly, the only guest who consisexistence depends neither on my saying tently made sense was Manson, speaking He does, nor Maher saying He doesn’t. quietly of his desire, as an artist, to push God just is. Faith is that simple. the limits of what people believed. He Bob Walters (rlwcom@aol.com) notes that many didn’t bash Christ or defend Satan. His people try to create God in their own image, stage act is truly horrifying (I’ve seen clips and get mad when God doesn’t cooperate. and heard stories), but that evening he Our mission is to supply basic housewares, without cost, to qualified families and individuals who have been homeless and are now ready for a Second Start at independent living.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Second Starts Needs Your Help! Donated Warehouse Space We need 5,000–15,000 square feet in the Carmel/ Nora/Castleton area. We have outgrown the 2,000 square feet we now use in the Carmel United Methodist Church mission house.

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A POSITIVE FOR NEGATIVES - Wouldn’t it be good if there was a way to turn old negatives and slides into digital photos? Enter Firebox’s new scanner, which you plug into your computer via USB and then feed negatives or slides into. They are then transformed into good-quality digital images which you can crop, save and upload to photo-sharing sites (or whatever else you like to do with your digital pictures). Plus you can get rid of those old boxes of photos and finally have some room left in your hall closet: it’s win-win! -www.popgadget.net

YOU WON’T GET CARRIED AWAY - Most gamers who love driving sims on their consoles will probably have a steering wheel setup ready in the living room, but how many of these stay in place during an intense race? With the RennSport Wheel Stand from Fanatec, gamers play without worrying about pedals or steering wheels moving out of position thanks to its lock-down feature that keeps the steering wheel in place while the pedals remain firmly grounded on a solid, non-slip base. The RennSport Wheel Stand will be available at the end of this month for $130. -www.ubergizmo.com

information, those same attributes, if misused, can also be quite harmful. Without the proper guidance and monitoring, teens can be lured into a sphere of digital and realworld dangers. Just as you monitor where your teens go and with whom they spend their time, so, too, you should be monitoring their digital activities. Perhaps you are already aware of the risks facing your teen through new communication technologies and have taken steps to protect your kids. If not, try going to your Internet browser, select a search engine (popular ones are Google, AOL and Yahoo), and type in the word “MARIJUANA.” Notice what sites come to the top of the list. Some links are to anti-drug Web sites, such as this one, TheAntiDrug. com. But an overwhelming number of others promote marijuana and general drug and alcohol use with great enthusiasm. For example, when you type “How to Beat a Drug Test” into a Google search, it takes less than one half of a second to see a list of 19,000 citations. Searching for “Grow Marijuana” takes even less time and retrieves 156,000 citations.


- technology.com

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

TINY PORTABLE PRINTER - PrintStik by PlanOn is a tremendously compact new thermal printer intended for use on the go with Windows PCs and PDAs. The only PDA that is currently compatible with the tiny printer is the Blackberry, but PlanOn intends to expand the printer’s capabilities soon. Its portability makes it an excellent companion for business people who currently work on PCs and/ or Blackberries. It retails for around $300. -the-gadgeteer.com


ake a moment and think about all the technology your teen uses on a regular basis. Computers, televisions, cell phones, gaming devices, “Blackberries,” and iPods may come to the top of your mind. Have you ever asked yourself, “What does my teen do with all this ‘stuff’?” That’s a VERY good question! You’ve probably seen your teen doing homework, Instant Messaging (IM’ing) friends and listening to an iPod all at the same time. Multi-tasking at its finest—or is it? It can be overwhelming to keep up with all of these advanced technologies. If you haven’t paid enough attention to your teen’s media and technology activities because you don’t understand what they are doing, if you’re intimidated by these new technologies, or you fear intruding on your teen’s privacy, then this “Teens and Technology” section is a must-read. A good place to start is Digital Technology 101, which provides parents with simple information to help you understand new technologies and monitor your teen’s digital activities in the interest of safety. While technology offers many positive things, like connectedness and


Play N Trade Stores Notice Trend with Female Gamers - There was once a time when video games were dominated and mastered by the male gender, with only the occasional token female joining the club. But evolution has led the virtual world into uncharted territory as a new generation of “geeks” has emerged. According to the Entertainment Software Association’s 2008 report, over 40 percent of “gamers” are women, and today, women 18 years or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (18 percent).

Teens and their technology



Shop NOW Salon 01 gift cards make the perfect holiday gift! Save gas, and shop online! Or, shop Salon 01 in store for the latest clothing,

Color your world!

By Christi Thompson

Did you know that trained stylists, who have mastered the art of dimensional color, are able to strategically place highlights and lowlights that work with the shape of your haircut? Consulting with a professional, rather than trying to alter your hair color alone, will ensure that you achieve the look you are going for! Book an appointment at Salon 01 now and avoid the rush to update your look for the Holiday season!

accessories, hair and bath products, makeup, candles and‌with a

Have your own style By Christi Thompson

gift from us, you won’t

Soon it will be winter coat season. Instead of shelling out money for a new coat, why not update the one you have? Try replacing the buttons on your coat from last season with rhinestone encrusted or tortoise shell buttons. This will help update your outerwear without breaking the bank. Learn to think differently about your wardrobe and accessories. Developing your own style is mostly about courage and confidence in your self-image. . . . At Salon 01, we can help you with both!

disappoint! Stop in and we will help you find something unique. We look forward to making your holiday shopping


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

experience enjoyable.

Benefit from massage Massages are relaxing, and a nice way to have your stress melt away, but did you know that there are also health benefits to having regular massages? First, massages help relieve and prevent muscle cramps, and reduce tension and anxiety. However, you may be unaware that massages also stimulate the lymphatic system in your body which helps carry away oxidants and other waste products from your muscles. Whether your new monthly ritual or biweekly necessity, massages

will benefit your overall health. Salon 01 offers a variety of massage services from Swedish to deep tissue and maternity. Now, next time you are in need of some stress relief, rest assured that you are not being vain, but improving your overall health! Call and schedule an appointment with our certified massage therapist today! 317-580-0101.


BIG ART ON A SMALL BUDGET - If you have a large wall space that needs art, but you don’t have hundreds of dollars to invest in a large piece of art, consider the following idea from Midwest Living online: Take pages from a botanical book and mat and frame up to12 of them. Arrange them to form a rectangle, taking the place of a large piece of art. Use frames with mats from a superstore to save even more. ABOUT THOSE PANTS - “Whether in black, navy, charcoal or chocolate, a wool or silk pant that falls straight from the widest part of your hip is a wardrobe must. It can be worn with a chic blouse or a cashmere sweater, and by adding a blazer you can wear this look anywhere.” For the perfect night out, pair a flowy silk or chiffon top with bright, high heels. -www.instyle.com

that had escaped me. I am often asked if my own home is “done”. My answer is and since I thrive on projects, it always will be “NO!” There is something calming and wonderful about feeling good about one’s home, especially when it is pulled together in a harmonious manner. I am ready to pronounce my family room as done having added new window treatments and a sofa over the summer. Although I love the look of the room, I really have not spent time in it. I am always headed out the door. Last week I made a point of being home to watch the vice presidential debates. With the issues of the economy, oil prices and national security looming before my eyes, my knees were beginning to knock. It was nice being at home that evening. There were no files with me, my calendar was put away and my cell phone was turned off. This was an evening reserved for Sarah from Alaska, Joe from Delaware and me. I remember curling up on my coveted new sofa, appreciating the beauty that was developing in my home, and felt strangely warm and safe. I recall that the television was tuned Fox news in prepa-

“I am all about the home.”



Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.

Fine Lines, Inc. Hair & Nail Salon FALL SPECIAL highlight, haircut and mini-manicure for $75 with stylists Tracey, Amanda and Euray and nail technicians Katie and Sue. new clients only.

WHERE DOES THAT FORK GO? - A proper silverware setting follows one simple rule, no matter how formal or relaxed the event: Set the silverware on the table in the order it will be used, from the outside in. The fork for the first course is the one farthest to the left; to the right of the plate, the knife for the first course is the farthest to the right. Any spoons needed before dessert (say, a soupspoon), should be placed to the right of the knives. Dessert utensils should always be placed horizontally above the plate, or they can be brought in later with the dessert course.

ration for the toe-to-toe between these candidates that would surely impact the future of my world. And that is when it happened. I fell completely asleep. It wasn’t that the debate was boring. I wanted desperately to see the debate between the mom from the big state and the DC veteran. It was that my children were all safe and doing well at their respective schools and jobs. It was that my own home design projects had born fruit and my house was coming together. It was that all was well in my corner of the world regardless of Wall Street, Main Street or any other street. It was because I was at home. In that moment, I experienced firsthand, how essential the home is to general well being. Dorothy knew what she was talking about when she said, “There’s no place like home”, and our gentleman client knew the key when he said “I am all about the home.”

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Salon 01 teams with Sando Jones Aker - Salon 01, located at 200 City Center Drive in Carmel, has announced a partnership with Sando Jones Aker Plastic Surgery Group. Through this partnership, Salon 01 hopes to expand services to offer botox parties and laser hair removal in the near future. The first event hosted with Sando Jones Aker is an informal night on Oct. 30. Dr. Aker will present on breast augmentation procedures at 6 p.m., followed by a presentation by Dr. Jones on tummy tucks at 7:30 p.m.

gentleman stopped by the design studio recently and went floor-to-floor taking in the sights as if he were appreciating a fine museum. There was a lull in client visits that allowed me the luxury of getting to know this visitor and discover just what brought him to a design studio on a beautiful autumn afternoon. He shared stories of wonderful memories of extended family that took place in his Vicky Earley childhood home. Design His mother had been a designer, so he was brought up on milk, cookies and good taste. The gentleman told me that, although his wife enjoyed the beauty of good design, the passion was all his. He regaled me with stories of design projects old and new in his home. He concluded his recounting the nuances of decorating with one sentence that said it all: “I am all about the home”. Even though I work with aspects of the home as a career, his statement made me realize some truths about my own home



home is where the heart is

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PETS pets


DISPATCHES RUFF STUFF - Your dog’s slobbering and shedding may be a blessing in disguise – to your kids, at least. According to a study in European Respiratory Journal, kids living in households with dogs have a reduced risk of developing allergies. “The germs dogs carry give children’s developing immune systems a boost, so they’re less sensitive to allergens,” explains Clifford Bassett, M.D., of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

-Quick and Simple PET COSTUME CONTEST AND FREE MICROCHIP -Monroe Bank will be hosting a free pet microchipping event on Oct. 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at their banking center located near the corner of SR 37 and Greenfield Avenue on Cumberland Road. The day will feature some very special Humane Society pets for adoption plus the chance for your pet to show off his or her favorite Halloween costume. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: most creative costume, most original costume and scariest costume. Cats and dogs are welcome, but please make sure cats are brought in carriers and dogs are on leashes. ANIMAL POISON CONTROL - If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, there’s somewhere you can call: Animal Poison Control. The employees of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center are veterinary health professionals who have been trained in veterinary toxicology. Because of their background and training, center veterinarians are prepared to deal with the complexities of animal exposed to poisons. The number is toll-free 888-426-4435, but the service may not be. Although you can call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the call may cost you a $60 consultation fee. -www.aspca.org

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Medical Management of Canine Behaviors By Lisa Beals Current In Westfield

Unresolved behavior issues in dogs can lead to owner dissatisfaction, a poor quality of life for the dog, and often safety concerns for both. Unresolved behavior issues in dogs are also a leading cause of an owner choosing to surrender a dog to a shelter. In addition to training, your veterinarian may consider prescribing a drug similar to Prozac which is commonly used to treat depression in humans. Medical management of behaviors in dogs often include the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and includes the medications Prozac, Reconcile, and Fluoxetine. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for relaying messages from one part of the brain to another. It is associated with mood elevation and reduced aggression. Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression in both humans and dogs. SSRI’s may be prescribed for dogs ex-

hibiting the following behavioral issues:

Separation anxiety Generalized anxiety Obsessive compulsive behaviors (including chewing and self mutilation) Inappropriate urine marking Aggression

It is important to combine the medical management of behavioral issues with training. Your veterinarian or animal behaviorist will likely provide you with a treatment plan for clicker training, desensitization techniques, response substitution or other training methods to use to complement the effects of the drug. Dosages are based upon the dog’s weight and is commonly prescribed in 10 mg, 20 mg or 40 mg capsules although chewable tablets and liquids are available. It may take up to three to four weeks to see noticeable changes in your pet’s behavior. Mild or temporary sides effects may include appetite suppression or gastrointestinal upset. You may want to use enticers or

warmed canned food to add flavor to your dog’s food Common contraindications for the use of SSRI’s include a history of seizures or diabetes mellitus. Monitor your dog for signs of jaundice, including a yellow tint to the gums, skin or eyes. Consult your veterinarian immediately to rule out liver damage. Also, do not feed your dog agedcheese while he is taking SSRIs as this can cause potentially fatal high blood pressure. A comprehensive treatment plan including medications and behavior management is likely a successful combination to address your dog’s behaviors. Whereas some dogs may need to take the medications for the rest of their lives, many dogs will respond very well to their program and will eventually be able to be weaned off the medication. Lisa Beals is the marketing dog at Camp Bow Wow. You may reach her at carmel@campbowwow.com.

How Much Are You Worth?

PETs OF THE WEEK Buster Brown is a 5-year-old male Shepherd mix. He is a very good boy who is neutered and seems to be housetrained and he knows the commands “sit”, “shake” and “down”. Buster Brown loves everyone he meets and he has such a great disposition he would make a wonderful pet for any family. Buster Brown qualifies for our P.A.W.S. Program – Partnering Animals With Seniors. If you are age 55 or older, please contact the shelter to find out how you can adopt Buster Brown for a reduced fee. Paris is a 2-year-old female tortie DSH. She is a quiet and gentle girl with gorgeous gold eyes. While Paris didn’t mind having her picture taken during her miniphoto shoot, she says she wants no part of the Paparazzi that follow every move of the famous blonde that shares her name. She is a little reserved with new people, but with a little patience and a few gentle scratches under her chin, she will come around and start seeking out attention. Paris wants nothing more than to find her forever home and have a spot on the couch next to her owner.

Saturday Casual Worship . . . . . . . . . 5:01 p .m .

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being handy. Thanks again, guys. The diversified projects featured are a little beyond most weekend warrior capabilities and consumed three months of our balance sheet. Multiple designs, construction drawings, building permits and predominantly successful inspections were required, as was a little patience, a few irritating delays from suppliers and a disagreement with Mother Nature. But the final product and return on investment was absolutely worth it. Pre-construction, the undersized master bathroom did not accurately reflect the elegance of the rest of the house. Now, warm travertine floors, granite counters, rich vanities and a multi-head shower “to die for” welcome the happy homeowners every morning. The shower is a unique suspended room addition that the masons grew to appreciate. The new sunroom-dining room, covered porch and deck are precisely what Eric

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Noticeable upgrades to bathroom staples such as a sink (above) and shower can be good investments.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


Thank you for all my new patients! ”


and Pam imagined and allows all the large family gatherings to occur at their house very comfortably now. The four wiener dogs love it, too. It is completely seamless with the rest of the house with matching granite pass through counters, earthy tile and tasteful crown molding and hardwoods. It looks fabulous. Here’s a newsflash from just your average Joe (well, hopefully I’m a little ahead of the curve) . . . life is good. Americans are still buying new automobiles, taking vacations, consuming consumables, fulfilling our obligations, contributing to our 401(k)s, making donations and topping off our gas tanks, perhaps with just a little more budgetary prudence. Arguably something we should have been practicing a few years ago. Home improvement and maintenance is predominantly about asset preservation, growth and the avoidance of inverted yield curves. The returns can be enormous for our families. And for our emotions, our comfort and for the legacy we are desperate to create. Tough times, perhaps. Grateful attitudes, absolutely! Sumbitted photos

ooking for a good investment? You could be sitting on it right now. For generations, our home has been the single largest investment that most Americans make. Sure, we continue to forecast that the value of our retirement accounts completely dwarf our home equity. Even with the recent market turmoil, my buddies at the local home improvement/big box retailers tell me that business is good and that the Randy sky is not falling . Sorrell . . contrary to the nightly “doom and gloom” that mass media pundits force feed us. Mistakenly, I occasionally consume the poisoning propaganda. Evidently Carmel residents are still actively engaged in preserving their largest asset. More are suddenly assuming the title of do it yourselfer, a weakness I recently adopted. Talk about humbling, especially when I see my neighbor skillfully hammering out project after project. Fortunately, I have a few talented carpenters who were able to rescue my miserable attempts at



Investing in one’s own home

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

15 years ago, but we invested a little money to fix it up, so then it became a basement. I guess you could call it a finished basement. But apparently it wasn’t finished enough because the builder we hired said that for a few Dick Wolfsie extra bucks he could Humor add some additional touches and then we could call it our lower level. We didn’t have that kind of money. Our original plan was make it a beautiful room where we could entertain guests, sip white wine and talk about good books and the current movie scene. Fifteen years later, no humans are allowed downstairs except me and the men from Orkin. We have a pool table that I bought in l998 when I wanted to get my son interested in something other than video games. I thought if I kept going back to negotiate the best price, I might have a shot at meeting that Watson’s girl. We never have played pool. I use the cue sticks to wrangle cobwebs from the ceiling. I can store a dozen suitcases under the base and the top of the table is the perfect nesting area for a year’s supply of Bush’s baked beans. Each side pocket holds a flashlight. Corner pockets? Duct tape, scotch tape, masking tape and electrical tape. And my wife said we would never use the thing. Jeesh, what a pessimist. Somewhere under boxes of old paperback books and smelly blankets is a futon, which we bought because we were told it was a cheap and convenient extra bed. It took three defensive linemen to negotiate the stairwell to get the thing down to the basement. I don’t know what the mattress is made of, but the cat sees the unit as a condo — two beds and a bath, if you know what I mean. I just Googled ‘futon’ to find out the origin of the word. There were links to websites that discussed serious sleep disorders, including one called exploding head syndrome. I don’t want to overreact, but I am keeping a close eye on that cat. In 2000 I decided I wanted to learn to play the piano, so I spent a hunk of money on this electronic gizmo called a Clavinova. It can be programmed to play 30 different instruments, create background rhythms and magically pro-




Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.



y home office is downstairs. It was just a cellar when we moved into the house




duce chords. I don’t have to do much of anything but sit there and make the next payment. I’ve put the Clavinova on e-Bay three times and have had about as much success as Sarah Palin did selling her Boeing 707. We built a bar in the corner so guests could mosey over have a nice cold one. But we never put in the fridge as we

planned. You can still mosey on over and see our new sump pump. Better hurry. We may actually install it any year now. The other day I noticed a huge green slab of wood resting against a wall, half hidden behind stacks of clothing and picture frames. I asked my wife about it. “That’s a ping-pong surface, Dick. It fits over the pool table. I guess we’ve never

used that, either.” I told Mary Ellen that it was about time we invited some friends over and finally played some table tennis in our cellar. But first, I have a whole lot of beans to eat. Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

Rolling Thunder assault case has its own lightning carbonyl sulfide (still awaiting lab results) which stunk to high heaven. Suspect was charged with battery on a police officer in addition to original charges of driving under the influence, driving without headlights and mopery with intent to gawk.” Then of course, would come the trial. Imagine the headlines: “Gas Passer Wears Windbreaker To Arraignment.” “Cops, Accused Disagree On Purpose Of OneCheek Sneak.” “Visiting Seventh-Graders Collapse With Laughter During Barking Spider Trial.” “Walter The Farting Dog Called As Character Witness.” Wow. Talk about your missed opportunities. For American journalism, it could have been a blast. Oh, well. Back to the case. The fact is Mr. Cruz did cut the cheese in the police station. Whether he meant it as an editorial comment on his incarceration could never really be determined. And whether the odiferous assault constituted actually battery was left undecided. (My opinion: If nobody faints, it’s assault. It’s only battery if people drop to the floor, or the arresting officer’s badge tarnishes.) So the charge was dropped. And rightly so, I think. The cops had Cruz dead to rights on the real charges, the serious ones, the offenses that threatened real danger to the public at large. Those are the charges to concentrate on. However, that does not mean you can just fire off the ol’ cannon at the police station. Or anywhere else, for that matter. Are you listening, unnamed friend of mine who likes to go cropdusting down the automotive aisle at Target? So, in the words of the aforementioned undersigned officer, nip it. Or at least hold it until you get outside. Or make bail.


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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

My opinion: If nobody faints, it’s assault. It’s only battery if people drop to the floor…



ell, shoot. I, for one, was disappointed when the authorities dropped charges against Jose A. Cruz of Clarksburg, W.Va. I really wanted to see how that one was going to play out in the courts. Mr. Cruz, 34, is the man charged with battery on a South Charleston police officer for passing gas and then fanning it in the officer’s direction. The Rolling Thunder Assault Case. That would have been a new one in the annals – I said, ANNALS – of American law. The police report, for example. In my reporter days, I spent a lot of time in cop shops and learned to transMike Redmond late a language used but two Humor places: In police reports and in courtrooms when officers are required to testify. It’s a weird sort of legalese-influenced dialect, intended to communicate and obfuscate at the same time. And I can just imagine how it was used in the Cruz case: “At approximately 11 p.m. on the night of 24 September 2008 Sheriff Taylor and the undersigned Officer Fife were interrogating an individual in reference to erratic driving received a call of erratic driving on the road out to Rafe Hollisters (see attached). Upon incarceration the subject, Jose A. Cruz, 34, Clarksburg, did knowingly and with malice aforethought attack the investigating officers by means of floating an air biscuit in their general direction, producing a foul odor and burning in the eyeball region of the aforementioned officers’ faces. Subject further exacerbated the situation by using his hands to fan the aforementioned sulfurous cloud of noxious gas, believed to be composed of Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Methane gases, along with low molecular weight fatty acids such as butyric acid and reduced sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and

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