July 17, 2007

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TUESDAY July 17, 2007 FREE


BOUNCE CITY HAS SERIOUS GOAL. P7 Tuesday, July 17, 2007




What we don’t know can hurt us, which is why a cheap and simple heart test is such a good idea. P2

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HeartScan Screening Test

Brenda Rumler assists Maggie Kelly as she gets ready for her HeartScan at St. Vincent Heart Center of Indiana

Risk Evaluation … $75; HeartScan … $200; Peace of Mind …. Priceless.

T www.currentincarmel.com

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Story by Maggie Kelly

hat little inner voice can be hard to ignore. It intrudes in all aspects of our life – including the state of our heart health. No matter how hard we try to suppress that nagging voice, there is always the reality … “What I don’t know can hurt me.” We are bombarded with messages about the importance of knowing our heart risk score. The messages are everywhere … media, physicians, family, friends … even that little inner voice. What’s your family’s heart history, your cholesterol numbers, your blood pressure, what do you eat, do you exercise, etc.? The list of things that impact our heart continues to grow … talk about stress! Who has time to keep up with the ever changing things that are good or bad for our heart? Who has time to do everything recommended for heart health? As a baby boomer, I have two more negative influences on my heart score … aging and the fact that I’m a female. And my family history is no help. Heart disease doesn’t run in my family, it gallops. And as my family members age, they further prove that warm hearts aren’t necessarily strong hearts. Fortunately, I like to face problems ... despite fear of what I might find. And health screening tests are normal for me. Despite being blessed with a cancer-free family health history, I have annual mammograms and pap smears. After learning that St. Vincent Heart Center of Indiana recently lowered the price of its

HeartScan screening test, I didn’t let my fear of “what might be found” stop me from finding what I might find. Given my family health history, how could I possibly run, or should I say gallop, from a heart screen. And, being the loving wife that I am, how could I possibly not drag my husband along. After all, his family has had its share of heart disease. And he’s not getting any younger either. Appointments were simple, since the HeartScan test can be self- or doctor-referred. We also opted to take the Heart Center’s Risk Evaluation test, which evaluates your risk for future heart disease. For an additional $75 each, we received a cholesterol test and a personal consultation to help us understand how we can improve our risk factors. We arrived at the Heart Center, checked in and provided our medical histories. This included such risk factors as lifestyle, family history, eating habits, smoking habits, etc. It proved to be another reminder that living life is increasing my cardiovascular risks! The HeartScan test was quick, painless and somewhat relaxing. It was over in minutes. I

didn’t have to disrobe; I simply lay down on a moving bed that positioned my chest under a large, doughnut-like CT scanner. According to Brenda Rumler, our friendly, informative technologist, this CT scanner is the best in the state because it provides a more detailed image. The cholesterol test proved to be the least pleasant experience. First, we had to fast. And who enjoys having their finger pricked with a sharp object? We both found the staff members to be pleasant and prepared to address all of our questions and concerns. Those of you who have undergone medical tests realize waiting for the results can be worse than the test itself. Our wait was a short one. They informed us that our HeartScans revealed no problems. Since we were husband and wife, they gave us a joint consultation to discuss the results in detail. Our consultant, Betsy Rabold, treated

What: HeartScan Screening Test, Siemens 64-Slice CT Scanner Where: St. Vincent Heart Center of Indiana, 10580 N. Meridian St. Details: Detects calcification of the coronary arteries. Test does not reveal the percentage of blockage. Further testing, if necessary, will be required to determine blockage percentage. Who: Men over age 35 and women over age 40 who are high risk. Check with your physician to determine your risk factors. Cost: Heart Scan - $200*, Risk Evaluation/Cholesterol Test $75*. Most insurance providers consider the HeartScan to be an experimental testing service and do not cover fees. Check with your physician and health insurance provider. *Cash discount price, includes cash, check and credit card payments. More info: www. heartscanindiana.com Call: 583.5151 or 866.432.7830 for an appointment. Physician referral not required. us like we were the only people she had to deal with all day. She walked us through our HeartScan results and discussed our Risk Evaluation results in great detail. Rabold suggested lifestyle changes, with the understanding that our test results would be shared with our physician, and we should discuss suggested changes with them before taking action. We now have a clear understanding of our current heart health and a better understanding of things we can do to improve the risk factors. As we left the Heart Center, we congratulated ourselves for having the courage to face our fear and gave thanks for our great test results. We celebrated with lunch at the Library. I passed on the Brie cheese in my sandwich. Brian enjoyed the cheese in his … and we both savored the chips. What can we say; lifestyle changes are best when taken in baby steps!!!!

HEART SCREENING CAN HELP ASSESS RISKS Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both men and women in the United States, according to Dr. Woodrow Corey, medical director of cardiovascular services at Clarian North Medical Center. Atherosclerosis is a disease that affects the arterial blood vessels, three of which lead to the heart. It occurs when the normally smooth linings of our arteries get rough, and begin to build up plaque, Dr. Cory said. The five risk factors for plaque are smoking, genetics, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. We can do something about four of those risk factors through diet,

exercise and medication, Dr. Corey said. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for genetics. Also, “as you age your risk of coronary disease goes up,” he said. Clarian Health’s Web site has is a link to a Heart Aware test that anyone can take to determine their risk for heart disease: www.acalltochange.org/cv/index. aspx. It also offers nine steps to improve cardiovascular health. Why is it important to assess your risk? “You want to catch it early so you can slow down the natural progression,” Dr. Corey said.

OUR TAKES It is our position that our fine city continues to serve the state generally, and central Indiana specifically, by the continued maturation, funding, and the development of entrepreneurs of all shapes, sizes and ages. Undoubtedly, Carmel has a reputation throughout the Midwest and across the United States as a great place for business. Many companies correctly locate their corporate headquarters here to take advantage of the attractive tax, regulatory and quality-of-life rewards of our community. But we can also feel good about the significant number of entrepreneurs, regularly incubated by the climate available here. Carmel High School boasts one of the most active Decca chapters

in the U.S. Cathy Langlois and Jeff Burt at the Hamilton County Alliance host regular high school targeted business plan competitions, staffed by volunteer executives from our community. Efforts to nurture and develop entrepreneurs are regularly incorporated into educational activities, civic planning and infrastructure development. The net result is that Carmel is a great place not only to locate a business, but it is also a great place to start one. These businesses create jobs. They help people pay mortgages. And, they generally enrich the fabric of our community.

THE ARTS CAPITAL It is our position that the establishment of the Midwest Museum of Contemporary Art (MiCo) will be a welcome addition to the up-and-coming Arts & Design District. We are high advocates for high art. Many recent studies, including those by the Indiana Arts Council, support the contention that the arts generate a positive impact not only on quality of life, but also on economic development. Should the Carmel City Council elect to support the mayor’s request to provide $100,000 of funding for the new museum out of the city’s arts fund to support the fledgling museum? We say, resoundingly — yes! We believe the investment will be paid back several

fold through increased tax revenue and in the overall enhancement of our formerly sleepy burg. Additionally, it will bolster the synergies already at work in the Arts & Design District. MiCo’s move here exemplifies a growing acceptance of Carmel as a legitimate art venue. It also represents a significant personal investment and endorsement of a member of one of the most prominent families in central Indiana, Jeremy FEfroymson. Carmel’s decision to directly advocate the arts (not unlike Indianapolis’s decision to identify itself as the amateur sports capital some decades ago) is a bold move that has thus far proven itself wise.



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CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell (tim@currentincarmel.com) Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. I, No. 39 Copyright 2007. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032


Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359

Business office

Bookkeeper - Mary Kamerud mary@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Managing Editor – Jim Lindgren jim@currentincarmel.com Art Director – Tyler Gillaspie tyler@currentincarmel.com / 472.3216 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz stefanie@currentincarmel.com / 340.1836 Reporter – Brandon Bowman brandon@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com





Music & Money: it does compute


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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magine that you are diagnosed with cancer. The cancer is treatable, but six months of chemotherapy is required. Because your employer no longer picks up half your health insurance, you must tap into your children’s college education funds just to pay the deductibles on the all bloodwork, tests, CT scans, doctor visits, follow-up visits, and the chemotherapy itself. Now imagine that you pay nothing for these medical services. Nothing out of pocket at all. You never receive a medical bill. Furthermore, you don’t need to tap into your children’s college education fund, because you won’t be paying for that either. And when your chemotherapy is complete, you won’t have to worry that your job has been given to someone else. You’ll still have your job, and if you need to take a little time off to regain strength, go ahead. You have a minimum of five weeks of vacation every year. Is this utopia? No, it’s France. The country we love to hate. One of the countries investigated in Michael Moore’s new documentary, “Sicko,” a scathing look at what’s wrong with our health care system. Why is it we expect our children’s secondary education to be free, but not their college education? Why do we expect the government to deliver our mail, but not provide our health care? The rest of the world’s civilized, or “first world,” countries provide health care and medication for their citizens, and unlike in our for-profit insurance industry, doctors are rewarded for providing preventative care, and extra “just-tomake-sure” tests. No health insurance companies send rejection letters, because there are no health insurance companies. And no, French doctors still make six-figure incomes and live very comfortably, just as they

do here. And no, the French, the British, and the Canadians are not taxed to death because of these extra government services. But their governments are not bankrupting their children’s future on “preventative warfare” either. What Moore fails to mention, and should, Andy Ray is that at the two-year point in the current Iraq war, our federal government had allotted enough funding for the president to wage war against Iraq to fully cover the health care, including all medications, of every man, woman, and child in America for six years. And that was after just two years of this fiasco. One of the primary measures of a great country is how well it supports the least of its citizens — those with the least means to care for themselves. I urge you to please see “Sicko,” and see for yourself how we stack up. On another note, I was a proud American on the Fourth of July when the CarmelFest Parade crowd stood and cheered for the USS Indianapolis survivors, who endured the worst naval disaster in US history, at the hands of the Japanese. Just a few minutes later, the Miami Indians’ parade entry passed by. Not only did no one stand and cheer for those whom we forcefully drove from their Indiana homeland, but no one cheered at all! Happy Fourth, Miami. Andy Ray is a manufacturer’s representative in Carmel. You can reach him at andy46032@mail.inct.net.

A rockin’ good time was had by all at the inaugural Rock the District event on July 6 and 7. And, yes, refreshments were served. No one can claim they had more fun than the merchants, whose cash registers ran seemingly non-stop – especially on Saturday. And that was the point. Jon McLaughlin and other musical acts, as well as the talented artisans, treated visitors to a great experience, and plans already are in the works for the 2008 version. We were proud to sponsor Rock the District, and we’ll be back for the next go ’round. Keep an eye on our revised Web site, which will be featuring photos of the McLaughlin concert.

Medical. Jeff topped the standing bid – his donation is top-secret and classified info – and the foundation is about to receive his check. Nice gesture, Jeff, and we certainly enjoyed your Main Street Strut with the cover.

*** Speaking of McLaughlin, Carmel’s Best Weekly Newspaper™ and Rock the District, we had an enlargement made of the cover of the March 24 issue – the one that featured the up-and-coming rock star. Then we had the idea to have him autograph it – which he graciously did – and then auction it off in order to benefit the Carmel Clay Library Foundation. You may know the library is about $800,000 upside down, and we wanted to help somehow. It was an uncoordinated effort on our part, tossed together at the last minute, but genuine nonetheless. The bid was stuck at $100 for quite a while, but we wanted more, so we wandered back and forth through the crowd looking for someone with more than beer money in his or her pocket. Well, we found someone, one Jeff Worrell, your favorite CarmelCan! columnist for this newspaper and owner of Advantage

Jeff Worrell shows off his prize


Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to info@currentincarmel.com. The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Carmel, 1 South Range

‘A ROARING SUCCESS’ Editor: I would like to express my gratitude to Current in Carmel and its entire staff for the support given to CarmelFest 2007. The CarmelFest Committee’s primary goal this year was to make CarmelFest bigger and better than ever. Guess what? We did it! The parade, entertainment, games, food/ marketplace vendors and fireworks were all bigger and better than ever. Attendance was

Steve Greenberg & Brian Kelly

Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 100 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification. Oddly enough, some newspapers have been hoaxed. Can you believe it? significantly greater than in any previous year, and we could not have done this without the support of Current. The staff, in particular Tyler Gillaspie and Steve Greenberg, worked with us to create numerous ads that ran in the leadup to CarmelFest. The exposure we achieved by working with Current helped to make CarmelFest 2007 a roaring success. Thanks again for your support. Let’s do it again next year! James Delgado, CarmelFest 2007 Chairman


LOCAL GYMNAST WINS: Alyson D’Eramo of Carmel won the USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Tumbling National Championship for Level 6 Girls age 9-10. Alyson, 9, competing for InterActive Gymnastics Academy Trampoline & Tumbling Team, qualified to compete at Nationals at the Indiana State Championship meet earlier in the season. D’Eramo earned the Silver Medal over all. InterActive Academy, Zionsville, sent seven athletes to the National Championships in June in Memphis, Tenn.

Calendar Carmel Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at its building at 141 E. Main St. Carmel Clay Kiwanis Club meets at 7 a.m. Mondays at the Life and Learning Center, 515 E. Main St., across from the high school.

Carmel Rotary Club meets from noon to 1:30 p.m. each Friday at the American Legion, 852 W. Main St. Sertoma Club of Carmel in meets every Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. at the MCL in Merchants Square, 116th Street and Keystone Avenue. Include your club’s meeting here. Send the information to news@currentincarmel.com.

the right, you’ll be in for a real treat. Anyone “hazard” a guess? “An old PB&J?” “A moldy waffle?” “A mutilated Barbie?” All reasonable answers, but no. That, my friends, is an actual corn dog left over from the 2003 State Fair. If you were to remove the black hair and re-hydrate, you’d be able to see the teeth marks left by an artistic 5-year-old. Ah, the memories. They grow up so fast, don’t they? But I digress . . . At this time, I’d like to conclude our tour. Y’all have been one of the greatest groups I’ve ever worked with, really. Now, my boss doesn’t want me to tell you this, but you too could have your very own Soccer Mom van! Just add small children, fast food, several road trips, and one harried mother, and in less than 75,000 miles, voila! A family vehicle that no one will ever forget! And believe me, that smell doesn’t just wash out with one shampoo! Own a car like this for a few years, and you’ll remember it for a lifetime. Peace out, fellow Soccer Moms. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.


haron Bianchi had no warning that her evening would be any different than the evening before or the evening before that one. But when she looked out her window and saw the night sky glowing, the property manager at Mohawk Hills Apartments realized a disaster was in the making. As she witnessed 12 families lose everything they own to careless fire, she also didn’t know that she soon would be recounting stories of overwhelming generosity and unusual human kindness. Sharon and her staff put their previously unused emergency plan into motion. The clubhouse became a temporary shelter, and staff members started gathering beds. The Red Cross was contacted and arrived before the fire was even out. Exhausted and hopeless, the affected residents retreated to the clubhouse to finally lay their heads on a newly purchased bed. No one was looking forward to tomorrow. But then it happened.

As the sun came up and a new day appeared, so did you. Warm, caring, loving people showed up ease a stranger’s pain. The local churches, Carmel United Methodist, St. Mark Lutheran, New Hope Presbyterian and St. Peter’s, offered food, clothing and houseJeff Worrell hold appliances. CarmelCan! The business community showed up to help as well. Panera Bread brought in food, Ruth’s Chris donated dishes, glasses and silverware. Kroger and Buckingham Company gave everyone gift cards to purchase essential personal items. Individuals from all over central Indiana found their way to the office of Mohawk Hills bearing gifts of cash and other necessary


items. Usually they asked to remain anonymous. The fire department helped residents search for passports and other important documents in the rubble. One pair of very young roommates were so overwhelmed with donations that they shared TVs and other appliances with their fellow victims. It was hard for me to do much more than nod my head during my interview with Sharon as I kept fighting a lump in my throat. I tried to not let it show, but I was moved by the sheer number of good stories that rose from the ashes of that terrible evening. Hopefully the bad memories for those involved in the fire of July 2, 2007, will be erased by the embrace of a community that came to their rescue with the dawn of the next morning. Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on Cable Channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@ advantagemedical.com.


Carmel Mid-Day Kiwanis Club meets at 11:30 a.m. on Fridays in the back room at Greek Tony’s, 116th Street and Range Line Road.


ette party (but that’s a whole ’nother story!). Soccer Dad calls them dents, but I prefer “accoutrements.” Can y’all say that with me? “A-cu-tramonts.” They really come in handy at Meijer when Soccer Mom’s trying to figure out which of the 17 red vans is hers. Ha ha! Moving on. As I manually slide open the two side doors (you may want to put those gas masks on now), please note the unique way this seat belt has become entangled with the locking mechanism. That’s a new feature, folks! In the front row (no bucket seats here, people) you will notice a car seat held securely in place by Hubba Bubba, melted crayons, and what has to be a booger. And on this window in 2004, a lovely Tommy Tooth sticker was adhered with a combination of spit and yogurt. Now that’s something you don’t see in Soccer Dad’s car. Under the back bench, please take notice of the large pile of wrappers, sucker sticks, discarded Kleenex, McDonald’s Happy Meals toys, and yes, it’s your lucky day, people, an honest-to-God sippy cup from 2006. Wow! Go ahead, you can take a picture of that one. We are now in the forward section of the minivan. In between the two front seats, you’ll see the typical collection of water bottles, pencils, half-eaten granola bars, pacifiers and reject Yu-Gi-Oh cards. But if you’ll peer just to

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WRITING CONTEST FOR TEENS: The Carmel Clay Public Library Foundation Guild announces the Guilded Leaf Writing Contest for all Carmel and Clay Township residents in grades nine to 12. The winner will receive two tickets to Third Annual Guilded Leaf Book & Author Luncheon Oct. 25 and a $100 gift card and certificate. More information is at www.carmel.lib. in.us/ya/yamain.cfm, or at the young adult desk of the library.


i, and welcome to the Department of Kids and Recreation official Minivan Tour. My name is Soccer Mom. “Excuse me, Soccer Mom, but what’s that odor . . .” I tell you what; let’s hold all questions to the end of the tour. “But, it’s like the zoo . . .” Thank you. Now this minivan was established in the year 1998 under the direction of Dodge and was dubbed “Grand Caravan” for its extra cargo space in the rear, which can easily hold a doublewide stroller, two Danielle folding chairs, four Wilson Size 3 soccer balls, and seven gallons of milk. Purchased in 2001, it had no dents or scratches, no stains or holes in the fabric, and it gave off a fresh pine sent upon entering. All air vents were coin-free and the cassette player worked properly at that time. Before we enter the van, I’d like to point out a few interesting spots on the exterior, beginning with this sine wave-like mark along the entire left-side. That’s no custom detailing! This unique decoration came about after a rather close encounter with a mailbox two months into ownership. Now, along the other side, you’ll notice a more subtle scratch, though no less handsome. This beauty was the result of poor navigation by a seemingly sober woman who was helping the actual sober driver back out of a bar parking lot at 2 a.m. after a bachelor-


VALPARAISO GRADUATES: Two students from Carmel completed their degree requirements and participated in Valparaiso University’s May commencement ceremonies. They are: Carlene Grecco, Bachelor of Sciences in Environmental Science; and Amanda Gregory, Bachelor of Sciences in Elementary Education, Cum Laude.




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“That’s a good point.” “Thank you for asking.” I believe you use a lot more words of encouragement in your everyday conversations with your children than what I’ve listed he meaning of above. Keep in mind though, encourage is to we are transparent to children. instill courage. Therefore it is imperative that we Encouraging our are sincere in our encouragement children provides and limiting in our praise. Praise them with the foundation to reach can be perceived as an evaluation out beyond the conditions society, of them; children are, forever, our environment, our cultures and Becky Kapsalis being evaluated by most every even our genetics places on them. Ask YiaYia adult. They respect and respond Remember the old campfire to encouragement and earned song “Home on the Range”? Where praise. seldom is heard a discouraging I’m not sure why, but it seems easier word and the skies are not cloudy all day”? for some of us to catch our children doing Those words hold true even today. something wrong and condemning them Consider saying to your children: for it, than it is to encourage them when we “Standing up to that bully was a very notice them doing something good. We can courageous thing to do.” change that with some practice and awareness, “Telling your friend ‘No’ shows me how knowing that, when we encourage, we are brave you are.” directing and guiding our children in their “Let’s look up your question together.” moral and ethical development. “Tell me more about your (fill in the blank) Lesson to ponder – Inhibit is an antonym project.” for encourage. You choose. “Good thinking.” I’d love to hear from you! “I’m really impressed.” “Thank you very much.” Becky Kapsalis can be reached by phone at “Congratulations. You accomplished what 810.9358 or e-mail at askyiayia@indy.rr.com. you set out to do.” “Keep up the good work.” “Everything we say needs to be good and helpful so that our words become encouragement to those who hear them.”



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

boy SCOUT COLLECTS ITEMS FOR BOSNIAN ORPHANS Bosnian widows and orphans will benefit from an Eagle project by John Wyant, a 16-year-old Carmel Boy Scout working for his Eagle rank. He is collecting notebooks, markers, pens, glue, coloring books, soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, bed-sheets, blankets, and group games (chess, cards, monopoly, and simple electronic games). Bosnia has been in civil war with Croatia and Slovakia for more than 10 years. The affects of war drains the resources of a country and causes poverty. Bosnia has additional issues that have increased their poverty level, due to the loss of men and an unemployment rate of 60 percent to 80 percent in a desperate economy.

Wyant’s Eagle project will foster hope for their future, further the educational needs of Bosnian orphans, and benefit the households of widows. Wyant is shipping his collection of items along with those which Central Christian Church is collecting, as led by Lynn Asbury. Donations can be dropped off at the Carmel fire station across from Town Hall, the Central Christian Church at 136th Street west of Meridian, or at Ami Gallery at 240 E. Main St., Carmel. The deadline is July 28. Wyant is a member of Boy Scout Troop 131. His older brothers, Jacob and Josh, are already Eagle Scouts. His parents are Jim and Lois Wyant.


SPARK BUTTONS RAISE $5,419 Sales of Spark Buttons for CarmelFest were hot, and now we know how hot. Total revenue for Spark Buttons was $5,419, which topped the committee’s goal by $419, according to Jeff Worrell, a member of the CarmelFest planning committee. It also exceeded last year’s revenue for buttons by

nearly $1,500. A list of winning button numbers is at www.currentincarmel.com. Winners are reminded to pick up their prizes at the Carmel Arts & Design District Office, 111 W. Main St., Suite 140, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Hubler Mazda Greenwood 1253 South U.S. 31





There’s serious fun going on next to Party Time Rental at 1212 S. Range Line Road. Big kids and little kids are enjoying the moon walks, wading pools, games, dunk tanks and music all day for the low entry fee of $5. But there’s a serious side to the temporary carnival, called Bounce City, according to organizer Scott Hester of Carmel. The event, which he planned with Joe Hartley and the help of Party Time and other sponsors, is raising money to help a 13-year-old Carmel girl with cancer, as well as the American Cancer Society and Ray Tolbert’s youth camps. Hester, who owns a landscaping business

called Scottland Yard in Carmel, saw a need “for a place for kids to smile, laugh and have fun.” And help others at the same time. Bounce City will remain open through July, Hester said. Hours are 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. On Fridays and Saturdays, there is a teen dance under a tent from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Parking is available off Carmel Drive behind the Arby’s restaurant.



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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


22 8

CARMEL HISTORY BOOK REISSUED WITH NEW FOREWORD BY MAYOR Residents of Carmel, as they watch the city’s growth, can take a look back at what Carmel has been. The 1987 book, “Carmel, A Second Discovery” has been reprinted. The book was written to celebrate Carmel’s Sesquicentennial and highlights landmarks and residents of the period when Carmel began to grow from a community of about 650 residents to a harbinger of its current growth. “We wanted to tell about Carmel, early a sleepy village, which came to life after World War II,” says author Dorothy S. Smith. The reprint features a 2007 foreword by Mayor Dorothy James Brainard. S. Smith Jeff Smith, son of the author, undertook to republish his mother’s book. “I found that there were people interested in the history of our city,” Smith said, “but they could not readily find this book.” The volume contains all the original photos and identifies leaders who changed Carmel throughout the 1950s, ’60s, ’70s and into the 1980s. Also included is history of the founding of the town in 1837 and information about early settlers and landmarks. “We had vision in 1987 and felt we had provided a firm foundation upon which the city could build in the coming years,” said the author. “But Carmel is achieving growth beyond our greatest dreams back then,” Smith has priced the book at $14.85 and it is available at Carmel Friends of the Library book store.

LEGAL BRIEFS By Douglas Haney, Esq. ITEM: Charity Gaming One of the most enjoyable ways to fund civic projects is to hold a “Las Vegas Night,” host a raffle or award door prizes. However, they may run afoul of Indiana’s gaming laws. Requirements: 1. A permitted “gaming event” includes bingo, a charity game night, a raffle, a door prize give away, and the sale of pull tabs and punch boards. 2. A “qualified organization” includes most bona fide religious, educational, senior citizens, veterans and civic organizations that operate in Indiana as nonprofit, tax-exempt entities. 3. Qualified organizations seeking a gaming license must, with a few exceptions, submit an application to the Indiana Gaming Commission. There are separate application forms for annual and single events. This process may take up to two months and include a public hearing, so plan well in advance.


THEATER IN THE PARK: Carmel’s West Park is going medieval. The Center Children’s Theatre and Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation are teaming up for the second annual Shakespeare in the Park series. The free shows run at 6:30 p.m. Friday and at 2 p.m. Sunday at West Park, 2700 W. 116th St. The show is a one hour adaptation of “Comedy of Errors.” It is a fast, fun and lively story about the mistaken identity of twin brothers and twin servants.For more information, go to citycenterchildrenstheatre.org.


Do you love bowling, gardening, golf, guitar/piano, quilting, playing ball? I have developed a game-improving system for normal and sore/aching hands that is: - painless - can be done anywhere - requires no tools and is - guaranteed to make your hands feel 10 years younger – more flexible and precise – accurate and STRONGER – or you don’t pay.

DISPATCHES CITY CENTER UPDATE: Construction continues on the site of the City Center, according to Melissa Averitt, director of marketing and sales for Pedcor. Work is still mostly at ground level, as foundations are still under construction. She said Pedcor has been discussing possible participation in the project by retailers and restaurants, but no concrete deals have been signed.


4. Once licensed, the group needs to stay within its stated prize limits and hold its event in the county where it is located. Its gaming staff must also meet certain criteria set out in the Indiana Administrative Code. All advertisements must include the organization’s name and gaming license number. After the festivities are over, reports must also be maintained and filed with the Gaming Commission.

Here are some of the road projects going on in Carmel. For full details, visit the city’s Web site at http://ci.carmel.in.us/services/roadconstruction.htm. 116th Street, College Avenue to Range Line Road: More sod will be placed this week with the majority of the work occurring around the Monon Trail. No additional total closures are anticipated. 136th Street, (Ditch Road to Spring Mill Road): The closure from the west side of Spring Mill to Six Points Road remains in place at this time. This closure should be completed and open to traffic around mid-August.

A gaming event is a great way to earn money for your nonprofit organization. However, remember that gambling, even for charity, is highly regulated. A failure to follow the law could result in tax liability, fines or even jail time.

136th Street (Spring Mill Road to Oak Ridge Road): The road closure is in place and construction progresses from Oak Ridge Road to the east side of Spring Mill. The closure is for through traffic and access to destinations within the closure is being maintained.

Resources: I.C. 4-32.2-1-1, et seq ; 45 IAC 18-1-1 through 18-6-3; 68 IAC 1-1-1, et seq.; www.in.gov/gaming/charity/; Indiana Gaming Commission at 232.4646.

Old Meridian Street, Pennsylvania Street to Guilford Road: Construction continues under traffic on the project. The intersection of Main Street and Old Meridian remains closed for roundabout construction; however, this intersection is anticipated to reopen to traffic this week.

Douglas C. Haney is the Carmel city attorney. Haney’s views should not be relied upon as legal advice applicable to a specific factual situation. E-mail him at dhaney@carmel.in.gov.

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with Him, other people, and all creation. God, not Satan, gives us beauty and wonder and nature and love and (don’t miss this one) forgiveness. It takes faith and discipline to nurture our relationship with God through Christ, who promises to be our champion for all Bob Walters time. Spirituality “Letting it all hang out” on earth isn’t what God has in mind for us; worshipping Him is how he wants us to “get real.” One critical thing to remember: God is a red-hot, jealous God. The Jews, His beloved and chosen people, found out time and again that God’s wrath is immense and perfect. As a Christian, never forgetting Jesus was a Jew, I know that God’s wrath is coming again one of these days, and reading those Old Testament prophecies makes me want to straighten up my act. Bob Walters (rlwcom@aol.com) knows eternity is a long time, and salvation is better than condemnation. I’m rooting for God.

23 9

Welocme Pastrami Fans! Indianapolis is famous for racing. It’s also home to the famous Shapiro’s Deli—where for the last 100 years, we’ve been satisfying the appetites of hungry race fans with huge servings of all our delicious family recipes. So, if you’re heading to the track, stop in to the greatest spectacle in delis… Shapiro’s. © 2007 Shapiro’s. All rights reserved.

believe Satan is real and that he fights for our hearts, minds and souls right along with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Is it a fair fight? It sure seems Satan expends less effort getting our attention than God. Our desires of earthly life — wanting what’s pleasing, comfortable, safe — are exactly what Satan wants us to have, in exchange for eternal condemnation of our souls. It sounds bad, I know, but is “eternal condemnation” real? Should we worry about it?” Christ’s promise of “eternal salvation” sounds better, but we can’t see either one and “eternal” is such a long time. Someone will change their mind, so why not just let it all hang out while we can, look out for No. 1, be real and let me “get mine” while I’m here to get it? Helpful hint: “No. 1” isn’t me. It’s God … and He’s paying attention. The Bible gives us God’s complete outline for building our relationship






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DISPATCHES ST. VINCENT RECOGNIZED: Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes has awarded St. Vincent Physical Therapy its Center of Excellence designation. The faith-based health care provider’s outpatient facility at 11201 USA Parkway in Fishers has been recognized by FOTO as the nation’s second best physical and occupational therapy program for earning exemplary patient rehabilitation outcomes scores.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CAMEL CHAMBER EVENTS: Business Over Bagels — 7:30 to 9 a.m. Wednesday at Baker & Daniels, 96th Street and College Avenue. Please RSVP. Afternoon Network — 4:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday at the Fox & the Hound Pub & Grille, 146th Street and U.S. 31. $10 for members, $20 for guests. To reserve your spot for any of these events, e-mail the chamber at ln@carmelchamber.org or call 846.1049.



K, you’re a company that is ready to tell your story online and be transparent. But how do you combat others telling your story in a less than flattering way? It happens more frequently than you think, especially to children whose social lives are dominated by the Internet. In that context, it is sometimes referred to as “cyber bullying.” From the schoolyard to the Internet, cyber bullies post unflattering comments and often make false statements — it can even result in a threatening situation for kids. The same thing can happen to a business. A disgruntled customer David Cain or employee or even On Marketing a competitor can post unflattering comments and untrue statements online. Want a great example? How about the iPhone? It is receiving much press these days, some good and some bad. It is being blogged about all over the Internet. Again, some good comments and some very negative. I just read a blog post called “iPhone, iPass.”

SHELTER FOR THE SELFEMPLOYED: The Self-Employment IRA is an easy option for the selfemployed to shelter savings from taxes. You can deduct up to 20 percent of your income and put up to $45,000 a year into one, much higher than the limit for IRAs. That assumes you’ve got that kind of cash in hand. — fortune magazine NEW BOOK GUIDES BUSINESS PLANNING: Lorraine Ball has published her third book, Business Map, a practical guide to business planning. Business Map is available for $35 at www.roundpeg.biz/ BusinessMapBook.htm. CHAMBER SCHOLARSHIP: Janice James is the winner of the Carmel Chamber’s Nancy Blondin 2007 Scholarship. She received the award at the Chamber luncheon on July 11. She is the daughter of Sylverita and Ken James.

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How Apple and other businesses choose to combat this type of online criticism is the same type of strategy you would use in the offline world. They post information that counters this information. Business owners should always monitor press — online and offline — so they know what is being said about their businesses. If false statements and negative chatter arise, they should post the counter views on their own Web sites and blogs. If the comments are so outlandish that no one would believe them to be true, no response would be appropriate. So how do you monitor online activity? A simple, yet effective way is using an application like Google reader. This aggregator will allow you to set triggers that will deliver a message in your inbox if someone uses a certain term on the Internet. I set a trigger that delivers me a message anytime the name “MediaSauce” is used on the Internet — in a blog, on a Web site, in a press release. I can then follow the link to the full story and see what was said. Another way would be to use a search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo) and check your business name to see what comes up. In today’s world, all businesses must be aware of what is being said about their company,


products, and culture online. You must understand your “digital profile” so you can be prepared to counter negative statements – it is the new world basic public relations. David Cain is president of MediaSauce, a digital marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com.

ou know, I find myself Lack of guts. They are smart enough, and frustrated all too frequently would like to cast a vision, but are too timid to at the lack of vision that most “will it” into being. Visionaries are not fearful. people possess. Too many Lack of resources. Don’t have the money, can’t see past the end of time or people to make it happen. Visionaries their nose. Why is that? Is it that figure that stuff out. They find a they are too overloaded with life way to get there. in general? Are they so reactive These come to mind to all the information coming at immediately. Have I missed some? them that they are blinded to life’s Let me know. opportunities? Bottom line? Everything Napoleon Hill said that life worthwhile in this world started will pay any price you ask of with a visionary. How about it. However, only a fraction of America? It was Ben Franklin’s humanity has really internalized vision, along with a few others, that concept and put it to work for that created this country and them. So what’s up? wrestled it away from the British. Consider these possibilities: Who would have thought that the Lack of intelligence. They French could be persuaded to Kent Burns just might not have the mental help us make it happen? Old Ben On Success horsepower to think in the did, because he was a visionary. abstract or conceptual. God How about Microsoft doesn’t distribute gifts evenly, so some are not Windows? Wireless communication? Roselli’s meant to be visionaries. Pizza? It all started with a vision, baby. Lack of interest. Perhaps the thought of What’s your vision? If you don’t have one, considering what might be doesn’t get them WHY NOT? fired up. Don’t even get me started on this Kent Burns is a Carmel resident and partner at one. MRINETWORK, the nation’s largest staffing firm. Lack of motivation. They are capable, He is also a professional speaker and author of and can indeed think this way, but they just “What’s Your Why?” His blog is www.thewhybook. don’t want to summon the energy to do it. com/blogs and he can be reached at kent@ The status quo is OK with them. Don’t get me currentincarmel.com started on this one either.

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22 12

WHAT’S IT WORTH? By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus IN MY OPINION:

$240,000 • Type: Traditional Salt Box Style • Age: Built in 1976 • Location: North of Main Street and East of Carmel High School. • Neighborhood: Harrowgate has homes ranging from $180,000$245,000. • Square footage: 2,200 square feet with an additional 1,100 square feet in the finished walk-out basement. • Rooms: This home has four upstairs bedrooms, four total baths including a half bath on both the main floor and basement, and a first floor office. • Strengths: Unlike most homes in this price range, this home has a unique custom design. The sizable lot offers mature trees and great landscaping. Walk to Carmel High School, the public library and the popular Arts & Design District.

• Challenges: As with many 30year-old homes, the homeowners have recently put a lot of money into improving the home. In addition to installing a new roof, HVAC, and siding, they have replaced many windows and added an additional bathroom to bring the home up to today’s standards. John Pacilio and his team specialize in Carmel real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@JohnPacilio.com.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Can money buy love and if so, how?

“It could buy it temporarily. I think people are attracted to the things money can buy. In the long term money cannot buy love.”

Beth Meister, Noblesville

“Money can buy a good time but not love.”

Karla Armenoff, Carmel


NOW OPEN Kurr Med Spa & Personalize Skincare Location: 222 W. Main St., Carmel Phone: 706.0222 Owners: Angie L. Zanetis and Kim Espich Opened: April 1

After working for Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions for a period of time, the owners of Kurr Med Spa & Personalize Skincare wanted to get back to serving local communities. The owners of Kurr want to make you feel like you’re at home when you attend their spa. “What I don’t want to happen is have someone come in

“You could probably rent love with money. You need to know who the person is to really love them.” Kurt Hall, Indianapolis

here and not have a familiar face. I think it’s important for people to feel comfortable and personal with spa technicians,” Kim Espich said. Kurr offers laser treatments and injections for skincare. They work by appointment only and have plenty of space available for baby showers, bridal showers or birthdays. “Kurr Fireside is offered for a lot of our larger groups. It’s called that because they get to use the fireplace upstairs where there is also a kitchen,” Espich said. Kurr has a medical director on site and a nurse during certain times of the week. Kurr offers an intimate setting for all skincare and spa needs.

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EAT THOSE KIDNEY BEANS: Kidney beans are the ultimate brain food. Their high levels of fiber lower cholesterol and foster a steady energy supply to the brain. The folate lowers artery-damaging homocysteine and boosts neurotransmitters to improve alertness, memory and mood. They also contain iron, which aids cognition by making enzymes essential for neurotransmitter function; thiamin (vitamin B1), an attention and memory aid; and tryptophan, a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. — health.msn.com EXERCISE YOUR BACK: What’s the best exercise for a bad back? The lying chest raise. It’s great for preventing lower back pain and for rehabilitation after an injury — as long as your doctor has given you the go-ahead. Lie on your stomach, keeping your hips and pelvis flat. With your hands under your chin (or in a pushup position to assist in lifting, if necessary), contract your lower back muscles and lift your chest about 30 degrees off the floor. Hold, then slowly lower. Repeat five times. — health.msn.com

handles can harbor staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, E coli and even Hepatitis B. Japan developed a new twist on money laundering; you can go to a “clean ATM” to get your yen pressed between rollers for one-tenth of a second at 392 degrees, enough to kill many bacteria. Do you recall how free bowls of cheddar fish disappeared off the public bars following the report came out that only one of six men wash their hands after using the little chef ’s room? Makes you think, doesn’t it? Annually, according to the FDA and Restaurant News, 72 million people get sick eating in restaurants, 325,000 require hospitalization, and four to five thousand die. Bon Appa-Freekin’-tite. That’s nearly how many soldiers we have lost in Iraq. If we courteously inform the manager of your sanitation concerns, we can make a difference.

23 13

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WOMEN TO HONOR: WFYI Public Broadcasting is currently accepting nominations for the 2007 Speaking of Women’s Health Honorees. Nominations should reflect someone who has enhanced the quality of life in the community through their efforts in the field of women’s health. Nomination forms can be obtained at wfyi.org or by calling 715.2078. The deadline for applications is Friday.

knows what germs/ pathogens their hands picked up in public. “By the way, do you wash the lemons first to remove chemical and animal residue?” is another good question to ask. While it’s easy to imagine your hands are a bacterial homesteads, the most careless act a server can do is jeopardize a family’s health with poor hygiene and unsanitary serving habits. There are, however, millions of proud responsible professional servers out there who take their craft quite seriously and observe the rules, so let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. Before you place your hands in your mouth or eyes, or serve food and beverages, or wipe your nose, consider how many additional folks used the same grocery cart, gas pump, door handles, phones, money, and public elevator rails you touched that day. Wash your hands! Microbiologist Kelly Reynolds of the University of Arizona Environmental Research Laboratory found 21 percent of shopping carts tested to contain bodily fluids. The

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

FOR ‘GIRLS’ ONLY: The 5th Annual Girls’ Night Out Indy will be from 2 to 9 p.m. on Sept. 20, at Montage at Allison Pointe. Enjoy drinks and appetizers as you learn more about cosmetic surgery, injectables, cosmetic dentistry, hair styling, fitness, beauty, fashion and more. Go to www.girlsnightoutindy.com to register or call 848.8121.


ining gets me off. Especially when the atmosphere is homey, service is timely, the food presented attractively and of course, the food or server doesn’t make me ill. On the other side of the plate, when I receive mediocre service from a waiter with dirty fingernails, food that looks thrown together, and not much in the flavor category, I’m terribly disappointed. Or there’s the place that has great food but lousy service, which go together like Speedos and cellulite. Now that 50 percent of us prefer to eat away from home, you’re looking for a positive, safe Wendell Fowler experience. For added entertainment next time you dine out, observe all the ancillary entertainment going on in and around the scenes. Watch the servers’ and cooks’ hands in the pickup window in particular. If a server delivers my iced tea by the drinking rim, then there is a high possibility that the glass is now contaminated by God


BOOST YOUR BURN: Consuming caffeine 45 minutes before your workout will help you burn more calories.



22 14

DISPATCHES A NEW WAY TO GIVE BACK: One of the newest ways to help is the i’m Initiative, developed to raise money to support 10 of the world’s most effective nonprofit organizations. With the i’m Initiative, every time someone uses Windows Live Messenger, Microsoft donates a portion of


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

the program’s ad revenue to the participating organization of choice. People can get involved and learn more about the i’m Initiative by joining at http:// im.live.com and downloading the latest version of Windows Live Messenger at no cost. — aracontent iPHONE STRESS TEST: Editors at PC World put the iPhone through the wringer (actually, they tossed it around in a bag of keys and tried to scratch the screen, dropped it on carpet, tile floor and concrete.) It kept working, and the only damage was some dings around the edges. To watch video of the test, go to www.pcworld.com. GET SOME FREE STUFF: Tired of paying for software? OpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software. The programs run in Windows and cover the most common tasks such as word processing, presentations, e-mail, Web browsing, Web design, and image manipulation. It claims to include only the highest quality programs, which have been carefully tested for stability, and which they consider appropriate for a wide audience. Go to www. theopencd.org. — theopencd.org


It’s hard to believe, but the time is rapidly approaching when college students have to start preparing to go back to college or maybe off to college for their first time. A large part of this preparation is to make sure that they have a good computer. It is practically impossible to manage college life without it. Whether it is the social scene with on-line chat groups, e-mail, and downloads, or they are actually using the computer to study, do research, and write papers, it is critical to have the right computer and software. If you’re looking to purchase a new computer you may have already heard all the issues with Microsoft’s new operating system called Windows Vista. It is difficult to find anyone selling new computers with XP on them unless you specifically request it or have the computer custom built. Although Vista has some bugs, it is still a good operating system. The problem with Vista (as it is with any new operating system when it is introduced) is that many of the peripherals that you connect to the computer will not work. The needed drivers have simply not been designed yet and depending on the device may never be designed. For example, printers that are more

than a year old, cell phones, PDAs, and digital cameras, are among many of the devices that will most likely not work with Vista yet. Another of our sons is going off to college this year, and we asked the college if it was Vista-ready. The answer was not yet. This means

that many of the services they provide to students will not be available on the computers with Vista. They are working on updating this but did not know how soon it could be done. So what options do you have? You can purchase a new computer with Vista and then deal with all the problems or you can have Vista replaced with Windows XP. All new computers with Vista installed are capable of running Windows XP and will actually be much faster when running XP. Almost all colleges offer software to their students at such a low cost that making this change is quite affordable. Just one thing you should remember. When you load the new operating system you will lose all of your data unless you have it backed up. You can bring it back after the installation. If all this sounds too confusing or more than you want to tackle, seek professional help to make the change. But don’t send your student off to college with a computer that will not work for them. Gary Hubbard is owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors.com. Data Doctors is also a drop center for electronic donations and recycling. Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors.com.


TOP LAPTOPS: PC World has ranked its five top laptops for mobile professionals, based on their low weight and small size. They are, in order: Dell XPS M1210 ($2,150), Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet ($2,500), Asus W5Fe-2P025E, ($2,199), HP Pavilion tx1000 ($1,779) and Sony VGNTXN15P/B ($2,300). — pcworld.com


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WHAT’S NEXT FOR APPLE? Industry onlookers familiar with Apple’s miniaturization and product expansion strategy will not be shocked to learn that analysts are predicting that the iPhone will eventually be joined by a cheaper model based on the design of the iPod Nano. Another possibility is that instead of iPod Nano designs heading to the iPhone, it will be iPhone technology making its way to the iPod line. Adding touchscreen functionality to the iPod may give the Apple music player a new edge without fearing lost sales to the iPhone. — dailytech.com

SONY CUTS PS3 PRICE: Sony Corp. has slashed the price of its current PlayStation 3 by $100, or 16.7 percent, and introduced a highcapacity model in an effort to spur sales of the struggling video game console. The 60 gigabyte model now costs $499, down from $599. The new PS3 increases the system’s storage capacity to 80 gigabytes from 60 gigabytes and also includes a retail copy of the online racing title MotorStorm, a company spokesman said. It will be priced at $599. — Comcast.net

HM_ServiceDir-Small.indd 2/7/07 1 10:41:07 PM

POCKET BREATHALYZER WITH UV DETECTOR: Pocket Breathalizers are a dime a dozen these days, but this combo one has an extra ultraviolet detector on the tail end, so you can tell not only when you’re too drunk to drive, but when you should be sipping that umbrella drink under an umbrella. $20 or so will get you one from online retailers like Breathalyzer.net. — Gizmodo.com

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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cattered throughout Carmel are several neighborhoods with pockets of ground moisture issues. Underground springs cause many, as do developmental issues, little boys’ outdoor peeing habits, improper grading and downspout placement. So, what’s a homeowner to do with a lawn that is a pain to mow and a party hangout for mosquitoes? “Don’t fight the site” and create a rain garden! Perennial rain gardens are a colorful solution and Randy Sorrell surprisingly simple to Outdoors install, unless you’re the one on the digging end of a shovel. After creating a two-foot to six-foot-deep, gradually sloping depression in the respectably sized moist area, simply plant a good mixture of native wetland and prairie wildflowers and grasses. Some of our favorites you’ve already admired in Carmel’s parks and grow freely along roadsides and streambeds. False dragons head, cardinal flower, wild blue

flag iris and sweet flag are consistent flowering natives that graced our land centuries ago. The grasses (river bulrush, soft-stemmed bulrush, torreys rush, fox sedge and bottle brush sedge) produce cool seed heads that generate winter interest and resemble some elegant grasses used in more formal landscape settings. Mulch lightly, don’t fertilize, add a few boulders for interest and a purple martin house if you are a “birder.” If you care to have more of a ponding affect, dig a little deeper and confirm that it retains water. If not, inexpensive liners are widely available, but will require that you plant around the edge. Make certain to not interrupt the lawn’s natural drainage flow. It’s best to install a four-inch drain tile for water to exit in heavy rains. Maintenance is simple, too. Keep wet for a few months (the naturally moist area should suffice) and mow it down every spring. Pull

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Includes: any initial weeds and invite the maturing natives to choke those unwanted fun suckers out in the future. Wet space…a good excuse to plant some more perennials!! Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel design, landscape and remodeling firm. He may be reached at 679.2565 or randy@choosesurroundings.com.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007




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HOT FIND: Bourjois Eau De Gloss is only $15 each, available at sephora. com. Bourjois’s water-based glosses give your lips tons of shine without the stickiness. They’re citrusflavored, come in eight colorful shades and are enhanced with menthol, so your lips will feel cool even when it’s hot! — instyle.com TRAVEL, BOND STYLE: James Bond fans have always envied his life: an excellent car, cool gadgets, beautiful women, and, of course, exotic travel. Whether it was playing cards at a swank Bahamas


homeowner does not have to be branded a tree hugger to appreciate the “green” trend in interior design products. Mainstream manufacturers such as Shaw Flooring and Sherwin-Williams have added to the flood of enviro-friendly products, which offer safer alternatives for the home. Lead in paint was outlawed in 1978 when the hazards of ingestion and exposure became too obvious to ignore. Since then, a concern for indoor air quality has been growing and changes are on the horizon. The old standard, alkyd or oil-based paints are disappearing from the shelves of paint stores in states from California to New York. The air hazard from the VOC level (volatile organic compound), coupled with the contamination of landfills, has numbered the days of a product that has been the mainstay of most trim painters for decades. Paint companies such as Sherwin-Williams have developed products that offer maximum performance, long-term durability and have the highest indoor air quality ratings for low VOC and low odor. I first heard of this product several years ago when it was introduced as a paint that could be used in buildings that were occupied by those sensitive to paint fumes,

such as nursing home residents. Harmony Interior Latex is an environmentally preferred interior house paint that is designed with antimicrobial properties. This Latex paint offers a zero-VOC, low odor and silica-free coating that allows Vicky Earley occupancy of newly Decor painted spaces. The waterborne formula is available as a primer and a topcoat in eggshell, flat and semi-gloss finishes. Shaw flooring has answered the call to “green-up” with environmentally friendly flooring products, such as Evergreen Recycled nylon. The traditional approach to the manufacturing of synthetic products such as carpet requires that raw materials be taken from the earth, made into a specific product, and after consumption, sent to overflowing landfills. By converting the post-consumer nylon carpet back to the raw material and then the new fiber, the positive impact on the

landfill is substantial. Hardwood flooring has taken an envirofriendly turn, as well. The Epic line of hardwood by Shaw uses 50 percent less newly forested wood. The core is made of compressed wood fiber that would have, otherwise, been destined for the landfill. Looking ahead to advances on the horizon for environmentally friendly interiors, look for these products to arrive: • Within two years, look for lightemitting diodes to replace incandescent and florescent lighting. This is the oscillation of electrons in bundled semiconductors to produce light. Some LEDs already achieve the efficiency of compact fluorescents and are now well on their way to exceeding it. • Vacuum-insulated paneling is about 10 years away but it has the potential of R-30 insulation. Airtight panels with evacuated cores take advantage of the principle behind a Thermos bottle. Far more research is required to move these panels into home construction, but it could make fiberglass batt insulation and expanded polyurethane insulation obsolete. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs located in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact Vicky at artichokedesigns@aol.com.



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RING FINGER – EXPLAINED: Why do we wear wedding rings on our forth finger? Credit the ancient Egyptians: When they got hitched, they picked reeds growing along the Nile and fashioned them into bands. They stuck these on the fourth finger of their left hand because they believed the vein in that finger led straight to the heart! — quick & simple


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Selectõs F I N E S T

casino in 1965’s “Thunderball” (pictured) or traipsing through the Haghia Sophia in Istanbul (“From Russia With Love”), Bond has always been a model for stylish jet-setters — never mind his enviable budget from Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Read about 19 amazing places where Bond made his mark at www. concierge.com/ideas/artsculture/ tours/detail?id=1308.


CALLING ALL BFFs: National Friendship Day is Aug. 5, and in light of a recent survey that indicates women place high value on their friendships, Olay is offering women a chance to treat themselves with a trip to New York City. Olay is hosting a summer contest called “Light Up Your Life.” Women can upload a two-minute video describing how a close friend lights up their life to www. radianceribbons.com. The contest closes Aug. 31. — aracontent

“GREEN” PRODUCTS are going space age with led lights and vacuum sealed panels




Tuesday, July 17, 2007



’m sure we were all riveted (My Inner Editor dislikes it by the news that scientists when people commit the act have learned a great deal of redundification, or repeat recently about Saturn’s themselves. Oops.) moon, Hyperion. “WATER ice?” I continued. “As OK, maybe it was just me. opposed to … what? Dry ice in ( What can I say? I’m a Baby a cup?” Boomer® who went to school Lighten up, I was told. That’s during the Space Race, became a just what it’s called. What, you Space Geek, and never got over it. don’t have stuff like that where Among the guys I ran around with, you come from? I was MISTER Space. As opposed to The only thing I could come Mister Spacely, who was the boss up with off hand was pickles, Mike Redmond on “The Jetsons.” But I digress. As which in the part of the state I Humor usual.) come from is used as a synonym Anyway, for those who aren’t for cucumbers, either raw or up to speed: Hyperion is this big rock orbiting cured in brine. We loved to eat pickles, but Saturn, and in photos taken by NASA’s Cassini we all dreaded being sent out in the blazing spacecraft, Hyperion appears to be kind of summer heat to pick pickles. oblong, with lots of deep craters. Think of it as So anyway, I can’t wait to send this story a Giant Space Loofah. to my friends in South Jersey. They love their And now scientists know why the craters water ice (and rightly so; it’s pretty good) are so deep and pristine (as opposed to almost as much as they love their Taylor looking like the shallower craters of, say, our Pork Roll (think of it as a kind of Spam that moon). actually tastes good) and their Tastykakes It’s because Hyperion is made up mostly of (the second greatest thing Philadelphia gave — are you ready? — water ice. to the world). And now they can brag that Yes. their water ice is actually cosmic in origin. Water ice. Heaven-sent, you might say (although I prefer You East Coast transplants know where I’m to use that description for the aforementioned going with this, don’t you? Tastykakes). The moon of Saturn is an Italian-American The scientists even said the deep craters on frozen dessert. Hyperion were full of “red gunk.” They must If you’ve ever been to the East Coast, not be from Jersey or they’d know. It’s cherry particularly New Jersey and specifically the syrup. shore (they don’t have the beach there; they And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to have the shore) you know what I’m talking go back to the Internet to look up some about. There are stands all over the place with more stuff about Cassini as it continues its big signs advertising Water Ice. exploration for space, looking for new worlds, What they mean is flavored ice — cherry new information, and a giant wooden spoon and lemon are good — sort of like a popsicle shaped like a canoe paddle. Roger, Houston. that comes in a cup and takes forever to eat Pass the Tastykakes. Over and out. with one of those wooden spoons that look like a little canoe paddle and leaves teeny little Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ splinters on your tongue. But again, I digress. mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, First time I saw the signs, my Inner Editor Indianapolis, IN 46244. For information on just about went into warp drive. speaking fees and availability, visit www. “Water ice?” I asked. “Isn’t that kind of spotlightwww.com. redundant?”


told my wife the other day I’m not very bright. Maybe I’ll tell that the stress of doing a everyone about your conversation weekly newspaper column with the urologist last year. OK, was getting to be too why don’t you write about my much for me. I explained obsession with jigsaw puzzles?” to her in a very analytical and “I wrote that one in June, thoughtful way how the pressure 2003.” of having to be funny four times a “And I suppose you told them month has become overwhelming. how I sit up all night in my ragI knew she would understand. gedy robe and do puzzles while “Get back to work,” said Mary watching ‘Bonanza’?” Ellen. “And don’t forget to take out “Yes, that was the best part of the garbage.” the column.” Dick Wolfsie I had expected a more reflec“So let me understand this. Humor tive consideration of the issue, My favorite pastime in the whole but I did appreciate the apparent world annoys you. I never knew finality of her assessment. that. Is everything a big joke to you? OK, if “Look, Mary Ellen, I’m running out of you’re really desperate, how about a column ideas. I used to write a lot about how you about how you have returned every birthday annoyed or frustrated me, but in the last year gift I have ever given you?” you have been so downright adorable, so “February, ’06.” giving, so caring, so understanding that there’s “You stinker. Do you think it’s easy to shop nothing left to write about. So, now do you for someone who has so few hobbies, hates appreciate what I am up against?” getting clothes and doesn’t know how to “Look, if I give you a few good ideas will operate anything high tech? OK, last try. How you sit yourself behind that computer and about a feature about how little I understand stop whining?” sports?” “Like what?” “August ’03, June ’05, January ’06, Novem“Well, what about how when I go grocery ber ’07.” shopping I never buy the kinds of stuff you “Why, you male chauvinist! You know, on like; I just buy low-fat food?” second thought, maybe you should quit writ“I already wrote that in June of ’04.” ing your columns.” “I see. I guess mocking me for trying to “What, and give up all this fun I’m having?” keep the family healthy is your idea of funny. Dick Wolfsie is a columnist, author and speaker. Here’s a better idea. Why don’t you write a Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com. column on how I give you this really long list of errands to do every Saturday morning when what you really want to do is play golf?” “That was my column in August of ’02.” “Really? That’s a bit ungrateful of you, don’t you think? I work all week at my job and then I ask you to do a few things for me and you turn it into a bunch of cheap laughs. Maybe you should write one about how I was stopped for speeding last year.” “October, 2005. That one was a big hit with my readers. I told the entire story.” “You mean you even wrote about how I said to the cop, ‘How could I know my plates were expired if I’m up here in the driver’s seat?’ You wrote that? Great. Now all of central Indiana thinks


PURGATORY IN TOP 50: Golf for Women magazine recently ranked Purgatory Golf Club in Noblesville to the Top 50 Courses for Women. With key components such as course design, impeccable conditioning and a welcoming atmosphere, Purgatory is the only Indiana Course to make the cut in the Top 50. It was ranked 46th.

PUTT FOR SERTOMA: The Sertoma Club of Carmel is hosting a fundraiser Aug. 4 at Pirate’s Cove Miniature Golf Course at 3421 E. 96th St. (next to Woodland Bowl). “Putt Away for TherAplay” begins at 10:30 a.m. and includes 18 holes of putting, lunch and raffle tickets for only $60 for each team of four. Call 888.705.2304 or go to www.carmelsertoma.org.

Thanks to publicity surrounding the new Be Indypendent/Buy Indy Art campaign, artist Casey Roberts had a spectacular First Friday in July. The painter sold three of the six unfinished works on paper that were hanging in his Fountain Square studio that night. Several people made arrangements to return to consider the other framed and unframed landscapes and abstract paintings displayed in the Murphy Art Center space that Roberts shares with two other artists. “We definitely took this First Friday more seriously because of the additional press coverage,” Roberts said towards midnight, as the July 6 event was winding down. “We really got behind the new initiative, which puts out there the idea of people buying art from local artists.” Roberts noted that at least 15 people talked to him about the Buy Indy Art program,

and he thought the open studio drew a larger crowd than usual for a First Friday Art Tour because of the extra publicity. Through the Be Indypendent/Buy Indy Art program, launched on July 4, the Arts Council of Indianapolis is promoting the purchase of creative works by local artists such as Roberts. The initiative, a joint project of ACI and the Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission, encourages residents of central Indiana to purchase works of fine art created by Indianapolis-area artists.

Online resources include a Web site (www. BeIndypendent.org) with a beginner’s guide to buying art objects and a link to a database of more than 600 local artists. Consumers can check out listed artists’ background and upcoming shows before making purchases, as well as discover new artists whose work they might want to acquire. “High-quality work is being produced here in the Indianapolis area, and we’re out to showcase that,” said Shannon Linker, director of artist services, ACI. “This is Indy’s cultural version of the ‘buy local’ movement,” said Jenny Guimont, director of the Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission. The program launch included a First Friday after party at ALCHEMY art + aesthetics in Fountain Square, where ACI handed out promotional materials. Among the giveaways are square stickers by Hamilton County painter Gayla Hodson — one of just six local

artists singled out for special recognition. The black-and-white “Be Indypendent/Buy Indy Art” bumper stickers and colorful square stickers, along with a directory of Indianapolis and surrounding-area art galleries, are available at the Carmel Arts & Design District office at 111 W. Main St. Barbara E. Cohen is a freelance writer who covers the arts for Current in Carmel and teaches art appreciation at Ivy Tech Community College. You can reach her with comments or story ideas at barbara@i-writersstudio.com.

What: A Touch of Mandela When: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and noon to 8 p.m. Sunday Where: Indiana Convention Center, Hall D, Indianapolis Cost: Included with admission to Indiana Black Expo, $10 ($8 advance), free for children 5 and younger. Details: Limited-edition lithographs of paintings created by humanitarian Nelson Mandela reflecting his memories of 17 years of incarceration on Robben Island, South Africa. Info: 925.2702 or www.indianablackexpo.com.

Nelson Mandela and Hand of Africa (above left)

23 19


SHH! LISTEN TO THE MUSIC: Check out “Pitch Perfect” at 7 p.m. July 23 in the Program Room at Carmel Clay Public Library. This unpretentious, laid-back conversation meets quarterly to chat about both classical and jazz music. Bring along a recording that you’ve enjoyed and want to share with others. Stop by the AV Desk or call 571.4281 for more information.

By Barbara E. Cohen

Music is the focus of the fourth and final summer Hoosier Heartland train on Saturday. “Midsummer Music” will feature special free music in three of the towns: Cicero — Native American flute crafter and performer Earl Tharp will demonstrate his talents at the Cicero Coffee & Tea Company. Arcadia — The Hedgehog Music Showcase will highlight a traditional music jam session throughout the day. The Hedgehog is an intimate 100-seat performance venue located in a restored shop along Main Street in historic Arcadia. Atlanta — The Atlanta Music Hall will be open for a special mid-day jam session of swing and other popular music. Musicians will appear off and on throughout the day on the train ride. Also, downtown Noblesville merchants will feature their annual summer sidewalk sale. Cost for the train is $10 for adults and $8 for children ages 3-12 for an all-day wristband. The train boards in each of the communities and in Hobbs Station, Forest Park.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CHILL OUT: Check out delicious and cheap recipes for smoothies and ice cream from 6:30 to 8 p.m. July 25 at Wild Oats, 14598 Clay Terrace Blvd. Refresh yourself with samples of green apple juice, tropical breeze smoothie, frappuccino ice coffee and homemade fat free sugar-free ice cream!

Casey Roberts



‘HARRY POTTER’ PARTY: The Mystery Company (233 Second Ave. SW) will host a “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” Party at 10 p.m. on Friday. Reservations are suggested. Call 705.9711 for details.



20 22

Chef’s Choice Seasoned Cornish Hens Ingredients: • 4 Tyson Rock Cornish Game Hens, thawed • Olive Oil Nonstick cooking spray or olive oil • Your favorite seasoning blend — such as Lemon Pepper or Italian

Daniel Dirsherl

with tongs. Cover and grill 30 to 40 minutes longer or until done (internal temp 180 degrees). Serving Suggestion: Serve with grilled vegetables and bread. Refrigerate leftovers.

Where he eats: I eat at home a lot, but I love Bub’s. What he eats: I like to eat a regular old hamburger. What he likes about Bub’s: It’s very casual. The setting makes it that way by their hostesses’ attire, the presentation of the food and the ambiance of the whole place. Bub’s Burgers and Ice Cream 210 W. Main St. Carmel, IN 46032


Phone: 706.BUBS (2827) Hours: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday; 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday through Saturday

Ingredients: • 2 ounces Three Olives Pomegranate Vodka


• 2 ounces grapefruit juice • Splash of grenadine Directions: Shake with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lime wedge. — money magazine


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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Instructions: Preheat grill to medium-high. Wash hands. Coat hens with nonstick cooking spray or olive oil. Sprinkle with seasonings to taste. Place hens on grill. Cover and grill 30 to 40 minutes, turning frequently

General manager of Kincaid’s Fish Chop and Steakhouse


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Keltie’s has been catering and serving items from its bistro style menu for three years. Keltie Domina has been a chef for 25 years. The bistro style menu offers Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad that is tossed in a sweet poppyseed vinaigrette. “A favorite on the menu is the Beggars Purse,” Domina said. The beggars purse is the classic chicken salad, bleu cheese and sweet mustard stuffed in a puff pastry purse. The purse is then baked until crispy brown and served on a bed of cranberry compote. Keltie’s tries to be a nice relaxing place to eat lunch, and is looking forward to an expansion in September.


The Carmel Farmers Market Date: Saturdays. Time: 8 to 11:30 a.m. Nearly 50 vendors offer a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, plants and perennials, farm-raised meats. Price: Free. Web: carmelfarmersmarket.org. Big River — The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Carmel Community Players production of Mark Twain story. Dates: July 27-29 and Aug. 3-5 and 10-12. Location: Clay Middle School, 5150 E. 126th St. Time: 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. Sundays. Price: $12 for adults and $10 for students, seniors and children. Phone: 815.9387. Web: carmelplayers.org.


Indy Dancers Dances Dance a variety of social dances to DJ music. Date: Tuesday. Location: 8 Seconds Saloon, 111 N. Lynhurst Ave., Indianapolis. Time: 7 to 10:30 p.m. Price: Members $5, nonmembers $10. Date: Saturday. Location: Starlite Ballroom, 5720 Guion Road, Indianapolis. Time: 7:30 to 11 p.m. Dance a variety of social dances to DJ music. Price: Members $8, nonmembers $12. Includes lesson 6:30-7:30 and cold-cuts buffet. Singles welcome. Phone: 767.5665. Web: indydancers.com.

Live Music

Audio Diner with Michele Haddix Date: Wednesday. Location: Gazebo at Carmel Civic Square, Carmel. Time: 7 p.m. Price: Free. Phone: 898.1123. Tin Can Island Date: Thursday. Location: Red Star Tavern in Clay Terrace. Time: 7 to 10 p.m. Featuring half-priced bottled wine. Phone:

Mickey’s Irish Pub Toy Factory — Friday; Meatball Band — Saturday. Location: 13644 N. Meridian St. Phone: 573.9746. Web: mickeysirishpub. com. The Jazz Kitchen-Trilogy +1 Date: Wednesday. Location: 5377 N. College Ave., Indianapolis. Price: $5. Time: 7 to 10:30 p.m. Phone: 253.4900. Web: jazzkitchen.com. Orquesta Son Date: Wednesday. Location: Arthur M. Glick JCC, 6701 Hoover Road, Indianapolis. Time: 6:30 p.m. Price $5 adults, $3 students and seniors and $20 family rate (one household). Cealed Kasket, Awesome Car Funmaker, The Giggles Date: Tuesday. Location: Birdy’s 2131 E. 71st St., Indianapolis. Time: 8:30 p.m. Phone: 254.8971. Web: birdyslive.com/ July2007.html.


Nippers Bar & Grill Date: Friday and Saturday. Time: 9 p.m. to close. Location: 1772 E. 116th St. Phone: 818.9980. Web: nippers2.com. Majors Sports Café Date: Fridays. Time: 9 p.m. to midnight. Location: 2293 E. 116th St. Special: Budweiser buckets of beer special, five for $9.95. Phone: 566.8482. Web: majorssportscafe.com.

Blu Martini Half-price sushi. Dates: 5 to 7 p.m. every night. Location: 96th Street and Gray Road, Indianapolis. Phone: 566.8650. Web: blumartiniindy.com.

Texas Hold’M

Hot Shotz Ale and Grill Location: 4705 E. 96th St., Indianapolis. Date: Thursday Nights at 8:30. Phone: 818.9510. Web: hotshotzgrill.com. Nippers Bar & Grill

Date: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Time: 7 p.m. to close. Location: 1772 E. 116th St. Phone: 818.9980. Web: nippers2. com.


Edward Scissorhands Date: Friday. Location: Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 N. Michigan Road, Indianapolis. Time: gate opens for picnicking at 6 p.m.; movie screens at dusk. Price: $3 for members, $8 for nonmembers. Phone: 923.1331. Web: ima-art. org.

by Deanna Raybourn

Visit the Carmel Clay Public Library’s website at www.carmel.lib.in.us for more book reviews.

“WE’RE Fashions from West Coast tattoo artist Ed Hardy as seen on the hit show “Entourage” on HBO. 37 W. Main Street, Carmel





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Silent in the Grave includes bold characters, an atmospheric setting and romantic suspense. Author Raybourn pairs her well-educated female sleuth with a dark, romantic hero who is part Sherlock Holmes and part Heathcliff. Raybourn richly describes the class system and social conditions of Victorian London. Silent in the Grave may appeal to readers who enjoy the Victorian mysteries of Anne Perry, the historical romance novels of Amanda Quick or Michel Faber’s doorstopper novel The Crimson Petal and the White.



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Silent in the Grave

Reviewed by Deanna Street CCPL Readers’ Advisory Librarian


Rahn Ramey Dates: 6 p.m. Thursday, 7:30 and 10:15 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Location: Morty’s Comedy Joint, 3625 E. 96th St., Indianapolis. Price: $8 to $18. Web: mortyscomedy.com.



843.1200. Web: redstartavern.net.

The Reno-Hype Show Dates: 9 p.m. today. Location: Morty’s Comedy Joint, 3625 E. 96th St., Indianapolis. Price: $8 to $18. Web: mortyscomedy.com.


Answers to ALPHABETICALLY SPEAKING: 1) ADEQUATE; 2) CARAMEL; 3) DEFLATE; 4) HOPPER; 5) LICORICE; 6) WINSOME Answers to CARMEL WORDSMITH CHALLENGE: Among the common words in “IPALCO” are: capo, clap, clip, clop, coal, coil, cola, laic, loci, opal, pail, pica, ail, alp, cap, cop, lap, lip, lop, oil, pal, pic, poi, pol Answers to HOOSIER HODGEPODGE: Things that Fly: Airplane, Balloon, Bird, Blimp, Kite, Superman; Nuts: Almond, Cashew, Peanut, Pecan, Walnut; Characters: Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, Samantha; Champions: Batista, Goldberg, Triple H; Limo Services: Carey, Indy Limo; Colt: Gonzalez

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


CARMEL WORDSMITH CHALLENGE Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.




Puzzles by Sanchez J. Jiminez sjjpuzzles@yahoo.com


We want your news!


Smolecki-Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smolecki of Carmel announce the engagement of their daughter Suzanne to Joshua Jordan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jordan of Columbus, Ind. Suzanne is a graduate of Carmel High School and Purdue University. She is an auditor for Ernst & Young LLP in Milwaukee, Wis. Josh graduated from Columbus East High School and Purdue University. He is a business analyst for Case New Holland in Racine, Wis. The proposal was a surprise to the future bride, and occurred as she finished running the 500 Festival Mini Marathon in May. A June 2008 wedding is planned.


HELP WANTED NOW HIRING: Dazzles Salon and Laser Center booth rental opportunities; full time hair stylist, full time Massage Therapist andfull time Nail-Tech Call Kim Young for info and details at 595-6525


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FITNESS EQUIPMENT – MUST SELL NOW! 7-pc Keiser circuit w/ compressor, 3 Reebok steps, 5 jog boards, 1 Bosu, 10x25 ½ “open” sign, Futrex Body Composition setup including software, Seca scale, coat rack, music system with cabinet, office chair, posters in metallic frames. 575.8613. Ask for Dee or Don.

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Residential remodel/repair Company seeking experienced Part-Time Service Tech with own tools and transportation for work in Northern Indianapolis. Please call. 317.733.9610 or fax resumes to 317.733.4662.



July 17 12:29 a.m., Harassment, E. 126th St./Hazel Dell Pky. 7:08 a.m., Accident with property damage, N. Meridian St./W. 96th St. 7:16 a.m., Accident with property damage, N. Meridian St./E. 96th St. 8:39 a.m., Accident with property damage, W. Carmel Dr./N. Meridian St. 9:14 a.m., Accident with property damage, N. Meridian St./E. 106th St. 12:03 p.m., Harassment, 1158 Golfview Dr. 1:04 p.m., Theft, 13808 Amblewind Pl. 1:30 p.m., Theft, 1032 N. Range Line Rd. 3:50 p.m., Accident with property damage, 130 N. Range Line Rd. 4:09 p.m., Accident with property damage, 545 S. Range Line Rd. 4:24 p.m., Theft, 10290 N. Meridian St. 4:27 p.m., Theft, 40 N. Range Line Rd.


HELP WANTED - Continued SEEKING FULL TIME & PART TIME Administrative/Marketing Support

30 W. Main St., commercial accessory structure, $90,000 13803 Fieldshire Terrace, residential single family dwelling, $202,000 13772 Fieldshire Terrace, residential single family dwelling, $188,000 13637 Cunningham Dr., residential single family dwelling, $177,934 13693 Cunningham Dr., residential single family dwelling, $202,451 13486 Humbolt Ln., residential single family dwelling, $266,343 13487 Humbolt Ln., residential single family dwelling, $266,343





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SERVICES - Continued

Guitar Lessons

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Beginners thru Advanced All styles 3:23 PMElectric-Acoustic-Bass Page 1 Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons Carmel


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John Sargent Lathrop, 84 of Carmel passed away July 9. He was the son of the late Homer and Julia (Hyland) Lathrop, born on Oct. 2, 1922 in Indianapolis. Mr. Lathrop served in the U.S. Army

Permits filed

13486 Salamone Way, residential single family dwelling, $270,000 4400 Weston Pointe Dr. #130, commercial tenant finish, $500,000 10443 Charter Oaks, residential swimming pool, $39,000 2486 Turning Leaf Ln., residential porch addition, $20,000 12772 Tram Ln., residential single family dwelling, $225,000 4720 Brookshire, electrical

permit/inspection, $0 986 W. 141st St., demolition, $0 14119 Ditch Rd., demolition, $0 713 Mayfair Ln., electrical permit/ inspection, $0 747 W. 136th St., electrical permit/inspection, $0 10602 Jordan Rd., electrical permit/inspection, $0 3645 Abney Highland Dr., electrical permit/inspection, $0 760 Woodview Dr. S., residential porch addition, $17,900 2499 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2495 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2491 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2487 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2481 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2475 Glebe St., residential townhome, $365,000 2469 Glebe St., residential townhome, $365,000 2463 Glebe St., residential townhome, $365,000 2457 Glebe St., residential townhome, $365,000 2451 Glebe St., residential townhome, $365,000 2445 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2439 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2433 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2427 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 2421 Glebe St., residential townhome, $286,500 14158 Woodfield Circle, residential remodel, $68,000 3860 Dolan Way, residential single family dwelling, $260,000 14254 Brandt Ln., residential single family dwelling, $140,000 3538 Brumley Mews, residential remodel, $57,000 11308 E. Lakeshore Dr., residential swimming pool, $55,000


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Loren Herman Kelley, 89, Carmel, passed away July 9, 2007, in Indianapolis. He was born May 9, 1918, in Clinton, Ind., to the late Aubrey and Veda Shew Kelley. After graduating from high school, he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps. He was sent to Montana to help survey land that eventually became part of the National Parks System. Mr. Kelley was a Navy veteran of World War II, where he proudly served his country in the Northern Pacific and Aleutian Islands. A master in his trade as a skilled sheet metal worker and a loyal union man all his life, Mr. Kelley worked his way up to drawing and estimating jobs before retiring in 1983. He and his wife, Pat, lived in Leesburg, Fla., several years before returning to Carmel in 2001. He was an expert woodcarver and enjoyed creating beautiful interpretations of flowers and trees. He also enjoyed cross-stitch. In addition to his parents, Mr. Kelley was preceded in death by his wife, Pat. Survivors include daughters Kay Thompson, Georgia Rayson; son Kurt Kelley; and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Friends and family gathered July 12 at Leppert Mortuary, Smith Carmel Chapel. A private committal service will be held in Clinton at a later date.

during World War II in Okinawa as a captain and was discharged in 1945. He retired in 1978 from John J. Madden Furniture Company, where he was president for 25 years. Mr. Lathrop was a member of St. Louis de Montfort Catholic Church in Fishers and St. Luke Catholic Church in Palm Harbour, Fla., as well as a member of Rotary Club of Indianapolis, charter member of Crooked Stick Country Club and Ennisbrook Golf and Country Club in Florida and had served as a board member. He was an avid golfer and had shot two holes in one. He graduated from Park School after attending Shortridge High School and graduated from Princeton University. A Mass of Christian Burial was held July 12 in St Louis de Montfort. Mr. Lathrop is survived by his wife of 60 years, Jane Madden Lathrop, along with his children, Susan (Thomas) Boor, John M. (Connie) Lathrop, Nancy (Zane) Brown, Homer (Jane) Lathrop and Robert Lathrop. He was the proud grandfather of thirteen and great grandfather of seven. Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association. Funeral arrangements have handled by Leppert Mortuary, Smith Carmel Chapel.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

James I. Bradley, 79, Indianapolis, passed away June 22, 2007. He was born Dec. 10, 1927, in Windsor, Mo., to John N. and Opal Wilson Bradley. During WWII, he joined the U.S. Marines at the age of 17, serving in the Pacific. He later joined the Army Air Corps,

William Morris Correll, 60, Carmel, passed away July 5, 2007. He was born in Indianapolis on Dec. 27, 1946. Mr. Cordell lived most of his life in Carmel, attended the original Carmel School, graduating from the then new Carmel High School in 1964. Mr. Correll graduated from Ball State in 1968. He lived in Ventura, Calif., for four years, where he taught high school. He then moved to Hawaii and became a tour guide, returning to Indiana in 1984, where he began his career in real estate. Mr. Correll was a major contributor to many youth sports programs in Carmel, especially as a coach for the IYHA and CYSA. He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Kathleen;

three daughters, Michelle, Shauna, and Brittany; son-in-law Brett; granddaughter Cali; his mother, June Correll; sisters Cay Marsh, Jody Correll, Karen Beatty and Jennifer Starling. Surviving brothers are Baron Hansen and Steve Hansen. Contributions may be made to the Carmel Lions ClubCorrell Scholarship.


Current in Carmel is happy to publish news of wedding, engagement and anniversary celebrations. Send information and photos to news@currentincarmel.com

serving in the Pentagon. He met his wife, Catherine B. Schulz, in Washington, D.C., and they were married in 1948. They were married 47 years before her death. Mr. Bradley worked in the insurance business almost 40 years in sales and underwriting. He served as deacon and elder at Central Christian Church in Carmel. During his retirement, he worked in the mission field, serving a year in Ukraine teaching the Bible with The Navigators at the age of 70. That experience was followed by mission trips to Bosnia and London. In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Joan Paul. Mr. Bradley is survived by daughter Sharon Kaufman; sons James Bradley II, Richard Bradley and Bernard Bradley; daughter Mary Stoughton; brothers Newton Bradley, Irvin Bradley; brother-inlaw Lester Paul; 13 grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren. Friends and family gathered on June 26 at Leppert Mortuary, Smith Carmel Chapel.

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