June 17, 2008

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TUESDAY June 17, 2008 FREE

The Hunt for the CarmelFest Medallion. P8

curing kids of boredom. P12

uplifting and acceptable yard art P18

For the Love of Animals Lisa Fitzwater and the Hamilton County Humane Society Raise Money and Awareness with Dog Day Afternoon. P2

Education can help your child breathe easier. See back for details.


For the Love of Animals Lisa Fitzwater and the Hamilton County Humane Society Raise Money and Awareness with Dog Day Afternoon.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

By Christine Bavender Current in Carmel

Downtown Carmel is going to the dogs this Sunday as the Hamilton County Humane Society takes over the Arts and Design District. “It’s called Dog Day Afternoon, and it’s a familyfriendly event that is a fund raiser, but it’s more than that – it’s also educational,” explained Lisa Fitzwater, who organized the event. “We want to teach people to spay and neuter, and this is a fantastic opportunity to combine learning and fun.” From 1 to 5 p.m. there will be events ranging from a human and a canine fashion show to micro chipping, a Frisbee toss to service dog demonstrations and animals from the Silly Safari. More than 40 vendors – from as far as Montreal, Canada – will also be on hand. According to Fitzwater, the Hamilton County Humane Society is what is known as a low-kill shelter, which means that only dogs or cats that cannot be rehabilitated – whether physically or because they are vicious because of poor handling or poor human care – are euthanized. “There are no bad dogs or bad cats, just bad owners,” Fitzwater said. “They are not born vicious – it’s always human responsibility.” The shelter has a 95 percent adoption rate. The national average, Fitzwater said, is 25 percent. “So they are doing something right,” she said.

So when it came to planning Dog Day Afternoon, Fitzwater wanted to do something that would cross some boundaries to reach more people. “To me animals cross so many boundaries. You have to have a compassion gene missing if you don’t love animals,” she said. “But even if you don’t love animals, contributing to the humane society is still a win-win because of the spay/neuter program which means fewer unwanted animals born.” Fitzwater thinks the residents of Carmel are really special and will show up for the event. “If they knew how simple it was to spay and neuter and to release animals not wanted to the animal society, we could nip this problem in a matter of years,” she said. “We all have to deal with negatives and overwhelming problems in this world every day and you think how can you really help on a grand scale. But this is a area where you can make a big difference by getting involved in such a small way.” Fitzwater hopes Dog Day Afternoon will become an annual event. “We want it to be the beginning of a national event that all humane societies can jump on board with, and we can take care of these animals.” Animals, Fitzwater said, that have such great benefits

Dog Day Afternoon

Sunday, June 22, 1 - 5 p.m. Corner of Main Street and Range Line Road in Carmel

for their owners. “There is so Events will include much scientific Puppy Parade Fashion Show support of the Service Dog Demonstrations health benefits Pet Microchipping of having an Paw Print Paintings animal in your Silent Auction life,” she said. Silly Safari “There are serDozens of Dog Booths vice dogs being Educational Seminars groomed now that run the Registration is required either the gamut of helpday of the event or in advance ing the blind to at www.carmelartsanddesign. those in wheelcom. Call 317.571.2787 for chairs to those more information. with seizure illnesses. They are just indispensable to us as a society. They have no agenda and are just sweet and do nothing but give back.” The shelter has a small paid staff, but volunteers provide a lot of the manpower, Fitzwater said. Some are there every day, others once a month. Currently the shelter has about 200 animals with close to an even split between dogs and cats. “The most amazing things is there are four or five at all times that have heartworm but donors will sponsor and pay for the treatment, or surgeries or medications for other sick ones,” Fitzwater said. “So we do have a nice pool of generous people, but we are always in need of money or even other donations of times ranging from cleaning supplies to blankets for the animals.” Fitzwater anticipates a big crowd for Dog Day Afternoon.

OUR TAKES It is our position that the federal government would be well advised to align its zip code boundaries with municipal government boundaries. Many of our Carmel neighbors who pay local Carmel taxes and live in the CarmelClay school district have Indianapolis, IN mailing addresses. This is not a land-grab attempt by Mayor Ballard; instead, the reason lies with the power of the U.S. Post Office. The feds are not being “good neighbors” at the local level. In fact, the confusion can be downright maddening for those who reside in a municipality that is inconsistent with their mailbox identity. The problem


Helping Others

is not limited to Carmel. While sections of Carmel well north of 96th Street have Indianapolis zip codes, Westfield Mayor Andy Cook opens his household mail that bears a Carmel zip code. While an administrative issue that should be corrected, the federal decision-makers ought to use a sensible approach when making this change. For businesses and others who have sunk costs in address-containing items such as stationary and phone book ads, the decision to change the city and zip code should not be taken lightly. Done once and implemented thoughtfully, the Postmaster should step in line.

It is our position that the American Red Cross is doing a wonderful job aiding our fellow Hoosiers who have been ravaged by the storms, tornados and flooding. The pictures of destroyed crops, floating debris, smashed buildings and ruined landmarks pale in comparison to the human stories of suffering and despair, as survivor after survivor describes losing their home, their livelihood and their sense of security. Enter the terrific volunteers of the American Red Cross. Scores strong, this band is helping survivors create the secure foundation that they need in order to rebuild their lives.

Now is the time to make a donation to this effort if you haven’t done so already. As the Governor commented during the week, there have been devastating individual events in years past but rarely have we seen a string of storms, tornados and floods in a short span of several days pounding the same areas. Events such as these deplete the coffers of the Red Cross and render them less able to provide the immediate response to the next disaster whose arrival date no one can predict. While donations of time and tangible items are always valuable, please recall that cash is perhaps the fungible resource in greatest demand.


Not Zipped Up

CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell

Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. II, No. 34 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032


Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton lara@currentincarmel.com / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Managing Editor – Brandie Bohney brandie@currentincarmel.com / 292.9279 Content Editor – Christa Manahan christaedits@gmail.com / 385.3588 Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz stefanie@currentincarmel.com / 340.1836 Reporter – Brandon Bowman brandon@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Reporter – Bryan Unruh bryan@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com

another take


Tuesday, June 17, 2008



good advice

t is now official. I have arrived at a can dramatically change lives. Each of us point in time when folks are asking should be a part of that flow. Failure to my opinion and occasionally actudo so not only diminishes those who are ally listening to my responses. Such isolated, but all of us as members of the a responsibility is at once exhilaratlarger body. ing and daunting. Regardless On the other hand, young of the perspective, having people today are in many someone earnestly seek advice ways more isolated even at carries with it a duty to fully the same time that they are and thoroughly consider the the most connected group of feedback we are giving. In inhabitants ever to occupy fact, it can ultimately make the planet. Hours of social us challenge our own beliefs time are spent playing Halo – well, at the very least, we are over the internet with likeforced to come face-to-face minded Korean-game junkies. with all-too-present reality Dating and just about all else that our intentions and our is put on hold until some actions are not a perfectly match-making website uses aligning Venn diagram. a supposedly scientific algoTerry Many of us are lucky to get rithm to identify and deliver Anker to spend a good deal of our the perfect match. FaceBook working life interacting with is a perfect way to put one’s folks from many different generations, self into the public domain without ever including those who are much older and having to meet anyone. those who are much younger than we. As to the younger set, well acquainted The advice appropriate to each group is with pooz2hot173@aol.com but comboth very different and very much the pletely unfamiliar with whether or same. Each group retreats into its own not their roommate of three years has very different comfort zone and openly siblings, email, 2nd Life, and all the rest criticizes the disparate competitive adof I-want-to-pretend-away-my-real-lifevantage of the other. on-a-fake-one falderal encouraged by So many of those of our parents’ genthe impersonal nature of the world wide eration have simply stopped adapting. web, nothing can replace real interaction Fear of the internet and all its mysterand emotion. Regardless of how clever, ies in some cases has lead to an almost cute or correctly applied the emoticon, pathologic reluctance to learning about humans need to see each other. We need the new world order: you know, the to touch. And smell. And break bread one that makes us spend more time and with others of our species. Technology money at Best Buy than we do at the constantly strives to supplant that. We grocery store. These prematurely oldcannot let it. In a nutshell, fill the white timers remind me of the guy who failed space on your calendar with people, not to adapt to the internal combustion personas – and do it now. engine hoping to resist change just long But regardless of the age, the message enough that it really wouldn’t matter is much the same. Communicate with – in just a few years, he hoped, retireother people. Find a way to interact. Use ment will offer salvation. Eventually the whatever system or network is at your city arrested him for driving a mule train disposal: face-to-face or text message. Use down Main Street. them often. Embrace them all. Instead, learn a new technology today! Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current The iPod, video casting and email are in Carmel. You may e-mail him at terry@curtruly not the work of the devil. In fact, rentincarmel.com they are powerful keys to a kingdom of connection and communication that


Send it here: info@currentincarmel.com or call


OoPS... David Schoenenberger’s first name was incorrect in a Current in Carmel story on June 10. He is the father of a daughter, Rebecca (12), and a son, Thomas (8). Current apologizes for the errors.

FROM THE BACKSHOP WHATEVER IT TAKES: TEAR CHURCH DOWN The dilapidated church in Old Town – against which we’ve railed, and on which we’ve reported – needs to come down. Now. A longtime eyesore, it now has become a health hazard and a danger to youths looking to do a little exploring. We’re told the structure represents a combined 43 code violations. The roof is caving in, the rats come and go, and it’s a rotten mess. City leaders and the property owner need to sit down, figure out a deal and a timetable, rid our city of this nuisance and use the land for something worthy. What’s taking so long? ••• We don’t believe we’ve heard the last of Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Clinton in this race for the White House. If something on Barack Obama surfaces in the notto-distant future, watch for the gloves to drop. We hear that something is an actual tape of Obama sitting in his church while listening to his nut-job preacher. How did we hear this? Let’s just say one of Hollywood’s icons, a Hillary supporter (no surprise there), was in town and dining in Carmel and claims to have seen

Steve Greenberg & Brian Kelly the tape. Mr. O had better hope that tape is aired at the same time as American Idol. ••• We know of a band that played a wedding Saturday in Bloomington at the Indiana University Memorial Union. The first note would not have been sounded had a union worker (yes, an organizedlabor worker) not been on hand. His job? To join two extension cords with two wall outlets -- on a Saturday -- which meant time-and-a-half, which was a charge (no pun intended) absorbed by the bride’s parents. Let’s see. Government-owned school? Check. Usurious fees on top of the rental charge? Check. Hoosiers as sheep? Check. Shameful.


KEY BANK’S INDIANA RELIEF FUNDKeyBank has opened an account for the American Red Cross Indiana Tornado and Flood Relief Fund. To kick off the donation campaign, KeyBank will pledge $10,000 from its own Key Foundation. The general public may give to the fund at any of the 34 Central Indiana KeyBank branches. All donations can be made with cash or check and go directly to the American Red Cross.

HigH sCHOOl spOrts tHe magazine: Given tremendous growth around the nation, HSSTM has decided to evolve their brand name to VYPE High School Sports Magazine over the next few months. The new website, featuring all of the usual content, will be www. vype.com/centralindiana.They will also be introducing a social networking aspect to the site. Users can create profiles, post content and interact with one another, enabling them to continue to build a Central Indiana sports community, where athletes, parents and coaches can interact with fellow high school sports participants and enthusiasts.

en are selfish. And I mean knows that if I used my free time to take a that in the best possible shower, I’d feel too guilty to even enjoy the way. No, I don’t. I mean it experience. When I worked full-time after in exactly the way it sounds. our first child was born, I experienced so Men are selfish jerks a lot of much guilt at leaving him with a sitter that the time, but I’m not sure they the minute I got home, I felt can help it. I’m totally blamcompelled to spend the entire ing the cavemen; sorry, Geico evening with him. Then I’d talk commercial dudes! with my husband for a few minHere’s the deal: back in the utes, and if I had any energy left, olden days, let’s say around I’d clean a toilet. Where was I in 20,000 BC, women were the spare-time priority list? Dead in charge of birthing and last. Why? Because I, like most breastfeeding, which left men soccer moms, am a giver and am responsible for protecting and only happy when I’m nurturing providing. other people. The caveman had to keep My husband, on the other himself alive and healthy or hand, generally has no qualms the whole family would die about coming home from work, Danielle of starvation or be eaten. To running on the treadmill, eating Wilson that end, he had to put himself dinner and chilling out. If the ahead of his mate and kids. kids are around, great, but if In today’s world, though we no longer not, that’s okay too. He needs downtime need men to kill fresh meat and save us to unwind and recharge. No guilt whatfrom saber-toothed tigers, men still have soever in not having seen his children for a genetic predisposition towards self-presten hours. He’s done the caveman thing ervation. It’s much like wisdom teeth. of hunting and providing a fresh kill for Even though we don’t need those gigantic his family, and now he wants to enjoy his molars, thank-you Foreman Grill and me-time. And who can blame him? But other cooking methods, most of us still get the concept is so foreign to me that I get them. frustrated and end up writing an article on I think that’s the reason why men feel the selfishness of men. little guilt about going off to work or playThat’s because I’ve been at home all day ing 18 holes of golf on the weekend. Lord with our little offspring and am ready for a

ROAD CONSTRUCTION UPDATES Towne Road from 116th Street to 126th Street: Construction is underway on the new southbound lanes between 116th Street to 126th Street. There will be a brief (7-day) closure of the intersection of Towne Road & 126th Street in mid-June. The entire project is scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2008. Keystone Reconstruction: As part of this new phase in the project, Lakeshore Drive West will close at 106th Street. This closure is required for the installation of new drainage structures and to reconstruct the intersection. The intersection closure is anticipated to last through September, weather permitting. North bound motorists on Keystone will be shifted over to the newly constructed temporary pavement on the west side of Keystone. Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive Construction for this pedestrian and bicycle bridge is underway, and the Monon Trail is closed at Carmel Drive. The detour will consist of the multi-use paths along City Center Drive, Guilford Road, and 116th Street. There will not be any long-term road closures of Carmel Drive to complete this installation, but short-term closures will be necessary to install the ends and set the structure. We anticipate a completion date of late September, 2008.

break. I want help from my husband, and even more so, I want him to want to help me, to want to take care of kids. (If you haven’t seen The Break-Up with Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn, rent it and watch for the scene with the argument over the post dinner-party dishes. It’s classic.) If truth be told, I want him to feel guilty for being away all day, because if our roles were reversed, I know I would. Kind of pathetic, huh? Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing; in fact, most women, including me, would be happier if we could take more time for ourselves and not feel guilty about it. So I guess that’s what I’m really honked off about. Not the fact that men are selfish, but that I can’t be more like them. Of course, then I’d have to grow facial hair, and I just can’t go there at this stage of my life. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

PEDAL AND PARK AT CARMELFESTSupervised bike parking will be provided on Thursday, July 3rd, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Friday, July 4th, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The location will be at the northwest corner of the Monon Greenway and Gradle Drive, just west of the City Hall Fountain. Skateboards and rollerblades as well as other nonmotorized vehicles will also be accepted in this supervised area. Go to www. carmelfest.net for more information about the CarmelFest events and activities on July 3 and 4.


wishing to be more selfish


CCPR CUSTOMER APPRECIATION NIGHT- Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation will be hosting a beach-themed Customer Appreciation Night on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 from 5-8 p.m. at the Outdoor Aqua Park (1195 Central Park Drive West, Carmel). General daily admission is required for the event. The new Food Services department will be showcased. Attendees will receive one free hot dog and 50% off all food, no exclusions apply. The first 100 guests will also receive a goodie bag. In addition, Radio Disney will be onsite from 5-7 p.m. to provide music, dancing, interactive games and prizes. For more information contact Lindsay Holajter, at 317-5734020 or visit www.carmelclayparks.com.

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9775 E 200 South $1,300,000

4BR/3.5BA new construction. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit w/granite cntrs. Main flr mstr, huge LL w/ wetbar & media rm. Wooded cul-de-sac lot. Incrdbl att to detail! SpEnCEr kLinE, 216-5631, 846-7751

4830 MorganS CrEEk Ct $869,900

5BR/4.5BA w/incrdbl quality & attn to detail. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit, LL w/wetbar & media rm.Huge BR’s w/walk-in clsts. Prof lndscping, cul-de-sac-A must see! SpEnCEr kLinE, 216-5631, 846-7751

13011 thurMond way wa $849,900

Inviting entry! Spacious GR w/FP. Kit is any cook’s dream! 5BR/6BA. Fab MBR w/double vanity, jet tub & walk-in shower & huge closet. Home gym & theater. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

125 n 1000 E $775,000

Walk-out LL ranch on 5.68acres. 1st lvl mstr, windows galore, beautiful hdwds, custom cabinetry, walk-in pantry, 4+ car heated gar. Fin pole barn. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

3203 wiLdLifE traiL $700,000

Open flr plan, chef’s kitchen w/granite countertops, SS appls & cherry cabinets. Expansive finished bsmt w/ granite bar, theater rm & entertainment area. daVid Cronnin, 317-329-5979, 846-7751

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Secluded 27 + acre wooded estate. 1st floor master w/fp, 2 bath areas & 2 w/i closets. Gourmet kitchen w/granite countertops. Walk out LL to pool. Linda Van arSdaLL, 317-691-1671, 844-4646

4877 MorganS CrEEk Ct $899,900

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972 QuiEt Bay Ci $689,900

12947 pontELL pL $625,000

5BR/5BA w/great flr pln. 2-stry GR w/coffered clg & designer FP! Grmt kit w/cherry cabinets & granite. Sunrm. Spacious MBR w/huge W/I clst! Daylight bsmt. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

14562 BaLLantraE Cir $625,000

Under construction. Luxurious French-Style 3BR/3+BA. Vaulted ceilings, formal dining room plus hardwood flooring. Daylight fin bsmt. Awesome MBR & kitchen. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

13045 thurMond way $599,900

Great Location! 5BR/5BA will not disappoint you! Awesome kitchen w/granite counters & center isl. Bookshelves in family room. Frplc. Fin daylight bsmt. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

12981 airhart BLVd $599,900

5BR/5BA w/gourmet kit w/ hdwds, planning desk & dbl ovn. Snrm leads to an amazing patio area. Dining room w/Butler’s Pantry, open Great Room w/FP. Fin LL. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

15304 Long CoVE BLVd $595,000

Awesome kit w/granite counters. New refrig, cooktop, overn & W/D. New carpet. Fresh paint! Oversized gar. Tray clg in DR. FP in GR. Tiled sunrm. oLga kEEgan, 317-333-6124, 846-7751


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Great Florida Room! 4BR/3BA Morse Lake waterfront w/ dock. Brick Contempo. Here’s room for everyone! Foyer, great room, high ceilings. Gourmet kitchen. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

5288 arapaho Ct $589,900

14554 BaLLantraE Cir $569,900

Cul-de-sac 3BR/3+BA creekfront residence. Fine features include sun room, great room and Dual Vanities. Fountain, gas fireplace. Two-story foyer. Patio. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

11180 goVErnorS Ln $550,000

Panoramic views are what you get! Home overlooks pond & golf course. Gourmet kitchen w/granite counters. Daylight finished basement w/bar. Main flr master. dEannE rayMEr, 319-5070, 846-7751

14570 BaLLantraE Cir $539,900

Under construction. Cul-desac 3BR/2+BA woodland-view residence. 2 fireplaces. Huge foyer, vaulted ceilings, hdwd flring. Double ovens. Daylight fin bsmt. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751


On wooded lot 4BRs, 3FBAs, in-law quarters, 2-sty GR, crown molding, 3car, cstm cabinetry, granite, SS appls, lndry rm w/ mudsink, scrn porch, awesome MBR! daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

200 rEd oak Ln $319,900

Sparkling pool, C-D-S fncd corner lot! Custom marble entry, formal dining, lg kitch w/Amish cabinets, dbl ovens, nook. 5BR/big mstr, 3BA, fin bsmt, 3c gar. MariLyn harBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

1394 LongLEaf St $274,900

Majestic “Curb Appeal”! Gorgeous lot w/mature trees & irrigation system. Huge mstr suite. Great open flr plan features: 4BR/3.5BA, knockout kit & fin bsmt. BradLEy donaLdSon, 290-4592, 846-7751

944 BrownStonE trCE $319,900

Exquisite 2-bedroom pondfront. Features include formal dining room, hdwd flrs & great room w/gas fireplace. High ceilings. Bay windows. Office. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

11865 SaLErno Ct $249,900

In Carmel’s prestigious Guilford Reserve. 2MBR suites, granite countertops in BAs, ceramic tile & dbl sinks. Many upgrades not found in other properties. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

11122 wEStMinStEr way $400,000

Lovely 4BR 3.5BA ranch w/finished basement. 2FP’s, granite counter tops, 1st floor office, & 3-car garage on wooded lot in convenient Carmel. Joan ruBEnStEin, 290-4659, 846-7751

14914 MaggiE Ct $314,900

On cul-de-sac lot! 4BR/2+BA Traditional-style. Two-story foyer, cathedral ceilings, fireplace & hardwood floors. Nice master suite! 3-car garage. SiLaS JohnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

150 BEEChMont dr $245,000

Updated Harrowgate home. Fenced 4BR woodland-view w/2-story foyer, rec room, vaulted ceilings, hardwood flooring, updated kitchen & pantry. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

3749 doLan way $386,000

4BR/3+BA brick home w/2story foyer, 3-car garage, gas fireplace, great room, hardwood flooring. Dual Vanities in master bath. Screened porch. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

7645 E StonEgatE dr $299,900

Townhomes of Stonegate. Unique details found in true custom homes. Features include hdwds, ceramic tile, SS appls, FP, clad Pella windows, full basement. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

2535 98th St E $231,900

Nicely updated 4BR/3BA w/fin bsmt including big screen TV. Lots of hdwd flrs. Super 2-sty deck. Fncd yd & xtra 1car w/ electricity for wkshop or car repair. MariLyn harBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

3550 inVErnESS BL $369,900

Fantastic ranch on 3rd fairway of Golf course. Open floorplan, 10’ ceilings. Hardwood flrs. Custom built-ins. Upstairs bonus room/3rd BR. 3 car garage. thE koLaSinSki tEaM, 691-9650, 844-4646

12361 MEdaLiSt pkwy $297,900

Beautiful one owner custom blt home with 2BR+bonus rm (w/inside access) 2.5BA. Gleaming hdwds. Scrnd porch & brick patio. Extensive landscaping-Impeccable! MariLyn harBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

9715 ELM dr $229,900

Impressive 4BR/3BA brick single-level. Breakfast nook, cozy fireplace. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood flooring, private master suite. Patio & 2-car garage. SiLaS JohnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

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Fascinating 4BR/2+BA with formal dining room, sitting room & garden tub in master, cathedral ceilings & fireplace. 3-car. Screened porch overlooks patio. SiLaS JohnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

14463 norwaLk dr $419,900

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

105 MagnoLia Ln $499,900

Fascinating 4BR/3BA brick Ranch on wooded 1/2acre. Security system, 2 fireplaces, 3-car garage. Huge foyer, office, high ceilings. SiLaS JohnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751


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7510 SEdgE MEadow dr $469,900


7614 Spring ridgE dr $500,000

Newly-built 4BR/4+BA brick Traditional-style ideally sited on 0.50 acres. Security system, 3-car garage, gas fireplace. Two-story foyer, office, wet bar. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

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Truly a 10! 5BR/5BA open flr plan in Delaware Trace. Hg MBR w/FP. Sunrm w/beautiful views. Upscale kit w/granite counters. Super dylght bsmt w/FP,BA & bar. MariLyn harBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

14977 MontCLair dr $210,000

4 season sunroom, deck. Complete landscaping package that’s very low maintenance including sprinkler system, lighting and mature trees and shrubs. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

11230 arMon dr $179,900

Best value in Carmel! Spacious Tri 4BR/2.5BA. Unfin bsmt. Large kitchen, living, dining rms. Great yard & deck. Needs TLC! Priced to sell! BradLEy donaLdSon, 290-4592, 846-7751

1052 BarLEy Ci $172,394

Come feel the welcome in this very special 4BR/3BA Traditional-style on a corner lot. 3-car garage. Foyer, cathedral ceilings, updated kitchen. Patio. patriCia BoLandEr, 317-216-8012, 846-7751

14915 SiLVEr thornE $147,375

Adorable 3BR/2.5BA home w/lg loft & fenced yard in move-in condition. Lovingly maintained & is conveniently located near shopping, trails & Cool Creek Park. Joan ruBEnStEin, 290-4659, 846-7751

8604 E rawLES aV $104,900

Fenced 3BR/2BA residence on .50 acres. New windows, carpet, furnace & A/C. Spacious kitchen. Laundry rm. Garage, patio, & mature trees. Awesome renovation! daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

2040 Stringtown pikE $359,900

Gorgeous waterfront home on Morse! What awesome views from your private deck. Mature trees. Very spacious 4BR home. SiLaS JohnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

993 arrowwood dr $275,000

Great schools & low taxes. Fin bsmt. 2-story home; 4BR/3BA. Awesome kit w/granite counters. Private yard w/scrn porch. Professional landscaping. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

116 9th St nw $215,000

Awesome 3BR/2+BA brick garden unit condo. Gas fireplace. Two-story foyer, office, hardwood flooring. Walk-in closets. daVid Cronnin, 317-523-5895, 846-7751

This is a great time to be a Tucker agent.

Call 639-TALK

I enjoy reporting the good works offspring and so on. According to Heifer, of generous people living among us just one animal can eventually transform who selflessly give of themselves to an entire community! make better our community. It is The Carmel Read to Feed program getting difficult to mention every hopes to raise $5000 from now through volunteer and worthy cause. But July 27 one book at a time. one summer program caught my Kids’ noses will not just be eye only because the Iowan in in books, but programs deme caused a misread of Heifer signed to help the children International as heifer‌like the understand world hunger and cow. poverty will also be offered. With cow on the brain, I Over 100,000 youngsters read further the email from will participate this summer Kristine Sanders, co-coordinator in Read to Feed programs of the Read to Feed program. across the country. Once the Headquartered at Carmel United final page of a Nancy Drew Methodist Church, this unique novel is turned, somewhere program truly involves cows, in Haiti two goats will help pigs, water buffalo and donkeys. Haitian families earn extra Jeff Don’t panic; you won’t see sheep income and provide milk Worrell grazing at Rangeline and 126th for their children. The conSt., but you will see eager kids nection to Carmel is almost devouring every book they can. That’s overwhelming. because they are rounding up friends and Pay it forward has already been used family to pledge coins and dollar bills but I suggest a new slogan: Mooove it equal to the number of books they read Forward. With or without my help, cover to cover. The money is then donated Carmel kids will learn a valuable lesson to Heifer International to buy livestock for and personally become the first link in a impoverished families worldwide. chain of worldwide generosity. The idea is simple and it works. Heifer Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He International provides a living loan of an recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with animal and the training to take care of it. Carmelâ€? on cable channel 16. Contact him at The family repays the living loan by passjworrelll@advantagemedical.com ing on one or more of their gift animal’s



some dough for heifer



This executive home boasts over 8,100 SF and offers an interior finish with a contemporary flair. You’ll find 5 bedrooms and 6 baths including a main level master suite. The master bedroom features a deck, luxurious bath with a walk-in tiled shower & claw footed tub. The walk-out lower level is perfect for entertaining wtih a home theatre area, rec room, sitting area w/ wet bar as well as guest quarters. There is a fabulous gourmet kitchen and 2 laundry rooms. You’ll fall in love with the gorgeous, tree-lined, culde-sac homesite highlighted by a sparkling pool. Call 815-1919, code 4536 for a voice tour. MLS# 2833448 $1,250,000

You’ll enjoy over 4,400 SF in this spacious 5 bedroom, 6 bath 2-story home w/ a main floor bedroom/den, finished lower level w/ rec area & wet bar all nestled on a pretty homesite overlooking mature trees. The open kitchen has a double sided fireplace in the nook, a center island & hardwood floors. There is a stately 2-story family room highlighted by floor-to-ceiling windows & a fireplace. The master suite offers a sitting area, lovely bath & “california type� walk-in closet. You can enjoy breezy nights on the covered porch. Call 815-1919, code 4546 for a voice tour. $444,444

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Now is the time for brides and grooms

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

to brighten their smiles for the big day!


It’s back: Hunt for the CarmelFest Medallion Current in Carmel

There’s an extremely cool DreamAuthentics videoarcade game/jukebox system on the line for this year’s Hunt for the Medallion, which runs today through June 26. Carmel residents Rick Barretto and Scott Abbott, owners of DreamAuthentics, are providing a DreamAuthentics Katana as the grand prize. The DreamAuthentics Katana is a table-top video-arcade system, fully loaded with a high-end PC, speakers, arcade jukebox, lighted buttons, joystick, trackball, spinner, 125 classic retro arcade games, and the exterior, including the backlit marquee, will be stylized to the winner’s wishes. Its value exceeds $3,000. Somewhere in Carmel, the medallion already has been hidden. Your first of 10 clues appears below. Each day by noon, the next clue will be posted at www.

dreamauthentics.com, www.currentincarmel.com and www.carmelfest.net. Now, before you go tromping though your neighbors’ yards and digging through their garbage cans, understand this: the medallion is hidden on city-owned property, not on private property. It neither is buried nor suspended from a building or a tree. Only two medallions are being minted by Bardach Awards: one to be hidden, the other kept secure. Your participation in the Hunt for the Medallion is voluntary, at your own risk and requires you only to follow the daily clues. The winner will be presented his or her award July 4 at the Gazebo at Civic Square prior to the Carmel Symphony Orchestra concert. If you find the medallion, please call 489.4444, ext. 200, immediately. Your first clue: They play no games here.

Skidding to Safety


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

By Christine Bavender Current in Carmel

Induced skids, accident avoidance and hitting the brake so hard you think it just might go through the floorboard are just part of an upcoming day-long driving safety course for teens. Hosted by the Hoosier chapter of the BMW club foundation and sponsored nationally by Tire Rack and locally by FC Tucker, the premise of the course is to help save teen lives on the road. “We teach them how to handle their own cars,” said course instructor Larry Clarino. He adds,“we build a wet skid pad that is watered down and then add Dawn dish soap to make it slippery. We have accident avoidance and a braking area. It’s all to teach teens how to drive. The first time you find yourself skidding in the car is [otherwise] the first time you’re on your way to being in an accident.” At first the teens are hesitant, Clarino said. “We intentionally try to stress to the kids in the beginning of the session to really explore the limits of their own car so they can drive correctly,” Clarino said. “They learn how their own car works so they can build from there.” According to insurance statistics, last year more than 5,000 teens died in vehicle crashes; the leading killer of youth age 16-19. The statistics also show programs such as Clarino’s cut single vehicle at fault accident rates by almost 90 percent for teenagers.

“We want to help save lives,” Clarino said. “We show them what to do in rear and front end skids, how to avoid something in the road and how to look down the road for potential hazards.” And one famous name making sure his teenage son, Chris, takes the course, retired Indy Car driver Scott Goodyear. “As a racing driver with more than 25 years experience, I have driven racing cars hitting top speeds of 240 mph,” Goodyear said. “At times, even for me, I find the task of daily driving difficult as there are more careless drivers on the road today than ever before. With our children, driving will be a continuous learning curve that will prepare them for a lifetime of driving.” The class is June 21 at Carmel High School. Cost is $60. You can register at www.streetsurvival.org


Alzheimer’s Care Group Moves: The Alzheimer’s Care Group has moved its corporate office to 12400 North Meridian Street in Carmel. According to its CEO, Ellen Dunnigan, the company is moving because of a 300% growth in employees and the addition of its new, “Sollievo,” division. Dunnigan said the move to the Meridian Corridor will make the company’s services more accessible to clients in metro-Indianapolis and locations statewide.

Oil price FLUCTUATIONS: The massive increase in the price of oil two weeks ago – a 7 percent jump of $11 per barrel in one day to a new record high of $138.50 per barrel – resulted in a significant gas price increase. Since that time, however, oil prices have dropped back a little. In fact, NYMEX West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil for July delivery closed at $131.31 per barrel last Tuesday. Finding a coherent reason for the large spike in oil prices is difficult. On that day, traders cited a news report that Israel was seriously considering an attack on Iran as the main market mover, coupled with more weakness in the U.S. dollar. -AAA Hoosier Motor Club


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

GM closes plants: The rising cost of oil has hurt auto-maker General Motors’ traditional business, and it is forcing the company to accept that Americans want smaller, more fuelefficient automobiles. Last week, GM Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner announced four truck and SUV plants in North America were being shut down as the company adjusts to increased demands for compact and crossover vehicles. The plants are in Oshawa, Canada; Moraine, Ohio; Janesville, Wisc.; and Toluca, Mexico.


ast weekend I went to dinner at a a company would project sales revenue. restaurant touted for its outstandSalespeople might set their sales expectaing food and excellent service. tions at a level where they can clearly “Best meal in the Midwest,” their outperform and appear to be a success. advertisement concluded. While Meanwhile, there is an owner or managethis advertisement didn’t come ment group that thinks this is out and say it, you could get too low and seeks to increase the impression quickly that this the expectation. They meet bistro would be known for its somewhere in the middle and high prices, too. Going in, the both sides believe they won: expectations were high. high fives all around. The place was packed, and Marketing and advertising is after waiting over an hour to be the place to set expectations to seated, we were finally placed at allow your organization to sucan obscure table in the back. The ceed. This isn’t about lowering frantic server quickly took drink the bar, but instead placing reaorders and hurried through a sonable expectations for your list of specials before disappearservice and product. If you ing again. After an unusually market and advertise like you David Cain long period of time, our server perform, your expectations will Marketing returned with drinks and took be aligned, and you will find our food order. The food arrived yourself in a position to exceed and was less enjoyable with smaller serving your self-placed expectations and succeed. sizes than expected. We deemed the place Whether it is a blind date, a meal, your a failure and swore to never return. child’s curfew or marketing your compaWhat caused this restaurant’s failure? ny’s product, set realistic expectations to Well, for starters, the expectations soared ensure you can deliver what you promise. with the eagles. It creates a success and repeat customers. Success is about exceeding expectations. David Cain is President of MediaSauce, a digiFailure is merely meeting or falling short tal media and online marketing company in of expectations. And interestingly, expecCarmel. He welcomes your questions or comtations are always set by people. There is ments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com. no mandate on what you have to say and what expectations you set. Think of how


F.C. Tucker expands: The F.C. Tucker Company has added eight residential sales associates to its network of Indianapolisarea offices. The following realtors are now providing real estate services from the listed F.C. Tucker locations: Dennis Betton, Amy Cave and Jason Childress (Castelton); Cathy Evans (East side); Morgan Fitzgerald (Fishers); Mary Knipp (Suburban North); Robin Brown and Joyce Vukovich (West side).

expect to succeed




$500K Type: Traditional Age: New Construction Location: Near 141st Street and Towne Road Neighborhood: Lincolnshire is a newer Estridge Community and offers a community pool, cabana, playground, lakes and plenty of green space. Square footage: 5439 including 1893 in the finished basement Rooms: This four-bedroom home has three full baths, two half baths, a kitchen with breakfast area, a main floor den, a two-story great room with stone fireplace and a finished basement with nine-foot ceilings. Strengths: A three-year builder’s home warranty is provided by Estridge. According to the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors, of the nearby active single family homes between $475,000-525,000 approximately 19 percent have an accepted offer, which


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Camp Bow Wow


By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus

Owners: Steven and Michele Alexander Address: 489 Gradle Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Hours: Weekdays: 7am - 7pm; Saturday: 7am - 10am & 4pm - 7pm; Sunday: 7am - 10am & 4pm - 7pm; Phone: 317-580-0446 Its $35 nightly fee may be more than most, but it is well worth it. Unlike many of the company’s competitors, that fee covers almost everything: medicine, food, treats and best of all, the chance to play with

illustrates good turnover of inventory. Challenges: As with many newer neighborhoods, the landscaping is immature compared to more established neighborhoods and will take time to fully compliment the community. The shortterm roundabout construction closes off the main thoroughfare to the house, making it more difficult for buyers to locate. . John Pacilio and his team specialize in Carmel real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@ JohnPacilio.com.

other dogs. “We supply an environment where a dog can be a dog,” said Steven Alexander, who co-owns the business with his wife Michele. “Not just stuck in a cage all day.” Steven, who also works full-time at an automotive supply company, said the couple opened the business because they love dogs. It is the first business either has owned. Its most firm guidelines, however, deal with dogs. The camp features 63 cages, which can house up to 125 dogs, and three indoor and outdoor play yards with pools. Dogs are separated by size.

MONEY MATTERS You are mayor for a day. What is your number one economic development priority?

“One concern I have is I think we are losing a lot of low-cost housing. I would concentrate on that.” Lee Bucher Carmel

“I would work on adding more pedestrian-access shops, especially around the Monon Trail.” Ed Hultgren Carmel

“I would invest more in mass transit to Indianapolis and around Carmel. We have a bus system, but we need more routes. Light rail would also be nice.” Jim Keating Carmel

everyone needs a break


BUY A NEW HOME IN SAN DIEGO; GET A SECOND HOME FREE - No hidden costs. Move-in ready. www. michaelcrews.com.

NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED - Sixteen new communities in South Florida. Townhomes from upper $100,000s and homes from upper $200,000s. www.Lennar.com. CUSTOM FEATURES EVERYWHERE - Orlando, Fla. Gorgeous pool. Builtins and all the items included with the sale. You could not duplicate this for less than $1,000,000. Asking $715,000.


Join us for our first annual Safety Expo for free safety demonstrations and information.

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BELOW MARKET CONDOS Chicago’s Gold Coast. One bedroom with full lake views from $240,000. 773.529.3211. SUNSET BAY (GULF SHORES) AUCTION JUNE 21 - Gated yacht club. Luxury condos, homes and boat slips as low as 50 percent off list price. www.JPKING.com 25 MARINA CONDOS ABSOLUTE AUCTION – Two- and three-bedroom luxury condos. Selling regardless of price. No minimums. June 26. Panama City Beach, Fla. www. nationalauctiongroup.com.

RESORT-STYLE LIVING - Port Orange, Fla. $129,000 less than any listing in Town Park subdivision for a four-bedroom, 2.5-bath, solar-heated pool home with a heated Jacuzzi. $300,000. HIGH RISE IN CHICAGO - Condo near Lake Michigan in downtown Chicago with all the amenities the city has to offer! 34th floor. Very Impressive. $1,500 allowance for decorating. $299,900.

14390 Clay Terrace Blvd. Ste 165, Carmel. Shopping Line® 317.566.0011

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Each week, TopTenRealEstateDeals. com, which offers full descriptions, scours the nation to find the best “hot-spot” condo and upscale realestate deals for Current readers. All properties listed represent some of the best deals and/or lowest persquare-foot rates in their respective communities. Here are some of this week’s list:



s I write this, I am looking at plish. We Carmelites are a driven bunch, the Gulf of Mexico. The breeze accustomed to hitting the targets we set is gently coming off the ocean, for ourselves. Those targets come with a rustling the palm trees all price tag, and the price tag is balance. The around me. trick is to figure out a way to I needed this. hit those targets and still make Launching CrossConfirm – and I use that word intentionwith my business partners has ally – MAKE time to reset and been a crazy ride. I’ve worked infuse balance into our busy harder than I’ve worked in lives. If you wait for a good quite a while, and loved every time to do it, you’ll be waiting a minute of it. Long hours, sales while. Furthermore, how good calls, meetings, cross-country are you at waiting, anyway? You travel, celebration, disappointhaven’t achieved your current ment, a vertical learning curve, level of success by waiting for dollars and nonsense – it’s things, correct? all been there. The complete I hope your 2008 has been entrepreneurial experience in an incredibly productive and all its glory. Although not for rewarding year so far. I hope Kent Burns everyone, God wired me to abyou’re not tired and burned out On Success solutely love this stuff. or a freight train headed in that However, as the great phidirection. Whole life gotta have losopher Mr. Miyagi told “Daniel-son” in a balance. And you’re the only one who the Karate Kid, “Whole life gotta have a can make it happen. Do it. balance.” Gotta go – time to grab some more Mr. Miyagi gets it. Life has to have a balance. balance. It a concept with varying degrees Kent Burns is a Carmel resident, investor and of acceptance among us Type-A folks. co-founder of CrossConfirm. He is also a profesMost of us certainly concede that balsional speaker and author of What’s Your Why? ance in life is important and necessary. His blog is www.kentburnsblog.com, and he However, putting that into practice is can be reached at kent@currentincarmel.com. often a different matter. There’s always more to do. There’s always more to accom-




Tuesday, June 17, 2008


‘mom, dad, i’m bored’

he summer has just begun, and they become bored – whether they are 5 or you’ve probably already heard the 15 years old. I also find it interesting that words, “I’m bored.” When I heard ‘bored’ is pronounced the same as ‘board’ these words, I remember thinkas in board games. ing, “what can I come up with Truthfully, I often got a little concerned to keep them entertained?” or when my children told me they yelling, “for crying out loud, were bored. It usually culminatfind something to do.” Looking ed into them getting into trouback, neither of these options ble unless I helped them find an worked for me, and more sigoutlet for their boredom. nificantly, they did not work for As parents, we can sugmy children. So what’s a parent gest they fill in the boredom to do when they hear these with fun, but they have to words? decide what that fun will be. Ask yourself, is it my job to Otherwise, it isn’t fun, is it? give my kids everything they Have them define bored. Ask want and ask for in order for them how it feels to be bored. them to stay entertained and Finally ask them what they keep from being bored? Or is want to do about it, and deBecky Kapsalis it my job to teach them to be pending on their answers, you Ask YiaYia self-confident, independent can determine if you want to children who will be able to give in to their whims, walk entertain themselves to keep from being them through their interests or fill their bored? I believe the latter is a better boredom with boring chores so that they choice. The operative word here is choice. can experience the true meaning of “I’m Rather than providing our children with bored.” short-term gimmicks like TV, ipods and Hugs! computer games to keep them entertained, Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it is in their best interest for us to provide it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified them with the kind of long term choices Parent Coach, at askyiayia@indy.rr.com or call like reading, writing, drawing and board 810.9358. games they will need to tap into whenever

DISPATCHES STUDENTS MAKING DEAN’S LISTJonathan Frey, majoring in History, made the Dean’s List at Grove City College in Pennsylvania for the Spring 2008 semester. Frey is a 2004 graduate of Heritage Christian School and the son of Gary Frey. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Community Health Network Foundation has announced their 2008 It’s Our Community scholarship winners. The scholarships were presented at the University Place and Conference Center at IUPUI downtown, during the 2008 Indiana Life Sciences Collaboration

Conference. Two Carmel High School students, Emily Campbell and Elizabeth McMahon, were among the winners. GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP REGISTRATIONS: Spots are still available for the CHS girls basketball camp, June 23-26, in the high school field house. Registration forms are available at www.ladyhounds. com. Advance registration is $50; walk-in will be $60. Girls entering grades 1-9 are welcome to attend. Participants will focus on ball handling, shooting and passing. For more information, call 846-7721, ext. 7225, or email Joe Stuelpe at jstuelpe@ccs.k12. in.us.


PISTACHIOS: Consider the following facts about the nutritional benefits of pistachios. Pistachios are a naturally cholesterol-free snack. They are a great source of protein. Pistachios contain more than 10 percent of the Daily Value of dietary fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. One serving of pistachios has as much potassium as half of a large banana. The nuts primarily contain monounsaturated fat that has been linked with lowering cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Scientific evidence suggests that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as pistachios, may reduce the risk of heart disease. - ARAcontent

What is M.A.T.? (Muscle Activation Technique) M.A.T. Specialists identify and treat muscle inhibition/weaknesses which lead to compensation, imbalances and pain. M.A.T. Education A M.A.T. Specialist knows every function of every muscle and how all the joints and muscles interrelate. Chad Graham’s Background and Training Degree in Kinesiology; Trainer at NIFS (National Susie Beiman Institute for Fitness Be Well and Sports); M.A.T. Certified -Trained in Denver, Col., with M.A.T. developer, Greg Roskopf, consultant with the Denver Broncos; Consultant with the Indianapolis Colts How is M.A.T. different? M.A.T. looks at tightness as a form of protection the body uses. When a muscle is weak or inhibited, it needs help from other muscles which tighten up to help stabilize the joint. M.A.T. thinking is the tightest part is the weakest link and therefore the root of the problem.

What is a treatment like? Full body Range of Motion (ROM) test identifies positions of tightness and instability. Based on ROM findings, position specific muscle testing is done. Weakness is identified. The muscle is stimulated with a massagestyle technique over its attachment sites. Retest muscle noting changes. Repeat this process until voila the pain is gone. Who can benefit? Anyone who wants to restore function to move and play pain free What I love about M.A.T. Isolated range of motion tests to see if a muscle is firing on command. Specific techniques to re-train a muscle’s memory re-establish a new, pain-free pattern, often in minutes. What does Chad Graham want you to remember? “This is a therapy that will answer the questions you’ve had that nobody has made sense of before because we look at and identify what’s not always obvious.”


Self Esteem Myths: St. Vincent Carmel Hospital will offer free health presentations at The Monon Center in Carmel from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on June 18 and June 24. June 18 will be “Debunking Nutrition Myths” and June 24 will focus on “Self Esteem.” Both events are for individuals over 14 years old. For more information, please contact Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation at 848.7275.

Muscle Activation Technique for Pain Relief

Susie Beiman owns Details, an Indy Gift Gallery, and advocates Integrative Medicine. Contact her at info@detailsgifts.com.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com



DISPATCHES Tired of the gym? Try sand bags! The ever-shifting shape of a sandbag makes it nearly impossible for you to settle into a lifting groove like you do with free weights or machines, making every workout unique and challenging. And its easy to get started. Buy any shape of 50pound sandbag from a local homeimprovement store, and substitute it in for regular weights. Use in squats, lunges and clean jerks. —menshealth.com

Tuesday, June 17, 2008




GOLD POSSIBLE HIV THERAPY: By hacking off the ends of a failed HIV drug and sticking the resulting molecules onto gold nanoparticles, scientists have stopped HIV from infecting lab-cultured white blood cells. It is the first time gold nanoparticles have shown potential in therapies for HIV. The same technique could eventually be put to use in treatments for a variety of diseases, say researchers. Since gold is chemically inert, reacting to virtually nothing, it is ideal for use inside the body. Dsc.discovery.com




best self-tanners: Women’s Health Magazine has named its favorite self-tanners. For dry skin, try Clarins Delicious Self Tanning Cream ($40 for 3.9 oz). Declor’s Aroma Sun SPF 10 Hydrating Tinted SelfTanning GelCream ($36 for 1.69 oz) was rated best for the face. If you’re fair-skinned, try Dove Energy Glow body lotion ($10 for 13.5 oz). Jergens Natural Glow Express ($7.50 for 4 oz) gave the most intense tan. If you travel often, try L’Oreal Sublime Bronze SelfTanning Towelettes for Body ($10 for 6 wipes).


Searching for younger looking skin? Consume more vitamin C! Analyzing data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I, researchers from Unilever linked consuming plenty of vitamin C-rich foods, like oranges, tomatoes and broccoli, with youthful skin. They believe vitamin C’s effects are due to its antioxidant properties, which help

protect against ultraviolet rays and its role in keeping skin firm via collagen synthesis. —health@msn.com





For Current in Carmel

With the wonderful aromas of smoky foods wafting in the air, summer is the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors! A look at the nutritional profile of some of the old standbys, however, may be all the convincing you need to cook differently this summer. Consider: A grilled cheeseburger (4 ounces) weighs in at a hefty 14 grams of fat for 300 calories with a whopping 610 mg count of sodium. A hot dog (3.5 ounce) clocks in at 15 grams of fat, 240 calories and 480 grams of sodium. A side of coleslaw (1/2 cup) has 11 grams of fat and 114 calories. Potato chips have 12 grams of fat per 1 ounce. Instead, try including smoketouched vegetables and salads, delectably moist chicken, exquisite seafood and more. Making outdoor food that is not only healthy but tastes great is easier than you may

think. Here are a few suggestions to get your food tasting delicious: • The easiest and healthiest way to make your food shine is to infuse flavor through a tasty, low-sodium marinade. Skip sweet barbeque sauce on everything; use citrus juices, wines, broths, small amounts of good quality oils, vinegars, lowsodium soy sauces, herbs and spices to marinate poultry, meat and seafood. • Swap that steak for salmon! • Grill lots of vegetables. Almost every vegetable can be grilled! All that you’ll need is a light marinade or a light brush of olive oil as you grill. • Prepare more fresh salads than mayonnaise-drenched slaws and potato salads, or cut some non-fat yogurt and spices (or Splenda) into those salads. Creative outdoor cooking is a gift to your taste buds and will keep you on task with your commitment to stay fit and healthy! You have that commitment, don’t you?

15 Health watch


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Around the Table


?? 16

The Trouble WiTh raTings

www.currentincarmel.com www.currentincarmel.com

Tuesday, April 2008 Tuesday, June 17,15, 2008

By Louis Calli, Wine Director of Vine & Table gourmet market

Does it amaze anyone else that one little number scrawled from the pen of an “expert” carries with it such monolithic consequences? It’s no great secret that a single rating can make or break a wine, or even an entire vintage. Find a way to make a 95+ point wine and your label becomes a must have on every table, a staple in every cellar, and a guaranteed sellout for the next two vintages. Your wine will sit in the finest crystal decanters next to world-class cuisine and be heralded with panache, the likes of which are scarcely seen beyond the glittering marquees of Broadway. So if the expert says it’s a 96-pointer and uses a bunch of fancy descriptors we wine geeks love to invent on-the-fly, then why don’t I like this wine? Is it me? Is my palate inferior? Am I simply not sophisticated enough to appreciate the myriad subtleties that elude my laughably underdeveloped taste buds? No. It’s not you! The simple reality is that it’s absurd for one person to rate a From the Kitchen oF wine cheF nathaniel malone

and have that single number determine its fate. Wine, like literature, art, or any other of life’s little pleasures, is extremely subjective. What might taste like vinegar to one may be just what another has been craving. Where I find strawberries and crisp acidity, someone else may find thin fruit and an austere, unsatisfying finish. I rarely recommend a wine based solely on what I thought; rather, I rate on what I believe the consumer will think. If you want to get some good recommendations, trust your local wine merchant. Let him or her get to know your palate. It may be completely different than theirs, but a true professional will be able to single out flavor profiles and intensity levels you enjoy. Sure, they may miss the mark with a few recommendations, but it is all part of the learning process. Eventually, they will turn you on to boutique gems that you may never have otherwise discovered. Remember, for you, wine is fun and a leisure activity, but your local merchant probably tastes thousands of different wines a year. At the end of the day, whether it be wine, movies, or music, critics and ratings will always be there to guide us down an unfamiliar path. But, if you know what you

like, then you know everything you ever need to know about wine. Cin Cin!

Wine Specials

at Vine & Table gourmet market Oroya Sushi Wine (Spain) The first of its kind, this is a fantastic accompaniment to essentially any sushi dish. Specifically crafted for this purpose by a Japanese wine maker in Spain, it is sure to delight any true sushi aficionado! List: $11.99 V&T $8.99 Trivento Torrontes (Argentina) Nice oily texture. Great bouquet of celery, apples and bell pepper. Very fleshy and refreshing on the palate. Fantastic summer wine! List: $12.99 V&T: $8.99 J. Vidal Fleury, Cotes du Rhone 2006 (Rhone Valley, France) It has a complete nose of bold berries. The palate is open and welcoming, with cherry and raspberry fruit framed by a light shade of oak. Even the finish, which is round and nicely textured, works. List: $13.99 V&T: $7.99

Grilled Peanut Crusted Spicy Pork Kabobs with Red Curry and Coconut Sauce Ingredients

• 2 pork tenderloins cut into large chunks • 3 green peppers cut into large chunks • 2 red onions cut into large chunks • 1 pound Shiitake mushrooms, stems removed • 1 tablespoon paprika • 1 teaspoon onion powder • 1 tablespoon black peppers • 1 teaspoon dried thyme • 1 tablespoon cumin powder • 1 pinch cayenne • 2 cups dry-roasted peanuts, ground in coffee grinder until fine (not too fine or you’ll have peanut butter) • 1 can coconut milk • 1- 6 oz. can red curry paste

• 1/2 cup pineapple juice • 1 sprig fresh mint • Salt and pepper • Large bamboo skewers, soaked in water


Combine all spices and peanuts together. Coat the pork with the peanut mixture. Combine coconut milk, mint, red curry paste, pineapple juice, salt, and pepper in a small saucepan and cook on medium heat until it reaches a boil. Puree sauce in blender or with handheld immersion blender and set aside. Skewer pork, peppers, red onions and Shiitake mushrooms. Grill over high heat, turning occasionally. Remove from grill when pork is still slightly pink in the middle. Pour sauce over skewers and serve.

Arthur Black

Wine Seminar Seri

Last weekend in Vegas, Arthur Bla Sommelier by competing in the 2008 pionships, sponsored by the Chaine d Court of the Master Sommeliers. The mately 100 candidates from around t series of tests in theory, tasting and To become more fluent in the wa for Arthur Black’s Wine Seminar Serie

Class 1: Wine 101.

This *wine speak* seminar is designed not only to help people better understand wine, but more so to help people become comfortable with speaking about wine in conversation, when maneuvering wine lists, or when walking through a wine store.

Class 2: Classic

White Grapes. This seminar discusses the very specific characteristics of particular grape varieties and how despite different climatic condition or winemaking practices, these *variety characteristics* can still shine through.

Class 3: Classic Red Grapes.

Classic Red Grapes picks up where Classic White Grapes left off, but now with those wonderful grapes that show a bit more pigment.

Class 4: Food & Wine Pairing 101. In this class you’ll learn about bridge ingredients and how one must appreciate the role of cooking methods in order to correctly pair wine with food. We’ll also discuss the relationship between acid in food and acid in

Our family of companies dedicate fine foods, distinctive libations an

313 E. Carmel Dr., Carmel 317-817-WINE (9463) vineandtable.com


ack won the USA title of Best Young 8 USA Best Young Sommelier Chamdes Rotisseurs and conducted by the e competition began with approxithe country. The competition is a a practical examination. ays of wine, we invite you to join us es. We’ll be covering: wine, as well as acid and salt, salt and sweet, tannins and salts, and much more.

Class 5: Classic Aperitifs.

Aperitifs are used to stimulate gustation and from the moment of that first sip, they get the body ready to start digestion in anticipation of whatever meal will be following soon after. Champagnes, sparkling wines, classic cocktail and wine aperitifs will all be discussed. Digestifs are the crown of a great meal. Not only do they help settle the belly after courses and courses of food, but they slow things down, allowing for continued conversation with friends and family, and provide each guest one more opportunity to meditate over another lovely beverage. Cognac, brandies, Scotch, and more will be discussed. The cost is $30 per class, and you can buy classes 1-3 or 4-6 or all 6 for $170. Call Rick at 317-817-WINE for more information or to reserve your spot.

ed to nd superior service.

Single Malt Scotch whisky is a highly complex spirit. In order to appreciate it to the fullest, you will need to engage all of your senses. Anticipating the arrival of the spirit is key to its enjoyment. First, listen to the whisky being poured. Then, look at its color and clarity. Appreciate its aromas as you nose it, and finally, feel its texture on your tongue as you taste. All of these senses combined will make your experience a truly pleasurable exercise. Over time, as you taste more whiskies, you will learn to recognize aromas, flavors, body, and finish. The ideal place to taste is in the comfort of your own home, as opposed to the distractions of a bar or restaurant. Glassware is critically important for the enjoyment of good Scotch. The Riedel Vinum Single Malt glass works very well because of its high lead content and shape that both captures the spirit’s aroma and delivers its contents to the right spot on your tongue. A fine port glass or sherry copita will also work well, and many professional tasters use them. When conducting a tasting, a plentiful supply of water should be available, both for consuming between sips of whisky and also to add to the whisky.

The addition of water to the spirit can alter its composition, allowing aromas and flavors to open out. Ice is not recommended when formally tasting, as it may limit flavors. However, the most important thing to remember is to use a good quality bottled water (water from a faucet may impart undesirable flavors); that goes for ice as well.

Organizing a Single Malt Scotch Tasting

You will need a comfortable, well-lit room that is free from strong odors, e.g. not in the kitchen when dinner is being prepared. The same goes for your guests; smoking should be prohibited, as should the wearing of strongly scented perfumes that can affect aromas. You will also need: • Good, clean glassware • Plenty of bottled still water • Pitchers/wine buckets for dumping whisky • Unsalted crackers or plain bread • Paper and pencils for taking notes or pre prepared tasting sheets • Whisky. Six to eight whiskies are plenty, as this is just a sampling. Pour a 1/2 oz. for each person Always taste from the lightest to the heaviest, youngest to oldest, etc. Remember—There are no right or wrong answers when tasting whisky. Everybody has a different sense of smell and taste, so do not be put off if you do not taste the same flavors as the next person. The whole idea is to learn and have fun, but please drink responsibly. Slainte!

Tasting Ideas A Tour of ScoTlAnd’S regionS

Lowland – Glenkinchie 10 Year List: $45.99 V&T: $38.99 Highland – Dalmore 12 Year List: $35.99 V&T: $29.99 Speyside – Benromach Organic List: $69.99 V&T: $59.99 Campbletown – Springbank 10 Year List: $64.99 V&T: $55.99 Islands (Orkney) – Scapa 14 Year List: $49.99 V&T: $38.99 Islay – Laphraoig 10 Year List: $47.99 V&T: $39.99

iSlAnd Hopping

Arran – Arran Single Malt List: $39.99 V&T: $30.99 Islay – Bunnahabhain 12 Year List: $59.99 V&T: $51.99 Caol Ila 18 Year List: $64.99 V&T: $56.99 Mull – Tobermory 10 Year List: $42.99 V&T: $33.99 Orkney – Highland Park 12 Year List: $45.99 V&T: $36.99 Skye – Talisker 12 Year Distillers’ Edition List: $88.99 V&T: $69.99

Tuesday, April 15,17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com Tuesday, June 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Class 6: Classic Digestifs.

By Denis Lynch, Spirits Manager of Vine & Table gourmet market



Jun. 18-Aug. 27 (Wednesdays) 6p.m. Vine & Table

savoring single MalT scoTch 17 ??




Catch Some Zs: An estimated 40 million people struggle with sleep disorders every year, according to the National Sleep Foundation. If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, follow these tips from the US National Institute of Health. • Stick to regular sleep schedule • Avoid exercising 5 to 6 hours before bedtime • Avoid caffeine, nicotine or alcohol before bed • Avoid large meals or beverages late at night • Don’t take naps after 3 p.m. • Do something relaxing before you go to bed The Gang’s All Hair! CK Designs will host a hair party open house at their store in Carmel, located at 5 W. Main Street, on June 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. All appointments scheduled that day will receive 50% off, and all styling tools will be 20% off. RSVPs are encouraged. Call 317-569-9450 for more information.

Fine Lines, Inc. Hair & Nail Salon


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

new clients and walk-ins welcome. experienced stylists and nail technicians.

Mon - Sat: 9 - 7


811 West Main Street, Suite 120 Carmel, IN 46032


yard art can be done tastefully

have to admit it. The concept of like for them to know how the anonymous decorating a yard with plastic birds gesture has been filled in my memories with rotating wings, colorful garden banks under “A” for Absolutely Wonderful flags, wind chimes and concrete Surprises. dwarfs does not appeal to me in the A number of years ago, I awoke on the aesthetic sense. However, the day of my 40th birthday to disidea of decorating a front yard cover that my trees, shrubs and with signage that congratulawn had received the proverbial lates a graduate, a stork that toilet paper salutation. I was announces the arrival of a new livid since, in my way of rational baby and balloons that signal thinking, such an act was a cruel a birthday celebration are all and mean thing to do to somewonderful symbols of sweet one teetering on middle age. I slices of life in the Midwest. discovered, later in the day, that I have a high school senior the cascades of delicate white who graduated last week, so paper pulp were actually intendI think I noticed the signs ed for my teenage daughter. My in the yards as never before. birthday was a merely a coinciThe banners that have been dental event, and, in retrospect, I prominently displayed for the Vicky Earley think I was secretly disappointed. past month is the equivalent Even toilet paper conveys a mesDesign of standing on the porch and sage that someone is thinking of yelling “I want the entire you – even if it is in a not-so-flatworld to know that I am so incredibly tering light! proud of my graduate!” Who, other than Whether it has been blue bows that the graduating senior (who is mortified covered an oak tree in my yard when I by the parental vocal expression of pride), brought my son home from the hospital could resist being touched? or flock of plastic flamingos that had been My awareness of this form of celebration commandeered into volunteering for a lawn was even keener the moment we returned greeting, yard decorating has always been from commencement to discover a dozen associated with a celebration and has been or more “Class of 2008” balloons tied to the subject of hearty laughter and many, our lamp post. I have no idea who left the many photographs. Mylar tidings of good wishes but would Love it or hate it, decorating the lawn

does not stop with congratulatory placards. Whether it is pink flamingoes, whirly-gigs, shadow men, shadow women, shadow women bending over, gazing balls or wishing wells, the attitude toward lawn decorating runs from the opinion that it is blight on the landscape to the belief that it is a thing of beauty: art, if you will. While the purists would vehemently eschew the concept that lawn decor is in any way an art form, I must disagree. Art by definition is simply the expression and production of a work, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful and appealing to an individual. Art does not come with a requirement of being displayed in a museum to be considered art. If the creation is displayed in a front yard, so be it. I can’t prove it, but I suspect that prehistoric man took colored rocks and put them in front of the cave to set his home apart from the masses. Although plastic gnomes are not my personal taste, I do embrace the idea of adorning one’s yard with messages of love and good wishes. It is good and it is genuine and, even if the message is in black marker, it comes from the heart. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.

They call it puppy love – in any medium

Barbara E. Cohen is a freelance writer who covers the arts for the Current community newspapers and teaches art history at Ivy Tech Community College. Please send comments or story ideas at barbara@i-writersstudio.com.


Michelle Marocco, in front of “The Siren.” Michelle is wearing one of the dresses for the style show – a hand-painted dress from Mary and Martha’s Exceedingly Chic Boutique.



rtist and pet-lover Michelle Marocco has her paws all over Dog Day Afternoon. Her creative energy is evident from the Let-Your-Dog-Paint-Your-T-shirt concession to the runway fashion show, where she’ll strut in hand-painted garments from Mary and Martha’s Exceedingly Chic Boutique accompanied by dogs in matching canine couture. With a booth showcasing her pet portraits, donations to the silent auction that raises money for the Hamilton County Humane Society, and input on the show’s poster, Marocco makes her mark on Sunday’s event. As an artist, Marocco doesn’t like to be hemmed in. “I enjoy working in a variety of media, and I sometimes work on as many as nine paintings at once,” said Marocco, who favors standard poodles, including one named “Rocco” Marocco. “When I work on a landscape, a figural piece and an abstract together, I open myself up to see where each will lead. Happy accidents arise.” The T-shirt project that will raise additional money for the Hamilton County Humane Society came from an idea she saw in Aspen, Colo. Pet owners buy a white T-shirt for $18, which becomes a blank canvas for their dog to paint. A little fiber-friendly paint on the paws results in a unique work of wearable art. The same idea is visible on the event poster, where paint-pawed dogs walking across a white bedsheet provide a backdrop for the graphics. As for the fashion show dresses and matching pooch parkas, the idea evolved from a $6,000 Dolce & Gabbana dress Marocco coveted.

“Lisa [Fitzwater, of Mary and Martha’s] let me pick out dresses from the store to decorate,” Marocco said. “I came up with the dog outfits as a natural extension of the fashion show idea.” No two of the hand-painted dresses are alike. Certainly few pet owners at the dog park will be similarly attired. In fact, you may find yourself inventing excuses to parade the pup a little more to wear these outfits. In addition to dog-decorated tees and other fashion items, Marocco works in encaustic (wax) and oils. She enjoys layering textures and colors in figural, landscape and abstract images. The mostly self-taught artist graduated from Butler University but also studied art at the John Herron School of Art. She inherited her love of textiles from her mother and grandmother, who are avid quilters. Because of the summer heat, Marocco must limit the display of her encaustic pet portraits on Sunday, but anyone interested in commissioning a portrait of their companion animals can make arrangements to see the canvases in the air-conditioned comfort of her Carmel home studio and gallery. You can also see her work currently at Sangiovese Restaurant and the Bobby Cooper Salon in Broad Ripple. Starting on July 25, she will exhibit several works in a group show at Westfield’s Gallery One36, too. It may be a Dog Day Afternoon in Carmel, but for this busy artist, the summer’s not going to the dogs.

photo by Barbara Cohen

By Barbara E. Cohen Current In Carmel


A MESSAGE FROM CHUCK LORRE: “They’re like little gifts with purchase, and I love them,” says Nicole BugnaDoyle, commenting on the brief messages writer Chuck Lorre posts following each episode of his hit sitcoms, “Two and a Half Men” and “The Big Bang Theory,” reports the WSJ. You can catch Lorre’s personal essays on CBS, Monday nights at 8:29 p.m. and 9:29 p.m., Eastern. Lorre has been posting these messages since 1997, starting with “Dharma & Greg.” coolnews@reveries.com

What: A Midsummer Night’s Dream When: 7 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday Where: Surina Park Amphitheater, 100 Surina Way, Greenwood Cost: Free Details: The inaugural season of Greenwood Shakespeare in the Park starts with a one-hour adaptation of this very popular comedy. A Midsummer Night’s Dream tells a fast-paced story of rivalry, jealousy and forbidden love between the young people of Athens while handymen rehearse a play for the Duke’s wedding. Forest fairies make mischief, putting the wedding day preparations in peril until the very last minute! Note: The play has been adapted to be appropriate for all ages. Information: (317) 881-4545, www. greenwoodshakespeare.com

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

AMISH ACRES: Join Washington Township Parks on a trip to Amish Acres in Nappanee for their annual Arts & Crafts Festival on Saturday, August 2. The event features live music, as well as over 350 artists and crafters from around the country. The $75 ticket includes festival, transportation, tours, films and the thresher’s dinner. Register by July 2 at www.washingtontownship-hc.com. Ages 18 & up. Bus leaves the WTP&R Parking Lot at 7 a.m. and returns at 9:30 p.m.



Pita Pizza PREP TIME 5 Min COOK TIME 15 Min READY IN 20 Min

Kameron Wall Heavenly Ham and Café

Where he likes to eat: I like to eat at Dyno Jax What he likes to eat at Dyno Jax: Chili-cheese dogs are pretty good there.

2. Spread one side of the pita with olive oil and pizza sauce. Top with cheese and mushrooms, and season with garlic salt. 3. Lightly oil grill grate. Place pita pizza on grill, cover, and cook until cheese completely melts, about 5 minutes. http://allrecipes.com/


• 1 pita bread round • 1 teaspoon olive oil • 3 tablespoons pizza sauce • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese • 1/4 cup sliced crimini mushrooms • 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt


1. Preheat grill for medium-high heat.

How he found out about Dyno Jax: I just randomly stumbled upon it, and the food was really good.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dyno Jax 3742 E. 82nd St. Indianapolis, IN, 46240 (317) 849-3647 www.dynojax.net Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday

1940s Pineapple Cooler

Ingredients 1/2 tsp powdered sugar 2 oz carbonated water 2 oz dry white wine fill carbonated water or ginger ale cracked ice orange or lemon peel spiral

Directions Into 12 ounce glass put powdered sugar and 2 ounces carbonated water. Stir. Fill glass with cracked ice and add dry white wine. Fill with carbonated water or ginger ale. Insert spiral of orange or lemon peel (or both) and dangle end over rim of glass.(Makes one 12 ounce serving.)

Carrabba’s Italian Grill Owner: Steve Briggs (317) 575-2200 1235 Keystone Way, Carmel, IN 46032 Hours: Sun: 12-9 p.m.; Mon-Thur: 11a. m.-10p.m.; Fri: 11a.m.-11p.m.; Sat: 1211p.m. Carraba’s Italian Grill uses authentic Italian recipes of their founders Johnny Carabba and Damian Mandola. The food at Carraba’s focuses on grilled items and fresh-made pasta. “We will customize any item on the menu for our customers,” said Steve Briggs, owner of the Carmel Carraba’s. Carraba’s tries their best to make everyone feel like family. Covered in vegetation, Carraba’s recreates the image of the Tuscan countryside. Carraba’s offers an impressive wine list that compliments every dish on the menu. “Our bar is well known for our fresh juices that go in our drinks, [as well as] our espresso bar,” Briggs said. Overall, Carraba’s is ready to make you feel like part of the family.

Alice in Wonderland Lauren Butz portrays curious young Alice and Scottie Manners is the Mad Hatter in the Jr. Civic full-scale musical production of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Jr., playing on Indianapolis Civic Theatre’s mainstage (3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, on the campus of Marian College) June 20 through June 25, 2008. Show times are Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m., and Monday through Wednesday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tickets are $10 for children under 12 , with a discount for daycare groups. Please call (317) 923-4597 or purchase tickets online at www.civictheatre.org.


Rakugo Comes to Indiana! In the mood for something different? Come to Rakugo on 24 at the Carmel High School Auditorium (520 E. Main St., Carmel). Japan’s premier English Rakugo Master, Kaishi Katsura, talks you along on a delightful ride



through his imagination, which is filled with colorful characters who find themselves in crazy situations. Rakugo is comic storytelling, performed in the traditional Japanese-style -- sitting down. With only a towel and fan as props, the Rakugo master tells fascinating tales which embody several characters, relying solely on voice, gestures and facial expressions. All of the stories, contemporary and traditional, embrace the warmth, humor and emotion of universal human experience. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. The performance starts at 7:00 p.m., and the price of admission is $15. Tickets are available at the door. Advance tickets are also available at The Japan-America Society of Indiana; Asaka Restaurant, Castleton; One World Market, Castleton; Sansui Restaurant, Carmel; Sakura Restaurant, Indianapolis;


Muldoon’s 111 W. Main Street, Suite 100, Carmel The Jeff DeHerdt Trio: Thursday, June 12, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. David Campbell: Saturday, June 14, from 8 to 11 p.m. Visit www.muldoons.net or call 5711116 for more information.

saturday, July 5 at 6:00 p.m. at RItZ CHaRLES SILEnt & LIvE auCtIon EntERtaInmEnt by FIvE EaSy pIECES REgIStER at www.CarmelFest.net • tICkEtS $75 EaCH Sponsored by


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

CarmelFest’s premier soCial event


Tuesday, June 17, 2008



DISPATCHES Call of the Mild: Finally, a backpack even hiking haters can love. The Link HydroPack features two key components intended for enjoyment by “mountain bikers, hikers and snow enthusiasts,” but is easily altered to enhance a weekend of burgers, beaches and perhaps a few cold brews: just add speakers and a ½ gallon hydration pack. The pack keeps beverages cold for hours, and users can drink through a handy straw on the right strap. The speakers offer an iPod connection powered by four AA batteries that also charge the player. The bag costs $149.99. - Popular Science Musical Shirt: The MP3 Music TShirt by Music and Sons is a stylish wearable for you and your music player. You have to look close to even see that it’s designed to hold your device. Your iPod or other MP3 player fits in a little pocket at the front of the t-shirt, and the special, short stereo earphones that come with the t-shirt, connect to your player through an integrated cable and pop out at the neck of the t-shirt in the back. The shirt is unisex, and it is available from Music and Sons’ Web store at http://www. musicandsons.it/ for $69. -PopGadget.net

the service pack 3 dilemma (part two) A few weeks ago I wrote about why you Hewlett-Packard, for instance, reported should wait to install Windows Service a specific issue of endless rebooting and Pack 3 (SP3) for those of you who are still BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) errors for using Windows XP. That is the majority their computers that used AMD procesof us, by the way. Since then, sors, and they warned their cuswe have seen many customers tomers not to install SP3 until whose computers were comthey came up with a patch. pletely or almost completely inVarious work-arounds operable due to Service Pack 3 have been posted by both trying to download and install. HP (search for Service Pack If you took my advice and dis3 at www.hp.com) and in the abled your automatic updates, Microsoft Knowledge Base then you did not have this (http://support.microsoft. problem, but you are also not com/kb/888372). getting the updates. Therefore, Unfortunately, your unique when is the right time to turn situation (the combination of the auto updates back on and your hardware, software, apget the latest updates including plications, security programs Gary Hubbard SP3? and the hidden problems that Technology There will never be a definimay currently exist) can not be tive date for when SP3 is safe duplicated, so the only absolute for everyone to install. To add to the way to know if there is going to be a probcomplication, many people who are expelem for you is to install the Service Pack riencing issues with SP3 are blaming the – not much help is it? problems on SP3, but the issues are actuIf you want to try installing it, here are ally pre-existing problems in their comput- my recommendations: ers that were brought to light because SP3 • Don’t do anything until you have a was installed. verified backup of your critical data just in I am not suggesting that Service Pack case you are forced to wipe out Windows 3 is bug free and should work for everyand start over (rare, but possible). one. There are lots of specific situations in • Make absolutely certain that you do which we know with certainty that Service not have any malicious code installed in Pack 3 was the cause of a problem. your computer by running a full scan with

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AC Tune-Up or Diagnostic Expires 7-31-08

Lego Furniture: You can’t make a full-sized house out of Legos, but now you can make completely functional Lego furniture. LunaBlocks is offering large Lego blocks that can be crafted into a variety of furniture pieces. The blocks come in several forms, including LunaGlass, LunaSoft, LunaLight and LunaMetal. Put all these bricks together, and you’ll have one bumpy interior design scheme. LunaBlocks are available at homology.com. The site is in French, and prices on the individual bricks are in Euros. -Coolest-gadgets.com

your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs. • Be sure you have plenty of free hard drive space – Microsoft recommends a minimum of 1.5 Gb (1,500 Mb) • Temporarily disable your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs so they don’t interfere with the SP 3 installation, and be sure to reactivate them once the update is complete. • Log in as the Administrator to perform the update. • Double check that you are plugged into a battery-backed power unit in case of a power outage during the update (very important this time of year). • Make sure all other users are logged off (especially if you routinely use Fast User Switching). • Windows XP Professional users should create an Automated System Recovery set before getting started (search Windows Help for Automated System Recovery). If all this sounds like more than you want to deal with, consult a professional to evaluate your situation and make a specific recommendation based on a thorough evaluation of all of your variables. Gary Hubbard is owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors. com Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors.com

New lenses let amateur astronomers see the stars in more detail The Astro-Tech AT80EDT is an ultra-compact telescope priced for amateurs, but it still rivals more expensive models. By packing in three glass lenses, it focuses red, green and blue light all at a single point. This eliminates the blurry, bluish halo in twolens amateur scopes, which focus blue light in a different spot than red and green. Until recently, three-lens systems appeared only in bigger telescopes that cost upwards of $2,000 because of the extra labor needed to cut and polish the glass -- reflecting telescopes, which bend light with mirrors instead of lenses, can focus better, but they are fragile and require complex adjustment. Now that more companies are in

the lens-making business, amateurs can get easy-to-use scopes at easier-to-swallow prices. The images from from the Astro-Tech telescope are virtually color-free, even at extremely high magnifications. The color correction of the telescope qualifies it as a true apochromtic scope. Though it is not quite equal to multiple-thousand-dollar cameras, its optics are so good you’ll have trouble telling the difference. There are ten contrast-enhancing light baffles in its optical tube, providing viewers with truly dark sky backgrounds and high terrestrial contrast. The edges of the objective lens are also blackened to eliminate contrast-reducing stray internal reflections. The telescope is priced at $700. Visit http://www.astronomytechnologies.com for more details. -Popular Science


For Current In Carmel


The owners of Current Publishing, LLC seek an executive assistant to undertake a variety of scheduled and unscheduled tasks. Immediate opening. Part-time hours. No nights. No weekends. Competitive pay. Casual, fun atmosphere. Stringently customer-centric environment. The candidate we select will have outstanding communication skills; a mastery of Microsoft Office; the ability to execute perfect English, grammar and spelling; and the capacity to work on multiple tasks simultaneously. To be considered for a confidential interview, please send a cover letter and resume to Steve Greenberg, executive vice president, Current Publishing, LLC, 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032. No phone calls. Women and minorities encouraged to apply.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com



Tuesday, June 17, 2008



Noah, Field of Dreams and the Bible


ur intellectual experience as permanence and involvement in each of Americans is, I think, not our lives. only diminished, but crippled, If you think the movie is only about a if we are not aware and conguy dumb enough to plow under a couple versant of what is in the Bible. acres of corn on the advice of an unknown By “intellectual experience,” voice, you miss the depth of the I mean the entire spectrum of movie. thinking, from our childhood In Genesis chapters 6 to education, to our philosophical 9, Noah was building a boat development, to our faith or – where he built that boat would lack thereof, and ultimately to have seemed even crazier than our adult actions and beliefs as Ray Kinsella building a baseball free human beings, both indifield where he built it. It took vidually and as a community. Noah 124 years to build the ark Most literature and art in in an area that was miles from the Western world has somethe sea in a place where rain had thing to do with the Biblical or never fallen. Christian conversation. It is too Watch Field of Dreams for bad that so much of our society common Christian symbolism, Bob Walters over the last century and half, and it becomes a story about the Spirituality and especially over the past 50 affirmation of God’s promises, years or so, has tried to reinternot just a baseball movie. pret and redefine the Western experience This is one small example of why it of freedom and individual personhood is such a big deal that such a large slice away from Biblical principles. of America is becoming systematically We often wind up missing the richBiblically illiterate. We understand so ness of what is being said in our artistic much less of the gifts we have: not from conversation. Hollywood, but from God. I’m going to use a sports movie and a The gifts are wonderful; that so many of Bible story to try to explain what I mean. us don’t recognize where they come from Field of Dreams, a wonderful baseball is a shame. movie from 1988, is a terrific moralBobWalters (rlwcom@aol.com) loves baseball. ity play about faith, redemption, family, He’ll discuss Narnia next week. freedom, community, heaven and God’s

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Time To buy your spark buTTons


CosT: $3 Where To buy: Spark Buttons will go on sale May 19 at most merchants in the Carmel Arts & Design District. They will also be available at the Farmers’ Market each Saturday in June. Drawings for prizes will be held Monday through Friday starting June 16. The last prize drawing will be July 5. Winning prize numbers will be displayed at www.CarmelFest. net and www.wibc.com. Prizes are donated by Carmel businesses. All proceeds help defray the cost of fireworks on July 4 at 9:45 p.m.

Cherie piebes Entertainment Committee

meeT a VoLunTeer This is my first year with both the Rotary and CarmelFest organizations and I’m very excited to be a part of such a wonderful event.I am one of 5 working members of the Entertainment Committee and also work on the Rotary Float Committee.As President of the OldTown Arts & Design Merchants Association,I’ll also be involved in selling Spark Buttons in the Arts District. My husband,John Heinzinger,and I own Artisan Masterpiece on Main Street,so it will be especially fun to stand on our balcony and cheer for the Rotary Float.During the parade,our traditional OldTown Shoppes Mimosa Party will undoubtedly encourage on-lookers to loudly applaud the Rotary Float when it rolls down Main Street.CHEERS! CarmelFest 2008 will be the best ever!

VoLunTeer or sponsor? Contact us at: www.carmelfest.net or 571.2464.

sT.VinCenT hearT CenTer of indiana parade aT CarmeLfesT “The parade is coming!” Shouts of joy will fill the air, children will stuff their goody bags with candy and a variety of other fun collections, and parents and grandparents will enjoy the music, floats and other entertainment. This year’s theme is “America the Beautiful.” Have you ever heard all the lyrics? They encompass what the USA is all about, a beautiful country of opportunity, blessed with God’s grace, patriotism, and hard fought freedom. Again this year, the goal is to combine the flavor of a hometown parade with the thrill of a big city parade. The local businesses and organizations have put extra effort into providing entries that will entertain you. from our sponsor: A part of what makes us the best is Our entries will include marching bands, motorcycle drill teams, our ongoing commitment to support clowns, floats, and some other surprises, and of course, candy community initiatives and to educate for the children. Our Grand Marshals include Corporal Robert individuals about heart healthy living Kidwell, a marine and Hiwo Jima veteran, as well as several and the risks associated with heart survivors from the USS Indianapolis. disease. St.Vincent Heart Center of The parade will begin at AAA Drive and Carmel Drive at 10:30 Indiana is very proud to be, for the AM, and will proceed west to Rangeline, and then north on second consecutive year, the title Rangeline to Main Street. It will then head east on Main Street sponsor of the CarmelFest Parade. and conclude at Carmel High School. There will be a reviewing As the number one heart care provider in Indiana, and top 5% in stand again this year in front of Shapiro’s. The parade will be the U.S., we would like to encourage video taped and broadcast later on Brighthouse Cable Channel all individuals attending the parade 16. We anticipate that the parade will be concluded by 12:00 PM. and festival, to wear red in support Thank you in advance for attending our 2008 St.Vincent Heart of Go Red for Women, a movement Center of Indiana Parade at CarmelFest. We do this for you, and which educates individuals on heart seeing you at the parade is our reward. disease as the number one killer of Barbara Ellis, Parade Chair women. If you would like to march in the parade, please register at www. b1057.com.

sT.VinCenT hearT CenTer of indiana parade aT CarmeLfesT Marching bands, floats, clowns, and some exciting surprises will parade through Carmel on July 4th, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

The firesTone Gazebo sTaGe

b105.7 fireWorks aT CarmeLfesT

Barometer Soup will warm up the stage July 3rd at 4 p.m. for the Wright Brothers, who will once again launch CarmelFest with a performance at 7 p.m.

Beginning at 9:45 p.m., sharp, on July 4th, the skies will dazzle with a magnificent display sychronized to great music on B105.7. The Carmel Symphony Orchestra will perform leading up to the fireworks.

sponsored in parT by


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008



DISPATCHES HOLISTIC MEDICINE FOR YOUR PETPeppermint (Mentha piperita) and catnip (Nepeta cataria) are wonderful remedies for nausea and car sickness. Peppermint also regulates peristalsis, so it can help with irritable bowel syndrome and even with symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. Catnip has similar effects on digestive upsets, while being more palatable for felines. Even if your cat doesn’t experience a euphoric reaction to the herb, and 20 percent of cats don’t, it still has digestive benefits and can also serve as a mild appetite stimulant to both dogs and cats. It may help with some forms of vomiting in cats, but it’s important first to have your veterinarian determine the cause of the vomiting. – San Francisco Chronicle ANIMAL SUNBURNS- It may come as a surprise to many pet owners, but ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can be harmful to pets. Statistics show an increase in the number of skin diseases in pets related to their exposure to the sun. Clipping the hair coat is counterproductive because hair acts as insulation and a natural barrier by protecting the skin from the sun. Suntan lotion can be effective for pets if applied to hairless areas; provided that they do not lick it off. – Ottawa Citizen ABANDONED OWLS BLAMED ON POTTER-An increase in the number of owls abandoned at a rescue center in the UK has been blamed on the Harry Potter books. Children keen to have their own owl like Harry’s snowy owl, Hedwig, are getting the birds as pets. But staff at the Flintshire Wildlife and Pet Rescue Centre in the United Kingdom said the children find they cannot cope once they have them. The center’s co-owner Joy Pierce Jones said they were currently caring for 36 owls, including tawny and barn owls; she estimated that at least half of these were due to Harry Potter. – BBC NEWS

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Canine storm phobias explained By Steve Alexander Current in Carmel

Thunderstorms have been rolling into Hamilton County this year as evidenced by crackling thunder, vivid lightning, torrential rain, strong winds and – yes, sometimes – anxious dogs. Storm phobias in dogs are characterized by an intense terror reaction to thunderstorms. Some canine experts believe that dogs may try to ground themselves by seeking shelter in the basement, near pipes, in the tub or in the car. Storm phobias should be treated as a possible emergency. Common symptoms include trembling, whining, pacing, yawning and shelter-seeking behaviors which may escalate into tearing drapes, jumping through windows, fleeing fenced yards, and cardiorespiratory distress. Strategies for treating storm phobias include:

Systematic Desensitization

Desensitization is using gradually increasing stimuli to produce an accommodation to the offending stimuli thereby reducing the fear response. Play a CD of storm noises in another room while engaging the dog in play or obedience. Gradually increase the volume until the dog becomes comfortable with the noise.

Behavior Modification

Canine behaviorists warn against giving the dog either positive or negative reinforcement for demonstrating fearful behaviors. Only calm responses should be positively rewarded with a favorite treat or petting.


Your veterinarian can direct you toward appropriate medication routines if necessary.

White Noise

Running a fan or playing music loudly may help buffer the sound of thunder and rain.


Vigorous exercise on the day when storms are likely can tire the dog out both

physically and mentally and increase the body’s level of seratonin, a natural sedative.

Safe Zones

Provide your dog with access to his safe zone during storms, but don’t ever lock a storm-phobic dog in his crate during a storm. And finally, be calm yourself. Your dog is constantly watching you for cues to his behavior. If you are up and down pacing and looking out the windows at the storm, your dog will naturally be more fearful. Model the behavior you want your dog to exhibit so you can both weather the storm and get a good night’s sleep. Steve Alexander is the owner Camp Bow Wow. You may reach him at carmel@campbowwow.com

Woofstock helped raise $10K For Current in Carmel

The Hamilton County Humane Society raised $10,000 for their Survivor Program during their Woofstock event held on June 8. Held at Verizon Wireless Music Center in Noblesville, the event featured several musical performances, most notably one by The Why Store. “The event was rained out on Saturday, but we were fortunate enough to put something together for the following day,” Rebecca Stevens of the Hamilton County Humane Society said. Q95 was on hand to emcee the event, and local personality Rupert was there to lend his support, as well. The money raised for the Survivor Program goes to pay for medical treatments of the dogs and cats that are taken care of by the staff at the shelter. “We’re a low-kill shelter, so the money we raised really helps us get out animals healthy enough to find a new home,” Stevens said. The Hamilton County Humane Society is still accepting donations for their Survivor Program on their website at www.Hamiltonhumane.com. Another way to get involved with the Hamilton County Humane Society is during the Dog Day Afternoon in Carmel. See the cover story for more deatils.

Sidewalk Sale! June 21st: 10am to 6pm June 22nd: 12pm to 5pm

210 E. Main St., Carmel

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

’m at that awkward age when docSo up I went to do a little cleaning. tors – and once you get a certain Now, I have some sticker bushes planted number of miles on the odometer, it’s around the garage. Why? Because whoever always doctors: plural – tell you not lived here before me put them there. I’ve to overdo things, to leave the lawn been thinking I ought to rip them out, but mowing and snow shoveling to others I haven’t done it yet. After all, I only had and not to climb anything higher than a the idea five years ago. No sense rushing. step-stool. The bushes made it difficult It’s awkward because I have for me to get the ladder as close learned through hard experience to the gutters as I might have to listen to my doctors, but liked. I had to really stretch to there’s still a disconnect. I’m not get my garden trowel into the that old. I’m not ill. I’m strong gutter, and I couldn’t control it and I feel pretty good. I want to all that well as I was scooping. be a good patient, but the docs That’s how I managed, on the seem a little overly cautious to third trowel load, to launch a me. And I’ve told them so. large glop of stinky, slimy leaf Besides which, to whom am guck directly onto my chest and I supposed to leave the lawn face. mowing and snow shoveling? Awkward? You betcha. Also Wally and the Beav don’t come smelly and disgusting. But wait. Mike Redmond around anymore to ask if they It gets awkwarder. More awkHumor can mow my lawn or shovel ward. Whatever. the walk for two bucks and a For a little while, I was handful of cookies. And I can just imagine cleaning in a place where the bushes are what would happen if I asked the kids in especially thick. I thought I had the ladder the neighborhood if they wanted to make set on level ground, but it seems I was missome money doing yard work. I’d get taken, because as I reached to get another blank stares. Which would figure, seeing scoopful the ladder suddenly tipped. as they wouldn’t be able to hear me, what It took about a half-second for me with the iPods permanently attached to to correct the angle of the ladder and their ears. scramble down to terra firma. And in that As for climbing things higher than a time I managed to see, in my mind’s eye, a step-stool, such as stepladders ... well, that headline: is where I found myself today. Indianapolis Man Dies In Bizarre I was cleaning out the gutters on the Gutter-Cleaning Accident. garage. They didn’t get cleaned out last fall Perfect. Now I have to go back to my because I was busy being in the hospital doctors and tell them they were right, at with a little heart flutter. Under the cirleast about the ladders. And that will be cumstances, gutter cleaning sort of slipped – there’s no other word for it – awkward. my mind. As a result, last fall’s leaves had all winter Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ to turn into rich Gutter Compost, the mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, perfect growing medium for the recent Indianapolis, IN 46244. For information on crop of maple seeds, and a few took root and sprouted. What am I saying? A few? It speaking fees and availability, visit www.spotlightwww.com. looked like Canada up there.

27 laughs




Tuesday, June 17, 2008





wenty-five years ago this month, we sloshed along the Manhattan streets in a I spent five straight days with major rainstorm asking people if they knew Soupy Sales. “whatever happened to Soupy Sales?” Ten years ago this month, I In l998, he played Crackers Comedy spent five straight nights with Club in Indianapolis for a week. “How am Soupy Sales. I doing?” he’d ask me over a big If you don’t know who Soupy bowl of jambalaya at the old is, I’d suggest a quick Google. Dick Clark’s restaurant. There are only a half-million “I’m the wrong person to hits. He deserves more. ask,” I told him. “I’m just As a 12-year-old, I was glued laughing because you’re Soupy to the TV as Soupy sparred Sales.” with his off-camera puppet Soupy winked. “That’s why I friends: White Fang, “The don’t need new jokes.” meanest dog in the USA,” and One morning that week, Black Tooth, “The sweetest dog we did a WISH-TV spot from in the world.” Only the paws Soupy’s hotel. Here was the of these puppets were shown, premise: Soupy Sales was at the and White Fang did little more hotel and I had always wanted Dick Wolfsie than grunt. Soupy would then to meet him. I stood by as the Humor translate the incomprehensible elevator door slid open and out sounds. Soupy’s other distincwalked Soupy. How we timed tion: pie throwing. It was an honor to get this to work on live TV, I have no idea. hit. “Good morning,” I said. “Have you heard There was no studio audience for his Soupy Sales is staying here?” early kids’ show. But you would hear the Soupy did his inimitable take to the infectious laughter of the camera crew and camera…“I am Soupy Sales.” technicians. Soupy later told me: “If you “No, seriously, the real Soupy Sales is make the crew laugh, you know you’re supposed to be right here in the hotel,” I funny.” He was right. Lesson learned. said, feigning non-recognition of the star. There were infamous Soupy Sales sto“I’m Soupy Sales,” he repeated, mocking ries. A few were urban myths. It is said frustration. that he once asked kids in the TV audi“Man, you sure got old,” I said—a ence to find “that funny green paper” in planned zinger, of course. their parents’ wallets and send it to the Suddenly (as precisely arranged), a Soupy Sales Show. That one was absolutely waiter walked by with a whipped cream true. pie in his raised hand. With pure comic Soupy’s kids’ show became a cult hit grace, Soupy swept the pie from the waiter — with college students. Did he sneak and deposited it squarely in my face. I had racy, off-color material into the show? To been hit with a pie by Soupy Sales. this day Soupy denies the above. He once It’s really scary to admit this. That’s like offered ten grand if you could prove he the coolest thing that has ever happened ever did any such material. No takers. to me. In l981, my co-host on the TV show Soupy is 82 now. When I talk to him Good Morning New York went on vacahe still tells the same jokes he’s told me tion, requiring a last-minute fill-in. “Hey, a thousand times. But that’s not because Dick, would you mind co-hosting with Soupy is old. It’s because he’s still the old Soupy Sales for a week?” asked the proSoupy. ducer. It was like winning the lottery. Soupy and I ended up doing several man- Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com. on-the-street interviews. In one segment,


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.






30 minor kitchen remodel in mid-’90s carmel home cluded several meetings with the client to review product Initial Situation: The owners of this Carmel home choices and design details. The initial design was started in wanted to upgrade their kitchen without spending the December 2007 and was completed in January 2008. The money it takes to do a complete remodel. The owners felt initial construction contract was signed in midtheir existing kitchen looked too white and needed January and construction began in late January. a warmer overall look. In addition, they felt the The construction phase lasted approximately three existing white thermo foil cabinets were too plain. weeks and was completed in late February 08. Their overall goal was to upgrade the look of the Final Product: The “after” photo shows the kitchen and improve the following features: 1) finished product. The addition of custom cabinet white laminate counter tops, 2) plain white cemoldings transformed the plain white thermo ramic floor and back splash tile, 3) low quality sink foil cabinets into more of a semi-custom look. and faucet, 4) lack of detail on the existing island The new oak pre-finished hardwood flooring and cabinets and 5) lack of quality lighting. and dark granite counter tops add warmth to Design Phase: The overall solution was to the overall look of the room. The island was add detail to the kitchen and to warm-up the upgraded with recessed panels on the sides and color scheme. This was accomplished by adding a double ogee edge on the granite top. The new cabinet trim details and installing warm oak stone tile back splash is easily highlighted with hardwood flooring and new dark granite counter Larry under-cabinet lighting. The sink includes a tops. A trim carpenter added detailed moldings Greene black Kohler cast iron under-mount sink and including a new 6” high extension to the top of new Delta faucet. The addition of two penthe cabinets, new 3 1/4” crown molding, new dant lights on a dimmer switch over the island adds to the light-rail molding, new 5 1/4” tall base molding and true look of the remodeled kitchen. recessed panel moldings to the sides of the island and base and wall cabinets. Finally, the lighting was upgraded to inHave a remodeling question? Ask Larry Greene, owner of Case clude new two new pendant lights over the island and new Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at lgreene@ halogen lighting under cabinet lighting. caseremodeling.com or call 846-2600. Project Schedule: The project design phase in-




Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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N o m c



BIRTHS St. Vincent Carmel Birth Announcements: 05/30-06/05 Friday 05/30 Girls- Ferguson, Mason and Stacy

Clarian North 06/01/08 boy Jason L. Rowley & Laura Marenco

failure to appear

Tuesday 06/03 Boys- Miles, John and MaiLia Wednesday 06/04 Boys- Tharp, Robert and Brooke Girls- Campbell, Travis and Dillon, Aubrey

Haley Landers Waterloo, IN 80/65 Speeding

Rita McVey Noblesville, IN Unsafe Movement


Brock Okeefe Carmel, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver

Brad Braunecker Carmel, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver Cindy Britton Indianapolis, IN 86/65 Speeding Holden Cain Indianapolis, IN False/Fictitious Registration

With Baker Scott

Beginners thru Advanced All styles Electric-Acoustic-Bass Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons Gift Certificates Available near Carey Road & 146th Carmel

317-910-6990 guitarboy@Guitarboy.com


Cortney Peridore Chesterfield, IN 81/65 Speeding

200 or more work


400 or more work


Audrey Smith Indianapolis, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver Timothy Snell Jr. Colfat, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver Felix Tan Lafayette, IN Expired Plate (9/30/07) Vanessa Virgous Homewood, IL Expired Plate 79/55 Speeding Jimmie Walker Ft. Wayne, IN Driving While Suspended False/Fictitious Registration Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle

Gina Fontanella Indianapolis, IN 80/65 Speeding

Jennifer Waybright Indianapolis, IN 55/44 Speeding (L.O)

Chelsea Garvin Terre Haute, IN 79/65 Speeding

Ebony Williams Ft. Wayne, IN 79/65 Speeding

Classifieds SERVICES

garage sales

Guitar Lessons

Lexington Farms Neighborhood Garage Sale

Beginners * Intermediates Rock | Metal Country | Jazz Call Rick Wilhelm 317-846-4065 or 441-4600

Saturday, June 21st 8am – 5pm 106th Street Between College Ave and Westfield Blvd. Rain Date – June 28th

FOR SALE Business Service Starting a Business? Need LLC documents filed? QuickcorpLLC will file for you. Fast-Courteous-Reasonable Susan@QuickcorpLLC.com

FOR SALE Bedroom Set 7 Piece cherry Bedroom Set, NeW Still Boxed, $850 317-679-3575

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Billiard/Pool Table, 1”slate, Solid, 8’, Leather Pockets, NEW, Retail $5000 Sell $1250 (317) 670-9587


50 off


Lawrence Romero Carmel, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver

Kirk Danforth Pendleton, IN Improper Passing on Left (L.O)

Crystal Clark Elkhart, IN 72/55 Speeding

20 off




489.4444 ext. 203 NOW HIRING

For Sale Hot Tub -08, Six Person w/ lounger, NEW in Crate, $2,500 (317) 670-9587 Deliverable


Bed-Cherry Sleigh Bed with Matress Set BRAND NEW, in box $375. Can Deliver (317) 679-3575

FOR SALE All NEW QUEEN PILLOWTOP Mattress Set. $150, Still in Bag, Can Deliver (317) 223-9301

Place your Classified Ad Here! Be seen by 36,000 residence of Carmel and Westfield

Now Hiring Servers Needed Apply in person 13732 N Meridian Street Tuesday - Friday 6am - 2pm Saturday and Sunday 7am - 2 pm

Dooley O’Toole’s Waiters & waitresses Days or nights 843.9900 Northside lawn care company seeking reliable, hard working individuals to provide routine mowing and ground maintenance to residential properties. Prior lawn care experience preferred. Valid Driver’s License Required. Please call 317-750-0720 to apply.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Guitar Lessons

Charles Loyd Indianapolis, IN Seatbelt Violation/Passenger

Public Intoxication

Eric Avila Indianapolis, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver

Leah York Carmel, IN Failure to Display/Sign Registration

Ryan Kennedy Carmel, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver

Horan, Corrie – Indianapolis Driving While Suspended

VISA, MasterCard accepted Reach 27,749 homes weekly


Yaseen Kadura Fishers, IN No Valid License in Possession 64/45 Speeding

Duane Kolin Brazil, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver

Ryan Blakley Fishers, IN Failure to Display/ Sign Registration

Monday 06/02 Boys- Westbrook, James and Bobbie Girls- Langley, Christopher and Jae; Lawrence, David and Karen Twin boy and girl- Burroughs, Jason and Amanda

Tyrone Winston Peru, IN No Valid License

Hansen, Carin – Indianapolis Driving While Suspended

Taylor, Janet Carol – Indianapolis

Myles Wilson Lebanon, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver Brian Winston Ft. Wayne, IN Driving While Suspended 81/65 Speeding

Elizabeth Jefferson Fishers, IN 40/30 Speeding

Sang Kim Westfield, IN Seatbelt Violation/Driver

Britton Blakeley Katy, TX 79/55 Speeding (L.O.)

Sunday 06/01 Boys- Bushong, Thane and Tara

Brenten Hiestand Daleville, IN 84/65 Speeding


Brandon Bastin-Jarvis Elwood, IN Seatbelt Violation/Passenger

Saturday 05/31 Boys- Jerrell, Christopher and Alissa

Paula Hartzer Indianapolis, IN Expired Plate


Bradley Grubbs, 87, died June 7, 2008 in Sunrise Assisted Living in Carmel, Indiana. He was born on November 17, 1920 in Beech Grove, Indiana to the late Bradley and Zelma (Poulter) Grubbs Sr. Bradley served in WWII in the United States Air Force as a Master Sergeant in the 13th Troop Carrier Squadron , 4030th Troop Carrier Group. He was preceded in death by his son-in-law, Wayne E. Hall. Survivors include his wife of 58 years, Donna Jean Morris Grubbs; daughter, Joan E. Hall; grandson, Adam W. Hall; granddaughter, Elizabeth A. Hall; great granddaughter, Annika Hall; nephews by marriage Daniel J. Logan and Thomas M. Logan and great nieces Wendy Logan and Jennifer Logan.

Thursday 06/05 Boys- Washington, Nicholas and Jude, Melissa Girls- Myers, Matthew and Lorena

Education can help your child breathe easier. Not all asthma attacks are avoidable. But in many cases, education can lead to prevention. Now, Clarian North has Asthma Specialists on site every weekday 6-10 P.M. to provide that education. Riley Emergency Asthma Care and Teaching (REACT) provides you access to specialists who can help you minimize Emergency Department visits through a combination of education and preventive medicine. While our emergency staff provides treatment, our Asthma Specialists will use a series of teaching components to show you how to stop your child’s next asthma attack before it starts. To learn more, visit clariannorth.com.

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