Cguide Macau September edition

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你的澳门导游 Your City guide to Macau

九月 September 2014 - N24 -

两周年特辑 2nd Anniversary Special

阅 免费赠e fre




金牌火锅杀到 Comfy Hotpot All The Time








TEE内藏美食 Ribs Clothing, More Than Just Clothing



一小时饭局 “One Hour“ Bite


烟花耀全城 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest


我们两周岁啦! guide全媒体加速起航!




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演者 ON 歇的表UOI GO

小城 TS 放眼 LIGH












ra AND Cocco Barba 和她的




Happy 2gether with Cguide!


AU AC 门 澳 多 RM 现 故事 V E ition C O pet 发 小城国际烟花大赛 D IS works Com 澳门




编辑的话 editor’s notes

身为澳门人,对过快或者过慢都无感,有朋友打趣说一群澳门人 走在中环,肯定是别人过了几轮马路他们才“慢条斯理”地到达马路 彼岸;也有朋友说去葡国念书,看到葡萄牙朋友站在街边说话几小时 觉得费解。我们都习惯用时间来调侃自己,太快和太慢都不是这个小 城人的格调。Cguide本期给你准备了一个饱含中庸之道的“一小时” 饭局专题,越来越多的大型娱乐场落成,把这个城市的速度调快了不 止“一些”,既要讲求速度又要讲求质量?当然最重要是填饱肚子, 这是很多在澳门只停留一两天的游客最基本诉求。上菜快又有营养, 那些A记B记肯定是无法满足你的,更何况最近还有扰扰攘攘的食材 隐忧?我们这期给你推荐的无论是身处大酒店的“快”餐地还是藏匿 在街头巷尾的“咖啡美食”,都可能是你下一个用餐优选。 说到光阴飞快,不知不觉杂志已经踏入两周年,从读者到现在的内容 炮制者,Cguide发生过不少翻天覆地的变化。希望两年又两年后,我 们依然是你旅途的忠实好伙伴。 最后,祝福所有读者在这个人月两团圆的佳节里有不止一小时的时间 和家人好好团聚,开心快乐幸福美满。

Hong Kong is a fast city while Macau, on the contrary, enjoys

a slower lifestyle; and a joke goes: Macau people may need 20 minutes to cross a road in Central Hong Kong. Portuguese’s chatting for hours on the streets of Portugal, on the other hand, confuses Chinese. We are used to make fun of our own pace, but too fast or slow is just not our cup of tea. So this is Macau, a neutralising agent: whoever here can enjoy the city’s unique pace. With more large entertainment facilities rising, the rhythm of the town speed up, too. How are you going feed yourself well in a tight schedule? The “1-hour Bite” feature is a good guide for tourists with short itinerary or busy locals with single-day off. It leads you to the best “fast” restaurants everywhere in the city: hotels or streets. Time flies. Cguide is already 2 years old and in this couplet of years, things – in both our readers and ourselves – changed from top to bottom. We do hold the belief that in the next two years and after, we’re still your second best company – while your partner’s the first – in Macau. Last but not least, we wish you all a great Mid-Autumn in which you’ll have numerous “1 hours” for your family and loved ones.

九月 september 2014 Publisher Editor-in-chief 总编辑

Editorial team 编辑团队

Contributors 撰稿人

Illustrator 插画师 Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询

David Wong, Jim, Dorothy, Moon, 小时, William, 米夫 Gil Araujo, Xinderer Chu T (+ 853) 28513513

Art director 艺术指导

Photographer 摄影师

Marketing manager 市场经理

Advertising enquiries 广告询问

Printed By 印刷商

José Manuel Cardoso


Marta Vaz Silva

Joyce U


Tipografia Welfare Limitada Tel:853-28337972

30 000


EN 新澳门导航

Yan Lam

F (+ 853) 2851 3311





Yvonne Yu

Anthony Lam


Yvonne Yu 主编 Editor-in-Chief

Macau Plus Ltd.


九月 2014 |

澳门罗保博士街1号国际银行大廈22 楼2201室 R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau | September 2014



Find us in Macau Car Rental Services


遍布全城的发行网络 《新澳门导航》杂志发行的网点遍布全城,基于与澳 门航空的合约,杂志会在大中华二十二个地区的机场 发布;在澳门主要酒店的房间及礼宾部都能找到我们 的杂志,并会在超过八百间的旅游热门餐厅中展示, 我们每月亦会亲自把杂志送到超过七百位贵宾的手 上。

Hotels & Resorts


Distribution Cguide is distributed internationally in the lounges of 22 airports throughout Greater China, as per an agreement with Air Macau. Cguide is also present in the Macau Government Tourist Office booths throughout the SAR. In Macau the magazine is available in nearly every major hotel - present in hotel rooms and concierges. Cguide is also distributed to over 800 restaurants and is found in primary tourist spots, as well as being hand-delivered to more than 700 VIPs.


Check out some of the following locations at which you can find Cguide Magazine.


Bookshops • Others




九月 2014 |

story 封面故事 cover


想在澳门感受快靓正的用餐体验吗?那跟着Cguide美食小 分队准没错。9月杂志将足本向你介绍多家上菜快又好味 道的餐厅,让你感受一小时饭局的美好。 In Macau, you don’t need to sacrifice quality for pace, and Cguide is taking you - in our September issue - to a series of quick-serving sumptuous restaurants, where you can enjoy your “1-Hour Quick Bite” in style. Cover illustration Xinderer Chu


CITY LIGHT 商业美人——关蕙农月份 牌画展

Calendar Illustrations by Guan Huinong





FOREVER 21 Now in Macau

70 EXPLORE 探索澳门

郑继生 为戏剧而生

Comfy Hotpot All The Time

Raymond Cheang Lives for the Stage






Under the Moon of Love

New Bag, Luminous Tomorrows

38 Play



54 shop





九月 September 2014





Rural Cigar Enjoyment

Hotels in Hong Kong

九月 2014 | | September 2014



小城热话 What’s Hot!

去十年,澳门经历了一波 又一波的高速发展潮,也迎来了 一家又一家度假村、一场又一场 的表演节目。除此之外,很多餐 厅也会邀请米芝莲星级大厨来澳 献艺,而最近就有将葡萄牙菜升 华的 José Avillez 大厨。 感谢澳门文华东方酒店,让我 可以再次体会高级葡萄牙菜。 呵呵,不要期望桌上会出现葡 国鸡,因为这不算是传统葡萄 牙菜,但你会品尝到搭配最天 然调味的鲜美海鲜,有点像刚 刚在海上捕获的活鱼的风味。 重点是,Avillez才35岁!在加入 厨师行列前,正修读商业传意 课程;后来也有跟随大名鼎鼎 的艾伦杜卡斯等学艺。据葡萄 牙朋友说,他开的餐厅在当地 遍地开花,很多时候更是一位 难求,在里斯本创办的Belcanto 餐厅除了有高级葡菜,还有汉 堡呢!真是不得不佩服这个既 有经济头脑也有真正厨艺的大 厨!咿!商业传意和厨艺?你 得到什么启发?


Let’s Speak Cantonese


Meaning: One 例 Example: 一杯咖啡。 Yaat Booi Gaa Fe A cup of coffee.

二/两 YI/LIONG Meaning: Two

I 葡式美味重现 The Ultimate Portuguese Gourmet



九月 2014 |

n the past decade, the city’s development was swift as light. Besides resorts and entertainments, the development also marked visits by Michelin-starred chefs. The latest visiting chef is José Avillez, a Portuguese star who moved Portuguese cuisines to a new level. And thanks to Mandarin Oriental Macau, eventually I had this chance to encounter Portuguese fine dining. Hmm… Don’t expect Portuguese Chicken on your table since that’s not traditionally Portuguese, but behold the freshest seafood with the most natural seasonings: taste the oceans. When he decided to become a chef, Avillez was in the late years of his business communications programme, before following big names like Alain Ducasse. Currently his is the brain of Lisbon’s Belcanto, a restaurant set up by him. By the way, business communications and cooking: what do you think?

例 Example: 我要搭二号巴士。 Ngoh yiu daap yi hou baa si 我要坐二路公车。 I need to take bus No 2. 两蚊一包纸巾。 Liong Maan Yat Bao Tzi Gun 卫生纸一包二元。 A packet of tissue paper is sold at $2.


Meaning: Three 例 Example: 澳门人多数三点去饮咖啡。 Ou Mun Yan Tong Siong Saam Dim Hoy Yum Gaa Fe 澳门人通常三时去喝下午茶。 Usually Macau people have afternoon tea at 3 o’clock.

九月盛事 September

events Thursday, 4

Friday, 5

麦克布莱德爵士大 乐队 Christian McBride Big Band PAGE 15

“资源再思考”:澳 门剧场研讨会2014 Re: Think:/Re: Sources PAGE 18

第七届澳门国际房地 产交易会 Macau International Real Estate Fair PAGE 12

friday, 5


Monday, 8

澳门国际收藏品展 Macau International Collection Exposition PAGE 12

金狮吧2014栋笃笑欢笑连场 Stand-up Comedy at MGM Macau’s Lion’s Bar PAGE 17

第26届国际烟花比 赛汇演 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest PAGE 60

tuesday, 2

Friday, 12

Monday, 15

wednesday, 17

第八届亚太经合组织 (APEC)旅游部长会议 8th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting PAGE 12

AP21“挣扎”──王雅萍 艺术作品展 AP21 , Solo Exhibition of Wang Yaping PAGE 18

如果你是食物! 郑展鹏个人作品展 I’M NOT FOOD! Solo Exhibition by Justin Chiang Chin Pang PAGE 17

Friday, 19

saturday, 20

saturday, 20

柏历加芭蕾舞团《白 雪公主》 Ballet Preljocaj “Snow White” PAGE 15

只想听见费玉清2014澳门 演唱会 Fei Yu Ching Live in Macao 2014 PAGE 19

弦上火焰 Strings on Fire PAGE 14

Saturday, 20

Sunday, 28

Tuesday, 30

S.H.E夏日巨星连 环唱 Summer Concert Series, S.H.E PAGE 15

周日畅饮二重奏 Sunday Duet at StarWorld Macau PAGE 15

商业美人——关蕙农月份 牌画展 Calendar Illustrations by Guan Huinong PAGE 16



九月 2014 |

活动 events

博览会 expos 9月12-13日 SEPT 12-13 9月5-7日 SEPT 5-7

第八届亚太经合组织(APEC) 旅游部长会议 8th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting

澳门国际收藏品展 Macau International Collection Exposition 本次展会由澳门华视国际集团有限公司主 办,无论是邮票,还是名人字画、古董瓷 器,都是历史文化传承的纽带。但因其价值 珍贵,传世之作稀少,大多数作品为私人收 藏,公众要想一睹其芳容十分困难。第二届 澳门国际收藏品博览会将有各类艺术品、收 藏品、奢侈品行业商家和代理参与,为观众 带来各种收藏珍品现场展示,雅俗共赏,观 众将可面对面对专业人士交流,获得最全的 专业资讯,了解最新的市场动向。 The 2nd Macau International Collection Exposition is a good chance for exhibitors to improve popularity, extend market and promote transaction. In order to attract more attendees, the organizing committee is going to invite some potential buyer groups to make more business opportunities for exhibitors. All of stamp, calligraphy and painting, antique and porcelain, are the bond of the history and cultural inheritance. Due to their high value and rarity, it is hard for ordinary people to have a look at the precious artworks. There will be many kinds of artworks, collections and luxuries shown in the 2nd Macau International Collection Exhibition, where you will enjoy all the amazing exhibits.

11:00-20:00 澳门威尼斯人金光会展中心B厅 The Venetian Macau Cotai Expo Hall B 免费Free +853 2892 0009

9月5-7日 SEPT 5-7

第七届澳门国际房地产交易会 Macau International Real Estate Fair 为期三天的澳门国际房地产交易会是以展示 高端房产、物业及家居为主题,融合旅游、 文化、娱乐、经贸于一体的大型盛会,同时 也是澳门有史以来最大型的房地产盛宴。澳 门房展作为澳门的品牌展会,汇集最广泛、 最权威的媒体资源,通过高品质现场展,运 用电视、报纸、网路等多媒体组合的系列专 题报导全面出击,突出地产建设成果,彰显 地产企业品牌特质,是参展商集中展示、宣 传、交易的最佳平台。 The 7th Macau International Real Esate Fair is a big event with the theme of showing upscale real estates, properties and houses, combining tourism, culture, entertainment and commerce together. And it is the largest real estate fair in Macau ever. As a well-known exhibition in Macau, MIREF collects the most extensive and authoritative media resources, via television, newspapers, network and other multiple media, giving high-quality presentation of the exhibition, to highlight the achievement of real estate industry, manifest the peculiarity of real estate brands. It is the best platform for exhibitors to display, public and do business together.

11:00-20:00 澳门威尼斯人金光会展展览厅A馆 The Venetian Macau Cotai Expo Hall A 免费Free +853 2892 0009



九月 2014 |

第八届APEC旅游部长会议主会场在澳门东 亚运动会体育馆国际会议中心。届时,将有 来自APEC 21个经济体的旅游部长或部长代 表,APEC秘书处以及东盟秘书处(ASEAN) 、世界旅游组织(UNWTO)、亚太旅游协会 (PATA)等10个国际组织的代表来澳门参加会 议。本届APEC旅游 部长会议的主题是“开 创亚太旅游合作与发展新未来”。在这个 主题之下,与会者将围绕多个议题进行交 流和讨论,会议最后并会讨论通过《澳门 宣言》。 The ministerial meeting is to be held at the Macao East Asian Games Dome International Conference Center. Participants will include the tourism ministers or their representatives from the 21 APEC economies as well as representatives from 10 international organizations such as the APEC Secretariat, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). With the theme “Exploration of Asia Pacific Tourism Cooperation and Future Development”, the ministerial meeting will conclude with a discussion to pass the “Macao Declaration”.

澳门东亚运动会体育馆 Macao East Asian Games Dome International Conference Centre +853 8397 1571

活动 events

推荐节目 Cguide choice

表演 shows 9月20日 20 SEPT

弦上火焰 Strings on Fire 来自瑞士苏黎世的指挥家达莫乌,是莫斯科 柴可夫斯基交响乐团的常任客席指挥,他 将带领澳门乐团演奏乐圣贝多芬的第一交响 曲,同场亦有韩藉女大提琴家崔恩景演奏英 国作曲家艾尔加E小调大提琴协奏曲,此曲被 誉为20世纪第一部重要的大提琴协奏曲,是 作曲家的毕生传世之作。


2014-15 Concert Season opening in Sep 十月是澳门乐音飘飘的国际音乐节到来之 时,而九月的微凉季节里,小城也有不少绕 梁三日的乐音好秀帮你热身。2014-15乐季 包括“大师风采”及“名家指挥”系列音乐 会,澳门文化局专门邀请了国际级钢琴大师 斯蒂芬.科瓦谢维奇为乐季揭开序幕,接下 来还有举世闻名的钢琴大师克里斯提安•齐玛 曼、当代最具魅力及天赋才华的小提琴家张 永宙、柴科夫斯基比赛首奖得主大提琴家丹 尼斯•沙波瓦洛夫等等,一颗颗闪烁音乐巨星 将与乐团迸发火花,为这个乐季增添璀璨夺 目的光彩。



To provide new experiences for music lovers, the Macao Orchestra specially conceived for the 2014/15 concert season the Shining Virtuosos and the Maestros with Charisma concerts series inviting internationally renowned soloists and conductors to perform together. Internationally lionized piano expert Stephen Kovacevich’s performance will open the new concert season which also includes performances by worldfamous pianist Krystian Zimerman, most charming and talented contemporary violinist Sarah Chang, the first prize winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition cellist Denis Shapovalov and etc. In conjunction with the Macao Orchestra, these music stars will sparkle, highlighting this concert season with splendid, appealing performances.

九月 2014 |

Swiss conductor Mischa Damev is a regular guest conductor with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra. In this concert Damev will conduct the Macao Orchestra in Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No 1. In spite of the influences of Mozart and Haydn, this symphony retains Beethoven’s peculiar and passionate musical style. Korean cellist Kyung Eun Choi is a soloist in British composer Edward Elgar’s Cello Concerto in E minor, one of the composer’s most prestigious works reputed to be the first critical cello concerto of the 20th century.

20:00 澳门旅游塔会展娱乐中心剧院 Macao Tower Auditorium MOP180/120/80 +853 2853 0782

9月2日 2 SEPT

麦克布莱德爵士大乐队 Christian McBride Big Band 风靡美国乐坛、爵士乐界炙手可热的低音 大提琴手、作曲家及乐队领班麦克布莱德 (Christian McBride),九月将携同其爵士大 乐队首度访澳,在这次亚洲巡演为本澳乐 迷送上不同风格的音乐,由不朽的蓝调旋律 到咆勃爵士乐,同时亦包括多首经典情歌 和原创作品。麦克布莱德爵士大乐队2011 年夺得格林美最佳爵士大乐队唱片奖,获 奖大碟《The Good Feeling》既有重新编排 的爵士经典《Broadway》,又有麦克布莱 德受Wynton Marsalis委约,为林肯中心爵 士大乐队创作的新曲《Bluesin’ in Alphabet City》,充份显示了麦克布莱德对经典与创 新兼备的才华。 Macao is soon to find out why Christian McBride is considered an exhilarating and powerful force that has definitely conquered the jazz world. Renowned bass player and composer, his big band’s swing is about to shake our town with a smashing musical display, improvising on the coolest of sounds, from blues and bebop jazz to the golden oldies and his own original tunes. In 2011, McBride’s big band was awarded a Grammy for the recording of The Good Feeling, an album featuring reinvented arrangements of jazz standards such as “Broadway” and original works like “Bluesin’ in Alphabet City”, a piece commissioned by Wynton Marsalis for the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra.

20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre – G.A. MOP250/200/150/100 +853 2855 5555

9月20日20 SEPT

S.H.E夏日巨星连环唱 Summer Concert Series, S.H.E

9月19-20日 19-20 SEPT

柏历加芭蕾舞团 《白雪公主》 Ballet Preljocaj “Snow White” 新版芭蕾舞剧《白雪公主》忠于原故事情 节,却以新颖直白的意象表现出更深层的意 涵。舞蹈设计充满想像力,七个小矮人融合 芭蕾舞与杂技的编舞令人惊叹;有时装界“ 坏孩子”之称的法国大师高堤耶,以其大胆 前卫的华丽设计凸显每个角色的象征意义。 整个故事氛围由马勒既雄伟亦浪漫的交响乐 贯穿起来,24位顶级舞者以无穷动的身体展 现柏历加注满感情与张力的动作设计与空间 运用,成为近年法国最受观众及评论赞赏的 舞作之一。 Snow White is back like we have never seen her before in a sensational, unconventional modern ballet by French choreographer Angelin Preljocaj, who reinvents an amazingly popular character. The favourite princess of our childhood got rid of her signature garments and her style has been revamped with the help of haute couture genius and “enfant terrible” Jean Paul Gaultier. The Dwarfs’ acrobatic steps are another distinct feature of this choreography, along with the massive sets and a unique demonstration of space and energy perfectly achieved by 24 dancers who give everything they have on stage.

20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre – G.A. MOP300/250/200/150 +853 2855 5555

“银河优越会”的会员活动精彩纷呈,而 “星聚星际”及“星汇银河”两大音乐会系 列活动更是重中之重,受到各位朋友的热烈 支持。暑假期间,为期两个月的音乐会系列 在银河酒店和星际酒店连番开唱,当红美少 女三人组S.H.E将会是九月最后一场表演的压 轴主角,延续最近的全球巡回演唱会热潮, 这次的夏夜迷你音乐会专门为澳门而设,让 会员能更近距离和偶像接触,更加有多首三 人首本名轮番演唱。 Taiwan pop girl group, S.H.E, will be performing a series of classical hits at Galaxy Macau. S.H.E Music Show, exclusively for JINMEN Premium Club and The Galaxy Privilege Club Pavilion members, will be held at Galaxy Macau, Banyan ballroom in Banyan Tree Macau on 20 September. Join Galaxy Privilege Club now and experience the extraordinary entertainment.

20:00 澳门悦榕庄1楼宴会厅 The Ballroom, 1/F Banyan Tree Macau 门票凭“优越分”换取 Tickets club credit redemption +853 8883 3333 | September 2014



活动 events

商业美人 关蕙农月份牌画展 Calendar Illustrations by Guan Huinong Yvonne

潮流兴复古,“双妹唛”品牌形象广告上的大家闺秀形 象近年就在复古圈大行其道。喜欢旧时旧物之士更会收 集上世纪早期的“月份牌”挂于家中欣赏。说到月份 牌,怎能缺少月份牌大师关蕙农?这次澳门艺术博物馆 就把收集和珍藏的关蕙农月份牌做成展览,让喜欢这种 复古潮的朋友一次过看个够。 The Macao Museum of Art will present an art exhibition of Guan Huinong, a master who drew calendar illustrations of graceful young ladies, popular in the beginning of the last century. It will be a feast for the eyes of those who love traditional and vintage arts.

即日起至12月28日 TILL 28 DEC

关蕙农(1878-1956)出生于广东南海,约于1905年移居香港,从事广告海报、商标设 计及印刷等工作,并开始投入月份牌创作。关蕙农的作品结合了东方画“写意”和 西方画“画真”的旨趣,开创了月份牌的先河。其中他为广生行所作的“双妹唛” 月份牌深受大众喜爱,其品牌更沿用至今,为二十世纪经典月份牌之一,使其逐步 确立“月份牌王”的地位。在本次展览中,我们可以看到关蕙农的珍藏手稿,艺术 博物馆更用新颖的新媒体方式呈现,让人耳目一新。 月份牌是于二十世纪早期流行的一种年历海报,用以推销商品,题材以时装女子形 象为主,亦有历史故事、戏剧人物、神话等,而商品、商号及年历则放在画面的下 方或两旁。在表现形式上,月份牌揉合了中国传统绘画、西方素描、水彩技法及印 刷术而发展出一套鲜明的艺术风格。这种综合艺术与商业的新兴美术作品,更远销 至海外。二十世纪初许多书画名家亦有参与月份牌的绘制作,如高剑父、戈湘岚及 谢之光等。 Guan Huinong (1878– 1956) was born in Nanhai, Guangdong province and relocated to Hong Kong in 1905, where he started painting commercial posters, designing trademarks as well as creating calendar illustrations with a blend of oriental concept painting with occidental realism. His work Two Girls for a cosmetics brand was so popular that the brand still uses it as icon now. In this exhibition, viewers will enjoy his original sketches and finished works presented in multimedia. Calendar posters were popular during the early 1900s, aiming to promote commodities. They were generally themed with fashionably dressed young ladies as well as historic stories, drama characters, and mythology with products, brand names, and calendars at the bottom or the sides of the drawings. This special work combining art and commerce by a melting method of various schools of art was even appreciated by collectors abroad. Many famous artists of the period were involved in the creation such as Gao Jianfu, Ge Xianglan and Xie Zhiguang. 16


九月 2014 |

10:00-19:00 逢星期一休馆 Closed on Mondays 澳门艺术博物馆 Macao Museum of Art 免费参观底层展览Free +853 8791 9814

9月3-27日 3-27 Sept

如果你是食物 I’m not Food Yvonne 一场食物链的争论,一次弱肉是否应被强食的思考, 在澳门本土著名艺术家郑展鹏的最新展览《如果你是 食物》画作中悄悄展开,毕业于澳门理工学院艺术高 等学校并曾担任多个机构导师的他这次带着一个问号 在官乐怡基金画廊开展,带领参观者想象“动物”变 成“食物”前的生活。 《新澳门导航》与郑展鹏展开对话,让你进一步了解 画作背后的深层意义。 Justin Chiang, a famous local artist graduated from Macau Polytechnic’s School of Arts who taught at various organisations, is having a solo exhibition entitled I’m not Food at Fundação Rui Cunha, inspiring audiences the imagination of “animals” becoming “edibles”. He explained to Cguide on the underlined meanings of his works. 为什么会萌生创作一系列关于人和动物关系,以及食 物链的画作呢? 透过一些互联网上的资讯,继而阅读一些书籍,了解 到现今的社会,对食物的需求日益泛滥,以致一些动 物的存在,纯粹只是一个生产过程,从“出生”到“ 死亡”,牠们并没有被当作是“生命”来看待,大规 模养殖业情况极度恶劣,相当一部分的牲畜不是几十 万只也是成千上万只被饲养在如大仓库一般的工厂化 农场里。牠们的排泄物就在农场周边的小范围内堆积 如山。 您个人是素食主义者吗?希望透过这个展览传递给观 众什么样的讯息呢? 我个人并非严格素食主义者,只是基本上不吃肉类。 正如这个展览理念,所有生命都是相互依存的,希望 大家多关注自己吃进肚里的食物,是如何生产出来 的。 未来的创作计划能否透露一二呢? 十月份在创意空间将会举办另一个人画展,仍然是希 望透过艺术创作,让大家关注看似与自身没有直接关 系的事物,其实并非那么遥远的事。 身处澳门小城,当艺术家会遇到什么困难吗?又是怎 样的机遇促成了您这次和官乐怡基金会画廊的合作 呢? 从事艺术创作本来就不容易,澳门地方小,留意艺术 的人也相对较少。与官乐怡基金会画廊的合作是机缘 巧合,大家接触过后,双方再经过数次倾谈,促成了 是次的展览。

How did you come up with the topic of food chain and the human-animal relationship? I discovered from Internet and publications that the modern society has flooding demand of food. It means so many animals are born food rather than lives. They are nothing but tens of thousands of livestock in the poorly run industrialised farms housing not only animals but also their faeces, un-cleaned. Are you vegetarian? What message are you spreading via the exhibition? I am not a strict vegetarian but try to avoid meat. What I am trying to deliver is that we should be more aware of what we eat and how it was made because all beings are interdependent. What is your future plan? There will be another solo show in the Centre for Creative Industries to remind the world about our surroundings. Is there any particular difficulty to be an artist in a tiny town like Macau? What is the reason for your cooperation with the gallery? Art itself is not easy. Small city means there is less attention to the development of art. The cooperation with the gallery was a coincidence and settled after a few negotiations.

10:00-19:00/Mon-Fri 15:00-19:00/Sat (周日休息Closed on Sun.) 官乐怡基金会画廊,澳 门南湾大马路749号地下 Fundação Rui Cunha, Av. da Praia Grande, no.749, Macau | September 2014



活动 events

艺术展 art

9月-12月(每月两场)SEPT-DEC (2 Seminars Every Month) 读字的日常-2014秋冬有书的聚聚 2014 Macau Book Club

9月4-7日 SEPT 4-7 “资源再思考”:澳门剧场研讨会2014 Re: Think:/Re: Sources — Seminar of Theatre Development, 2014 澳门剧场的发展不能绕过政府的资助政策不谈,研讨会 将从港台艺团资助政策的深度观察中,尝试反思本土 政府资助制度的问题,并探视资助制度以外的可能“ 资源”,从剧场创/制作的角度寻回、发掘、定义“ 资源”到底是什么?“澳门剧场研讨会”为一年一度 研讨澳门剧场文化的学术平台,因应特定主题,每年 邀请海外剧场研究及实践者来澳发表论文及主持工作 坊,加强华语剧场界之间的交流与了解。 By interpreting the policies adopted in Hong Kong and Taiwan in favour of theatre development, the seminar aims to explore sound governmental support for the theatres in Macau. Also it will search for any possible private resources by redefining “Resource” from the angle of theatre creation and production. As an annual event inviting speakers in the field both from home and abroad, the seminar is served as a platform of dialogue on the theatre development and an opportunity of communication among the Chinese-speaking theatre industry.

9/6 - 14:30-18:00 研讨会(一) Seminar 1 他山之石港台剧场资助及场地政策 The Supporting and Venue Policies of Hong Kong and Taiwan

为提高市民对阅读的兴趣,文化局澳门中央图书馆将于 九月至十二月期间举办《读字的日常-2014年秋冬有书 的聚聚》读书会,以休闲、学习为目的,每次均邀请不 同专业或领域的爱书人领读,并围绕选定主题与参加者 一起共读、分享和讨论。《读字的日常-2014年秋冬有 书的聚聚》读书会共八场,每次不同主题,9月6日打头 阵的是施援程的《动物与人──书裡画外的动物朋友》 与《动物与人──有猫咪的街头摄影》,探讨动物跟人 类的距离与生活;紧接着9月20日是李宝华的《植物会 说话》,共读和植物有关的作品,则分享城市人和植 物之间的小故事;值得推荐的还有12月13日何志峰的 《地水南音多少事》,共读《粤讴》以及珠三角名伶 轶事等文章,旁及其岭南及澳门记忆。 To promote reading in the town, Cultural Affairs Bureau’s Macau Central Library will host eight sessions of 2014 Macau Book Club from September to December. Each session will be led by a senior book lover, who will read and discuss with the participants a pre-defined theme of books. The first session will be on 6 September, theming animals, followed by the second one on vegetation. Another recommended session will be on 13 December, which will be a good opportunity to learn the history of south China and Macau. 何东图书馆 Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 免费Free +853 28567576 有意参与者请登陆 下载报名表格或电邮至 For application please log onto or mail to

即日起至10月5日 TILL OCT 5

9/7 - 14:30-18:00 研讨会(二) Seminar 2

AP21“挣扎”──王雅萍艺术作品展 AP21, Solo Exhibition of Wang Yaping

本土实践空间突围与文化认同 Local Practice of Venue and Culture Recognition. 风盒子社区艺术发展协会(澳门新胜街3A地下) Artistry of Wind Box Community Development Association (U/F 3A Rua de Tomas Vieira, Macau)

由澳门国际版画艺术研究中心、望德堂区创意产业促进会及疯堂十号创意园主办 的“AP21『挣扎』──王雅萍艺术作品展”, 是王雅萍首次个人展览,将展出近 两年所创作的艺术作品,包括版画、陶艺、轻黏土溷合媒材作品,共二十七件。

9/4-5 -19:30-22:30 工作坊(一) Workshop 1

3R表演-可持续剧场创作坊 3R Performance, Sustainable Theatre Creation

9/7 - 10:00-13:00 工作坊(二) Workshop 2 一本场刊的故事 The Story of a Theatre Journal 澳门剧场图书室(澳门连胜街四十七号二楼) Rua de Coelho do Amaral,No.47,Macau 全票(参加所有工作坊及研讨会):MOP 200 Full Fare (for all seminars and workshops): MOP 200 +853 28351572



九月 2014 |

The AP21 Exhibition of Wang Yaping is the debut exhibition of the artist hosted by the Macao International Printmaking Arts Research Centre, Creative Industries Promotion Association of St. Lazarus Church District and 10 Fantasia. There are 27 exhibits in the forms of printmaking, pottery, clay and multi-media.


(逢周一休息 Closed on Mon.) 望德堂区疯堂十号创意园 No. 10, Calçada da lgreja de S. Lázaro 免费Free +853 2835 4582

表演 shows 城中演出

who’s in town

任何时间 Anytime

周日畅饮二重奏 Sunday Duet at StarWorld Macau 尽情畅饮,好事成双!逢星期日晚上10时至 12时,来到澳门星际酒店品味吧,品尝指定 饮品,可享买一送一优惠!(另加收10%的 服务费及5%旅游税) Double is always better than single. Now you can enjoy a free 2nd selected drink at Whisky Bar between 22:00 and 00:00 on every Sunday. (Plus 10% service charge and 5% tax)

9月20日 Sept 20

只想听见费玉清2014澳门演唱会 Fei Yu Ching Live in Macau 2014 歌唱生涯超过三十年的“金嗓歌王”费玉清 将第三度重临澳门威尼斯人,费玉清于70年 代末开展其歌唱事业生涯,自此每年举办超 过30场演唱会,更于世界各地获得热烈回 响。这位传奇歌手将为金光综艺馆的乐迷带 来多首经典歌曲,尽展迷人音乐。 With a career spanning over three decades, the “King of Golden Voice” Fei Yu Ching is returning to the Cotai Arena for the third time! This legendary singer will bring the classic hits to Macao audiences and also taking them on a journey through time with his own group of talented band members, combining spectacular stage and audio design with a specially designed 3-D animated background. 20:00 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena, The Venetian Macao MOP280/480/680/1080 ++853 2882 8818

澳门星际酒店16楼 16/F, StarWorld Hotel Macau +853 8290 8698

9月7日 7 Sept

金狮吧2014栋笃笑欢笑连场 Stand-up Comedy at MGM Macau’s Lion’s Bar 来金狮吧开怀一笑吧!澳门美高梅力邀国际 级栋笃笑团体”外卖喜剧”(TakeOut Comedy) ,上演精彩表演,诙谐幽默的语言,丰富的 感染力,定能为您带来无限欢乐。 Barry Hilton is an old-school comedian who’s as streetwise as any youngster. He’s remained at the top by continually coming up with fresh material - and by having six children to keep him hip and happening. 21:00 澳门美高梅酒店 MGM Macau 免费 Free +853 8802 2375 | September 2014



好秀 events

城外好秀 who’s around

9月20-21日 20-21 Sept

昼夜摇滚 Rock Around the Clock

9月13日 13 Sept

李宗盛“既然青春留不 住”广州演唱会 Jonathan Lee Live in Concert – Guangzhou 在很多演出场合,李宗盛都对歌 迷说:“谢谢你们,从小李的青 春年少,听到我两鬓斑白。所 以,我肯定有更珍贵的东西来 与你们分享。无以为谢,唯有写 歌,给在乎自己,和自己在乎的 人听。”每一个人心里都有一首 李宗盛的歌,而他的每一首歌, 每一句歌词都能唱进人的心里,带来回忆。 Taiwan-born Jonathan Lee – an influential Mando-pop star – is expressing his gratitude to his long supporting die-hard fans through this dedicated concert, which is entitled “Now That Youth Won’t Remain…” He claims he has nothing to return his fans but songs, so it’s the concept of this concert tour. If you have moved by Jonathan’s pieces, you won’t want to miss this. 20:00 广州Guangzhou 广州体育馆 Guangzhou Gymnasium RMB280/480/680/880/1280 +86 400-610-3721

9月24日-10月26日24 Sept - 26 Oct

MAMMA MIA! 每个音乐剧迷必看的经典剧目之一《MAMMAMIA!》,由英国著名制 作人JudyCraymer带到香港!这次演出的演员及制作团队均来自世界巡 回演出的精英班底,全剧由《Dancing Queen》、《Money Money》 、《The Winner Takes It All》等22首ABBA金曲贯穿始终,爱情丶亲 情丶友情共冶一炉,丰富多采。 After its huge success in 2004, the hit stage show MAMMA MIA! returns to Hong Kong. Judy Craymer’s ingenious version of this love story brings ABBA’s timeless songs to life on stage with an enchanting tale of family and friendship on a Greek island. Come and indulge your inner Dancing Queen! 不同時间Various Times 香港Hong Kong 香港演艺学院歌剧院 Lyric Theatre, Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts HKD395/595/795/995 +852 8203 0299



九月 2014 |

是时候摇滚、狂欢,一路“滚” 回到不可思议的50年代的时候 了!一路旅行将你带回到泰迪男 孩,Quiffs乐队,布里尔奶油乐 队的剪毛短裙和绒面靴子时代 了。这场表演参演人员超过20 名,非凡的歌手、舞蹈及音乐, 保证伴你过度一个狂舞不停歇的 整晚。演出模仿十九世纪五十年 代的风格,用一些布景完全将观 众完全带回到那些经典曲目的怀 旧年代。 It’s time to get back to the 50’s. Pick up your fluffy skirts and wide-collar shirt (and your suede shoes maybe?) to take on this ride to body-moving rock music. More than 20 rockers are offering you tunes that you can’t help dancing, shaking and jumping. This live show is bringing back colours to your life, and the interesting memories as well. 20:00 深圳Shenzhen 深圳保利剧院 Shenzhen Poly Theatre RMB100/180/280/380/480/580 +86 400 610 3721

9月26日 26 Sept

Electric Pet Shop Boys 2014演唱会 Electric Pet Shop Boys Live 2014 电音乐迷注意!经典组合Pet Shop Boys将在9月带来活力奔 放的演出。PetShopBoys屹立乐 坛超过25年,在2009年更夺得全 英音乐奖的“杰出音乐贡献”奖 项,如此经典的英伦电音组合现 场表演绝对需要抢票啦。 Winner of the award for “Outstanding Contribution to Music” at the 2009 Brit Awards, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe are a musical institution. In their 25+ years together, the electro-pop duo has gained both commercial and critical success. They are here for one show only, so don’t miss out! 20:15 香港Hong Kong 亚洲国际博览馆10号馆 Hall 10, AsiaWorld Expo HKD480/680/980/1280 +852 9222 3879

一小时饭局 One Hour Dinner

Photo by Melao

吃在澳门 Dine

慢城,快调。在越来越讲求 速度的娱乐至死之城,一小 时饭局已是最神速的饮食步 调。调整你的味蕾时钟,和 我们一起步入快食慢赏的状 态吧! Fast Rhythm in a Slow City: in this city where pace and quality are equally important, “One-Hour Quick Bite” is already the fastest way to food. Now please adjust your body clock and dive with us into “Quick Bite, Deep Appreciation”. | September 2014



吃在澳门 Dine

上菜速度:10分钟内 Serving Time: within 10 mins

香港与亚洲滋味 Tsui Wah Restaurant and Taste of Asia Yvonne Melao


翠华,在香港做到上市的茶餐厅 品牌,将原汁原味的港式文化重 新包装再发扬光大。澳门也有翠 华,而且位于银河度假村的娱 乐场口,24小时不停歇,完全 符合一众游客和去UA看通宵电 影的朋友需求。看看翠华餐牌, 虽然招牌菜和香港相同,但名 字却变得更为“好意头”,最招 牌的笑脸奶茶也改成“盆满杯满 奶茶”,完全符合游客心态。不 过这次要推荐的菜式绝对很少在 其他港式茶餐厅吃到:哈哈笑炒 双面黄。原块炸脆的面条用铁板 上,再趁热淋上宫保酸甜汁,更 有大大只虾球佐餐,不算辣, 适合喜欢香口食物又不太能吃 辣的朋友。 如果想多试试非港澳风味的“快 餐”又不想吃西餐,亚洲美食坊 也是一个不错的选择,银河更会 定期推出美食坊新菜单保持新鲜 感。喜欢马来西亚菜的朋友,可 以尝试叻沙,做得非常地道且份 量不错。而另一道饱肚选择就是 黑椒马介休饭,很葡式但看起来 又觉得带有日本味。


Tsui Wah is a Hong Kong style café that is listed in the stock market. It operates business throughout Pearl River Delta, which includes Macau. The 24/7 Tsui Wah Restaurant is located right beside the Cinemas of Galaxy Macau, so it’s great for sleepless filmlovers. Signature dishes are same as in Hong Kong but with more prosperous names, yet there is one that is locally exclusive. Those who enjoy sweet-flavoured dishes will love “Sizzling King Prawns with Fried Noodles”: a pack of fried noodles on a sizzling iron with sweet and sour sauce matched by crispy shrimps. The restaurant also boasts its efficient serving of food: only a few minutes of waiting would be needed, even at peak hours. On the other hand, Taste of Asia, also at Galaxy Macau, is a heaven to international quick bite lovers. The menus are changed regularly so you’ll never get bored by the food options. Malay Laksa is very authentically made; while Bacalhau Pepper Rice is tastefully Portuguese and visually Japanese. Blending chouriço and bacalhau makes this a good choice of Portuguese quick bite.


1 甜蜜特脆奶油猪

Crispy Bun Served with Sweet Condensed Milk $22

2 盆满杯满奶茶 Milk Tea $25

3 哈哈笑炒双面黄

Sizzling King Prawns with Fried Noodles $113 (以上菜式来自翠华餐厅) From Tsui Wah Restaurant)


Bacalhau Pepper Rice $53

+853 28825963/8883 2221

4 黑椒马介休饭 3


5 叻沙 Laksa

(以上菜式来自亚洲美食坊 From the Taste of Asia) $62



九月 2014 |

翠华餐厅及亚洲美食坊 Tsui Wah Restaurant and Taste of Asia

澳门银河度假村一层 Ground Floor, Galaxy Hotel 电话TEL.:

原汁原味小笼包 Juicy Xiao Long Bao at Din Tai Fung Yan Melao 相信很多人都对台湾品牌“鼎泰 丰”不陌生,这三个字代表的 不仅仅是美味的食物,更多的是 来自台湾人对精良出品以及贴心 服务的完美追求。不论是多汁的 小笼包、香醇浓郁的红烧牛肉汤 面、还是一杯简单的茗茶,都能 让人感受到“鼎泰丰”的用心。 位于澳门新濠天地“苏濠”内 的“鼎泰丰”是澳门的首家分 店,你再怎么赶时间都得点上一 笼即制即蒸的招牌小笼包吧。因 为他们家小笼包每一个都有完美 的18折,加上皮薄通透,入口 肉汁鲜甜,齿颊留香。能做得如 此无暇,全因师傅们对小笼包的 制作非常严谨。首先是小笼包的 肉馅都是以鲜嫩的猪后腿肉加入 师傅的秘方调配而成,而且每一 颗的重量为21克:5克皮、16克 肉馅。除了制作精细外,连沾小 笼包的酱汁也有大学问:由一份 酱汁、三份醋的比例调成,再加 上姜丝一起吃,更加美味。除了 小笼包,这里的醉鸡也做得非常 好,嫩滑的鸡腿肉以5年的古越 龙山绍兴黄酒浸泡一天才能上餐 桌,无论是皮、肉、骨都散发出 淡淡的酒香。喜香辣的朋友,推 荐你试试虾肉红油抄手,酱汁入 口微辣,却奇香无比。

The well-known Din Tai Fung is not famous only for their delicious food, but also the Taiwanese pursuit of quality and service. Be it Xiao Long Bao or Beef Noodles, you’ll find the subtle care in the name. The brand’s first restaurant in Macau is located in SOHO at City of Dreams. However tight your schedule is, you should still spare some time for a basket of Xiao Long Bao here. Everything is so accurate: the juicy meat filling exact to 16g should be wrapped by the super thin skin of 5g, with 18 folds at the closure. The filling is made of fresh and tender pork seasoned by secret spices, while the sauce should be mixed with soy sauce and vinegar at a ratio of 1:3 with shredded ginger. The Drunken Chicken and the Spicy Shrimp and Pork Wonton are also made so exquisitely and deliciously that you just cannot drop your chopsticks.

上菜速度:30分钟内 Serving Time: within 30 mins.





鼎泰丰 Din Tai Fung 地址 ADD.: 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地二楼 “苏濠” SOHO, Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 营业时间 OPENING HOURS

1 小笼包 Steamed Pork Dumplings $88

电话 TEL:

2 红烧牛肉汤面 Braised Beef Brisket Noodle soup $128

+853 8868 7348


12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00

3 虾肉红油抄手 Spicy Shrimp and Pork Wonton $78

4 绍兴醉鸡 DRUNKEN CHICKEN IN SHAOXING RICE WINE $108 | September 2014



吃在澳门 Dine

正宗北方好味道 A Taste of North Yan Melao

想要在澳门吃到“贼好”的北方菜式,非“北方馆”莫属,从重口味 东北菜到麻辣的四川美食,从口感劲道的手工拉面到各种水饺蒸点, 都可以在这里找到。 “北方馆”的必点美食当选“老北京炸酱面”,由师傅现点现做的面 食配上青瓜、白菜、萝卜丝、黄豆等多种配料,再拌以由北京空运回 来的干黄豆酱调配而成的酱料,豆香浓郁,面条口感有劲道,再来一 碗不是什么稀奇事。除了代表作面食以外,餐厅也提供地道的北方热 盘,如“干煸美国牛肉鹅肝”:用鹅肝、上等的美国肉眼牛排搭配干 辣椒、京葱爆炒,牛肉吃起来鲜嫩多汁,香而不辣;还有老少咸宜 的“京城酥皮虾”,新鲜明虾经过油炸后变得香脆,加入特色的酸甜 酱料调味,一口咬下去,虾壳香酥松脆,虾肉鲜甜,相当开胃。如果 想要吃鲍参翅,“京葱烧辽参”、“黄焖大鲍翅”等厨师精选一定可 以满足你挑剔的胃。



North is the best restaurant to savour the taste of Northern China, from the rich flavoured northeastern dishes and spicy Sichuan food, to hand-pulled noodles and all kinds of dumplings. A must-try at North is “Old Beijing” Noodles with Condiments, a perfect mixture of noodles with vegetables and fried fermented soya paste made in Northern China. The rich flavour and the tangy noodles will make you encore your order. As to Northern stir-fries, you will love the Wok-fried US Prime Rib Eye and Goose Liver with Dried Chilies and Mushrooms, or Crispy Beijing-style Sweet and Sour Prawns. The restaurant also prepares high-end dishes like “Chef Select” Braised Sea Cucumber with Leek and Soya Sauce or the Stewed Shark fin in Broth.

上菜速度:15﹣30分钟 Serving Time: 15-30 mins. 24


九月 2014 |


1 老北京炸酱面

“Old Beijing” Noodles with Condiments $72


北方馆 North

2 京城酥皮虾 Crispy “Beijing” Style Sweet

地址 ADD.::

and Sour Prawns $168


3 干煸美国牛肉鹅肝

Casino Level 1015, Venetian Macau

Wok-fried US Prime Rib Eye and Goose Liver with Dried


Chilies and Mushrooms $288

(周日至四,Sun to Thu)

4 京葱烧辽参

Braised Sea Cucumber with Leek and Soya Sauce $380

11:00-23:00 11:00-02:00( (周五及六,Fri & Sat)) 电话 TEL.: +853 8118 9980

一小时另类之选 咖啡美食@澳门 The Other Choices 米夫

Besides in hotels, “1-Hour Quick Bites” are also found throughout the city, and some Cha Chaan Tings even do delicacies. Well, Cha Chaan Ting is rather Hong Konger, while in Macau they are usually named “Cafe & Deli”. Now Myth - our gourmet professional - is bringing you the best choices in town.

Photo by HIN KEE

Cha Chaan Teng@Macau

除了在各大酒店里方便住客 的一小时选择外,走出澳门 大街,隐藏在街角的茶餐厅 绝对是地道一小时出品之 王。茶餐厅是香港流行的叫 法,在澳门则一般称为“咖 啡美食”,让美食达人米夫 为你带路,看看新旧茶餐厅 有何好选择。 | September 2014



吃在澳门 Dine

平民葡国美食 Portugese Cha Chaan Teng


上菜速度:15分钟左右 Serving Time: within 15 min.


澳门的葡国菜相当著名,这种混 合中葡甚至澳门本地的材料和烹 调方法,也真是独一无二,有些 菜式甚至连葡国也没有,例如葡 国鸡这个菜,它是澳门原创, 所以一定要试试,浓香菜汁用来 佐饭或蘸面包,一不小心就会超 量,小心吃得过饱。 那什么是源自葡国的呢?推荐红 豆猪手,这是地道的葡国菜,红 腰豆正好为猪手中和,嫩滑的猪 手又别有风味。另一个是马介 休,它是葡国一种咸鱼,可用不 同方法炮制,而最能吃出原味 的,咸中带香就莫过于是驰名得 白烚马介休了。

Macau boasts many inventions of Portuguese dishes – some of them are even not available in Portugal. Portuguese Chicken, for example, is a local invention and the best mate for rice or bread with its abundant juice. As to the genuine Portugal dishes, Pig Knuckle and Red Bean Stew is flavourful and tasty. Or Bacalhau – salted codfish popular in Portugal, versatile for different recipes – can be simply boiled to get best its original and savoury taste.


Portuguese Chicken $40

龙嵩街38-40号 No.38-40, Rua Central

Pig Knuckle

电话TEL.::+853 2897 5059

and Red Bean Stew $47


3 白烚马介休

Boiled Bacalhau $78 新澳门导航

中天咖啡美食 Estabelecimento de Comidas Chong Tin

1葡国鸡 2 红豆猪手



九月 2014 |

08:00-21:00( (逢星期六休息 Closed on Saturdays))

华丽丽奢华茶餐厅 Luxury Cha Chaan Teng 打开轩仔记的餐牌,你会发觉包罗万有,绝不夸张,除一般茶餐厅应 有的之外,这里更有烧味,豉油鸡色泽油润也嫩滑;夏天吃个汤饭, 可补充水份,陈皮鸭腿汤饭是不错的选择;除此之外,更有自家调配 的咖喱、泰国菜甚至中式小炒,真的是种类繁多。 最令人惊喜的是,轩仔记竟然有鲍参翅肚供应,似乎超越了茶餐厅 的范围,富贵三宝饭就有鲍鱼、花胶和海参,要价澳门币138元,这 绝对是华丽版的碟头饭(粤语:意思是一人份饭量)!这应该是澳 门首创吧? 另一推介是轩仔记的柠檬茶,用不同茶叶混合冲泡,茶味较为香浓。

上菜速度:10分钟左右 Serving Time: within 10 min.

The menu of HIN KEE covers, literally, almost everything a Cha Chaan Ting can offer. Highlights are Chinese BBQ meats, tender and tasty Soy Poached Chicken, and Duck Leg Broth-soaked Rice, apart from homemade curry, as well as traditional Thai and Chinese dishes – just to name a few. Surprisingly, you can find high-end tastes here. For example, Rice with Abalone, Fish Maw and Sea Cucumber is available at only MOP 138, what a steal! The fresh and fragrant lemon tea also deserves a try.

1 玫瑰豉油鸡(半只)

Rose Wine and Soy Poached Chicken (Half) $88

2 咖喱牛坑腩煲 (相片由轩仔记提供) Curry Tenderloin Pot $52

3 富贵三宝饭

Tri-treasure Rice $138

4 陈皮鸭腿汤饭

Duck Leg Broth-soaked Rice $54



Photo by HIN KEE

轩仔记 HIN KEE Restaurant 地址 ADD.:: 高美士街79C-79D凤凰台地下B,、C铺 Rua de Luis Gonzaga Gomes n.79C79D, Edf. Fong Vong Toi rés-do-chão e 1o andar, Lojas B e C, Macau 电话 TEL.: +853 2899 1100 营业时间 OPENING HOURS: 3


08:00-21:00 | September 2014



吃在澳门 Dine


听见华星和看到Logo,很自然会想起八十年代的香港那间唱片公 司,这冰室果真是跟唱片公司有点渊源,在香港也有一定的名气,很 多珠三角粉丝捧场。既然它的口号是做好炒蛋和奶茶,那就一定要试 试味道了。招牌的黑松露炒蛋,以两种蛋混合来炒,用香、嫩来形 容是适合的。奶茶以多种茶叶混合出独家配方,茶与奶比例刚好。 茶餐厅的奶茶如果做得不好,就如失去了灵魂般,让人没有再次光 顾的欲望。 谭校长在香港乐坛地位崇高,校长多士正是他研制出来的杰作,黑松 露加芝士,为配合谭校长的金句:“年年廿五”,所以此校长多士卖 25元,永不加价,真有噱头。快熟面原本平平无奇,华星有个重口味 的番茄浓汤底,金橙色带微酸,每日限量供应。

Star Cha Chaan Teng

CAPITAL Café does have connections with the Hong Kong record company of the same name back in 1980s, attracting fans from Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta. Boasting itself the master of scrambled eggs and milk tea, it has a signature dish of Scrambled Eggs with Black Truffle, tender and delicious, while the milk tea of secret recipe has the perfect balance between the two ingredients. Don’t miss the Black Truffle and Cheese Toast, a creation by Alan Tam, a superstar singer in Hong Kong who claims his age as “Always 25”, which explains why the dish is and will be MOP 25 forever. Their instant noodle is also a surprise with its golden orange sour tomato soup: an everyday limited offer.




上菜速度:8-10分钟左右 Serving Time: within 8-10 min.

1 奶茶 Milk Tea $18

2 黑松露炒蛋多士

华星冰室 Capital Café

Scrambled Eggs with Black Truffle $41

3 校长多士

Principal’s Toast $25




九月 2014 |

地址 ADD.::

马德里街37号环宇豪庭C舖 Shop C, Wan Yu Villas, No.37

4 重口味一丁(跟牛肉蛋饼) Instant Noodle

Rua de Madrid

in Tomato Soup $38

+853 2875 5727

电话 TEL:

手机先吃之拍出好感觉 Apps for food photography 介绍了那么多一小时饭局美食,你是不是已经跃跃欲试?喜欢“手机 先吃”的朋友都爱把美食拍得美美然后分享到社交媒体,所以可以帮 助美食变得更诱人的apps就十分重要啦,这期我们为你推荐如下两 个修图应用。 It has been such a fad that dishes had to be photographed and uploaded to the social network before being eaten. Here are two secret app weapons making your food more attractive.

POCO美食相机 POCO Food Camera 中国最大的美食网开发的美食拍照软件自然信得过,关键是这个软件 还可以为你的美食增加烟雾效果,十分方便有趣。 An app developed by the leading food website includes an interesting and unique fogy effect.

Snapdish Food Camera

下载地址 Download details?id=cn.poco.foodcamera

这个美食软件可以把你拍得黑漆漆的美食照变美,点击“Rare”, “Medium”和“Well-Known”就可以把食物“烹饪”成星级佳肴。 Clicking Rare,Medium or Well-Known button, the food in the pictures will make you as good as an excellent chef.

下载地址 Download details?id=com.vuzz.snapdish | September 2014



吃在澳门 Dine 澳门新知

New in Town


Comfy Hotpot all the time Yan Mia

炎热的夏天常常让人没有食欲,除了凉食就是清淡之 物,选择不多,这时候的你是否特别怀念吃火锅时的酣 畅淋漓? 那么不妨前往全新进驻“澳门银河”的“香港 金牌海鲜火锅”,在舒适的环境里吃上最顶级的火锅好 料,让你感受夏日火锅的另一番激情。 Other than something cold and light, you might not have the appetite for anything hot in summer, especially steamy hotpot. But it is not the case for Hong Kong Gold Medal Seafood Hot Pot opened recently in Galaxy Macau. It is where you will find the best ingredients and the most comfortable environment for savoury hotpot in summer. 位于澳门银河的“香港金牌海鲜火锅”是澳门的首家 分店,以潮粤菜式为主,从餐前小食、到新鲜运到 的鱼生刺身、海鲜、乃至进口牛肉、椒盐类食品等一 应俱全。除了有新鲜的食材以外,好的锅底也十分重 要。餐厅目前一共提供17款锅底,包括店内闻名的以 牛杂作锅底的长胜牛皇锅、清香四溢的白松露鲍鱼锅 以及香辛的四川麻辣锅等,配合日本A5级和牛、金牌 肥牛、东星斑、澳洲龙虾等,绝对让你食指大动。如 果你略嫌以上的锅底重口味了点,建议你试试其出品 的花胶浓鸡汤锅,滋润又不上火,搭配手功蟹皇饺、 自制潮州鱼蛋、以豆腐皮制成的鲜炸响铃,手打乌冬 面等,也是不错的夏日开胃选择。 30


九月 2014 |

It is the first branch of this hot pot restaurant in Macau, and has lined-up a menu of genuine Cantonese and Chiuchow dishes from amuse-bouche and fresh sashimi, to seafood and imported beef. Among the 17 broths, which is also the key for a good hotpot, Mixed Beef, White Truffles and Abalone, and Sichuan Spicy broths are the most popular choices, matching perfectly with Japanese 5A Wagyu, Coral Trout, and Australian lobsters. For those prefer lighter relish, the Double-boiled Chicken with Fish Maw broth would please your taste buds. It’s even better with Crab Roe Dumplings, Chiu Chow Fish Balls, Crispy Bean Curd Rolls and hand-made Udon.

香港金牌海鲜火锅 Hong Kong Gold Medal Seafood Hot Pot “澳门银河”M楼M01 M01, M/F, Galaxy Macau 电话 TEL.+ +853 8883 2266 营业时间 BUSINESS HOURS 11:00-14:30, 17:00-02:30


“红伶”推出全新分子鸡尾酒 Savour the Art of Molecular Cocktails at CHINA ROUGE


澳门最享负盛名的顶级会所“红伶”由即日 起至九月底将供应全新分子鸡尾酒“醉人茶 韵贰 --中式醉人茶点 ”。全新分子鸡尾酒 由“一盅两件”组成:调酒师先将三重美 酒混合成金浆玉液,加上人参当归茶凝成冰 球,然后以双重分子技术将经典夏日鸡尾酒 制成芒果椰子凝胶,及以苹果马天尼化身 的晶莹粉卷。“醉人茶韵贰--中式醉人茶 点”每晚限量供应,每份澳门币 368*元。 * 价格需附加10%的服务费。

“炭”出品味•烤牛飨宴 Charbroiled Premium Steaks Indulgence at Temptations 在暑热渐消的夏秋之交,星际酒店“品味 坊”搜罗世界各国的顶级肉类,如从美国空 运、以肉质嫩滑而脂肪含量低着称的顶级安 格斯牛柳;来自鹅肝王国—法国的软滑鹅肝; 产自日本鹿儿岛鲜美而驰名的黑豚肉等,烹 制出一席诱人飨宴。 道道佳肴背后,还饱含了主厨Joe哥的非凡创 意与极致用心:他大胆运用多种清甜芳香的 时令蔬果,为佳肴增添了清新脱俗的点睛之 笔,口感更显清爽,可谓是视觉与味觉的双 重盛宴。 StarWorld Hotel is proud to welcome the autumn with a tempting feast of the world’s finest meats. Temptations carefully sourced a variety of the most premium meats from around the world, from low-fat and tender US Angus beef to softly melting foie gras from the France, juicy Kurobuta Pork from Kagoshima in Japan. StarWorld Hotel’s Executive Chef, Mr. Joe Chan, poured his extraordinary creativity and utmost attention in crafting this unique menu. His bold and varied use of juices, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables adds the most delightful finishing touch to the dishes.

推广日期 Promotion Period 即日起至 9月 30日, 19:00-22:00 From now till 30 September, 19:00-22:00 地址 Location 星际酒店16楼“品味坊” Temptations,16/F StarWorld Hotel 订座 Reservation +853 8290 8688

澳门金沙高雅扒房全新美味佳肴 Tasty New Dishes at Sands Macao’s Copa Steakhouse 高雅扒房全新推出全新佳肴为宾客提供更多 选择,精选菜式包括:扒章鱼伴橄榄及芝麻 菜,熏香脆五花肉伴水田芥及蜜糖芥末,烤 牛肩排伴蒜味薯蓉,烤墨西哥辣椒牛扒伴炸 迷迭香玉米饼以及可以选择蒸、香煎或焗制 而成的生猛波士顿龙虾。最后以奶油及新鲜 士多啤梨制成的美国的经典甜品-士多啤梨甜 松蛋糕划上完美句号。 Be the first to taste the newest menu selections from the award-winning Copa Steakhouse at Sands Macao. The irresistible array of newly launched menu items at Copa Steakhouse provides guests a wider range of dishes to choose from, sure to tantalise taste buds. Highlights include: Grilled octopus with olives and arugula, Smoked crispy pork belly with watercress and honey mustard, Grilled wagyu short rib with garlic whipped potatoes, Ancho-spiced grilled skirt steak and Fresh Boston lobster. To top things off with a sweet finish, new desserts include a delightful strawberry shortcake.

CHINA ROUGE is renowned for its exclusive and artistic experiences, which is why from now until the end of September, guests’ palates will be left spellbound by the Alluring Teasers II – Chinese Tea with “Dim Sum” Cocktails. This new molecular cocktail experience will include innovative concoctions such as ‘liquid gold of liqueur trio complemented with angelica tea and ginseng icy ball’ and a mango pina colada double gelification cake, a classic summer cocktail, served with an apple martini jelly sheet. A limited order of “Alluring Teasers II – Chinese Tea with ‘Dim Sum’ Cocktails” will be served nightly until the end of September, priced at MOP368*. * All prices are subject to 10% service charge.

推广日期 Promotion Period 即日起至9月底,17:00-04:00 From now till 30 September, 19:00-04:00 地址 Location 澳门银河综合度假城“红伶” CHINA ROUGE, Galaxy Macau 订座 Reservation +853 2888 0888

营业时间 Opening Hours 每日17:30-23:00 Daily 地址 Location 澳门金沙三楼 3/F, Sands Macau Hotel 订座 Reservation +853 8983 8222 | September 2014




酒窖 the cellar


Under the Moon of Love David Wong

中秋佳节将至,让我们走到月光如银的户外, 摆好美味的月饼,搭配我们向您推荐的几款香 槟,尽享宁静祥和的节日好时光。 Let’s go for a little walk and discover some Champagnes that are the perfect match with the delicious moon cakes that are traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Taittinger Brut 2005 香槟品牌Taittinger创立于1734年,总部位于法国 兰斯。酒庄历史悠久,是如今难得一见的纯家 族企业。该酒庄目前的领导人Pierre-Emmanuel Taittinger,是创始人的孙辈。与其他品牌相比, 该品牌在选择不同葡萄进行混酿时,霞多丽的比 例更高,为其香槟带来了与众不同的口感。这瓶 2005陈酿的口感柔滑,散发着浓郁的绿色水果 和烤酵母的香气,宜口的酸度,完美平衡月饼 的甜度。 Founded in 1734, the Taittinger Champagne house is based in Reims. This historic estate is one of the few remaining family owned and operated Champagne houses. It is now headed by PierreEmmanuel Taittinger, the grandson of the founder of the company. Taittinger’s unique personality is that it uses a higher proportion of Chardonnay grapes in its blends than many other large houses. This vintage 2005 is smoothly textured with delicate green fruit flavours and toasty yeast characters with a nice acidity that would balance the sweetness of the moon cakes.

黄育山先生是《新澳门导航》特邀的葡萄酒专家和撰 稿人 。 他是英国葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会的认证导师 (WSET),曾担任多个国际葡萄酒赛事的常任评审,更 为《南华早报》 和《Hong Kong Tatler》杂志撰写葡 萄酒专栏。此外,David也是澳门厨艺协会的创始人之 一。同时亦为埃科菲国际厨师协会(澳门区)的秘书长 以及“法国国际美食家协会 (澳门区)”的美食顾问。 DAVID WONG is a chef and wine lover and contributor to Cguide Magazine. David is an approved tutor for the Wine and Institution Trust, UK (WSET). David is a regular wine judge on the international wine competition. He writes wine columns for South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Tatler. David Wong is one of the Founders of the Macau Culinary Association, Secretary general for Disciples of Escoffier
in Macau, Conseiller gastronomie for the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs.

Perrier-Jouët Brut Champagne Belle Epoque 2006 Perrier-Jouët品牌位于法国Épernay的香槟产区,由Pierre Nicolas Marie Perrier和他的妻子Adèle Jouët共同创立于1811年,该品牌 的名字即为夫妻二人姓名的组合。Belle Epoque属于该品牌的高端香 槟系列,瓶身点缀着玻璃制作大师Gallé设计的经典花朵图案,堪称 全世界最精美奢华的酒瓶。在走过200多年的发展道路之后,PerrierJouët现在香槟产区拥有一片超过266英亩的葡萄园。这款最新上市 的2006年陈酿Belle Epoque,酸度宜口,散发着苹果和矿物质的芬 芳,与月饼相搭配,绝不会淹没在月饼浓郁的味道之中,既能彰显自 身的气息,又与月饼相辅相成。 Perrier-Jouët has its home in the Épernay region of Champagne. This house was founded in 1811 by Pierre Nicolas Marie Perrier and his wife Adèle Jouët who both placed their names on the gorgeous label. The prestige label is named Belle Epoque with its signature flowers by Gallé and must be one of the most striking and beautiful wine bottles in the world. With over 200 years of history Perrier-Jouët now owns over 266 acres of vineyards in the Champagne region. This new release 2006 Belle Epoque has a wonderful acidity with apple and minerality notes that not only will it stand up to the richness of moon cakes but will complement it.

哪里可以买到 WHERE TO BUY 澳门凯权贸易有限公司 Seapower Trading Co., Ltd. 地址ADD: 澳门宋玉生广场411-417 号皇朝广场12楼K-M座 K-M, Floor 12, Dynasty Plaza, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 咨询TEL: (853) 2872 7222

澳门买好酒 wineshop

Prime Shop 优质食品店 Prime Shop 黑沙环中街592号寰宇天下地下2座 地下D铺 Central Areia Preta 592, La Cite Block 2, r/c D Macau 2848 1659

年度酒窖 Les Millesimes 宾利酒世界 Banny Wine Cellar 菜园涌北街83-89号地下S Norte Canal Hortas 83-89 r/c S 2822 7530

酒宝巴库斯 Bacchus wine 寰发洋酒有限公司 Remfly Wine and Spirits Ltd 澳门宋玉生广场235-243号中土大厦地下Q,R铺, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção 235 - 243, China Civil Plaza R/C Q,R 2857 5243

肯尼思酒窖 Kenneth Wine Cellar 澳门新口岸宋玉生广场235-287号中 土大厦15楼f座, Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpção China Civil Plaza 15° 2875 1628

太平洋酒窖有限公司 Pacific Ocean Wine Mart Company Ltd 马德里街31号地下D Madrid 31 r/c D 2875 0622

荣仕廊美酒澳门有限公司 Vins Gallery Limited 澳门商业大马路友邦广场地下02室 Av Comercial Macau Ed AIA Tower r/c apt 02 2888 9881

马统领街26号地下 Com Mata-Olivª 26 r/c 2871 8989

氹仔望德圣母湾大马路澳门威尼斯 人度假村酒店大运河购物中心3楼 Venetian Macao Nuance-Watson 2882 8105

嘉兴酒业 Sociedade de Vinhos Finest Limitada 华大新村第三街海南花园第1座地 下J R.3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn bl 1 r/c J 2848 1710

华大新村第三街13号海南花园1座 地下o铺 Rua 3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn Bl 1 R/C 2843 0917

宋玉生广场112号地下M Alª Dr Carlos d’Assumpção 112 r/c M 2822 0899

皇家酒窖 The Royal Wine Cellar

屈臣氏酒窖 Watson’s Wine Venetian


法国马伯乐集团酒业有限公司 MBL Wine Group Lirnited

巴波沙大马路华大新邨华康楼地下H Av A Tamag Barbª Va Tai San Chun Va Hong Lau r/c H 2843 9809

河边新街94-120号地下B Alm Sérgio 94-120 r/c B 2893 8495

金泉酒庄 Golden Winery 菜园路164号地下IA Hortelãos 164 r/c IA 2842 3399

润德酒业 Runde Wine & Spirits

好时行洋酒专门店有限公司 Greattime Wine Pouring House Ltd

福隆新街49号地下 Felicidade 49 r/c 2878 5415

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路139号百利宝 花园百丽阁地下1座 Av Dr. Sun Yat Sen, No.165 Edif, Treasure Garden Pretty Court. Block 1, Ground Floor 2822 1155

888酒庄 Adega 888

骏德酒业(澳门)有限公司 Jointek Fine Wines 罗马街30-38号地下AA Roma 30-38 r/c AA 2875 5746

葡萄酒博物馆 WINE MUSEUM 澳门新口岸高美士街431号 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes 431, basemant 8798 4188

圣美基街1号C-D地下 S Miguel 1C-D r/c 2835 4585

俊轩酒业 JOIN HIN WINES 关闸马路64号地下C Ist Ferrª Amaral 64 r/c C 2848 7371

慕拉士来来酒窖 ROYAL SUPERMARKET CELLAR 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来来 大厦一楼 Av, de Venceslau de Morais No 181-183, Royal Group Building R/C 8791 9488

澳门DFS醇酒及雪茄概念店 DFS WINE & CIGAR 澳门四季酒店DFS内 Four Season Resort, Macao DFS 2870 0175 | September 2014



吃在澳门 dine

中餐 Chinese

乐轩华 LE CHINOIS 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店18楼 18/F, Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 11:30-15:00; 17:30-22:00 8861 1001 $$

观海轩中餐厅 KWUN HOI HEEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 金路环度假酒店 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort Macau, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane Mon-Fri, 11:00-15:00,18:30 -23:00 Sat-Sun, 9:30-17:30,18:30-23:00 8899 1320 $$$

8餐厅 THE EIGHT 南湾葡京路葡京酒店二楼 2/F, East Wing, Grand Lisboa, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30; Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

利苑酒家 LEI GARDEN RESTAURANT 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心2130 Shop 2130, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Taipa, Macau Lunch: 11:30-15:00 Dinner: 18:00-23:30 $$$

满堂彩 BEIJING KITCHEN 路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒 店一楼 1/F, Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930 $$



路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 $$$

澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒 店6楼 Level 6, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 8290 8638 $$ 



澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Level 2, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628 $$

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 2/F Grand Lapa Macau, Av. Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 $$



永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Sat & Sun 11:30-14:30 ; Tue-Sun 18:00-22:30, Closed on Mon 8986 3663 $$

澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店1楼 Level 1 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 11:30-15:00,18:00-23:00 8113 1200 $$$ 

葡京潮州酒楼 LISBOA CHIU CHOW 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 3/F East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00-23:00 2871 2549 $$

南湖明月 LUA AZUL 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 3/F, Macau Tower, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:00- 15:00; 18:30-22:00 8988 8700 $$

金殿堂 IMPERIAL COURT 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat/Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361 $$$$

誉珑轩 JADE DRAGON 新濠天地新濠大道二楼 The Boulevard Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 8868 2822 $$$

葡京日丽 PORTAS DO SOL 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东 翼 2楼 2/F, East Wing, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100 $$ 

永利轩 WING LEI 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-15:00; Sun and Public Holiday 10:30-15:30 18:00-23:00 8986 3663 $$$$ 

紫逸轩 ZI YAT HEEN 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00-23:00 2881 8888 $$$$

喜迎楼 TREASURE PALACE 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1, Crown Tower, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-23:00 8868 6661 $$$

$ Less than MOP150/person 多于澳门元150/人 $$ MOP150-300/person澳门元150-300/人 $$$ MOP300-500/person 澳门元300-500/人 $$$$ Above MOP500/person 澳门元500以上/人 Romantic 情侣约会 Family Friendly家庭聚餐 Cash Only 只收现金



九月 2014 |

桃花源小厨 TIM’S KITCHEN 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 2/F, Grand Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

自助餐/美食广场 Buffet & Food court

盛事餐厅 ROSSIO 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372 $$

888美食天地SANDS 888 GOURMET PLACE 澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号澳门金沙 酒店2楼 Largo de Monte Carlo, No.203, Macau Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:30-14:30; Sat-Sun 11:00-14:00 Dinner: Mon-Fri17:30-23:00; Sat-Sun 17:30-22:30 8983 8222 $$

奥旋自助餐 CRAND ORBIT 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中 心底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00-23:00 8113 8910 $$

渢竹自助餐 BAMBU 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1033 Shop 1033 (Next to Starbucks off the gaming floor), Venetian Macao Sun-Thurs 10:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-00:00 8118 9990 $$


泓日本料理 MIZUMI

路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Macau, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau Brunch: 12:00-15:00 (Sun Only) Lunch: Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30 Dinner: 18:00-22:00 2881 8888 $$ ,

澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳 门酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
 17:30 - 23:30
 (周二休息) 8986 3663 $$$,)


群芳 FESTIVA 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城1楼G19 G19, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel Macau 07:00-22:00 28880888 $$$

银河亚洲美食坊 TASTE OF ASIA 路氹澳门银河综合度假城购物大道 东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Estradada Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 10:00-00:00 8883 2221 $

威尼斯人美食广场 VENETIAN FOOD COURT 路氹澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购 物广场3楼 3/F, Food Court of the Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao 2882 8500 $,

印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 ARUNA’S INDIAN CURRY & CAFE HOUSE 澳门友谊大马路779号中裕大厦第二 座地下O铺 G/F, Store O, Block 2, Building Chong Yu,No.779, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 11:30 - 23:00
 2870 1850 $,

印度园林餐厅 INDIAN GARDEN 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地 下18号铺 G/F,Shop 18, Block 27, Nova Taipa Garden,Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 -14:30,18:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 $,

皇雀印度餐厅 Golden Peacock 路氹城金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1037号 Shop1037, Level 1,The Venetian Macau Resort , Cotai Strip 11:00-23:00 8118 9696 $$$

日本菜 Japanese 天政 TENMASA 澳门氹仔广东路澳门新濠锋酒店 11楼 11F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 11:30 – 23:30 8803 6611 $$,

山里日本餐厅 YAMAZATO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大仓 酒店2楼200号铺 Shop 200, 2/F, Hotel Okura, Galaxy Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30(周一休息) 8883 5127 $$$

贵族炉端烧 MAJESTIC ROBATAYAKI 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, No.288, Avenida Comercial de Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30 8986 7609 $$,)

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, No.24,Avenida de Lisboa, Macau
 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 8803 3677 $$)

橘子新派日本料理 YUZU CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE CUISINE & BAR 澳门氹仔至尊花城成都街地下J铺 G/F, Shop J, Supreme Flower City, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 18:00 – 23:00 2883 8517 $$,

澳葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 CAFE LITORAL 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁 53-57 号地下 G/F, Block 4 ,Wai Chin Kok, No.5357,Rua do Regedor, Taipa 12:30 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:00 2882 5255 $$,

佛笑楼 FAT SIU LAU 澳门福隆新街64号 No. 64,Rua da Felicidade, Macau 12:30 - 22:30 
2857 3580 $$,

木偶葡国餐厅 COZINHA PINOCCHIO 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 No.38, Largo dos Bombeiros, Vila de Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7328 $,)

小飞象葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE DUMBO 氹仔旧城区地堡街喜来登广场地下A 铺连壹楼全层 A, Hei Loi Tang Kong Cheong, Rua do Regedor , Vila da Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7888 $, | September 2014



吃在澳门 Dine 大堂街八号葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE ESCADA


澳门新马路大堂街8号 No.8, Rua da Sé, Macau 12:00 – 15:00 ,18:00 - 22:00
 2896 6900 $$,

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Macau, No. 986-1110, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30(周一 休息) 8793 4818 $$,

坤记餐室 A VENCEDORA 澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 G/F, No.264, Rua do Campo, Macau 11:45-22:00 
2835 5460 $$

雅憩花园餐厅 NGA TIM CAFé 路环市区计单奴街8号 No.8, Rua Caetano, Coloane Village, Coloane 12:00 – 01:00 2888 2086 $

熊猫葡国餐厅 PANDA PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 No.4-8, Rua Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7338 $$

沙利文餐厅 SOLMAR RESTAURANT 澳门南湾大马路512号 No. 512, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2888 1881 ) $$

CAFé SIAM 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 2882 8469 $$


氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O, P座地下 G/F, Block O & P, No.85-87, R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa 12:00 - 15:00
, 18:00 – 23:00 2882 7200 $,



水晶廊 CRYSTAL LOUNGE & DELI 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店u1红 金上层 U1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon to Sun; 00:00 – 00:00 (+853) 8803 7711 $

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 19:00 (+853) 2882 5201 $

尚坊 SAFFRON 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 G/F Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00
 8883 6061 $$,

笃笃泰国美食 TUK TUK 氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 J-K 铺 Shop J-K, G/F, Edificio Hung Ip, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999 $

咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 AKASAKA CAFÉ

泰国菜 Thai

澳门美丽街29号C地下 G/F 29 C Rua Formosa, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6677 9985 $


内港餐厅 O PORTO INTERIOR 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 G/F, B, No.259, Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 11:30 – 22:00 2896 7770 $$


澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号 大丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2878 6378 $$

水帘 CASCADES 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城地下G03 及G05号 G/F, G03&G05, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 10:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$

九月 2014 |

音乐豆咖啡 SINGING BEAN COFFEE 澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面一层 G/F, Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, Macau Tower, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:00 - 22:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2838 9118 $

SINGLE ORIGIN POUR OVER AND ESPRESSO BAR 澳门荷兰园二马路19号通发大厦 地下 No.19, Rua de Abreu Nunes, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 20:00 / Sun; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6698 7475 $

金丽华饼店 THE CAKE SHOP AT GRAND LAPA 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号 金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 20:30 (+853) 8793 3810 $$

THE SEASON COFFEE CORNER 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 152, Rua de Braga, Taipa Tue to Sun; 13:30 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 0086 $


澳门科技大学图书馆内 G/F Block N, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Mon to Fri; 08:30 – 17:00 (+853) 8897 1888 $


澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8868 1131 $

澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8861 7213 $


法国菜 French

路环市区挞沙街1号地下 No.1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane Village, Coloane Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2888 2534 $

MGM PÂTISSERIE 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM MACAU Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 09:00 – 21:00 (+853) 8802 2324 $$

宝雅座法国餐厅 AUX BEAUX ARTS 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Grande Praça, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tue to Fri; 14:00-00:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00-00:00 (+853) 8802 2319 $$

良辰法国餐厅 LA BONNE HEURE 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 12A-B, Travessa de São Domingos, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2833 1209 $$

海风餐厅 MISTRAL 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店六楼 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:30 (+853) 8861 7210 $$

PRIVÉ 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特 大酒店 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Wed to Sun; 18:00 -22:00 (+853) 8861 0016 $$$$



澳门西湾民国大马路圣地牙哥古堡 酒店二楼 2/F, Pousada de São Tiago, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Avenida da República, Sai Van, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 2896 8686 $$$

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下g21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

葡国菜 Portuguese 葡国美食天地 A PETISQUEIRA 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, vila da Taipa, Taipa Tue to Sun; 12:30-14:30, 18:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5354 $$

安东尼奥餐厅 ANTóNIO 氹仔旧城区木铎街7号 Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village,Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 (+853) 2899 9998 $$

百姓餐厅 BANZA

天巢法国餐 ROBUCHON AU DOME 天巢法国餐厅 Avenida de Lisboa, grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 (+853) 8803 7878 $$$$

御膳房 THE TASTING ROOM 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店三楼 3/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8868 6681 $$$$

西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 CASA DE TAPAS 氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 $$$

氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下g-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:30 23:00 (+853) 2882 1519 $$

澳门陆军俱乐部 CLUBE MILITAR 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia grande, 975, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:30 - 15:00, 19:0022:30 (+853) 2871 4000 $$$

澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 EDUCATIONAL RESTAURANT I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8598 3077 $$

法兰度餐厅 FERNANDO’S 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 21:30 (+853) 2888 2264

葡国餐厅 GUINCHO A GALERA 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8803 7676 $$$

花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门皇都酒店 M/F, Hotel Royal, Estrada da vitoria, 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 6:30 - 22:30 (+853) 2855 2222 $$$

澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 MIRAMAR 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 21:00 (+853) 2888 2623 $$

阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O-MANEL 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2882 7571 $$

意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 ANTICA TRATTORIA 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马 路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. vista Magnifica Court, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:30 (+853) 2875 5102 $$

帝雅廷意大利餐厅 RISTORANTE IL TEATRO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Tue to Sun; 17:30 – 23:30 (+853) 8986 3648 $$$

我的意大利厨房 LA CUCINA ITALIANA 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 G/F, Wai Heng Kok, Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok village, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 7818 $$

比萨薄饼店 PIZZERIA TOSCANA 澳门下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦地 下及地库 Calçada da Barra, São Lourenço, 2A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:30-15:30, 18:30-23:30 (+853) 2872 6637 $$

山度士葡式餐厅 O SANTOS 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, vila da Taipa, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5594 $$

海湾餐厅 RESTAURANTE LITORAL 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (+853) 2896 7878 $$

庭园意大利餐厅 TERRAZZA ITALIAN DINING 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒 店 2楼201号铺 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 18:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$ | September 2014



玩在澳门 Play


Rural cigar Enjoyment Anthony Melao



九月 2014 |

购物指南 shop

太平洋雪茄(澳门)有限公司 Pacific Cigar 永利度假村地下29室 R. Cidade Santarém Wynn Resorts r/c apt 29 2875 7366

Robusto雪茄大宅 Robusto Cigar Manor 皇朝罗马街100号东南亚商业中心 地下AI店 R/C Flat AI Ed. Tong Nam Ah Com. Ctr, No.100, R. De Roma, Macau 2878 8278

雪茄宝库有限公司 友谊大马路澳门置地广场地下13室 Av. Amizade Macau Landmark r/c apt 13 2878 7228

大卫道夫 Davidoff 澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中心 2623b/1001铺 2882 8086

澳门新八佰伴 NEW YAOHAN 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号7樓 7/F, Av. Doutor Mário Soares no.90. Macau 2872 5338

鸡尾酒、葡萄酒、力娇酒……通 通都是雪茄的良伴,否则享受就 变得不够全面、不够完满。若在 同一宁静、乡郊的屋檐下能找到 所有,品味当然加倍。

即使近期换了名字,Grand Coloane Beach Resort 依旧是本地人假日最爱。除了它背山面海的优势 外,很大部分还因为它有适合各类型人群的消闲设 施。而度假村内的雪茄吧,更是沧海遗珠般存在, 是很多游客未必知道的秘密好去处。 酒吧以葡萄牙航海风格装饰,气氛轻松怡人。从前 你未必会想单为一杯饮品走到这么的远,但当你被 这里柔柔的海风及海浪交响洗礼,压力也随之释放 之际,自然而然就会庆幸你做了这个决定。 这里提供不少在城里找不到的雪茄,例如来自尼加 拉瓜的Azan品牌。此品牌的老板曾经经营几家古 巴最大的生产商,而后来他自立门户,在尼国开创 Azan雪茄。Azan雪茄味清,带奶油、可可及咖啡 的香气,当配上一杯醉人鸡尾酒一同享用,完美无 瑕之意尽在不言中。

Cocktails, wines and liqueurs are all good companions of cigar, and merely enjoying either of them is never a perfect enjoyment. If both of them exist under one roof in a tranquil, rural area, the taste is just subliminal. Even though name recently changed, Grand Coloane Beach Resort remains a local favourite not only because it has an advantaged location that faces the beach, but also provides choices for the whole family. Porto Bar in the Resort – based on Portugese themes – is a talent left unrecognised. You may not have thought of going so far just for a drink, but the tranquil ambience with regular sea breezes and wave symphony will surely take away your stress. Here you’ll also find great cigars – especially Azan from Nicaragua – that are unavailable elsewhere in the city. The maker used to run some largest names in Cuba, but later started Azan in Nicaragua. The cigars are creamy with a hint of cocoa and coffee, when paired with alcohol, is a good day’s wrap-up.

恒昌雪茄香烟洋酒行 Hang Cheong Cigar & Wines Trading 关闸华大新村第一街17号华安楼地 下A铺 R.1 Va Tai Sun Chun Va On Lau, r/c, A 2845 7440

新信威烟叶贸易有限公司 San Son Wai Cigars Trading Company Ltd 北京街129-131号怡景阁地下 2878 5601

雪茄吧 Porto Bar 地址 ADD.:: 澳门路环黑沙马路1918号Grand Coloane Beach Resort 3楼 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane, Macau

营业时间 OPENING HOURS: 17:00-00:00 电话TEL: +853 8899 1409 | September 2014





玩在澳门 Play 电影 Movies


The Escape of Maze Runner Yvonne

从《哈利波特》到《暮光之城》再到《饥饿游 戏》,近年来一部部由青少年科幻题材小说所 改编的荧幕之作,都是票房的保证。九月中全 球上映的新片《移动迷宫The Maze Runner》 是否能获得开画冠军?绝对值得期待。



九月 2014 |

Harry Potter, Twilight, the Hunger Games... adolescent fiction has been guaranteeing box office revenues, so is the September hit Maze Runner going to be the next huge success?

《移动迷宫》由福斯 Fox 网罗的视觉特效创意鬼才威 斯柏 Wes Ball 担纲导演,这是他的电影导演处女秀, 让影迷和原创书籍粉丝们翘首以待,单看预告片已经 能感受到这个魔幻杀人迷宫的魅惑之处。很多人把这 部电影和《饥饿游戏》的三部曲作比较,看过原著的 人都清楚其实还是有本质上的不同。饥饿游戏的主角 是从现实世界过渡到游戏世界,而本片主角们却是身 处一个完全未知的世界,这同时也是贯穿全片留给观 众的最大谜团。男主角汤玛士由狄伦欧布莱恩(Dylan O’Brien)担任,他恰恰就是《饥饿游戏》的主角之 一。其他演员还包括汤玛士桑斯特(Thomas BrodieSangster)、卡雅斯考达里奥(Kaya Scodelario)及 威尔普尔特(Will Poulter)等 。

剧情简介 《移动迷宫The Maze Runner》描述在末日后的未来 世界,一群记忆遭受抹去的青年,被一个未知的组织 送至“迷宫幽地”的空间,每隔三十天,神秘的电梯 就会送来新的少年,隔周则会送上衣物、食物与其他 必需品,迷宫的石牆则固定于每日的早晨开启,到了 晚上就会关闭,为了逃出这个无解的监狱迷宫,这群 少年们团结起来,试图找出谜团并破解这个围困他们 的迷宫。在他们还来不及找出解答时,电梯竟然送来 一位女孩,这女孩却也是最后一位进入迷宫的成员, 并且启动了末日开关,究竟他们要如何逃脱出这座诡 谲恐怖的杀人迷宫? The upcoming Fox film is the first work as a director by Wes Ball, a genius in creative visual effects. Simply seeing the trailer would enchant viewers, especially the fans of the respective original novels. Regarding the idea that it is another Hunger Games, those read the novels understand their essential differences. Hunger Game marks a transition from reality to virtuality, while this one is set in a completely unknown dimension where the greatest enigma lies. Dylan O’Brien, the main actor in Hunger Games, also starred in this one. Other actors include Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Kaya Scodelario and Will Poulter.


In the post apocalyptic world, a bunch of teenage boys with all memories erased are sent to a place called Glade surrounded by a massive maze. Every week supplies are brought to them and every month a new boy is sent to here by an elevator. The stonewalls of the maze is opened in the day and closed at night. The boys found out that the only way to get out of the maze prison is to team up, yet they are surprised to see a girl being sent down here - the last prisoner and the doomsday switch. How can they escape from the weird and terrifying killing maze?

国定杀戮日:全民疯杀 The Purge: Anarchy 导演Director: 占士迪莫拿高 James DeMonaco 主演Cast: 法兰格里罗丶硕吉霍丶姬拉珊 查丝 Frank Grillo, Zach Gilford, Kiele Sanchez 片种Genre: 剧情 Drama 预告Trailer

美国政府诚邀各位一起参与 一年一度的国定杀戮日。 在“国定杀戮日”的12个小时,任何罪行(包括杀人)均无须背负刑责,警察和医 院将全面暂停提供所有紧急服务。这一天,有人以暴易暴,为求报仇雪恨;有人肆 意犯罪,为满足一己之欲;有人挣扎求存,只望绝境逢生。这一天,全美再次进入 无政府状态…… A couple is driving home when their car breaks down just as the Purge commences. Meanwhile, a police sergeant goes out into the streets to get revenge on the man who killed his son, and a mother and daughter run from their home after assailants destroy it. The five people meet up as they attempt to survive the night in Los Angeles.

一生一世 But Always 导演Director: 邹佡 Snow Zou

主演Cast: 谢霆锋丶高圆圆丶佟大为 Nicholas Tse, Gao Yuan-yuan, Tong Da-wei

片种Genre: 爱情 Romance


“我已经习惯了他不远不近的脚步声。” 北京,七十年代。安然(高圆圆 饰)和赵永远(谢霆锋 饰)自六岁起便认识。 两人来自不同的家庭,却有着相似的际遇,他们两小无猜丶相伴相随中孕育出温 情。每天赵永远都会跟在安然的后面,不论春夏秋冬,总是相伴相随。但好景不 常,他们被命运安排到天各一方,曾经许下的承诺,亦烟消云散…… “I’ve grown used to the sound of his footsteps.” Friends An Ran and Zhao Yong-yuan are separated as children and meet again years later in Beijing in the early 1990’s, when An is a university student and Zhao is a hawker. They rediscover their childhood friendship. Zhao helps her raise funds to study abroad. They fall in love, but try to hide it. When Zhao sees An off he cannot help but tells Ann he wants to take care of her for the rest of her life. An is overwhelmed but does not stay… | September 2014



玩在澳门 Play

刃记的从一而终 Blademark And Loyalty Anthony




九月 2014 |

不论在澳门还是世界各地,流行乐 队不时换队员是很常见的。澳门 “老牌”乐队“刃记”也一样,至 今已经历过几代人,但依旧以相同 名称立足澳门流行音乐界。 Whether in Macau or around the world, it is not rare that bands change their line-up from time to time. The veteran local band Blademark has gone through several generations but still maintains that same name.

“刃记”经历过多代的阵容和乐手,从初次成立已任 主音的百强表示:“澳门的音乐氛围没周边大城市般 强烈。这里的音乐人即使全身心投入去做,也不算是 全职,只能以自由工作者形式搞音乐。”其实每个人 对于未来的看法,也会影响到当事人的选择。 “每个人也可有自己的规划,当有家庭时,就要定下 来想想,例如Darren也要思考很久才决定坚持留在队 中。” 现时的乐队规模有四人,包括来自加拿大的鼓手 Darren丶日本的结他手Aki,以及本地的低音结他手 Raymond和“老臣子”百强。对于这个阵容,百强认 为:“思想上这是刃记最完整的时代,因此也衍生出 更多能够实现的新元素。各人都有自己的经历,所以 可以配合起来放大出更好效果。”与此同时,“团队 成员各自都很投入,使创作更立体。”百强补充道。 这班立足澳门的音乐人,本身又有什么目标 呢?Darren看得较开,“希望成为更好的乐手,因为 我相信音乐是一种语言,通过互相了解丶分享,就 可以更好地沟通。”Aki则希望“与澳门音乐界寻找 更丰富的激情和更多元的风格。”百强比较直接, 他希望“路有多长就走多远,澳门音乐界也要职业 化。”Raymond则最简洁,只“希望可一直坚持搞音 乐。” 在澳门做音乐很难,但刃记成员毕竟已经有点经历, 还是有自己态度和看法的。例如Aki就希望“培养澳门 音乐”,百强则认为“要多看世界”。Raymond一直 都坚持“做好现在”,否则任何事情都只能是空想; 而Darren则简单却实在,就是要“成为有质素的乐 队。” 刃记的音乐很有爆发力,展望2015,他们会选几首旧 歌重编,用比较轻巧的形式再现,当然也会有新歌推 出。既然如此,就让我们一起拭目以待。

On the fact that Blademark has gone through a number of generations, Pakeong, the inaugural lead vocal, said, “The (pop) musical atmosphere is not as strong in Macau as other neighbouring big cities. Even though many local musicians work full-time in the industry, they can only be considered 思想上这是刃记 freelancers.” Also, individual minds think individually. “Everybody has their own plans, especially before 最完整的时代,因 forming one’s own family, it’s the time to reconsider 此也衍生出更多能 plans. For example, Darren has sacrificed a lot by staying 够实现的新元素。 with the band.” 各人都有自己的经 There are now four musicians in the band, namely Canadian 历,所以能配合 drummer Darren, Japanese guitarist Aki, and local Macanese bassist Raymond and Pakeong. They are celebrating the 起来放大出更好效 band’s decade-old birthday next year, and on the current 果。 formation, Pakeong thinks, “It is the most spiritually complete, with more realistic new elements.” Also, “our music has more facets with all our efforts.” He added. It is the most This group of local musicians has a wide range of goals. spiritually Darren is broad-sighted, as he “wants to work to become a better musician, because I think music is a language, complete, with through which we can know and share more, and in turn more realistic communicate better.” Aki wishes to “walk with the local music industry to find more passion and styles.” Pakeong is new elements. very straightforward and wants to “walk as far as I can, and help build a professional industry.” Raymond hopes “to play music until forever.” Despite the difficulties they have faced in Macau, they are ——刃记 Blademark rather experienced to cope with that. For instance, Aki focuses on “cultivating Macau music”, Pakeong aims to “appreciate the world”. Simultaneously, Raymond has long insisted to “working for the present”, otherwise future is just a myth; Darren is more down-to-earth because he simply wants to build “a quality band”. Blademark’s music is explosively 更多乐团资讯请看For more information vigorous, but in 2015, they will likely “pick a couple of old songs and represent them in a lighter, acoustic form. There’re new songs too, of course.” How can we not anticipate? | September 2014



玩在澳门 Play



众所周知金沙城中心康莱德酒店内的“朝”是一家提 供各式精致中菜的顶级餐厅,其实这个充满中国特色 的餐厅还会供应一系列你所不知道的特色鸡尾酒。九 月,《新澳门导航》就向你推荐来自“朝”的高人气 鸡尾酒﹣D8 DELIGHT。 口感清新,带有淡淡黄瓜香气 的D8 DELIGHT 是消退 初秋闷热的良伴,由餐厅的驻场调酒师以及澳门鸡尾 酒酒师协会成员 Mark Vincent C. Bacoto 所调制。其 创作灵感来自于“朝”的各种中国元 素特色,鸡尾酒的成份除伏特加、蛋 白、新鲜柠檬汁、荔枝酒以外,还加 入了姜丝、新鲜黄瓜这些中国人熟悉 的材料,最后则是自家制的黄瓜糖 浆,为成品锦上添花。 Dynasty 8 in Conrad Macao, Cotai Central is an eminent restaurant for its exquisite Chinese dishes. Do you know it also provides various unique cocktails? This September is the time to enjoy D8 Delight, a popular cocktail at the Restaurant. Inspired by the Chinese elements of the restaurant, Mark Vincent C. Bacoto, the resident barman and member of UBCM (Union of Bartenders and Cocktails of Macau), invented D8 Delight. Other than vodka, egg white, fresh lemon juice and lychee liqueur, it also has Chinese ingredients such as slices of ginger and cucumber and homemade cucumber syrup.

“朝”饮推荐 D8 DELIGHT Yan Melao

哪里可以喝到 WHERE TO DRINK 地址ADD. 澳门金沙城中心地面层 “朝” Dynasty 8, G/F, Conrad Macao, Cotai Central 电话TEL. +853 8113 8920 营业时间OPENING HOURS 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 | September 2014



玩在澳门 play

卡拉OK Karaoke

焰 Flame Bar

金曲廊 Top One Karaoke

澳门皇朝广场地下 Dynasty Plaza, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, G/F 2875 0999

澳门南湾大马路613-639号时代商业 中心7楼 7 FL, Edf. Centro Comercial Si Toi, No.613-639, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 2831 3245

路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6695

皇朝会 Dynasty Club

Tune Up

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路135号百利宝 花园地下H座 Shop H, Treasure Garden, No.135, Avenida de Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1711


澳门海港街外港回力球场3楼F 3/F, Jai Alai Stadium, Porto Exteriro, Macau 2872 6688

喜喜 Hei Hei 澳门马德里街165号珠光大厦地下 G/F, Edif. Zhu Kuan, No.165, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 3593

i Darts Macau 澳门伦敦街190号地下 G/F, No.190, Rua de Londres, Macau 2831 1138

Le Club 澳门美副将大马路9D号地下 G/F, 9D, Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Macau 2852 9537


澳门罗理基博士大马路600E第一国际 商业中心地下 G/F, Edf.Centro Comercial First National, No.600E, Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2870 1982

酒吧 Bar 180°空中酒吧.扒房 180° Lounge and Grill

澳门南湾新填海区澳门旅遊塔 59 楼 59/F, Convention and Entertainment Centre Largo da Torre de Macau, Sao Lourenco, Macau 8988 8659

38 Lounge 氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋 38 FL, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 2886 8868

澳门宋玉生广场181﹣187号光辉集团 商业大厦地下 G/F, Centro Comercial do Grupo Brilhantismo, No 181-187, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 7355

Aba Bar


非洲村酒吧 AfriKana Bar

澳门伦敦街41号地下 G/F, No.41, Rua de Londres, Macau 2875 1177

Neway (Chong Fok) 澳门毕仕达大马路26号中福商业中 心2楼 2 FL, Chong Fok Centro Commercial, No.26, Avenida de Marciano Baptista, Macau 2841 1111

Neway (Hotel Beverly Plaza) 澳门罗理基博士大马路70﹣106号富豪 酒店4楼 4 FL, Hotel Beverly Plaza, No.70106, Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2878 7307

Ruka’s 澳门飞南第街85号地下 G/F, No.85, Rua Francisco H. Fernandes, Macau 2875 1799



澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888

澳门友谊大马路渔人码头非洲村 Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 8299 3678

Hive Bar

百利酒廊 Bellini Lounge 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1041号铺 Shop No.1041, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9940

Innside Bar

Boca - tapas and wine

氹仔广东大马路南新花园116C和 116D地下 Block 6, G/F, Nam San Bulding, No116C-D, Av Kwong Tung, Taipa 2882 0708

氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村2620号铺 Shop No.2620, The Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8477

Casablanca Café 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景苑地 下R-S铺 G/F, Shop R-S, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1281

Cathedral Café & Wine Bar

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路149号 No.149, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1233

爱尔兰酒吧 Irish Bar

Kidult Club 澳门马德里街珠光大厦Y铺 G/F, Edifício Zhu Kuan, Y, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpocao, Macau 2872 3385

嵐 Lan 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地皇冠渡 假酒店1楼 1/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6685

澳门大堂街12号A No.12A, Rua da Se, Macau 6685 7621

Bar Azul 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2881 8888

洛欣吧 Bar Florian 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1043号铺 Shop No.1043, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9960

九月 2014 |

金獅吧 Lion’s Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路 美高梅金殿 霞 Cinnebar 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 8986 3663

唐会 Club China 澳门新口岸皇朝大丰广场地下M铺 G/F, Loja M, Edf. Commercial Tai Fung, Ave. do Governador Jamie Silverio Marques, Macau 2872 2766

MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 2375

魔幻咖啡屋 MagiCafe 澳门俾利喇街115号B铺地下 G/F, No.115B, Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau 2852 8751

McSorleys Ale House 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人 渡假村1038号 Shop No.1038, Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8198

夜光杯酒吧 Moonwalker 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景 苑地下 G/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1329, 2875 1326

MP3 Bar Lounge 澳门孙逸仙大马路1333号地下 G/F, No.1333, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1306

御苑酒廊 VIDA RICA BAR The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村2楼203铺 Shop 203, 2/F, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 2221

澳门文华东方酒店2楼 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental, Level 2, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8805 8928

澳门商业大马路301号友邦广场2楼 2FL, AIA Tower, No.301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3777


G/F, No.12A, Lobo D’Avila Square, Macau 2897 2691

品味吧 Whiskey Bar

好客乡村餐厅 Old Taipa Bar 氹仔客商街21号

澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼 16FL, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8290 8698

喜栢 Palms 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路金沙城 中心喜来登酒店 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8113 1200

The Roadhouse Bar 澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇豪庭 Wan Yu Villas, No.45, Rua de Madrid, Macau 2875 2945

天台酒吧 The Rooftop Bar 澳门大三巴巷3-5-7号三巴艺门 No.3-5-7, Travessa de Sao Paulo, Macau 2848 2848

澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路金 沙娱乐场 1FL, Sands Casino, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 2888 3388

俱乐部 Club

乐吧 R Bar

路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店1楼 1/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6694

天梵 DIVINO 澳门商业大马路251A至301号友邦广 场2楼202室 Room202, 2FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3968

氹仔施督宪正街86号 No.86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 6682 1078, 2836 8401

Private Party

澳门友谊大马路渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 2871 1800

Xanadu Bar

大门酒吧 Portal Wine Bar

氹仔成都街濠景花园25座F室 BL25, Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 6657 1727

路氹连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock酒 店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 2828 6696


Mugs Talk Bar 澳门罗飞勒前地12A地下

Taipa Village,No.21, Rua dos Negociantes, Taipa 2882 5221

Club Cubic

China Rouge Vasco 澳门友谊大马路956号文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, No.956, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8793 3831

Veuve Clicquot Lounge 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM Grand Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888

路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村 Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2888 0888

Kidult Club 澳门马济时总督大马路100号珠江大 厦地下Y铺 Avenida do Governador Jamie Silverio Marques No. 100 Y Zhu Kuan Building 2872 3385

SKY 21 澳门商业大马路251A-301号友邦广 场21楼 21FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2822 2122 | September 2014



购物指南 Shop

人好 • 月圆 澳门大酒店月饼大全 Moon And Families in Full Anthony



九月 2014 |

虽说现在有些节庆食品一年到晚都有,随时想 吃都可以买来慰藉一下。然而, 某些美食还 是在节庆时品尝,才真正有风味且有气氛,诸 如月饼。中秋来临之际,我们特地为你搜罗了 澳门各大酒店月饼,就算你今年买不到也可以 为明年计划一下。 Even though today most festive food can be tasted all year round, tasting them on the respective festivals always enriches the mood and meaningfulness. Which is why you’ll read about a whole list of sumptuous mooncakes that you can find here in Macau.

永利澳门 Wynn Macau MOP 288-448 云月相配,精彩纷呈。今年永利的月饼同样以祥云饰面,而包装则以 酒店室内装潢为概念,用上柔和的丝绢面料及浮雕烫金的印花图案, 突显出绚丽斑斓花纹的层次感。 Clouds beautify the moon. Wynn once again employs the auspicious clouds as theme for their mooncakes, but premieres their interior décor on the boxes. The foil-embossed floral patterns are placed with absolute precision. The rich texture and vivid colours on the surface of each box are exquisite.

文华东方酒店 Mandarin Oriental MOP360/ 礼品篮Hamper MOP2,888

新濠锋酒店 Altira Macau MOP328/礼品篮Hamper MOP2,988-3,988

文华东方酒店集团一向以出品精致著名,所以月饼由包装到用料都一 丝不苟,包装盒印上酒店的摺扇标志,伴以盛开繁花图案,精美得让 你差点舍不得打开。盒内一共有四款不同口味的月饼,能满足你的不 同心情。 Delicateness is a motto Mandarin Oriental lives by, so you’ll find exquisite qualities in and out of their mooncake boxes. Externally there is a golden Mandarin fan accompanied by flowers in full bloom that is worthy of close appreciation. Internally, you’ll find mooncakes of four different flavours that surely suit your various moods.

这家酒店风格较为现代,但其月饼则传统与新潮兼备。月饼面上饰以 中式吉祥结图案,中央辅以现代几何线状的“帝影楼”餐厅名称,整 体看来既像光环又像云图,与中秋概念相辅相承。 Altira is rather a hotel of modernity, but the mooncakes they make blend in traditional details. Chinese auspicious knots take the main theme of the cakes with “Ying” – name of the Chinese restaurant – centering the surface. The design somehow resembles aura and clouds, bringing a close connection with the Festival. | September 2014



购物指南 Shop

澳门美高梅 MGM Macau MOP188-288 今年的包装同样用上很传统的宫廷式锦盒,加上盛开花朵图案,优雅 地华丽。内藏的月饼则有传统也有创新,例如巧克力月饼像六块珠 宝,闪闪生辉。而奶皇月饼则香滑甜美,是传统莲蓉月饼之外的另一 选择。 Elegantly fascinating is right for this year’s MGM mooncake packages, with an imperial theme adorned by flowery prints. Like last year, the hotel prepares jewel-like chocolate mooncakes, smoothly sweet custard mooncakes, and traditional, fragrant lotus seed paste mooncakes.

澳门银河 Galaxy Macau MOP248-388 今年澳门银河的月饼看起来有点天竺国的感觉,中间的孔雀标志伴以 周围的祥云图案,围成一圈,就好像孔雀与满月拼在一起,很有风 味。 This year’s design may make you think of ancient India. The company logo – a representative peacock – is placed at the centre encircled by auspicious clouds: what an interesting sight.

君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt MOP428+5% service charge 君悦酒店一直都有一套自我的风格,很适合特立独行的朋友送礼。例 如今年推出的特别限量版“豹纹”锦盒(出版时已经被抢购一空了) ,以及基本版“穿花蝴蝶”礼盒,都是潮人最爱。而月饼本身是小蛋 糕,与广东月饼有点不同。 Grand Hyatt is always distinctive, so are many of our readers. This year, they prepare leopard prints – a special, limited edition – and the basic version “flowery butterflies” for your exploration. The cake is literally a cake, which is not quite Cantonese.



九月 2014 |


Some tips about tasting Mooncakes

大仓酒店 Okura Macau MOP268 虽然来自日本,但澳门大仓酒店也非常在地,制作广 东式月饼庆祝中秋。大仓日本的简洁文化,只以酒店 标志装饰饼面,没过多的设计。月饼有莲蓉丶金华火 腿以及非常日式的红豆口味。 Even though a Japanese hotel, Okura Macau prepares Cantonese mooncakes for your appreciation. The cakes represent Japanese simplicity with only the hotel logo on, but inside there can be Chinese ham, lotus seed paste, or Japanese red beans.

金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa MOP338 这家老牌酒店今年也来一点创新。一直以来金丽华的 月饼都有长期支持者,因其出品精美且包装得体。今 年除莲蓉月饼外,酒店也推出咖啡月饼。在这个“品 啡”世代,相信又会有一班捧场客了。 A historic property like Grand Lapa does have countless long-term supporters who chase after their quality productions. This year, besides lotus seed paste, the chef also inserts coffee in: which will surely brings another wave of queues.

Grand Coloane Beach Resort MOP238 同样也是老牌度假村,虽然名字改了,但品质不变, 月饼同样美味。由度假村中餐厅“观海轩”负责制作 的传统双黄莲蓉月饼,同样减甜,多吃也不腻。月饼 面饰则以简洁传统为主。 Quality maintains in this yet another historic resort. Kwun Hoi Heen, the Chinese restaurant, takes the lead in making their traditional lotus seed paste mooncakes. Sugar is reduced so more means happier.

澳门旅游塔 Macau Tower MOP278 由中餐厅“南湖明月”主理,用上传统的方式呈现, 以餐厅名字为主要装饰,把图章一样的字样压在饼 上,更显传统珍贵。饼面以月亮光环状花纹装饰,配 合中秋时节的明月,倍感动人。 Planned by Lua Azul, the Chinese restaurant, the mooncakes reassure Macau Tower’s focus on traditions. The name on the cakes is finished like sealed, embroidered around with lunar aura: a vivid picture of the festive night.

不论品尝传统的莲蓉 月饼,还是创新的巧 克力月饼,又或是蛋 糕月饼,配上适当的 饮品非常重要。配月 饼,可选较浓的茶 种,如普洱丶铁观音 等等。爱好西茶的朋 友,则可选择英式早 餐茶丶伯爵茶,甚或 锡兰红茶的浓度,也 足以平衡月饼的浓 厚。不太喜欢浓茶的 朋友,可选择配上玫 瑰花茶丶柑橘茶丶日 式抹茶也是不错之 选。要配酒的话,请 参考前面资深品酒 教授David Wong的 推荐。 Lotus seed paste, chocolate, or sponge cake – whichever you prefer, the right drinks enhance your experience. They moisten your throat and washes off the grease left in your mouth, so that you can eat more. Stronger teas usually are good company to mooncakes, such as Chinese Pu-er and Iron Buddha. Lovers of western teas may prefer English Breakfast, Earl Grey and even Ceylon. They’re all capable of the mission. Otherwise, rose tea, calamansi tea, and Japanese Matcha are also good choices. To pair with wines, flip to the front as our wine instructor David Wong has some good suggestions. | September 2014



购物指南 Shop

数码新知 Gadgets Jim

广播级别 专业摄录 Good for Broadcast Canon XF205 HKD 34,800(XF205)、HKD 30,800(XF200)

的确手机都可拍片,但质素一般,对追 求高质素的用家未必适合。Canon新推 出的XF205及XF200广播级全高清数码 摄录机,超轻量机身设计只有160mm x 201mmx353mm,轻巧无负担,拍片更方 便。两款型号均备有高达20倍广角高清变焦 镜头、HD CMOS Pro 影像感应器及DIGIC DV 4 影像处理器。还设有旋转式手柄,旋 转幅度最多为120度,加上对焦环、变焦环 和光圈环亦加入不同条型纹络,拍片时更 容易以触感辨别各操控环,令用家更加得 心应手。 It is true that most mobile phones are capable of shooting videos, yet the quality would be far from that of professional productions. The all-new XF205 and XF 200 HD Professional Camcorders, however, are proficient. They compactly measure 160 x 201 x 353mm, and have f/1.8 wide-angle 20x zooming lens, HD CMOS Pro sensor, DIGIC DV 4 processor, rotatable grip of up to 120 degrees, and three independently designed rings for focusing, zooming and diaphragm respectively: it’s all about immediate control.


轻触屏幕 随时检阅 Touching Smart Watch LG G Watch MOP1,960

虽然其他牌子穿戴式智能装置已推出市面 好一段时间,但始终未能像智能电话受欢 迎。而LG推出的Android Wear可穿戴式智 能装置 LG G Watch,采用无按键设计的 Android Wear装置,配备1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400处理器,兼容Android 4.3 或以上版本的智能手机,只需以蓝牙连接手 机后就可在 G Watch 上查看来电等功能。 Although around for a while, wearable smart devices have never been as popular as smart phones. The LG G Watch is equipped with the touch-screen-only Android Wear system, and a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor. It is compatible with Android 4.3 or later smartphones. Once connected by Bluetooth, the watch shares the phone’s functions including incoming call management.


音色细腻 一拍即合 Headset - Crystal Clear Harmony Panasonic RP-BTD10 HK$1,098

与市面上一般的蓝牙耳机不同,Panasonic 的RP-BTD10搭载了目前最先进的音频解码 技术aptX,比起其他牌子选用的SBC或AAC 解码技术,更加有效减少蓝牙传输时的失 真情况,还原音色。而RP-BTD10亦配备了 NFC传输技术,用家只需简单一拍,即可将 支援蓝牙的智能手机或平板电脑等装置连接 耳筒,一拍即合,即时投入音乐世界。 Panasonic RP-BTD10 isn’t just that simple. It translates your melodies with less distortion because of its newest aptX technology, rather than the common SBC or ACC decoding. NFC is quite common so you can connect it with your music-storage with just a pat.


哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 1

丽斯摄影器材行 FOTO NICE 咨询 Inquiry:(853)2831 5678 2

各大CTM门店 CTM Stores 3



九月 2014 |



2 VICHY Aqualia Thermal Water Gel MOP 250/ 50ml 睡前厚敷在面上,温泉水成分有 效纾缓晒后的红肿不适、防止脱 皮,当中高浓度透明质酸能持续 48小时为肌肤保湿,特别适合 中性至混合性肌肤使用。 Apply a thick layer on face to calm the inflamed skin and avoid peeling: the concentrated hyaluronic acid can maintain moisture for 48 hours. It is specially good for neutral and mixed skin type.


3 L’occitane Angelica Hydra Vital Gel MOP 330/ 50ml 晒后肌肤缺水而变得乾燥。含有 天使草萃取液的保湿凝胶,能为 肌肤持续注水。令肌肤回复光泽 有弹性,防止老化。 It moisturises the skin continuously with angelica extract, protecting it from aging and bringing back the radiation and flexibility.


暑假时跑到海边亲吻阳光玩乐过后身上难免镀 上一层红肌,灼热加上又红又痛,令人感觉不 舒服。要保护肌肤免受红痛之苦便要做好晒后 护理,镇静再配合持续补湿,以防皮肤因紫外 线入侵而出现脱皮和敏感情况。 Bothered by the lip prints after being kissed by the sun? Your skin truly deserves a thorough care to ease the pain, redness, peeling and irritation after long exposure to sunshine.

Clarins日晒后纾缓凝露 Clarins After Sun Gel Ultra-Soothing MOP 180/ 150ml 在紫外线下,面部和肩颈肌肤往 往首当其冲。蕴含羞草、乳木果 和尿囊素成分的纾缓凝露,可促 进骨胶合成,有助修补受损皮肤 及防止皱纹。 The mimosa extract, shea butter and allantoin can boost the regeneration of collagen, recovering damaged and wrinkled skin.

哪里可以买到 WHERE TO BUY?

1 CLARINS 美妍中心

澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中心 2625A铺 Shop 2625A, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau +853 2882 8374

2 便民药房

Popular Pharmacy 澳门议事亭前地16-A号 R/C, 16A, Largo do Senado,Macau +853 2838 9371

3 L’OCCITANE 澳门议事亭前地29号 29, Largo do Senado, Macau +853 2832 3865 | September 2014



购物指南 Shop

永远二十一岁的澳门 FOREVER 21 Now in Macau

享誉全球30多年的美国时尚品牌 FOREVER 21把潮流由美国洛杉机 带至澳门街,于著名景点大三巴牌 坊下开设澳门首家分店,新店提供 最新的男女服饰鞋履,让到澳门玩 的朋友又多一个购物朝圣热点。

With 30 years in business FOREVER 21 takes fashion from LA’s avenues to Macau’s streets by opening its first shop just next to St Paul’s Ruins. With its fullscale affordable fashion the new store it’s just another star in town.

FOREVER 21澳门店设于大三巴下的黄屋仔内,由地下 两层以及地上三层组成,总面积超过19,500平方尺,为 顾客提供一个更为舒适的购物空间。漂洋过海而来的品 牌除了为澳门带来新购点以外,也带来了更多的潮流单 品,包括服装、饰物、女装内衣及鞋履。此外,你也可 以在店内找到FOREVER 21旗下多个系列的服饰,包括 适合不同年龄男士的清新时尚品牌21MEN以及为现代 女性所设计的Contemporary系列。

The store in the “Yellow House” down the Ruins has two floors underground and three above, providing a comfortable shopping environment of more than 19,500 sq ft. It sells apparel, accessories, underwear and shoes from various collections of the brand such as the 21MEN for men or Contemporary for modern ladies.

夏日是个充满派对的日子,不论是热带海滩的狂热派对 还是会所里的时尚派对,你都不应错过。而FOREVER 21澳门店于本季也有大量适合你入手的夏日新品,从女 生最爱的雪纺背心、到小女人气息的外套、再到为男生 而设的简洁T-Shirt,无一不是大卖青春活力的必备单品。 54


九月 2014 |

FOREVER 21 地址 ADD. 澳门大三巴街大三牌坊下 黄屋仔 São Paulo, Largo da Companhia de Jesus No.2, Travessa de São Paulo 2-6, Centro Comercial, Macau 电话 TEL.:

Chiffon vest and ladylike coat for girls or simple and cool T-shirt for boys, FOREVER 21 Macau is where you can find the best outfit for summer parties, whether it is on the beach or in the clubs.

+853 2890 4791 营业时间 OPENING HOURS 10:00-23:00 (周一至四 Mon to Thurs) 10:00-00:00 (周五至日Fri to Sun)

给女生 以湖水绿为主调的小外套搭配雪 纺背心短裤加上简洁高跟鞋,透 露出小女人的魅力,绝对是参加 派对不能缺少的标准行头。准备 到阳光与海滩度假的朋友,又岂 能缺少一件充满民族气息的短 裙再配衬夸张饰物来展现异国风 情?喜欢清新自然的朋友,可以 留意碎花长裤以及蕾丝背心的搭 配。

For Her Dress up like a lady with a mint coat, chiffon vest with a stylish shorts, and simple high-heels. For a beach outing, a pair of more traditional shorts and some bold accessories create an exotic look. Those who enjoy natural style would love the match of a small floral print pants and a lace vest.

给男生 至于男生们,当然要随时随地都 保持你的帅气型格!以美国国旗 为图案的T-Shirt搭配休闲抽绳短 裤,一件简单的连帽夹克便可以 营造出帅气的欧美范。百搭鸭舌 帽、彩色海滩印花背心、磨白的 直筒长牛仔裤搭配板鞋让你走在 街头赚足回头率。

For Him Be a cool highlight on the street in a T-shirt of American flag, a simple hood jacket with casual drawstring shorts; or a colorful patterned beach vest, a wear white straight-bottom jeans with a pair of sneakers. | September 2014



购物指南 Shop

美食+时装=Ribs Clothing

Ribs Clothing More Than Just Clothing Yvonne

俗话说:三个臭皮匠,顶一个诸葛亮。更何况是三个有 生意头脑又有设计才华的年轻人?Ribs Clothing就是由 三个年轻老板创办的澳门本土潮流时装品牌,说澳门有 潮牌你可能不以为然,但这个品牌却被不少明星相中, 如黄又南等,更与日本著名设计师玩起Crossover,其 发展潜力绝对不容小觑。



九月 2014 |


Two heads are better than one, let alone three young geniuses in business and fashion design who founded Ribs Clothing. As an edgy and promising Macau house of clothing, it not only had broken the ice of local fashion, but also attracted celebrities and even went further to cooperate with Japanese designers.

最近Ribs Clothing连同澳门多个 原创服装品牌在澳门时尚廊举办 Pop-up Shop,我们得以一下子见 到三位年轻老板:Albert,Steve 和Bosco。说起Ribs这个名称,他 们说希望做一些如肋骨般重要, 起着支撑作用的服装,而目前主 打的Tee正是这样简单而百搭的款 式。品牌成立于2009年,当时澳 门比较少年轻人创业做时装,因 此很容易便跑出,但是最近越来 越多年轻人创业,他们也感受到 不进则退的压力。所以Ribs开始跨 界搞起了饮食连乘,原本在游客 如鲫的板樟堂开设之店铺则暂时 关店重整,他们正准备朝向更大 的目标进发:把服装店和饮食店 结合在一起搬到工厦,不日新作 就会和大家见面。 三人同时表示,过去很多人觉得澳 门不是一个“讲潮流”的城市, 所以一路走来也遇到不少困难, 识于微时的三人家里从事饮食生 意,所以第一个设计灵感自然是 来源于澳门那些为游客和本地人 熟知的“老字号”饮食店。一轮 筛选,最后“义顺牛奶”和“礼 记雪糕”雀屏中选。不过要让老 字号把“金漆招牌”放心交给一 群年轻人来“再创作”,也不是 一件容易的事情。三人花了不少 精神去说服这两个品牌,最后便 成就出我们现在看到最畅销的礼 记和义顺牛奶系列Tee,非常有澳 门本地特色,偶尔经过新马路你 会看到一些本地人又或者是游客 穿着逛街。 Ribs很注重品牌形象,大部分宣传 片都动用外模拍摄,一丝不苟,他 们说那是希望品牌和国际接轨。早 年更曾邀请日籍设计师大石晓规 Akinori Oishi共同设计一系列以亚 洲大城市地标作设计元素的T恤, 如TAIPA氹仔等设计性字样就被赋 予了种种天马行空的动态想象。



地标TEE 中袖Aki设计 之氹仔 TAIPA TEE Half-sleeve with Aki MOP200

Since the brand is having a pop-up store at Macau Fashion Gallery, Cguide has the chance to talk with the three founders Albert, Steve and Bosco. They said that the brand’s name, Ribs, aimed to express an idea of presenting collections as basic but supportive as ribs, like the current series of T-shirt designs, simple yet versatile. In an environment of harsher competition, Ribs decides to lift up by entering the F&B industry. Their primary eatery is now closed for face-lift, but they look at a greater goal: they are combining clothing with dining and the blend will be out soon. The path hasn’t been smooth. The city used to lack a fashion sense, but now they have a new peak to reach. Raised in families of catering business, the three young men decided to partner with Leitaria I Son and Lai Kei Ice Cream, two traditional food brands known among locals and tourists after a thorough screening. They successfully convinced the two food businesses of collaboration, resulting in the best selling T-shirt collections of I Son and Lai Kei – distinctively Macau. The collections are so popular that you easily see passers-by dressed in one of them. To build a globalised image, the brand launched campaigns featuring foreign models and also partnered with Akinori Oishi, a Japanese design master, to present a T-shirt collection with Asia’s landmark buildings, for example the TAIPA collection with imaginative.



澳门时尚廊 Macao Fashion Gallery 澳门圣禄杞街47号 Rua de S. Roque, No. 47, Macau +853 2835 3341 展期到9月14日 Till 14 Sept Ribs Clothing 大堂巷辉业大厦10号地下 Travessa da Sé, No 10 Edf. Fai Ip, R/C, Macau +853 2835 6358 | September 2014



购物指南 shop

珠宝钟表 Jewellery &Watches

梵克雅宝 Van Cleef & Arpels 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区 仙德丽街


Double Park

澳门壹号广场地面G5店 G5, G/F One Central Macau 2875 0744

Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, 2878 6006

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2330店 2330, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8249

Ralph Lauren

浪琴表 Longines

Tiffany & Co. 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2003店 2003, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8082

卡地亚 Cartier 澳门南湾大马路一定好商业中心地下 Avenida da Praia Grande, Centro Comercial Ia Teng Hou, R/C, Macau 2871 4099

澳门殷皇子大马路43A号澳门广场 地下 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 43A, The Macau Square, R/C, Macau 2871 6358

Bottega Veneta

欧洲坊钟表集团 Europe Watch Group


澳门壹号广场1楼101-107店 101-107,1/F One Central Macau 2872 3737

周大福珠宝 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery 澳门新马路328号地下 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, No 328, R/C, Macau 2833 0386

时间廊 City Chain 澳门殷皇子大马路59-61号地下B座 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 59-61, R/CB, Macau 2871 5866

欧米茄 OMEGA 澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场地下 015铺 Avenida da Amizade, No 555, Macau Landmark, R/C Loja 015, Macau 2878 0010

IWC 路氹城银河渡假城商铺G42A G42A Shop, Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2882 5862



四季名店1楼1120店 1120, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 0800 989

Chanel 四季名店1楼1117店 1117, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

Miu Miu 四季名店1楼1047店 1047, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8850

Prada 四季名店1楼1126店 1126, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833



Céline 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2006店 2006, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8748

澳门壹号广场地面G8店 G8, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2920

名牌商品 Luxury Goods 澳门壹号广场地面G13-15店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2822 9978

宝格丽 Bvlgari

澳门壹号广场地面G19-20店 G19-20, G/F One Central Macau 2875 7766

澳门壹号广场地面G35店 G35, G/F One Central Macau 2875 1241

Louis Vuitton

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2708店 2708, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8516

Samsonite Black Label 澳门壹号广场2楼215店 215, 2/F One Central Macau 2875 5768

澳门壹号广场地面G27-29店 G27-29, G/F One Central Macau 2822 8800

综合时装 Fashion-Mixed



澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G11-12, G/F One Central Macau 2875 2887

Gucci 澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2762

九月 2014 |

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2428店 2428, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8592

i.t 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2328店 2328, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8440

Zara 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2313店 2313, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8236

Steve Madden 澳门伯多禄局长街4B-4C号信达城 地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 4B-4C, Sun Star City, R/C, Macau 2835 6228

Vivienne Westwood 四季名店2楼2815店 2815, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2881 8270

Juicy Couture 四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8905

Marc by Marc Jacobs 澳门壹号广场1楼117号 117,1/F One Central Macau 2875 2884

Kate Spade 四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai

Cerejeira 澳门伯多禄局长街3号银座广场地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 3, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 28356250

化妆品与个人护理 Cosmetics and Skincare 莎莎 Sa Sa 澳门板樟堂街1E-1F号地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No 1E-1F, R/C, Macau 2832 2155

万宁 Mannings 澳门罗保博士街14号澳门广场地下I座 Rua do Dr. Pedro José Lobo, No 14, The Macau Square, R/CI, Macau

屈臣氏 Watsons 澳门议事亭前地11号信德堡地下 Largo do Senado, No 11, Shun Tak House, R/C, Macau 2838 9371

The Body Shop 澳门卖草地街9号辉旺阁地下 Rua da Palha, No 9, Edf. Fai Wong Kok, R/C, Macau 2836 9997

维多利亚秘密 Victoria’s Secret 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2412a店 2412a, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8485

Futura Clássica 澳门史山斜巷1号 Calçada da Rocha, 1 - Macau 2835 8378

小品ENXINS 澳门亚丰素街朗晴轩3B号地下A铺 G/F, Shop A, The Serenity, 3B Rua de Afonso de Albuquerque, Macau 2856 5358

电子及家庭电器 Audio Visual and Electronic Accessories JC Shop premium 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8987

丰泽 Fortress

议事亭前地 11 号信德堡地库 Basement, Shun Tak House, 11 Largo Do Senado, Macau 2832 9958

Original Technology 澳门广场地下P,V&W铺 Shop P, V & W, G/F, Macau Square 2871 7428

歌谣 KOIO Cyberland 澳门伯多禄局长街15号银座广场地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 15, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 2835 5227

手信/糖果 Souvenirs/ Confectionery

See’s Candies 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼21198店 2119, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8738

咀香园饼家 Choi Heong Yuen Bakery 澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No 28E, R/C, Macau 2836 2122

钜记手信 Koi Kei Bakery 氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 2882 7458

美珍香 Bee Cheng Hiang 氹仔官也街9-D号柏鸿大厦地下 Rua do Cunha, No 9-D, Edf. Pak Hung, R/C, Taipa 2882 7977

奇华饼家 Kee Wah Bakery 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8521

英记饼家 YENG KEE 澳门耶稣会纪念广场2号 No.2, Largo Da Companhia De Jesus, Macau 2825 2510

晃记饼家 FONG KEI 澳门氹仔旧城区官也街14号 No. 14, Rua do Cunha, Taipa 2882 7142

晶记饼家 CHING KEE 澳门卢九街1号A地下 R/C, Shop A, No.1, Rua Do Lu Cao, Macau 2833 3886

葡国品味 TASTE OF PORTUGAL 澳门路环黑沙马路1918号 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane, Grand Coloane Beach Resort 2871 5180

Jelly Belly 路氹城银河娱乐渡假城购物大道东地 下G53铺 G53, G/F East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Cotai

南北好东西All Goodies 威尼斯人酒店大运河购物中心1层 K23铺 K23‭,‬Level1‭,‬The Venetian‭, ‬Cotai 2882 8284

正宗凤城饼家 PASTELARIA CIDADE DA FENIX ORIGINAL 大三巴街3号地下 No. 3,Rua de S. Paulo,Macau 2836 3025

百货商店 Department Stores


Duty Free Americas 威尼斯人大运河购物中心1楼 1023/1030店 1023/1030, Level 1 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8263

DFS Beauty World 四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

澳门银河购物大道东地下G51 G51,G/F East Pormendade, Galaxy Macau 2882 5904

澳门老牌车厘哥夫 Old Cherykoff Macau 氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 31, R/C, Taipa 2882 7811

Godiva 路氹城银河渡假城商铺G11 G11 Shop Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2828 3822

新八佰伴 New Yaohan 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mário Soares no.90, Macau 2872 5338

永盟百货 Winman 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Av.Do Infante D. Henrique 31A-31B,Macau 2871 8920 | September 2014



Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

绚丽花火•浪漫时刻 第26届澳门国际烟花比赛汇演

Glitteringly romantic

26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest



九月 2014 |

澳门每年9月的国际烟花比赛 汇演是你不能错过的悠闲娱乐 节目,与心爱的家人朋友于澳 门美丽的夜景下欣赏一幅幅绚 丽璀璨的烟花图案于夜空中绽 放,定必为你的澳门之行增添 不少动人回忆。 Every September witnesses one of the most thrilling and dazzling events in Macau: the International Fireworks Display Contest. Enjoying the night with family and friends under the brilliant aura of firework is a once in a lifetime experience. | September 2014



Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

炮竹业曾经是澳门三大手工业之一,烟花自然也成为了澳门重要 Macau International Fireworks Display Contest first launched in 的文化遗产。澳门旅游局早在1989年时便举办第一届“澳门国际烟 花比赛汇演”。如今,“澳门国际烟花比赛汇演”已成为澳门一项闻 名的国际盛事,吸引各地的旅客专程到澳门欣赏这个世界级水平的烟 花比赛。 今年的“澳门国际烟花比赛汇演”同样邀请到十支来自不同地区国家 的高水准烟花队伍来比赛,包括中国台湾、克罗地亚、中国、法国、 韩国、波兰、葡葡牙、澳洲、意大利以及西班牙,于9月8、13、20 、27以及10月1日于旅游塔对出海面举行,每晚分别上演两场来自不 同国家的烟花汇演。色彩缤纷的烟花,衬托澳门的特色建筑,显露出 了澳门独有的文化和情怀。

1989 by Macau Government Tourist Office as firework production used to be one of Macau’s three leading industries. The Contest has been gaining international fame, attracting guests all around the world. This year’s Contest – like ever – attracts 10 teams from around the world, namely Taiwan, China; Croatia; China; France; Korea; Poland; Portugal; Australia; Italy and Spain, to compete for the crown. Fireworks are going to twinkle off the Macau Tower shore on 8, 13, 20, and 27 Sept, as well as on 1 Oct. The picturesque sight of antique Eurasian architectures glimmered by glistering fireworks is simply a fantasy.


Viewing Locations

想要欣赏一场好的烟花汇演,除了看演出队伍的功力以外,还得选择 一个视野佳的地方观赏。澳门国际烟花汇演地于南湾湖上,与旁边的 西湾大桥夜景相互辉映,湖边广场以及旅游塔是欣赏烟花的最佳位 置。此外,如果你想避开人潮,静静地欣赏浪漫的烟花美景,主教山 山顶、 氹仔海洋花园大马路也是不错的选择。

Since Nam Van Lake is the stage and Sai Van Bridge the backdrop of the show, areas near Macau Tower are arguably the best “grand stands”. There’re also places tranquil enough, which include Penha Hill and Avenida dos Jardins do Oceano in Taipa.





晚上9时 9:00PM

晚上9时40分 9:40PM

08/9 (星期一, MON)

中国台湾 China Taiwan

克罗地亚 Croatia

13/9 (星期六, SAT)

中国 China

法国 France

20/9 (星期六, SAT)

韩国 Korea

波兰 Poland

27/9 (星期六, SAT)

葡萄牙 Portugal

澳洲 Australia


意大利 Italy

西班牙 Spain

九月 2014 |

Photography Tips There are numerous ways to capture the beauty of fireworks besides eye witnessing, which include photography. Local professional SAMSON IP offers you hints on how to frame down the most amazing moments in the sky.

烟花摄影小提示 除了用眼睛欣赏美丽的烟花外,你也可以尝试用相机拍 下美好一刻。我们请到澳门的专业摄影师 SAMSON IP 向 你细说拍摄烟花的装备以及小撇步,让你可以轻松摄影 出专业效果的烟花美景。

相机与设定 首先要选择可以手动曝光模式或者有烟花场景模式的相 机,而相机设定是非常重要的一环,不同的光圈、快 门、ISO配合会展现不同的效果。建议利用小光圈,而 ISO设定在100-200,这样可以展现出烟花细腻线条的美 态,也更易拍下一朵完整的烟花。


Cameras and settings

Camera with manual or firework modes is a must, which setting is as crucial. Different combinations of aperture, shutter speed and ISO will capture different moods. Samson recommends small aperture size and ISO setting of 100-200. Such settings can bring pictures with delicate lines and wholeness of fireworks.




品,当然你也可以参加旅游 比赛,与众多摄影爱好者分

Memory Card

suggestions, you will

由于拍摄距离大约300~800米(依拍摄距离而定)建议镜 头选择如17-40mm 、 24-70mm。如果离得比较远的话, 可以利用18-135mm的长焦距镜头。


Supportive devices

享拍摄烟花的乐趣。 With the above insider surely get pictures good enough to compete in the photograph competition hosted by MGTO as part of the Contest.

拍摄RAW+JPG的档桉为一些喜欢后期製作的朋友提供更 大的空間,但这样所需的记忆体容量也会变得比较大, 可以携带大容量记忆卡或者几张小容量的记忆卡备用。

Supportive devices such as remote shutter control or shutter cable, and tripod will reduce the possibility of blurring. Cameras’ build-in timer function is also helpful.


Black card and ND filter

有条件的朋友可以利用快门线控、三脚架和云台这些附 加器材以减少晃动所做成影像的模糊。如果没有快门线 控的话,也可以利用相机自带的倒数定时拍摄功能。

Long exposure time means overly bright fireworks, so you’ll need to DIY black cards or get ND filters to balance the light distribution.


Small items



Shooting distance averages between 300 and 800 metres, so lens of 17-40mm and 24-70mm should be used. 18-135mm lens is necessary if you shoot from afar.

It would be wise to bring enough memory cards because the format of RAW+JPG – though more versatile for post-production – takes up more memory per individual photo.

由于长时间曝光的关係,拍下来的烟花会比其它的建筑 物要光,遇到这种情况你可以自己DIY黒卡或是减光滤镜 使其曝光平均。


详情可以参考 For more details visit

To be well prepared for the shooting, items such as foldable stool, small ladder or umbrella will be helpful.


Shoot at backwind locations to avoid the afterexploration fog contaminating the beauty of your works.

每年的烟花汇演都游人如鲫,你还可以带备小梯子、折 凳、雨具等以备拍摄时的需要。

拍摄的位置 拍摄的位置很重要,要站在順风(背风)的地方,因为 烟花爆发之后会有烟雾,如果你站在逆风的位置拍摄,烟 雾就会影响到拍出来烟花的构图。 | September 2014



探索澳门 explore

澳门历史城区漫步地图 Guide for the Historic Center of Macau

1 妈阁庙 A-Ma Temple 2 港务局大楼 Moorish Barracks 3 亚婆井前地 Lilau Square 4 郑家大屋 Mandarin’s House 5 圣老楞佐堂 St. Lawrence’s Church 6 圣若瑟修院及圣堂 St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church 7 岗顶前地 St. Augustine’s Square 64


九月 2014 |

8 何东图书馆 Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 9 岗顶剧院 Dom Pedro V Theatre 10 圣奥斯定教堂 St. Augustine’s Church 11 民政总署大楼 ”Leal Senado” Building 12 议事亭前地 Senado Square 13 三街会馆(关帝庙) Sam Kai Vui Kun Temple 14 仁慈堂大楼 Holy House of Mercy

15 大堂(主教座堂)Cathedral 16 卢家大屋 Lou Kau Mansion 17 玫瑰堂 St. Dominic’s Church 18 大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul’s 19 哪吒庙 Na Tcha Temple 20 旧城牆遗址 Section of the Old City Walls 21 大炮台 Mount Fortress

22 圣安多尼教堂 St. Anthony’s Church 23 东方基金会会址 Casa Garden 24 基督教坟场 Protestant Cemetery 25 东望洋炮台 Guia Fortress (包括圣母雪地殿圣堂及灯塔)

Endorsed by Macau Government Tourist Office 由澳门特别行政区政府旅游局支持” | September 2014



探索澳门 explore 礼宾堂

concierge tips

Julian Ieong 澳门银河礼宾部及前台行政经理 Executive Manager of Concierge and Reception, Galaxy Macau

九月,入秋时节,为您推荐澳门秋游地点的正是来自澳门银 河礼宾部的经理Julian,除了地道的茶餐厅外,他私人还给读 者介绍了不少夜生活放松好地方,也有与大自然接触的好去 处,适合一家大小前往。

Julian Ieong, the Executive Manager of Concierge and Reception of Galaxy Macau would like to give a few recommendations to those who love food, nightlife and nature. 您个人最喜欢的澳门美食是什么? 本地的茶餐厅,一下子太多选择,例如:云吞面世家,金利,旺记,雅香,檀岛, 连顺成,东京茶餐厅等等,这是我经常光顾的店。 您觉得澳门哪个酒吧最适合放假放松? 位于氹仔旧城区的好客乡村O.T.T,很多外国人喜欢这里;位于南湾附近车水马龙的 Sky21,可以俯瞰澳门闹区美景;Altira 38 楼的酒吧,建议天气好的时候前往。还 有位于银河的麦卡伦威士忌酒吧,很齐全的威士忌收藏,男士最爱。 有什么澳门景点是适合秋游的呢? 龙环葡韵,路环旧村落,这些有着澳门老旧风情的地点绝对适合秋游。喜欢运动的 朋友可以在澳门进行漫步或者是登山活动,也可以去水塘。这是澳门不为人知的另 一面,非常适合漫步。 九月来澳门旅游,您认为有哪个展览或者活动不容错过? 当然是澳门旅游局每年都举办的国际烟花比赛汇演啦,可以一边赏月一边观赏,中 秋节的节日气氛也是你能享受的九月澳门风情。 请用两个形容词形容你心目中的澳门。 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。 66


九月 2014 |

What’s your favourite Macau food? Too many local Cha Chaan Ting deserve a try, such as Sopa De Fitas Sai Ka, Kam Lei, Vong Kei, Nga Heong, Honululu, Lin Seong Seng, Toung King, just to name a few. Where to find the most relaxing bar? The exotic O.T.T in the old village of Taipa is popular among foreigners in Macau. Sky21 at Nam Van is the best for metropolitan view. The Altira 38 is famous for its beautiful sight, especially under good weather. Galaxy Macau’s Macallan Bar is great for whisky appreciation. Is there any sightseeing suggestion for the autumn? Taipa Houses-Museums and Coloane Village are historically attractive. Sporty choices are hiking trails at Taipa or Coloane, as well as the main reservoir. It’s the other side of Macau. They are all good for walking tours. Which exhibition or event in September is a must-see? The annual International Firework Display Contest is beyond argument. Fireworks coexist with the full moon, while the Mid-Autumn atmosphere is another charm in Macau. Please describe Macau with two words. Small but complete. | September Stephen Chan




探索澳门 explore


Historical Archives of Macau 小时 Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau

澳门历史档案馆 Historical Archives of Macau 地址 Address 澳门塔石广场 Tap Seac Square 开放时间 Opening Hours 9:30-18:30 (周一至周五Mon-Fri), 13:00-18:00(周六Sat) 门票Admission 免费Free



九月 2014 |

想要更深入地认识澳门古往今来的历史,除了亲自走 访不同的街区外,你还可以前往澳门历史档案馆,这 里设有档案部、档案修复部、缩微拍摄部及阅览室, 对所有具有永久保存价值的政府档案进行收集、整 理、保护,为澳门记忆作出贡献。 Other than a field trip at the well-preserved roads and alleys, the Historical Archives of Macau is a good option for those appreciating the rich history of Macau. The building is divided into zones for Archives, Archive Restorations, Microfilming and Library. It is where the valuable archives are collected, arranged and preserved.

史档案馆的馆藏以公共部门的档案为主,最早 的档案可上溯至1630年的市政厅档案。而多批由政府 部门移交的珍贵档案也在这里找到,如市政厅、民政 厅、财政厅、教育厅的档案等,同时也接收了由民间 社团及个人所捐赠的档案。 现时档案馆共有档案5万余卷、图像7万多幅、书刊资 料1万余册。馆藏最早的档案形成于1630年,档案语 种以葡文居多。此外,历史档案馆与海外历史档案馆 合作,将该馆所藏有关澳门的档案整理并拍成缩微胶 卷,以补充馆藏资料。 为方便公众人士进行研究,历史档案馆设有辅助图书 室,专门收集有关澳门的历史文献,图书方面计有5千 多册,期刊则有220种。在历史档案馆的网站上还有近 年在馆内举办展览的珍贵历史图片、手稿资料、展厅 设计和看板资料等,同时附有活动最新动态和多媒体 介绍,方便读者作网上搜寻。 馆内也会定期举办展览及讲座,让人们了解档案馆 的功能及馆藏文献。现时馆内所举办的是《台风岁 月——澳门档案资料展》,展出“甲戌风灾”和近百 年来吹袭澳门重大台风的珍贵档案文献、照片、实 物、地图和新闻片段。展出展品不乏珍贵的档案文 物,包括台风的命名系统、监测工具、警报信号、飓 风侵袭和救灾事迹等,参观者可从中了解昔日台风肆 虐澳门的情况,揭示城市生活与自然灾害的关系。展 览入场费用全免。


he majority of files here are from the public sector, and earliest records date back to the Senado (Municipal Senate) documents from 1630. Also can be found here are the precious antique documents from bureaus in civil affairs, finance and education, as well as those donated by individuals and private organizations. Currently the collection amounts to more than 50,000 text rolls, 70,000 images, and 10,000 publications, mostly in Portuguese. The Archive also works closely with overseas partners to microfilm Macau-related data for better preservation. The Archive also arranged a supportive library for the public that offers over 5000 publications and 220 periodicals, while the official website also deserves a look with tons of historical pictures and original manuscript, museum layout, events and multi-media introduction. The Archive also hosts regular exhibitions and seminars for deeper insights of its function and archives, for example the current free-entry The Times of Typhoon – Exhibition of Macao’s Archival Materials shows documents, pictures, items, maps and news reports related to all the major typhoons affected Macau in the last century. Visitors can get to know how the typhoons were named and monitored, as well as the public alarmed and rescued. It illustrates the relationship between urban life and natural disasters too. | September 2014



探索澳门 explore

人物 faces

郑继生 为戏剧而生 Raymond Cheang Lives for the stage 苏苏 鸣谢 澳门五洲传奇演艺教育中心 Special thanks to Macau Universal Legend Performing Arts Education Centre



九月 2014 |


Upcoming Performance 澳门晓角话剧研进社 《再见唐吉诃德》 Back to the World of Don Quixote by Hiu Koc Drama Association

扭开澳门电视频道,经常会看到一张 熟悉的面孔,他就是郑继生。人称生 哥的他是澳门一位资深电视艺人,于 1985年加入澳门广播电视台,除担 当主持外,还拍摄过电视单元剧,也 经常担任节目配音员一职。

Since he joined Macau Television (TDM), Raymond Cheang, aka Brother Cheang, has been an active figure in the Macau’s TV industry as a host, TV drama and voice artists.

郑继生更为人熟悉的身份是澳门资深舞台戏剧工作者, 他一直积极推动澳门舞台剧文化,从演员、编剧、导 演、监制,每一步骤都瞭若指掌,那么演而优则导的生 哥究竟是爱幕前工作还是幕后创作呢? “其实我还是享受当一个演员。从小我对演戏有着浓厚 的兴趣,后来认识了数位志同道合的好朋友,共同成立 了澳门晓角话剧研进社,开始了戏剧生涯,虽然家人极 力反对,甚至展开冷战,但还是阻挡不了我对戏剧的热 爱。”每当跟生哥谈起戏剧,他的眼神都流露出闪烁的 光芒。 早在70年代澳门戏剧尚未起步时,生哥就与志同道合 的朋友们不断从香港的舞台剧吸取经验,再带着宝贵经 验回到出生地澳门,一直发展演艺事业至今。其实澳 门的戏剧发展,当年真的全靠有这样一班有心有梦有理 想、热爱舞台的人士一直努力,才有今天澳门戏剧的光 景,不过可惜要在澳门成为全职舞台工作者不是一件容 易的事,就像生哥一样,除了坚持梦想,也得生活。他 说:“做电视一来是为了生活,二来是希望可以通过电 视媒介介绍一些澳门鲜为人知又资金薄弱的剧团让大家 认识,希望澳门的戏剧文化可以百花齐放。 现在生哥除了电视和舞台工作之外,他还致力培训新演 员、司仪等教育工作。“现阶段我正要为撰写一个有关 老澳门故事的舞台剧而搜集资料,希望让大家在舞台上 可以重拾当年的澳门情怀。”

But his most well-known identity is as an experienced stage professional who is good at almost every part, such as acting, script and play writing, directing, and being a producer. So what about his most favourite part of the show? “Honestly, I enjoy acting more. The interest is simply in my genes. I started my stage career from Hiu Koc Drama Association, a group I co-founded with a few friends sharing the same vision. My family opposed my decision and even started a cold war, but it just could not stop me.” Brother Cheang said with an affirmative vision.” Surrounded by a stage drama desert back in 1970s, his team turned to Hong Kong for experience and back in Macau for experiments. Thanks to enthusiasts like him, the art has been cultivated to what it is today in Macau. Nonetheless it has never been easy for dreams don’t always become bread. “My work in broadcasting was first of course to earn a living, second was, out of personal hope, to promote the unknown and financially scarce troupes via the media, hoping to support the industry’s development.” Other than his work both on screen and stage, he is also devoted to training new talents like actors and masters of ceremonies. He is also “collecting data for a stage drama about Macau’s old lives, which aims to relive our history.”

两、三年没踏上台板的郑 继生,将于9月5日及6日 晚上8时假澳门文化中心 小剧院参与舞台剧《再见 唐吉诃德》担任要角,内 容细诉澳门八十年代的几 个青年人,在现实与梦想 之间徘徊的故事,背景跳 跃于80年代和现代,有着 澳门几代人的影子,同一 出戏的彩排,却有着天大 不同的心情。 After a couple years of recess from the stage, Raymond Cheang is back with his Back to the World of Don Quixote, in which he plays the leading role. It describes how a group of youngsters struggle between dreams and realities back in the 1980s. It takes montages between old and new days and involves a few generations. It captures the different feelings of the actors from the same play. The play is staged at the Small Auditorium of Macau Cultural Centre at 20:00 on 5 and 6 September.

售票地点:广星售票网 Ticket: 查询:+853 2855 5555 | September 2014



儿童天地 Kids

哪里可以买到? (A) Chevignon 澳门新八佰伴百货3楼3-06 Chevignon - 3-06, 3/F, New Yaohan (B) Disney Toys 澳门新八佰伴百货5楼5-02 Disney Toys - 5-02, 5/F, New Yaohan (C) 博士文具 Papelarias Pok Si 澳门光复街8-10号 Rua da Restauração, 8-10 (D) 游乐 U-LUCK 澳门亚利鸦架街41B 41B, Rua de Manuel de Arriaga


New Bag, Luminous Tomorrows Moon



九月 2014 |

知不觉暑假已经完结,小朋友是时候收拾心情准备开学,父 母除了要密锣紧鼓张罗新校服、新文具外,当然少不了要挑 选一个优质好用的书包。小朋友处于发育时期,保障脊骨健康尤为重 要,沉甸甸的书包容易影响小朋友脊椎发展,出现“驼背现象”,甚 至有机会引致颈肩肌肉劳损﹗选购书包记住以下几个准则: 1) 两边的肩带必须宽阔及以有软垫,能将压力平分均分布于两肩,减 低书包对小朋友肩颈的负担。 2) 要留意书包是否有胸带及腰带,能让书包紧贴脊柱平均分散重量及 压力。 3) 书包内部应有足够的间隔,可让小朋友摆放细小的物件,使物品不 会四处摇摆而令重量不均衡。


he curtain of the summer holiday is down, which marks the time for kids to return to school. New clothes, stationary, and schoolbag are apparently necessities. It is not as easy as it sounds to choose a right bag for your children because their physical health relies on the designs of the bags. A heavy lousy bag can cause abnormal spine curve or even muscular damage at the neck and shoulders. Mind the points below for a perfect bag for your children: 1) The two straps should be wide and padded so that they help distribute pressure evenly and in turn protect the neck and shoulders. 2. Bags with waistband and breast band are preferred so as to keep the bag positioned against the spine for better pressure distribution. 3) A bag should have enough compartments for smaller items and arranging things orderly keeps the bag steady.

Spongebob Ninja Pants (A)

Lego Friends All Girls (D)

MOP 599

Thomas & Friends School Bag (B)

MOP 386

设有EVA网孔坑纹背垫,具散热 透气功能,PE超轻底板能增强 书包承托力,保持脊梁骨挺直, 两旁还附设特大侧袋,可放水瓶 或较大件随身物品。 The back pad has a surface of EVA mesh fabric for better airflow. The PE super light bottom plate can support the weight and keep the user’s spine straight. The two large side pockets are secure places for water bottles or other large items.


MOP 950

美国品牌Sprayground最新推出 的太空猎人书包,设有17吋特 大容量及手提电脑间隔,配合护 脊设计及可调校粗肩带,型格 黑色加上多款太空设计图案, 男孩最爱。 The Space Hunter by Sprayground from the U.S has a 17-inch size and a notebook compartment. With its spine-protection design and adjustable wide straps, weights can be distributed evenly. Boys will definitely love the cool black colour and space-themed patterns.

SPI Active Special (C)

MOP 660

MOP 750

大热的海绵宝宝这次化身忍者陪 伴小朋友上下学,设有耐用的 防雨质料及SBS强化拉链,全方 位保护小朋友心爱的书本及文 具,可调式肩带更能有效舒缓 肩颈压力。 The bag with ninja-dressed spongebob is made of durable waterproof material and SBS zip to protect everything in it. Adjustable straps will effectively distribute the pressure on neck and shoulders.

桃红色书包加上可爱公主图案, 较适合女孩子使用,人性化的夹 层设计,适合各种场合,方便放 置不同面积、重量的书籍。 It is a girl’s favourite for it has peachy-coloured princess print. It is also ergonomic, capable, and occasionally versatile.

Hello Kitty School Bag (B)

MOP 360

香港SPI健康护脊书包,采用光 面设计,防水防尘,书包间隔实 用,背垫护脊功能及散热功能极 佳,配合人体工学设计,安全 性能获香港执业脊医协会认可。 The Hong Kong brand SPI offers this ergonomically designed bag made of water and dust proof material with a reflective surface. The compartments are practical for better airflow and spine protection, which has been medically certified.

舒适透气背带材质与扣环设计, 可根据小朋友身高发育调整长 度,减轻肩膀负担,内置橡筋书 带固定书本,减轻摇摆压力, 还有多款女孩最爱的Hello Kitty 图案。 The comfortable adjustable straps and ring hasp are made of gas-permeable material. The built-in rubber band is used to fix books to avoid bag from swaying. Various patterns of Hello Kitty would please girls. | September 2014



儿童天地 Kids

儿童世界 Children’s World

美高梅奇幻光彩之旅 MGM Aurora

奇幻表演 Shows

永利表演湖 Performance Lake

历险Q立方 Qube 威尼斯人酒店的历险Q立方内要有高 达六米的复合攀爬设施,附设一座垂 直滑梯、两座小型滑梯、一座V字形 绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之字形攀 爬绳网等。 Situated inside the Venetian Hotel, Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridge, over and under barriers, zig-zag net climbers and more. 开放时间Opening hours: 10:00-22:00 Price from MOP 50 入场费:澳门币50元起 (+853) 2882 8857

主题图书馆 Anime-themed library 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》主题图书馆誔生 啦!黑沙环公园黄营均儿童图书馆是 现时澳门唯一一间儿童图书馆。 China’s hit cartoon characters “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” have come to Macau, debuting the first themed library, located in the North area of Areia Preta Urban Park. 开放时间 Opening hours: 8:00 - 20:00 星期一休馆 closed on Mondays) 免费Free admission (+853) 2845 1892



美高梅邀您步入天幕广场的「光・影・水 世界」,亲身体验光影交织的奇妙海 底世界:色彩夺目的珊瑚宫殿环抱8 米高的圆柱形水族馆,海洋与天空融 为一色,逾千鱼儿遨游天际的奇景 尽入眼帘。 Immerse yourself in an intricate interplay of shadow and light, where the water meets the sky. The eight-meter tall cylindrical Water-sky Aquarium in MGM’s Grande Praça is regarded as the soul of Water Aurora. 免费入场Free entrance 查询 Tel:(853) 8802 8888

水舞间 The House of Dancing Water 耗资20亿港币的大型水上汇演「水 舞间」以特技、舞蹈等表现方法,配 合以水为主题,把东方智慧的意象发 挥得淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance ‘The House of Dancing Water’ is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 详情请浏览Visit: (+853) 8868 6688

永利表演湖位于永利酒店大门前地, 逾200个湖水喷咀和发射器,配合 800,000加仑的湖水,热力与光芒绽 放着喜悦和活力。 Located in front of Wynn Macau, the Performance Lakes houses over 200 water nozzles and shooters, and holds 800,000 gallons of water. It sports lofty plumes of water and fire along with music. 表演时间 Show times: 11:00-00:00(15分钟一次 Daily at 15 minutes intervals 免费入场Free entrance (+853) 2888 9966

九月 2014 |

百步登天及高飞跳 Tower climb & Skyjump 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: 澳门币MOP 688 百步登天 Mast Climb: 澳门币MOP 3,388 高 飞跳Sky Jump: 澳门币MOP 1,888 (+853) 8988 8656

赛车 Karting 在路氹连贯公路末端、近路环的小型 赛车场,每逢周末都会挤满爱好驾驶 或观看小型赛车的外地和本地人士。 At the end of the causeway linking Taipa and Coloane is a karting track and grandstand. Start your engines! (+853) 2888 1862

滑草 Grass-skiing

龙腾 Dragon’s Treasure 于新濠天地的圆顶形综合剧院「天 幕」欣赏「龙腾」,在四大龙王的带 领下,深深体会多媒体高清特技丶千 变万化的舞台灯光丶独特乐章带来的 超感官奇幻效果。 The Bubble is an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams with explosive visual and sounds. The Dragon’s Treasure theme tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and the four kings. 放映时间Show times: 12:00-20:00 每30分钟一场 every 30-minutes) 价格Price: 澳门币MOP 50 (+853) 8868 6688

冒险地带 Adventure Zone

电影院和剧院 Cinemas and Theaters 澳门旅游塔的剧院、永乐戏院和澳门 大会堂不时有最新的香港、荷里活电 影和其它国家的影片上映。带小孩看 充满欢乐的3D 电影吧! A variety of movie theatres exist in Macau. With the UA cinema situated in the Galaxy complex, the Cineteatro Macau and the Macau Tower’s movie theatres, kids are able to enjoy a variety of 3-D, 2-D and Anime movies.

在大潭山公园有个滑草场,带小朋友 去玩个够吧! This park’s a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. (+853) 2831 5566

水上运动 Cheoc Van Nautical Centre 竹湾海滩旁有提供水上运动设备的会 所。吸引很多爱玩的人到这儿冲浪或 玩水上活动。 The Nautical Centre in Cheoc Van is equipped with an array of watersports equipment including canoes, windsurfers, sailboats and more. Instructors are on hand to teach beginners about the ways of the open sea. (+853)2888 2252

动物天地 Critter Country

城市漫游 City Tour

亲子时间 Family Fun Time 熊厨房 Kuma’s Kitchen

澳门大熊猫馆 Macao Giant Panda Pavilion 澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,建筑占地约3000平方米,馆 内设有两个室内活动区和一个室外 活动场。去看“开开和心心”的可 爱模样吧! Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, this 3,000-square meter Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard for the giant pandas “Kai Kai” and “Xin Xin”. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-13:00 门票Price 澳门币MOP10 (+853) 2888 0087

二龙喉公园迷你动物园 Flora Garden’s Mini-Zoo 这里有30种鸟类,15种哺乳和爬 行动物。 This small zoo houses 30 species of birds, 15 types of mammals and other reptiles. (+853) 2833 7676

石排湾郊野公园 Seac Pai Van Park 位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公 路不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的 好去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. (+853) 2833 7676

带你的孩子参加熊厨房的亲子班,享 受学习烹饪甜点的乐趣吧! This Kitchen is known for its desserts and pastries and is a great place to go with the kids to learn about how these delicacies are made. (+853) 2878 3126

滑船 Chilling by the Dam 路环黑沙水库建有一个水上乐园可以 一家大小假日是骑脚踏船和健行等。 Hác-Sá Reservoir’s Nature Park has two hiking trails and a water section to the park, allowing families fun in the sun, in the water, and on the paths. Come enjoy a family day. (+853) 2882 7023

体育场 Sports 澳门科学馆 Macao Science Center 澳门科学馆设有大量不同总类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境,社会,生态和许多链接到 我们所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to the city we live in. 开放时间Opening hours: 10:00-18:00, 星期四休馆 Closed on Thursday (+853) 2888 0822

米高积逊珍品廊 MJ Gallery 已故美国歌星米高积逊的40多 件极具纪念价值的珍品,在于 十六浦的「米高积逊珍品廊」 近距离欣赏。最瞩目的白色莱茵 水晶石左手手套是必看之一! The white rhinestone glove worn by Michael Jackson for his moonwalk debut acts as a magnet for the MJ Gallery in Ponte 16, and the centerpiece for a broad display of Jackson related memorabilia. 开放时间Opening: 11:00-21:00 免费入场Free entrance (+853) 8861 6565

人力三轮 Rickshaws

澳门蛋运动场旁边是个打保龄球的 好地方 An extensive multi-lane bowling alley is located next to the Macau Dome. (+853) 2887 0688

人力三轮车是澳门富特色的交通工 具,也是一种很好的旅游交通工具。 The pedicab, or tricycle Richshaw, is a romantic form of transport around the city and is available from both the Hotel Lisboa area and the Macau Ferry Terminal.

溜冰 Skating

澳门海上游 Macau harbor Cruise

保龄球 Bowling

“佳景乐园“设有溜冰场,是休闲 必选之地。 “Future Bright” Entertainment Centre on Rua de Coelho do Amaral, next to the Protestant Cemetary houses a nice small ice skating rink. Ice skates can be rented at the location and prices are cheap. Lace up! (+853) 2870 3198

澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 带仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着 昔日渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. Great at night. 票价Price: 澳门币MOP 120 to 398 (+853) 2893 0012

观光缆车Cable car

步行径 Trekking 澳门松山、氹仔大潭山、小潭山、路 环岛的山上都设有步行径方便不少 运动人士。 Come check out Guia Hill and the hills on Taipa and Coloane for the trails that are perfect for trekking, jogging and exercising.

在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶。两三分钟内,游客可 饱览东望洋山一带的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a single trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间Opening Time: 8:00 – 18:00 缆车票价Price: 澳门币MOP 2-5 (+853) 2833 7676 | September 2014



享受指南 relax


Escape for Lux Yvonne


莫纳山丽世度假村 中国当红一线演员邓超首次自导自演的处女作《分手 大师》早前在内地热映,电影开场片段的拍摄地点位 于宁静优雅的海滩蜜月胜地毛里求斯莫纳山丽世度假 村。如果你想在金秋之际来一趟明星度假之旅,丽世 度假村绝对符合你要求。 该喜剧精心挑选毛里求斯莫纳山丽世度假村为电影开 篇的场景,度假村座落于毛里求斯面向夕阳的一边, 与印度洋相邻,背靠雄伟的莫纳山山峰,素因婚礼和 蜜月胜地而闻名,这座度假村所在地更被列为世界文 化遗产。酒店位处的山脚有联合国教科文组织世界遗 产的崎岖莫纳山伯本峰阻挡信风,目光所及之处都由 绵延的白色长沙滩接壤。度假村内有四个游泳池、水 疗中心和可供选择的餐厅与酒吧,提供应与岛上特色 的菜肴相衬的美味新世界葡萄酒,即使把三四天的时 光都只消磨于酒店仍是值得的。



九月 2014 |

Mt. Morne, Mauritius

LUX Le Morne

The beautiful and elegant LUX Le Morne blasted a sensation in China since the love comedy The Breakup Guru was launched. As the background of the beginning shots of the movie, it will surely attract those who want to enjoy a celebrity-style vacation. Being a famous destination for wedding and honeymoon, the resort is located in a World Heritage Site with the white beach and Indian Ocean steps away and majestic Mt. Morne at the back. As the mountain blocked the monsoon, the area enjoys a mild temperature and lovely environment. Facilities include parks, four swimming pools, spa and a number of restaurants and bars that provide New World wines to pair with the island cuisine. Hanging around indoor would also be an option.


密斯卡湾奢华海滩 别墅度假村

TIPS 从澳门出发 Departure from Macau 中国、香港和澳門护照持有人都无需签证就能前往毛里求斯, 绝对是一个好消息。从澳门出发,可以直接坐船到香港机场, 然后就可以登上直航往毛里求斯的班机,非常便捷。 Good news is: basically EU, US, HKSAR and MSAR passport

密斯卡湾是一个丰富多彩和奢华自由的 绿洲,且临近湄公河,能一边欣赏美丽 的碧波美景一边做个“马杀鸡”。一踏 进酒店,极尽奢华的扑面而来。和澳门 金光闪闪的奢华不同,这里有种把时间 停留的“奢华”。私人沙滩,每个别墅 均配有私人管家,如果你的第一站是澳 门,何妨把第二站设在澳门机场很容易 飞到的苏梅岛。 度假村拥有九个不同的海滩角度别墅可 供选择,每一个海滩角落都有让你能尽 兴的海上活动。去泰国怎么可以不尝 试美味的泰国菜!每个房间更有私人厨 师,用的都是最地道和新鲜的香料食材 炮制,每个别墅里都有颇具艺术氛围的 厨房。如果你喜欢瑜珈,可以在最天然 的大自然环境里呼吸最清新的空气,也 可以去参观附近的寺庙。

地址 ADD: Le Morne, 230 勒莫尔尼, 毛里求斯 Le Morne, 230, Mauritius

电话 TEL.: +230 401 4000 九月住房约HKD2944起(高级双人房) From HKD 2944 for September (Deluxe Room for 2)

TIPS 从澳门出发 Departure from Macau 去泰国可以落地签证,澳门特区护照免 签,在澳门出发去苏梅十分便捷,只需 要在澳门机场乘搭泰国航空或者亚洲航 空在曼谷转机就可以到达,该酒店有免 费机场接送服务。 EU, US, HKSAR, and MSAR Passport holders do not need a visa to enter Thailand.

holders are visa-exempted. Take a ferry to Hong Kong Airport and board the direct flight to Mauritius.

different from that in Macau. If Macau is your first stop, why not conveniently fly there for further enjoyment? There are nine types of beach villas available each with private beach and dedicated butler. Other than aquatic sport, there are also delicious in-villa Thai dishes prepared by your own chef in the artistic kitchen. Besides, you can practice outdoor Yoga surrounded by fresh air or visit nearby temples.

Samui, Thailand

Fly with Thai Airways International or Air

Miskawaan Luxury Beachfront Villas

Asia from Macau to Samui with a stopover

As a luxury and lively paradise close by Mekong River, the Miskawaan is where you can enjoy the luxury of having the beautiful river view and a relaxing massage at the same time. It has an air of extravagance freezes time, which is


in Bangkok. The hotel provides free pick up service at the Samui Airport.

67/25-32 Moo 6, TambonMaenam, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320, Thailand

电话TEL: :+66 7733 2271 | September 2014



享受指南 relax

香港旅行住宿好建议 Hotels in Hong Kong Ms. Why

香港是很多来澳门自由行的游客第二站必到之 处,所以我们这期开始会给你提供“下一站”最 新资讯,希望您的整个旅途都能计划到最好! Hong Kong is the favourite “next stop” for many tourists to Macau, which is why we are supplying more information for your Next Stop.


Young Vibe


Royal Plaza Hotel

享誉国际的室内设计公 司HBA((Hirsch Bedner Associates))透过耗资数百万美 元的翻新项目,将香港帝京酒店 改造成为充满英伦复古风情的现 代“隐世桃源”。帝京酒店经过 两年的翻新后,现已重新营业, 处处流露出对香港殖民时代怀旧 回忆的怀缅。 酒店以吸引年轻一代的旅客入住 作为目的。其客房极尽简约, 以优雅柔和的淡褐色为主调。 年轻游客当然喜欢到好酒吧消 遣一番,我们特别推荐位于红 地毯走廊尽头一间以狮子山命名 的“英伦绅士酒吧”Lion Rock 狮子楼,在这里你可以透过落 地玻璃窗欣赏到狮子山的壮丽风 光。同时,HBA的“大作”水 疗健身中心((Health Club & Spa) )的设计深受周边自然绿化景观 所启发,以有机图案、深色木 材、灰色及富有质感的面料等现 代化元素演绎英伦复古风韵。开 发商新鸿基旗下的园景师设计了 一座沿大楼边缘而建的室外泳 池。泳池的末端各设有一个独立 按摩池,两者之间以HBA佈置 的软垫沙发作分隔,从而展现广 阔的空间。

After a two-year million US dollars’ renovation designed by the famous Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA), the newly reopened Royal Plaza Hotel is now a downtown oasis filled with classic British flair that echoes the pre-handover time. The minimalist rooms in gentle light brown colour aim to attract younger tourists. Considering bars crucial for the age group, the hotel also has the chivalrous British “Lion Rock Bar”, named after Hong Kong’s famous mountain which could be seen though the floor-to-ceiling windows. Another masterpiece by HBA is the Health Club & Spa, where you will find it melted with the surrounding parkland, creating a more British style environment by natural patterns, dark wood and grey textured fabrics. The hotel owner arranged an outdoor swimming pool along the edge of the building with an independent jacuzzi at both sides of the pool separated by cushion sofas, creating a more extensive indoor-outdoor entertainment space.



九月 2014 |

给年轻旅客的贴士 Tips for Young Tourists 第八届香港国际喜剧节 8th Annual HK International Comedy Festival 2014 时间 Time 9月4日-10月5日 4 Sept to 5 Oct 地点 Venue 不同地点(详情请看官网) Various (see official website) +852 6220 4436

香港九龙太子道西193号 193 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2928 8822

给商务游客 香港JW万豪酒店 香港JW万豪酒店乃首家进驻亚 洲的万豪品牌旗舰酒店,位于香 港岛太古广场上方,一个融合了 商业、娱乐和购物的世界级著名 购物中心,所以喜欢购物,又不 想在热辣辣的夏天周围走的旅客 就非常适合。步行两分钟便能到 达港铁金钟站,拥有602间豪华 精致的客房和套房,是商务客人 的首选 。 最近,酒店为迎接 25周年纪 念,隆重推出特色餐饮套餐及住 宿计划,与客人分享喜悦。首先 是周末休闲住宿计划*,客人只 需入住两晚或以上,即可升级至 设备齐全的豪华海景客房,享受 时尚优雅的设计及90度宽阔观 景窗,饱览香港著名的维多利亚 港景致。客人还可于以下两项礼 遇中任择其一,包括获赠每晚价 值588港元的餐饮消费额,并于 万豪咖啡室每天享用两份自助早 餐以及于大堂酒廊享用两份下午 茶自助餐;或两位客人于入住期 间免费使用行政酒廊。香港JW 万豪酒店曾接待众多知名人士, 包括多位荷里活影星、前香港总 督彭定康和美国前国务卿奥尔布 赖特等,对于商务客来说,有什 么比在忙碌工作后还能享受星级 享受的住宿服务更重要?

For Business Travelers

JW Marriott Hotel

This JW Marriott is the first property of the brand in Asia. It is the best choice for those enjoying indoor shopping for its advantaged location on the top of Pacific Place, a world-class complex combining shopping and entertainment, only two minutes’ walk to the Admiralty MTR Station. The 602 luxurious and exquisite rooms and suites are the first choice for business visitors. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the hotel has launched a series of special promotion packages. The Weekend Accommodation Package, for example, will upgrade the guest booking for two consecutive days to the deluxe seaview room to enjoy its stylish décor and gorgeous view of the Victoria Harbour. You are also provided with two gift alternatives: F&B coupon of HKD588 per night, plus buffet breakfast for two at the Café and two afternoon tea buffet at the lobby lounge; or free access to the executive lounge for two during the stay. It has accommodated Lord Christopher Patten and Madeleine Albright, making it the best choice for businesspeople to enjoy the extremely comfortable environment and service after an intense schedule.

给商务客的贴士 Tips for Business Travelers

香港珠宝首饰展览会 Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair 时间 Time 9月15-19日/9月17-21日 15-19 Sept / 17-21 Sept 地点 Venue

亚洲国际博览馆/香港会议展 览中心 AsiaWorld Expo / Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre +852 2585 6179 / 2516 1677

香港金钟道88号太古广场 Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Hong Kong, China +852 2810 8366 | September 2014



享受指南 relax 狮子座 Leo 在财政上得到其他人的帮助,只要节省开支,相信可以过 得不错。感情方面很稳定,可以更深入的去认识另一半。 With the financial help from others, you’ll probably live a quite well-off lifestyle if you control your spending. In romance, a stable condition allows you to further acquaint yourself with your partner.

九月星座运程 september Horoscope William Leung

处女座 Virgo 身体会开始健康起来,所以可以有精力去开展自己的计划; 另外财务上开始比较宽裕,也减少很多生活上的压力。 Feeling more energetic. Time to implement your plan. More disposable money and less stress.

天平座 Libra 这个月当中会有比较多的失误,所以重要的事最好可以拖 延处理。同时伴侣也会对我们温柔一些,会认真的和我们 沟通和解决问题。 Postpone important matters because quite some trivial mistakes might occur. Smoother communications between lovers will be helpful for solving problems.

天蝎座 Scorpio 小心交通的小意外,出门要注意安全,另外金钱上会有损 失,要好好保管自己的财物,在事情没搞清楚的时候不要

白羊座 Aries 如旅行小心有财物遗失,以及在邮递时出现错误寄失的状 况;财务方面,月底才有改善。爱情运也需要多一点付出 才有收获。 Loss of things during travelling or mistaken post delivery might occur; the end of the month sees financial improvement. Romance is give and take condition.

金牛座 Taurus 活动太多,支出亦相应增多,工作当中要更多的和其他人 沟通,这可能令我们牵涉入更多的办公室政治当中。 More activities mean higher spending. Inevitable communications at work might throw you deeper into office politics.

双子座 Gemini 工作中有很多的机会,有不少提升的机会,不过相对而来 的是同事之间的关系会引起一些不和谐,令工作效率被拖 慢。 More opportunities or even higher promotion prospect at work, yet the efficiency might be dragged behind unless a harmonious workplace is built.

巨蟹座 Cancer 在聚会中可以认识一些新的朋友,他们是在创作或艺术方 面的人士,可以有一些表现自己的机会,更可以认识不同 地方的风土人情。 New friends from creative or artistic industries may be made in gatherings, so that you have chances to express yourself and learn about new cultures.

乱投资。 Beware of safety issues on the road. Keep your belongings and money secure. Invest only with a clear picture.

射手座 Sagittarius 在感情中有异动的人要小心,这个月很有可能会出包,必 须尽快把不稳的感情问题处理好。工作上有好表现,希望 可以一直用心工作。 Those having a condition in the relationship might commit further mistakes; solve the risks in the relationship first. Better performance at work; pay continuous attention.

山羊座 Capricorn 和其他人有金钱往来的话要注意,可能因为其他人的引诱 而做一些错误的决定,最后令金钱上出现亏损。 Your account might be damaged due to the wrong decisions you made based on the lure of others. Be careful.

水瓶座 Aquarius 得到贵人帮忙,可以学到不少新的东西,也给我们开拓了 新的财路。在公司当中和同事有良性的竞争,最终都受到 老板的赏识。 Will learn something new and find new sources of income via the direction of more capable people. There will be positive competition in office and all will be recognized by the boss.

双鱼座 Pisces 在工作中和上司有意见分歧,要好好控制自己的脾气,不 要硬碰。有突如其来的工作收入,不过对于现状没有太多 的帮助。 Control your temper and be wise where there’s disagreement with your boss. Extra earnings from work, but not quite significant.



九月 2014 |




Plaza Premium Lounge Celebrates Upcoming Opening at Macau International Airport 环亚机场服务管理有限公司(环亚)宣布, 其位于澳门国际机场的环亚机场贵宾室即将 开幕。澳门国际机场每年客运量超过500万 人次,环亚机场贵宾室已准备就绪,接待澳

永利澳门与 Clarisonic联手推出“亮采 无瑕美背疗程”

英国二级历史地标 Ten Trinity Square换新颜

Wynn Macau Partners Exclusively with Clarisonic to Create “Perfect Back”

Building the Team at Ten Trinity Square

即日起至9 月1 4 日,永利理疗康体中心及 万利理疗康体中心的宾客均可尊享 90 分钟 的“亮采无瑕美背疗程”。疗程先以天鹅绒 般细致幼滑的尊贵丝柔淨肤刷头为背部肌肤 作深层洁淨,能温和地彻底洁淨肌肤及去除 杂质,即使是最敏感的肌肤亦适合使用。完 成洁淨及滋润美背的疗程后,宾客可享受长 达60分钟的东方秘传按摩,此按摩疗程特 别加入全新元素,让宾客为迎接夏日做好准 备。此中式古法疗程採用穴位按摩舒缓肌肉 及关节痛楚,并配以清爽提神的薰衣草及薄 荷精华油,为炎炎夏日带来清凉透心的极致 享受。 From now to September 14, guests of both The Spa at Wynn and The Spa at Encore can enjoy Perfect Back, a 90-minute journey that begins with a lavish back treatment featuring the velvety soft Luxe brush. Designed for even the most sensitive of skin, the Luxe brush penetrates deep into the skin to release impurities, but is remarkably gentle. Once the back is beautifully polished, guests are then treated to a luxurious 60-minute Oriental Massage that features a new twist for summer. This ancient Chinese therapy using acupressure to relieve muscle and joint pain now incorporates Lavender and Peppermint body oils, an invigoratingly cool combination for the hot summer months.

屡获殊荣、享誉国际的酒店经营者G r a c e Leo小姐已正式获华彬投资(英国)有限公司 (Reignwood Investments U.K. Limited)委任 为副总裁。她履新后将于华彬地标项目Ten Trinity Square之翻新重建工程中扮演重要 角色,并与著名室内建筑师兼设计师Bruno Moinard先生组成优秀团队通力合作。Ten Trinity Square被列为二级历史地标建筑,前 身为伦敦港口管理局大楼,竣工后将集优雅 住宅、五星级酒店及私人会所于一身。 Bruno Moinard先生也将他的专业知识带到 Ten Trinity Square,这位室内设计师和建筑 师是部分世界最知名博物馆、豪华私人住宅 和零售商舖的背后策划人。

门所有航空旅客。全新的环亚机场贵宾室 是澳门唯一的独立机场贵宾室,贵宾室的 室内设计由香港著名设计师楼 Kinney Chan & Associates 的设计师陈德坚(Kinney Chan)负责,以轻松而生活化的风格为蓝 本,确保为全球旅客提供卓越的服务。 Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited is pleased to announce the upcoming opening of their premiere lounge at Macau International Airport (MIA). With over five million passengers passing through MIA each year, Plaza Premium Lounge will play host to all MIA’s passengers. The new 4,340 square feet lounge with 135 comfortable seats is the only independent airport lounge in Macau. Thoughtful design and facilities offer travellers an exclusive and unrivalled premium airport experience. Designed by Kinney Chan & Associates, relaxation and lifestyle are at the heart of the lounge. Aiming to provide comfort, convenience, value, and love and care to travellers.

The award-winning and internationally recognised hotelier, Grace Leo, has been appointed Vice President of Reignwood Investments U.K. Limited. Within her new position, Leo will play a pivotal role in Reignwood’s meticulous redevelopment of the landmark Ten Trinity Square and joining her on the project’s notable team is celebrated interior architect and designer Bruno Moinard. Ten Trinity Square, a Grade 11* listed, former Port of London Authority building, is currently being restored by the visionary Chinese company and on completion will comprise a collection of elegant residences, five-star hotel and private members’ club. Also bringing his expertise to Ten Trinity Square is Bruno Moinard, the interior designer and architect behind some of the world’s most prominent museums, luxurious private homes and retail spaces, including the design concept of Cartier boutiques worldwide. | September 2014



享受指南 relax SPAs


永利理疗康体中心 The Spa at Wynn

新濠锋 “澄” 水疗 Altira Spa


永利酒店大楼一楼, 澳门外港填海区

心5楼 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5, COTAI (+853) 8862 2688

仙德丽街 1/F, Wynn Tower, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8986 3228

氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886

菩提水療 Bodhi Spa 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3, COTAI (+853) 8113 6188

Nirvana Spa 氹仔海洋广场第一期3楼328铺 Shop 328,3/F,522-526,Av. dos Jardins do Oceano,Taipa (+853)2833 1521

腾水疗中心 Rock Spa 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853 ) 8868 3318 rock-spa

喜来登炫逸水疗中心 Shine Spa for Sheraton 澳门四季酒店水疗中心 Four Seasons Spa 澳門 望德聖母灣大馬路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080

金丽华酒店水疗中心 Grand Lapa 澳门友谊大马路956﹣1110号金丽

澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Sheraton, COTAI (+853) 2880 2000

美高梅 Six Senses Spa at MGM 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 1101, Macau (+853) 8820 3333

澳门新葡京水疗中心 LISBOA SPA BY CLARINS 澳门葡京路新葡京5楼 5/F Grand Lisboa,Avenida de Lisboa,Macau (+853)8803 7703



九月 2014 |

望德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy complex, COTAI (+853) 8883 6633 experience_the_resort/spa/

「漾日」水疗中心 The Spa at Crown 氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown, COTAI (+853) 8868 6883 crown-spa

万利理疗康体中心 The Spa at Encore 万利酒店大楼一楼, 澳门外港填海区

澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心 The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau

怡.水疗中心 Isala Spa 悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, COTAI (+853) 8868 1193

路氹塡海区, 莲花海滨大马路东面及

仙德丽街 1/F, Encore at Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8986 3228

华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824 grandlapa/


澳门悦榕 Spa Banyan Tree Spa

水疗 So Spa 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

澳门文华东方酒店3楼 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental, Level 3, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8805 8588 luxury-spa/

澳门必备 essentials

语言 Language 官方语言:中文(广东话)和葡萄牙文 Official Languages: Chinese (Cantonese) and Portuguese

保安Security 警察局及报案中心致电: 999 Police and emergency line: 999

第二语言:英语和普通话 Secondary languages: English, Mandarin Chinese

旅游热线 Tourism Hotline Tel:(+853)28 333 000

气候 Weather 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约20ºC (68ºF)。夏天温度较高。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C)/86°F) in summer.

电力 Electricity 澳门的电压是采用220伏特的交流电,频率为50赫兹。电插座通常 是方形或圆形的三脚插座。 Electricity in Macau is at 220V, 50Hz. The power plugs used in Macau are of the three-pin, square-shaped or round-shaped type.

WiFi任我行 WiFi任我行服务为澳门巿民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入服 务,只要看到「WiFi任我行」标志,即代表你已身处服务覆盖范围 内,便可以免费使用无线宽频服务(WiFi) The Macau SAR Government has provided citizens and visitors with free wireless Internet access - “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name wifigo) or encrypted connection mode (network name wifigo-s). User name and password are wifigo, for 45 minutes per session in high density areas throughout the territory.

医疗/医院 Health and Hospitals

澳门仁伯爵综合医院 São Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶 Estrada do Visconde de São Januário, Macau 8390 5000/ (+853) 2831 3731

镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral, Macau

澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport 澳门国际机场位于氹仔,离外港客运码头只需十五分钟的车程,到 关闸只要二十分钟的车程,距路氹边境只有五分钟的车程。机场二 十四小时运作。(853) 2886 1111 各大酒店均有接机服务,旅客可提前预订或抵达时再作安排。 出租车(的士)备有空调且价格相宜,旅客可在澳门国际机场的士候 客区乘车。除了车资外,另收附加费5元,大件行李则加收每件3 元。 机场与市区之间有公共汽车连接:AP1,MT1,MT2,N2及26号,沿途 经过几家主要的酒店。 The airport is located on Taipa Island and is 15 minutes from the Macau Ferry Terminal, 20 minutes from the Barrier Gate and 10 minutes from the COTAI Frontier Post. It operates 24 hours/day. (+853) 2886 1111 Taxis are air-conditioned and relatively inexpensive, and are freely available at the taxi station outside the Airport. There is a surcharge of MOP 5 from that location and each piece of luggage carried in the trunk costs MOP 3. Special bus services (marked AP1, MT1, MT2, N2 & 26) serve the airport. These buses cross the city and stop at the major hotels.

国家和地区号码 Country and City Code 电话:拨号前+853 Phone: +853 - this functions as combined country and city code

邮政编号:澳门地区没有邮政编号 Postal Code: Macau does not have a postal code

运输快递 Courier and Shipping UPS 客户中心 UPS Customer Center 澳门慕拉士巷35-43,49 号,澳门工业中心地下D, E Travessa de Venceslau de Morais, 35-43 & 49, Centro Industrial de Macau, G/f, D&E, Macau (+853) 2875 1616

(+853) 2837 1333 /

星期一至星期五 Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 19:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息 Closed

货币 Currency

联邦快递 FedEx Stations

1美元约=澳门币8元 1 US Dollar = (+/-) 8 Patacas (MOP)



星期一至星期五Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 20:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期 Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息 Closed

100 HKD = MOP 103

兑换外币二十四小时服务:澳门国际机场银行、葡京酒店 24 hour currency exchange counters: Macau International Airport (Taipa Island) and Lisboa Hotel (Macau)

Av. de Marciano Baptista, 54/F, Edf. Hung On Centre, G/f, J

主要银行:大西洋银行,中国银行 Main Branches: BNU, Bank of China | September 2014



澳门必备 Essentials

入境签证 Passports and Visas 大多数旅客(欧洲,澳大利亚,新西兰,美国,加拿大,南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。 Most travelers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa) can enter and stay in Macau for 30-90 days with a valid passports. Others can get a 30 days visa on arrival.

费用 Fees 个人:100澳门元,十二岁以下儿童收费减半。 家庭护照:200澳门元 团体:团体签证必须由澳门的旅行社申请办理,人数最少十人,费 用每人50澳门元。 中国大陆居民出境后如需再入境,必须重新申办来澳旅游签证。 入境签证可透过中华人民共和国驻外使领馆向治安警察局出入境事 务厅申请,并应在有效期内使用,否则即告失效。持有人准予在签 证上所注明之期限在澳门逗留。 需要签证的旅客可在抵达澳门时办理,但某些国家的旅客须事先获 得入境签证。 Individual – MOP 100, children under 12 years of age pay MOP 50 Family Passport – MOP 200 Group – MOP 50 per person for groups of 10 or more and children age 12 or under. If coming from China and planning to re-enter, you will need a Chinese multiple-entry visa. Visas can be obtained from the Immigration Services through Embassies/ Consulates of the PRC and should be used within the validity. Visas may be applied for upon arrival at the Immigration counter, however some countries are required to apply for an entry visa before embarking to Macau. Details: (+853) 2872 5488 /

渡轮 Ferries 喷射飞航 TurboJet

外港客运码头 Macau Ferry Terminal, Outer Harbor Macau

办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-22:00 (+853) 2872 6416

关闸 Border Gate Areia Preta, Macau

办公时间 Working Hours::09:15-13:00, 14:30-18:00 (+853) 2843 9310

澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport Taipa

办公时间 Working Hours: 09:00-13:30, 14:15-19:30, 20:15-22:00 (+853) 2886 1436

澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Outer Harbor Macau

澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门渔人码头罗马表演场十七号铺 办公时间 Working Hours::10:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00 (+853) 2872 8981

氹仔临时客运码头 Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal,


办公时间 Working Hours::09:30-13:00, 14:30-18:15 (+853) 2885 0438

香港 Hong Kong 香港大屿山香港国际机场一号客运大楼第五层抵港层接机大堂服务 柜台A06

营业时间:7:00-23:59 每15分钟从澳门或香港出发. 24:00 后:00:30,1:00, 1:30, 2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30

Service Counter A06, Arrival Hall, Level 5, Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

Operation: 7:00-23:59 between Macau and Hong Kong, departing every 15 min After midnight: 00:30,1:00,1:30,2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30 (+852) 2307 0880

办公时间 Working Hours:09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:45

金光飞航 Cotai Jet

336-337 Shun Tak Center, 200 Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong

营业时间:06:00-09:00每1小时,09:30-23:00每30分钟 23:00后 23:59, 01:00, 03:00

(+852) 2857 2287

Operation: 06:00-09:00 departing every hour, 09:30-23:00 every half hour, after 23:00 - 23:59, 01:00, 03:00 (+853) 2885 0595 (+852) 2359 9990

旅游问询处 Information Center 议事亭前地利斯大厦 Largo do Senado, Edifício Ritz, Macau

办公时间Working Hours::09:00-18:00 (+853) 8397 1120



九月 2014 |

(+852) 2769 7970

信德中心 Shun Tak Center 香港上环干诺道中200号信德中心336~337室 办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00

直升机 Helicopters 空中快线:09:00, 10:00-22:30每30分钟 Sky Shuttle: 09:00, 10:00-22:30 departing every half hour

飞行时间:15分钟 Flight Duration: 15 minutes (+853) 2108 9898

邮政服务 Postal Services 澳门邮政总局 Central

巴士服务 Bus service 澳门半岛:澳门币3.20元


Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20

Largo do Senado, Edificio Sede da DSC, Macau


星期一至星期五Mon-Fri:09:00-18:00 星期六 Sat:09:00-13:00

Macau – Taipa: MOP 4.20


(+853) 2832 3666

Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00

外港码头分局 Marine Terminal Post Office


地址:外港码头入境大堂 Address: Arrivals, G/f , Macau Ferry Terminal, Porto Exterior, Macau

星期一至星期六Mon-Sat:10:00-19:00 (+853) 2872 8079

Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00

澳门至机场,机场至澳门:澳门币4.20元 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20

澳门至氹仔可乘坐:11,22,25X,28A, 30, 33,34 和MT4 Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33,34 and MT4

机场邮政分局 Airport Post Office

到机场可乘坐:AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26和36号


往返澳门、氹仔和路环:21A、25、26、26A、50、MT3和N3 Macau-Taipa-Coloane: 21A, 25, 26, 26A, 50, MT3 and N3

Address: Macau International Airport, Departures, 1st Floor, Taipa


To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26 and 36

(+853) 2886 1465

水坑尾邮政分局 Rua do Campo 地址:澳门水坑尾街162号公共行政大楼地下 Rua do Campo, 162, Ed. da Administração Pública, Macau

星期一至五Mon-Fri:08:30 - 19:00 (+853) 2832 9334

路环邮政分局 Coloane Post Office 地址:路环打缆街邮政局大楼 Rua da Cordoaria, Ed. Direcção dos Serviços de Correios, Coloane (+853) 2888 2010

澳门巴士公司 Bus Company 澳门新时代公共汽车股份有限公司 MACAU NOVA ERA DE AUTOCARROS PúBLICOS, S.A. +853 2877 7888

澳门公共汽车有限公司 Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau. S.A.R.L (+853) 2885 0060

租车服务 Car Rental 华国旅游社有限公司 Vacations International Travel Service (Macau) Limited 金丽华酒店停车场Hotel Grand Lapa, Garage, ZAPE, Macau (+853) 2833 6789

百路达自动车租赁有限公司 Burgeon Rent A Car Limited 澳门东北大马路海名居第2座地下及阁仔O,P,Q铺 Avenida do Nordeste, Edifício La Baie Du Noble, Block 2, G/f, O,P,Q, Macau (+853) 2828 3399

宏益汽车租赁服务有限公司 Vang Iek Rent-a-Car Service Company Ltd 地址Address:澳门提督大马路69至71号地下

澳门新福利公共汽车有限公司 Transmac Transportes Urbanos de Macau. S.A.R.L

Avenida Almirante Lacerda, 69-71, G/f, Macau (+853) 2899 1199

广东话课堂 Important Names

(+853) 2827 1122

出租车(的士) Taxi Service 黑的士和黄的士 Black/Yellow Taxi 澳门的出租车有两款,一款是黑色车身奶黄色车顶,而另一款是鲜 黄色。出租车起程价(首1600米)收费澳门币15元,之后每230米加 收1.5元,停车候客收费每分钟1.5元,如有大件行李,每件加收3元。 从澳门往路环或在澳门国际机场的士候客区乘车,除了车资外,另 收附加费5元;氹仔往路环加收2元附加费。但由澳门往氹仔或由两 离岛返回澳门,则无须加收任何附加费。 There are two kinds of taxis: black and yellow The flag fall charge is MOP 15 for the first 1,600 meters. MOP 1.50 will be added for every 230 meters afterwards. If stopped, MOP 1.50 is charged for every minute.

出租车叫车服务 :(+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 及2828 3283。 To call for a taxi: (+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 & 2828 3283.

妈阁庙/ A-Ma Temple:- “Ma Kok Miu” 民政总署/ Civic & Municipal Affairs Bureau- “Man Zheng Zhong Chu” 新马路/ Av. Almeida Ribeiro- “San Ma Lo” 大三巴/ St Paul’s Ruins- “Tai Sam Pa” 葡京/ Lisboa Hotel- “Pou Keng” 港澳码头/ Macau Ferry Terminal-“Kong Ou Ma Tau” 关闸/ Barrier Gate-“ Kwan Tchap” 东望洋炮台/ Guia Hill-“Tchong San” 文化中心/ Cultural Center-“Man Fa Tchong Sam” 机场/ Airport-“ Kei Cheong”

实用网址 Useful Sites | September 2014



1 MACAU strip 澳门新填海区 2 MACAU centre 澳门市中心 3 TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区 4 Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道 酒店 HOtel 购物 Shopping 餐厅 restaurant 酒吧、俱乐部 Bar, Clubs, Pubs 找换店 Money exchange 博物馆 Museum 邮局 Post OffiCE

wi-fi 巴士站 bus station 出租车站 taxi pick-up 世遗之旅 Heritage route 观光 sightseeing




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4 | September 2014



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