CU Denver Spring Commencement 2020

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May 16, 2020 Dear Graduate: One of the greatest honors for the University of Colorado Board of Regents, the institution’s governing board, is to be part of this commencement ceremony. Your success is a success for us all. Your degree is a measure not only of an accomplishment of dedication and talent, but also notice to the world that you have the skill and discipline to contribute greatly to any endeavor you pursue. This commencement ceremony, like every University of Colorado graduation since 1935, will close with the reading of the Norlin Charge. As originally expressed by former CU President George Norlin in 1935, graduation “marks your initiation in the fullest sense of the fellowship of the University, as bearers of her torch, as centers of her influence, and as promoters of her spirit.” Welcome to the ranks of CU’s alumni family, which is over 475,000 strong. Congratulations on achieving this milestone. Well done and well earned! Sincerely, The Regents of the University of Colorado


Back Row: Linda Shoemaker, District 2 (Boulder); Lesley Smith, At Large (Boulder); Chance Hill, District 5 (Colorado Springs); John Carson, District 6 (Highlands Ranch); Glen Gallegos, Chair, District 3 (Grand Junction) Front Row: Heidi Ganahl, At Large (Superior); Sue Sharkey, District 4 (Castle Rock); John “Jack” Kroll, District 1 (Denver); Irene Griego, Vice Chair, District 7 (Lakewood)

May 16, 2020 Dear Graduates, Congratulations on achieving a significant milestone in your life and welcome to the family of University of Colorado alumni. To say that you are joining that family at an extraordinary time in history would be a substantial understatement. None of us has experienced times like those brought about by COVID-19. We appreciate your flexibility and adaptability over the last several weeks of the semester and with virtual commencement ceremonies. We regret that we had to cancel in-person ceremonies this spring, but ensuring the health and safety of our community takes precedence. We know you have worked hard to earn your degree and one of the many benefits of doing so is sharing your joy and success with the family and friends who supported you on your educational journey. We are planning ways to host ceremonies for you in the future so we can appropriately recognize your achievement. Until then, I believe there is a silver lining to the challenges of late spring 2020 – that you appreciate the importance of adaptability. It will be essential to your success, not only with COVID-19 related challenges, but also in the longer term. Throughout your time at CU, and particularly in the last several weeks of your academic career, you had to employ innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and working in teams. In short, you had to adapt. That skill will serve you well as you enter a world where the galloping pace of change will favor those most prepared to adapt to new challenges, new technologies, new thinking and a new normal. I wish you all the best in this next phase of your life, whether you are starting a career, a cause or a family. I trust your University of Colorado degree will serve you well no matter the path you take. I leave you with the words of former President Theodore Roosevelt, who said “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.� You are now part of a group of alumni that prides itself on work worth doing and excels at it. Congratulations! All the best,

Mark R. Kennedy President, University of Colorado


May 16, 2020 Dear graduate, Congratulations on earning your degree from the University of Colorado Denver. It has been our privilege to be your partner on your educational journey. For so many of us, commencement is our favorite time of year. It’s what we all work toward. It’s what students imagine when you dream of your college experience. While the form and location of this important event is not what we had planned or expected this year, our pride in our graduates remains unwavering. In fact, I am more proud of you now than ever. You have responded courageously to the current circumstances and have navigated the uncertainty we face with grit and determination. In the best of times, earning a college degree is impressive. In these challenging times, reaching the goal of graduation is monumental. You are now ready to make your mark—whether your next step is pursuing advanced studies or building your career. There is no doubt our world needs your talents, your insights, your compassion and your intellect more than ever. We hope we have inspired you to be lifelong learners, innovative problem solvers and thought leaders in the communities where you choose to live and work. You are joining over 103,000 CU Denver alumni, many of whom are leaders in the civic, nonprofit and business sectors—in Colorado and throughout the U.S. Their reach spans the globe as well. CU Denver alumni live in over 100 different countries and are shaping the social, economic and political landscape of our world. Many of you know that I will be retiring at the end of next month. I could never have imagined that my final months as your chancellor – and your final months as our student – would have included these challenges. But what I know for sure is that I will treasure my memories of these days. I’m reminded that a crisis like this brings out the best in us: our shared humanity, compassion and selflessness. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As you leave today, you have our best wishes for your future success. We invite you to stay connected to your alma mater and promise you a very warm welcome whenever you return.


Dorothy A. Horrell Chancellor, University of Colorado Denver 7

ORDER OF EXERCISES Saturday, May 16, 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________ The National Anthem Greeting from the Chancellor Greeting from the President of the University Conferring of Degrees Doctoral Degrees; Specialist Degrees College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy

College of Architecture and Planning

Doctor of Philosophy

School of Public Affairs

Doctor of Philosophy

School of Education & Human Development Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Education Doctor of Psychology Specialist in Education

Business School Doctor of Philosophy

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Doctor of Philosophy

Master’s Degrees

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Master of Arts Master of Humanities Master of Integrated Sciences Master of Science Master of Social Science


Victoria Enyart, Lark Dorothy A. Horrell Mark R. Kennedy Dorothy A. Horrell

Master’s Degrees continued

College of Architecture and Planning Master of Architecture Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Urban Design Master of Urban and Regional Planning Master of Science in Historic Preservation

School of Public Affairs Master of Criminal Justice Master of Public Administration

School of Education & Human Development Master of Arts Master of Science in Education

Business School Master of Business Administration Master of Science

College of Arts & Media Master of Science

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Master of Engineering Master of Science

Baccalaureate Degrees

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

College of Architecture and Planning Bachelor of Science

School of Public Affairs Bachelor of Arts

School of Education & Human Development Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

Business School Bachelor of Science

College of Arts & Media Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

The Norlin Charge to the Graduates

Regents John Carson, Irene Griego, and Linda Shoemaker


THE OUTSTANDING GRADUATES _______________________________________________________________________ RECOGNIZED BY THE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Doctor of Philosophy Master of Arts Master of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

Holly O'Donnell Katherine Loew Bleakley Marianne Elizabeth Davenport Alyssa Ashley Romero Shaely Folger

College of Architecture and Planning Master of Architecture Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Stephen Edwards Gaelen Means Samantha Lasher Jesus Rodriguez-Leon

School of Public Affairs Master of Criminal Justice Master of Public Administration Bachelor of Arts Criminal Justice Bachelor of Arts Public Service

Sari Loren Weichbrodt and Jessica Wheeler Jacob Patrick Sorum Maria Diaz Mize Tammy Michelle Hassan

School of Education & Human Development Doctor of Psychology Master of Arts Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

John Richard Davenport Ayse Durmus Kaitlyn Rose McKenna Devan Lee Buffo

Business School Master of Business Administration Master of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science

Christopher Glen Wilson Venkata Koteswara Rao Korlakunta Vanesa E. Nasi Jacob Dumanil Victoria

College of Arts & Media Master of Science Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre/Film/Television) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) Bachelor of Science

Henry (Hank) Luken Risemberg Sofia Rolande Shappell and Molly Farrell White Rachel Dormido, Alex Josue Gomez, and Samantha Nichole Kokesh Caroline Stump

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor of Science

Cecilia Nicole Clark Elizabeth Beatrice Roshkovskiy

UNIVERSITY HONORS _______________________________________________________________________ UNIVERSITY HONORS AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Amar Alic Zoe Deva DeMuth-George Alex Josue Gomez Emily Held Brooke L. Lafferty Matthew John Manfredo

Tanya Alexandra McCann Lydia Lyn McGee Safa Mechergui Sabrina Marie Otterbein Julianna Mumar Oviedo Amy Brooke Scott


Maïlys Florence Sabine Steiblen Ira Tandon Sherleen Mÿ Tran Sarah Ashley Turner Lu Duc Vy Marco Zocchi

RECOGNITION OF FACULTY AND STAFF _______________________________________________________________________ 2020 EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARDS Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Annika C. Mosier, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Senior Instructor/Instructor/Lecturer/Clinical Teaching Track Maryam Darbeheshti, College of Engineering, Design and Computing 2020 EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AWARD Xiaojun Ren, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2020 EXCELLENCE IN FACULTY MENTORING AWARD Jane Hansberry, School of Public Affairs 2020 EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE AWARD Peter Anthamatten, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2020 EXCELLENCE IN LIBRARIANSHIP AWARD Rachel Stott, Auraria Library 2020 EXCELLENCE IN PRACTICES RELATED TO NON-TENURE-TRACK FACULTY School of Public Affairs

RETIRING FACULTY AND STAFF Aswad Allen, School of Education & Human Development Teresa DeHerrera, TRiO Programs Phillip Gallegos, Jr., College of Architecture & Planning Farah Ibrahim, School of Education & Human Development Robert Riley, Business School Miles Rugh, College of Arts & Media Denise Scheberle, School of Public Affairs Clifford Young, III, Business School

DECEASED FACULTY AND STAFF David Bramhall Kelly Campbell Eelan Green Mark Hendricks Jonathan Wu


Class of 2020 The following list of candidates is not an official record that all candidates have been awarded such degrees. 5

GRADUATE SCHOOL David Engelke, Dean _______________________________________________________________________ THE DEGREE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May 2020 Candidates

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Arjun Bhalla "A Dyadic Examination of Female Partners' Accomodation of Male Service Members' Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Caregiver Burden as Correlates of Military Couple Sexual Satisfaction" Lamya'a Majdi Dawud "The Effects of Post-Weaning Social Isolation on Social Fear" Juliann Fricke "Body Dissatisfaction and Female Athletes: The Role of Sexual Orientation" Leah Marchell Haverhals "You Can't Just Hope for the Best: A Case Study of Department of Veterans Affairs Home-Based Long-Term Care Programs and Non-VA Long-Term Care Settings in Puerto Rico Following Hurrican Maria" Lauren Languido "Coping Together, Coping Alone: Psychosocial Factors Affecting Distress in Couples Facing Cancer" Holly O'Donnell, Outstanding Graduate "Intervention to Improve Insulin Pump Self-Management Behaviors in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes" Stephan D. Patterson "Algorithms for Discrete Barycenters" Charles Stanley Eli Viss "Circuits in Optimization"

College of Architecture and Planning Mohammed Mashary Alnaim "Searching for Urban and Architectural Core Forms in the Traditional Najdi Built Environment of the Central Region of Saudi Arabia" Mohammed Abdulfattah Bay "The Sacred City Assemblage: A Study of the Value-Based Preservation and the Heritage Production Process of Al-Madinah"

School of Public Affairs Juniper M. Katz "The Effect of Policy Implementation on Public Values"

School of Education & Human Development Robin Lynne Brandehoff "The Ripple Effect of Mentorship: A Cross-Case Analysis of Separate, Single-Case Studies of Natural Mentorships Among Rural, Latinx, Gang-Affiliated Youth" Peter Hornbein "A Critical Discourse Analysis and Exploration: Is Whiteness Enacted in the Discourse of Critical Queer Theory?"

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Cecilia Nicole Clark, Outstanding Graduate "Intelligent Clinical Augmentation: Developing a Novel Socially Assistive Robot for Children with Cerebral Palsy" Ross Volpe "Illuminating Structure-Property-Processing Relationships of Liquid Crystal Elastomers Using Advanced Manufacturing"



School of Education & Human Development Michelle Rose Chambers "Aspiring Teacher Leader of Color Cohort: Using the Constructs of Transformational Resistance and Emotional Resilience " Denine Rachel Echevarria "The Struggle to Identify Gifted and Talented English Language Learners" Jennifer Anne Fox "Including Inclusion in Alternative Settings" Jennifer Lyn Gotto "Student Agency as a Driver in Personalized Competency Based Learning" Lisa Allison Grant "Women of Color in Early Childhood Leadership: Barriers to Upward Mobility and the Role of Social Capital" Jennifer B. Mcduffie "Generation Z College Students: Awareness, Access, and Barriers to Mental Health Services" Nicole Marie Ortiz "Organizational Culture and Subcultures of a Children’s Museum" Jeffrey Douglas Renfrow "Neo-traditional Student Perceptions of Social Presence, Learning, and Satisfaction in Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous Online Discussion Formats" Jacqueline Nicole Sivahop "The Curriculum and Student Burnout: Implications for PA Education" Kelli Mccall Smith "An Inquiry Into the Design and Actions of Principals and Teachers in Professional Learning Communities" Carletta A. Stewart "Underrepresentation of Female Leaders in STEM" Linda Van Doren "Teacher Efficacy Among Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Faculty in Colorado" Lyn Westergard "Investigating Deeper Learning for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners: A Case Study" Jennifer Lee Wiggs "Understanding Social Emotional Learning Implementation at Fireside Elementary School Boulder Valley School District"


School of Education & Human Development Mary Frances Baird "Soliciting Student Voice in Post High School Aspirations" Breanne Alynn Barela " Executive Skills: Evaluation of a School-Led Intervention Using Student Planners" Natalie Monica Battis "Understanding the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Academic Achievement in a Clinical Sample of Children Who Have Experienced Abuse, Neglect, or Trauma" Sarah Black "We Are in This Together! Using Appreciative Inquiry to Explore Behavior Consultation Experiences of Elementary School Teachers"


Jenna Marie Blakely "A Qualitative Study of Challenges Faced by Equine Assisted Therapies and the Remedies Used to Address Those Challenges" John Richard Davenport, Outstanding Graduate "School-Based Suicide Risk Assessment: Standardization, Comprehensiveness, and Follow-up Procedures in the State of Colorado" Meghan Worden Fitzpatrick "Teacher Perceptions of Embedded Mental Health Curricula" Daniel Thomas Kehm "From Old Oak High to Old Oak Campus: How Co-location Impacts Whole Child Education" Alyssa Miles "Student Satisfaction In Alternative Grading Schools" Bernadette Theresa Pigeon "The Effects of Recreational Marijuana on Teens" Jennifer Kay Sill "Social Justice Identity in Colorado Mission Statements" Tanner J. Simpson "Beneficence to Burnout: Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction- The Impact on Service Providers in the Field of Applied Behavior Analysis" Ryan Perkins Trowbridge "School-Based Autism Assessment Practices: Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Colorado School Psychologists" Emilie Gwen Wagy "Increasing Parent Involvement: Are School Efforts to Engage Parents Effective?"


COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Pamela Jansma, Dean _______________________________________________________________________ THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARTS† May 2020 Candidates Suzanne J. Alexander Mais Al-Nima Kaylyn Alison Blair Katherine Loew Bleakley, Outstanding Graduate Hannah Boldt Charles Buchanan Clayton Raymond Buck Kyle Matthew Bunten Daniella Cabrera Lorena Mary Cannon Mariah Sturdivant Coughlin Justin Parker Culman Chad Marc Ellertson Evan Devine Generoli Shanna L. Gilligan Brooke Elizabeth Gladstone

Gabriela Gonzales Sanchez Tao Guo Rob Hatcher Stevi Leshauna Hatcher Rebecca Hughes Seong Wook Hwang Robert Lavie Jessica Manko Kelly Mccoy Tara Kathryn Moberly Jacob Andrew Morrison Scott Adam Nearman Jasmine Newell Joshua Luke Nielson Jeanette Norman Michael Parker Amanda Greer Rees

Sydneyjane Varner Roberts Anne Elizabeth Robinson Victoria Isabel Fajvan Sargent Chelsea Stromberg Valentinas Sungaila Kaitlyn Marie Vagnini Samantha Anne Wiselogel Elgin O. Woody Iv Wenqing Wu Lisa Marie Yeager James Chandler Zachary Taiyu Zhang

THE DEGREE MASTER OF HUMANITIES May 2020 Candidates Aric Steven Frenkel

Kenneth Jon Schauer

THE DEGREE MASTER OF INTEGRATED SCIENCES May 2020 Candidates Evan Daniel Shapiro

Courtney Diane Wham

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE† May 2020 Candidates Lena M. Alali Kushmakar Baral Nikolas Brzezinski Liam David Roulet Cullinane Marianne Elizabeth Davenport, Outstanding Graduate Anya M. Dillahunt Eli Duber Michelle Yemiko Gabbert Evan Devine Generoli Madeline Marie Glennon Susan Frances Hammerman Vance Allen Harris, Jr. Ian Heckman †Degree conferred by the Graduate School

Caroline Anne Hildebrand Zijue Huang Kim Ngan Nguyen Huynh Michael Ingram David Gilman Krohn Jojo La Jeremy Joseph Mcclung Erin Elizabeth Mckay Tyler J. Michels Charles Ernest Obermeyer Malik Odeh Alexander Okhovat Eric Olberding Margo Paces


Lee Panter Honor Stoner Valentinas Sungaila Danielle Totten Alexander John Trout Lu Vy Alfred Paris Wahabby Nicholas Earl Weaver Evan Michael Webber James Chandler Zachary Aixin Zhang Dingxuan Zhang Stetson Zirkelbach

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCE† May 2020 Candidate Olivia Marie Galletta

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2020 Candidates Wesley Brook Abelson Michael James Adler Benton Ahalt Farida Akhtar Breonna Marie Alcon, college honors pending Eric Edward Alexander, college honors pending Shaikha Alsulaiman Natalie Alexi Alvarado Ethan Ames Vanessa Ivette Andrade Martinez Scott Leighton Armstrong, college honors pending Anastasia Konadu Asantewaa Lisa Avila, college honors pending Tabitha Sarai Baht Israel, college honors pending Hazel Mejico Balajonda Shaun Baranick, college honors pending Rebecca Laura-Marie Barnett Taryn Barry Michelle Eunice Batalla, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Riley Jaden Beckerman, college honors pending Leanne Michelle Belflower Isatina K. Bettie Aaron Joseph Bibby Marlene Bigsby, cum laude, college honors pending, Leslie Ann Black-Mallon Michaela Marie Boland Austin R.J. Bolton, college honors pending Nicole Renae Boudreaux Derek Dean Bowers, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Katelyn Nicole Buschman, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Michaela Ann Butler, college honors pending Agustín Cagnoni Thomas Cahill Lura Caillouet, departmental honors pending Devonnae Elideth Calderon, departmental honors pending

Frank Stephen Calvert, II, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Lynn Ramon Carlson Dunlap, college honors pending Joshua Michael Carpenter Brandi Lynn Casey, cum laude, college honors pending Travis James Casey, departmental honors pending Cecelia Susie Casso Marnie Janet Cedillos, college honors pending Kaitlin Chacon Leticia Paulina Rocio Chairez Kaichao Chang*, college honors pending Dulce Chavez, college honors pending Xiao Chen* Yizhe Chen*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yuanbei Chen*college honors pending, departmental honors pending Zhuoer Chen* Zhuoyuan Chen*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Tianqi Cheng*, cum laude, college honors pending, Xiaoyu Cheng*, cum laude, college honors pending Yuzhe Cheng*, departmental honors pending Cienna Lee Clark, college honors pending Andrew Cook, cum laude, college honors pending Samuel A. Cooke, college honors pending Sydney Faith Corbett Joshua N. Correa Jesse David Credit Daisy Cruz Yidan Cui*, college honors pending Mark Alan Curry Devan Alayna Daugette, college honors pending Brandon Lindsay Davis, college honors pending Molly Delahunt Brianne Delfs Ariana Elizabeth Delgadillo

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China †Degree conferred by the Graduate School


Olivia Julia Delgado, college honors pending Kehui Di*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Christopher Robinson Dickerson, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Melissa Dock Zining Dong* Kailen Douglas, college honors pending Anna Thuy Duong Patrick Steven Dupin Kayla Miami Nicole Duran Jeremy Michael Edgett, college honors pending Duncan Guinness Edgington, college honors pending Erin Elaine Edwards, college honors pending Stephanie Erives, college honors pending Emily Rose Feero Lauren Feiman, college honors pending Zishan Feng*, college honors pending Micaela Flanigan Ariana Flores Jaleesia L. Fobbs, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Chelsea Anne Fogg Brandi Jo Fox Haley Lauren Frank, college honors pending Donna Frayser Madisen Quinn Frederick, college honors pending Quincy Renee Freyta, Marissa Frost, college honors pending Naomi Gainor Courtney Galloway William Curtis Gannaway, IV Tianchen Gao*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Zihan Gao*, cum laude, college honors pending Dana Ann Germain, departmental honors pending Kylie Kae Gibbs Kirstyn Giordano

Zeyu Gong*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Gisselle Gonzalez Liliana Gonzalez, college honors pending Yoana Gonzalez Rosa Gracia Rachel Shipley Graver Alycia Gray Douglas Holland Greer, college honors pending Sitong Guo*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Tiezhu Guo*, cum laude, college honors pending Xinyi Guo*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yingran Guo*, departmental honors pending Madison Heather Guthrie, college honors pending Jalitza Amelia Gutierrez Jenifer Guzman Julio Guzman Hannah V. Haller Zachary Adam Halpern Khalid Hamad Noah John Hammer, college honors pending Tiansheng Han, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Samuel A. Hanson, Yi Hao*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Kelsi Hartman Daniel Ray Harvey, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Kimberly Haut Constance Marie Hearn, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Celeste Lenea Henderson Jessica Hernandez Tara Sue Hibbard Matthew Dwyer Hingst Michael Hodges Alyssa Hohorst Glenn Holzinger, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Anqi Hou*, college honors pending, Brian Howe, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jordan Nicole Howell Kyle Nathan Howington, college honors pending Huiming Hu*, college honors pending Jingchen Hu*, college honors pending

Qian Hu*, cum laude, college honors pending, Zolaykha Hussainy, departmental honors pending Hannah Hylton Kathryn Alicia Isaac Raquel Stacy Cecelia Isaac, departmental honors pending Christoph Isbjørn, college honors pending, Hamed Moutwakil Ismail, college honors pending, Kathleen Ranee' Jacobs, summa cum laude, college honors pending, Casey DeVane James, cum laude college honors pending, David Michael James, college honors pending, Stephen Thomas Jefferson Wenjie Ji* Xiaotian Jia* Jie Jian*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Huze Jiang*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Can Jin*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yiqing Jin*, cum laude, college honors pending, Yuge Jin*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Brandon Johnson, college honors pending, Garrick William Johnson, departmental honors pending Megan Jean Johnston Selena Dawn Juarez Sweata Kafle Mathea Nicole Kamin, college honors pending, Hunter Robert Kanya, college honors pending, Moijama Kay-Marie Karva Bineta Keita Elizabeth Kelly, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Anna Kennedy, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Shannon Michelle Ketting, college honors pending, Mariam Rose Khokhar London Isadore King Matthew H. Knaster, college honors pending Jacob Alexander Knight-Lang Bryan Knisely Sheabrea Knoeppchen-Carson, college honors pending Xinyi Kong*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 11

Jonson Yaeger Kuhn Kayla Jean Kurkowski Brooke L. Lafferty, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending Molly Lange Sydney Lange Michael Lango, departmental honors pending Marie Joelle Lankenau, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Anna Patricia Laumann Megan Marie Laures, college honors pending Sarah Elizabeth Lease, cum laude, college honors pending Diana June Lee Chloe Rose Lehnerz, college honors pending, Dominga L. Leon Matthew Hammond Lewis, departmental honors pending Hanjun Li*, college honors pending Hanlin Li*, cum laude Hongtu Li*, college honors pending Jiayi Li*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jingwei Li* Lingtao Li* Nian Li*, college honors pending Ruiqi Li*, college honors pending Shiyan Li* Xinyi Li*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Xuan Li* college honors pending Yang Li* Yiting Li*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Zhiping Li*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Zeyu Liao*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jack Howard Linder, college honors pending Chang Liu*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Changmo Liu* Pinnan Liu*, college honors pending Shuxin Liu*, college honors pending Yiqian Liu*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yitian Liu* Yiwei Liu*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Zhang Liu*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Amber Therese Lloyd Miriam Loza Raul Luna, Jr. Erin Chelsea Lynch

Steven Aaron Lynn, Julieta Lara Nunez, college honors pending college honors pending Joseph McLean Lyons, Susie Nura Nyazi, college honors pending, college honors pending departmental honors pending Ashley Marie O'Hara, Jiaxuan Lyu*, college honors pending, college honors pending departmental honors pending Kristin Olson Danqing Ma*, college honors pending, David Jose Olvera departmental honors pending Yazmin Olvera, cum laude, Sai Ma* college honors pending Yuhe Ma*, college honors pending, Lisa Orozco departmental honors pending Brandy Rae Ortega Tiffany Mai Esteban Ortiz Nicholas Taylor Mako, Jacqueline Ortiz departmental honors pending Matthew Alexander Owens, Milahd Walker Makooi college honors pending Briley Manzanares Daniela Ozaeta Alexander Rice Marchlowska Danielle Anne Pallarca Taylor Alexandra Marcinko Zhengqi Pang*, college honors pending Melissa Anne Marquand Dipali Patel Jacob Dalton Marsing, Cynthia Pavon-Soriano college honors pending Ryan Peet Kelsey Martin, college honors pending, Lauren Pelham departmental honors pending Richard Raymond Perez, Jr., Island Bay Martinez college honors pending Denisse Shayling Martinez-Montes AiTruc Kim Phan Kathryn McBrady Tanner Price Jordan Michale Renee McClendon, Sarah Ann Pultorak, departmental honors pending college honors pending, Eiley Grace McGregor departmental honors pending Patrick McLaughlin Majda Purdic Sophia Rachel Lynn Meichtry, Changrun Qi*, college honors pending college honors pending, Stephanie Quijano, departmental honors pending college honors pending Elena Mendez Rebecca Renee Ramos, Nathalia Gualdalupe Mercado, college honors pending departmental honors pending Jaqueline Ramos Ramirez Lem Lem Meresa Yiqing Ran*, cum laude, Abigail Meyer, college honors pending, college honors pending departmental honors pending Jennifer Rene Rasmussen, Rachel Meyer, college honors pending college honors pending, Kaitlin Christine Meyers departmental honors pending Anca Mihalca, cum laude Kevin Richard Reinhold, Kaileigh DeVeaux Miles departmental honors pending Anne Christine Mills, Jiayu Ren*, college honors pending college honors pending, Andrea Reyna departmental honors pending Noah Roth Reynolds Chelcee Alexandra Mills Aleister Rice Gary A. Mitchler Nicholas Michael Riendeau Stephanie Mondik Lauren Marie Riggs Sarah Rose Montoya Andrea Del Pilar Rivera Grant Ryan Morales, Camden Joel Roach, departmental honors pending college honors pending Kendal Aaron Morrow Egypt Leatrice Robinson Katelyn Leann-Michelle Mullings Brayan Rene Rodriguez-Flamenco Emily Anne Mullis Yoselyn Roman-Rodriguez Gregory Charles Munson Alyssa Ashley Romero, Outstanding Rebecca Marie Nanez Graduate, college honors pending, Varerine Nannyondo departmental honors pending Esther Nguyen Madison Rose, college honors pending, Jesse Lovette Nickerson departmental honors pending Zaria Michelle Norman Gladyss Ruelas *International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China


Sonia Gabriela Ruiz Kelly Michelle Rutkowski Miriam Sairany, college honors pending Latino Sanchez Aaron Sanchez Rodriguez Siyuan Sang*, college honors pending Elizabeth Sarabia Velasquez Courtney Jordan Schmidt, college honors pending Brittany Schoot Jorden Shay Schreffler Emily Ayn Schupbach, college honors pending, Darla Schwamberger Amy Brooke Scott, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending James Sebastiano, Jr. Nolmin Ulises Sequeira Caitlyn Elizabeth Severy Shuman Shao*, college honors pending Michael Shapovalov, cum laude Sofia Rolande Shappell, college honors pending Jiahao Shen*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Shen Shen* Xiao Yan Shen*, cum laude, college honors pending Holly Shirmenzagas Lana Shora Junyu Shuai*, college honors pending Frida Silva, cum laude, college honors pending Monique Silva-Montoya, college honors pending, Chelsea Frencia Situmeang Samantha Rachelle Slawson, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Ammora Slaybaugh-Collins Brett Allen Smith Donaven Blake Smith, college honors pending Olivia Catherine Smith, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Peihan Song*, college honors pending Kaylee Stackhouse Blomgren Katherine Mae Stedron Jordan Glenn Stoddard Clara Stoffel Marc A. Strickland, departmental honors pending Mattie Stubbe, college honors pending Sharon Stupelli Bofeng Sun* Karley Q. Sun Shaomeng Sun* Tianyue Sun*, college honors pending Chezia Tarleton

Kattian Nicole Tellez, cum laude Joshua Mitchell Terpak, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Laura Theiss, college honors pending Travis H. Thomas Matthew Luther Thompson Aeslyn Pauline Thurston, college honors pendin, Dingwenli Tian*, cum laude, college honors pending Lauren Tidemann, college honors pending Odette Sepopo Tisseglo Jiaxin Tong* Alexa Torres Macario Manuel Torrez Rebecca Trujillo, college honors pending Van Thanh Truong Brooke Tuley Sarah Ashley Turner, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Allison Catherine Valencia Madison Noel Velivis, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Tina Ventura Meagan Ashleigh Vigil Sara Ann Waligorski Deyuan Wang*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jiade Wang*, cum laude, college honors pending Jinhua Wang* Junyi Wang*, honors pending Mingmei Wang* Tianshi Wang* Tianyi Wang*, college honors pending Xiao Wang*, college honors pending Yihan Wang*, college honors pending departmental honors pending Yiran Wang* Yiwen Wang*, cum laude, college honors pending

Yuqi Wang*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yuxiao Wang*, college honors pending Zhiheng Wang*, college honors pending Zitao Wang Darrell Bernard Watson, cum laude, college honors pending Clarise Mikaela Watters, cum laude, college honors pending Taylor Nicole Wayment Bryan Christopher Webb Ming Wei*, college honors pending Shang Wei* Ziyou Wei* Zongli Wei*, college honors pending Ashlee Necole Wentworth, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Shaye Lynn Wentworth, college honors pending Meghan Yang White, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Gina Raquel Whyte, college honors pending, Kacey Williams Laci Madison Williams Samuel Marshall Williams Alyssa Rose Wilson Christopher Wilson Erin Colleen Wolcott Jianyu Wu* Ruoxuan Wu*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Tong Wu* Xueji Xiao*, cum laude, college honors pending Yuqi Xing*, college honors pending Shengwei Xu* Hanzhi Xue*, departmental honors pending Liu Yang*, college honors pending Qiyue Yang*, college honors pending Yidi Yang*, cum laude Zhou Yang* Zijing Yang*

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 13

Tianyu Yao*, college honors pending Xiaozhou Ye* Xiangyang Yin*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Xiaohan Yin*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Calvin Young, Sr. Contessa Chenice Young Wu Shuai Yu* Xueyue Yue*, college honors pending Mahatani Anggraini Yusuf Yifei Zhan*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Nan Zhang* Qi Zhang* Wei qi Zhang, Yuming Zhang* Yun Zhang* Anqi Zhao*, cum laude, college honors pending Haozhi Zhao*, departmental honors pending Huining Zhao*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jianyuan Zhao* Yifei Zhao*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yiyang Zhao* Zejia Zhao*, cum laude, college honors pending Chengzhi Zheng*, departmental honors pending Yuwei Zheng*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jingwen Zhong*, college honors pending Chenlu Zhou*, cum laude, college honors pending Yaqi Zhu* Yi Zhu* Wenyue Zhuo*, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Sarah Lorraine Zimmer, college honors pending Katarina Alyce Zwinck

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Kuresha Abdi Abdullahi Kristen Grace Aghasharif Abdulrahman Ali Amar Alic, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending Sydney Ann Almond, college honors pending Ayat Alraban Dalal Al-rowaih, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jamie Altholz Abdulaziz Alweqayyan Zahraa O. Alzaid Lalitya Andaloori Isaac Andrade Carol Anyanwu Santiago Lorenzo Bernard Arellano, departmental honors pending Melissa Arredondo Andrea Belen Arriaga Ian Arriaga MacKenzie Yasmeen Omar Ashour Kristen Marie Autret Dilan S. Aziz Ashley Lynne Bacich Charles Anthony Bailey Daniel Ernest Ballotti, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Garrett Lawrence Barnhardt Cody Andrew Benson, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Seth Benziger Victoria Lynn Beresford, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Drake Thomas Bergman Katiana Lynn Biddle Karen Borjas Nicholas Lee Borowec, college honors pending Sivak Boyajian Ryan Kenneth Boyer Alyssa Marion Brostowitz Sharon Rose Buehler Valeria Burciaga Christian Entrikin Burkholder

Brandon Wade Busch, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Sarah Calandriello Jorge M. Campos-Palomino Jacqueline T. Cao Jarrid Carroll-Frey Jocelyn Castillo Flores Jin Cha Bake Damata Chabi Oniza Mariam Chaman, college honors pending Kaichao Chang, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Savannah Chapman Miranda Chavez Justin Len Cheung Yaswanth Saimohan Chintaluru, departmental honors pending Ciera Jade Cobb Gary Comley, II, departmental honors pending Mikenna Jo Coover Nakeisha Monique Courtney Kelly Carol Crandall Salvador Alexander Cuevas Ruiz Manaal Dalwadi Molly DeBerard, college honors pending Avilene Delgado Maxwell James Desmond Gulimila Dilimulati Lena Truong Dong Ela Nazli Elmas, college honors pending Austin Cale Enterline, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Sarah Bourne Erwin, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Benjamin Ide Espinola Thomas John Everett Mona Eyghanifard, college honors pending Spencer Riley Fair Shaely Folger, Outstanding Graduate, college honors pending, departmental honors pending


Alexander James Gamelin, college honors pending Ann Zitlali Garcia Turner Ward Glissman Jessica Pamela Goldberg, college honors pending Avenir V. Gorkovchenko, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Renee Marie Grundfor Cynthia Bianet Guerrero-Sanchez, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Janette Gutierrez, cum laude Nicolette Halbleib Annie Nicole Harshberger, college honors pending, Emily Held, University Honors & Leadership Program Edwin Emilio Hernandez Corral David Charles Hodgman Rayna Lehn Hodgson, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Amina Hodzic Amanda Hong Anqi Hou, cum laude, college honors pending Jingchen Hu, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Samone Saishe Hubbart Brock Hunt Danny Huynh Lam Huynh, University Honors & Leadership Program, departmental honors pending George Y. Ibrahim, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jalol Ikromi Sean Hwan Im Kristen Jean Jackson Jacob Mendoza Jacobo Xiaotian Jia Haodong Jiang Elizabeth Irene Johnsen Kemonnya Yacia Johnson Raonak Kamal Saron Kerorssa

Tassawwar Khan Monica Khazaal Linda Kim Yerin Kim Kevin Jason Klitchman Vishnusai Kodicherla, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Tanja Kovacevic, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Aditya Krishnan, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Lee Alan Kubic David Lai, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Zachery Steven Langerak, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Madeline Larson Elysia Le, college honors pending Jim Le, college honors pending Lyana Thi Le Nhat Phuong Nguyen Le Preston Nhat Bao Le, college honors pending Tuan-Anh Nguyen Le Vina Le Anthony Barnel Lee Minyoung Lee, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Dmitri LeeNatali Katarina Sandra Levandowski, college honors pending Chloe Levesque-Etling, colllege honors pending, departmental honors pending Hanjun Li, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Nian Li, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Victoria Li Pinnan Liu, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yvonne Long Jamie Jean Longenecker Esmeralda Lopez Samantha G. Lopez Nicholas Taylor Mako Matthew Manfredo, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending Lisette Martinez, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Alexander Deming McDonald Scott Edward McFarland, Jr.

Lydia Lyn McGee, University Honors & Leadership Program, departmental honors pending Britney Meadows Safa Mechergui, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending Marissa Kay Medina Makkila N. Melton Sandie Lee-Ellen Minne Matthew Kyler Mitchell, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Alexander S. Morales, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Thomas Morgan, III Jason Moua Karly Jean Mulloy, college honors pending Mosiur R. Munna Goeun Nam Jerome Neal Mikias Berhanu Negussie, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Nikki Thi Ngo Anthony Nguyen Cuong H. Nguyen, departmental honors pending Dat Ngoc Nguyen Triet T. Nguyen, college honors pending Tu A. Nguyen Jamie Leigh Nikolaeff Hisham Nsier, college honors pending Pitshou Nzazi Duki, cum laude Beatriz Ysabelle Oliva Kristin Olson Matthew Johnathon Ong Stephanie Ortega Frias Aileen Ortiz Karima Mohamed Osman, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Julianna Mumar Oviedo, University Honors & Leadership Program, departmental honors pending Orquidea Yametsi Patino Scott Mackenzie M. Peckham, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Essence Pedrosa Adam Kyle Peery, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Davis Paul Peter Jennifer Pham Jacob Pitts Marleen Alexandra Plascencia,


college honors pending Christopher Potts, college honors pending Patrick Sean Potts Stephanie Qi, college honors pending Ryan Scott Radosevich David Mendoza Ramirez Emily Zara Riesenberg, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Jose Riguero Hannah Corin Rivers, college honors pending, departmental honors pending James Edward Rivers, III, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Dianna Rodriguez Alexandria Ronco Kristy Natalie Rushin Kendyll Ryan, departmental honors pending Saba Sadaqat Selena Sophie Sanchez, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Amanda Sandoval Siyuan Sang, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Nicole Scardigno Kevin Michael Schultz Ashley Nicole Scott Eloy Sedillo, Jr. Zakira Seidu-Aroza Melat Semere, college honors pending Iman Shah Jessica Taylor Short, college honors pending Kimberly E. Simmons Nathan Smith, college honors pending Vincent Allen Snider Caitlen Eileen Stobbe Samantha Le Stutheit Dewi Tambunan Ira Tandon, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Aubrey Thorburn, departmental honors pending Hunter Z. Tolison, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Anh Lan Tran, college honors pending, deptartmental honors pending Sherleen MĂż Tran, University Honors & Leadership Program, departmental honors pending Dollaya Tresner

Jonathan Trietsch Patricia Ansley Tripp, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Joseph Truong, college honors pending Joseph Craig Tucker Juan Luis Valenzuela Emily Vance, college honors pending James Vance Pachia Vang Juan Jose Vasquez Alexis Vest Brandy Dawn Vignali Teresa Vu

Tiffany Vu Lu Duc Vy, University Honors & Leadership Program, college honors pending Serena Jade Walker Tianshi Wang Tianyi Wang, summa cum laude, college honors pending Xiao Wang, summa cum laude, college honors pending Zongli Wei, college honors pending Sarah Wheeler Bradley Michael Wietharn Samantha Marie Williams


Qiyue Yang, college honors pending, departmental honors pending Yasmin Yazdani Farsad Heami Yi, college honors pending Maraam Wael Zeiadah Qi Zhang Anastasia Zhivotov Jingwen Zhong, college honors pending Marco Zocchi, University Honors & Leadership Program

COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Nan Ellin, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 2020 Candidates Kyle Mark Adams Latifa Ibrahim Alnaim Nicholas Andrew Altiere Filimon Alvarez Correa Ashlyn Brooke Anderson Kristina Artyushkevich Cullan Barkau Kristina Victoria Bjornson David Matthew Burton Luis Nicolรกs Camero Julie Ann Chandler Thomas Edward Cooke Aria Mariella Dellepiane Stephen Edwards,

Michael Hackett Tyler Rival Hilling Mariah Gulaiym Lawson Himelspach Robert Paul Hollis Andrew Mikio Hubbard Kasey Dorothy King Kristin Laine King Forrester Clark Lamotte Jordan Rose Levine Seton Kyle Lowe Angeles Maria Markous Heidy V. Martinez Cardenas Katherine Lourdes McGonigle Jason Mirzayi Emiliano Kyran Morales Francis Charles Mougne Adan Adrian Ramos

Outstanding Graduate

Tamrat Zewdu Getu Zoe Marin Griswold

Michelle Marie Ropson Zachariah Dean Rott Garrett Steven Ryan Reme Vittoria Shipley Cody Van Holland Sarah Vanderpool Jesse Connor Wilcoxen Lorraine Zoran Ziegler

THE DEGREE MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE May 2020 Candidates Emily Allen Cassidy E. Bowman Helen Rosemary Davidoski Rio Lane Dulaney Martin William Egan Congcong Jia

Kathryn Landers Karrin Louise Larson Gaelen Means, Outstanding Graduate Jana Yvonne Raines Kyle Roddy Isabelle L. Rooney

Kevin B. Small Ngoc Hong Vu Matthew L. Whiteman Yuanjie Yu

THE DEGREE MASTER OF URBAN DESIGN May 2020 Candidates Anshu Darbari Dana M. Falk

Mariah Gulaiym Lawson Himelspach Julie Elaine Sieracki Jordan

Zeyad Ab Shara

THE DEGREE MASTER OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING May 2020 Candidates Jonathan Chamberlin Brachna Carrie Briscoe Mary Elizabeth Coddington Thomas Edward Cooke Allison Margaret Diehl Mark William Duffy Sarah Dunmire Dana M. Falk Natalie Erin Floyd Valeria Henao Cano Shelby Renee Jablon Caitlin Mae Jacobshagen

Christina Gene Lane Samantha Lasher, Outstanding Graduate

Alicia Leitgeb Stephanie Kristine Leonard Gabrielle Truxtun Masucci Shelley Anne Roth Mcmullen Brooke Allison Murphy Bradyn Shay Nicholson Rachel Michelle Nyhart Mallory Paige Redmon Lucy Claire Rollins


Reilly Wolbier Rosbotham Ella Catherine Sanders Walter Stanley Scheib, IV Matthew Thomas Siegle Emily Dana Sparks Katherine Marie Stefani Alex Sterling Philip Ryan Strom Stefania Anna Szrek Sarah Christine Turnbach Annelies Van Vonno Julia Nora Wcislo

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION May 2020 Candidates Mikaela Lindsey Blair Meaghan Elizabeth Heinrich

Onat Ekin Kaplan Suzanne Marie Larimer

Kaleigh Ada Nitz

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE May 2020 Candidates Danya M. Al Heriz, honors pending Abigail Balderrama-Magallanes Haneen Bany-Saad Hayes Jessen Berry Mariel Hannah Bloom Tracy Bowman Mason Thomas Brown Trevor Carrasco Dillon Laumauna Chang, honors pending Alejandro Chavez Tyler Dalton Cassidy Cowan Julianna Christina Cox, honors pending Victoria Dillonaire Eriberto Flores Jamie Gomez-Gonzalez John Timothy Graf, honors pending Jason Micheal Haught Brady R. Heath Bryan Steven Hirsch, honors pending

Alexander James Honors, honors pending Mariya A. Ilyina Michael Johnson Taylor Ansley Kortas, honors pending Theresa Rose LeBeau, honors pending Dominic Michael Loew Anastasia Lee Long Tanya Alexandra McCann, University Honors & Leadership Program, honors pending Danielle Ann Miller Adela Nayeli Muro Jacob Robert Musial Kyle Newnam, honors pending Jan Seweryn Peciak, honors pending Anthony Michael Pedregon Xavier Ramirez Malik Terrence Ray, honors pending Andrew Bonnell Rich


Craig Jacob Riley Jesus Rodriguez-Leon, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Kennedy Ryan Meron Assefa Shiferaw Hannah Maria Smith, honors pending Laetisya Devriani Soemardianto Jane Jin Song Madeline Stackhouse, honors pending MaĂŻlys Florence Sabine Steiblen, University Honors & Leadership Program, honors pending Cruz Valdez Trejo Shantal Rubio Villalobos Abigail Marie Votava, honors pending Nora Lynn Webster, honors pending Brian Andrew Williams

SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Paul Teske, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE† May 2020 Candidates Adriana Arambula Moreno Greta Allyn Harlander Egerman Nykolai Loki Harper

Jennifer Grace Lackey Aubrie Elaine Menghini

Sari Loren Weichbrodt, Outstanding Graduate

Jessica Wheeler, Outstanding Graduate

THE DEGREE MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION May 2020 Candidates Jared Andrew Barnes Keelin Bettridge Taylor Boone Thomas Michael Brennan Maggie Copeland Alexandra Lois Cowsky Erin Cummings Christina Diego Dionne Renee Deschenne Daniel Robert Diorio Greta Allyn Harlander Egerman Maeva Salome Ekoua Atangana Benjamin Emerson Grace Kimberly Erickson Shayne Rey Estes Joshua Alexander Florentino Satsuki Furubayashi Michael Golenda Andrea Trujillo Guajardo Tao Guo Jordana Hanselman Nykolai Loki Harper Alison Helgoth Ragan Kelly Jacobs

Christopher Roger Johnson Ridha Zaib Joura Erin Danielle Kahle Sophia Shiaris Katz Hyunwook Kim Justin Koch Kelli Koester Jennifer Grace Lackey Tara Aileen Larson Doohee Lee Jangwon Lee Kwangyong Lee Nicholas John Lervick Zachary William Litwiller Kiernan Robert Maletsky Sarah Martinez Sara Marsella Shelley Anne Roth Mcmullen Aubrie Elaine Menghini Hyo Dong Min Amy Elizabeth Molitor Dylan Arthur Monke Jay Price Moyer, III Emily K. Nielsen

Emily Nilsen Heejae Noh Cody Edwin Ostenson Abbie Patterson Shanna Petersen Jamie Lauren Roth Kristen Sahl Rebecca Ann Short Emma Sindelar Songhee Son Jacob Patrick Sorum, Outstanding Graduate

John-Michael Steiner Brittany Taylor Swanson Joseph A. Szuszwalak, Jr. Laurel Teal Lauren Marie Thompson Nichole Alexandra Villanueva Dennis Clark Wegienek Sari Loren Weichbrodt Nicholas Williams Wenqing Wu Dehao Zheng

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2020 Candidates Kaelyn Renee Aills, with distinction Mohammed Salem Alameri Mubarak Suhail Alameri Abdulla Omran Almenhali, Sr. Ahmad Abdulrahman Alsada Mohamed Abdulrahman Alsada Alec Dean Bandemier Alexis Bills Lakin Anne Boyd Angel Gutierrez Bujanda

†Degree conferred by the Graduate School

Isis Dawn Callahan Jose Manuel Carbajal Madison Elise Carney Shannon Olivia Caruana Kelly Chuong Estela Kristell Conchas Elise Contreras Stephann Spencer Cotton Samantha Marie Coykendall Tana Rochel Deklevar


Joanna Michelle Delfin Maria Diaz Mize, Outstanding Graduate, with distinction Mary Elizabeth Dreiling Stephanie Erives Eman Eskariyat Ashley Mariah Garcia Kara M. Garr, with distinction Dillon R. Garretson, with distinction Matthew Austin Griffin

Jalitza Amelia Gutierrez Lauryn Elizabeth Hansen Tammy Michelle Hassan, Outstanding Graduate

Jessica Hernandez Hyunwoo Jake Hong Brandon Johnson Jessie Edward James Klupp Matthew H. Knaster, with distinction Tyler Chase Knighton, with distinction Paula Kohoutek Kaitlyn Larson Angela H. Le, with distinction Sally Phuong-Hoa Le Alexandra Leighton Dominga L. Leon Journey Dionne Lipman, with distinction

Marcos Lujan Raul Luna Jr Hudson D. Marsh, with distinction Aja Marie Martinez Paul Louis Martinez Marcia Morgan Maxson Amanda Zoe Mejia Monique Alisha Montano Nina L. Moreland Meredith Newhouse, with distinction Sabrina Marie Otterbein, University Honors & Leadership Program, with distinction Daniela Ozaeta David Padilla Viktoria Diane Paris Richard Raymond Perez, Jr., with distinction


Delos Monroe Plato Odalis Prieto Garcia Anna Jacqueline Ramirez Alexandra A. Reyes Heather E. Richey, with distinction Daniel Patrick Rios InĂŠque Romero Gladyss Ruelas Brittany Elise Sarvadi Teresa Schmidt Jessica Silva Enriquez Sarah Faye Snavely Shannon Glee Squires, with distinction Kaylee Stackhouse Blomgren Vanessa Yvette Viramontes Sara Ann Waligorski Joseph Wayne Waneka Michael Nathaniel Winchester

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Rebecca Kantor, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION May 2020 Candidates Junefrances Anderson Lindsay Taylor Brown

Kristin Marie Hefflon Jose Antonio Moreno

Shannell Angela Sedgwick

THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARTS May 2020 Candidates Riley Acker Emily Shelton Adams Yonas Ambaye Ryan Anderson Heather Maureen Anderson Duncan Laura Yanowich Archibold Laura Jane Dinapoli Ayotte Nicole Mcnamara Baker Tylyn Barker Samson Vincent Barrios Cassandra Mercedes Basoco Kelly Marie Baumgartner Kimberly Ann Bench Franklin Binder Magdalene Caitlin Blume Nicholas Boettcher Katie Ann Bolger Jayna Maria Bond Jessica Mae Bond Mary Anne Botte Melinda Lou Brunson Michelle Christine Bryan Claudia Gabriela Bullon Emilee Grace Butts Thomas Christopher Caliento Alexandria Paige Campaldini Natalie P. Castoreno Matthew John Cetuk Amber Cherrette Cory Clopton Danielle Susan Cortor Kristin Marie Davis Michelle Kathleen Duhon Anna Marie Dunne Norma Geovali Durazo Ayse Durmus, Outstanding Graduate Carlee Ann Easton Lauren Elizabeth Eddleman Amber Lynn Elkins Sarani Bobbi Jo Eriksen Dorian Leigh Evers Michelle Rae Farrell Shannon Fay Ashley Ferraro Hannah J. Flowers

Hethyr Fouse Jaime Rose Franklin Katherine Freeman Alison Beth Gabrenya Camille Galaviz Jodi Lynn Garner Jonathan Erich Geilhufe Karen Ceci Gonzales Amanda Anne Gould William Harold Gray Lili Guan Lori Ann Guyll Samantha Rae Guzman Amy Hanaughan Ike James Harvey Brittany Heaslip Haley Anne Henseler Megan Hensen Benjamin David Herlihy Leshaye Alexis Perez Hernandez Lucy Morgan Herr Alexandrea Higgins Kelly Patricia Hilst Elizabeth Margaret Hoff Dylan Holtkamp Jie Soo Hong Amanda Hykin Erin Inghram Patricia Marie Jeffries Darian Nicole Johnson Jaimie Christine Johnson Anne Jones Aryn Irene Jones Dayana Juski Katey Kalman Marye Allison Kellermann Samantha Josephine Kelly Donald Kirsh Shannon Leigh Khoury Annagrace Knudtsen Nora Krajah Luke Gregory Krajcik-Factor Kayla Chloupek Lang Katherine Laskey Trisha Laverty


Christy Malia Leialoha Kelsey Marie Leu Abigail Levy Kaixi Liu Michelle Lynn Lynch Brianna Lyons Lucila Yasmin Maccagno Rayleen Adeline Madrid Sarah Shih Ching Mah-Withers Gabrielle Victoria Maloney Catherine E. Martin Heather Linn Mccormick Kevin Grant Mcdougall Amie Breann McElroy Megan Elizabeth Mcgillicuddy Vany Miramontes Marquez Abbi Marie Moffett Lin Sun Mohr Alexandra Molleck Lillian Jean Moore Tamara Arynne Moore Vanessa Moore Maureen Catreanna Morton Nancy Muhich Teresa Specht Mulholland Anne Vickery Murray-Kurzban Karlee Marie Nasalroad JesĂşs Aldrin Nicho LujĂĄn Kevin David Nichols Lara Tatiana Nichols Sarah Nolet Sean Patrick O'Brien Paul J. Orsino Emily Michelle Palmiotto Marlene Sulema Palomar Myka Ann Pettit Cheri Lynn Piemeisl Betty Pierre Aakanksha Punj Dana Zervas Racz Alma Rosa Ramos Meredith Whitney Ramsey Victoria Breanne Rehr Carlton Rexroad Brianna Marie Ricotta

Robert Rigo Alisa Christine Rodriguez Verna Rhea Jordan Rolland Kaitlyn Louise Rouse Sandra Lynn Sanchez Francisco Daniel Santander Chelsea Schwartz Ocean Sehlmeyer Jennifer Shelden Daniel George Sikkink Johnson

Jordan Mary Smith Rachael Lynne Smith Enrique D. Smith-Cruz Charissa Sherrie Snyder Quinn Kelly Steinman Jamesetta Tambah Anneli Clay Taylor Daisy Beatriz Tello Leรณn Julian Michael Torres William Andrew Towber

Noelle Marie Valdes Aimee Valdez Maya Rae Valdivia Suzanne Veldman Wendee Vezzetti Avery L. Vogel Dominick Ethan Walls Madison Anne Weeks Jessica Claire Zhivotovsky Elaine Reed Zimmerman

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION May 2020 Candidate Claire Rebecca Jimenez

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2020 Candidates Daniela Alejandra Berger Charity Denise Bogart Sydney Nicole Bozek, honors pending Mackenzie Campbell, honors pending Mykaela Colette Davis, honors pending Marisol Lupe Garcia Paula Deeann Garner Nicole Marie Goll, honors pending Nathalie Gomez Bobbi Xjenai Griffin, honors pending

Shaelyn Breann Headrick, honors pending Isabel Dauphinee Higgins Long Kayla Breighanne Jellison Mackenzie Dawn King, honors pending Casey Kennedy Martin, honors pending Kaitlyn Rose McKenna, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending John Wallace Osborne, Jr.

Ashley Jordell Pikus, honors pending Keila Jael Portillo Maya Adele Schwartz, honors pending Skyler Louise Sherry Alexandra Julian Taylor, honors pending Ashley M. Thomas Mary Madeline Tremblay Maegan Helen Walker, honors pending

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Devan Lee Buffo, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Mylee Thi Dang Lauren Bahiyyih Henderson Evelyn Kaplun, honors pending

Clare Mary Kerr, honors pending Madisen Naomi Kiser, honors pending Nicole Margaret Lance Samantha Longacre, honors pending Leslie Jannette Marquez


Faith Reyna Perez Charlotte Staton Tina Vincent Truong Julieta Vargas Sage Abbigail Schindler Zimmerman

BUSINESS SCHOOL Gary Colbert, Interim Dean _______________________________________________________________________ THE DEGREE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 2020 Candidates Anwar Alarifi Shyam Sunder Reddy Alugubelly Celina Andrade Matthew Barbian Casey Berggren Carli Sue Blankenship Laura Lynn Bloom Dwight Roger Braswell Stephan W. Bunch Pamela Katherine Bunz Keeley Rae Burns Joshua Jerome Chlopek Hal Edwin Cole, III William P. Coles Rebecca Lea Cook Rose Margaret Delaney Lauren Burnham Duff Celsey Hope Duritsa Paul Robert Franzini Robert Lee Frederick Malika Gadoeva Austin Curtis Garza Sandra Jo Gasseling

Matthew Goddard Chadi Hajar Eric John Hansen Jordan Michael Hanson Nver Hasratyan Lauren A. Helfman Lindsey Brooks Hicks Sairam Babu Hiremagalur Katherine Anne Hoth Cody Hunter Shivshankar Annasaheb Kanawade Morgan Lee Katz Katrina Kiefer Hanna Kozlowski Angel Li Sierra Masters Dustin Charles Matson Colin McDermott Kyle Miller Claire Mitchell Adam Newton Patrick Francis Noonan Seth M. Noone

Alison Sackerson Pegg Elizabeth Rose Perl Anthony Pfaff David Reynolds Jenna Ronnebaum Melissa Marie Shields Kaitlin Soehner Lorinda Stambene Alexander Milton Starekow Brian Richard Swendsen Molly Alexandra Thayer Shruthi Tiptur Renuka Prasad Wes Turechek Thomas Spencer Vaiskunas Micah Velasquez Corey Michael Ward John Kenneth Widerman, IV Matthew Eric Willey Christopher Glen Wilson, Outstanding Graduate Joseph Timothy Wilson Craig Yeager

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Nelly Abramov Angelica Adame Ugo Akiri Brett Lee Amiotte Suwalin Amornkaew Geethika Banda Mia Adele Bandoni Scott Ray Barry Sarah Nicole Barton Jennifer Grace Bates Edward Reed Battle, Jr. Janette Allene Beasley Herbert Paul Beck Cassandra Jane Bennett Katharina Monika Betz Satvika Chowdary Bhogavalli James Michael Bohannan Kathryn T. Buell Sumir Chawla Jiamei Chen Xi Chen Zheng Chen

Pranay Reddy Chundi Jarod Leigh Clark Melissa Jane Cottrill Vinod Danam Vennela Deshpande Prathamesh Dhapodkar Samuel Diaz Timothy Ryan Dwyer Imane El Yadari Dillon Michael Emerson Louis Fontana Marilee Kristine Franklin John David Girling Rahul Golla Megha Goyal Werner Hagemann Hannah Herrera Gregory Allen Hoefer Dacheng Hu Rashmi Jagadeesha Chandra Isaac James Sakshi Jharbade


Steffi Agnes John Brandon Joy Ameya Sudhir Kadam Harsha Vardhan Kadiyala Steve Kalthoff Mi Suk Kang Venkata Koteswara Rao Korlakunta, Outstanding Graduate John Xavier Kroll Zachary Todd Kuhlmann Kevin Li Leo Jiahao Li Steve Loukas Blake Daniel Lovell Vishal Reddy Mallipeddi Anton Marakhov Douglas Tyler Mariniello Nicholas McMurtry Tabitha Michelle McTavish Alison Rose Medina Yucheng Meng Madhurya Mohan

Megan Elizabeth Monsees Hans Mortimer Samuel Ryan Musler Filip Myc Kunal Chetankumar Naik Adam Newton Stacy Olson Sambridhi Pandey Ryan Parsons Anthony Pfaff Hassan Rachidi Alekhya Rambatla Prerana Ramesh Darell Rengulbai

Matthew Allen Schneider Karissa Denise Schroeder Daniel Edward Showers Joshva Silvasstar Kaitlin Soehner Yaning Song Akash Srinivas Chantelle Christine Stevenson Cody Tacderas Jin Tang Jason Tarin Bryan R. Teets Priyanka Thirumalesh Brian Chad Thornock

Stephen Paul Tryon Thomas Spencer Vaiskunas Simran Marie Varghese Anudeep Vedagiri Sanesh Sidharthan Velekkate Giridhar Reddy Vengalam Rohin Vinod Duyen Ngoc Kieu Vo Sean Patrick Welshimer Yuwei Xia Mailor Yang Lunjing Yuan Paul Zaspal

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Ayesha Ali Abbasi Jordan Danielle Abeyta Jamal Mohamud Adan, honors pending Jazleen Aguilar Abdullahi Ahmed Roland Mehmet Akca Hunter Dilara Akdis, honors pending Hamed Mohamed Alameri Bandar Alharbi Gisel Elvira Almanza Mohammed Sahal Al-Marri Francisca Jeanette Alonso Mohammed Alqassim Susan Bo Ai Min Altman, honors pending Michael Martins Alves Marisa Anderson, honors pending Cruz Arias Jr., honors pending Kacie Baker Angelica Khuu Balajonda Olivia Ann Banno Prayash Barakoti, honors pending Amy Bernabe Jimenes Lawrence Georgeanthony Bernal Megan Denise Beshear Andrew Jack Bird Samuel Berhanu Bogale Dylan Boyd Adelisa Brakmic Kamryn Lynn Brothers Makayla Renee Brown Kristin Elaine Brushel Ky Anh Kaitlin Bui Clarissa Marie Cadena Lura Marie Caillouet Christina Carbajal Parra Lynn Ramon Carlson Dunlap Tyler William Carroll, honors pending

Jorge Humberto Cepeda, Jr. Gabriel Maurice Chacker, honors pending Maria Miguela Chaves Kelsey Marie Chestnut, honors pending Anton Chumak Daniel Robert Churman Shelby Elizabeth Clayton Samuel Wassyl Cordova Anthony Jordan Davis Zoe Deva Demuth-George, University Honors & Leadership Program Amadou Flantie Diarra Humberto Gabriel Diaz Derek Jaymes Diffenderfer Thomas Tedros Efrem Michael Gregory Evans Alexander Manuel Gallegos Rachael Jade Gance Antonio Santos Garcia Sepehr Golbaz, honors pending Esmeralda Gomez Yves C. Gonzales Ariana Gonzalez Anthony David Guagliardo Mansi Gupta, honors pending Diego Alejandro Gutierrez Mason David Guttropf Ankur Gyawali, honors pending Huda Mohammed Haghegh, honors pending Marco Hakim Amaan S. Haque Joseph M. Harris Connor Alec Hartung Juan Hernandez, honors pending Chance Matthew Hinkle Miranda Ann Hopkins Kelsey K. Horst


Tyler House, honors pending Brittany Jean Huber Destinie Hudson Mohamad Ashraf Jabai Reid Douglas Jellison, honors pending Brittany Johnson Jordan Ashly Johnson Mitchell Parsons Johnson Noah Jacob Jones Jaspreet Kaur Alisa M. Kaven, honors pending Daniel Davidson Kennicutt Sophia Marie Kenny, honors pending Nelson Khuu Thomas Joseph King Zachary Joseph Krieger, honors pending Joseph C. Kuchta Dylan Tanner Lang, honors pending Brian Keith Laniel Michael H. Le Tien Le, honors pending Trong Bao Le Natalie Ann Ledesma William Sing Lee, honors pending Benjamin Thomas Levene Alyssa Marie Lindsey, honors pending Vivian Loi, honors pending Steven Aaron Lynn, honors pending Daria Lysenko Joshua John Macsleyne David Israel Martinez Cody Austin Mcpherson Matthew T. Mcquade, honors pending Yodit Berhe Michael Rocky Frank Michaelson, Jr., honors pending Millen Mikeal Jeffrey Michael Mikulecky

Robert Minuhin Bryan N. Morrow, honors pending Abraham Munoz, honors pending Hassan Azena Mustefa Taylor Belle Naiman Vanesa E. Nasi, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Camille Marie Navarro Olivia Etti Negel, honors pending Alexis Nguyen An-Hoa Nguyen Johnny H. Nguyen, honors pending Jonathan Thien Than Nguyen, honors pending Olutamilore Olutomilola Ola, honors pending Joshua Tyler Opl Luis Alberto Orona Yetty Liz Otiniano Christina Marie Owen, honors pending Mariah Ann Palacio, honors pending Vasiliy Leonidovich Palamarchuk, honors pending Kathryn Lea Paregien Brayden Riley Park Jesus E. Payan, honors pending Hector Pena Kate Tida Penvari Ashley Marie Percy Michael Joseph Peterson Torrie Leann Pfeifer, honors pending Joseph Pham Jason Thanh Phan, honors pending Nicolle Delia Plasencia, honors pending Scott Duncan Porter Nicholas Alexander Pryor Bianca Quintana Sergio Quintero

Kyle C. Ramdath Salvador Alexander Ramos Chloe Reindl, honors pending Dionisio Guadalupe Rivas Timothy David Robinett, honors pending Monica Robles-Muneton Aurora Rosas-Gutierrez Juan Carlos Ruiz Basil Saju Luis Eduardo Salas Segovia Fernando Sanchez Lorenza Noelle Sangi Catharine Saucedo-Zavala Timothy Saysavanh Gregory Nicklaus Shelton Brennan Tucker Sheridan Samuel Arthur Shneyvays Charity Miranda Shown, honors pending Jennifer Lynn Sickles, honors pending Harjeet Singh Jessica Rae Sloan Jackson J. Smith Kikiola Donnaye Smith Stefanie Smith Weston Ford Smith Owen Robert Sodetz Timothy Soeur, honors pending Ashlan Tanae Stanton, honors pending Andrew Stone Connor Straughn, honors pending Ryan James Strong Anthony Shayang Stroup Sierra Nicole Strykala-Boyd Scott Michael Sullivan Alexander Swanson, honors pending Semer Daniel Tachbele


Shaun Devon Terry Brett Anthony Thompson Given Jersey Tolalu Loan Tran Tram Tran Trang Tran Justus Andrew Trujillo Mikel Uribarren Ortiz Alyssa Ratana Van Zee Ada Ka Xee Vang Toua Vang Michelle Nicole Vega Jacob Dumanil Victoria, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Alyse Ann Vigil Dominic Anthony Villano, honors pending Liam Matthew Vollmer James Cody Wallace Yujia Wang Ze Wang, honors pending Michael Joseph Wheeler Jonathan David Whitson Hallie Mae Wickham, honors pending Daisy Elizabeth Widera, honors pending Asa Allen Wilt Kaylee Lauren Wing Maranata Onesmos Woche, honors pending Peng Yan Douglas Eugene Zagarolo Jared Anthony Zahradnickk Taylor Michelle Zakhem Eileen Rachel Zaychik Anastasia Zhivotov

COLLEGE OF ARTS & MEDIA Laurence Kaptain, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Gina Antoinette Hughes

Seth Higgins Miller

Henry Luken Risemberg, Outstanding Graduate

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2020 Candidates Tatum Nicole Meinert, honors pending

Chelsea Mariah Rieu-Torrez, honors pending

Margot Reed Silverstein Felipe Ignacio Tapia Nordenflycht

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS May 2020 Candidates Jeremy Barron Anderson Carlos Andres Aramburu William Foster Bamford Amanda Ashley Begaye, honors pending Rachel Marie Berreth, honors pending Ashley Lauren Blocker Jennifer M. Boucneau Secret Brittnee Boykin Miguel Alejandro Branas Josephine Elisabeth Bredehoft, honors pending Juan Marcelo Cazon, honors pending Sebastien Evans Chiu Caitlin Cook Mckenna Elizabeth Cook Sabrina R. Cranford, honors pending Jacob Stephen Delreal Benjamin James Dillon Allison Blair Dixon, honors pending Grant Dominguez Rachel Dormido, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Garron Martin Durocher-Harleman Jesse Alexander Edelen Analisa Darlene Elspas Jenica Felix, honors pending Christina J. Fletcher Heather Renee Fritts Reilly Elizabeth Goerig Alex Josue Gomez, Outstanding Graduate, University Honors & Leadership Program, honors pending Kristina Emma Gyorfi, honors pending Masud Farah Hassan Alyssa Nicole Hearon Nicole Michelle Heetland, honors pending Jeremy Holder

Katherine Barnard Huttenmeyer, honors pending Kenneth Iacullo, honors pending Melissa Ann Jacobi Arleigh Johnson Keith Dewayne Joyner, Jr. Ava Kristina Kalhoefer, honors pending Margaret Grace Kennedy Josephine Koch Samantha Nichole Kokesh, Outstanding Graduate Adam Michael Konopka Thomas Kukucka Ethan M. Lachman, honors pending Martin Knox Long, honors pending Maxwell Jacob Lopez Gabrielle Anne Macioch, honors pending Craig Michael Mahagan Barrett Russell Mcclellan Megan Mclaughlin John Wayne Mclean Arturo Javier Mireles, honors pending Jessie Williams Moore Madelin Murphy Lananh Cecilia Nguyen Lynn T. Nguyen Phong Hoai Le Nguyen Karina Edith Ortiz Nicole Palmer Waki Angela Pfeffer Cydney Phan Matthew Scott Qualley Katharine Elizabeth Ramsay Janet Reyes M'Zareth Antia Richardson, honors pending Scott Erik Richmond Leah Mariehertsgaard Rocha


Alex Roman Rebecca Gianna Ryszkowski Isabelle Synneva Sanchez, honors pending Meskiel Marie Schoneboom Austin Jentry Scroggins Sofia Rolande Shappell, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Nathan Shepard, honors pending John Sheridan Audra Mcguire Shurnas Arielle Elisabeth Smith Todd Allen Smith, honors pending Jocelyn Maria Solis Spencer R. Staggs Kevin Elary Stanton, honors pending Zachary David Stetter, honors pending Alicia Lily Gray Street, honors pending Andrew Robert Tennison, II Jenna Day Tesmer, honors pending Haley Thomas Shelby Thomas Elise Marguerite Timme Jessie Caulfield Toltz Chandler M. Tuck Lily Van Tallon Vannoy Melyssa Michelle Wallace Victoria Elizabeth Whisenant, honors pending Molly Farrell White, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Connor Christensen Wood Joni Janelle Wood Kaitlin Christina Woodward Xiao Xiao Libby Yi, honors pending David Austin Younglove Victor Zamora

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Christopher John Anderson Isaac Ian Banks Dillon Patrick Mclaughlin Bess Jacob Daniel Black Hannah Joan Doerner Buenning Zachary Robert Bulgarelli Michael Anthony Cardella Magdiel Esai Castillo Alexa Chandler Jason Michael Cobb Katie Summer Cone, honors pending Chloe Doherty Joel Robert Elliott, honors pending Megan Rose Ellsworth Victoria Corinne Enyart, honors pending Wyatt Anthony Estes Sean Michael Frawley Jared Scott Freeman Dillon Ray Gabehart Grant A. Gibson Virginia Elizabeth Gold Jake Maxwell Greenspan Daniel Ray Harvey John Hasluck

Trooper Jakob Headley Amanda J. Von Holtum Lorina Rebecca Hoppe Brandon Jackson Hurlbut Leanne Nicole Jojola Connor Reese Jones Kevin Paul Kelly, honors pending Caden Joseph Kramer Npaujnpaim Diana Lee, honors pending Evan Nesset Lei Gregg Patrick Martin Kevin Andrew Mcgrath, honors pending Ethan Matthew Peters Midland Deyanira Simona Molina Emily Elena Montelongo Luna Nichole NuĂąez Carter Joseph Pashko Samantha Jordan Pease Zacheriah John Peterson, honors pending ChloĂŠ Margot Prusiewicz, honors pending


Jacob Matthew Pursell Robert Tryke Roark Kevin Kim Rosser Kelby Madison Shea Katie Caroline Smith Caroline Stump, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Jarett Cole Suazo, honors pending Jon Michael Sullivan, honors pending Tessema Degen Tessema Troy Thrasher Faith Kamakana Thulin Eleanor Leslie Tomasso Maria Tsuruta, honors pending Christian Andrew Walsh, honors pending Jesse Alexander Wehling Tristan Boen Wilson Sarah Ashley Wittmeyer, honors pending Kyle Joseph Zeller Shanshan Zheng, honors pending

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND COMPUTING Martin Dunn, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF ENGINEERING May 2020 Candidates Gashta Ataei Scott Larson Bateman Ghazalehsadaat Batouli Adam Gregory Bosco

Chengxiang Cao William R. Geisheker Jennifer Michelle Greenlee Matthew Carl Letinich

Jess L. Ortiz Elizabeth Ann Roberts Kening Wang

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Ali Abdulmoniem Al Eid Thamer Althayidi Bonaire Grace Berry Jacob Aaron Brown Nicholas James Campbell Jason Christopher Carruth Eliana Cordova-Blengeri Piyush Deshpande Alyse Michelle Doperalski Christina Fua Gardner Haftom Mulualem Gebrehiwot Thomas David Greenwell Daniel Ryan Haden Christopher Michael Harron Jeremy Matthew Henry Noel Christopher Hess Rohan Kishor Hulsure Stephen David Hutchings Nathan Oghenekaro Justice Kushal Bhagwan Kusram

Jingsheng Li James Grant Lindsay Aram Sabir Mahmood David Micnhimer Nischith Chickmagalur Nanjundaswamy Mien Hoang Thuy Nguyen Netzahualcoyotl Ojeda-Ayala Soeren Orlowski Daniel Joseph Pavlovsky Cassandra Leah Petrou Vinh Thiet Pham Trevor Pier Ponthep Potipan Gowtham Ramamoorthy Sourav Ranjan Ranjan Nandkumar Raut Sneha Raza Debajit Kumar Sandilya

William Taylor Schupbach Balaviknesh Sekar Vedant Singhania Rishi Venkat Sompalli Aditya Chandrashekhar Sonar Evan Andrew Stene Matthew Stephen Sullivan Michelle Deon Swenson Eric Sam Thomas Ryan Gerald Tigera Mark Andrew Travers Vatsal Yogeshbhai Vador Stephanie Anna Vasteno Jose Andres Visaez Sameera Malith Withanachchi Shweta Yadav Endalk Andargie Zewdie Jason Yang Zhang Ruiheng Zhang

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2020 Candidates Sucharita Das

Marco Cody Rojas


Van Patrick Tate

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2020 Candidates Mostafa Abdel-Hafiz, special honors Ahmed Bakri Mohammed Abdu, special honors Khalid Hadi Adkins Kamil Adylov Bhavdeep Ahluwalia Ryan Baron Akoto, honors Zaid Zuhair Al Yasiri Mohammed Albuflasa Nasser Hussain Al-Fadhala Feras Alfaresi Sauod Abdulrahman Al-Nabti, honors Lulwah Alsalem Ramiro Alvarado Chavez Maxim Phillip Anaya Andrea Armijo Gavin Lenzi Atkin, honors Edward T. Autterson, special honors Idreess Bakur Barnawi Brendan William Bauernschmidt James William Berger, honors Giovanni Ricardo Berrios Figueroa, honors Karla Berrum Zachary Alan Beveridge Hunter Levi Blevins Scott Andrew Bolin Evan Anthony Bregel James Robert Catlin, honors Joseph Don Chamberlain Paul Allen Chancellor Tiffany Lynn Chang, special honors Damien Ray Chavarria Jaqueline Chavez Erick Manuel Chavez-Estrada Michael Kim Chen Phung Hue Chinh Brendan James Coneys Kevin Bradley Cross Desmond K. Dam Jenae Anna Marie Day John Thomas Dean, honors Adam Nash Decino Thomas Charles Della Penna, special honors Valerie Do, honors Bryce Egan Luke Egbert Hassan M. El-Batal Aimin Azzeddin Elgheriani Robert Elliott Hend Ibtesam Elzarad Robert Ben Farrell Christopher Joseph Beowulf Fleishman Seth James Fliedner Kevin Abraham Garcia Cody Gardner

Madison Paige Gast, honors Christopher Lee Geist Tiffany D. Graham Aubrey Harrison Julianne Kristine Hirt Phi Hoang Huynh Joshua Jacobs Natalie Johanna Jarusewski Dalko Hassel Jeri Noah Michael Johnson Zachary Bryce Johnson, honors Logan Robert Jurmu Nishal Kallupalle, honors Isha Kanu Ekubay Kidane Dwight J. Kim Sapyong Denver Kim Jahoon Koo, special honors Sarah Nicole Lamb, honors Nicholas J. Lanzoni Benjamin Larson Khang Van Le Quang Vu Tran Le, honors Andrew Leadford Susan Hyunji Lee Benjamin Arthur LeMarc, honors Brandon Lenderink Yuzhe Lu, honors Sagar Luitel Taisiya Alexandrovna Lushnikova Anne Lyons, honors Kevin Richard Macfarlane, special honors Faith Gabrielle Martin Thomas Eduardo Martinez Michael A. McPherson Kellen Jamis Mendenhall, honors Mark Warren Menefee Natalie Lynn Misasi Uriah Joseph Moeller, special honors Matthew A. Moltzau, honors Stephen Morgan Kolton James Munson Scott Stephen Nedvesky Abel Degefa Nemomsa, special honors Alberta Nepali Grant Earl Neville, honors Christopher Dinh Ngo Thaohien Thi Ngo Duyen Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, honors Mark Nilov Vincent Anton Nocito, Jr. Yves Mwepu Nsenga Yarely Sarahi Ochoa Uribe, special honors Zuhair Mohamed Osman Connor Kevin Jiro Ospina John David Pace, special honors


Christian Timothy Padgett Anthony Ralph Pagliaro, special honors Ayesha Moin Perwaiz Nghi Gia Phan Jeremy Franklin Pierce Samuel Ryan Piltz Mahesh Kumar Pokharel Alan Osvaldo Prieto, honors Javis Quach, honors Aisha Qureshi Hamad Jassim Rashid Andrew Calvin Reed Harrison Christopher Rhein Robert M. Rivera Donald Richard Robb Aaron John Roberts, special honors Nichole Sharon Roberts Elizabeth Beatrice Roshkovskiy, Outstanding Graduate, special honors Kian Cedrich Roybal Joseph Jarrett Schumacher Nathneal B. Sharew Abel Afework Shiferaw Mengistu Hayilemariam Shuma Andrew Nathan Sias Nicholas Edward Sirois, honors Lonnie James Skiles Andrew Michael Smegner Hayden Michael Smith Kelly Smith Drew P. Stafford Nicholas Allen Stanford Stephen Randall Stillwell Adam Patric Sulima Brian Wayne Sumner, honors Patrick Van Tate, honors Brandon Shawn Thao Nathaniel Payson Todd Trevor David Toft Daniel Tomlin, honors David John Trujillo Ryan James Vacca, honors Joseph Valdez Dhivahari Vivekanandasarma Julia Grace Vrooman Rawand Aryan Wahbi Yuanrui Wang Jamie Weiss, honors Joshua Wewerka Gregory Thomas Wicklund, honors John Frederick Williams, special honors Yapheth Wolday Tyler Mason Wyse, special honors Tony Xiong Drake Robert Young, special honors Nicholas Atencio Zawadzki Gordon Zhong, honors Hosna Zulali

The Norlin Charge to Graduates

___________________________________________________________________ From the baccalaureate address by President George Norlin of the University of Colorado, June 1935. ___________________________________________________________________ “You are now certified to the world at large as alumni of the university. She is your kindly mother and you her cherished sons and daughters. This exercise denotes not your severance from her, but your union with her. Commencement does not mean, as many wrongly think, the breaking of ties and the beginning of life apart. Rather it marks your initiation in the fullest sense into the fellowship of the university, as bearers of her torch, as centers of her influence, as promoters of her spirit. The university is not the campus, not the buildings on the campus, not the faculties, not the students of any one time—not one of these or all of them. The university consists of all who come into and go forth from her halls, who are touched by her influence and who carry on her spirit. Wherever you go, the university goes with you. Wherever you are at work, there is the university at work. What the university purposes to be, what it must always strive to be, is represented on its seal, which is stamped on your diplomas—a lamp in the hands of youth. If its light shines not in you and from you, how great is its darkness! But if it shines in you today, and in the thousands before you, who can measure its power? With hope and faith, I welcome you into the fellowship. I bid you farewell only in the sense that I pray you may fare well. You go forth, but not from us. We remain, but not severed from you. God go with you and be with you and us.”



THE HISTORY _______________________________________________________________________ The University of Colorado Denver is the leading public university in Denver. CU Denver offers 37 undergraduate degrees and 54 master’s degrees. Doctoral programs are offered in Public Affairs, Health and Behavioral Science, Health Economics Leadership for Educational Equity, Education and Human Development, Design and Planning, Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Clinical Health Psychology, School Psychology, Structural Biology and Structural Chemistry and a joint degree in Computer Science and Information Systems. Programs are tailored to meet the needs of a diverse student population, with special emphasis on assuring professional opportunities after graduation. Classes, serving more than 15,000

students, are offered during weekdays, evening hours and on weekends. The University of Colorado’s Department of Correspondence and Extension was established in Denver in 1912 to meet the needs of a growing population. As course offerings expanded, so did the demand for degree-granting status. The Denver Extension Center was renamed the University of Colorado-Denver Center in 1965, and by 1969, 23 fields of undergraduate study and 11 of graduate study were offered. In 1972, the Colorado General Assembly appropriated funds to build the Auraria Campus, CU Denver’s current site, and renamed the “Center” CU Denver. Two years later, the University of Colorado reorganized into four campuses – Denver, Colorado Springs, Health Sciences Center

(Denver) and Boulder. On June 30, 2004, the University of Colorado Board of Regents gave final approval to the consolidation of the University of Colorado at Denver with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. At CU Denver, faculty members bring their work experiences to the classroom; they are aware of the challenges and advances of the urban environment and are responsive to the needs of students and the community. This combination of talented faculty and a highly motivated student body creates a vital and exciting educational environment. The goal is to offer its students the unique educational opportunity to combine real-world experience with academic excellence.

THE MACE _______________________________________________________________________ For centuries, in academic and ecclesiastical processionals, a mace has been carried by the marshal to symbolize the official opening and closing of a formal event. The design of the mace encompasses all aspects of education. A globe representing the worldly scope of education is the base of the staff. The middle of

the design, which is the shaft, represents the profile of the Denver skyline and the Auraria campus. At the top of the mace, flames spiral upward representing the colleges and schools, sending her graduates as bearers of the torch into the community and world.

The pageantry and dress of the academic procession have been inherited from the medieval universities of the eleventh and twelfth centuries where academic life began, first in the church, then in the guilds. The teaching guild was the guild of the Master of Arts. The Bachelor was the apprentice of the Master, and the dress was the outward sign of privilege and responsibility. Principal features of academic dress are the gown, the cap and the hood. Early in its evolution, it became necessary for universities to set rules to preserve the dignity and meaning of the academic dress. Two English universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are particularly noted for the development of the authentic academic costume, which through the centuries has changed only slightly. Formal academic attire for American campuses was established in 1895 with the adoption of the Intercollegiate Code, which prescribed the patterns, colors and materials for each part of the regalia for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. The American Council of Education presented a revised code, which generally governs the style of academic dress today.

underneath. Gowns vary in their trimming and the sleeve design. The doctoral gown has velvet facings down the front and three velvet chevrons on the bell-shaped sleeves. These velvet trimmings may be black or the prescribed color of the academic area. The master’s gown has oblong sleeves, open at the wrist, while the bachelor’s gown has long pointed sleeves; neither has trimming. The bachelor’s gown is always worn closed; master’s and doctoral gowns may be worn open or closed.

The mace was designed and created by Michael Brohman, instructor in the College of Arts & Media visual arts department, with special emphasis in sculpture and a CU Denver graduate with a Master’s in Architecture and Planning ’95.

THE ACADEMIC REGALIA _______________________________________________________________________

The Gown The flowing gown comes from the twelfth century. While it originally may have been worn as protection against the chill of unheated buildings, today it has become symbolic of the democracy of scholarship, for it covers any dress of rank or social standing

The Cap When Roman law freed the slaves, they won the privilege of wearing a cap. The academic cap is a sign of freedom of scholarship as well as responsibility and dignity. Old poetry records the cap of scholarship as square to symbolize the book. The color of the tassel denotes the discipline. The square black mortarboard is the recommended cap, though some schools have adopted other styles. Doctors may wear a velvet cap with a gold tassel. The Hood The hood identifies the level of the degree, the school that granted it and the academic area. The silk lining of the hood is the color or colors of the school. The color of the facing denotes the discipline represented by the degree. Some of the colors you may see represented today are: Architecture – Blue Violet Arts – White

Business – Sapphire Blue Education – White Education Specialists – Blue Engineering – Orange Environmental Design – Brown Fine Arts – Brown Music – Pink Public Affairs – Peacock Blue Science – Gold The Honor Cords Silver and gold honors cords are worn by graduates who are awarded the following honors by their school or college: Summa cum laude (with highest honors) Magna cum laude (with high honors) Cum laude (with honors) Special honors Honors Distinction The gold and royal blue honors cords designate members of the Golden Key National Honor Society. The red and white cords recognize those students who have served through their participation in Student Government. Red, white and blue cords are worn by millitary veterans. Royal blue cords signify a contribution to their graduating class gift. Sky blue cords are worn by members of the Scholar Community.

THE UNIVERSITY SEAL _______________________________________________________________________ In its history, the University of Colorado has used three different seals. The current seal, adopted in 1908, depicts a male Greek classical figure sitting in front of a pillar and holding a scroll. Next to the figure, laurel branches frame a burning torch. The inscription in Greek reads “Let Your Light Shine.” The seal’s designer, Henry Read of Denver, chose the classical motif because Greek civilization “stands as the criterion of culture.” The laurel symbolizes honor or success, the

youth suggests the “morning of life” and the scroll represents written language. From 1893 to 1908, the University seal was a copy of Wyon’s medallion, “Science Trims the Lamp of Life.” In this version, a Greek woman knelt before a lamp, and stalks of mariposa lilies decorated the border. Before 1893, an adaptation of the Colorado State Seal was used, but it was never adopted by the Board of Regents. The seal is used primarily on official documents,


such as diplomas and transcripts that have been issued on behalf of the University. The Board of Regents uses the seal on its official documents and publications. The seal also appears on the President’s Chain of Office, the University Mace, Regent regalia and various formal publications.

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