CTJC Bulletin Pesach 2018

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A note from the Editor Jane Liddell-King Shalom All, I am writing this while staying in Canberra where I am working. I am delighted to be including contributions from the younger members of the community. May that become a tradition. Meanwhile, a huge thank you to Jonathan and Barry for their work in getting this bulletin to you before Pesach. Meanwhile, Pesach sameach

From the Chair Jonathan Allin, Chair, CTJC It seems only yesterday that we completed the Chanukah bulletin, and here we are with the Pesach bulletin. Time passes ever more quickly. Why? Well, I know of at least two theories: the first is that as an adult, four months is only a small fraction of our life, but for a child, four months is almost a life time. The second theory is that subjectively we measure time by "memorable moments", rather than by years, months, or days. As children every moment was novel, exciting, and hence memorable. But as the years pass what was novel becomes mundane. We look up and another year has gone. So let me risk continuing my theme from last Pesach's "From the Chair". As slaves in Egypt life would have been dull and repetitious with one day being indistinguishable from the next. Although on the one hand each day would probably have seemed never ending, I suspect as the years went by we'd look back and would have wondered where they went. However this is ‫זמן חרותנו‬, and we have the gift of freedom. We are blessed with a calendar bursting with potential memorable moments. Let's use our freedom to search out those moments, and in particular let's see what we can do to make this Pesach, these Seder nights, even 3

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