Success stories

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Success Stories A success story does not always mean that a child lives happily ever after with his biological parents. Sometimes it mean that the child found a loving, nurturing home instead where he can thrive‌‌.

Success Story 1 In October 2009, Cape Town Child Welfare was informed by a resident in Phumlani Village, who was already taking care of the child concerned at that time, that the child concerned was abandoned in her care by the birth mother. She had been taking care of the child for a month already and the child concerned was only 7 years of age. The birth mother of the child concerned did not inform the resident at Phumlani Village of her whereabouts and she had not contacted her in terms of her absence during this month. The biological father of the child is deceased. It was alleged that the mother was abusing alcohol excessively and living a promiscuous lifestyle. Later on in October 2009, the child concerned was placed on a Detention Order and the child concerned was found in need of care and protection in terms of the Child Care Act. The child was subsequently placed in foster care. Whilst the child concerned was placed in foster care, Cape Town Child Welfare made it a priority to find and locate the birth mother of the child concerned so that contact could be made and a relationship could be rebuilt. This was unsuccessful as the whereabouts of the mother were unknown and she had in no way reached out to the child concerned. The child concerned remained in foster care and eventually, she was transferred into the foster care of her maternal aunt, where she could form a personal familial structure. In 2011, the biological mother contacted her sister, who was the maternal aunt of child concerned and the foster mother; and she tried to make contact with her daughter. The biological mother indicated that she had experienced trauma and was suffering from depression. She was perusing help and rehabilitation for her presiding problems. Through the supervision of Cape Town Child Welfare, the biological mother started spending more time with the child concerned and started visitation frequently. From then until now, the birth mother of the child concerned has turned her life around and she acknowledges the time that she missed out on her child’s life. She now has a stable job; a stable and secure place of residence; and she pursued help for her depression which she suffered from and went for rehabilitation services. The child concerned and her mother attended counselling sessions at Cape Town Child Welfare in order to assist them in rebuilding their relationship and in order to assist the process of reunification. The child concerned is very happy to have her birth mother in her life again. The child concerned is currently 13 years old. Cape Town Child Welfare in currently in the process of implemented reunification serves with the family in order for the child concerned to be transferred back into the care of her biological mother.

Success Story 2: Young *GEORGE was born in 2009 and his mother apparently abandoned him at hospital. *GEORGE had to remain in hospital due to premature birth and further medical complications associated with premature birth. The mother reportedly left the hospital with incorrect address. Despite this the social worker was able to track down the maternal family. The biological did not maintain contact with *GEORGE and the extended family was not in a position to care for *GEORGE. *GEORGE was placed in a children’s home. In 2012 the social worker –re-established contact with the biological parents. The social worker attempted re-unification of the family. The family was referred to services in the community that would be able to assist them with their specific difficulties – alcohol and substance misuse. The biological parents did not co-operate with services offered and eventually agreed to sign consent for adoption. A couple who was doing volunteer work in South Africa met *GEORGE and expressed interest in adopting him. The biological parents were informed about this and informed that the couple lives overseas. The biological parents after counseling agreed to the couple from overseas to adopt *GEORGE. However due to extensive legal issues this couple was not able to proceed with the adoption until 2015. The couple maintained ongoing contact with *GEORGE and regularly inquired regarding his health. *GEORGE has special medical needs and although adoptive parents were sought nationally none was identified. The couple from overseas showed great commitment and care for *GEORGE and would come and visit him and inquire about his health and send pictures. They displayed determination in the face of various legal impediments and remained steadfast in their commitment to provide this little boy with a warm and loving home and to care for him despite his medical needs. *GEORGE finally has reached the end of the road and the adoption will be finalize shortly as the request had been received from overseas for all documentation to be submitted with regards to *GEORGE. *Not real name

Success Story 3: The case was opened when a family friend reported that the child concerned had appeared to her as abused and neglected by his father who was reportedly too old (over 85 years old) to adequately care for the child concerned. She reported the child concerned had been attending School, but the biological father had since made him stop for the past two years, as he was of the opinion that the child concerned did not need an education as he would in future work on the farm. The child concerned was being expected to tend to the farm, feed and clean the animals. The child concerned was now involved in a lot of mischief such as sniffing glue and theft. The biological mother could not be located. The School reported that there had been problems when the child concerned was attending school because he was often absent, came without proper books and sometimes never had stationery. She informed that she had heard that the older siblings of the child concerned had never completed High School because their father was against that. The child concerned has expressed that he wanted to stay with the family friend who were also willing to care for him. The child was successfully placed in their care and now attends a School of Skills. Success Story 4: This case became known to Cape Town Child Welfare Society when the Lotus River Hospital reported that the children are physically and mentally abused. Both parents are mentally disturbed and using drugs, tik & dagga. It was also reported that the children had chronic absenteeism; the children were neglected and exposed to the parent’s drug abuse; both the parents are psychiatric patients, receives disability grant and CSG. It was further reported that the reputed father will get violent and abusive when angry. The child concerned was starting to display uncontrollable behaviour and quit school. The paternal aunt called to complained that the child concerned was not attending school and that she is disrespectful and disobedient. She said that the landlord of the farm does not want the child concerned there and that the child is fighting with the other tenant’s children. The child concerned was placed on Detention Order by the maternal grandfather. Two months later, the maternal grandfather

expressed that the child concerned mixed with gangsters and came home late, and was not adhering to rules in the house. The maternal grandfather said that he was not prepared to take care of the child concerned. The child concerned was then placed at a CYCC. After intervention it was reported that the child concerned is taking responsibility for her actions, and has excelled at athletics, being awarded VP colours. However, the child concerned was not ready to go back to the community, due to the possibility of relapse when faced with drugs. The occupational therapist reported that the child concerned wants to change. She reported that the child concerned has shown to be a strong, confident child who wants to change. The care worker reported that when the child concerned came there she had no respect for authority and behaved like a gangster, all which stopped. The child concerned will remain in a CYCC for a period of two years, to help her complete her schooling.

Success Story 5: The biological mother reported that the child concerned was having an affair with a well known gangster and she was worried that something bad would happen to her daughter because of the relationship. She indicated that she had tried everything to keep her daughter away from her boyfriend but all has been to no avail. The child concerned continued seeing the alleged gangster. The biological mother indicated in her affidavit that her daughter did not want to end the relationship even though she was aware of the dangers she was exposing herself to by associating with a well known gang member who is known to move around with a gun. The biological mother of the child concerned also indicated that her daughter’s boyfriend was also very rude towards her and even the child concerned’s grandmother. He apparently doesn’t respect anyone and threatens them with unspecified action when they confront him about his relationship with the child concerned. The child concerned’s boyfriend has also sent gangsters to threaten the family and he does not respect the biological parents of the child concerned. The child concerned apparently smokes dagga and has been used to conceal weapons like guns when police conduct raids searching gangsters for unlicensed weapons. The child concerned also stated that she is going to drop out from school. The social worker managed to get placement at a CYCC and the child concerned was placed there for two weeks pending further investigation and further assessment. The matter was brought again to court and the child concerned was returned to the family. The child concerned received a restriction order against her ex-boyfriend. He is not allowed to come near her and make any contact with the family. She indicated that she was happy that she ended the relationship and will now focus on her schooling.

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