Spring 2016 Week 7 Issue 212.07

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May 09, 2016


C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y, L O S A N G E L E S

Know your ASI Presidential Candidates before you vote

Issue 212.07

Photo by Timmy Truong

Clinton attempts to attract Latino voters with ELAC visit Yzzy Gonzalez Copy Editor | Photo by Matthew Gonzales

Nico Triunfante Editor-In-Chief

With a line of formally dressed students, a podium, and a DJ, the University-Student Union (USU) Plaza was home to Meet the Candidates, an event meant for Cal State LA students to meet the Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) board candidates for the upcoming semester on Wednesday, May 4. The event lasted from 3:15 P.M. to 4:15 P.M., however, that hour was bombarded with students who were unaware of the event’s existence. “It would be very effective if people were aware of it because I personally had no idea this was going on until I walked in this Continues on page 3

general direction,” said junior Erin MacDonald. A booth was fixated along the stage, which held an infinite amount of shirts, water bottles, and towels. Students were given a paper with seven lines that required candidate signatures. This meant to entice students to meet at least 7 candidates. “Our students are becoming more informed about who’s running for the elections and they can also get some swag to help



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promote the elections as well,” said Michael Maksymowski, Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Life. Considering the ASI debate did not attract high attendance, Meet the Candidates was an opportunity for each candidate to express their goals in more depth. The three presidential candidates of the ASI elections include Samuel Garza, Kayla Thomas, and Jose Trinidad Castaneda III. Samuel Garza’s vision is to


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Former Secretary of State and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton stopped by East Los Angeles College (ELAC) on Thursday, May 5 with the goal of rallying voters for the upcoming California primary. The holiday of Cinco De Mayo was not forgotten by Clinton as she kept her speech focused on Latino issues including immigration, equal pay for women, and quality education. Maintaining Deffered Action of Childhood Arrivals (DOCA) and raising the minimum wage to $15 across America were among Clinton’s specific plans. The front runner of the Demo-


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cratic Party also took time to criticize Republican nominee Donald Trump, calling him a “loose canon.” Clinton stressed the importance of recognizing the people that are “working hard to make a living,” and how standards needed to be changed in order to “treat anyone with kindness, respect, and love.” Competitor Bernie Sanders was not addressed, though protesters rallied outside of the event. The protesters called for the support of Sanders and demanded that Clinton drop out of the race. Before Clinton took the stage, the crowd was hyped up by ELAC President Marvin Martinez; Congresswoman Judy Chu; Congressman Xavier Becerra; LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis; California Senate President pro Tem Kevin De Leon; and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. With the California primary approaching on June 7 and 475 delegates up for grabs, Clinton will be turning her attention to the Golden State throughout the month.

Anonymous conceals Black Lives Matter display in protest Ricky Rodas Contributor

Last week the Pan-African Studies Department changed their Black Lives Matter display located on the 3rd floor of King Hall. The display now features a water fountain with a blue backdrop and maps in the background, alluding to the current water crisis in Flint, Michigan. The previous display featured a hoodie-clad figure representing a black male, and was covered in multiple gunshot wounds. The display educated students about police brutality in the United States and its negative impact on the black community, also providing statistics on the issue to strengthen its message. On April 20, an anonymous

| Photo by Joseph Delgado

individual put up posters on the Black Lives Matter display. Through the posters, they spoke out against the display, writing in all caps, “This needs to come down! It is a perpetuation of black victimhood ideology. I am sick of it and offended.”

| Photo by Pablo De La Hoya

They continued their statement by providing statistics, which were not substantiated by any evidence.

more black Americans murdered other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968.”

“For every one black person killed by police, there are 300 or so killed by other blacks,” the student wrote. “FACT 1. Over 1,400

They ended their statement demanding that the display be dismantled, writing again in all

caps, “quit fighting a ghost and fight the real enemy which is ourselves. Tear it down!!!” The University Times contacted the Pan African Studies Department, but they could not be reached for a comment.

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