BA Architecture: Spaces and Objects

Page 48



B A ( H O N S ) A R C H I T E C T U R E : S PA C E S A N D O B J E C T S


Hanan Abdulamir THE DA LSTON FA B R I C The Dalston Fabric is envisioned as a response to the growing differences between the cultural and community groups in the Dalston area, due in part to increasing gentrification and increasing right wing rhetoric that threatens the vibrant multi-ethnic community. The Fabric created in the weaving studios is a symbol of Dalston itself. Worn to 2

unify the people, it is a bridge between communities and a contributor to a stronger Daslton identity.

1) External view from Dalston Lane 2) Sectional Axonometric 3) External view of main entrance space 3


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