CSI Phoenix January 2013 Newsletter

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Special Events

JANUARY MONTHLY MEETING 2013 McGraw-Hill Construction Forecast January 10, 2013 We still find ourselves in uncertain economic times. Which construction sectors will do well and which will struggle? What will be the impact of actions in Washington D.C.? Our presenter, Ryan Robbins of McGraw-Hill Construction, is in a unique position to provide an informed perspective on the economy and the construction industry. The program will begin by reviewing the national economy and move to a review of Arizona’s construction economy. Residential, commercial, institutional and public works will be analyzed. The presentation will “make sense of it all” and will to help prepare businesses for the near future. Mr. Robbins has over 25 years experience in the construction industry. He has worked in Business Development and Management for most of his career. He has worked for DuPont and its distributors and general contractors. Currently he is focusing on helping others do what he has done his whole career: “Build Better and Stronger Businesses.”

 

Where DoubleTree Suites 320 North 44th Street Phoenix, AZ 85008

CSI Academies . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2013 ABAA Conference . . . . 4 AZ Builders Exchange . . . . . 5 Technical Article . . . . . . . . .6-7 AIA Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Code Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Reference Library . . 11-13 Key Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

How the overall economic environment impacts construction activity at a local level. The economic variables driving the different sectors of construction. Residential construction is driven by different variables than those of office building or education construction. The insights provided to the audience by the presentation will facilitate better business decisions. The expectations for construction in Arizona, and why. For the sake of clarity, forecast and historical numbers will be provided. Which sectors are expected to act with higher degrees of certainty and which sectors are less clear. An appreciation for degrees of probability will be provided.

Time 11:30 am - Networking / Table Tops 12:00 pm - Lunch, Meeting, Program 1:00 pm - Table Tops

President’s Message. . . . . . . 2

Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Educational objectives to be covered by the presentation include an understanding of:

Table of Contents





I hope everyone enjoyed a happy and healthy holiday season! There are plenty of things to look forward to in the second half of our CSI fiscal year. Coming up February 7-9 are the CSI Academies in Charlotte, North Carolina. The CSI Academies teach construction industry skills that can improve your performance. The education sessions focus on small, intense group work in three areas of practice: Product Representation, Contract Administration, and Construction Specification. Below is a description of the Academies found at CSINET.org. Online you can view the sessions for each academy. This is a always a great event, not to be missed. Product Representative Academy (PRA) Become a product representative and manufacturer who understands more than the product – know where and how you fit into the construction process, and become a useful resource the design team will call on again and again. You will learn best practices for presenting products and supporting the design and construction teams. While you may know all the features of your product or services, you will be given the skills to present that information and succeed in the commercial construction community. Contract Administrator Academy (CAA) Nowhere else will you find intense training for experienced construction contract administrators focused on general skills for managing construction documentation, Division 01 specifications, and the general conditions. The information and skills you gain you’ll be able to use tomorrow! Construction Specifier Academy (CSA) Let CSI, the most respected specifications information source in the U.S., teach you the best practices in writing, administering, and controlling your specifications. Courses focus specifying in the real world and current issues, including preliminary project descriptions, specification coordination, commissioning, warranties, sustainability, and BIM. I mentioned in my past president’s message that the Phoenix CSI and all CSI chapter are in process of updating By-Laws. We will be posting the updates at our website, CSIPHOENIX.org and take a formal vote at our January meeting. See you at the January meeting and all the best in 2013!

Did you know that you can register for the January meeting on-line? Click the link below http://tinyurl.com/January-Registration

2013 CSI ACADEMIES REGISTRATION NOW OPEN February 7—9, 2012—CHARLOTTE, NC For more than 60 years, CSI has focused on improving construction communication between architects, specifiers, product reps and others to save money, time and stress for all the parties. The CSI Academies are your chance to learn the construction industry skills that can improve your performance. Designed for experienced professionals, the Academies: 

Instill confidence by teaching you the roles and responsibilities of all the construction teams, and how they should interact (and what to do when they don’t!)

Improve your marketability and productivity today with skills and information you can use immediately

Register now: http://tinyurl.com/CSI-Academies-Registration

2013 ABAA Conference & Trade Show

March 26-28, 2013 Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL

A Salute to Air Barrier Excellence! The Air Barrier Association of America is hosting its second annual conference and trade show in Chicago, IL on March 26–28, 2013. During this conference, three day comprehensive learning tracks and workshops will be offered for design professionals, general contractors, air barrier contractors, consultants and testing labs. As a new addition to this year’s event testimonials and presentations will be held in the exhibit hall, providing a relaxed atmosphere in which the attendees can get all the latest information and have the opportunity to listen to industry peers discuss projects.

1.5 hour networking lunches with presentations! Gala event in the exhibit hall and much more! There is no other conference entirely focused on Air Barrier knowledge! Dates: March 26 – 28, 2013 Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, IL

151 East Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 565-1234

Room rates will be discounted to $ 175.00 per night plus taxes. There are a limited amount of rooms available at this rate so please book early. In order to receive the discounted rate, please mention that you are attending the Air Barrier Association of America Conference and Trade Show or book your room online by following the link below: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/airbarrierassnamerica

Registration: Click here to follow the link

Attendees can earn CEU’s for attending these presentations. Day 1: Air Barrier Basics Day 2: Incorporating Air Barriers into your Project Day 3: Experts Sessions & Case Studies ABAA Installer training, Auditor training, WUFI training, Blower Door Technician training and SPFA training will also be offered for additional fees. The exhibitors will include manufacturers of air barrier materials and application equipment. Testing labs and building enclosure consulting companies will also be exhibiting. Our focus is to bring you the largest variety of Air Barrier Industry resources, all located in one place.

for all registration forms.

w: www.airbarrier.org Programs: Click here to follow the link for a listing of the presentations offered.

e: abaa@airbarrier.org p: 1-866-956-5888

NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SPENDING RISES TO 37-MONTH HIGH This article was shared by Arizona Builder’s Exchange Construction spending increased in October for the seventh consecutive month hitting a 37 month high. All major categories jumped for the month projecting an annualized spending at $872B. The findings came out of a study of new federal data released today by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials warned, however, that the fiscal cliff imperils future improvement in both public and private spending. Click on the link to read the full article http://tinyurl.com/AZ-Builders-Exchange

AZBEX is proud to partner with CSI in providing the information above.   

For more on any of the following topics, contact us today!

Projects in the Planning/Development, Bidding, and Awarded States Legislation Affecting the Local A/E/C Industry Permits, Zoning Issues, and Local Industry Events


(480) 709-4190


YOUR AD COULD BE HERE… Contact Pamela Bir at Pamela@YourComputerLady.com to start advertising today.

THE DRYWALL DEFECT TRIFECTA THE SPEC WAS MET, BUT THE WALLS ARE A WRECK By: The Master Painter’s Institute Submitted by: Tim Garver, CSI, Dunn-Edwards Paints

Ever hear this one? This paint inspector walks onto a jobsite and sees a drywall surface that’s just been meticulously painted with an intermediate coat of premium high performance interior latex…and his stomach turns: the wall looks awful, with the joints clearly visible at both the bevel joint seams and butt joints. The architect and owner are upset and the painting contractor is pointing at the drywall contractor. The drywall contractor, however, insists the work was done to spec. And according to GA-214-10e “Recommended Levels of Gypsum Board Finish,” the drywall contractor is right. That’s what the intrepid inspector faced on a large construction project for a new community center. What to Expect from an ASTM Level 4 Finish Here’s how it starts: specifiers and owners are reluctant to specify an ASTM Level 5 Drywall finish (as described in ASTM C840) because the cost goes up appreciably: Level 5 takes more time and requires greater skill (because if you don’t know how to properly apply the required skim coat, you’ll have a mess on your hands). So the vast majority of new construction specs require an ASTM Level 4 Drywall Finish for painted surfaces, instead of the more uniform surface described by Level 5. The Gypsum Association’s GA-214-10e “Recommended Levels of Gypsum Board Finish” is a consensus document designed to help architects and facility owners anticipate the final appearance of the wall system. The document stipulates that an ASTM Level 4 Drywall Finish should be specified “where flat paints or light textures are to be applied” and that “Paints with sheen levels other than flat..are not recommended over this level of finish.” The guide also suggests that joint telegraphing (also called joint photographing; it’s the defect where finished seams and joints in the drywall are clearly visible through the finish) is magnified in areas of critical lighting, which is defined as “wall and ceiling areas abutting window mullions or skylights, long hallways, or atriums with large surface areas flooded with artificial and/or natural lighting.” The guide further warns that light striking the surface obliquely, at a very slight angle, greatly exaggerates surface irregularities. So here’s the challenge: if the drywall contractor meets all the requirements for ASTM Level 4 finishing, with its multiple coats of joint compound over joints and angles, he will not consider surface irregularities that are visible due to critical lighting, oblique angles, or the use of a non-flat paint to be “defects” — yet that’s what they are to the paint inspector or owner who’s staring at the coated surface.

The Case of the New Gymnasium Walls This was the case faced by the intrepid paint inspector at the handsome new community center that housed a huge gymnasium. The gym’s 36-foot-high walls were constructed with wood paneling on the bottom eight feet, followed by eight feet of soundproofing panels. The remaining 20 feet above the soundproofing was drywall…and these drywall surfaces represented the perfect-storm trifecta for creating visible drywall defects:  

they were bathed in natural light from the expansive windows set high in the walls. the spec required an MPI Gloss Level 3 finish (equivalent to a ‘pearl’ or ‘eggshell’) instead of a flat, because a flat could be marked easily by flying basketballs and volleyballs. the height of the walls guaranteed that from almost anywhere in the gym, they could be viewed at an oblique angle. Standard practice for wall paint inspection is to view walls from a 45-degree angle – and in this facility, the view from 45 degrees came from the center of the gym. Defects were plainly visible even from that distance, and appeared more conspicuous as the inspector approached the wall (the smaller the angle, the more visible the defect).

So even though the drywall contractor had met the requirements for an ASTM Level 4 finish, the joints were telegraphing so clearly through the intermediate that from a distance of 30 feet away, the inspector — and the frustrated facility owner — could count the drywall boards. To exacerbate the problem, tight scheduling demanded that a solution be found and executed quickly: all the work at 36 feet had to be finished before the gym floor could be installed, since the heavy access lifts weren’t practical for use on hardwood — and the floor installation date was fast approaching. How to solve this? Tips for Masking Drywall Finishing Defects One seemingly obvious solution – troweling on more joint compound to hide the seams — is not recommended. As we explained in our February 2012 newsletter (click here to read the complete article), drywall repairs should only be made after application of the primer/sealer, and not after application of the intermediate coat; otherwise, you’re likely to make the problem worse. An alternative practice suggested in the GA-214-10e guide is to first apply a texture to the walls, and then apply the paint finish. These spray-applied texture products can mask the flaws in drywall so effectively that sometimes an ASTM Level 3 Drywall Finish is sufficient for painting. However, textured finishes can quickly pick up dirt, which is undesirable in a gymnasium setting, especially at heights that create a considerable maintenance headache. The most practical solution was to try reducing the gloss. So the contractor painted a test patch with the MPI Gloss Level 2 version of the specified coating; Gloss Level 2 is a high-side-sheen flat with a velvet-like finish. To simulate the final service conditions, the contractor set up portable lights to flood the walls with the strong side lighting that would eventually pour through the windows. Upon viewing the new finish, the inspector and owner agreed that the defects where sufficiently diminished, so the Gloss Level 2 finish was then applied on the remaining drywall surfaces. Fortunately, because a high performance interior latex was specified, the finish’s resistance to marking and burnishing will not be significantly affected by taking the gloss level down one notch. So what’s the moral of the story? Anomalies and defects in new drywall finishes may be minimized by (a) applying the afore-mentioned textures to the walls prior to painting; (b) applying a skimcoat to the gypsum board surface (essentially creating an ASTM Level 5 Drywall finish); or (c) specifying the use of draperies and blinds to soften shadows. But in general, be warned that paints with higher sheen, or specifying the deep colors that are so trendy these days, will always tend to highlight surface imperfections.

AIA ARIZONA JANUARY CALENDAR January 2nd—Member Communications Meeting January 9th—Phoenix Metro Affiliates Meeting January 10th—Phoenix Metro ExCom January 11th—+2030 Professional Series January 15th—Small Firm Roundtable and AIA SAC Board of Directors Meeting January 17th—VDC Committee—AIA Phoenix Metro January 18th—Committee on the Environment January 22nd—AIA 10 January 25th—AIA SAC 2013 Kick Off Party (tentative)


Contributed by: Tammy Stevens | Architectural Specialist, Editorial (AZ,NM) CSI, AIA AF | Phone: 602-896-0867 Fax 602-862-9940 cell: 480-747-2769


THE CHAPTER NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT TODAY THE CHAPTER NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT In order to cut costs to keep the chapter profitable, the Board of Directors decided to outsource the newsletter and web site to a publisher – Your Computer Lady. Your Computer Lady had been creating the newsletters and updating the web site for over a year for a fee. But with this change to a publishing agreement, YCL sells advertising to cover the costs of each month’s newsletter and each month’s updates on the web site. Each of you have received numerous emails about advertising. Each newsletter for six months has included advertising info. Many calls have been made. But advertising is still not covering the basic costs of either the newsletter or the web site. These communications are important to the chapter.  The newsletter promotes each monthly meeting not only to encourage member attendance but to encourage guests and potential members to attend.  The newsletter provides educational information including the opportunity for you to educate the members about your industry and your issues.  The web site provides a gathering spot of technical data, chapter information such as by-laws and the member roster. Do business with other chapter members! YOU NEED THE BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING WITH THE CHAPTER  The newsletter has an Open Rate between 31-42%. That’s well above the national average of 25%. Your target market reads the newsletter!  Click-through rates on the newsletter run between 16-28%. Again, well above the national average of 5%. Your target clients visit web sites and read articles from the newsletter!  For the 3rd Quarter of 2012, the web site averaged 4,049 visits a month with 9,783 page views.  In November 2012, a traditionally slow web site month, the site had 1,494 unique visitors who viewed 4,138 pages.  Web traffic has consistently grown in 2012 over the 2011 numbers. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Three table tops are available at most meetings. You get a table top to display your products or services before, during and after the meetings. But you also get a 5 minute presentation to the entire chapter! Put your best foot forward and contact 80+ prospects at one time. Call Pamela Bir at 480-929-0335 today to arrange your advertising. Click on the link below see the low Advertising Rates. http://tinyurl.com/Advertising-Rates Click on the link for the Advertising Agreement. http://tinyurl.com/Advertising-Agreement

CODE CORNER Gypsum Board Construction

By: Ronald L. Geren, AIA, CSI, CCS, CCCA, SCIP

Gypsum board has been an important part of the construction industry for more than 100 years. Its humble beginnings started in the late 1800s as “Sackett Board,” named for Augustine Sackett, one of the inventors of the early gypsum product. Sackett Board consisted of Plaster of Paris between two layers of felt paper. The board was 1/4 inch thick and 36 inches square with exposed edges. Although not suitable as a finish product as is today’s gypsum board, Sackett Board made an excellent base for gypsum plaster. In 1910 the evolution of gypsum board took another step forward when a process for wrapping the exposed edges was implemented in manufacturing. This was followed shortly by the replacement of felt paper with a true paper-based facing. Over the next 40 years other developments in gypsum board were introduced, such as air-entrainment to make the board lighter, exterior wall and roof sheathing, and Type X fire-resistant board. Gypsum board is frequently called “drywall,” a term whose origin has been lost over time, but was likely used to differentiate it from the “wet” gypsum plaster method. Other terms have also worked their way into the gypsum board vernacular, such as “Sheetrock” (a brand name for gypsum board produced by United States Gypsum), and “plasterboard” (commonly used in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand). ASTM C 11, Standard Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems, considers gypsum board to be “the generic name for a family of sheet products consisting of a noncombustible core primarily of gypsum with paper surfacing”; thus, gypsum board will be used throughout this article. Click on the link to read the full article: http://tinyurl.com/Gypsum-Board-Construction

Focus on Color

In addition to having more types of brick to offer our clients (thin brick, veneers, more textures, more sizes, more shapes) Phoenix Brick Yard also has more colors of brick to offer. Pavers come in a wide variety of colors too! More design options More accenting colors for architectural details New paving colors for outdoor environments Phoenix Brick Yard has the expertise to match existing brick colors and textures

The coolness of Autumn Ash

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Contact us today to discuss the best ways to use SUSTAINABLE brick in your next project!

The tradition of Mount Vernon

The industrial feel of Pebble Grey

The variety is just as great for paving brick!

PUBLICATION DEADLINE Publication deadline for the February issue of the Phoenix Chapter Newsletter is January 15, 2013. Articles and items of interest should be submitted to Laurie Pretzman at Laurie@YourComputerLady.com We welcome member articles, ideas and suggestions. Original articles are great! But if you are not a writer, we will reprint articles from your company, your industry organizations or your trade magazines. It’s a win/win for everyone. Educate your prospects and clients.

Register for the January Meeting NOW! http://tinyurl.com/January-Registration



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Iron Oxide (602) 258-7158 ChrisK@PhoenixBrick.com


January 09 Muddox/Marvel, Frank Bartucci, 480-722-2495 1 AIA LU with SD, 1 GBCI

January 16 ATAS International, Jim Daniels, 480-465-5900 1 AIA LU, HSW, SD and 1 GBCI

“Design & Detail of Reinforced Hollow Clay Masonry”

Energy Efficient Building Envelope Technology – Building Green with Metal  Discover how metal cladding on roof and walls can contribute to a sustainable building initiative  Understand the concept and technology of Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV)  Identify the combination of solar reflectance and thermal emittance of Cool Metal Roofing and the concepts of Above Sheathing Ventilation  Explain the function of a Transpired Solar Collector, benefits during heating and cooling seasons

Using best practices, the participant will learn the concept of hollow clay masonry units and the design of structures, the moisture and thermal analysis concepts of brick masonry walls and the impact on the building’s energy requirements. The participate will become knowledgeable about the environmentally friendly practices in the manufacturing process of hollow clay masonry units and the detailing of hollow clay masonry to construct long-lasting, flexible and environmentally friendly buildings.

January 23 Sky Design Concepts, Mark Morganstein, 602-276-5001 1 AIA LU

January 30 Louisiana Pacific, Mike Bergfeldt, 480-239-5170 1 AIA LU with HSW, SD

“The Latest in Skylights”

“Fire-rated cementitious coated OSB in Wall and Roof Sheathing Applications”

Sky Design Concepts provides a full line of day lighting products that includes both sloped glazed (skylights) and vertical glazing applications. The day lighting systems feature both passive and active systems that can control your over-all lighting requirements and minimize the actual energy cost. Our products are an essential part of LEED.

Provides an overview of fire-rated cementitious coated OSB sheathing applications in terms of its structural and performance properties and contribution to enhancing the sustainable built environment.


01/09 Muddox/Marvel 01/16 ATAS 01/23 Sky Design Concepts 01/30 L.P.

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RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email jill@thereferencelibrary.com



1 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


January 10 SWD Urethane, Craig Mathews, 480-969-8413 1 AIA LU with HSW

January 24 Hallmark Building Supply (DuPont Corian and Zodiaq), Katie Kelly, 602-697-9284 1 AIA

“Designing a Better Building Envelope Using Spray Foam”    

Identify the 4 essential building envelope barriers and how spray foam fits into building envelope design Understand how building envelope design can affect indoor air quality Define how spray foam aligns with sustainable and green design Discuss spray foam roofing and insulation life-cycle costing and health benefits

“Understanding Quartz Surfaces – Innovation Taking Shape” Learn the functional and aesthetic attributes of quartz surfaces, and the history behind their development.


01/10 SWD 01/24 Hallmark

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RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email jill@thereferencelibrary.com



2 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


January 17 Victoria + Albert (Creative Bath), Brian Lerkins, 800-421-7190 1 AIA LU and 0.1 CEU IDCEC “Understanding the Green Consumer”    

Gain insight into the different types of Green consumers Understanding how professional are categorized as green Learn about LEED certifications and how points are earned Learn about green products in the kitchen and bath with an emphasis on plumbing products available for commercial and/or residential use


01/17 Victoria + Albert



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RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email jill@thereferencelibrary.com



3 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.

OFFICERS 2012-2013 President Angie France Sherwin Williams 623-606-1130 Angie.France@Sherwin.com

Treasurer Teri Hand Tnemec/Southwest Coating Consultants 602-418-1268 THand@Tnemec.com

President Elect Brian McClure Stantec 602-320-5323 Brian.McClure@Stantec.com

Director 2012-2014 Jim Daniels Atas International, Inc. 480-558-7210 JDaniels@Atas.com

Jeff Cox HKS, Inc. 602-462-0966 JCox@HKSInc.com

1st Vice President T.J. Valdez The Twenty-One Tech Co. 480-226-5809 TJV@Twenty1Tec.com

Director 2011-2013 John Campbell Architect 480-399-1805 JohnRCampbell@cox.net

Bobbi Jo Huskey Soprema, Inc. 480-421-8186 BHuskey@Soprema.us

2nd Vice President Eduardo Galindo CDM 602-281-7900 GalindoE@CDM.com

Past President Steve Smith StephenWSmith55@msn.com

Secretary Mark Yarish The Orcutt Winslow Partnership 602-257-1764 Yarish.M@OWP.com

COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2012-2013 Education and Certification Jill Anderson The Reference Library 602-258-7499 Jill@TheReferenceLibrary.com

Awards Jim Bandle InPro Corporation 623-551-6067 JBandle@InProCorp.com

Technical T.J.Valdez The Twenty-One Tech Co. 480-226-5809 TJV@Twenty1Tec.com

Media Communications Carlos Murrieta SSPW Architects LLP 480-991-0800 CMurrieta@SSPWArchitects.com

Membership Bobbi Jo Huskey Soprema,Inc. 480-421-8186 BHuskey@Soprema.us

Fundraising & Golf Tournament David Spice, CSI, LEED AP DAS Products 480-894-9858 DSpice@DASProducts.com

Imagination Cube Ken Martinek Arcadia, Inc. 602-437-2514 KMartinek@ArcadiaInc.com Academic Programs OPEN

Programs Angie Smith Sherwin Williams 623-606-1130 Angie.France@Sherwin.com Calling Louise Rehse The Reference Library 602-258-7499 Louise@TheReferenceLibrary.com

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