April 2012 CSI PHX Newslettter

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Special Events

MONTHLY MEETING Joint Meeting of CSI - Phoenix Chapter and AIA - Phoenix Metro Chapter April 12, 2012 Program Designing the Future will be the topic of Jeff Denzak’s presentation. While discussing the work of Swaback Partners and the Two Worlds Community Foundation, Mr. Denzak will also cover Four Key Points: 1. Moving from the world of design to the design of the world. 2. Designing for Living: Society’s Greatest Challenge. 3. The ultimate task for architecture: Create structures and communities that become the human equivalent to the sustainable beauty of nature. 4. A new economics in which for-profit and non-profits provide results that neither could accomplish on their own.

Table of Contents President’s Message. . . . 2-3 CSI Linked In . . . . . . . . . . . 3 AIA Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Election of Officer . . . . . . . 4 Southwest Region . . . . . . . 4 Technical Committee . . . 5-10 Let’s Get Dirty . . . . . . . . . . 11 Name Change Contest . . . .12

Guest Speaker Jeff Denzak, Swaback Partners Biography: http://www.csiphoenix.org/Portals/0/Newsletters/2012/April-2012/Jeff-Denzak-Biography.pdf

St. Mary’s Food Bank . . . . 13

Location Radisson Hotel Phoenix City Center 3600 North Second Ave Phoenix, AZ 85013

Sheldon Wolfe . . . . . . . 17-18

The Reference Library . 14-16

CSI Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 From the Editor . . . . . . . . . 19

Schedule 5:30 pm – Networking/Table Tops 6:30 to 8:00 pm – Dinner/Meeting & Program 8:00 to 8:30 pm – Table Tops

Member Profiles . . . . . . . . 19 New Ad Rates . . . . . . . . 20-22

Reservations must be made by April 9th at noon. Contact Louise Rehse at 602-258-7499 or Louise@TheReferenceLibrary.com Cost for non-members is $25. Only check or cash accepted at the meeting. Pay by credit card at the chapter web site. This program qualifies for 1 AIA LU credit.

Key Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . 23


UPCOMING EDUCATION COMMITTEE EVENTS CSI Phoenix and Soprema Presents: “Let’s Get Dirty” Wednesday, April 18, 2012—12:00 to 2:00 pm More details on page 11

CSI Phoenix is Volunteering at the St. Mary’s Food Bank Friday, April 27th, 2012—12:00 to 4:00 pm More details on page 13


I came across an interesting article recently in Building Design Construction magazine that I would like to share with everyone. The article is actually the editorial by Robert Cassidy from the March 2012 edition. Mr. Cassidy didn’t include any organizational initials behind his name, so I don’t know if he is a member of CSI, AIA or any other organization related to the industry, but he is knowledgeable about recent CSI activities. Here is the article. CSI AT A TURNING POINT – What is the Organization’s Mission? By: Robert Cassidy The Construction Specifications Institute, one of the key professional associations in the AEC industry, is at a crossroads. CSI has lost a third of its members in the last decade, to around 12,000. But CSI’s central problem goes deeper, to its core purpose: What is CSI’s role in the design and construction industry? You might think that’s a pretty easy question to answer: “CSI” equals “specifications.” It’s the organization for specifiers, all those folks with CSI or CDT or one of those other acronyms after their names. You know, MasterFormat and OmniClass and all that good stuff, right? Yes and no. Undoubtedly, CSI’s most significant contribution to the industry is MasterFormat, which enables Building Teams to organize the many thousands of products and systems that go into a building in logical fashion. And, yes. CSI’s education programs leading to its various certifications – Certified Documents Technologist, Certified Construction Specifier, and Certified Construction Contract Administrator – provide an invaluable service to the field. But did you know that only 14% of CSI members list themselves as “specifiers”? In fact, there are more architects (30%) and product manufacturers and product representatives (21%) in CSI than specifiers. One of the organization’s great strengths is its ability to bring together a wide range of building professionals. That’s all to the good, but the fact that CSI is losing membership – and perhaps its sense of direction. A quarter-century ago, people in design and construction industry joined CSI largely for the networking. Social connections are still important, especially at the chapter level, but that’s not enough to keep the organization vibrant and growing, especially when many of its members are approaching retirement. In sum, CSI is having an identity crisis: What does CSI stand for? How can it serve the industry more effectively, and thereby prosper? Those are the questions that CSI’s board and management have been wrestling with over the past year. Instead of burying their heads in the sand, CSI’s leaders are addressing the identity problem head on as they seek to rethink its mission and rebrand the organization. I know what you are thinking. “Rebranding.” Isn’t that code for “Let’s change the color of the logo and hope that it solves all our problems?” We’ve all gone through these exercises in cosmetic change, only to look back a year or two later and ask, “What were we thinking?” So I was quite skeptical when CSI asked me to participate in a review of a study of 1,054 members and 467 nonmembers. The survey revealed that members and nonmembers agree that CSI needs to come to a more defined sense of its mission – to go beyond “specifications” and address its role in new technologies like BIM, its contribution to education and specialized knowledge development, and its unique ability to bring together many disciplines.

There was consensus that “CSI” has a strong brand identity among AEC professionals (despite the potential confusion with the TV show). Members felt strongly about keeping some version of the CSI shield, but they were open to getting rid of the full name and going with “CSI” alone. In the end, the study group recommended taking “CSI: The Building Knowledge Network,” with the tagline “Advancing Project Delivery,” to the CSI board, as much more accurate statement of what CSI stands for today. What do you think? What is CSI’s role in this industry? Let me know: rcassidy@sgcmail.com . This editorial relates to a couple of my past President’s Messages. It ties back to Mike Jackson’s presentation at the January’s monthly meeting. How do we change to meet the future and the changes in our industry? Are you prepared and willing to make the changes? (Yes, I have more questions than answers.) I would like to hear your thoughts on how we make our Chapter and Institute more vibrant and growing.

CSI LINKEDIN Join CSI LinkedIn. See the screenshot below for some active discussions.

AIA ARIZONA APRIL CALENDAR April 3: AIA Southern Arizona / RBA CE Academy April 4: Member Communications Meeting; Sean Murphy Travel Prize Lecture; UA CALA Lecture - Edward Jones, AIA - Neal Jones, AIA - LEED AP of Jones Studio April 5: Phx Metro Affiliates Meeting April 6: AIA Arizona (state) BOARD meeting April 11: AIA Phoenix Metro Chapter Meeting April 12: Phoenix Metro Board of Directors April 13: Eco Month Bonus Session April 14: Desert Classic Volleyball Tournament www.AIA-Arizona.org April 17: Small Firm Roundtable April 18: Membership Development April 19: VDC Committee - AIA Phx Metro April 29: Home Tour

2012-2013 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Please print the ballot then circle your choice or write in your alternative. Bring your ballot to the April 12th meeting or fax it to (480) 452-0737.


Angela France

Write in:

President Elect

Brian McClure

Write in:

1st Vice President

TJ Valdez

Write in:

2nd Vice President

Ed Galindo

Write in:


Mark Yarish

Write in:


Teri Hand

Write in:

Industry Director 2012-2014

Jim Daniels

Write in:

Professional Director 2012-2014

Jeff Cox

Write in:

2012 CSI SOUTHWEST REGIONAL CONFERENCE CSI Southwest Region Educational Conference & Product Show Hosted by the Tucson Chapter of CSI June 7 – 9, 2012 http:\\www.CSITucson.org/SW-Region-Conference/

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE As members of the CSI Technical Committee we have actively pursued information that would increase our awareness and participation with state energy code improvements and weatherization programs. The following article is written by one of my colleagues that helps illustrate the value of increased energy performance with a very small investment. This article specifically targets air sealing in the residential market but it can also be applied to a commercial building. By: Larry Shelton, Senior Architectural Support for Dow Building Solutions

Air Sealing Existing Homes with Foam-in-a-Can Rivals Energy Cost Benefits of CFLs Douglas V. Bibee

Katherine L. Johnson

Donald R. Nelson


ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to quantify the energy saving benefits of one component spray polyurethane foam in existing homes. It is well known that reducing the air leakage of a home reduces energy use of that home. And it is generally accepted that foam sealants reduce air leakage. However, it is not well known how much energy savings can be expected from installation of foam sealants in various air leakage locations in existing homes. This case study demonstrates that simple, quick air sealing of existing homes with one component spray polyurethane foam sealant (foam-in-a-can) provides an average payback of 4 months and a 7 year return on investment (ROI) of 4400%. Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) reportedly have a payback of 6 months and a 7 year ROI of 1400%. CFLs have been heavily promoted as the first step for consumers to consider when improving the energy efficiency of homes. DOE states, “Compared to other energy efficiency improvements, CFLs require substantially less investment, have no installation costs, and pay for themselves much more quickly” (DOE 2009b). However, the results reported here show that quick, easy installation of spray foam sealant in existing homes provides energy savings and financial benefits exceeding CFLs.

INTRODUCTION There are about 128 million housing units in the United States and about 80 million of those are single-family detached homes (HUD 2008). Residential buildings use about 21%, or 21 quads, of the energy consumed in the U.S. (DOE 2009a). A quad is a quadrillion Btu, or 1015 Btu. EPA estimates that homeowners can typically save up to 20% of heating and cooling costs (or up to 10% of total energy costs) by air sealing their homes and adding insulation in attics, floors over crawl spaces, and accessible basement rim joists (EPA/DOE 2010). So, existing homes provide a huge opportunity to save energy, along with collateral benefits to the economy and the environment. Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) have been heavily promoted as the first step for consumers to consider when improving the energy efficiency of homes. DOE states “Compared to other energy efficiency improvements, CFLs require substantially less investment, have no installation costs and pay for themselves much more quickly” (DOE 2009b). This contention is based on a payback of 6 months and

a 7 year return on investment (ROI) of 1400% for CFLs (DOE 2009b). However, the case study reported here indicates that simple air sealing with one component spray polyurethane foam sealant (foam-in-a-can) provides an average payback of 4 months and a 7 year ROI of 4400%. This study demonstrates that quick, easy installation of foam sealant in existing homes provides energy savings and financial benefits that rival CFLs. This study was undertaken to quantify the energy saving benefits of one component spray polyurethane foam in existing homes. It is well known that reducing the air leakage of a home reduces energy use of that home. And it is generally accepted that foam sealants reduce air leakage. However, it is not well known how much energy savings can be expected from installation of foam sealants in various air leakage locations in existing homes. This study utilized three elements to estimate energy savings attributed to application of foam sealants in existing homes: (1) careful measurement of the time and material required to air seal a particular location in an existing house, (2) a blower door test before and after the air

Douglas V. Bibee and Katherine L. Johnson work in Dow Building Solutions R&D, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI. Donald R. Nelson is president of D.R. Nelson & Associates, Inc., Lake Orion, MI.

© 2010 ASHRAE.

sealing work to quantify how much air leakage was reduced as a result of the air sealing work, and (3) energy use calculations (AEC 2009) for the house to estimate annual energy savings attributed to reduced air leakage. The study involved 11 homes built between 1926 and 2001 in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, representing typical one- and two-story construction on basements and crawl spaces. The scope of the project was limited to air sealing work and testing that could be accomplished in one day using one component spray polyurethane foam sealants.




Four air sealing products, each a one-component spray polyurethane foam: 1. 2. 3. 4.

• •

Consumer Gaps and Cracks—12 oz can, straw applicator Professional Gaps and Cracks—20 oz can, gun applicator Consumer Window and Door—12 oz can, straw applicator, low expansion pressure foam Professional Window and Door—20 oz can, gun applicator, low expansion pressure foam

Minneapolis Blower Door from The Energy Conservatory Energy analysis software (AEC 2009)



9. 10.

11. 12.



The same general procedure was used on each home: 1. 2.





Visually assess potential air leakage locations on the exterior and interior of the home. Determine air leakage locations that may be candidates for air sealing within the scope of our project – accessibility, time to complete work, appropriate for air sealing materials Conduct initial blower door test at negative 20, 30, 40 and 50 Pa. The air pressure on the interior of the house was 20, 30, 40 and 50 Pa lower than air pressure on the exterior of the house which caused air to leak into the house. The initial blower door test provided a baseline air leakage rate for the house and allowed further assessment of air leakage locations using smoke pencil, touch and sight. Decide which air leakage location to air seal first and which air seal product to use. This decision varied from house to house, but when the study was completed we wanted to have data for several different air leakage locations and each of the four foam sealant products within the scope of the project. Prepare the location to be air sealed. For instance, if the rim joist is going to be air sealed, it may be necessary to remove fiberglass batt insulation from the rim joist prior to installing the foam sealant. Preparation time was measured but was not included in installation time.

Install one component spray polyurethane foam sealant in the first air seal location, e.g., rim joist, plumbing penetrations under sinks, around windows, etc. Keep accurate measurements regarding amount of foam sealant material used, time it takes to install foam sealant material, and size of air leakage location, e.g., lineal feet of rim joist, number of windows. Conduct a second blower door test at the same conditions as the initial blower door test. This allows determination of air leakage reduction resulting from installation of foam sealant in the first air seal location. Decide which air leakage location to air seal second and which air seal product to use. Prepare the location to be air sealed. Conduct a third blower door test at the same conditions as the first and second blower door tests. This allows determination of air leakage reduction resulting from installation of foam sealant in the second air seal location. Steps 8, 9, and 10 were repeated for up to 4 air leakage locations on a single house. Gather detailed measurements, equipment descriptions, and characteristics of each home for required input into REM/Rate. Use REM/Rate to calculate expected heating and cooling energy use and energy cost for the initial air leakage rate and each subsequent air leakage rate associated with installing foam sealant in an air leakage location. A day of testing at each house provided the following primary data: amount of foam sealant material and time to air seal each air leakage location, size of air leakage location, air leakage reduction attributed to air sealing each air leakage location, and energy and cost savings attributed to air leakage reductions for each air leakage location.

RESULTS On a single house, from one to four air leakage locations were sealed using foam sealant. The air leakage locations included rim joist, sill plate, penetrations through rim joists, plumbing penetrations under sinks, gap at wall/floor intersection, exterior underside of bay window, top of balloon frame stud cavities in attic, can lights sealed to gypsum board ceiling, and perimeter of windows. Figures 1–5 illustrate examples of air leakage locations and applied spray foam sealant. Table 1 reports results from air sealing rim joists of 9 houses. Similar data sets were collected for other air leakage locations and other houses. Table 2 summarizes average energy savings, payback, and ROI data for all products for all air leakage locations on all houses. CONCLUSIONS 1.

Payback and ROI for spray foam sealants applied in existing homes indicate that simple, quick air sealing by Buildings XI

Figure 1 Spray foam sealant applied to rim joist and sill plate.

Figure 2 Spray foam sealant applied to rim joist, sill plate, and penetration through rim joist.

Figure 3 Foam sealant applied to gap between recessed light and ceiling.

Figure 4 Foam sealant applied to perimeter of window.




5. Figure 5 Foam sealant applied to plumbing penetrations under sink. Buildings XI

homeowners or professionals can yield very attractive energy savings and financial benefits. Spray foam sealants had paybacks from 2 weeks to 9 months and a one-year ROI of 145%–2370%, depending on air leakage location and product used. When all air leakage locations, products, and houses for this study were averaged together, payback for spray foam sealant was 4 months with a one-year ROI of 630% and a seven-year ROI of 4400%. CFLs reportedly have payback of 6 months and a seven year ROI of 1400% (4). Air sealing of existing homes must include consideration of maintaining adequate ventilation in the home after the work is finished. Spray foam sealants should be promoted with the same vigor as CFLs by utility companies and government agencies interested in motivating homeowners to reduce home energy usage. 3


Table 1.

Example of Data Set for Air Sealing Rim Joist

QuanBase Base Whole Cost of Labor to Air Leakage tity of Price of Whole House Air Seal Install Air Reduction by Air Seal Air Seal House Air Heating and Product Seal Sealing Rim Product Product, Leakage at Cooling Used, Product, Joist, $/can Used, 50 Pa, Estimate, $ man hours cfm cans cfm MMBtu/yr

WholeHeating and House Base WholeCooling Heating and House Savings as a Cooling SavHeating and Result of ings as a Cooling Sealing Rim Result of Estimate, Joist, Sealing Rim $/yr MMBtu/yr Joist, $/yr

Home Location

Year Built

Rim Joist Sealed, lineal ft

Air Seal Product Used

Cedaridge Dr.



Con G&C 12 oz can











Dilloway St.



Pro G&C 20 oz can











Sharon Valley



Con G&C 12 oz can














Con G&C 12 oz can











St. Andrews



Con G&C 12 oz can











Cornelius Av



Con G&C 12 oz can











Canyon Road



Pro G&C 20 oz can














Pro G&C 20 oz can











Charles St.



Pro G&C 20 oz can











Buildings XI

Buildings XI

Table 2.

Air Sealing Product Used Air Sealing Location

Average Energy Saved Per House, MMBtu/yr

Savings Summary

Average Average Energy Cost Energy Saved Savings Per Per House, House, Kwh/yr $/yr

Average Number of Cans Per Application, cans

Average Investment in Material Per Application, $

Average Payback Time, months

Average 1 Year Return on Investment, %

Average 7 Year Return on Investment, %

Consumer Gaps & Cracks Rim Joist/Sill Plate/Penetrations




6.7 (12 oz)





Plumbing Penetrations Under Sink




0.5 (12 oz)





Gap at Wall/Floor Junction




0.15 (12 oz)





Rim Joist/Sill Plate/Penetrations




2.5 (20 oz)





Exterior of Bay Window/Cantilever




0.25 (20 oz)





Top of Ballon Frame Wall Cavities in Attic




2.5 (20 oz)





Can lights sealed to gypsum ceiling




0.5 (12 oz)





Two Windows




1.25 (12 oz)








0.25 (20 oz)








Professional Gaps & Cracks

Consumer Window & Door

Professional Window & Door Four Windows

Average for All Applications



Observations during the study identified other large opportunities to save energy in existing homes, which were outside the scope of this project, e.g., a scope of work that included two days of work or use of two component spray polyurethane foams and rigid foam insulation boards to cover larger areas could also provide attractive energy savings and financial payback.


Return to the same houses and quantify energy savings of additional air sealing measurers (attics, ducts, etc.) Conduct a similar study in a warm climate to include slab-on-grade foundations. Use a larger population of houses to confirm conclusions of this case study (university, government agency, utility, etc.).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the team from D. R. Nelson & Associates who did the hands-on work and provided valuable


observations and suggestions during the project: Keith Nelson, operations manager, and Jason Ingles and Bill Sloat, technicians. We thank the homeowners who generously made their homes available and endured the disruption of our presence. REFERENCES AEC. 2009. REM/Rate—Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v 12.7, Architectural Energy Corporation. DOE. 2009a. 2009 Buildings Energy Databook. Department of Energy, Washington, DC. DOE. 2009b. CFL Market Profile. Department of Energy, Washington, DC. EPA/DOE. 2010. http://www.energystar.gov/ index.cfm?c=home_sealing.hm_improvement_methodo logy. Environmental Protection Agency/Department of Energy, Washington, DC. HUD. 2008. American Housing Survey for the United States: 2007. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC.

Buildings XI

CSI Phoenix and SOPREMA Presents: “Let’s Get Dirty” A hands on learning experience Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Time: Noon to 2pm Noon to 1pm—AIA Seminar Advantages of liquid roofing and waterproofing systems 1pm to 2pm—Let’s Get Dirty Demo Come try Soprema’s different products/ applications that offer: • Seamless applications • Ability to do difficult flashing details • Renewable systems • Can be used to recover existing roofs • Can be installed when the structure is occupied • Ease of transportation and project loading • Do not require heat or flame to be installed Location: The Reference Library 99 E. Virginia Ave., #140 Phoenix, AZ 85004 RSVP for the Seminar, Demo, or BOTH to Jill Anderson at 602-258-7499 or jill@thereferencelibrary.com Seating is limited!

PUT YOUR CREATIVE HAT ON! At the direction of the Chapter Board of Directors, the newsletter is going to expand:  More industry-related articles from recognized industry publications.  More industry-related event promotion.  More advertising to offset the cost of publication of the newsletter and web site.  New design for the newsletter.  New software to make reading the online version more enjoyable. To reflect the new direction of the newsletter, we need a new name! Email your name suggestion to Pamela@YourComputerLady.com to enter the contest. In the case of two people suggesting the same name, the first email received determines the owner of that name.

To “prime the pump,” here are some names that have been suggested already: Phoenix Perspective Desert Attitude Arizona Attitude Cactus Comments Exponentially ______________

Be Creative! So we are going to have a contest for the month of April, to select a new name. April 1st Contest starts. Members can suggest new names. April 15th Deadline for name submission. April 16th Special email to members for voting. April 30th Voting deadline. May 1st Newsletter is issued with the new name!

Winner of the contest is the person who suggested the name which received the most votes. Prize for the winner is a Sidebar ad on the Home Page for 6 months!

CSI needs your help! CSI Phoenix is volunteering at The St. Mary’s Food Bank Our group will be boxing food and meals for families coming into the facility.

When: Time: Where:

Friday, April 27, 2012 Noon to 4pm 3131 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix

Please RSVP to jill@thereferencelibrary.com Once you RSVP, you will receive a volunteer registration form, instructions for the day, and a lunch option.

“Come help feed the hungry in Arizona.”

April 2012

APRIL 04 Dyson, Dale Lee, 602-549-9878 1 AIA LU with HSW, SD, GBCI and IIDA

APRIL 11 ICPI, Nathan Angel, 602-818-3937 1 AIA LU with HSW

“New Hand Dryer Technology: Sustainable, Hygienic and Cost Effective” This course lists the key characteristics and benefits of different hand drying methods and identifies the sustainable, hygienic and financial cost issues associated with commercial hand dryers. Video demonstration and explanation of the new hand dryer technology and the research that led to its development. The course concludes with case studies where new hand dryers reinforce the design aesthetic of the project and the business mission of the client. APRIL 18 SOPREMA, Bobbi Jo Huskey, 480-421-8186 1 AIA LU with HSW

“Specifications and Construction Details for Interlocking Concrete Pavements” 1. Know the components of interlocking concrete pavement 2. Know the components of a specification for interlocking concrete pavement 3. Understand various means for achieving quality assurance in construction through the specification 4. Know selected details for the interface of interlocking concrete pavement with other pavements and pavement appurtenances. APRIL 25 W&W Glass, LLC, Duane Tuhy, 623053504070 1 AIA LU, HSW






“Liquid products and Applications” This seminar covers the advantages of liquid roofing and waterproofing systems and applications and where these products are best used. The program covers the technology behind these systems and their applications in today's roofing and waterproofing market. Objectives:  Available products and application of roofing and waterproofing systems  The difference in the various liquid products  How they are applied  The best areas for use of these products and surface preparation.

“Innovations in Structural Glass” The program will include:  Introduction and brief history of the structural glass concept,  Basic engineering principles of structural glass showing some actual recent testing,  The heat soak process for heavy tempered glass and preventing roller wave distortion,  The use of high performance coatings and direct image printing on point supported structural glass,  Hurricane impact resistant structural glass,  A thorough review of the various types of vertical facades, roofs and canopies using different back-up structures such as glass mullions, steel systems and cable nets.

PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING SEMINARS: o Call and remind me at o 04/04 Dyson o 04/11 ICPI o Call and remind me at o 04/18 Soprema o Call and remind me at o Call and remind me at o 04/25 W&W Glass NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)



RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email jill@thereferencelibrary.com or louise@thereferencelibrary.com

1 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


APRIL 2012

APRIL 12 Fibertite, Mike DeBenedetto, 623-302-0841 1 AIA LU, HSW

APRIL 26 KI, (Krueger International), Dave Merrill, 602-283-1346 and Cheryl Kunugi, 602-570-3680 1 AIA LU with HSW and SD

“What Makes a Membrane KEE?” “Movable Wall Systems” At the end of the program the participants will: understand the nature of the KEE polymer; the early use of KEE in coated fabric and subsequent transition into a roofing membrane; the unique attributes of a KEE membrane and its manufacturer.

The purpose of this program is to learn the advantages, applications, sustainability and financial considerations of using Movable Walls vs. traditional fixed construction in both new building construction and renovation. We will identify types of wall systems and features, explain the characteristics and environmental benefits of movable walls, define STC and explain its importance in the workplace, describe tax and financial benefits and identify the emerging trends.


04/12 Fibertite 04/26 KI

o o

Call and remind me at Call and remind me at

NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)



RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email jill@thereferencelibrary.com or louise@thereferencelibrary.com

2 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


APRIL 2012

April 19 Hafele America – Richard Vullo, 480-236-5693 1 AIA LU “LED Lighting Technology for Cabinet and Furniture Applications” Some of the items covered during this presentation: color spectrum, light temperature, CRI, Lumen & Lux, bulb life, power consumption, understanding light emitting diode (LED) technology, and exploring the use of LED lighting.


04/19 Hafele America


Call and remind me at

NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)



RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email jill@thereferencelibrary.com or louise@thereferencelibrary.com

3 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


SHELDON WOLFE What Happened to the Master Builder? By: Sheldon Wolfe, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CSC

It's time architects accepted reality: They no longer are master builders, and haven't been for a long time. It's nothing to get excited about (well, not too excited), and there is no reason to maintain the fiction that architects are what they were in the good old days. In fact, there is good reason to admit the truth and move on. Building materials have evolved, fabrication and construction have evolved, and the tools of our profession have evolved, yet we continue to create and use construction documents the same way we have done for nearly two hundred years, simply because that's what we have done for nearly two hundred years. And, even though architects do less now than they did many years ago, we maintain the fiction that architects are master builders. "Heretic!" "Blasphemer!" "How dare you!" "Vile person!" OK, now that we have that out of the way, let's take a dispassionate look at what architects do, what they did in the past, and what people did before there were architects. I have trouble answering the first question. Although architecture is a licensed profession in much of the world, and the use of the word "architect", or any of its derivative forms, by one who is not licensed, often is prohibited by law, it can be difficult to define what architects do. It may be easier to answer if we look at what architects don't do. Good design should be more than an attractive building. As architects will tell you, good design is based on understanding the client's activities, the spaces those activities require, an understanding of spacial relationships and perception, and familiarity with a multitude of building materials and products. It is all of those things, but even that is not enough. Good design must keep water and weather out, and control light, heat, and humidity; it must consider durability and upkeep of the products used, and the access needed to maintain building systems; it must include selection of the optimum structural, mechanical, and electrical systems; it cannot ignore permit fees, energy costs, utility costs, or taxes. Good design is total design. Unfortunately, architects gradually have given away, or had taken from them, just about everything not directly related to appearance. As we will see, there has been good reason for some of this, while other things have slipped away because they were seen as too difficult or uninteresting. One of the big changes we have seen in the last decade has been a move away from the familiar designbid-build delivery system, to design-build, different forms of construction management, and other delivery systems that de-emphasize the role of the architect. The result has been greater control by contractors, with correspondingly less need for what architects offer. While some decry the growing importance of contractors, there is nothing inherently wrong with a process controlled by those who build the building. Put simply, if architects were doing what they claimed they could do, there would be no need to change. Many owners, including public agencies, have embraced design-build. The attraction is obvious - "Why go through all the trouble of dealing with both an architect and a contractor, who will stand back and point fingers at each other when something goes wrong, when I can hire a single entity that is responsible for everything? If I can buy a multi-million dollar airplane, which is far more complex than a building, without the hassle of both design and construction contracts, why should I not do the same for my new building?"

In theory, the design and construction parts of a design-build firm have equal standing, but in practice, architects are especially vulnerable. You can't design structure without an engineer, you can't design site work without an engineer, you can't design mechanical or electrical systems without an engineer, and you Design-build firms often are led by contractors because they're the ones who know the most about construction. They know about costs and schedules, they know how to build, and they know how to hire and employ subcontractors. The only reason they employ design professionals is because states require their certification. Even without that requirement, any contractor interested in self-preservation would still employ engineers to make sure their buildings wouldn't fall down, but what's left that requires an architect? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make sure that doors have at least 32 inches clear opening and that there are enough fire extinguishers to go around. However, because certification is required, we still need an architect on the team. But what is the architect's role? It may now be relegated to drawing and specifying what the contractor wants to build. The architect may have little or no interaction with the owner, other than selecting a few finishes and creating impressive perspectives to sell the job. The real design work may be done by someone who knows nothing about architecture, engineering, or construction, other than relative costs. Certification of construction documents typically consists of the architect signing a statement that says, "I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision…" or something to that effect. Question: When the architect is not in charge of the design process, when the contractor drives the decisions, isn't the architect's certification of the drawings and specifications no more than "plan stamping"? To be continued… © 2012, Sheldon Wolfe, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CSC Follow me at http://swconstructivethoughts.blogspot.com/, http://twitter.com/swolfearch


HONORS AND AWARDS The CSI Phoenix Chapter is seeking to recognize individuals, groups or firms that have made a difference in the construction industry through the 2012 CSI Honors and Awards Program. This is our way to say THANK YOU for their contribution and time. http://www.csiphoenix.org/Portals/0/Documents-Forms/CSI-Awards.pdf If you know any individual, firm or group—member or non-member of CSI—that deserves to be recognized for their achievements, involvement, participation and commitment to the growth and development of the construction industry. Please contact: Carlos A. Murrieta, CSI Honors and Awards Program CMurrieta@SPSPlusArchitects.com (480) 991-0800.

FROM THE EDITOR Just like many businesses, the economy has affected the membership and activities of the Phoenix Chapter. The board is watching the budget carefully and seeking ways to lower costs. Two monthly expenses are the newsletter and web site. The board came to Your Computer Lady looking for ideas to lower costs while maintaining communication between members. What we worked out was a transfer of the responsibility for publishing to Your Computer Lady . Which means a transfer of all of the costs too. Your Computer Lady is going to take over the advertising sales for the email, newsletter and web site to cover the costs of publishing. This is a model followed by American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and other volunteer organizations.

Your Computer Lady will be contacting each member soon to discuss advertising options. The new

Advertising Rates are included in this newsletter on pages 20-22. The Advertising Agreement is on the web site for your review. http://www.csiphoenix.org/Portals/0/Documents-Forms/Advertising-Agreement-032312.pdf We will also be seeking a wider range of articles to improve the quality of the newsletter. Articles from members will always have precedence. But few of you take advantage of this excellent opportunity to publish articles educating your clients and prospects. This is truly a wasted opportunity. You could pull articles from your company, your industry publications or industry web sites to share in the chapter newsletter. You don’t have to write original material. If you do want to write an article, Your Computer Lady is here to assist you with editing. There is no cost to publish an article! FREE advertising for you as the expert and for your company and industry. You could help us expand the reach of the newsletter. You belong to other industry-related organizations. Please give us the name and email of your organization’s President and Publications Chair. We want to promote CSI programs and educational events to increase readers and attendance. Help us get the word out! Please feel free to contact Pamela Bir at 480-929-0335 or Pamela@YourComputerLady.com with any questions or suggestions you have. PUBLICATION DEADLINE Publication deadline for the May 2012 issue of the Phoenix Chapter Newsletter is April 16th. Articles and items of interest should be submitted to Laurie Pretzman at Laurie@YourComputerLady.com. We welcome member articles, ideas and suggestions.

NEW CSI PHOENIX MEMBER PROFILES One aspect of the new advertising program that is a first time effort for CSI Phoenix is the Member Profile. A page has been added to the web site “Member Profiles.” All members will be listed in alpha order. But as one powerful advertising option, a member can create a Member Profile. This is an entire web page dedicated to the member and their company. 

Company Description with photos and links to your web site. There is room for new product info here!

Member Description with a member photo. - Show your expertise in your industry. - Add some personal information to help other members get to know you. (We do business with people we know!)

There are 6 profiles online already! http://www.csiphoenix.org/MemberProfiles.aspx

Advertising Rates

CSI Phoenix Chapter Email, Newsletter and Web Site The Rules    

Ads are sold for 3, 6 or 12 months. Payments are in advance via credit card or check. Payment must be received by 15th of each month prior to publication. You must provide your own artwork and/or copy. (If you need assistance, Your Computer Lady can assist you at their regular service rates.) Artwork and/or copy must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication.

Prices Quoted are for Tier 2 Positions. Tier 1 Ads are an additional 10%. Email Sponsor

3 Months $55

6 Months $100

12 Months $180




3 Months $55

6 Months $100

12 Months $180

¼ page

3 Months $45

6 Months $80

12 Months $120

½ page




Full page




Top of page banner ad Right sidebar ad

There is only one Tier 1 ad available. The stated price is Tier 1. The top 2 sidebar ads are Tier 1. All following ads are Tier 2.

Member Profile Profile page

50-500 words, 2-4 graphics, 2-6 links, social media links All members are listed on the first page in alpha order. Members with profiles are highlighted and linked to their custom page.

Product Advertisement (Newsletter and Web site only)

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Help Wanted (Newsletter and Announcements page only) Up to 75 word description; can be run anonymously


Press Releases (Newsletter and Announcements page only) Press Release format

1-2 page announcements re personnel changes, project awards or completions, industry recognition, etc. Not product announcements.

Newsletter or Web Page Ad


3 Months

6 Months

12 Months

Top of Page banner (any page)

650 X 100 pixels; jpg, tif, png or gif format




Sidebar ads

200 x 200 pixels; jpg, tif, png or gif format




Digital image of business card or ad of similar size

300 x 175 pixels; jpg, tif, png or gif format




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Select 2 ads and get a 10% discount. Select 3 ads and get a 15% discount.

Ad Positions

Tier 1 ads are in positions “above the fold” or on the pages that get the most traffic. Tier 2 ads are “below the fold” or pages with less traffic. Publication Monthly Email

Tier 1 Ads

Tier 2 Ads 3 and following sidebar ads rd

Top Banner Top 2 sidebar ads


Front page, President’s Message

All other pages

Web Site

Home Page, President’s page, Events Calendar

How to Join CSI, Member Roster, Announcements, Newsletter, Codes Articles, Classified Ads, Technical Resources

10% of Ad Profits are Rebated to the Phoenix Chapter

Your Computer Lady www.YourComputerLady.com

(480) 929-0335


Ad Examples

Advertising Agreement, download here.

Your Computer Lady www.YourComputerLady.com

(480) 929-0335


Officers 2011-2012 Past President Gary Mittendorf Traditional Roofing in Phoenix 480-440-4140 gary@traditionalroofinginc.com

Secretary Mark Yarish The Orcutt Winslow Partnership 602-257-1764 yarish.m@owp.com

President Steve Smith HDR, Inc. 602-474-3930 stephen.smith@hdrinc.com

Treasurer Teri Hand Tnemec/Southwest Coating Consultants 602-418-1268 thand@tnemec.com

President Elect Angie France Sherwin Williams 623-606-1130 angie.france@sherwin.com

Professional Director 2009-2011 Jon Hammond 602-992-7449 jhammondaia@q.com

1st Vice President Brian McClure Stantec 602-320-5323 Brian.McClure@stantec.com 2nd Vice President T.J. Valdez The Twenty-One Tech Co. 480-812-8800 tjv@twenty1tec.com

Professional Director 2010-2012 Eduardo Galindo CDM 602-281-7900 galindoe@cdm.com Industry Director 2010-2012 Gary Campbell Assa Abloy 602-494-3235 gcampbell@assaabloydss.com

Bobbi Jo Huskey Soprema, Inc. 480-421-8186 bhuskey@soprema.us

COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2011-2012 Education Chair Jill Anderson The Reference Library 602-258-7499 jill@thereferencelibrary.com

Awards Chair Carlos Murrieta, CSI, AIA SSWP Architects LLP 480-991-0800 cmurrieta@sspwarchitects.com

Technical Chair Brian McClure Stantec 602-320-5323 bmcclure@fmsolutions.net

Media Communications Chair Tim Garver, CSI, CDT Dunn-Edwards Corporation 480-736-7126 tim.garver@dunnedwards.com

Membership Chair Alan Minker, CSI, CDT GAF 602-432-5267 aminker@gaf.com

Fundraising Chair & Golf Tournament David Spice, CSI, LEED AP DAS Products 480-894-9858 dspice@dasproducts.com

Imagination Cube Tim Garver, CSI, CDT Dunn-Edwards Corporation 480-736-7126 tim.garver@dunnedwards.com

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