April 2024 Battlelines Newsletter

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Victory! Catholic College Reverses Pro-Transgender Policy

Your prayerful protests always make a difference! Saint Mary’s College, an all-girls Catholic school in Notre Dame, Indiana, reversed its immoral decision to allow men who “identify” as women to enroll at the school after 21,500 people signed a TFP Student Action petition.

The petition urged the college to uphold Catholic morality and reverse the decision to allow biological men to enroll as women. Your voice in this fight was heard, as St. Mary’s President Dr. Katie Conboy said she chose to reverse the decision because she couldn’t ignore the voices of so many faithful Catholic students, alumni, parents, and supporters.

You had the courage to speak up against the transgender revolution and helped defend God’s plan for the family. And, as St. Mary’s College student Claire Bettag said, “God’s truth will always win.”

Please consider helping TFP-America Needs Fatima protect the sanctity of the family by joining a protest Rosary Rally close to your home and win more victories for traditional family morals. It’s easy: just text PROTEST to 87837 or contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570. STOCK PHOTO

When Mary holds you up, you will not fall; when she protects you, you need not fear; when she leads you, you will not tire yourself; when she is favorable to you, you will arrive at the harbor safely.”
www.ANF.org (844) 830-3570
Needs Fatima P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331 Protest@TFP.org
April 2024

Reparation for Church Desecration

A dedicated group of TFP-ANF supporters held a Rosary Rally of Reparation during a Saturday vigil Mass at St. John the Baptist Church in Milpitas, California, to protest an act of vandalism at the church.

The group was making reparation against the sinful acts of the vandals, who broke into the church, forced open the tabernacle and desecrated the Blessed Sacrament. Many supporters traveled from several other cities across California to attend the rally. Rally Captain Philip said the rally participants handed out fliers about the protest to cars stopped at a nearby traffic light. There were many good reactions from the passersby to the protest.

Can you please help TFP-America Needs Fatima by joining a protest Rosary Rally close to your home? Just text PROTEST to 87837 or contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 to participate in a peaceful rally near you!

Protecting Children From Satanism in School

Many TFP-ANF supporters and friends held a Rosary Rally of Reparation against an “After School Satan Club” that was being planned by The Satanic Temple at an elementary school in Lebanon, Connecticut.

The group held their rally at a busy four-way intersection and displayed three large TFP banners including one that read “Satanism is part of the problem, not part of the solution.” Rally Captain


Michael said that, despite some opposition, the majority of passersby supported the group’s rally.

“It was very blessed with an incredible number of honks of support from the general public. The overwhelming support was for our campaign. There was a special grace and strong reaction of the public against the Satan club,” he said.

You, too, can help TFP-America Needs Fatima fight Satan by joining a protest Rosary Rally close to your home. Just text PROTEST to 87837 or contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 to participate in a rally of reparation near you!



Proclaiming Support for Innocent Life

Many TFP-ANF friends were among the thousands of pro-life supporters who gathered for the 51st annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.

TFP members encouraged pro-lifers to continue their battle to eliminate abortion in America. The Holy Choirs of Angels Band played, ANF members carried a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and staff from St. Louis de Montfort Academy joined in full force. A TFP banner on display read, in part: “’Fight on, with confidence! With God, we win!”



Despite cold and damp weather, enthusiasm and determination among the pro-life supporters were very evident this year. In addition to America, supporters came from around the world including Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Brazil and Ecuador to participate.

TFP-ANF supporters across the country held Rosary Rallies against abortion in their own towns, including the one Rally Captain Sergio held in Ave Maria, Florida.

Won’t you take that extra step and join a Rosary Rally close to your home? Just text PROTEST to 87837 or contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 to participate in one near you.


From the desk of

Robert E. Ritchie

On May 13th, 1917, Our Lady first appeared to the three children at Fatima. She asked them to offer themselves to God, and told them to pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world.

It is through praying the rosary daily that we will discover the secrets of God’s unending love and mercy. Over 100 years after Our Lady’s appearance, the rosary continues to be the most effective weapon against sin and the greatest consolation to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

As Saint Louis de Montfort said, “The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother.” This is continuously proven to be true through the countless miracles, conversions and victories that we see around us.

I know that you want to honor Our Lady and pray for the conversion of sinners and the restoration of order in our society. That’s why I’m asking you to pledge to lead a Rosary Rally for a special campaign in May celebrating the importance of Our Lady’s Fatima message.

Sign up to host a Rosary Rally on Saturday, May 11 at 12 noon your local time. It’s easy to do: just gather your friends and family and get out in public to pray the rosary. To help you have a successful rally, we will send you a banner, special manuals and other materials, completely free. It’s easy to sign up: Fill out the Confirmation Receipt enclosed with this issue or email Protest@TFP.org.

We can come together and use the power of public prayer to pray for the salvation and sanctification of the world.

Sincerely, In Jesus and Mary,

Speaking Out Against Texas Drag Queen Show

When Rally Captain Magdalena found out the Diva Royale Drag Queen Show was being held in Dallas, Texas, she sprang into action to organize a Rosary Rally of Reparation against this immoral event.

Magdalena and her small but mighty group of supporters braved the unusually chilly weather to hold their rally. Although they faced some opposition, she said planning and holding this Rosary Rally was a wonderful experience for her and her friends.

“I was very nervous before the event, but felt very


rewarded and comforted afterwards. We had a van with four burly men harassing us and calling us nasty names, but we just told them that God loves them and we would pray for them. Overall, our small group discussed what a rewarding experience it was. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity,” she said.

It’s easy to help TFP-America Needs Fatima and host a Rosary Rally close to your home. Just text PROTEST to 87837 or contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570.

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