April 2022 Battlelines Newsletter

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April 2022

Stopping Satanism in Scottsdale

When the Satanic Temple announced its three-day convention in Scottsdale, Arizona, many Catholics across the country knew they needed to do everything they could to stop it. Local organizer Jesse Romero mobilized hundreds of faithful Catholics to attend hours of peaceful and prayerful protests outside the Saguaro Hotel during the three hot days. And we can thank Our Lady for inspiring ANF Rally Captain Mary Kay, who courageously answered the call to lead the rosary rally of protest on Saturday. Mr. Jesse Romero wrote in Crisis Magazine “Members of the Scottsdale Police Department conveyed to me that when the Satanists were leaving the hotel on Sunday they appeared to be arguing with each other, having heated debates If you would like to be a protest captain like Mary Kay, call 844-830-3570 or email Protest@TFP.org

America Needs Fatima P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331 Protest@TFP.org

with each other as they entered their cars and left the hotel. The police told me the Satanists were not happy, they were not smiling. They were frowning and visibly upset and distressed. I believe with complete certainty that this was the result of our prayers.” Mary Kay said, “It was so awe-inspiring to see all these people coming together in prayer. They were beautiful prayers and so strong and powerful against Satan. It’s important to be there to pray when these things are happening. I would encourage anyone considering hosting a rally to sign up.” Several Rally Captains were unable to go to Scottsdale, but wanted to ask Our Lady and Saint Michael to make this a successful protest. At our suggestion, these Champions of Mary led rosary rallies in their cities across the nation. In addition, thousands of faithful Catholics called the hotel to voice their opposition and concern, made sacrifices, and offered special prayers in reparation for this Satanic atrocity. Our Lady crushed the serpent’s head!

www.ANF.org (844) 830-3570

Three Captains in Columbus, Ga. Rally Captains Sonia, William, and Julie came together to lead a rosary rally of protest against monthly Drag Queen Story Hours held in downtown Columbus, GA. On rally day, the three, along with a group of prayer warriors, stood in peaceful defense of innocence, praying the rosary in reparation as the drag queens read books promoting sinful lifestyles to young children. Sonia was glad she took the time to protest the DQSH. She reported, “I am so happy that our rally against drag queen stories has been a success!” Drag Queen Story Hours are held in public venues like libraries and book stores, and continue to be the scourge of

innocent children across America many as young as three years old. If you’d like to defend the innocence of children like Sonia, William, and Julie, please call 844-830-3570 or email Protest@TFP.org.

Praying for the Unborn in Miami What does it mean to belong to the Church?


By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

Belonging to the Church is a very great and very demanding thing. We must think as the Church thinks, have the mind of the Church, proceed as the Church wishes in all the circumstance of our lives. This supposes a real Catholic sense, an authentic and complete purity of customs, and a profound and sincere piety. In other words, it supposes the sacrifice of an entire lifetime.

Rally Captain Marian received a miracle from Our Lady and now she devotes her life to supporting Our Lady and helping children. After 12 years of praying for a baby but being told she could not conceive, Marian became pregnant. Doctors told her the baby wouldn’t survive and she should abort it but Marian would not give up her baby for anything. She prayed to Our Lady and said she’d devote her life to her if her son was born alive. Now, she is the mother of a healthy, 1 1- y e a r- o l d boy. M a r i a n recently held a rosary rally against procured abortion in Miami. She said, “I was

invited to be a captain against abortion by America Needs Fatima and I knew I needed to do this. I was very happy to do this for Our Lady and will lead many more rallies in the future.” Marian’s testimony is tremendously inspiring. Her action as a public witness cements the truth that procured abortion is murder and encourages others to return to a life of faith and hope in Our Lady and Our Lord.


Answering the Call to Honor Law Enforcement Although Rally Captain Amy hadn’t been in touch with ANF in 20 years, she knew she had to be a captain when she heard about our Rosary for the Police campaign. Amy, along with Rally Captain Craig, from Littleton, Colorado, conducted their first Rosary for the Police Rally. Nearly 50 people attended, many in their public defender uniform. After introductions and a warm welcome, Craig began the joyful mysteries. After the rosary, Amy and Craig ensured that blessed St. Michael medals were distributed to law enforcement personnel and rally attendees who have family members serving in law enforcement. The rally was so well received that Amy and Craig have another one scheduled for September. You can be like Craig and Amy and offer your own Rosary Rally. All you need is your rosary and confidence in Our Lady! Call 844-830-3570 or email Protest@TFP.org and become a captain today.

Alaska Rosary Rally Protests Satanic Invocation Thirty-two TFP-ANF supporters held a peaceful protest outside the Kenai Peninsula Borough Building in Kenai, Alaska, to make reparation against a Satanic invocation that was given during the borough assembly meeting. Although it was only 20 degrees outside, Rally Captain Toby and his group resolutely stood in the open and recited at least two rosaries. He also delivered a TFP-ANF petition signed by 41,530 people to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly requesting the removal of Satanic invocations from the meetings. Rally captain Toby encourages others to hold their own rallies. “As the fearsome uptick in demonic activity increases throughout our locality and country at large, more Catholic faithful have responded to the call realizing the need to beseech Our Lady and Lord to spare us from the demonic forces and crush the serpent’s head. It is very heartening to see the “remnant” grow and respond just when it is most needed. May Our Lady reward Toby and his prayer warriors for rejecting Satan in Alaska. You can organize your own rosary rally just like Toby did! Call 844-830-3570 or email Protest@TFP.org.



From the desk of Robert E. Ritchie

Prayer and pushback against Satan is something desperately needed in America right now. The Satanic movement is gaining mainstream appeal across the country. We continue to see signs of this through things like the founding of “After School Satan Clubs” in elementary schools, the Satanic abortion ritual, and the installation of Satanic statues in many public places, including state capitol buildings. However, faithful Catholics like you provide a wonderful example of how we should address the moral and spiritual adversity in the world today: with confidence in Our Lady as our shield and Her Rosary as our sword, defying those who would silence our revolt against evil. We continue with our crusade to defend God’s honor and stop the acceptance of public Satanic worship in our nation. Through our Satan Has No Rights campaign, we stopped Satanic clubs in Oregon, Texas and Indiana. Our rosary rally warriors range in age from infants to the elderly but they all share one thing in common: they stand proud knowing that their vocal, prayerful resistance is making a difference. From time to time, you will receive emails from my colleague, Jose Ferraz, inviting you to help us with peaceful and legal protest rosary rallies in defense of the innocence of children or the honor of Our Lady and Our Lord, and in reparation for sacrilege. Please open these emails, become a captain, and help him with this apostolate. We also ask that you tell us immediately if you hear about any Satanic clubs or see any Satanic statues in your area. Please call us toll free at 844-830-3570, or email at Protest@TFP.org. Satanism is the antithesis of the Catholic Faith. The devil’s minions will be relentless in their hatred of God so we, as Our Lady’s soldiers, must do our part and fight with even greater confidence and vigor to bring about Our Lady’s glorious triumph. Sincerely,

Robert E. Ritchie Executive Director

Marching With Hope for a Post-Roe America From St. Augustine to Washington to San Francisco, TFP members and standards were at nine different pro-life marches in January 2022 to mark the annual March for Life against procured abortion. Faithful and ever-active Champions of Mary (Rosary Rally Captains) held pro-life rallies in 1,154 cities across the U.S. to defend the unborn. TFP-ANF supporters have hope that Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon. That hopeful perspective filled the hundreds of thousands from around the nation who gathered for the 49th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Despite the freezing conditions, an immense crowd filled the streets, including huge numbers of young people full of enthusiasm for the cause of the unborn and the future of the family. TFP volunteers formed an honor guard to carry a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima, and accompanied her image with a musical array of hymns and anthems played on brass, bagpipes, and drums. As the great crowd processed past the statue, large numbers paused and offered prayers to the Blessed Mother.

Connect with other Catholics defending Our Lord and His church by leading a protest rosary rally!

Call 844-830-3570 or email protest@tfp.org


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