March 2022 Battlelines Newsletter

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March 2022

Our Lady Brings Blessings to Three California Rallies Thanks to blessings from Our Lady, longtime member and busy rally captain, Mr. Philip Calder, held three successful protests against “Benedetta” in Northern California. More than 20 people attended his protest in San Jose. The ANF supporters handed out fliers to everyone walking and driving by the theater to expand the campaign’s message. During his second protest at a theater in Berkeley, rally goers fielded questions from nearly a dozen people about ANF and why they were there. Mr. Calder and his peaceful protesters offered prayers and supplication for mercy during the 90-minute protest. Three of the people returned later to say they would not see the movie!

At his third rally in San Francisco, he and his group received favorable support from numerous people who weren’t even going to the movies. This included four police officers! This longtime, faith rally captain and his team interacted with so many people that they ran out of fliers and people were taking a picture of the last one with their phones to share with others! If you would like to be a protest captain like Mr. Philip Calder, call 844-830-3570 or email

America Needs Fatima P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331 (844) 830-3570

In Ohio, Sacrilege Denounced

A little effort can go a long way! That’s what Rally Captain Pat found out through his prayer vigil against “Benedetta” in Cincinnati, Ohio. After less than half a dozen people entered the theater, Pat and his crew focused on the cars and trucks passing by to further their mission. Pat said, “We had overwhelmingly supportive honks with only one negative from an obvious LGBTQ female supporter. The day was spectacular and the graces could almost be felt flowing down from Heaven. We were very pleased that we made the time and effort to conduct the prayer vigil.”

Pat previously held a rally in nearby Madeira against using city funds to pay for a homosexual picnic. At the movie rally, a supporter told him the vigil played a role at election time in swinging votes away from the progressives. Pat said, “Sometimes our actions do impact things more than we realize.”


Catholics Protest Blasphemy in California

A Rosary Rally against “Benedetta” was held December 4 outside the AMC Promenade 16 theater in Woodland Hills, California. Rally Captain Donna said the group started out in front of the theater but were told to move out to the corner. Keeping with public square protest mandates, they complied. Not being discouraged, she said it was wonderful to be there with others who love Our Lady and was very thankful for the opportunity to conduct a rally of reparation against the movie. Donna and other Catholic volunteers held peaceful protests in their respective communities against “Benedetta,” giving witness to all passersby that we’re not going to sit in silence while the Faith we love is under attack!

Keeping the Light on Our Lady Rally Captain Theron gathered with his mother and brother to protest “Benedetta” at a theater in their area. While they were there, Theron said he noticed that there was no light around the name and poster for “Benedetta” but all the other films were lit up. They took this as a positive sign! Although the group received a couple of negative comments and many people just walked by them, Theron said a couple of young men who identified themselves as Christians came over to find out what was going on. Despite the small number of prayer warriors, many souls could not help but be touched by grace as they witnessed Theron and his family shining the light on Mary with the rosary! Are things like this happening in your area? Let us know. Call Jose´ at 844-830-3570 or email 2 2

Midwest States Unite at Public Square Rallies Our Lady’s tears were dried during six Public Square Rosary Rallies of Reparation that were successfully held in the Midwest opposing the notoriously offensive “Benedetta.” A rally in Missouri attracted more than 50 participants, who lined much of the entire block. In Nebraska, rally participants endured winds of high velocity, as two participants, with careful vigilance, held up the banner. Despite the winds whipping about furiously, these prayer warriors made their stand, peaceful and powerful, to send the message: NO to blasphemy! At another Missouri rally, Rally Captain Francis said, “The theater manager and staff were shocked to see us out front praying the rosary. In fact, one man tried to start a violent argument with us. The theater had good lighting outside which helped those driving by see our signs. Many honked in support. Eventually, the manager turned the lights off. After our rally ended, he turned the lights back on. Obviously, protests make a difference, otherwise, why would they care?” Francis continued, “These rallies were a tremendous victory for Our Lady! Hardly anyone entered the theaters where we protested the showings of “Benedetta.”

Defending the Honor Faithful Courage in Houston of Our Lady Although they faced strong opposition, a group of approximately Rally Captain Mary Ann showed that even small numbers and limited resources can make a big difference in defending Our Lady! Mary Ann organized a rally against “Benedetta” outside the AMC Theater in Shirlington, Virginia. Although only one other person attended, they still prayed the rosary in front of the theater. And even though Mary Ann didn’t have a banner, she got creative and printed a sign with a picture of Our Lady of Fatima and added a little message. Truly, just two souls participated, but imagine the angels accompanying them and multiplying the cry, “Reparation, Reparation”! This is a great example of how anyone can plan a rally with resources at hand and still make a big impact! Later on, she heard from a woman who drove all the way from Rockville, Maryland, for the rally but had the wrong time for the movie. Mary Ann encouraged her to go ahead and still pray the rosary.


20 protesters stood their ground and defended Our Lady at a rally against “Benedetta” in Houston, Texas. Rally Captain Cesar and his group protested outside of 14 Pews, a small Houston art house theater, where they encountered the owner and her elderly mother. Cesar said, “The old woman was absolutely furious, uttering blasphemies and defending sodomy. She tried to have the police remove us, but of course, they just parked and watched the rally from a distance. When the police did nothing to remove us from the venue, she tried to talk to them. When my colleague, Jonathan, offered one a Saint Michael medal, the officer was very enthused and exclaimed, ‘My middle name is Michael!’ The old woman was not happy and her daughter looked very worried when she mustered the courage to take our picture.” Cesar said he felt his rally was a great success, as only eight people watched the movie.

You can organize your own rosary rally to defend Our Lady! Call 844-830-3570 or email

From the desk of Robert E. Ritchie

In John 8:11, Our Lord Jesus Christ told the adulterous woman, “Go and sin no more.” Like Our Lord, we must always tell the truth about sin! We must say that homosexual sin is sin. As Catholics, we must stand in opposition to it - not celebrate it with pride. That is why, with a heavy heart, I write to you about the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This beautiful month-long devotion has been almost forgotten; replaced by LGBTQ Pride Month, a celebration of sin that happens even in many Catholic churches! In fact, the LGBTQ movement claims that at least 250 parishes are “LGBTQ-friendly.” Catholics at those parishes are encouraged to pursue their sinful lifestyles and to believe it is acceptable to God. Some of these parishes even go so far as to celebrate a “PRIDE Mass.” Together, let us revive devotion to the Sacred Heart! Did you know that Pope Pius IX blessed the Sacred Heart Badge and granted an indulgence to the wearer? Blessed Pius IX said, “I want Satan to be unable to cause any harm to those who wear this Badge, symbol of the adorable Heart of Jesus.” We invite you to help us take back June for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You can do this by leading a peaceful, public rosary rally in reparation at a Catholic parish that promotes this un-Catholic position. We will do the research for any LGBTQfriendly parishes in your community, and let you know their location. Plus, we will send you a custom banner and manual perfect for your peaceful rosary rally. In special thanksgiving, our gift to you will be a Sacred Heart Badge, which comes with a blessing and a perpetual indulgence from Pope Pius IX. We also ask that you tell us immediately if you see a Catholic church advertising a PRIDE “Mass” or any other celebration of homosexual sin. Please call toll free 844-830-3570, or email at Remember, we must take a principled stand against homosexual sin, never a personal one. Please console Our Lady by reclaiming June for the Most Sacred Heart with your pledge to offer a rosary rally at a parish celebrating a “PRIDE Mass” near you.

TFP Reacts to Protect Baby Jesus from Satanists TFP Student Action director John Ritchie and 13 young volunteers drove 700 miles through the night to protest the placement of a satanic “baby” devil (half goat, half human) in a manger at the Illinois State House, right next to the Nativity scene of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. On one side of the rotunda, TFP volunteers held the Prince of Peace, praying and singing. Those gathered to defend God’s honor also displayed banners reading, “Satan has no rights,” “Stop Blasphemy Now,” and “Begone Satan! Mary crushes the serpent.” Just a few feet away stood about twenty Satanists dressed in macabre black. The Satanists shrieked together, “Hail Satan!” while flashing devil horns with their hands into the air. But John and TFP Student Action members would not be deterred! When a Satanist tried to scream, he was drowned out by the Hail Mary’s recited by John, his volunteers and the local Catholics who joined in prayer. State House employees were shocked by the satanic display, shook their heads in disapproval and gave the Catholic protesters a thumbs up. One worker was so grateful that she joined the rosary, gave a donation, and offered Christmas treats to the TFP volunteers. Let us remain faithful and ever vigilant against Satan. Let us beseech heaven with the cry, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and crush the head of the wicked serpent!” With complete confidence, we trust in Our Lady’s promise: “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!”

Thank you and God bless you. In Jesus and Mary,


Robert E. Ritchie Executive Director

Connect with other Catholics defending Our Lord and His church by leading a protest rosary rally!

Call 844-830-3570 or email


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