January 2023 Battlelines Newsletter

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January 2023

A Call to Repentance and Conversion Rally Captains Chris and Annemarie organized a Rosary Rally outside of Saint Bernadette Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to make reparation for the celebration of an LGBTQ Mass. The group gathered to show that participating in Mass is a call to repentance and conversion, not a celebration of pride and sensuality. They held banners reading “Neither an Angel nor the Clergy Can Change Christ’s Teachings on Sexual Sins,” and “GO AND SIN NO MORE.” Annemarie said, “We are always honored to host Rosary Rallies and make an act of faithfulness to God through Our Blessed Mother. We were motivated to make reparation for the egregious insults to Our Lord and the sacrilege of distributing Holy Communion to those who are unrepentant of sin. Satan is the eternal loser! We know the victory belongs to Our Lord, and we glorify Him by standing with Our Lady who crushes the head of Satan.”

America Needs America Fatima Needs Fatima P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331 Protest@TFP.org

www.ANF.org www. ANF.org (844) 830-3570

Sign up to host your own legal, peaceful protest rosary rally by calling 844-830-3570 or emailing Protest@TFP.org.

Rallying Against Transgender Children’s Exhibit in Boston When Rally Captain Sheila discovered the Boston Children’s Museum was hosting a temporary art exhibit featuring “transgender” children, she leaped into action to organize a Rosary Rally of protest and reparation. The museum’s “Protect Trans Dreams: A Portrait Project” installation featured a series of large-scale

Preserve the warmth of the family, because the warmth of the whole world cannot make up for it.

acrylic portraits that portrayed seven “transgender” children, ages 6-12. Sheila was outraged by the exhibit and organized the rally to pray “that the Children’s Museum will remain a healthy educational experience for all children.” She said, “It was a tremendous privilege to honor God and Our Lady by leading this Rosary Rally in this tremendously secular part of the world. Despite Boston being a sanctuary for LGBTQ+ extremism, and the number of tourists and pedestrians that saw our sign, we had no complaints. As we overcame the difficulties of making the Rosary Rally, Our Lady’s presence was palpable and brought peace to our souls!”


Finding Strength in the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Rally Captain Veronica held a small but mighty Rosary Rally in Richardson, Texas, to pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and make reparation against Pride “Masses.” Before holding the rally, Veronica said her group

attended Mass to obtain strength and grace from the Holy Eucharist. Although they faced some opposition, Veronica said one woman congratulated the group for being bold and praying the Rosary in public. Veronica added, “The experience was soul-filling. We experienced joy, peace and strength coming from the Holy Spirit. I left with more love for Jesus and my Most Blessed Mother. Jesus has done so much for me, a sinner, and His infinite love and grace has granted me the promise of eternal life.” We need your help to spread Our Lord’s message through the power of prayer. Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570, or email him at Protest@ TFP.org and he will help you plan your own peaceful, legal Rosary Rally. 2

Prayerfully Protecting Children from LGBTQ Game A large group of TFP-ANF friends and supporters held a peaceful Rosary Rally to protest a Drag Queen Bingo planned for children in Katy, Texas. The group prayed the Holy Rosary, sang hymns and chanted powerful slogans like “Perversity is not diversity!” and “Drag queens for kids is an abomination!” Although they faced a heavy opposition, the group stood strong, even when a counter-protestor sprayed them with something that burned their eyes and made them cough. Rally participant Mrs. Leyva said, “It was a beautiful sight to behold: the four young men carrying Our Lady didn’t flinch; they didn’t bend for a second. We tried to recover immediately and continue to pray with increased fervor and courage. We kept singing to Our Lady and chanting those slogans. We were all very happy, joyful and honored to have upheld the honor of Holy Mother Church and Our Blessed Mother. It was truly an epic battle.” Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570, or email him at Protest@TFP.org and he will help you plan your own peaceful, legal Rosary Rally.

Order assigns each thing its place. If you keep order, it will keep you.

If you disturb order, it will disturb you.

If you destroy order, it will destroy you. All that disturbs order disturbs peace. – ST. FRANCIS DE SALES

Protesting Blasphemies Against Our Lady in California Many TFP-ANF friends and supporters gathered for a Rosary Rally against the sacrilegious play, “The Testament of Mary,” at the Carl Cherry Theater in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. The play depicts Mary not as the Blessed Virgin and Mother of Our Lord, but rather as an idolatrous woman who denies the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The faithful group held a banner with a picture of Our Lady and the small TFP standard, reading: “Blasphemy! We vehemently protest the Sacrilege against the Blessed Virgin Mary happening here!” and handed out fliers to passersby. Rally Captain Philip said many participants traveled to attend the rally, including two men from San Jose, 90 minutes away. He said, “The two men from 3

San Jose summed up the zealous sentiments of all those who attended, saying, ‘The TFP is the perfect role model for all public rallies and protests!’” You can defend the Faith, too! Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570, or email him at Protest@ TFP.org and he will help you plan your own peaceful, legal Rosary Rally.

From the desk of Robert E. Ritchie

We are called to preserve God’s laws and maintain Our Lord’s moral teachings. One of the best and most powerful ways to do that is to defend traditional marriage as God intended it to be: one man and one woman. However, we have seen much opposition to this crusade across the nation. Every day we hear about promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle with Pride “Masses”, Drag Queen Story Hours and bingo events, and immoral pro-LGBTQ books available in elementary school libraries. In March, our Rosary Rally Captains will be holding The Traditional Marriage Crusade to make reparation against

same-sex “marriage.” I hope and pray you will join me in this important crusade to defend the family! Please sign up to host a public Rosary Rally in support of God’s Marriage on any day in March. All you have to do is call Bernard on the Public Square Rosary Hotline, (866) 584-6012, and he will help you to plan a peaceful and legal rally. In times of evil, we have an even greater duty to stand up for the teachings and institutions of the Church. By these rallies, let us peacefully, prayerfully but powerfully, oppose the LGBTQ agenda which aims to destroy the family and show Our Lord that we stand up for marriage between one man and one woman. Sincerely, In Jesus and Mary, Robert E. Ritchie Executive Director

Standing Up to Stop Satan Rally Captain Darlene has organized at least two peaceful and prayerful Rosary Rallies this school year to oppose the After School Satan Club being held at Donovan Elementary School in Lebanon, Ohio. Many prayer warriors attended her rallies, including several new participants. Most recently, the group stood by the Warren County Administration Building and faced cars driving by during the entire rally. The group recited prayers and sang songs and hymns. Darlene said the group got a few horn honks and a lot of waves in support from people driving by. She added, “We hope our presence and prayers pleased

Our Lady and that the hearts and minds of the parents whose children attended the club meeting were changed that day.” Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570, or email him at Protest@TFP.org and he will help you plan your own peaceful, legal Rosary Rally.


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