Crowsnest Pass Herald

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Santa in the Park Flumerfelt Park that is!

Santa visits, fire pits, tobogganing, hot dogs and hot chocolate were the order of the night at this annual event. JOHN KINNEAR Community Reporter

LE . 24 A S C N DE O IL T UN




The annual Christmas in the Park event sponsored by the Coleman Community Society was a grand success on Sunday, December 11. The event featured propane fire pits, hot dogs, hot chocolate and a delightful wagon ride downtown in almost picture perfect weather. The playground nearby has become a great tobogganing run and it was fun to watch kids flying down the hill and into and through the waterpark. Some near misses suggest that maybe the park's prominent posts could use some kind of sled deflecting bumpers. On one of the tours downtown a boisterous Santa appeared out of nowhere and caught a ride with the delighted kids and parents back to the park where he was set up on a specially lit bench to do group photos. Volunteer Duane Reimer said the event is always well attended and it was obvious from his glowing smile that he and wife Jane Ann thoroughly enjoy the laughing, singing and camaraderie that this community event brings. The Society works hard every year on special events for Coleman and recently has been engaging high school students as volunteer support. Musician Siegbert Gail was on hand, bravely seated by a propane heater, singing Christmas carols for the large crowd. Crowds were plentiful, the weather tolerable and fun was had by all!


John Kinnear photo

MORE SNOW. LESS DOUGH. Save 50% off li昀 琀ckets all season long with the Wonders of Winter (WOW) Card. LEARN MORE AT SKICASTLE.CA

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2 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Christmas in the Park

John Kinnear photos

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - 3

Police Briefs There was a total of 46 calls for service received between December 5 and 12. The calls included one assault, one fraud/forgery, three disturbing the peace, one other provincial statute, six driving complaints, 11 motor vehicle collisions, seven assistance to the general public, two suspicious occurrences, six assists to other agencies, one 911 call, three animal calls, two municipal bylaws and two abandoned vehicles. Possible Scam On December 6, 2022, there was a report of an attempted fraud by someone impersonating a bank representative to withdraw funds for a Bitcoin account. The scammer appeared to be from a legitimate banking facility. The complainant thought it may be scam and no funds were exchanged. Traffic Stop On December 6, 2022, a vehicle was stopped for a traffic stop. The male driver provided a breath sample which resulted in caution and his driver’s licence was suspended for 72 hours and the vehicle was towed. Vehicle Rollover On December 7, 2022, at approximately noon, there was a report of a semi-truck rollover in a ditch west of Coleman. The witness advised there was a Ford F150

with BC plates in the middle of Highway 3 and to avoid a major collision and possible injuries to other drivers, the driver of the semi decided to enter into the ditch. The other vehicle left the scene without incident. Bank Fraud On December 12, 2022, there was a complaint of being defrauded of $1400 from their bank account. They were selling an item, the cheque was deposited and money was exchanged before the bank determined the cheque was fake. Reminders to the Public Reminder to drivers that winter has arrived. Drive according to weather and road conditions. brush your vehicles off, put your headlights on and dress accordingly.

DID YOU KNOW? Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours!

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Reminder to property owners to lock your doors and vehicles. Mark your belongings and record serial numbers of tools and other important items. Reminder to residents of computer scams, credit cards scams, Grandparent scams and Revenue Canada scams, do not give out personal information to persons you don't know.

Insurance Companies don’t warranty repair work.

DO NOT OPEN EMAILS if you are suspicious of its origin. Do NOT purchase gift cards for payment to Revenue Canada. Do not send money to a person claiming you have won a prize and need to send money for delivery. Crime Stoppers tips can be phoned in to 1-800-2228477.

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The Simple Raven’s Post BY AVNER PERL

What I want for Christmas! Christmas 2022 is coming into a world that I hardly recognize. All that I have learned in over seventy years here on Earth is changing faster than I can process the information. Possibly my human brain wasn’t built for that much data to pass through it, but I have computers to help. Almost all the information that I need could be searched at incredible speed, but there is no guarantee that the results are not tainted by fake news. I am expected to know what there is no way of knowing. What I have is my opinions based on the best information I can obtain and a quick assessment done in my head. The old brain is struggling to discover the truth, and like it or not, I sometimes must change my opinions when I discover previously unknown facts. Much of my conclusions are based on what I believe, and I just trust that if my intention is good, I have a fair chance of drawing the right conclusions. What is special about Christmas, and why do we even have a day off with family and friends? Why do we go out in mid-winter and shop for presents which often are rarely used? Is it to support the low-wage workers who make them often for close to nothing to beat the competition that may sell them for less? I sit here in my mountain retreat little home studio. That’s the way I like it. Nothing fancy. The walls are lined with shelves, mostly loaded with books. I read the books, but I keep them since they are filled with ideas that over the years made me who I am. Some shelves have gifts from people I worked with. I was a supervisor and my workers used to buy me gifts for Christmas, which I relish to this day. It had little monetary value; it was from the heart. They did it since I treated them fairly and never had favorites. I didn’t take advantage of my position and people were rewarded evenly for contributing what they could. My business is people. Looking at this year’s first few Christmas cards, I am reminded about the baby whose birthday we are celebrating.

I go back to the reason for Christmas, not considering that it is a solstice festivity that existed since before Christ was born. The babe became a man who walked the same paths that I did long after, but he had a message. The message was so simple, yet it captured the world and changed humans forever. We see people from all walks of life, rich and poor, respecting him regardless if they believe in his divinity. Was he right-wing or left in politics? We don’t have a definite answer. He was pro-people and cared not if they were useful or not. He considered the intentions of the giver higher than the monetary value. Thousands joined His new religion, later millions, and now billions. We should remember that even the Muslims who came away after His departure believe that He is very special and will play a major role in the future of humanity. What would Christ, the Saviour, ask for on Christmas? I think I should ask for the same. Ukraine is a big issue where many people are killed and many more suffer each day. I wish for an end to it, while there is still some Ukraine undamaged. The Ukrainians are so brave and they deserve to be rewarded, but the suffering is too great. If the Russians and Ukrainians get guarantees for nonaggression, peace may work. I wish for humans to forget their local origins and races as a reason for war. The human race can retain cultures, art, languages, religions, you name it, and quit wanting what others have. There is enough for everyone and if all are educated, there will be a slowing of population increase. We have proof. What we spend on wars and preparations for wars would be enough to keep us all healthy, fed, and educated. Our main worldwide problem now is getting the energy to do our work. It is time to quit using the energy from burning things and use better, less damaging sources we know of and can develop. One example is nuclear, but there are others. It’s time to take the big step. It will happen anyway, so let’s plan the change and do it properly. I am not advocating useless delays but real action. I would like to see us pay less for what we need and more for garbage disposal and recycling. We are drowning in garbage, solid, in the air and water. Taxes shouldn’t pay for garbage removal but by those who make the trash. No trading of responsibility should be allowed. I would like independent media that would be exposed if they tell lies. Above all, I think the Christ would like to see more equality. He talked about it. In the last 40 years, about 50 trillion dollars of wealth that could have gone to regular working people went to the richest 1%. In the US, mortality has grown and poverty became a norm. It would not sit well with the one born on Christmas. If I could, I would ask for a cap on wealth. It would go far towards making our home planet more like the Kingdom above or below, depending on the point of view. Here is a link to my blog: Feel free to check other articles and comment.

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4 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Shop Local Campaign ALLIED HARDWARE

Everything you need for Christmas TABLE OF GIFT IDEAS • CHRISTMAS DECOR TREES • TREES • TREES SMALL APPLIANCES • GIFT CERTIFCATES Don’t forget the pets! 12823-20th Ave., Blairmore • 403.562.8844

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5 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Shop Local Campaign

50+ Local, 30+ Albertan, 25+ Canadian AUTHORS, ARTISTS & ARTISANS PJ & SOCKS for all ages have arrived! Books ~ Pottery ~ Bison Leather ~ Jewellery ~ Kick Ass Carmels

Open Monday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm

Bellevue East Access • (403) 564 - 4389


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6 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Herald Editorial

Herald ‘Letters to the Editor’ Policy Policy: The Pass Herald welcomes Letters to the Editor that examine issues, but reserves the right to edit for length, libel and syntax. Writers must sign letters and include first and last names, address and telephone number. Address and telephone numbers will not be published. Only in exceptional cases will the Pass Herald withhold the name of the writer and in those cases the writer must disclose his/her name, address and telephone number to the Editor. Electronic email will be considered an electronic signature. Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinion of the Pass Herald. Letters cannot exceed 600 words. We have limited space, but we do enjoy printing every article. So please, to allow everyone to express their opinion, keep the letters short and to the point. We do have the right to refuse any letter that in our judgement may contain libel or libelous opinions. Should a litigation result from your letter, you as the writer are responsible but so is this newspaper as the publisher. The Pass Herald is a family owned community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not follow our mandate. We cannot accept advertisements or letters criticizing or disparaging other advertisers, companies or individuals or any advertisements directed to a religion or race. Deadline for submission is the Friday prior to publication.


Get your


cards in by this Thursday


Subscription Update Just a quick reminder that most of your subscriptions are coming due in January. If you receive a paper copy of the paper, check the date on your mailing label. There is a line that says, for example, exp. 01/31. If this is your subscription date, it’s your time. You can pop into the paper to renew your subscription, or you can go to our website and renew online. There are two options to renew with a digital subscription or if you hit on the subscription menu, you can also now renew your hard copy. You just fill out the form and then send an etransfer or you can email or call the paper with your credit card, and we will get you updated. We are taking two weeks off over the holidays and the boys and I are heading to Mexico. This is a first for me and I’ll let you know if being away for Christmas is a good thing or not. As it is, my boys rarely leave their rooms. This way they are forced to spend a week with me. Selfish, I know, but little do they know I have ulterior motives, so don’t tell them if you read this and you see them on the street!


Getting a Merry Christmas from the Chamber of Commerce Scrooge! Dear Editor; The Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce has just slid again to a lower level than its already poor track record. They have thrown out any sound judgement and any consideration of loyalty to businesses that have faithfully supported the Crowsnest Pass Visitor Guide. Never has December been a time that the Chamber of Commerce started focusing on and pushing promotions for ads in the CNP Visitor Guide for the next year (2023). This year the CNP Chamber of Commerce and the Visitor Guide Committee decided to "Fix Something that was Not Broken" by of creating something fresh

to compliment All the Businesses in Our Com munity. They decided a game would be required (for example: I would have to sit at my computer before 9am December 15, 2022 - so I don't miss hitting send at 9am - God forbid I get a call! Ok all laughs aside). The game requires is that everyone has to email the Chamber of Commerce at EXACTLY 9 am December 15, 2022. Truly I find this very funny and appropriate that the Chamber of Commerce and its committee has the need to play games instead of doing business. I would suggest to the Chamber Board and Committee Members to lose your agendas as you should be working for ‘All Businesses’ in our Community, not just yours. Crockets will be doing business and not playing the Lottery game at 9am December 15, 2022. (we will see who wanted Crockets ad space in the Visitor Guide. Because Crockets won't play "the Game" Crockets will not be in the 2023 Crowsnest Pass Visitor Guide. Oh Scrooge! Now there is NO Reason to buy a Membership... Save Money! Shame on the Chamber of Commerce Board and Visitor Guide committee for not understanding the definition of "Visitor". This is a Visitor Guide not a Business Directory. PS Crockets does not play games, Crockets Sells Games.

Bricks and Bouquets This is your column, THE READERS, use it but please don’t abuse it. All Bricks & Bouquets are expressions from OUR READERS and do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of THIS newspaper. If you wish to expressly thank someone, please use our CARD OF THANKS section of this newspaper. We appreciate you making this column a success, and keep sending us your Bricks and Bouquets. All Bricks and Bouquets are kept on file at the Pass Herald.

Bricks: To the greedy Pass gas stations for taking advantage of their customers, shame on them! I work in Pincher Creek and travel back and forth daily. For months the gas prices in Pincher Creek have been consistently lower than the Crowsnest Pass. Today the price in PC is 129.9. Pass gas is 151.9. -- I believe this is newsworthy and needs to be investigated and reported. Here are some Pincher prices that I took note of: Dec 6. 138.8, Dec 9. 136.9, Dec 12 129.9, Pass gas remained constant at 151.9. I am all for supporting local businesses but not at this high cost. Previously I have always paid the extra few cents to support our local stations but now I buy all of my gas in Pincher Creek, the price difference of 22 cents per litre is gouging and totally unacceptable.

For news stories contact us at: Lisa Sygutek - Publisher Nick Allen - Reporter/Photography 403-562-2248 Tina Pedersen - Advertising For on-line subscriptions visit our John Kinnear - Community Reporter website at Avner Perl - Feature Writer Owned and Operated by Lisa Sygutek

PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The entire contents of Crowsnest Pass Herald are protected by the Law of Copyright. No portion thereof is to be reproduced without the specific permission of the publisher.


SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (GST Included) • Single Copy: $1.25 • Crowsnest Pass and Area - $45/year (within a 40-mile radius) • Seniors -$40/year • Outside a 40-mile radius $65/year •USA - $75/year

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8 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Hunting gun ban considered to be ‘overreach’ by Government of Alberta NICK ALLEN Pass Herald Reporter Alberta’s Minister of Justice, Tyler Shandro, held an online media conference on December 9 to discuss the Alberta government’s response to Bill C-21. Bill C-21 is “an Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments” regarding firearms according to the document. What originally stated as a handgun bill has now come to encompass hunting rifles used across Canada. Shandro started the discussion by addressing the “overreach” the province has seen from the federal government “criminalizing so many Canadians” with the proposed Bill C-21 amendments. “We're definitely looking at what Saskatchewan is doing with their proposed firearms legislation,” he said. Shandro explained they always had concerns with the federal government going after hunters. Shandro said Bill C-21 includes a “bunch” of firearms used primarily for hunting are set to be banned. “The federal government is trying to make it sound like these are guns that were lawfully obtained by somebody who's licensed and is now using it in a crime. That's not the case,” he added. Even so, Shandro admitted there is more that can be done for the illegal firearms that are known to be used in gun crimes, such as those coming across the US border. “The CBSA is doing a fantastic job at protecting us at ports of entry,” said Shandro. He explained that part of the confusion comes from who has jurisdiction in the recovery of illegal firearms once they have already crossed the border. “I think the federal government has to make it clear whether this is CBSA or whether it's police services... and start working towards addressing the guns that are coming across the border illegally,” said Shandro. Shandro said he thinks the majority of Bill C-21 focuses, not on the safety of Canadians, but on politics and law-abiding Canadians who have legally obtained their firearms. He said they should instead be focusing on those who are committing gun crimes. He also believes the money for “buy back” programs could be better

spent on securing the border. “I think they’re playing politics to ban firearms, thinking that this is going to be a solution to reducing gun crime. It's obviously not,” said Shandro. As opposition to the bill continues to grow, Prime Minister Trudeau said on December 6 that the government is “moving forward on a ban on assault-style weapons.” Shandro said this is not a partisan issue involving Liberals and Conservatives, but opposition against a “gigantic mistake” by the federal government. With the amendments to C-21, there are members of the NDP also speaking out against the changes. NDP MP Charlie Angus, with a riding covering a large part of northern Ontario that includes many remote First Nations, echoed concerns about the impact to gun owners if the bill were to pass in its current form. “The amendment came out of nowhere,” said Angus, “This was a handgun bill. We suddenly saw this other legislation that has a lot of people who are legitimate gun owners worried. I think they overreached.” The full proposal involved with Bill C-21 is available at with more detailed information from individual meetings deliberating the specifics of the bill.

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Pledge Form Yes! I would like to purchase. __________________________ commemorative Christmas ball(s) as part of the Crowsnest Pass Hospital’s “Tree of Hope” project. Amount enclosed $ __________________________________ Donor’s Name(s): ___________________________________ In memory of: _____________________________________ and/or In honour of: ______________________________________


Name: ___________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ Cheques should be made payable to: Crowsnest Pass Hospital Auxiliary Deliver or Mail to: Wendy Fabro, Box 756, Coleman, AB, TOK OMO

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - 9

Shop Local Campaign

e te! Tliem a r b e c to Check out our wide variety of wine, beer and spirits for all your holiday

Amended Hours Chris’ will be CLOSING at 3pm on December 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17


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10 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Shop Local Campaign Happy Mart Coleman

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - 11

And the Cando Winner is ... Charity Check Stop The municipality’s Charity Check Stop raised $6163.50 on December 2 along with food donations.

The winner of the CanDo Cash for Christmas 50/50 draw, Diane Simpson, who won the draw held on December 4, shown here with Pat Rypien, the CanDo Director of Fundraising with a cheque for $2500. Money raised is in support of operations for the Roxy Theatre. Construction on the theatre is expected to begin in March 2023 with completion dependent on the CanDo Act III Together We Can Do It fundraising that is on-going. Visit to donate. Nick Allen photo

Lisa Sygutek photo

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12 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Shop Local Campaign PO EN

A S AY D 7



Have allergies? We’ve got you covered! Gluten-free baked goods, ingredients, cleaning supplies and more! Visit us at #11777 – 20th Ave, Blairmore • 403.753.3344 At EMILIO’S MERCATO ITALIANO, we believe celebrating with family and friends during this special time of year is always made better when paired with great food. Cheeses from around the globe…Italian prosciutto…Spanish olives…and raising your glass toasting the New Year with a glass filled with Italian Sparkling Lemonata! Say Grazia with a made to order Gift Basket or personalized Gift Certificate

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - 13

Property management simplifies real estate NICK ALLEN Pass Herald Reporter Local property manager hopes to ease the workload of real estate owners in the Crowsnest Pass. Being involved in real estate in “one form or another” for the past 30 plus years, Bruce Nimmo recognized the need for a licensed property manager in the Pass. The business, called Leasemore Property Management, will launch in mid-December. It is marketed on its website as “Crowsnest Pass’s own dynamic new property management company”. “I've been in real estate for my entire life, the better part of three decades... the days of working for others are behind me now,” said Nimmo. He talked about the benefits of owning real estate but said many don’t recognize the amount of work needed to manage a property. According to Nimmo, the new website will allow someone to go online and access all the records associated with the real estate they have managed through Leasemore.

Bruce Nimmo photo

“They'll be able to get a copy of their lease. They'll get a copy of all their property inspections, all the repairs and a monthly bill,” he explained, “We're bringing lease management into current times, as far as technology goes.” Nimmo said this will make getting repairs on a property much easier for the owners. He boasted it is “effortless” to own a piece of property with it being managed. “We'll take care of everybody. We're competitive in our fees, so we think we're bringing good value,” said Nimmo. Another aspect of his property management he believes is important is licensing. Currently, Nimmo said there is no licensed property manager in the Pass.


U11 Thunder vs Elk Valley Wild Dec11 Crowsnest Pass Thunder faced the Elk Valley Wild today in Sparwood. The team started off strong against the Wild in the first period with a 1-1 tie. CNP goal by Jax Fulkerth unassisted. As the game progressed, 4 more goals were scored by the Wild and the Thunder went home with a 5-1 loss to the Elk Valley team. The U11’s will take a well deserved break from games over the holidays and are due to play in January. Watch the CNP Thunder

“We are licensed through Sutton Group in Lethbridge and that means we have all the appropriate insurance. That means we've been vetted. It means we follow all the protocols of the Real Estate Council of Alberta,” he said. Real estate is “fundamentally about people” and working with them to achieve their goals and provide solutions is what Nimmo enjoys most about the job. He also added that Amber Turnbull is an essential part of the Leasemore team. Anyone wishing to learn more is encouraged to visit where Nimmo said they are happy to have a conversation with people to see if the business can meet the needs for their property.

The Trails West Wolves played hard and fast but Thunder was able to make one goal by Parker Bunnage. Assisted by Jasper Patrick and Owen Kirkman. Owen stopped a total of 21 shots between the pipes with a final score of 6-1 for the Wolves. Coach Ron Gillespie adds, “Wonderful effort put forward by our whole team! Great team spirit, hustle, respect, and sportsmanship. Families and players represented our community well, once again! So proud of these young players.” Fort MacLeod Mavericks took lead in the tournament winning their final game Sunday evening versus the Okotoks Goats. The Crowsnest Pass Minor Hockey Club would like to send a huge thanks to our tournament organizer, Amy Bunnage, the Thunder parent volunteers, attending teams & families, parents, coaches, referees, linesman, rink attendants, and of course our dedicated hockey players. Also to our sponsors who made it all possible through donations and volunteering. The Coleman Lions provided great food throughout the weekend and Tim Hortons with the coffee and donuts. Sponsorship also from Blairmore Pharmasave, Teck, Berta General Store, The Gilded Haus, and Pincher Creek Meats. Also to our wonderful photographer, Jenaya Launstein. Thunder will be playing next weekend on Saturday on home ice versus Coaldale at 12:15 then away in Picture Butte on Sunday. Check out the Thunder website for game times.

U13 Hockey Home Tournament The Crowsnest Pass U13 hockey team hosted another outstanding tournament over the weekend. A total of 7 southern Alberta and BC teams came to our hometown and had much positive feedback about our warm, small town hospitality and the fun, successful tournament. The Thunder played in 3 games over the 3 day event and our hockey team sure showed amazing sportsmanship and played with their hearts all while having a great time. On Friday evening, they played against one of the final teams, the Okotoks Goats. The score ended up being 7-3 for the visitors with much hard work from our Thunder. Goals for the game were scored by Jack Bishop, Nico Gillespie, and Sam Graham. Assists coming from Sophie Gibboney-Stafford, Gavin Samuel, Jack Bishop, and Sam Graham. Goaltender Owen Kirkman stoped a total of 28 shots throughout play. On Saturday afternoon, Thunder were back at the Crowsnest Sports Complex versus the Okotoks Mighty Pucks. Two goals scored for the Thunder during the game by McKye Schaffer and Aidan Bishop. The assist on the first goal was made by Jameson Patrick. A total of 26 shots on goalie Owen Kirkman, the Mighty Pucks still came ahead with a final score of 6-2. Saturday night’s alright for hockey! The Thunder were back again for a late evening and their final game in the tournament.

CNP Thunder U13

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14 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

For Rent To inquire about the availability of an apartment for rent in Blairmore call 403-562-8144. 1 TFN/NC


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The Crowsnest Pass AA group has moved effective January 2, 2022. We now meet once a week. SUNDAY NIGHTS ONLY at 7:00 pm. Compass Fellowship Church. 2029 - 130th St., Blairmore, AB. Looking forward to seeing you. 1-CC

AWNA CLASSIFIEDS Auctions MEIER UNRESERVED GUN & SPORTSMAN AUCTION. Saturday, Dec 17 - 10AM, 4740 57 St. Wetaskiwin, AB. Consign Now. Free Pickup. Phone 780-440-1860. Visit for more details. Buildings For Sale INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILDINGS since 2008 BUILT WITH CONCRETE POSTS. Barns, Shops, Riding Arenas, Machine Sheds and more, 1-866-974-7678 Employment Opportunities NOW HIRING: Alberta Licensed Security Guards for security gates in remote locations of NW Alberta. Year-round & seasonal work available, starting immediately! Learn more at WESTCOR CONSTRUCTION is looking for a handyman/carpenter to work in Claresholm for 4–8 months. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. Please e-mail Farm Machinery BLANKET THE PROVINCE with a classified ad. Only $269 (based on 25 words or less). Reach almost 90 weekly newspapers. Call NOW for details. 1-800282-6903 Ext 225; Feed and Seed WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN - Heated, Mixed, Tough, Light, Bugs, Spring Thrashed....Barley, Wheat, Oats, Peas, Flax, Canola. "On Farm Pickup". Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252. ALBERTA FEED GRAIN: Buying Oats, Barley, Wheat, Canola, Peas, Screenings, Mixed Grains. Dry, Wet, Heated, or Spring Thresh. Prompt Payment. In House Trucks, In House Excreta Cleaning. Vac Rental. 1-888-483-8789. For Sale BOSCH Mixers, Ankarsrum Mixers, VITAMIX blenders, LEFSE supplies & more. FREE SHIPPING. Call toll-free 1-888-692-6724. Hometech BOSCH Appl 375 Broad St., Regina, SK.

Health HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT. Other medical conditions causing TROUBLE WALKING or DRESSING? The Disability Tax Credit allows for $3,000 yearly tax credit and $30,000 lump sum refund. Take advantage of this offer. Apply NOW; quickest refund Nationwide: Expert help. 1-844-453-5372. Land for Sale FARMLAND AND PASTURE LAND BY SASKATCHEWAN RIVER. 160 acres. Best hunting in Saskatchewan. Excellent fishing. Thick pine & poplar bluffs, by water coulee. Old yard site with power and water. Revenue Potential. East of Prince Albert, SK. $248,000. Call Doug 306-716-2671. 3 QUARTERS OF CROPLAND South of Weyburn, SK. Distressed sale. Priced below market at 1.27 x assessment, with a 4% return with lease. $594,800.00. Call Doug at 306-716-2671. Personals GET YOUR MESSAGE SEEN ACROSS Alberta. The Blanket Classifieds or Value Ads reach over 600,000 Alberta readers weekly. Two options starting at $269 or $995 to get your message out! Business changes, hiring, items for sale, cancellations, tenders, etc. People are increasingly staying home and rely on their local newspapers for information. KEEP people in the loop with our 90 Weekly Community Newspapers. Call THIS NEWSPAPER now or email for details. 1-800-282-6903, 780-434-8746 X225. Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Why suffer employment/licensing loss? Travel/business opportunities? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US entry waiver. Record purge. File destruction. Free consultation. 1800-347-2540. Wanted WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL - Also purchasing SILVER & GOLD coins, bars, jewelry, scrap, nuggets, sterling, 999+ BULLION, maple leafs, bulk silver, pre-1969 coins. Coin collector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS, old $ & Royal Canadian Mint coins. TODD 250-864-3521.|

ROSALIE KATHLEEN HARRIOTT November 27, 1933 ~ November 17, 2022

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Rosalie Harriott, known by many as Lee McVickar, on November 17, 2022 at the Crowsnest Pass Continuing Care Centre, Blairmore, AB. She was 88. Rosalie was born and raised in the Turks and Caicos Islands. She attended boarding school in Jamaica and Canada for several years before moving to Vancouver with her family in 1950. After earning her degree at the University of British Columbia, she lived for many years in England before coming back to Canada and settling in the Crowsnest Pass, AB in 1981. As an active member of the Crowsnest Pass Women’s Resource and Crisis Centre and the Crowsnest Pass Allied Arts Association, Rosalie was well-known and devoted to the community she chose as her home. Rosalie enjoyed gardening, music, a good book, and travelling to visit dear friends in England and her childhood home in the Turks and Caicos Islands. She spent many happy times with wonderful friends in the Crowsnest Pass. Rosalie touched many hearts throughout her life. May beautiful memories of her bring comfort to those she loved and who love her. Left to mourn her passing and celebrate her life is her daughter, Mary Alice (Ed) Villeneuve of Edmonton, AB; her grandchildren, Alex and Andrew Villeneuve; her nieces and nephews, Michelle, Mike, Damon, Kathy and Alexis; many great-nieces and great-nephews; her sister, Blyth Perrault and sister-in-law Angie Harriott; as well her extended family and good friends. She was predeceased by her mother, Marjorie Young; her father, Franklyn Harriott; her son, Angus McVickar; her brother, Hyatt Harriott; her brother-in-law, Allan Perrault; and her nephew Devin Perrault. A Memorial Service will be held in the summer of 2023. Condolences may be registered at Fantin’s Funeral Chapel entrusted with the arrangements. (403) 562-8555

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD -15

('))$&( % Journeyman Certified Carpenter Licensed and Insured

Journeyman Certified Carpenter Licensed and Insured High Energy Maintenance Free PVC Windows & Doors

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Bus: 403-634-3858

A&K SELF STORAGE Located in the Frank Industrial Park

Units range in size from 5' x 10', 10' x 10', 10' x 15', 10' x 20', sea can 8' x 20' and a 12' x 20' building with auto garage door. Units are finished inside with hard board or plywood and freshly painted. Some units are inside chain link fenced area. All units have interior lighting. Area is secured by exterior lighting.

Residential & Commercial Excavating Landscaping • Snow Removal


Dog Boarding • Dog Grooming •Dog Training

Master Trainer Jody Clark 403-563-5295 • 1405-61 St. Coleman, AB


$/2>24: >2. 08 4

TAXI 403.583.4000

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PRESTIGE CLEANERS RENT A CARPET CLEANER Clothing Alterations, Zippers, Coverall Rentals, Etc.

562-2112 Blairmore 425-7272 Sparwood

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16 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED BYLAW NO 1095, 2021 - LAND USE BYLAW AMENDMENT 7:00PM, January 10, 2023 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers 8502 – 19 Avenue, Coleman

Bellevue, and are known municipally as 2958 214th St. The purpose of proposed Bylaw No. 1138, 2022 is to provide for the subdivision and consolida琀on of the lands with an adjacent residen琀al parcel.

PURSUANT to sec琀ons 216.4, 606, and 692 of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, the Council of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass in THEREFORE, TAKE the Province of Alberta hereby gives no琀ce of its inten琀on NOTICE THAT a to consider proposed Bylaw No. 1095, 2021, being a bylaw public hearing to amend Bylaw No. 868, 2013, being the municipal land use to consider bylaw. the proposed Bylaw No. 1138, 2022 will be held in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers at 7:00pm The purpose of Bylaw No. 1095, 2021 is to redesignate the on January 24, 2023. Each person shall be allo琀ed 5 lands legally described as: minutes to present their posi琀on. 1.



2023 BUSINESS LICENSES Business license invoices have been mailed and renewals are due January 31, 2023. Your 2023 Business License is not valid un琀l the invoice has been paid. To avoid a penalty for opera琀ng a business in the Crowsnest Pass without a business license, pay your business license invoice by January 31, 2023. Please take a moment to con昀rm your business name, loca琀on, and contact informa琀on are correct. Once you have paid your invoice, please make arrangements to pick up your license from the Municipal o ce or call 403562-8833 to make arrangements to have it emailed.

If your business no longer operates in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass, please advise us in wri琀ng of your business closure. Please visit to view the A por琀on of Lot 36, Block 17, Plan 221 1554, within AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone wishing to provide complete bylaw. the SE ¼ 29-7-3-W5M, containing ±0.00008 ha (0.0002 slide decks, maps, videos or a wri琀en submission regarding acres), as shown on Schedule ‘A’, from “No Landuse” to the proposed bylaw should email: Bonnie Kawasaki, 2023 ANIMAL LICENSES “Residen琀al – R1.” Execu琀ve Assistant to the CAO at bonnie.kawasaki@ A por琀on of Lot 37, Block 17, Plan 221 1554, within with the bylaw number and public the SE ¼ 29-7-3-W5M, containing ±0.029 ha (0.072 hearing date clearly marked in the subject line no later than acres), as shown on Schedule ‘A’, from “No Landuse” to 12:00pm on January 17, 2023. Verbal presenta琀ons (limited “Residen琀al – R1.” to 5 minutes) will be accepted at the public hearing. A por琀on of 21st Ave within the SE ¼ 29-7-3-W5M, containing ±0.0025 ha (0.0060 acres), as shown on For ques琀ons regarding the proposed Bylaw please contact Schedule ‘A’, from “Residen琀al – R1” to “No Landuse.” the Development O cer by calling 403-562-8833 or The subject lands are located in Bellevue, and are known municipally as 20607 21st Ave and 20605 21st Ave. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to provide for the opportunity to use and develop the lands in accordance with the provisions of the “Residen琀al – R1” land use district.

THEREFORE, TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hearing to consider the proposed Bylaw No. 1095, 2021 will be held in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers at 7:00pm on January 10th , 2023. Each person shall be allo琀ed 5 minutes to present their posi琀on. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone wishing to provide slide decks, maps, videos or a wri琀en submission regarding the proposed bylaw should email: Bonnie Kawasaki, Execu琀ve Assistant to the CAO at bonnie.kawasaki@ with the bylaw number and public hearing date clearly marked in the subject line no later than 12:00pm on January 3 , 2023. Verbal presenta琀ons (limited to 5 minutes) will be accepted at the public hearing. For ques琀ons regarding the proposed Bylaw Amendment please contact the Development O cer by calling 403-5628833 or emailing A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at the municipal o ce during normal business hours.


A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at the municipal o ce during normal business hours.

2023 Animal licenses are now available for purchase at the Municipal o ce. Choose from an annual, a three-year, or a life琀me license.

DATED at the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass in the Province of Alberta this 7th day of December, 2022. To avoid receiving $100 a penalty for unlicensed animals, please ensure you have purchased your 2023 license by January 31.


The Development Authority of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass recently approved the following development applica琀on(s): DP2022-ST058: 1338 83 Street, Coleman (Lot 21, Block 10, Plan 2011546). For the opera琀on of a “Short-Term Rental” (Discre琀onary use)

Dog Altered

Dog Unaltered



$ 25

$ 50



$ 60

$ 120



$ 100

$ 200

$ 25

To view the complete Animal Control Bylaw, please visit


DP2022-ST060: 1117 231 Street, Hillcrest (Lot 15, Block 2, Lot 4735AQ). For the opera琀on of a “Tourist Home” (Discre琀onary use) DP2022-188: 11706 18 Avenue, Blairmore (Lot 16, Block, A, Plan 201225). For an addi琀on of a Garage and Sunroom to a “Single-Family Dwelling” (Permi琀ed use). For an exis琀ng “Garage up to 67.7m2” (Permi琀ed use). For an exis琀ng “Accessory Building” (Shed) up to 13.9m2 (Permi琀ed use). For a second driveway access o昀 of 18 Avenue

DATED at the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass in the Province Any persons claiming to be adversely a昀ected by the above discre琀onary development permits or variances of Alberta this 30th day of November 2022. may 昀le an appeal in wri琀ng by December 28, 2022, to PROPOSED BYLAW NO 1095, 2021 - LAND USE BYLAW the SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT APPEAL BOARD or the Land and PROPERTY RIGHTS TRIBUNAL, as may be AMENDMENT applicable. 7:00PM, January 24, 2023 Subdivision and Development Appeal Board: Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers MUNICIPALITY OF CROWSNEST PASS 8502 – 19 Avenue, Coleman BOX 600, CROWSNEST PASS, ALBERTA T0K 0E0. PURSUANT to sec琀ons 216.4, 606 and 674 of the Municipal Fee of $400.00 must be included with the appeal. Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, the Council of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass in Land and Property Rights Tribunal the Province of Alberta hereby gives no琀ce of its inten琀on 1229-91 Street SW, Edmonton AB T6X 1E9 to consider proposed Bylaw No. 1138, 2022, being a bylaw to dispose of the municipal reserve designa琀on (in part) on Development O cer Municipality of Crowsnest Pass a parcel of land legally described as a por琀on of Lot 1MR, Phone: 403 562-8833 Block 3, Plan 831 1587 containing ±0.01 ha (0.04 acres), Email: as shown on Schedule ‘A’. The subject lands are located in

Please be advised that on January 1, 2023 a 3% penalty will be applied to all unpaid outstanding Property Taxes. To ensure the penalty is not applied to your overdue balance, payment must be received by the Tax Department no later than midnight on December 31, 2022. Payments can be made at the Municipal O ce, 8502 – 19th Avenue, Coleman between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, or dropped o昀 in the mail slot on the northeast corner of the building a昀er hours. Payments can also be made by telebanking, internet banking, or at any 昀nancial ins琀tu琀on (allow three business days to process).Payments mailed to the Municipal O ce must be post-marked no later than December 31, 2022. For further informa琀on, please call (403) 562-8833 or email

8502 - 19 Avenue, Coleman Box 600, Crowsnest Pass, AB, T0K 0E0 ph: 403-562-8833 e: recep琀 A昀er Hours Public Works Emergencies: 403-562-2021

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD -17

Turning Pointe on Point at Christmas Concert

On Saturday, December 10 Turning Pointe Dance students performed to a sold out crowd at Santa’s Workshop at the Pincher Creek Community Hall.

Teri Harrison photos

Coleman Legion Branch #9

GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTIONS January 15, 2022 at 2:00pm at the Coleman Legion

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18 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Puzzle Page

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD -19

Pincher Creek Huskies Under-18 team a success NICK ALLEN Pass Herald Reporter The Pincher Creek Huskies are off to a great start this season, winning most of their games so far. Through the first three games of the regular season, the Huskies have a record of three wins and one loss. Over the weekend they played two more games, one in Vulcan on December 9 and one at home on December 10. Up against Vulcan the Huskies got goals from Damian Beswick, Jaydon Draper on the power play and Aidan Potts. They would end up losing on the road by a score of 4-3. Their next game at home was against High Country and resulted in a solid victory for the Huskies. They finished off the home game with a total of 10 goals against the visitors while only letting two get by them. The back of the net was filled by Christian Potts (2), Aidan Potts (2), Damian Beswick (2), Seth King (2), Travis Bastien and Jaydon Draper. The U18 squad plays their next game on January 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the arena in Pincher Creek. Huskies head coach Sean Stuckey has been behind the bench in minor hockey for close to a decade, although it is his first year coaching the U18 team. He was surprised about the number of players they had to start the season. “The biggest difference this year is we've got a very big team... we have 21 players and two goalies,” said Stuckey. With the extra bodies, the team has an increased intensity compared to groups he coached in the past he explained. After the “tiering” games before the start of the season, it was determined they were in Tier 3 “Strong” after a positive showing in the preseason. “The biggest thing is they're starting to understand some systems instead of just knowing their position as they get to this age group,” said Stuckey, “It's more about how the team can be successful as opposed to individual skill.” He attributes this to the lack of time and space for making plays on the ice as the competition level continues to increase. Working together as a team is an areaS-

Hugo Brees photos Adam Farraj, left, and Brayden Anctil, right, from the Crowsnest Pass play in the U18 Pincher Creek Chinook home tournament. The team played four games in the tournament and remained undefeated to win.

tuckey said the team is trying to improve, along with discipline. “They are a very physical group. They like to play the body and be physical, but their lack of discipline sometimes gets them into trouble,” said Stuckey. With players from the Crowsnest Pass and Cowley to Pincher Creek and Brocket, there is a “mixture of communities” forming the team. “They played against each other in some circumstances and now they are all on the same team so it's nice to see them being able to play together,” added Stuckey. Assistant coaches for the U18 team are Josh Hilliard, Chad Anctil and Cory Anderson with Lisa Stuckey filling the role of team manager. More information is available on the game board at the arena in Pincher Creek or on the Pincher Creek Hockey Association website and Facebook page.

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Pass Pottery Ornament Night The 2nd annual ornament making class at the Pass Pottery Club.

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20 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Grad 2023 Senior Supper The Senior Supper took place on December 12. Chris’ Restaurant created 382 meals that were delivered to seniors throughout the community. Over $5000 was raised for the graduating class of 2023. Photos by Michelle Pitt and Jolie Anctil

Happy Holidays From all of us at Teck, we wish you and your loved ones a safe and healthy holiday season.

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