Jonathan Edwards and Justification

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10  Editor’s Preface

wish to thank Pauline Epps. As I am writing, Pauline is just a few days away from retiring. She has served as executive assistant for my predecessor at College Church, Kent Hughes, and before him Erwin Lutzer at Moody Church. Pauline has provided support for many years for preaching and writing ministries of many in fairly prominent roles of public ministry, and I know that I speak for all who have benefited from her service to the Lord when I say that her work has been appreciated immensely, and has borne much fruit. Thank you, Pauline, and thank you to her husband Dick whose ministry at Moody Bible Institute was massively influential, too. I also wish to thank Carolyn Litfin, my executive assistant, who is such an example of ministry excellence, and whose assistance on this book was invaluable. No preface would be complete without the traditional mention of the author’s (or in this case the editor’s) family. Rochelle is a gift beyond compare in this world, and we rejoice together with ministries such as this book and other opportunities to serve Jesus. I want specifically to dedicate this book to one of my children: Sophia. I will dedicate the next book to one of our other children, and somehow manage to keep the whole thing in strict rotation! On behalf of all those who have contributed to this book, I wish to say simply may we receive the commendation of Jesus: “well done, good and faithful servant(s).” It has been a great joy working together with you. Before you now you have quite a treat. We have put together a small team of internationally reputed Edwards scholars simply to ask and answer the question, what is Edwards’s doctrine of justification? Getting justification right has proven to be difficult, for some more than others, over the last decade or so, and what Edwards thinks, or would have thought about, is not a matter with small significance for the preaching of the gospel or the health of the church. So prepare to look at justification through the eyes of America’s greatest theologian, and by that means reengage with the biblical story about how we are made right with God. JM

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