2016-at-a-glance: Creative Tourism Network's resume

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2016 at a glance! Many thanks for sharing it with the Creative Tourism Netwotk®



CTN members’destinations promoted in FITUR (Madrid)

As every year, we promoted our members 'offers and destinations at the International Tourist Fair FITUR in Madrid. Three intensive days of press campaigns, strategic meeting and B2B presentations to international tour operators. As a balance we could say that the creative tourism is now assumed as the new generation of tourism, even by the biggest companies!


The Ministry of Tourism of Morocco receives the

Creative Tourism Award

On January 22th, hte Minister of Tourism of Morocco, Lahcen Haddad received the Creative Tourism Award for the Best Strategy in Creative Tourism Development, within FITUR-Madrid, for a project presented by the Moroccan Tourism Engineering and Investment Society. These awards, created by the Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ, are designed to reward institutions and private initiatives worldwide that demonstrate their commitment to the creative tourism. The Jury, composed by international experts in tourism marketing and creative economy highlighted the role of creativity as the core of the tourism development, while meeting the criteria of quality, originality, innovation and sustainability.


Canadian journalist experiences the creative tourism

The prestigious Canadian paper La Presse, devoted an extensive report to the creative tourism.

The journalist, StĂŠphanie Morin, experienced herself creative activities in the creative village of Saint-JeanPort-Joli (QuĂŠbec), awarded as the Best Creative Tourism Destination 2015. We let you enjoy her article!


Saint-Jean-Port-Joli’s Winter (& creative!) Happening

Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, our creative village in Quebec, demonstrated, once again, that the award they received as Best Creative Destination 2015 was well deserved! They don’t only organize creative activities for the tourists, but also foster the locals‘ creativity by organizing artistic and participative events like the Winter Happening, held on February 11, within the Winter Festival. All the inhabitants were invited to be part of this fairy tale on ice, and to co-create with local artists in dance, snow sculpture and music. What a better way to convince the tourists than experiencing oneself!


Special issue on creative tourism in Canadian Travel Press!

We have the pleasure to share this report on Creative Tourism, written by Ann Ruppenstein for the Canadian Travel Press. A great promotion for the members of CTN! Please press HERE to read the article


Touriosity Travelmag,Media Partner of CTN!

After a first report on LoulÊ Criativo, published in the edition of november, we are proud to announce the continuity of our collaboration with this prestigious Indian magazine. As Media Partner, Touriosity Travelmag will be associated to CTN’s events and every month, a section of Touriosity will be devoted to our members, in order to recommend to the Indian lectors (and travelers) a selection of creative activities and destinations worldwide.


Madagascar joins the network!

It’s an honor and a pleasure for us to welcome Madagascar Explorer among our members! This organization has more than 25 years of professional background offering highest quality services and designing tailor made holidays that guarantee an authentic travel experience.

Their creative tourism experiences introduce you to the uniqueness of Madagascar, its pristine coastal area, cultural diversity, unique biodiversity, and wonderful people!

MARCH 2016

Creative Tourism workshop within the Master in World Heritage & Cultural Projects for Development

Our pleasure to conduct, once again , a workshop on creative tourism within the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, organized by the University of Barcelona, the Turin School of Development and the UNESCO. Our congratulations to the students who demonstrate their competences and creativity while designing their own projects. The Program provides a solid foundation in a variety of cultural economics topics and explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse UNESCO Conventions (World Heritage, Intangible, Diversity of Cultural Expressions).

MARCH 2016

Seminar on Creative Tourism within BTL Lisboa

Tourism entrepreneurs and delegates of local governments attended the Workshop on Creative Tourism given by the Creative Tourism Network® within the framework of the BTL – International Tourism Fair of Lisbon. This session counted on a general introduction of the concept of creative tourism by the director of the CTN as well as a presentation of the pioneering program Loulé Criativo (Algarve region, South Portugal), by Mrs. Carita Santos. Besides that, the CTN also represented and promoted its member’s offers within the fair through B2B meetings and press campaign.

APRIL 2016

Promotion of the CTN members’destinations at B-Travel (Barcelona)

As every year, we promoted our members‘ offers and destinations in B-Travel, tourist fair in Barcelona, which consisted on press campaigns and B2B meetings.

MAY 2016 Working session with the local operators in Tuscany

Tour operators of Tuscany participated last May 21st in a working session organized by Toscana Promozione Turistica in order to involve them in the program Creative Tourism Tuscany, that will position this Italian land of genius, into a new place-to-be for the creative tourists! Tuscany joins this way destinations like Barcelona, Porto Alegre, the Algarve, Quebec and Japan, among others, that are strategically positioning themselves in this increasing sector. As Caroline Couret, the director of CTN pointed out, “among the destinations worldwide that have a potential to develop the creative tourism, the key element is the leadership and the proficiency of the local government to create value around this new demand. In this sense, the involvement and expertise of Mr. Alberto Peruzzini, Director of Toscana Promozione Turistica, has been essential to consider a project which goes beyond the mere creation of tourist products”. This project’s added value also relies on the synergies generated by the public-private partnerships and the opportunities it creates in terms of entrepreneurship and skills improvement .

MAY 2016 Creative Tourism workshop at the University of Venice

The Creative Tourism Network(R) conducted a workshop on creative tourism for the students of the Master in Tourism Economics and Management of the CISET – International Centre for Studies on Tourism Economics, set up in 1991, as a result of a partnership between Ca’ Foscari University Venice, the Veneto Region and the Italian Touring Club. Within this 6-hours-session, the students could learn further about the management of the creative tourism as well as to conceive their own project and to test it with their fellows, demonstrating a high-level of creativity and expertize!

MAY 2016

I International Forum on Tourist Engineering (Rabat - Morocco)

The director of the Creative Tourism Network(R), Caroline Couret, participated in a panel within the I International Forum on Tourist Engineering organized in Rabat by the Moroccan Society of Engineering – SMIT – Ministry of Tourism, under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. Experts and Ministers focused on the more and more necessary role of the tourist engineering to guarantee a governance that benefit to the whole society. No doubt that the creative tourism can contribute to reach this objectives as well.

MAY 2016 Participation of CTN at the creatiob of the African Network on Tourist Engineering (Rabat - Morocco)

Africa owns a great potential to develop the creative tourism and to empower its professionals and local communities with know knowledges and skills. For this reason, the Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ participated in the working-table of the creation of the African Network of Tourist Engineering, organized in Rabat by the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism, aimed to propose a model of development that generates synergies for the local economies in its whole.

MAY 2016

Seminar on creative tourism in Helsinki

Last May 24th, we had the pleasure to conduct a session on creative tourism within the Seminar on Culture & Tourism organized by Visit Finland in Helsinki. We particularly appreciated the great interest and involvement of the numerous cultural and tourist finnish managers and we would like to congratulate Visit Finland, who, through the program Culture Finland & Luova Matka – Culture Creators go Tourism are achieving brilliant results to develop and consolidate a creative and high quality tourism in the whole country!

JUNE 2016 LOULÉ Makers' Meal Creative residencies Twelve days, twelve people, a challenge. Prepare a meal in which absolutely everything is made by the participants as a group: the table, the pans, the cutlery, the plates, the cups... the menu. The challenge given to the group was to work together to prepare a meal in which every single part of would be made jointly using the resources of the territory – the inland part of the municipality of Loulé. The food would dictate the specific items that had to be made but would also evoke the tale that needed to be told, the tale of the resilience of the rural communities in the Barrocal and uplands of the Algarve, of the scarcity of food and of the clever way the sparse resources were put to the best possible use. In a word: survival. A creative residency that brought Scottish and Portuguese artists and artisans together in Loulé (Portugal), to generate a synergy of discussions and practices about community, bringing them into the contemporary space where arts, crafts and culture merged together. A meal evoking the rural practice of everybody working together to assert the values of mutual aid and sharing as a solution for a more sustainable future. The meal is a metaphor that speaks of community. An artistic intervention that brings the themes of the territory and the common good to contemporaneity.


The Namur area is a charming region of Belgium known for its rich intangible heritage and people friendliness. It was thus a perfect destination to welcome the creative tourists. This is why the Tourist Federation of Namur Province launched a program exclusively aimed to this new generation of travelers. The Creative Tourism Network® is very proud to count the Province of Namur within its members and we have interviewed them in order to reveal further about this place-to-do!

CTN. How (and why) was Namur Creative Tourism born? P.of Namur. Tourists are looking for a new form of tourism, more human, more focused on peer-to-peer relationships, on authentic and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. The Federation of Tourism for the Province of Namur had already developed several projects related to this participatory tourism through the network of Namur’s Greeters, for example. It was thus naturally that we turned to the creative tourism. At a time when most European destinations communicate on the same tourist attractions and where undoubtedly Internet connects people, creative tourism offers unique experiences, humanity footprints and conviviality. In addition, the province of Namur is full of talented people that we wanted to highlight. Some 25 partners have already joined the concept and invite tourists to experience extraordinary meetings in each corner of the province. – Which activities do you offer? This is essentially craft skills such as pottery, copperware, weaving, sculpture, creation of paper … In total, 25 artisans are listed by category (stone, earth, wood, metal, paper, textile, glass, graphic arts and flavors). The entire offer can be found on our website www.paysdesvallees.be . Each activity is specified with description and practical information. – How did you choose them? We have asked the population and have worked with “The Spiral” and the “Service of Crafts”which already bring together passionate people about craft and visual arts who wish to share it with the public. – How have you designed them? We met each participant and have sometimes tested the activities they offered. Each time, our team was pleasantly surprised by the wealth, enthusiasm and originality of the people interviewed. They were particularly happy to share their passion, but also proud to present their province in a new light… – What is your target audience? Some activities including pottery, creating teddy bear or papermaking are intended directly to families by offering fun activities, presented by people with real expertise with children! Others such as brassware and weaving are perhaps aimed more at couples or friends groups wishing to spend a nice moment of pleasure and relaxation. – What are the future projects? Numbers of event-projects will still animate our province, as the “Roosters Parade” held in 2015. Local artists have customized 14 giant cocks, emblems of Wallonia, and then parade throughout the summer at heart of the valleys of the Meuse and Sambre. A beautiful testimony of expertise from our residents! The challenge now is to make live this new network by increasing promotional activities and by federating even more people who have chosen to join this huge project… In addition, some tourists are still reluctant to change their habits and to turn to the locals as “ambassador” of its region. Let’s show them a new way of being tourist, more human, more respectful, more committed, through this wonderful project that is creative tourism.

SEPTEMBER 2016 International Seminar on Consumer Trends & Tourism, Viena - Austria

The CTN had the pleasure to present the creative tourism as a new travel modality within the International Seminar on Consumer Trends & the impact on Tourism, organized in Vienna last September 9th, by the European Travel Commission, European Cities Marketing , UNWTO & MODUL University Vienna. 89 delegates from 25 countries attended this event, the majority of whom were managers, academics, as well as consultants and representatives of governments and international organizations dealing with tourism. Along the day, they could exchange experiences with the different speakers, among them, Ian Yeoman (Victoria University of Wellington) , Nick Hall (Digital Tourism Think Tank), Sebastien Pichon (Google), Dirk SchmĂźcker (New Insights for Tourism), Ramon Sanchez (Amadeus), Nick Chiarelli and Shaina Yang (Future Foundation) Caroline Couret (Creative Tourism Network), David Ward-Perkins (TEAM Tourism), Cristina Cerutti (Turismo Torino), Piia Raitavuo (City of Helsinki), Sasa Popovac, and Boris Pavlin (Croatian National Tourist Board).

SEPTEMBER 2016 CTN at the UNWTO Conference in Argentina

Last September 16th, the director of the Creative Tourism Network® was invited to speak within the UNWTO Conference on “Marketing trends for digital tourists”, held in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. She focused on the way TICs represent an essential tool for the destinations eager to foster the creative and experiential tourism. The session was closed by the Minister of Tourism of Argentina, Gustavo Santos, the UNWTO Executive Director for Members Relations, Carlos Vogeler and the UNWTO.Themis Foundation Executive Director, Omar Valdez, the Sub secretary of Tourist Quality of the Minister, Gonzalo Casanova Ferro, the President of the Argentina Tourism Chamber, Óscar Guezzi, the President of Córdoba Tourism Agency, Julio Bañuelos, and the Sub secretary of Innovation and Technology of the Ministry, Pablo Casals. The conference concluded a six-days course organized by the UNWTO.Themis Foundation in which delegates from the whole Latin America could develop their knowledge and skills on digital marketing as they brilliantly demonstrated it in the strategic marketing plans they elaborate for destinations located in the Province of Cordoba .


“Loulé´s Designers”, creative residence

As part of the program Loulé Criativo, the city of Loulé (Algarve, South Portugal), organized last September 10th to 24th, the creative residence “Loulé´s Designers” to promote the dialogue within traditional knowledge. Three designers born in Loulé returned to their origins with a new vision, promoting the encounter with artisans and joining the universe of tradition and innovation in order to create products that have Loulé soul. Through a very rich program of workshops, show-cases and conferences, residents and visitors could (re)discover the intangible heritage of the region. Read more .


Porto Alegre Criativa, A new perspective on travel

The program Porto Alegre Criativa, created in 2013 by the Secretary of Tourism, Luiz Fernando S. Moraes, is converting into a model for destinations willing to develop this new tourist segment. A n extensive report has been devoted to this case study in the BBMag. Please, press here to read it.

NOVEMBER 2016 Successful conference on creative tourism at WTM – London

On November 8th, the Creative Tourism Network® organized a conference on creative tourism within the World Travel Market in London, that gathered hundreds of professionals interested in this new tourist trend. An opportunity to learn further from the presentations of three representatives of creative destinations, members of the network: Mr. Vincent Torres Guasch, President of Ibiza Island Council, Mr. Alberto Peruzzini, Director of Toscana Promozione Turistica, Mrs. Carita Santos, Responsible of Loulé Criativo (Portugal), as well as from the lecture given by Caroline Couret, director of CTN. Besides that, the speakers all insisted in the fact that the creative tourism not only offers new opportunities in terms of demand, but represent also a tool of development for the destinations.


Report on creative tourism within WTM Business

The Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ had the honor to publish a report on creative tourism within the WTM Business Magazine, spread to the thousands of professional and especially hosted byers participating at the World Travel Market 2016, in London (November 2016). Please press here to read the article, or find it on the following pages.

NOVEMBER 2016 Report on creative tourism in WTM Business Magazine

NOVEMBER 2016 Report on creative tourism in WTM Business Magazine

NOVEMBER 2016 Report on creative tourism in WTM Business Magazine

NOVEMBER 2016 Report on creative tourism in WTM Business Magazine

NOVEMBER 2016 Promotion of the CTN members’destinations at the World Travel Market (London)

As every year, the Creative Tourism Network® participated at the World Travel Market, held in London November 7-9, in order to represent and promote its members’ creative tourism programs through press campaigns, strategic meeting and B2B presentations to international tour operators.


Workshop on creative tourism at Toulouse Business School

The Creative Tourism Network conducted a workshop on creative tourism in French language within the Master in Management of the Toulouse Business School - Barcelona Campus. By developing their own projects, the students could demonstrate their strong knowledges as well as their creative mind. Think&Create!


Workshop on creative tourism at EUHT STPOL - Catalonia

The Creative Tourism Network conducted a workshop on creative tourism within the Degree in Hospitality Management directed by IGCAT, at the St Pol Tourism Institute (EUHT-STPOL), Catalonia. The students, from Argentina, Dominican Republic and Russia, learn about this new tourist trend and incorporated it in their own projects.


Seminar on Creative Tourism within the Master Cultural Management at the University of Catalonia - UIC Barcelona

The Creative Tourism Network conducted a workshop on creative tourism within the Master Cultural Management at the International University of Catalonia - UIC Barcelona. The students, coming from Brazil, Venezuela, Japan, and all parts of Europe, adapted this new tourist trend to their own professional projects.

This multicultural session generated very rich debates and exchanges which converted the course into a real experience!


Creative geyser in Ibiza!

Ibiza Creativa, the new creative tourism program fostered by the Consell Insular d‘Eivissa (Ibiza Island Council), organized, last November 23rd, a training for the local entrepreneurs to design and promote creative tourism experiences. The President of the Consell Insular, D. Vicent Torres Guasch, opened the session, focusing on the immense potential of Ibiza to fit this new demand, thanks to its creative atmosphere, its creative people and the five municipalities’ involvement. The director of the Creative Tourism Network® insisted in the fact that creativity is simply Ibiza’s DNA! Indeed, the work session highlighted the participants' inexhaustible source of ideas and their willingness to work together. This, and the efficient project management suggest an imminent success! The platform will be presented soon! Congrats Ibiza!


Seminar on creative tourism in Lucena (Andalusia, Spain)

On November 24th, the city of Lucena, andalusian member of the Creative Tourism Network®, organized a round-table on creative tourism in which participated Juan Ignacio Pulido, coordinator of Lucena Unesco City Of Music project and professor at University of Jaen, Caroline Couret, director of the e Creative Tourism Network®, Juan Carlos Ábalos, executive manager of Zerca Hoteles, José Antonio García, coordinator of “Tu Historia Foundation and Manuel Lara Cantizani, councilor and Tourism Delegate of Lucena City Council. In this occasion, a visit to Lucena’s creative operators demonstrated the quality and diversity of the experiences the tourists are invited to live in the city.

NOVEMBER 2016 Creative Tourism Awards 2016: and the winners are … Created by the Creative Tourism Network®, the Creative Tourism Awards aim to reward companies, projects and destinations worldwide that foster this new generation of tourism, characterized by the active participation of the tourists in artistic and creative activities. Last November, the following institutions and entities were awarded by the international jury of the Creative Tourism Awards, composed by a panel of prestigious experts.

Best Strategy for Creative Tourism Development: Visit Estonia Best Creative Destination : Pafos Region – Cyprus Best Creative Travel Agency : Human Connections (Mexico) Best Creative Residency : La Tavola Marche (Italy) Best Creative Experiences: The Place (Cyprus)

Please, find the Awardees of the previous years at: www.creativetourismnetwork.org/awards

NOVEMBER 2016 CTN participates at the European Young Chef Award

This prestigious competition, organized by IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy Culture, Art and Tourism), and headed by the known Best Chef in the World, Joan Roca, as president of the jury, gathered last November 14th, 10 Young European chefs the Escola Universitària d’Hoteleria i Turisme de Sant Pol de Mar (EUHTStPOL). After a hard selection process due to the finalists’ high level, the jury composed by Joan Roca, Ramón Serra, president of EUHStPOL, Dr. Jordi Tresserras, professor at the University of Barcelona, Dr. Diane Dodd, president of IGCAT; and Caroline Couret, director of the Creative Tourism Network®, awarded the Greek chef Stamatios Misomikes.

NOVEMBER 2016 UNWTO Congress on World Civilizations & CreativeTourism Sofia, Bulgaria

Last November 30th, the director of the Creative Tourism NetworkÂŽ, was invited to speak within the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism organized in Sofia, by the UNWTO and the Ministry of Tourism Bulgaria. This high-level meeting gathered ministers of tourism from all over the world, eager to introduce the creative tourism in their strategic development, which generated very relevant presentations and debates. It was an honor to share the creative tourism in such a prestigious stage!


International Forum on Creative Tourism, Cuiabà, Brazil

Last December 14th & 15th, the Creative Tourism Network® participated in the International Forum on Creative Tourism, held in Cuiabà, and organized by SEBRAE Mato Grosso with the Consultancy of Larissa Almeida. The event surpassed any expectations we could have regarding a tourist conference. By breaking molds of the conventional format and inviting the participants to a two-days experience, it definitely contributed to stimulate the creativity and foster the networking. The program offered a wide panel of creative tourism projects, presented by speakers from other regions of Brazil as well as from Canada, Colombia, France, Portugal, among others. There’s no doubt that the state of Mato Grosso has a great potential and public leadership to develop a successful creative tourism program and this forum has certainly been the opportunity for most of its local actors to meet and to start working together.


Promotion of the Creative Tourism Network®’s members destinations and offers through the social medias, press campaigns, B2Bpartnerships, show-cases, experiential marketing, etc.

Creative Tourism NetworkŽ C/ Consell de Cent, 347, s/a 08007 Barcelona – Spain info@creativetourismnetwork.org www.creativetourismnetwork.org

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