HRD in Creative Organisations

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References: I

Melcher, Arlyn J. Structure and Process of Organisations: A Systems Approach (Prentice

Hall International Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1976) ii

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Maslow, A.H.. A Theory of Human Motivation

(Psychological Review, vol.50, no.4, 4 Jul, 1943) iii

Herzberg’s Motivators and Hygienic factors: Herzberg, F., B. Mausner and B. Synderman.

The Motivation to Work (John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 1959) iv

Argyris’ Maturation Process: Argyris, Chris. Personality and Organisation (Harper & Row

Publishers Inc., New York, 1957) v

McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y: McGregor, Douglous. The Human Side of Enterprise

(McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1960) vi

Vernon, Philip E. ‘Historical Overview of Research on Scientific Abilities’. In Scientific

Excellence: Origins and Assessment. Eds. Douglas N. Jackson and J Philippe Rushton (Sage Publications, Newbury Park, 1987) pp. 48, 52, 56. vii

Simonton, Dean Keith. ‘Multiples, Chance, Genius, Creativity, and Zeitgeist’. In Scientific

Excellence: Origins and Assessment. Eds. Douglas N. Jackson and J Philippe Rushton (Sage Publications, Newbury Park, 1987) pp. 115, 122, 126. Zero-budget IT-access for rural masses: Cancer:

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