20180615 pcm lab border sessions

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Participatory City LAB / Border Sessions
 Making The Hague,15 June 2018

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

city making




PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018


industry civic society civil organisations citizens ‌

design agencies built environment ‌

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

“The ‘making of the city ’ is no longer the sole concern of urban planners. No longer do their methodologies, expertise, and theories suffice to address the increasing complexity cities face. That's why designers of all sorts, are increasingly teaming up in coalitions of new city makers which were unthinkable before. ... The proposed project provides an arsenal of new city making tools and gains insights on their use, which enrich design and transition management disciplines.” (grant application, Mulder, Loorbach & Van Waart) PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making TEAM Ingrid










PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

city making




PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

where is the maker?

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018


PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018


PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

meta-levels in design research

Stappers, P.J, & Sleeswijk Visser, F. (2014) PCM Meta-levels LAB @Border in design Sessions research 15 June 2018

meta-levels in participatory city making

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018



VERHAALT by Paula Steenstra

THE INCENTIVE GAME by Agnelo Iasanth



zorg onderwijs diversiteit kinderen





The Webber

Citymakers’ toolkit (stadmakerskist)

Dare to be a Mayor

connecting civil servant (koppelambtenaar)

ouderen mobiliteit groen cultuur buitenruimte en droomstraten werkgelegenheid veiligheid sport kansrijke wijken economie duurzaamheid en bereikbaarheid stadsbrede initiatieven


PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

insights of participatory city making

Ingrid Mulder on participatory processes and the project TU Delft IDE, project leader PCM

Emma Puerari on urban transitions TU Delft IDE/ EUR Drift, post-doc PCM

Arn van der Pluijm on making RUAS Knowledge Centre Creating 010, maker researcher PCM

Gaston Gelissen on user insights Program manager Spacial and Environmental Planning Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, user group PCM

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

participatory processes

Ingrid Mulder - Project leader team PCM

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

participatory processes

Top 3 insights

1. The participatory turn does not guarantee that we make the city together

2. Design can even enlarge a participation divide

3. Co-creative partnerships as catalysts for social change

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

participatory processes

Insight # 1

• participatory turn …. phenomenon much more than a trend or a hype –it is a movement, affecting society. • But are we making a city together? • City making practices largely remain on a visionary level • Therefore, PARTICIPATORY CITY MAKING • as a collaborative construction of new visions through small-scale experimenting in order to make a broader process of change and transformation happen

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

participatory processes

Insight # 2

• Participatory processes are not necessary inclusive • Current citizen participation policies often enable ‘the usual suspects’ rather than empower society at large • City making tools need to be more accessible to less active citizens, broaden the society to change • The design process needs to be more inclusive and co-creative.... and never ends..

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

participatory processes

Insight # 3

• • •

Co-creative partnerships as catalysts for social change (Mulder, in: SDRJ 11(2) forthcoming) the quadruple helix is mostly used as a policy model rather than a model for participation and co-creation Networks and coalitions do not emerge by chance; they are themselves the result of design (Manzini 2015)

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

participatory processes


Need for more participatory and integrated design methodology that enables design processes to embrace complexity and broadens society’s capacity to change • impacts the role of expert designers
 e.g., how can designers give up power and empower citizens? • empowers the way emerging city makers can participate in the design process (diffuse design) • opens up new roles for design, design after the design …

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

urban transition

Emma Puerari - Post-doc team PCM

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

urban transition

Top 3 insights

1. City makers’ initiatives proof to be potentially effective instruments to bring different actors together in experimenting with new solutions around specific issues or challenges. 2. Only under certain conditions city makers’ initiatives can be considered instruments for a broader systemic and institutional change. 3. So far, city makers’ initiatives are mostly seen as locally isolated initiatives, while embedding city makers’ initiatives in a more systemic transition strategy would enable the scaling and institutionalization of the lesson learned.

Puerari, E., De Koning, J.I.J.C, von Wirth, T., Karré, P.M, Mulder, I., Loorbach, D. (2018) Co-Creation Dynamics in Urban Living Labs; Sustainability 10(6), 1893; Doi: 10.3390/su10061893

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

urban transition

Insight #1

Cities are the places of experiments and niches for broader societal transitions as well as subjects of transitions themselves. This implies new roles and tools for policy-makers and planners to work in a more organic, emergent yet selective and long-term focused way.

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

urban transition

Insight #2

Puerari, E., De Koning, J., Mulder, I., & Loorbach, D. (2017). Shaping Spaces of Interaction for Sustainable Transitions. In Proceedings of AESOP Annual Congress 2017 (pp. 202–208). Lisbon, 11-14 July 2017.

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

urban transition

Insight #3

Embedding city makers’ initiatives in a more systemic transition strategy would enable the scaling and institutionalization of the lesson learned.

Loorbach, Derk, A., Frantzeskaki, N., & Avelino, F. (2017). Sustainability Transitions Research: Transforming Science and Practice for Societal Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42(1), 599–626. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-102014-021340

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

urban transition






Recognizing and Approaching Puerari, E., De Koning, J., Mulder, I., & Loorbach, D. (2017). Shaping Spaces of Interaction for Sustainable Transitions. In Proceedings of AESOP Annual Congress 2017 (pp. 202–208). Lisbon, 11-14 July 2017.

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd

Arn van der Pluijm - Maker researcher team PCM

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd

Top 3 insights

1. Smart prototyping has a long startup time

2. Contrast between starting question (conceptual) vs detailed and practical precision decisions

3. Make sure to define making as core from the beginning

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd

Insight # 1

Smart prototyping has a long startup time Start up time of a working digital prototype takes longer than one might think. It works or doesn’t work (binary, unruly, unlike paper prototype) Long first launch of a smart prototype vs. pace and planning of user driven design

Research Design Tech

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd

Insight # 2

Precision decisions Starting point is an abstract design brief —> This can result in 1000+ (concrete) prototypes

* How to decide with 1 of 1000? * Very detailed decision (it works or doesn’t work) * Also depends on the expertise within the team

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd

Insight # 3

Include all expertises from the beginning. Start making from day 1.

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd Meta levels in design research


• get to the bottom quickly • team spans the full range • keep it agile not the TIME LINE

this is the TIME LINE

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

making / rtd

Gaston Gelissen - User-group team PCM

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making &

user insights

Top 3 insights

1. The map of the city should also contain interaction patterns of city makers

2. The action through research and design approach is very valuable for policy making

3. Every policy team should have a in house nerd

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

programme today 10:15 background Participatory City Making and introduction to city making tools

11:15 pitches of tools/workshops (& choice of workshops)

11:45 workshop round 1

12:45 lunch

13:15 pitches of tools/workshops (& choice of workshops)

13:45 workshop round 2

15:00 discussion and wrap up 16:00 drinks PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making lab

y! a d o t d n i in m e s e h t p e Ke

End-user relevance



PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

pitches # 1 Energy Safari by Christina Ampatzidou City Zen Roadshow by Craig Martin Localab by Kaspar Kazil Verhaalt Paula Steenstra Ons Blok by Arn van der Pluijm & Berit Piepgras

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

let’s get to work PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

pitches # 2 Mijn Wijkplan by Rick Fleur Placemaking Toolbox by Renée Rooijmans BlikopBuurt by Mercedes Leipoldt Wandel de Wijk Jennefer Verbeek Transparency Tool (PCM) by Arn van der Pluijm & Berit Piepgras

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

let’s get to work PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

Participatory City Making ! k c a b e welcom PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making lab

End-user relevance

feed back of workshops



PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

participatory city making LANDSCAPE

Stappers, P.J, & Sleeswijk Visser, F. (2014) PCM Meta-levels LAB @Border in design Sessions research 15 June 2018

CONTINUATION? If you registered, you will receive an email from us soon. Interested but not registered? Leave you name and email address.


PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018



DESIGNSCAPES (Building Capacity for Design enabled Innovation in Urban Environments) is a H2020 project approved under the topic CO-CREATION-02-2016 User-driven innovation: value creation through designenabled innovation.



PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

Partipatory CITY Making LAB

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

thank you participatorycitymaking.nl

PCM LAB @Border Sessions 15 June 2018

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