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X Need-to-Know Things Before Buying Wool Area Rugs Are you someone who loves to invest in their home décor without paying much heed to the price tag? If yes, then you have landed yourself on the perfect blog post as this is going to be all about a very essential décor item that has the ability to transform the space it graces-wool rugs. A beautiful piece of wool area rug can tie together various elements of the décor and make them all look beautiful in the presence of each other, it can also add the much-needed warmth and coziness under feet and it can also become the focal point in the room thus alleviating the space in the most stunning way. Wool is an all-natural material which is used in rug and carpeting making from centuries- its a versatile, elegant and very sophisticated choice for any room or space in the home. People are mostly apprehensive about investing in wool rugs as they are confused about the pricing, blends, maintenance, durability and various other factors. It's true that wool rugs are a work of love and labour, the many synthetic varieties found in the market have gotten people off track but those who know the exquisite feel of natural wool rugs won’t compromise on it. But before you do this investment in your home, there are a few helpful and need-to-know things that will help you understand the beautiful material you will be dealing with and it will also make you more aware and equipped to better maintain it over the years. Whether you get rugs online or in-stores, this information about wool rugs will open your mind and clear all your apprehensions and worries about them. 1. Robust and Reliable Wool rugs are extremely robust, resilient and reliable, they will last for decades in your home with the same appearance and freshness with which they were bought. This durability is all due to the natural wax called lanolin that coats the fibres and makes it naturally resistant against any wear and tear that comes over the years. In order to know if a material is resilient or not you have to refer to its ability to bounce back when compressed and trampled. Wool rugs show extreme retention of texture against high levels of compression and keep its original appearance over a long period of time. Rugs made of wool are the best hand-me-downs and will always be a cherished item of the home décor. 2. Flame Resistant Most synthetic types of rug materials can easily go up in flames if a lit lighter or match falls on it. But wool rugs are naturally flame resistant which makes them an amazing choice for a children's room or for spaces that are near the hearth or kitchen area. In general, it’s discouraged to put a rug or carpet in areas that can catch fire easily but with a wool rug you can take this liberty and can also get away with it. If a flame does fall on the woollen rug or carpet, it won’t spread like a wildfire and consume the whole rug within minutes instead it will burn those fibres alone that came under the fire and blacken the area. Even though it will ruin the look of the rug, it won’t be life threatening, right?

3. Moisture Level Balancer When you surpass the lanoline layer of the wool rug, you will come across a more absorbent and permeable surface. This part of the wool rug serves as a natural humidifier for the home as it has great moisture balancing qualities in it which are useful in both humid and dry weathers. When the air in the home is very humid the wool fibres will trap the access moisture making the inside weather more acceptable. On the other hand, if the air in the home is drier than usual, the same rug will release the moisture in the air thus regulating the moisture content in the home air. Keep in mind that wool rugs don’t work well for rooms and spaces that are exceptionally wet or humid like bathrooms or basements as it won’t ever get the chance to release the moisture, becoming more and more damp over time. 4. High Upkeep Wool rugs need a high level of maintenance and upkeep in comparison to its other counterparts. In order to get wool rugs, clean and good as new, a set of professional cleaners is required who have experience in cleaning the fibres of the wool so that no damage is done. As wool is an all-natural material, it has a slight risk of getting shrunk if not cleaned properly. You can’t just put it with your weekly load or get a hose and wash away all the dirt. Another thing to keep in mind with wool rugs is that they shed fibres, it doesn’t mean that it will become bare over the time but it can surely be bothersome as if it would require frequent brooming. 5. Heavy on Pocket If you want to invest in a décor item that will enhance your home décor and make it look beautiful then there would be a price for it. In the case of wool rugs that price will be significant to be ready. With a number of qualities mentioned above it further will last you for decades so buying a wool rug is more like an investment. Wool that is made in Australia and New Zealand is of much higher quality than that available in India or China so the price can be anywhere between $10-$15 per square foot. But when you’ll grace your décor with a wool rug, trust me you’ll feel the elevation and uplift it gives to the décor which will swell your heart with satisfaction and pleasure. Ending Lines About Wool As more and more people understand that wool rugs are more like an investment that has various other benefits, the availability of them has increased. Rugs online and in stores both offer a huge range of patterns, colors and prints to choose from. So, if you want to make any room of the home special, then a wool rug is the right option.

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