Wall Art Decor

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Home Décor Essentials Every Home Should Have Decorating the home is a painstakingly creative journey which is personal and therapeutic to many people, including me. There’s a deep satisfaction and contentment in decorating the home and the feeling is amazing. Home is where the heart is and it should represent the personality and preferences of the home dweller. There are a few staple items without which any home is incomplete like furniture, lighting fixtures, window treatments and flooring but we are talking about the décor essentials that enhance, accentuate and highlight all the elements. These décor essentials can be different from one home to another but generally every home needs them like, wall art décor, wallpapers, mirrors, decorative pillows, vases, rugs and many others. These must-haves are not specific to any decorative style, the best part is that they complement any setting and palate. In order to build your dream home, you must include as many of the décor essentials mentioned in this article to ensure you have a well-decorated, well-put-together and well-styled home to live and flaunt. Many of these items are budget friendly, easy to access and nothing that would be hard to nail. So, without further ado let’s unravel the top essential décor items every home should have. 1. Rugs Rugs are my go-to décor item whenever I need to add warmth and coziness to any space. It also helps in making the space look more coherent, all the elements seem to compliment each other and in an open floor plan it’s the best way to separate spaces. Rugs are essential as it is both practical as well as decorative. Wool rugs add texture, warmth and elegance to any area it's placed and I for one love how easily its available in so many colors, textures, materials and sizes. 2. Oversized Mirrors Mirrors are those magical décor essentials that can transform, highlight, brighten up and glamourize any area of the home. Mirrors can also work as wall art décor and can help make a rich and powerful statement. Oversized mirrors are especially great for those homes which have small rooms, the mirrors on the wall reflect light that gives an illusion of a more spacious area. Nowadays you can find mirrors in all kinds of accents, carvings, materials and designs. The more eccentric you go the more beautiful your space will look. 3. Vases and Planters In order to make your décor look lively, fresh and full of zest, you must include greenery and nature to your décor. The best way of doing it to put up vases and planters are different corners of the homes and let the color green do its magic. You’ll be able to find such amazing, unique and eclectic vases and planters that you’ll want to indulge in them. I especially love glass vases, as they allow maximum transparency for the greenery to work its magic. You can also make DIY planters to make them more

personalized. Vases also make a great décor item on entrances, mantels, dining tables and also on coffee tables. 4. Statement Lighting Fixtures Over here I’m not referring to the generic lighting that every home needs, what I’m putting forward is the idea of a statement light fixture that immediately grabs the eyeballs and makes the heads up (Pun intended). Like a gargantuan chandelier, sculptured lamps, quirky floor lamps or a nice sconce. Make sure you add lighting fixtures at various levels of the room. Always opt for yellow light rather than white and yellow light makes the home appear warm and inviting whereas the white light is bright and off-putting. 5. Books I know we have all lost the touch and connection with books due to the over efficiency of technology but when it comes to essential décor items books are still very much relevant as they ooze nostalgia and grace. If it’s possible then I would suggest you to have a book shelf but if it isn’t a possibility then shop around for old books and incorporate them with various other décor items to create a vintage and warm vibe. Books are also perfect at adding some height to a few décor items, for filling up empty spaces and for grouping together with other things. You can also find dummy books nowadays because they look amazing. 6. Artwork Walls are a very important part of the décor, there’s nothing more boring and unthoughtful as bare and stark walls staring back at you. One of my favourite ways of gracing the walls is by lending some art work to them. Now the common perception about art work is that it has to be expensive so there are a lot of affordable options too. You can also display family pictures, kids drawing, paint by number projects or other DIY things, all of these can qualify as wall art décor as long as they are hanging according to the scale and proportion of the wall. Summing it Up Décor essential items like the ones mentioned above will help you create a space that does not look good and also feels amazing whenever you enter your home. These are just a few examples of the décor must-haves, there are many more items that you can include like decorative throw pillows, throws, tray, wing chairs, ottomans and candles.

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