Crab Orchard Review Vol 12 No 1 W/S 2007

Page 171

Campbell McGrath Someone wants to hear another story. Someone pushes the baby stroller down to the inlet, buys a coffee at Andy’s, watches the boats sail into the distance. Someone wakes in a sweat—it was only a dream! Someone is in the shower, shouting—can you bring me a towel? Someone waits for the beach tractor, kicking at sand, bored and happy. Someone has had the best year of his life, someone is wrestling tempestuous angels. Someone wraps a smooth rock in seaweed and imagines it is a dragon egg. Someone is listening to thunder resound off the ocean after midnight. Someone watches her mother’s brow, creased with the labor of memory: was there a shopping list, what was on the list, where is the list now?

Crab Orchard Review

◆ 157

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