CP June 2018

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Yara Meraki & Amin

(a.k.a. Mr. Fari)

Both born under the Gemini Zodiac, Amin and Yara enjoy the benefits of a dual perspective – twice over!



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ENTERTAINMENT 68. Writing Movie Wrongs 69. Top Music Charts 70. Top Reading Picks For June 72. Movies FASHION 26. Sustainable Fashion Matters 54. Arab Fashion Week 2018 60. Top Picks By Yasmeen Alsalem 64. 5 Ways To Style The Leather Jacket With Carla And Marie FEATURES 12. Want To Lead With Intention? 14. Dear Inconsolable Heart

16. The First Duchess Of Sussex 18. Don’t Let Your Teen’s Summer Binge-Watching Become Binge-Eating 46. Fashion, Food & Faith 52. Off The Beaten Path In Dubai FOOD 24. World Rice Ambassador Visits Riyadh For The First Time. 48. Vegetarian Gone Wild 50. Cooking With Kamilla Omarzay

‫ﻫﺪاﻳﺎ‬ ‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺠ‬ ‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻧ‬ ‫ﻴ‬ ‫ﺔ‬

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‫اﻣﺴﺢ وارﺑﺢ ﻫﺪاﻳﺎ ﻣﺠﺎﻧﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﻗﻴﻤﺔ ﻣﺸﱰﻳﺎﺗﻚ ﻋﻨﺪ ﴍاﺋﻚ‬

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‫ﻣﻦ ‪ 10%‬ﻟﻐﺎﻳﺔ ‪ 200%‬ﻣﻦ‬


CONTENTS 56. INTERVIEWS 22. Meet The Entrepreneurs 34. Yara Meraki & Amin (Aka Mr. Fari) 56. Merve Cangokce 62. Yumna Hamdi Almaliki TECHNOLOGY 74. Cool Gadgets TRAVEL


34.Travel With Bojana - Kochi, India 40. The City Guide 42. Bonus Miles - Skyscraper Hotels! REGULARS 20. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 76. Social Diary 78. CP Journal 82. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 83. Horoscopes

NOW AVAILABLE ON CP-STORE www.cpmagazine.net






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Noëlle El Saadany


usinesses are so complex and diverse these days that there is a continuous need for leaders and managers to stay competitive. They have the responsibility to lead well and by example. This is possible in work environments where employees are valued by management. But we all know the boss from hell; you just can’t please them. What works better is if the leader or manager is co-operative with staff. They listen when there are issues and understand the importance of work-life balance.

1-Develop Leadership Skills There are certain qualities that make a person an effective leader and enable him/her to lead a team of professionals to achieve organizational goals. Some people possess God gifted leadership skills, while others must work at it. Courses, online and off, offer motivational seminars that focus on developing leadership skills. They’re achievable through a variety of sources. Tap into yours.

2-Treat Others With Respect True leaders treat people like people, not like slaves who should be happy for the opportunity to be treated badly. Workers bring something to the table or they wouldn’t be employed. True leaders also make decisions carefully; decisions that are beneficial to the whole team, because they support you, and when you look good so do they.

3-Window and Mirror Concept The window and mirror concept keeps a good system of checks and balances. This means always giving credit to your team members. Don't beat them down about mistakes. Instead, use this as a teaching opportunity so the error isn't repeated. A good leader will always praise his/her team and their contribution to the success. Leaders not following this concept get terrible gifts on Boss’s Day!

4-Pass Down your Knowledge A true leader passes his/her knowledge and expertise to each team member. A real leader wants employees to shine. A real leader knows they reached their station/ position with the help and coaching of someone else. It obligates true leaders to give back and keep the trend of developing new leadership going. For those who don’t give back, shame on you! We all stand on the shoulders of those who paved the way before us. Don’t get so big you forget where you started.

5-Always be a Source of Motivation Another very good way to prove yourself a leader is being a source of motivation for direct reports. Open the door for open communication. In fact, keep an open-door policy. You’re not the Wizard and the company is not OZ. Be visible and offer help when you can. You may receive the ‘Boss of The Year Award’ for being such a cool and fair-minded person. Who doesn’t love that in a boss? In the end, it can be said that a good leader is one who follows these principles for the achievement of organizational goals and self-satisfaction. 12

JUNE 2018


Trio Illy Crema


The Avenues

Al Hamra Tower

360 Mall


How far do you go for the ones you love? Do we know where it starts and where it ends? Or where it should end?


n life we are exposed to relationships of different natures. We make friends, we bond with relatives, we become attached to a love interest or sync ourselves with work relations. All these relationships present themselves to us differently during the course of our lives. Some come as joys and comforts, others come as lessons, and some pass through lightly without ruffling our feathers. It is the relationships that dig deep and leave scars that consume us the most; some even to a point of becoming what defines us. So when do we know when a relationship needs to be put down? There are the obvious signs in some relationships where the situation is toxic and it starts poking away your dignity - those are pretty simple- but no-one should allow themselves to be subjected to abuse no matter what the nature of the relationship is. But there are others that get torn out of our chest without closure, almost without reason. How do we know when to stop and let go? By letting go, I mean to be at peace. To have reached closure and put out hope from your heart. To stop waking up every morning asking yourself if you should have done something differently and if it would have changed anything. It’s a daunting cycle. You decide to keep it to yourself eventually because you don’t want to be the person who is still obsessing. You don’t want to voice the pain. As if getting on with everything will make it go away. You wake up, go with your routine, have a great time; it’s almost as if all is good and you are whole again. Then, something funny happens and you laugh to yourself wondering how the other person would react, or have something important happen to you and you rush to lift your phone to share it with them. And it hits you. Cold, hard and unforgiving. And there it is again. Your pain. Raw and 14

JUNE 2018

unrelenting, it reminds you that you no longer get to do that. You no longer get to share any of it and you start asking yourself ‘why?’. You relive it all; you almost want to pull your hair out asking yourself if it could have been different. Then, to sedate yourself, you get busy again and off you go until you’re back at the point that knocks the air right out of you through the hole they left in your chest. I find it crazy that a lot of people can walk away from significant relationships and attempt to deny that it hurt. They attempt to be unmoved and act out like nothing ever mattered as a way of preserving their dignity. But is that sane? To try and say that a relationship that took up a significant space in your life suddenly has no meaning to you? What does that say about a person? I think we can choose to end relationships or accept that they have ended without masking our feelings. I think we can learn to be mature enough to admit that something like that has brought us pain, but that we are okay and working through it. I think we can also accept the idea that we can still love people after we have made peace with letting them go.


I also think that in order to reach that point of peace and acceptance, we need to know that we tried everything we could to save the relationship we lost. I was stuck in a dilemma at one point when I had lost a friend who was a big part of my life. She was not only a friend or sister, she was literally my other half. Where you saw one of us you would see the other. She would be the first person I would tell anything to; sometimes the only person that mattered to share things with. We had to move apart from each other for a reason beyond our relationship as friends, and it was the most difficult thing I have ever done. Some people understood my pain and respected it, others expected me to just get over it or pretend like it didn’t matter. It drove me insane. What do you mean it doesn’t matter? Who am I kidding? Whether ending a valuable relationship is for the better or for the worse, it matters. It hurts. Whether it was your choice or wasn’t, it hurts. It leaves a gaping hole in your life and in your heart and it takes time and a lot of practice to learn to fill that hole. And it hurts not because you have nothing else in your life, but because that person mattered. If you truly love someone, they’re irreplaceable. It’s not a job vacancy that comes up and you can hire the next best candidate. It’s different. The dilemma I had gone through was when to let go. When to stop trying. When does it go from loving fiercely enough to do all it takes, to being stupid enough to keep knocking on a brick wall? That’s what we need to ask ourselves. Have we tried enough? Or have we tried too much? Are we beginning to lose pieces of ourselves on the witch-hunt that is attempting to keep our relationship alive? That’s when you know. When it’s costing you more to give than get back, it’s time to move on.

People love differently and people hurt differently and we need to respect that. We need to respect that fate meant for us to be together for a reason at a period in our lives and that the world decided we needed to grow on our own, and in order to do that, we need to be apart. We need to understand that you can tuck away your hurt and bitterness and accept the end of a relationship as what it is but still be happy for each other and wish each other well. Because, at the end of the day, you spent a lot more time loving each other than hurting each other. The end of a relationship doesn’t deny everything that it once stood for.

Relationships are too complicated to tag them with one emotion. You can’t just say ‘I’m angry’ or ‘I’m hurt’ or ‘I’m relieved’. Sometimes they come all together, intertwined in a storm that confuses you, not knowing where your anger ends and hurt begins and somehow at the same time you just plain miss them.

A lot of people go through their whole lives not knowing what that closeness and comfort with another human being can feel like. For me, I am grateful that I do. It takes a lot of debating in your head and in your heart to reach the point where you can see that.

Learning that you can let go of someone and still love them is a very hard yet peaceful thing. It’s painful to love someone from afar, to have the familiar elements of your lives be reduced to nothing but memories. To look through photo albums and feel a tug at your chest that tears you between wanting to flip the page faster and wanting to smile that those memories existed.

So if you’re hurting, if you’re missing someone and afraid to admit that you do, it’s okay. Feel all the ways you need to feel and let all those raw emotions pass through you and wish them well. “Never wish them pain. That’s not who you are. If they caused you pain, they must have pain inside. Wish them healing. That’s what they need.”- Najwa Zebian www.cpmagazine.net





hat a treat it was to see Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot in Windsor last month. Prior to their engagement, there had been much speculation about their relationship with many refusing to believe that the American actress would be allowed to marry into the British royal family. Not only was she mixed race, she’d also been married before – two facts which would have deemed the relationship impossible in the not too distant past. Thankfully, time and attitudes have moved on and permission was granted for the two lovebirds to marry. There’s no denying that their upbringings could not have been more different but it’s good to know that in their particular case, love did indeed conquer all. From the moment they announced their engagement, their love for each other was clear to see. It was evident in every smile, every glance and every gesture. Their happiness was infectious and it cheered the nation to see the obvious joy their union had brought, not only to the royal family, but to well wishers across the globe. The fact that the wedding would take place on a Saturday was a hit with the general public. Street parties were planned, picnics were organised and day trips to Windsor were arranged. In the meantime, people began to contemplate who would design the dress, how many bridesmaids there would be and which celebrities would be invited. Great Britain was buzzing with excitement and, it seemed, couldn’t get enough of Meghan Markle. But the bride-to-be’s popularity wasn’t just confined to the UK. Meghan was a big hit overseas too with people eager to see what changes, if any, she would introduce to the roles traditionally associated with those marrying into the royal family. It’s fair to say that Catherine Middleton had already altered the public’s perception of the monarchy when she married Prince William in 2011. In fact, some would argue that it was Princess Diana who first captured the hearts of the general public by showing them there was more to the royal family than out-dated customs and pompous attitudes. Certainly, it is widely believed that she would be exceptionally proud of her two sons and their respective choice of brides. Diana’s genuine compassion and tireless work with charities is what set her apart from other members of the royal family. She was approachable, selfless and without prejudice. What better legacy to leave behind than one of 16

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love and respect? William and Harry have certainly taken up the baton and continued to devote time and energy into helping others and raising awareness of important issues, in particular, mental health. This honest humanity is shared by the Duchess of Cambridge and, even before her involvement with Harry, was clearly equally important to Meghan Markle. Meghan’s previous charity work included a campaign to bring clean drinking water to Rwanda, plus issues of modern day slavery and menstrual health. She worked with the United Nations in connection with gender equality and empowerment of women. She also travelled to Afghanistan as part of the United Services Organizations and is proud to call herself a feminist. No wonder Harry was attracted to her! He was also very protective of her and was forced to take action when the press began to report on their relationship in 2016. An official statement was released referring to the ‘wave of abuse and harassment’ directed towards Meghan in terms of racism, sexism and defamation. Charity work aside, it’s reasonable to assume that the glamour associated with both Kate and Meghan (and Diana before them) is one of the main attractions when it comes to their popularity. Style is, after all, a prerequisite when betrothed to a prince. Thankfully, lessons were learned in the aftermath of Diana’s death and whilst still very much in the public eye, the younger members of today’s royal family are allowed a greater degree of privacy and respect. That said, tabloid pictures are still scrutinized, hairstyles are copied and outfits are replicated. Everyone, it seems, wants to look like a princess! But, of course, it was the wedding itself that everyone was waiting for and millions tuned in around the world to witness the ceremony at Windsor Castle - even the sunshine joined the party! With the bride’s father unable to attend for health reasons, the Prince of Wales stepped in to walk Meghan down the aisle. It was smiles all round (plus a few emotional tears from Harry) as the couple said their vows and exchanged rings. This wasn’t just a showcase event full of pomp and ceremony; it was a day to remember for a young couple very much in love. I, for one, will be interested to see how her role within the royal family develops. The new Duchess of Sussex has already silenced her critics and proved that racial prejudice has no place in modern Britain, least of all in the monarchy; and with the eyes of the world watching, that’s not a bad start.



‫‪DON’T LET YOUR TEEN’S SUMMER BINGE-WATCHING‬‬ ‫‪BECOME BINGE-EATING‬‬ ‫‪Many of us spend the hottest months of the year glued in front of our favourite TV shows,‬‬ ‫‪but research shows that this can foster unhealthy eating habits. A psychologist explains why‬‬ ‫‪this is especially troublesome for teenagers‬‬

‫على أولياء األمر االنتباه إلى سلوك أبنائهم أثناء الصيف‬

‫دراسة‪ :‬التس ّمر أمام التلفزيون يع ّزز العادات الغذائية السيئة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫توضح األسباب التي تجعل من هذه العادة مشكلة لدى المراهقين الذين يهربون من ح ّر‬ ‫خبيرة نفسية‬ ‫الصيف إلى الجلوس ساعات طويلة أمام الشاشة الصغيرة‬


‫ضحت مشاهدة البرامج التلفزيونية والمسلسالت الدرامية واألفالم طريقة‬ ‫رائجة للهروب من ح ّر الصيف في منطقة الشرق األوسط‪ .‬لكن دراسة حديثة‬ ‫أوضحت أن التس ّمر أمام القنوات التلفزيونية لمتابعة األفالم والمسلسالت‬ ‫والبرامج كثيرا ً ما تجعل المشاهد يتناول الطعام بشراهة‪ ،‬ما يُعتبر أمرا ً خطرا ً‬ ‫ال سيما لدى المراهقين‪.‬‬

‫وح ّذرت أخصائية األمراض النفسية السريرية في مستشفى كليفالند كلينك‬ ‫الدكتورة سوزان ألبيرز‪ ،‬من أن المراهقين قد يظلّون مستيقظين حتى وقت‬ ‫متأخر من الليل وهم يشاهدون برامجهم المفضلة‪ ،‬ما يجعلهم يفقدون التركيز‬ ‫في اليوم التالي‪ ،‬مشيرة إلى أن تفويت ساعة أو اثنتين من النوم "يؤثر على هرمونات‬ ‫الشهية ويجعلهم أ كثر عرضة لألكل بشراهة في اليوم التالي"‪.‬‬

‫وقالت د‪ .‬ألبيرز‪" :‬عندما نجلس أمام التلفزيون فترة طويلة‪ ،‬فإننا نميل إلى تناول‬ ‫مزيد من الوجبات الخفيفة‪ ،‬باعتبارهما مالذا ً يجعلنا في كثير من األحيان نشعر‬ ‫بالراحة‪ ،‬ويستخدم المراهقون التلفزيون وسيلة تلهيهم عن العالم المحيط بهم‪،‬‬ ‫أسوة بالبالغين‪ ،‬بل إنهم يلجأون إليه مهربا ً من مشاعرهم السلبية في بعض‬ ‫األحيان‪ ،‬وهي العوامل نفسها التي تحفز تناول الطعام لتخفيف المشاعر‬ ‫السلبية‪ ،‬أو ما يُعرف باألكل العاطفي أو المريح"‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ويقضي المراهق في المتوسط نحو ست ساعات يوميا أمام الشاشة‪ ،‬وترى‬ ‫الدكتورة ألبيرز أن المراهقين الذين يقضون ما ال يقل عن ثالث ساعات أمام‬ ‫التلفزيون "معرضون لخطر تناول الكثير من الوجبات الخفيفة التي من شأنها‬ ‫أن تكسبهم ما يتراوح بين ‪ 200‬و‪ 500‬سعرة حرارية إضافية يومياً"‪ ،‬وهي‬ ‫توصي أولياء األمر بتوعية أبنائهم ووضع ضوابط تحدّد الوقت الذي يقضونه أمام‬ ‫الشاشات‪ ،‬لمحاربة مشاهدة التلفزيون لفترات طويلة وتناول الوجبات الخفيفة‬ ‫أمام شاشته بشراهة‪.‬‬ ‫لكن األخصائية النفسية قالت إنه ال بأس في تناول وجبة خفيفة بين الحين واآلخر‪،‬‬ ‫مع التأ ّكد من كون محتواها وأوقاتها مدروسة‪ ،‬وأوضحت‪ " :‬إذا كان المرء يتناول‬ ‫يقسمها‪ ،‬فال يأكل مباشرة من‬ ‫وجبة خفيفة أثناء مشاهدة التلفزيون‪ ،‬فعليه أن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫العلبة أو الكيس‪ ،‬بل يحرص على وضع كمية محددة في طبق قبل الجلوس أمام‬ ‫الشاشة"‪.‬‬ ‫وقدّمت الدكتورة ألبيرز بديال ً يتيح االنشغال عن الطعام أثناء مشاهدة التلفزيون‪،‬‬ ‫قائلة إن إبقاء اليدين مشغولتين في إنجاز عمل ما أو حتى استخدام جهاز المشي‬ ‫يمكن أن يساعد في الح ّد من تناول الطعام‪ ،‬لكنها ن ّوهت في الوقت نفسه إلى أنه‬ ‫"من األفضل مشاهدة التلفزيون في وقت مبكر من اليوم‪ ،‬إن أمكن‪ ،‬ألننا نميل إلى‬ ‫االنشغال بتكرار تناول الطعام في المساء بصورة أ كبر"‪.‬‬


‫‪inge-watching our favourite TV shows has become a‬‬ ‫‪popular way of escaping the summer heat across the Middle‬‬ ‫‪East. But research has shown that staying glued to movies‬‬ ‫ ‪or our favourite box-sets can often lead to binge-eating‬‬‫‪and this trend may be especially dangerous for teenagers.‬‬

‫‪“Teens can be up until two in the morning binge-watching their‬‬ ‫‪favourite show and then the next day, they aren’t as focused and they‬‬ ‫‪lose concentration.” said Susan Albers, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at‬‬ ‫‪Cleveland Clinic in the United States.‬‬ ‫‪“Even if they miss an hour or two of sleep, this affects the appetite‬‬ ‫”‪hormones and makes them more likely to eat more the next day.‬‬ ‫‪Dr. Albers said that when we sit in front of the TV for an extended period of‬‬ ‫‪time, that’s also when we tend to go for more snacks – which often serve‬‬ ‫‪the same escape as the screen. Just like adults, teens will use television‬‬ ‫‪as a distraction from the everyday world and sometimes even an escape‬‬ ‫‪from their feelings, which are the same triggers for emotional or comfort‬‬ ‫‪eating.‬‬ ‫‪The average teen spends about six hours a day in front of a screen, and‬‬ ‫‪according to Dr. Albers, teens who spend at least three hours in front of‬‬ ‫‪the TV are at risk of eating too many snacks - anywhere from 200 to 500‬‬ ‫‪extra calories a day.‬‬ ‫‪To combat the binge-watching and binge-eating cycle, Dr. Albers‬‬ ‫‪recommends that parents talk to their children and set limits on how‬‬ ‫‪much screen time is appropriate.‬‬ ‫‪She said it’s okay to snack every now and then, but to make sure those‬‬ ‫‪treats are well thought-out in advance.‬‬ ‫‪“If you do have a snack, as you’re binge-watching TV, make sure to portion‬‬ ‫‪it. Don’t eat out of a bag or box, but rather, portion out your snack before‬‬ ‫”‪you sit in front of the TV.‬‬ ‫‪Dr. Albers also said keeping hands busy with crafting or even moving‬‬ ‫‪on the treadmill can help curb binge-eating. She adds that it’s better‬‬ ‫‪to watch TV earlier in the day, if possible, because we tend to engage in‬‬ ‫‪binge-eating more frequently in the evening.‬‬ ‫‪JUNE 2018‬‬


Your Choice Of Soup, Appetizer, Main Course, Dessert & Drink

SOUP Lentil Soup Red lentil with fresh vegetables & special spices

Chicken Soup Creamy soup with chicken & vegetables

APPETIZER Muhamara Red pepper dip with ground walnuts & olive oil

Hummus Mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, garlic & lemon

Babaganoush Grilled eggplant with tomatoes, sweet pepper & garlic

Mutabbal Grilled eggplant puree with tahini strained yogurt & garlic

MAIN COURSE Kebab Sultan Akdeniz Yoncasi Hand minced meat kebab with mushrooms, Hand minced chicken kebab mozzarella cheese & tomatoes, rolled with wild thyme & mozzarella cheese with dough & baked. Served with special yogurt sauce Iskandar Kebab Hand minced meat kebab served with Turkish toasted bread, yogurt & iskandar sauce

Kebab Zahterli Hand minced meat kebab with wild thyme, garlic & Hatay’s special sauce

DESSERT Baklava Mix Ankara durum, Bul Bul Yuvasi, Pistachio baklava & Cevizli baklava

Akdeniz Fistigi Belluriye served with Turkish pistachio & special Hatay dondurma

Sutlac (Rice Pudding) Fresh milk with Turkish Buffalo thick cream, rice, eggs & rice starch


Ayran, Lemonade, Mango or Strawberry Juice Complimentary Tea & Dates



The Avenues (soon)

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SOUND ADVICE A member of my family recently declared, ‘That’s my

favourite sound of the day.’ She was referring to the cascading, deluge of hot water hitting the bottom of her mug first thing in the morning. For her, it represents that hit of caffeine, the promise of a new day and the unbeatable taste of fresh coffee. In keeping with my permanent pursuit of perfection, it got me thinking about my own favourite sound of the day. Could it be that moment when I first step into the shower, the water bursting out in jets, exhilarating yet soothing? Or is it the sound of the sea licking the shore as I venture out for my morning walk? Perhaps it’s the click of the clasp on my new handbag or the zip on my favourite jeans. Each of these sounds may go unnoticed by many but allowing every one of our senses to be alert is the only way to truly appreciate everything life has to offer. Sound, unfortunately, is sadly neglected in our high-tech, fast-paced society. Many choose to wear headphones or ear-plugs to block out noise completely. What a shame. They may enjoy listening to their favourite band or the latest chart hits but what about that bird chirping overhead? What about the innocent laughter of children playing on the beach, or the distant rumble of a plane, way up high? When did you last really listen to the sizzling sound of a stir-fry or the bubbling of piping hot soup? Sound stimulates the imagination as well as jolting certain memories. The sound of a speeding motorcycle, for example, reminds me of childhood holidays on the Isle of Man, cheering on my favourite rider in the TT races. That, in turn, reminds me of the B&B we stayed in, the powdered orange juice they served at breakfast and the cheery smile of our waiter. Similarly, the drum of heavy rain takes me back to family trips in a rented caravan, playing board games as the rain thumped incessantly on the roof. 20

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A crackling fire reminds me of camping trips with the Girl Guides, singing songs around a hastily prepared camp fire and waking up in my sleeping bag to the sound of cows and sheep. The rumble of a sewing machine takes me straight back to my grandmother’s front room where she spent hours making dresses for me and my sister. The list is endless. Each sound represents a trip back in time and brings a long forgotten memory back to the surface. What a treat. But sound can also alert us to danger. It’s not advisable to cover your ears when crossing the road – particularly here in Kuwait! If you’re not alert to sound, how will you hear if someone cries for help? How will you know if someone is trying to attract your attention? If you’re sitting in a shopping mall totally oblivious to your surroundings, how will you know if there’s a fire or a security alert? Those precious few minutes or seconds of delay could cost you dearly in the event of an emergency. Make or take a phone call by all means but don’t deny your ears the privilege of surround sound. Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy the pleasures that sound has to offer. Those deaf or hard of hearing will never experience the harmony of wind blowing through the palm trees, the reverberation of waves crashing onto the shore or the soft patter of tiny footsteps. Imagine not being able to hear the roar of your favourite supercar, the hiss of a coffee machine or the distant drone of a jet ski. The simplest of pleasures are often taken for granted. When did you last really hear the precious breathing of your loved one? We’re exceptionally fortunate to enjoy all of these sounds, the very least we can do is appreciate them.




‘We thrive on challenges and experimentation’

Entrepreneurs, Lamees and Liali, cite Disney movies as the inspiration behind their production studio, LSQUARE. However, they know that success doesn’t come without commitment, consistency, perseverance and hard work – something the sisters have in abundance.

Hi, can you tell us about yourself and your background? LSQUARE is a dream studio that is the brainchild of two twin sisters who have been working on this project for years. The name derives from the initials of our first names, Lamees and Liali, and reflects unique aspects of our character such as our favourite colour and fun personality. We mirror one another and tend to complete each other.

Our passion for creating motion pictures was ignited years back, since early childhood. As children, we grew up watching countless Disney movies, from The Little Mermaid, to Aladdin, to Beauty and the Beast. Along the way, we discovered that one of us has good artistic skills and a funky cartoonish style, while the other understands character movement, colours and light. It is the beauty of completing each another that made it possible for our dream to come to life.

Tell us about your education.

How and when did you start your company?

Lamees has a Bachelor’s in Graphic Design and Masters of Fine Arts in Computer Art. Liali has a Bachelor’s in Architecture and she is currently obtaining a Master’s of Architecture degree at Carnegie Mellon University


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How did you get interested in Media and Marketing?

After university we started working on random projects that required some character design and basic animation. We really enjoyed the fact that we complement each other; where Liali does all the sketching and character modeling, utilizing her architecture skills, Lamees works

on the animation. In 2013, Lamees moved to Dubai to work on the movie ‘Bilal: A New Breed of Hero’ which is the first animated movie in the Middle East. This gave both of us a clear idea on the core vision for the studio.

What were some of the challenges you faced during the initial stage of establishing your business? Every beginning has its difficulties, for sure. Being in a niche market and not having enough expertise in this field is the main and major challenge that we face every day. We have extremely diverse and artistic talents in our community and we thrive on challenges and experimentation. Nevertheless, 3D animation is a relatively new culture that we are trying to spread around day-by-day, in order to establish an outstanding community of our own.

Which were some of your most notable projects so far? We have worked on many 2D and 3D projects along the year. Our latest project is ‘Baldou’. A 3D short animated film inspired from Hmarat Al Gayla which was screened at Adasa Festival 3. Moreover, we have worked on various 2D and Motion Graphics animation for a number of companies and organizations such as Boubyan Bank, Pizza Hut, Bleems and many others.

What are some of your future plans? Our main goal as a production studio is to foster and inspire art. It is to bring original and meaningful art

concepts to this part of the world. One of the major issues I have noticed in my early years in the market is the use/ abuse of stock images, be it through Shutter Stock or any other stock websites. This results in the lack of creativity and less appreciation for the end design while having repetitive visuals. While our primary goal is to create original art concepts and moving media that reflect our independent identity, we also have the responsibility of providing innovative thinking caps and produce original concepts for our clients to help them become more recognizable.

What are some of your hobbies? We each have a certain set of hobbies, but we share our joy in sports and adventure travelling. We have also played for Kuwait Tae Kwon Do National Team for some time

What according to you are the keys to success? Commitment, consistency, perseverance and hard work.

Your message for the young entrepreneurs. Pain is temporary, but winning is permanent.

Your message for our magazine? Keep up the good work. There’s a lot of hidden young Kuwaiti talents and creative minds to be discovered and exposed. www.cpmagazine.net


Yassarina since 2010

WORLD RICE AMBASSADOR VISITS RIYADH FOR THE FIRST TIME. Al Faisaliah Hotel and La Cucina restaurant, recently welcomed a special guest from Italy - Chef Gabriele Ferron, a World Rice Ambassador. Gabriele Ferron introduced the Saudi people to the most delicious and unique rice menu at the Italian restaurant, La Cucina, for a whole week in April. Chef Gabriele was part of the 1996 Consortium which received the I.G.P. award (Protect Geographical Indication) from the European Community, designed to encourage the growth of any rice variety in Europe. The rice menu samples were amazingly delicious with new and unusual flavour combinations. There were even Gluten Free options – usually difficult to find in any dining location. These special dishes were available for lunch, dinner and brunch. Chef Ferron also hosted cooking classes for guests! Dishes were served on a la carte basis and included delicious options from antipasti to risotto – not forgetting dessert! My favourite is now the light Risomissu. The La Cucina Restaurant at the Faisaliah Hotel is the best Hot Spot for Friday brunches in Riyadh and the best way to spend Friday. It promises a European atmosphere and original Italian taste in the middle of the desert!


JUNE 2018

Photographer: Noor UL Amin Khan Model: Irma Eclipse Creative Head and Stylist: Sonya Vajifdar Makeup: Sana Alhaj Hair: Rawda Abbas


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Yara Meraki & Amin (aka Mr. Fari) Husband and wife, Amin and Yara, share a passion for art. Combining this passion with their love of music, they formed a music and art booking service for event producers. But with the music and art scene in Kuwait still very much in its infancy, this talented Power Couple are urging the public to catch up, develop a taste, and propel the scene to a new level.

Please introduce yourselves to our readers: Hi, we are Amin and Yara. We run a music and art business. Our company is called Talentshop. We book and create artistic events all around Kuwait. In pop culture, the term Power Couple is often used. We like to call ourselves the Art Couple. We don't have a name like Kimye for Kanye and Kim, but maybe we would be called Amyar or Yarmin! Yara was the name given to me. I am in my late twenties and I haven’t quite defined the word ‘artist’ but I guess I am one.

Tell us about your education. Amin: I studied Business Marketing and Music, specializing in Independent Artist Management. Yara: I have a BA in Fine Arts.

How and where did the two of you meet? Yara: We met at a music event in which Amin was helping a fellow music artist. I was attending with far but familiar friends.

As a professional, what are the qualities you admire in your spouse? Amin: Yara has excellent drive and loves to work on multi-level projects. Yara: The quality control. Not the words one would normally use to describe a spouse, but he delivers a quality that I admire.

Where do you concur and where do you differ from each other? Amin: I concur with her open-mindedness and differ with how we deal with customers. Yara: We are literally like a Gemini - not opposites but a complementary contrast of each other. He can be kind and compassionate where I can be cold and business-like. He can be thoughtful and think ahead where I can be rushing in and spontaneous. However, art is where we connect. We find art a lifestyle and a state of mind; a belief that drives us. It’s what we live for, and by.

Do you think being friends with your spouse is an important part of marriage? Amin: I think it makes the marriage better. Friends rely on trust, they don't take things personally and are understanding. If you 34

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don't have these things, then you have a parole officer or an unfriendly room-mate as a partner. Ain't nobody got time for dat! Yara: Yes. We started out as friends actually, then business partners. That's how we realized that we actually gelled.

How do you handle a work-life balance and challenges in a dynamic work environment? Amin: I think our work and life are very close to each other, so it doesn't affect us as much as when our families get angry at us for not seeing them. Yara and I spend so much time together we don't have a balance. It's our family and friends that always get angry at us. At high season we have no days off. We do administration work on weekdays then at weekends we do the events. We pace ourselves, but we get tired. In the summer the workload is less which is more relaxing for us. Yara: With both of us being a talent shop artist, I support his music or work but I am also working for my own company, and vice versa.

When do you spend time with each other? How do you unwind? Amin: We are fans of films and great shows; it forces us not to be up on our feet, so it unwinds us. We are also massive foodies, so eat out a lot. We like doing sports together, like table tennis, or going to the beach. Our lunch and dinner is sacred time. We don’t eat away from each other; we wait till both are sitting at the table. Yara: We both understand that a relationship is a lot of work but it’s work we are good at. We put time into studying, reading and planning according to the partner’s needs and insecurities. It’s a hit and miss, not the most perfect, but we accept each other's flaws. We unwind watching documentaries or doing art.

What is the best gift you have received from each other? Amin: For us, it's not about the best but more like a gift that makes our hobbies easier. For example, Yara loves to enjoy her music and to sing along so I would get her a mobile speaker. These are just ways that say, ‘I know you like something, let me get you the things that make you love it more.’ Yara: He just gave me an Apple Watch, because I wanted to

We must educate ourselves to push for a higher standard in the music and art field. We must teach ourselves to grow.



check my heart rate and work outs. Also, it’s easier to get notifications and is more practical. A wardrobe - he changed my entire style. I wasn’t so well fashioned before.

Any memorable holidays? We were both born in June, so it is like a holiday month. Paris and Berlin were amazing.

What are the challenges of being two powerful people at the top of your professional game? Amin: The challenges are that not every client will need music or art and we have to be careful not to give unwanted services. Like if I am making music for a place, it won’t necessarily need artwork. The reverse also happens when the client wants art and doesn't need music. Another challenge is our culture and how we interact with people. A high percentage of event producers are women and a lot of media and art clients are men. So Yara deals with many guys requesting things and I deal with many women requiring things. If the relationship is untrusting it can be tough for work to happen. Yara: This made me laugh – you know the weak spots! Well, being powerful and a boss and having two in the same household, we clash sometimes in how we do business. The method or the execution is where we have different opinions.

What have been your most challenging moments in life? Amin: I am Kuwaiti, but my wife is Syrian, so a lot my worries have to do with her citizenship status. As a husband, I want to guarantee safety for her, and with our world politics, it can be out of my hands. It breaks my heart when countries ban Syrian entry to Europe and the U.S. Imagine me going to a location where they let me in but reject her at the border. It is sad but it is not only happening to us, of course, it is also a world problem. Yara: Leaving from a war zone, leaving everything behind and hitting rock bottom starting from zero in a new place.

How do you motivate each other during tough times at work? Amin: We try to convince each other that the project is almost complete or that it is a small task. Yara: Being a powerful couple, one partner carries the other during frustration. We are both emotionally aware of ourselves and our partner, and not being ashamed to say ‘carry me through it.’

What have you learnt from each other? Amin: I have learned that it is my responsibility to be a happier and a healthier person no matter the circumstances. This then helps the environment we are both in. I put much work into creating a respectful and pleasant atmosphere for my relationship. Yara: I learnt to communicate better and be a nicer person.

Some marriages are ‘passionate’, some are ‘companionate’. Which fits you? Amin: It is in waves but mostly companionate when working, passionate when we are relaxing. Yara: It has to be both, but since we share a passion for art I would say we are more on the passionate side.

What are the keys to a successful relationship? Amin: Trust and respect. Also understanding the other person's language of love. It is hard if we don’t grow in these. The Arab world is a bit dry in knowing how to have different levels and equality in love, so we have to inject it as a practice in our environment. Yara: Listening and communicating in the right way at the right time.

Do you have any common interests or hobbies? Amin: Nightlife, food and traveling. Yara: Is Netflix a hobby? We have our little sports like table tennis, walking or running together. We also love experimenting with food. And art of course.


JUNE 2018

Tell us more about The Talent Shop. What’s the idea behind it and when did you officially launch it? Talentshop is basically a Music and Art booking service for event producers. Since the industry is young we also end up producing some events and launching other projects ourselves too. The thing that makes us truly different from other companies is that we built the company as artists also. Yara and I both practice as artists in the field that we book from. We bridge the musician and artist to the client because they both have very different languages and since we practice in the field we also know how to navigate it. Our job is to find the best in the field and then be very clear about the expectations of the client; what music and art do to their project. We advise and curate for the clients and also manage and coordinate the artists.

What are some of your upcoming projects? We are interested in projects that break the stereotype of the field. We are looking for more collaborations.

How would you best describe the current art scene and music scene in Kuwait? Amin: I feel it is very small and still very timid. In the art and music field, Kuwait is a bit behind. We really need to catch up and create work that propels the scene better. We are stuck with only promoting Kuwaiti culture but we need a shift where anybody living in Kuwait can make work and represent Kuwait. Yara: On the art side, not the music side, I would say it's still maturing. The public hasn’t yet developed a taste.

What are some of the challenges artists are currently facing? Amin: We are facing things now where people don't know the difference between art and decoration or music entertainment and music artist. Both clients and the field can't tell the difference and that's where we, Talentshop, come in. We help filter through it. Yara: Any artist’s challenge is the fan base and other artists. But as a painting artist, I would say the fact that it’s not a reliable income and at the same time, a time consuming project.

What are your goals/plans for the future? Amin: The goals are to try to find a way in which our company can be more stable since both Yara and I are constantly juggling projects. We also want to focus more on projects that have a better impact on our society. To have musicians or painters only perform or exhibit in coffee shops forever is not really impactful under our company’s philosophy. We hope each step opens for the next in making Kuwait a music and art hub of the Middle East.

Your message for our readers: If you are a musician or painter and want to become an artist, Kuwait needs more of you! It is difficult but you are needed. If you are more of a fan, learn what it truly is to appreciate artists. Requesting a singer to play Hotel California or a painter to draw Mickey Mouse in a kid’s room is not helping the artist grow. We must educate ourselves to push for a higher standard in the music and art field. We must teach ourselves to grow.

We are interested in projects that break the stereotype of the field. We are looking for more collaborations.




Kochi, India

I visited a traditional Indian theatre (most famous) where I had the honour of watching artists applying makeup to dancers and then I got to watch a show! I was impressed with their facial art but also, more than anything else, how I could actually understand the story just by body language alone! Highly recommended.

Kochi (also known as Cochin) is a city in southwest India's coastal Kerala state. It has been a port since 1341, when a flood carved out its harbor and opened it to Arab, Chinese and European merchants. Let’s begin! There are numerous sights and attractions in and around Kochi, but most visitors flock straight to Fort Kochi. This ‘tourist enclave’ is on a peninsula southwest of mainland Kochi and often referred to as Old Kochi. There you can spot old Chinese Fishing nets (cheena vala) that were first introduced by the Chinese in the 14th century! If you get hungry, there’s a wide range of cuisines from all around the world but they are specialized in the preparation of sea food! Just grab something from the Chinese nets and take it to any restaurant around they will prepare it in front of you! You should also visit Princess Street for a lovely walk. The narrow stone alleys are lined with Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial architecture. Fort Kochi is also home to Kochi’s version of Wall Street - The International Pepper Exchange in Jewtown, where you can learn ancient spice trading practices! 38

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Hello from India this time!

since 2010

Coming from a European country, it’s not unusual to see female police officers. In India, however, they travel in a cute car and are called ‘Pink Police.’

Traditional Indian food is really spicy but I love their sweets! You can get them on every corner and they are really delicious (and cheap). A lot of parents buy them as a treat for their kids.

Visit a typical market in Kochi’s streets. Here you can buy dolls for good luck - they represent characters from traditional Indian dances.

Some interesting facts about Cochin n India’s first church ‘St. Francis Church’ is located in Kochi n Vembanad Lake is the longest lake and largest wetland system in India

n Pallipuram Fort in Cochin is the oldest fort built by Europeans in India n Kochi’s Spice Exchange handles over 90% of the pepper and spice trade of India

As you might already know, Indian ladies love jewellery and they take good care of their appearance. On almost every corner you can buy colours for your forehead! They were kind enough to draw one on my face as well - you can see it on the photos!

It was a divine feeling visiting the oldest cathedral in India where there’s a tomb of Vasco de Gama! I couldn’t imagine I would ever have the privilege but being a globetrotter has a lot of privileges!

I took a photo with a local beauty - she was selling some amazing pieces of jewellery, all of which were handmade. She barely spoke English but her smile said a lot! After visiting her shop, I left with a full bag of beautiful earrings.

Families love walking next to the sea in Kochi Fort. You can see lots of kids, adults and animals enjoying the sun and the sound of the waves. www.cpmagazine.net




Bodrum, Turkey

WHERE TO DINE Windmill Restaurant Degirmen

Bodrum is a city on the Bodrum Peninsula, stretching from Turkey's southwest coast into the Aegean Sea. The city features twin bays with views of Bodrum Castle. This medieval fortress was built partly with stones from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, completed in the 4th century B.C. The city is also a gateway for nearby beach towns and resorts.



Titanic Deluxe Bodrum Casa Catrina

This all-inclusive seafrontinresort is 7City kmand from Casa upscale, Catrina is centrally located Oaxaca 7 Bodrum Park and 23 km from Bodrum. minutes’ Dolphin walk from Rufino Tamayo Museum and 2 minutes’ Modern rooms have square. balconies, free Wi-Fi and flat-screen drive from the main It features massage service, TVs, as well asatea and coffeemakers. Temazcal and patio.

Isil Club Bodrum

Featuring a private shingled beach on the Mediterranean Torba Bay, the all-inclusive Işil Club offers contemporary rooms. Located 8 km from Bodrum, it is surrounded with 10 acres of pine forest.

Avlu Bistro Bar Parkim Ayaz Hotel

Set on the beach on the Aegean coast, this informal allinclusive hotel is open seasonally. It's 6 km from Aquapark Dedeman Bodrum.

Ramada Resort Bodrum

Within 2.4 km of Bitez Beach, this chic hilltop hotel overlooking the Aegean Sea is also 3.1 km from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.


La Tapa

Pamukkale Hot Springs and Hierapolis Excursion

Combine a visit to UNESCO-listed Pamukkale Hot Springs with time to explore the Roman city of Hierapolis during this full-day excursion from Bodrum. Time travel to this former Roman settlement, exploring landmarks like the baths and ancient necropolis.

Museum of Underwater Archaeology

The rooms and towers of St. Peter's Castle house this museum, which exhibits several collections of ancient artifacts including relics retrieved from local shipwrecks.

Nazik Ana Restaurant

Bodrum Amphitheater

Built sometime during the Hellenistic age, the structure is situated on a hillside over looking the city and was used primarily as a stage for theatrical productions.


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Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus or Tomb of Mausolus was a tomb built between 353 and 350 BC at Halicarnassus for Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, and his sister-wife Artemisia II of Caria.

Bon voyage!



joseberrocoso Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations. ‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’

since 2010



round the world, city-defining skyscrapers are pushing the limits of technology and engineering. The best part, many of them are home to luxury hotels, giving travellers the chance to check-in, look down and soak up the cities below.

Huge skies, mesmerising views, endless horizons, seeing the world from up high can be truly breath-taking. So if you are looking to take a break and find a nice perspective, check out these five skyscraper hotels where the real world will feel a million miles away!


Where: Peninsula Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand Busy, bodacious and bold, the capital of Thailand is a sound bet for those seeking the bright lights of the city. Travellers can explore the best of Bangkok in style with Mundana´s exclusive tour in this must-visit hotspot in Asia where the sky is the limit when it comes to construction. New addition MahaNakhon with its cut-out cuboid design is Thailand’s tallest skyscraper while the quirky Elephant Building, a third of its height, remains an old favourite in the Chatuchak District, itself worth a detour for its sprawling weekend market. The Chao Phraya River remains the lifeblood of the city, providing much needed respite from the bustle of Bangkok’s traffic. Stay at the Peninsula Hotel and you’ll be guaranteed a river view; the Peninsula Suites even boast landscaped balconies. At ground level, hop on a river ferry to reach the city’s attractions the scenic way. Alight at Tha Chang for the Grand Palace and Phra Pin Klao Bridge for the Royal Barges Museum. Tha Tien gets you to Wat Pho, where you’ll find the spectacular Reclining Buddha, and also Wat Arun on the river’s far bank. Afternoon tea at the Author’s Lounge in the Mandarin Oriental is a must even if you’re not a hotel guest and nearby, the colonial architecture of the old Western Quarter offers a precious glimpse into the past of this fascinating and everchanging city. www.mundana.com


JUNE 2018

UNRIVALLED VIEWS OVER THE NEW YORK CITY SKYLINE Where: The Lowell, New York, United States of America

The Garden Suite at The Lowell boasts unrivalled views over the New York City skyline which guests can enjoy from its two terraces featuring cosy lounge seating, a dining area, luscious greenery and cascading water fountains. The perfect escape in the heart of the city. The suite was designed by Michael S. Smith (who also designed Obama’s White House) with hand-picked furnishings to resemble a luxurious Manhattan apartment. Many of the elements evoke nature, such as the bedroom’s floral 18thcentury Chinese inspired wallpaper by Oplontis and the hardwood floors throughout the living area. The suite also features a sumptuous bedroom with a palette of soft blues and greens, a comfortable living space where guests can linger by the wood-burning fireplace and a private gourmet kitchen perfect for hosting stylish, in-suite dinner parties. The Lowell, long the New York hotel of choice for ‘in the know’ world travellers, has recently relaunched with a new restaurant and bar, library lounge, and garden, in addition to an updated lobby and Pembroke Room. Situated amongst the most exclusive addresses on the Upper East Side, the privately owned The Lowell was established as a luxury hotel in 1927 and is the definition of classic New York elegance. www.lowellhotel.com


Where: The Shangri-La Hotel at the Shard, London, United Kingdom London’s skyline has altered greatly in recent years following a relaxation of laws governing building height that had been in place since 1894. The city’s tallest skyscraper is The Shard, constructed in 2012 and standing 309 metres tall. The panoramic views from its open-air deck on Level 72 stretch across London and beyond – on a clear day you can see up to 40 miles. Other landmark buildings reflect the British love of nicknames: the Gherkin, the Cheese Grater, the Walkie Talkie and, amongst the most recent to be topped out, the Scalpel. Begin your visit by checking into Shangri-La Hotel at The Shard London. Understated luxury is the watchword here with soft linens, contemporary furnishings and floor to ceiling windows to maximise those views. London’s premier attractions are right on the hotel’s doorstep. Historic St Paul’s Cathedral and the imposing Tower of London are within sight just across the River Thames, while bustling Borough Market is an easy stroll. London’s excellent public transport – or its iconic black cabs – make short work of heading ‘up west’ to visit Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the Royal Parks. Neighbourhoods like trendy Notting Hill, edgy Shoreditch and leafy Hampstead are just begging to be explored. www.shangri-la.com/London




It´s hard to think of a better location for a luxury hotel in São Paulo than the upscale Jardins district, the safest area in the city. In the middle of the skyscraper jungle of the city center, overlooking the magnificent Trianon Park, is located Tivoli Mofarrej. The imposing tower embodies the Tivoli brand´s commitment to stylish, modern luxury without feeling overly formal. Designed by Paulistana society architect, Patricia Anastassiadis, the hotel oozes ostentatious urban luxury.The interior of the lobby, a cavernous, glass-ceilinged space surrounded by greenery and furnished with sleek white sofas and black vehicular-looking chairs, is a decent indicator of things to come. After a few laps in the hotel’s magnificent orange swimming pool, a visit to the sumptuous Anantara Spa is mandatory. Decorated in oriental style, it specializes in treatments with a base of oils and aromatic herbs, ideal for relaxing after a day in bustling São Paulo. In the evening, after a drink, it’s time for dinner at ‘The Seen São Paulo’ in the sky above the city! https://www.tivolihotels.com/en/tivoli-mofarrej-sao-paulo

HONG KONG´S FIRST URBAN RESORT Where: Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong

The Kerry Hotel Hong Kong is the latest and most stylish addition to the city´s renowned Victoria Harbour, and the first hotel in 20 years to be built on the Kowloon waterfront. The hotel has been designed as an ‘urban resort’, seeking to evoke an experience of relaxed luxury in one of the world´s most dynamic cities. Big and bright, the interior was designed by Andre Fu. The lobby, the rooms, the outdoor areas and the ballroom are about size and sea; a recurring ripple motif refers to the harbour beyond the enormous windows. Guests who pine for urban greenery will appreciate the leafy landscaping and the lobby´s signature scent, entitled ‘Walk in the Woods’. The Kerry Hotel´s Red Sugar is a must-visit stop when you are in Hong Kong. Part indoor with outdoor terrace garden, it has 270-degree views of the harbour and an east-side perspective of Hong Kong Island not seen from the more established parts of Kowloon. http://www.shangri-la.com/hongkong/kerry/


JUNE 2018


‫الالتيه العربية‬




FASHION, FOOD & FAITH Nada S. Al-Muzaini


s we all know, Ramadan is the holy month when Muslims devote themselves to be closer to Allah and to remember how people of less fortune live. In addition, many Muslims join charities to reach out and help people in need. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims change their lifestyle in terms of fashion, food and faith.


Let’s just say this month helps us to reduce or gain weight depending on how you like to eat during the month of Ramadan. This month gives chefs and cooks a great chance to cook delicious food and local famous cuisine. Muslims take a sip of water and eat dates at sunset, as this meal is the most anticipated moment of their day. However, later they dig into their traditional food and drink, including ‘Vimto’ which is even more delicious Fashion during the month of Ramadan. Later, they enjoy eating During the month of Ramadan, women go out of their delicious desserts. way to be creative and fashionable. They style the most creative and fashionable Kaftans which meet the era of this 21st century, and designers take time to make kaftans Faith unique within the consideration of their faith during the month of Ramadan. This month not only gives ladies an The holy month of Ramadan, is the month when Muslims opportunity to wear the normal black Abaya, but also it dedicate themselves to Allah, where most of their time provides opportunities for the designers to be innovative is spent in mosques, praying and worshiping Allah by and inspired and to change the normality of the traditional reading the Koran, sending prayers, giving and helping black Abaya. The 30 days of Ramadan help ladies to be those people in need. Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It helps Muslims to be closer to Allah. At the fashionable and look modest and beautiful. end of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr with their loved ones.


JUNE 2018







Pasta: l 2 cups of your choice of pasta l 1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced l 1 cup fresh baby spinach l 1 cup cheese (I used mozzarella and Parmesan) l 1/2 of sun dried tomatoes l 1/4 cup of feta cheese for garnish

PREPARATION: FOR THE PESTO: 1.Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F. 2.Grab an entire bulb of garlic and slice a little less than 1/4 of the top off, just enough to expose the cloves.

3.Drizzle with olive oil and seal into a pinched pouch of aluminum foil. 4.Roast for about 40 minutes, depending on your oven. 5.Once your garlic is ready, the cloves should practically be bursting

from the bulb. I used about half the bulb (6 cloves) but feel free to add extra garlic to taste.

6.Combine all the above pesto ingredients in your blender or food

processor adding your boiled kale and blend until creamy. An extra drizzle or two of olive oil can thin the sauce as desired. Add salt and pepper to the desired taste.


he health benefits of kale have been enjoyed since ancient Rome and history tells us that it was one of the most popular green leafy vegetables of the Middle Ages. Nowadays, chefs all around the world are using kale in their recipes. I introduced kale to my home cuisine in many forms - kale chips, kale pie, kale soup – but our favourite was kale pasta with pesto sauce. I hope this recipe becomes your favourite as well! INGREDIENTS Pesto Sauce: l 3 cups of kale l 1/3 cup olive oil l 1/4 or 1/3 cup walnuts (toasted) l 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese l 2 TBSP water l 3 TBSP lemon juice l zest of 1 lemon l 1/2 head of roasted garlic (approx 6 cloves) l salt, to taste l pinch of black pepper


JUNE 2018

FOR THE PASTA: 1.Bring a large non-stick pan to medium heat and saute the mushrooms and spinach in a drizzle of olive oil.

2.While your vegetables cook, boil your pasta in a medium pot. 3.Drain, return to pot, stir in pesto. 4.Add your veggies, sun dried tomatoes and cheese (mozerella and Parmesan) then stir.

5.Spoon into bowls or pile onto plates and garnish with a little extra

fresh feta cheese.

Bon Appetite! Fact: Kale belongs to the same family as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and collards. If you try this recipe please share your opinion on my blog: www.sherisnovember.wordpress.com



INGREDIENTS FOR PEANUT BUTTER LAYER: l 1/2 cup all natural peanut butter l 4-5 tbsp coconut flour l 3 tbsp maple syrup l Pinch of salt INGREDIENTS FOR CHOCOLATE: l Good quality dark chocolate

METHOD: l Start by melting some good quality dark chocolate (I used Whittaker’s Dark Ghana). l Keep the chocolate aside and start mixing all the ingredients for the peanut layer in a separate bowl. Mix until it forms a dough-like consistency. l Line a muffin tray with 6-7 medium size cupcake paper liners and pour 2 tbsp. melted chocolate in each cup. Put this in the freezer for about 15 minutes. l Make 6-7 small sized balls with the peanut mixture, depending on how many cups you have. l Place each ball you made with the peanut butter mixture on top of the chocolate cups and spread evenly with your fingers. Even out the top to achieve a smooth surface. l Then pour the rest of the melted chocolate over the peanut butter and place in the freezer for another 30 minutes. l When you are ready to serve, keep the peanut butter cups at room temperature for 5 minutes before serving.


JUNE 2018


PEANUT BUTTER CUPS This is one of the easiest and time efficient recipes I’ve made to date. It doesn’t require any time in the oven and it calls for ingredients that are a staple in everyone’s kitchen. If you are a PB & Choco lover, give this recipe a try! Apart from the taste, what I really like about it is that it turns out looking so pretty!





ow often does it seem that all there is to do in Dubai is connected to a shopping area or mall? That is where everyone congregates. Ever want to do something different and off the beaten path? Well here I name some of the best experiences to be had away from the mall crowd on your next trip to Dubai. The Smash Room is a unique experience that is, at first, easy to sum up in words, but hard to describe the complete experience other than ‘awesome’. Whether you want to smash a computer to vent out workplace frustration, or smash plates and glasses to release stress, The Smash Room has got you covered. Just put on the protective gear they provide and choose your weapon of choice from hammers, crowbars, sledgehammers, and even axes. Plus everything you smash has been repurposed from salvage yards or donation; and all smashed pieces get recycled so you are not harming the environment. They are currently running Ramadan specials where certain pieces you can pay to smash support feeding hungry families. So why wait? Smashing stuff for a good cause? Count me in! thesmashroom.ae Lucky Voice Karaoke is a spot where you can let out your inner diva and do it either in the comfort of a private room with friends or, for those feeling adventurous, take to the stage to perform in front of the crowd. They cover a wide range of musical genres and the song list is quite extensive. They also serve drinks and food. Their menu


JUNE 2018

is an eclectic mix of international flavours to please every palate. From sliders to tacos, burgers to salads - and their pizzas are great! luckyvoice.ae Okay, so this one is in Dubai Mall and the purpose of this article is to get you away from the hustle and bustle of the mall. Yet this is a Virtual Reality experience and therefore unique enough to warrant an exception! Turn your world upside down in the Ultimate Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Theme Park. Challenge Reality with your friends and family through mind-blowing rides and experiences that span horror, adventure, leisure, sport and more, with individual and multi-player experiences for all ages. I recommend trying The Raft experience. vrparkdubai.com


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ARAB FASHION WEEK 2018 Sonya Vajifdar


his year saw the 6th edition of Arab Fashion Week hosted in Dubai by the Arab Fashion Council, which was also the first ever ‘floating’ fashion week. The iconic cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, provided a fabulous ambience for the shows. The long runway was perfectly designed for everyone to view from all angles. The week saw a variety of designers from 18 different countries including Russia, Portugal, UAE, USA, Lebanon and Egypt, to name a few, enhancing the diversity of styles and trends seen on the runway.

Whites and pastels stood out and dominated the runway in terms of colours. Capes, corsets maxis and flowing silhouettes made their way down the runway consistently. Sheer was definitely a major trend running through the majority of shows.

Day 1 started with Amato Couture, which was full of whites and crystals followed by Tatiana V. Lyalina who floated through with yummy toned pastels and a full power girly vibe. House of Mua Mua literally spelled out summer for us with kaftans, bright sequins and ruffles; the interesting fact is that her collection also has a charitable aspect as she tries to create awareness about plastic waste. Ilse displayed shades of mauve and glitter, and Humariff went ultra glam and chic!


JUNE 2018

Day 2 had Simone Racioppo go bold with red and black and fringes and trails all over the runway. Asmaraia came to life with the modern day bride, twisting the colour palate. Rhea Jacobs, the beauty ambassador for Marc Jacobs Beauty, owned the runway as a show starter and stopper for FllumaÊ from USA. I enjoyed watching the Saidi sisters’ playful and feminine collection full of flowers and happiness. This was followed by Aram Designs who did a lot of overcoats with oversized belts and Aiisha Ramadan who went with a mix of bold and modest styles.

I was pleasantly surprised to see green fashion week take part on Day 3 and introduce the element of two sustainable designers into Arab Fashion Week this year. Being a firm advocate of sustainable fashion I was impressed to see Dubai also taking steps towards it. Day 3 also saw designers Sophia Nubes, Nicole & Felicia, Renato Balestra and finally, Tony Miranda.

Day 4, and the finale of Arab fashion week, was all about 3D starting with designer Yu Jordy Fu who is also the creative director of fashiontv.com. Then came Harmony. His collection stood out to me. As a designer myself I concentrate a lot on the finishing and quality checking of the garments and his finishing was impeccable! The last show of the night ended with Egyptian designer Asory House who laid out little gift bags before the show started containing her look books and a pendant with her brand logo. She also had a video introduction to her brand.

Thereafter was the gala dinner with live Arabic entertainment. It was a pleasure to watch such diverse designers showcasing their ready pret and couture collections and I look forward to attending the next one! www.cpmagazine.net



Cangokce “Changing people into another character is a collaboration of science and art”

Makeup artist, Merve Cangokce, describes herself as curious and never satisfied. She also believes that the key to a woman’s charm lies in her lashes. But should we really take beauty advice from someone who enjoys creating monsters and who yearns to devise the ultimate alien?!


JUNE 2018



Please introduce yourself to our readers: I am a freelance makeup artist from Turkey, based in Dubai, working in the media industry, films and TV commercials.

Tell us about your education: I graduated in Astronomy and Space Science back in Turkey but wanted to change my career so later graduated from London College of Makeup, Val Garland Mastered Fashion, Shaune Harrison Prosthetic and Special Effects Makeup Academy.

What first inspired you to get into the world of makeup and special effects makeup? When I was kid I was always amazed by fantastic movies, theatre characters and fairy tale stories. Since my whole family was in the film industry, I grew up with cinema knowledge and passion. When I was 5 years old I had the chance of a tiny role on a TV series. On that day I remember I was very impressed by the makeup artist. I think that was when I realized I really wanted to be a makeup artist.

How did you get your first professional gig? I had the chance of a professional job as a makeup artist assistant training on a feature movie called Abu Dhabi to Beirut, directed by the first Emirati director, Ali F. Mostafa.

How and when did you come to UAE? I came to UAE/Dubai in 2010. Let's say I followed my heart!

Which is your favourite between sfx and editorial makeup? I have to admit I’m in love with special makeup sfx. I feel that changing people into another character is a collaboration of science and art.

What are some of your favourite makeup products? I love pro bono material when I do sfx makeup as preparation does not take so much time and the material is easy to work on the skin.

What kinds of looks do you prefer doing? I prefer doing full transformations such as creating monsters or changing a person into something else entirely, playing with the structure of the face bones and shapes.

Where do you get your inspiration from? I can get inspired by a movie, a conversation, or a place that I travel. Also, life itself is full of inspiration, you only need to see it.

What is your signature look and what sets you apart from other makeup artists? I think it’s too early to say that I have a signature look already! There is still such a long way to go but I can say that I always try to do my work in a realistic way.

What is your definition of beauty? Beauty is all about happiness. If you are happy with wearing red lipstick do it every day, it will suit you!

Which movie has your favourite special effects makeup? Do you prefer the older ones or the CGI heavy ones? Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! It’s directed by Tim Burton and the makeup artists are Ve Neill (she is still teaching in Cinema Makeup School in Los Angles) and Steve LaPorte. I prefer older ones because it’s only makeup, it’s not supported by digital visual art such CGI. They create incredible images but we cannot tell if it’s makeup work.


JUNE 2018

Typically, how long does it take you to create a look? How long has the longest one taken you? Well, it depends which look has been requested. If I am going to create another feature or a monster the preparation process (life casting, sculpting, prosthetic preparation) can take between two weeks and two months. The application itself again depends on the amount of prosthetic pieces. For example, Gary Oldman’s makeup application on the Darkest Hour movie took a minimum of four hours every day.

Any makeup tips you'd like to share with our readers for the summer season in this region? As we know, summer in this region is quite warm so moisturizing and hydrating the skin is a must. Foundation shouldn’t be applied more than the skin needs and should be blended evenly.

What are common mistakes women make while doing their makeup? Again, skipping moisturizing and applying foundation straight to the skin without primer. That damages the skin and makes the skin look dry and patchy.

What is one look you are still dying to create? The sfx look of the leader witch from The Witches movie, directed by Nicolas Roeg. Also, an alien that has never been created.

What is the look you created that you’re most proud of? Almost none. I have no satisfaction about my work yet!

Any aspirations for your own makeup line? An Oscar would be the best motivation!

What are the three tools in your makeup kit that you can never, ever be without? Application brush, spatula, sponges.

What are the makeup products every woman should have in her purse? Lip balm (I prefer Australian brand Paw Paw), blush (always give life to the skin), mascara lashes (the key to a woman’s charm).

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received from someone in regards to your work? Similarly, what advice would you give someone starting out in special effect makeup? I have been advised to stay the same as I am, curious and never satisfied. Sfx makeup should be realistic and very detailed. A beginner sfx makeup artist should follow the realism of their works.

Your message for us at CP magazine: Thank you for having me on your pages. It's very important to showcase talents from our industry. All the best to you and your readers.



Jazz_boutique since 2010


SUMMER TIME ESSENTIALS The sun is shining and summer vacation is getting closer so it’s time to shop the latest looks of the season with these top picks. MO PARAVEL







JUNE 2018








KAYU www.cpmagazine.net




More and more, I meet talented Saudi women - as mothers, housewives and business women! Their creativity is unique. In this particular case, the sight of the final product is breathtaking - modern design of ‘IT-Girl’ Bags, intertwined with a close Arab culture. The lining of each bag is made with Arabic calligraphy which makes us think that in each of us there is the spirit of the nation in modern interpretation. I met Yumna Hamdi Almaliki at the Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center. She is the founder of luxury handmade bag brand, Firenze (@firenze.sa).


JUNE 2018

What inspired you to start your own label? I wanted something of my own freedom; to make my own rules and design. There is no greater way to learn than to start your own business.

What challenges did you have to face when your started your own label? There is no easy business. Once you start to implement your plan you start facing a lot of challenges from finding the right idea, to searching for suppliers, and then manufacturing, importing, exporting, warehouses, stores etc.

How would you describe your personal style? A combination of classic and wild design.

Does your Arab heritage influence your work? Yes, sure. I am always inspired by the beauty of Arabic women. That is why I named my first collection ‘inspired by your beauty’.

How do you get inspired for a new collection? Do you follow seasonal trends? Yes, of course. Also by reading a lot of fashion magazines. However, I still have my own way to get inspired by my environment and events around me.

Tell us briefly about your Python Bag Collection? It has been handcrafted and decorated with our finest soft-skinned snake skin and gold-plated shoulder strap - to make you look attractive and stylish in your evenings!

What does FIRENZE mean? Firenze is the Italian name for Florence, the Italian city. The term reflects the experience of artisans, designer skills, the natural scent of leather, the quality of manufacturing, and the beauty of streets and squares of Florence. You can see more pictures and find information on my website: www.firenze.sa

Your message for us at CP magazine? Thank you so much for this opportunity to meet your readers and give a small glimmer of @firenze.sa As a Saudi designer I wish that Saudi would become a fashion hub in the region because I am sure there are a lot of talented designers waiting for a chance. www.cpmagazine.net





ew items of clothing are as timeless and versatile as a leather jacket. Rarely do we see such an essential garment that screams ‘cool’ no matter what. Let's dive into the world of styling leather jackets, in partnership with ‘AllSaints’, and be ready to discover how to wear this all-time effortless piece in ways that may even surprise you!

TheStylistes 64

JUNE 2018

Credits Wardrobe: AllSaints (@allsaintsme) Photographer: Arsan Hassan (@arsan_photography) Stylists: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (@thestylistes) Location: AllSaints, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai

1. Sporty If you are looking for a stylish casual look to travel, run errands or hang out with friends, why not pair the classic black perfecto with a white t-shirt, red sporty trousers and plain sneakers? You can never go wrong with our all-time favourite black leather jacket.

2. Wild Wild West Take a break from your go-to black leather jacket and trade it in for this uber-stylish fringe jacket. A cowboy piece with a contemporary twist that pretty much goes with anything in your closet!



3. Make it Dressy If you're looking for something a bit more polished and dressy but still fashionable and cool, then swap those jeans for a detailed black dress. How do you like Carla’s choice of a curve-fitting dress, black leather jacket and killer boots, all from AllSaints?

4. White Out Stand out in a white leather jacket to bring that uniqueness and style to a whole new level. Marie has chosen a mini skirt and sweater, layered under her leather jacket, for an effortless yet cool look which is perfect for a casual weekend. We both agree that a white perfecto certainly looks very different to the way black ones do. Since we can’t decide between the two, let’s have both!


JUNE 2018

5. Camel Moto Jacket This gorgeous camel colour pairs perfectly with everything in your closet. Neutral shades are extremely versatile as it can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Carla paired this camel moto jacket with a graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, and brown sandals for a casual yet stylish everyday look.


Did you know that…?

It dates back to World War I, when the leather bomber was introduced for fighter pilots. It was appreciated for its insulating capacity and warmth.


The first leather jacket outside the military sector was designed in the 1920s. The so called ‘Per-fecto’ was designed for Harley Davidson; it had a zipper instead of buttons and was a shortened version of the original one.


Hollywood moment: In the 1940s and 50s, movies like Rebel Without A Cause, amongst others, contributed to the launch of the leather jacket as an item used by charming boys like Gary Cooper or Marlon Brando. This is how this garment began to be conceived as a symbol of charm and rebellion.


Leather jackets are worn for safety. Motorcycle riders often wear them to reduce the risk of bodily injury during an accident, as it creates a thick barrier of protection between the rider’s body and the pavement.


The fringe jacket, worn by Marie in one of the looks, was initially popular amongst cowboys as the fringes were designed to shed rain and dry faster when wet!


How do you recognise a biker jacket? Well, it has a pointed collar with snaps and zipper that you can fasten, when riding a bike, to protect you against the wind.


Buying a leather jacket is an investment and offers a timeless style! A genuine leather jacket will keep you comfortable, stylish and looking your best for years to come.


Leather jackets are easy to maintain. 100% genuine leather doesn’t require any special maintenance other than the occasional spot cleaning.





WRONGS moviewrongs.com by: JIM WEST

Directed by David Leitch


resh off the mixed bag that was Avengers: Infinity War and going up against the latest regurgitation from Disney for a standalone Star Wars film, Deadpool had only one job to do and that was entertain. This film does it in spades, serving up not only issues with the Marvel Superhero films, but also giving the DC films their fair shots. The writers did a great job cramming in so many Easter eggs and references galore, that it feels like it is a film with Attention Deficit Disorder! The director has worked on John Wick and Atomic Blonde and has an extensive stunt coordinator background which shows in how well he captures action in this film. Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese worked on Zombieland which is infused with the same vein of humor as Deadpool. Then you have the fantastic Ryan Reynolds who is not only credited with acting in the film, but also serves as Executive Producer and Writer, as well as being heavily involved in the press and marketing campaign for the Deadpool films. This perhaps is what makes Deadpool unique from other superhero films. The fact they got Celine Dion to do a song for the film, and there are appearances by Matt Damon and Brad Pitt in ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ scenes really elevates this film into a league of its own. This film is another example of how to ‘Write a Movie RIGHT’. Here come the spoilers. The first Deadpool film was essentially a love story. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, boy gets cancer and then turns into an immortal killing machine. This time around, the sequel benefits from the first film’s smash success at the box office and is rewarded with a much larger budget to work with and it clearly shows here. This film starts off with the statement that this is a family film, which is actually true. Wade Wilson (Deadpool) is still in action going around the world assassinating bad guys with style and humor. Upon coming home to his girlfriend and them deciding to take their relationship to the next level of having a baby, hit men come to his apartment. Through the foray of things, his girlfriend gets shot and this sets off the film’s path of him dealing with her loss. We see Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are back, and we get the pseudo 68

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antagonist of Cable. Cable is a soldier with a cybernetic arm who has traveled from the future to avenge his family’s murders at the hands of Russel Collins aka Firefist. In the future, Firefist is a bad guy, but in current day he is a troubled teenager who is being abused at a mutant re-education center. Deadpool sees the boy is being abused and takes action that lands them both in the icebox (a prison for mutants). Cable breaks into the prison to eliminate Russell and change his future, but Deadpool stops him. Russell evades death time and again, and befriends Juggernaut to help him escape and to kill the headmaster at the center who abused him. The prisoner transfer sequence is noteworthy for all of the setup of Deadpool’s team of superheroes named X-Force. We get quick introductions to each X-Force member to include a hilarious portrayal of Vanisher (Brad Pitt), Peter, a regular guy who showed up with no super powers, and Domino whose contested superpower is luck. The team’s first mission fails - to hilarious effect - and is perhaps the funniest sequence in the entire film, next to Deadpool’s purposefully overdramatic death scene. The team fails to stop Russell and Juggernaut and Deadpool gets torn in half physically and emotionally. While gathering with his friends to discuss what to do next, Cable makes a peace offer to Deadpool to join forces to stop Russell from killing the headmaster as it is determined this event is what sets Russell off on a path of villainy. They intercept them at the center and we get an epic series of fight sequences that really showcase the director’s eye for capturing action scenes. The writing crams in as many one liners as possible while moving the action forward to the climactic scene and, if there was any justice in the world, Ryan Reynolds would earn an Oscar nomination for this brilliance. The film wraps with its earlier statement of this being a family film and it rings true. Stay for the end credits scenes which are epic. Solid writing here makes a solid film worth watching and enjoying again and again. Deadpool 2 is smart, self-serving and subversive writing on full display for other superhero films to take notes. Thanks for reading ‘Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.




This Is America

Boo'd Up

Better Now

Childish Gambino

Ella Mai

Post Malone




Nice For What


Be Careful


Ed Sheeran

Cardi B



Te Bote Nio Garcia, Casper, Darell, Nicky Jam, Bad Bunny & Ozuna


Delicate Taylor Swift



Chun-Li Nicki Minaj

Get Up 10



Cardi B



God's Plan

Freaky Friday

New Rules

All The Stars

Wake Me Up!


Lil Dicky & Chris Brown

Dua Lipa

Kendrick Lamar & SZA










Ric Flair Drip


Post Malone & Ty Dolla $ign

Bruno Mars & Cardi B

Camila Cabello & Young Thu

Offset & Metro Boomin







Meant To Be

Try Me


Dame Tu Cosita

Plug Walk

Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line


Marshmello & Anne-Marie

El Chombo

Rich The Kid



The Middle

Call Out My Name

Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey



No Tears Left To Cry Ariana Grande



You Make It Easy Jason Aldean





One Kiss

Walk It Talk It

Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa

Migos & Drake




Bad At Love

One Number Away


Post Malone & 21 Savage


Luke Combs

Cardi B & Kehlani





Look Alive

In My Blood


Whatever It Takes

Never Be The Same

BlocBoy JB

Shawn Mendes


Imagine Dragons

Camila Cabello



Summer Reading Sneak Peek Summer is a dream; summer without books is a nightmare. Prepare yourself for a blissful season of reading with soon-to-be favorites in every genre! The most anticipated and best reviewed books of summer. Prepare yourself for a red-hot season of exciting reading!



by Fatima Farheen Mirza

by Beatriz Williams

A Place for Us unfolds the lives of an Indian-American Muslim family, gathered together in their Californian hometown to celebrate the eldest daughter, Hadia’s, wedding–a match of love rather than tradition. It is here, on this momentous day, that Amar, the youngest of the siblings, reunites with his family for the first time in three years. Rafiq and Layla must now contend with the choices and betrayals that lead to their son’s estrangement–the reckoning of parents who strove to pass on their cultures and traditions to their children, and of children who in turn struggle to balance authenticity in themselves with loyalty to the home they came from. In a narrative that spans decades and sees family life through the eyes of each member, A Place For Us charts the crucial moments in the family's past, from the bonds that bring them together to the differences that pull them apart. And as siblings Hadia, Huda, and Amar attempt to carve out a life for themselves, they must reconcile their present culture with their parent's faith, to tread a path between the old world and the new, and learn how the smallest decisions can lead to the deepest of betrayals.

New York Times bestselling author Beatriz Williams brings us the blockbuster novel of the season—a spellbinding novel of romance, murder, class, power, and dark secrets set in the 1950s and ’60s among the rarified world of a resort island in the Long Island Sound . . . In the summer of 1951, Miranda Schuyler arrives on elite, secretive Winthrop Island in Long Island Sound as a naive eighteen year old, still reeling from the loss of her father in the Second World War. Although a graduate of the exclusive Foxcroft Academy in Virginia, Miranda has always lived on the margins of high society. When her beautiful mother marries Hugh Fisher, whose summer house on Winthrop overlooks the famous lighthouse, Miranda is catapulted into a heady new world of pedigrees and cocktails, status and swimming pools. Isobel Fisher, Miranda’s new stepsister—all long legs and world-weary bravado, engaged to a wealthy Island scion—is eager to draw Miranda into the arcane customs of Winthrop society.


by Sandhya Menon

THE PERFECT COUPLE by Elin Hilderbrand

From New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand, comes a novel about the many ways family can fill our lives with love...if they don't kill us first. It's wedding season on Nantucket. The beautiful island is overrun with summer people an annual source of aggravation for year-round residents. And that's not the only tension brewing offshore. When one lavish wedding ends in disaster before it can even begin with the bride-to-be discovered dead in Nantucket Harbor just hours before the ceremony everyone in the wedding party is suddenly a suspect. As Chief of Police Ed Kapenash digs into the best man, the maid of honor, the groom's famous mystery novelist mother, and even a member of his own family, the chief discovers that every wedding is a minefield and no couple is perfect. Featuring beloved characters from THE CASTAWAYS and A SUMMER AFFAIR, THE PERFECT COUPLE proves once again that Elin Hilderbrand is the queen of the summer beach read.


JUNE 2018

by Nicholas Pyenson

Whales are among the largest, most intelligent, deepest diving species to have ever lived on our planet. They evolved from land-roaming, dog-like creatures into animals that move like fish, breathe like us, can grow to 300,000 pounds, live 200 years and roam entire ocean basins. Whales fill us with terror, awe, and affection yet we know hardly anything about them, and they only enter our awareness when they die, struck by a ship or stranded in the surf. Why did it take whales over 50 million years to evolve to such big sizes, and how do they eat enough to stay that big? How did their ancestors return from land to the sea? Why do they beach themselves? What do their lives tell us about our oceans, and evolution as a whole? Importantly, in the sweepstakes of human-driven habitat and climate change, will whales survive?

FROM TWINKLE, WITH LOVE Aspiring filmmaker and wallflower Twinkle Mehra has stories she wants to tell and universes she wants to explore, if only the world would listen. So when fellow film geek Sahil Roy approaches her to direct a movie for the upcoming Summer Festival, Twinkle is all over it. The chance to publicly showcase her voice as a director? Dream come true. The fact that it gets her closer to her longtime crush, Neil Roy—a.k.a. Sahil’s twin brother? Dream come true x 2. When mystery man “N” begins emailing her, Twinkle is sure it’s Neil, finally ready to begin their happily-everafter. The only slightly inconvenient problem is that, in the course of movie-making, she’s fallen madly in love with the irresistibly adorkable Sahil.

SAVE THE DATE by Morgan Matson

FLORIDA by Lauren Groff

The New York Times-bestselling author of Fates and Furies returns, bringing the reader into a physical world that is at once domestic and wild—a place where the hazards of the natural world lie waiting to pounce, yet the greatest threats and mysteries are still of an emotional, psychological nature. A family retreat can be derailed by a prowling panther, or by a sexual secret. Among those navigating this place are a resourceful pair of abandoned sisters; a lonely boy, grown up; a restless, childless couple, a searching, homeless woman; and an unforgettable, recurring character—a steely and conflicted wife and mother. The stories in this collection span characters, towns, decades, even centuries, but Florida—its landscape, climate, history, and state of mind—becomes its gravitational center: an energy, a mood, as much as a place of residence. Groff transports the reader, then jolts us alert with a crackle of wit, a wave of sadness, a flash of cruelty, as she writes about loneliness, rage, family, and the passage of time. With shocking accuracy and effect, she pinpoints the moments and decisions and connections behind human pleasure and pain, hope and despair, love and fury—the moments that make us alive. Startling, precise, and affecting, Florida is a magnificent achievement.




by Riley Sager

by Ingrid Rojas Contreras


Charlie Grant’s older sister is getting married this weekend at their family home, and Charlie can’t wait— for the first time in years, all four of her older siblings will be under one roof. Charlie is desperate for one last perfect weekend, before the house is sold and everything changes. The house will be filled with jokes and games and laughs again. Making decisions about things like what college to attend and reuniting with longstanding crush Jesse Foster—all that can wait. She wants to focus on making the weekend perfect. The only problem? The weekend is shaping up to be an absolute disaster. There’s the unexpected dog with a penchant for howling, house alarm that won’t stop going off, and a papergirl with a grudge.

Two Truths and a Lie. The girls played it all the time in their tiny cabin at Camp Nightingale. Vivian, Natalie, Allison, and first-time camper Emma Davis, the youngest of the group. The games ended when Emma sleepily watched the others sneak out of the cabin in the dead of night. The last she or anyone saw of them was Vivian closing the cabin door behind her, hushing Emma with a finger pressed to her lips. Now a rising star in the New York art scene, Emma turns her past into paintings massive canvases filled with dark leaves and gnarled branches that cover ghostly shapes in white dresses. The paintings catch the attention of Francesca Harris-White, the socialite and wealthy owner of Camp Nightingale. When Francesca implores her to return to the newly reopened camp as a painting instructor, Emma sees an opportunity to try to find out what really happened to her friends.

In the vein of Isabel Allende and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a mesmerizing debut set against the backdrop of the devastating violence of 1990's Colombia about a sheltered young girl and a teenage maid who strike an unlikely friendship that threatens to undo them both The Santiago family lives in a gated community in Bogotá, safe from the political upheaval terrorizing the country. Seven-year-old Chula and her older sister Cassandra enjoy carefree lives thanks to this protective bubble, but the threat of kidnappings, car bombs, and assassinations hover just outside the neighborhood walls, where the godlike drug lord Pablo Escobar continues to elude authorities and capture the attention of the nation. When their mother hires Petrona, a live-in-maid from the city's guerrilla-occupied slum, Chula makes it her mission to understand Petrona's mysterious ways. But Petrona's unusual behavior belies more than shyness. She is a young woman crumbling under the burden of providing for her family as the rip tide of first love pulls her in the opposite direction. As both girls' families scramble to maintain stability amidst the rapidly escalating conflict, Petrona and Chula find themselves entangled in a web of secrecy that will force them both to choose between sacrifice and betrayal.

by Helen Hoang

Stella Lane thinks math is the only thing that unites the universe. She comes up with algorithms to predict customer purchases--a job that has given her more money than she knows what to do with, and way less experience in the dating department than the average thirty-year-old. It doesn't help that Stella has Asperger's and French kissing reminds her of a shark getting its teeth cleaned by pilot fish. Her conclusion: she needs lots of practice with a professional. Which is why she hires escort Michael Phan. The Vietnamese and Swedish stunner can't afford to turn down Stella's offer, and agrees to help her check off all the boxes on her lesson plan from foreplay to more-thanmissionary position. Before long, Stella not only learns to appreciate his kisses, but to crave all the other things he's making her feel. Soon, their no-nonsense partnership starts making a strange kind of sense. And the pattern that emerges will convince Stella that love is the best kind of logic

by R.O. Kwon

Phoebe Lin and Will Kendall meet their first month at prestigious Edwards University. Phoebe is a glamorous girl who doesn’t tell anyone she blames herself for her mother’s recent death. Will is a misfit scholarship boy who transfers to Edwards from Bible college, waiting tables to get by. What he knows for sure is that he loves Phoebe. Grieving and guilt-ridden, Phoebe is increasingly drawn into a religious group—a secretive extremist cult— founded by a charismatic former student, John Leal. He has an enigmatic past that involves North Korea and Phoebe’s Korean American family. Meanwhile, Will struggles to confront the fundamentalism he’s tried to escape, and the obsession consuming the one he loves. When the group bombs several buildings in the name of faith, killing five people, Phoebe disappears. Will devotes himself to finding her, tilting into obsession himself, seeking answers to what happened to Phoebe and if she could have been responsible for this violent act.



THE INCREDIBLES 2 Everyone’s favorite family of superheroes is back in “Incredibles 2” – but this time Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is in the spotlight, leaving Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) at home with Violet (voice of Sarah Vowell) and Dash (voice of Huck Milner) to navigate the dayto-day heroics of “normal” life. It’s a tough transistion for everyone, made tougher by the fact that the family is still unaware of baby Jack-Jack’s emerging superpowers. When a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the family and Frozone (voice of Samuel L. Jackson) must find a way to work together again—which is easier said than done, even when they’re all Incredible. CAST: Samuel L. Jackson, Holly Hunter, John Ratzenberger, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Huck Milner DIRECTOR: Brad Bird GENRES: FAMILY ADVENTURE SEQUEL


CAST: Michael K. Williams, Esai Morales, Trevor Jackson, Jason Mitchell,Lex Scott Davis, Andrea Londo DIRECTOR: Director X GENRES: ACTION THRILLER

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM It’s been three years since theme park and luxury resort Jurassic World was destroyed by dinosaurs out of containment. Isla Nublar now sits abandoned by humans while the surviving dinosaurs fend for themselves in the jungles.

CAST: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Justice Smith, Rafe Spall, Toby Jones, Daniella Pineda DIRECTOR: Juan Antonio Bayona GENRES: SEQUEL ACTION ADVENTURE



Against the explosive backdrop of the Iraq War, young soldiers Brandon Bartle (Alden Ehrenreich) and Daniel Murphy (Tye Sheridan) forge a deep bond of friendship. When tragedy strikes the platoon, one soldier must return home to face the hard truth behind the incident, and help a grieving mother (Jennifer Aniston) find peace.

John Travolta (Academy Award Nominee) stars as the legendary mobster John Gotti who was head of the largest and most powerful crime organization in North America, the Gambino Family. His flamboyant style, charm and ruthless personae made him the most famous mobster in the 20th Century. The story, told through the eyes of his eldest son John Gotti, Jr. delves into the past and explores Gotti’s epic rise and fall in the mob. He earned the name “Teflon Don” by the media whom he did not shy away from, due to the FBI’s numerous unsuccessful attempts to convict Gotti.

CAST: Cleopatra Coleman, Shane Coffey, Fabianne Therese, Rhoda Griffis DIRECTOR: Matt Osterman

CAST: Jennifer Aniston, Alden Ehrenreich, Tye Sheridan, Toni Collette, Jason Patrick, Jack Huston

CAST: John Travolta, Ella Travolta, Kelly Preston, Stacy Keach, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Lydia Hull

DIRECTOR: Alexandre Moors

DIRECTOR: Kevin Connolly




HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield from what land remains. Two compassionate care providers, Claudia (Coleman) and her mentor John, work to assist sick farmland inhabitants in ending their lives. After John dies under mysterious circumstances, a group of locals helps Claudia to uncover a deadly connection between the health of her clients and the technology they are using.


SUPERFLY Follows an African American cocaine dealer who tries to secure one more deal before getting out of the business.

JUNE 2018





A nurse runs an underground hospital for Los Angeles’ most sinister criminals and finds that one of her patients is actually there to assassinate another.

Johnny Knoxville stars as D.C., the crackpot owner of a low-rent, out-of-control amusement park where the rides are designed with minimum safety for maximum fun. Just as D.C.’s estranged teenage daughter Boogie comes to visit, a corporate mega-park opens nearby and jeopardizes the future of Action Point. To save his beloved theme park and his relationship with his daughter, D.C. and his loony crew of misfits risk everything to pull out all the stops – and stunts – making for another wild ride.

One month every year, five highly competitive friends hit the ground running in a no-holds-barred game of tag they’ve been playing since the first grade—risking their necks, their jobs and their relationships to take each other down with the battle cry “You’re It!” This year, the game coincides with the wedding of their only undefeated player, which should finally make him an easy target. But he knows they’re coming…and he’s ready. Based on a true story, “Tag” shows how far some guys will go to be the last man standing.

CAST: Jodie Foster, Dave Bautista, Sterling K. Brown, Sofia Boutella, Jeff Goldblum, Brian Tyree Henry

CAST: Ed Helms, Tracy Morgan, Hannibal Buress, Jeremy Renner, Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson

DIRECTOR: Drew Pearce

CAST: Johnny Knoxville, Johnny Pemberton, Dan Bakkedahl, Eleanor Worthington-Cox, Brigette Lundy-Paine, Chris Pontius DIRECTOR: Tim Kirkby




DIRECTOR: Jeff Tomsic


When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter's family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. The more they discover, the more they find themselves trying to outrun the sinister fate they seem to have inherited. Making his feature debut, writer-director Ari Aster unleashes a nightmare vision of a domestic breakdown that exhibits the craft and precision of a nascent auteur, transforming a familial tragedy into something ominous and deeply disquieting, and pushing the horror movie into chilling new terrain with its shattering portrait of heritage gone to hell.

CAST: Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, Alex Wolff, Milly Shapiro, Ann Dowd DIRECTOR: Ari Aster GENRES: SUSPENSE HORROR



Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) attempts to pull off the heist of the century at New York City’s star-studded annual Met Gala. Her first stop is to assemble the perfect crew: Lou (Cate Blanchett); Nine Ball (Rihanna); Amita (Mindy Kaling); Constance (Awkwafina); Rose (Helena Bonham Carter); Daphne Kluger (Anne Hathaway); and Tammy (Sarah Paulson).

Set in the 19th Century, Caroline Weldon moves from Brooklyn to the Standing Rock Reservation in Dakota Territory to help Sioux chieftain Sitting Bull keep the land for his people.

CAST: Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter, Mindy Kaling

CAST: Jessica Chastain, Sam Rockwell, Michael Greyeyes, Ciaran Hinds, Bill Camp, Chaske Spencer


DIRECTOR: Susanna White








The coolest products curated especially for you

Ember Ceramic Smart Coffee Mug

Autowater Smart Faucet Adapter

Beautifully designed to be used in your home or at your desk, the Ember Ceramic Mug keeps your beverages at the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last drop.

Save water and expedite your kitchen clean up with the Autowater Smart Faucet Adapter. This handy device adds a touch of intelligence to your sink. Inside is a motion detection system. When you bring your hands underneath, the Autowater automatically begins the flow of water. In addition to total convenience, this also helps stop the spreading of germs. There’s even a nightlight so you can access the flow of water at night.

EZVIZ Mini Trooper Wireless Indoor Camera The Mini Trooper is free from messy wires so you can place the camera anywhere. You can put it in a tree to see your front porch or other hard to reach places where a wired camera can’t reach. Battery life up to 9 months and battery life indicator in the EZVIZ app provide added peace of mind.


JUNE 2018

Smart Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Keeping your home neat and tidy will now be easy with this Smart Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. This cleaner has a wireless design. Additionally, there’s an ultra fine air filter. In fact, with this vacuum cleaner at home, you can make sure to let go of those tasks you hate to do. This cleaner works in the background. As a result, you will be able to keep your home clean and free from dust in a noise-free way. In addition, the battery life of this cleaner is about 1 hour and 30 minutes. You will also be able to control the device via remote control.

Fox Flux

Canon EOS M50

Whether you’re biking around town or ripping up singletrack, you’ll need protective gear that ensures your safety, and the second generation Fox Flux helmet does that. Its 300-degree retention system keeps your head snug and protected, proving you can have comfort and safety in one package.

The Canon EOS M50 pushes the boundaries of imaging technology with a new DIGIC 8 image processor and 4K video recording. Designed with advanced features such as a 3-inch, vari-angle touch panel, high resolution OLED electronic viewfinder (EVF), 10 FPS burst shooting, a dedicated time-lapse movie setting, and Combination IS that reduces camera shake, you can capture memories with vivid colors and sharp details. Its 24.1 MP APS-C sized CMOS sensor captures crystal clear images even in dimly lit conditions.

Fitbit Versa

Dell Inspiron 13 7000

Tagged as Fitbit’s lightest smartwatch, the Versa’s design offers comfort while its new, simple dashboard-care of the Fitbit OS 2.0, allows easy access to health and fitness data. Its advanced health and fitness features include a 24/7 heart rate tracking, onscreen workouts, and automatic sleep stage tracking. At its core is an SpO2 sensor along with smart features such as notifications and quick replies on Android, wallet-free payments, and on-device music, all powered by the device’s battery which can last up to four days.

Designed to cater to the needs of creatives, the Inspiron 13 7000 sports a near bezel-less 13-inch FHD touch display with a supporting active pen. Its elegant aluminum body houses an 8th Generation Intel Core processor and DDR4 memory which bring exceptional performance to the user. When it comes to connectivity, this tablet-slash-laptop provides flexiblility through its USB Type-C that supports faster power delivery and data transfer. Offering more power-efficient performance with standard SSDs or optional PCIe NVMe SSDs, the Inspiron 13 7000 also offers longer battery life, essential for those who are always on the go.

Lomography Lomo’ Instant Automat Compact, smart, and beautiful-this instant camera from Lomography is to die for! Tagged as the most advanced instant camera, the Lomo’ Instant Automat boasts automatic shutter speed, aperture, and flash output functions that adjust to any environment. Users will also enjoy its remote control lens cap that controls its shutter release.

Faucet-Shaped LED Night Lamp Light up your home like never before with this Faucet-Shaped LED Night Lamp. This night lamp takes a simple design to a whole new level altogether. In fact, the faucet design is not just the only thing that makes this lamp unique. It is also voice controlled which is what makes the lamp one of a kind. www.cpmagazine.net


International Advertising Association (IAA) and Crowne Plaza Hotel Host their Annual Ghabka The International Advertising Association (IAA) and Crowne Plaza hotel hosted a “joint venture Annual Ghabka” on 20th May 2018 in Al Baraka Grand Ballroom under the patronage of the Governor of Farwaniya Sheikh Faisal Al Humoud Al Malek Al Sabah. The event was attended by Mr. Adnan Al Rashed Honorary IAA President, Mr. Walid Kanafani President of IAA Kuwait Chapter, Mr. Antoine Flouty Area General Manger Kuwait, General Manager Crown Plaza & Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City, along with top VIP officials from Media, Advertising agencies, PR companies, Consultancy firms and Market researchers. Walid Kanafani the IAA President of Kuwait Chapter extended his Ramadan wishes to everybody. Mr. Kanafani detailed in a full presentation the major IAA achievements and activities during last two years. Kanafani mentioned that 2018 is a very special year for the IAA, we are celebrating our 80th Anniversary worldwide and 20th Anniversary in Kuwait. On this occasion a new Logo, Identity and updated objectives and strategies have been released. Kanafani highlighted the participation of IAA Kuwait Chapter in the IAA Global Marketing Summit in New York April 2018 as well as the participation in IAA Board meeting and IAA 80TH Anniversary Celebration in New York April 2018 and Dubai Lynx held in March 18 as a major achievement. He announced the future participation of the chapter in Cannes lions June 2018, IAA Global Conference in Bucharest October 2018 and IAA World Congress in India February 2019. Kanafani discussed the success of the major Apprentice conference 2 that IAA Kuwait held in April 2018. The IAA Apprentice Conference was conceived to contribute to the much talked about challenges for the marketing and communications industry in attracting the best and brightest young men and women. The inaugural event brought together junior and senior undergraduate students as well as young industry professional delegates. The program includes presentations, discussions and workshops with regional and international industry professionals, recruiters and clients where students had the chance to listen, practice, network and impress! The central idea is to enhance and empower graduating students with first-hand knowledge of real world industry practice and opportunities in the new communications landscape and to help them get hired. The event witnessed 12 professional speakers with the participation of 120 Students from different local and private specialized universities. Kanafani shared with the audience that the IAA created a campaign to promote advertising. The new IAA “Case for Advertising” campaign focuses on many of the core benefits that are deeply rooted in marketing communications – that advertising promotes choice; educates; informs; encourages innovation; creates jobs; supports the arts, entertainment and sports; and contributes to the costs of providing news and information. The campaign focus is for consumers and governments to understand the value of advertising in its many forms, including sponsored content. Advertising – your right to choose this campaign released in September 2017. Finally, Kanafani encouraged the audience to join the IAA Kuwait Chapter and reap the benefits of the organization.


JUNE 2018


Embodying its brand promise of Stay Different TM, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa hosted a Ghabka evening for the media community. Chief Editors, journalists, photographers, television and radio representatives were present including social media influencers not to forget this year’s esteemed Diamond sponsors. The evening started with a warm welcoming speech by General Manager Savino Leone. He said: “Our annual media night has grown to become one of the most exciting and popular networking events of the year. We gather under one roof the influential voices from all the communication channels. We celebrate together the spirit of Ramadan and we express our sincere thanks to each and every media member for carrying our messages to our guests and the wider community thus, supporting us to reach the level of success we have achieved today”. Savino also thanked their Diamond Sponsors, Cadillac Alghanim, Al Bawader Real Estate LLC, Mqamash exhibition and Saray Perfumes for partnering with the luxurious resort “to ensure our guests live a special Ramadan experience with us”. Hosted in the beautifully decorated Garden Café outdoor tent, guests were charmed by the refined ambiance of the evening as they enjoyed a deliciously prepared buffet by the hotel’s award-winning chefs. Flavored shisha was also served on the covered terrace offering scenic views of the gardens. To add up to the evening, little children dressed up with their finest traditional clothes gleefully singing joyous songs, made a surprising entrance to present guests with gift boxes marking the traditional festive heritage of gergean, which was to the delight of everyone. The luxurious resort’s sponsors for this year, took part as well in this evening. General Manager Mohamed Eltalkhawi said: “On behalf of Cadillac Alghanim, we would like to wish all of our customers a blessed Ramadan. As we are in the month of giving, we will be providing the best deals on 2018 Cadillac models.” On his side, Mr. Rami Tabbara, Senior Vice President of Damac said: “We are delighted to be sponsoring the Ramadan tent at Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa. It is the perfect location to interact with our Kuwait customers who can browse our award-winning portfolio of luxury properties in a relaxing and festive environment.” Ms Khawla Darwish, Owner of Mqamash Exhibition said: “The main role of our exhibition is to support our local entrepreneurs and small businesses and ensure they are present on the market. We want to offer them the opportunity to promote their unique products and services throughout this Holy month.” Saray Perfumes represented by their CEO, Ms Maissa Hamdan, said: “We take pride in our collaboration with Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa throughout the year and during Ramadan as this is a blessed month where we ensure our boukhour, perfumes and oils complement this occasion”. Garden Café’s tent was adorned with flowers especially for the occasion. Alissar Flowers’ CEO, Mrs Alissar Mzayek, was keen to add touches of luxury and elegance to the overall setting. She expressed: “We craft stories and experiences with flowers that bring people closer together and this evening at one of Kuwait’s most luxurious resorts, we experienced the warmth of a true Ramadan tradition”. As Ramadan nights are still on-going, the luxuriously decorated Badriah Ballroom opens its doors every evening for Iftar to offer a lavish spread of famous Arabic and international specialties. It is also open for Ghabka offering an à la carte selection of Ramadan favorites. Meanwhile, Garden Café tent offers unforgettable private gatherings for Ghabkas and Iftar nights for friends and families with an excellent selection of shisha, sumptuous Ramadan specialties and a live entertaining programme. www.cpmagazine.net



‫ هدايا العيد من عالمة‬MANGO ‫تحمل أجمل‬ ‫معاني الحب والخير لألح ّبة‬

PUMA MUSE CUT-OUT Worn by Cara Delevingne.

The latest addition to the Muse family is loud and bright, made for those looking to make a statement. As part of the AW18 Women's range echoing the "Do You" message, the shoe continues to inspire women empowerment and confidence. International Model, Actress, Activist and Brand Ambassador, Cara Delevingne, is the perfect embodiment of the bold style. With her daring spirit, Cara pushes boundaries and defies conventions, similar to the eye-catching shoe. The Muse Cut-Out flashes unrestrained attitude with neon colors, technical detailing and angular cutlines. It features a unique look with its split outsole, inspired by dance. In addition, the buckle and open cut in the laterals create a futuristic look, which make for a nice contrast against the metallic TPU piece. The feminine style mixes technical and fashion details offering a new look to women's shoes. The all-new Muse Cut-Out is now available in PUMA stores and lifestyle retailers in the GCC.


Recreating Kendell Jenner’s Iconic Clutch, this stunning accessory combines chicness with a selection of must-have beauty products. The hard-top minaudière features Karl Lagerfeld’s handwritten signature on the front and has a detachable metal chain strap for added versatility. Inside, the lip kit features essential products for creating the perfect nude lip, including two mini lipsticks, two mini lip glosses, and a full-size lip liner. This special KARL LAGERFELD + MODEL CO design is a collector’s item. 78

JUNE 2018

‫ النقاب عن دليل هدايا العيد المميّز الذي سيساعدك على‬MANGO ‫تكشف عالمة‬ ‫ تتخلّل هذه الهدايا‬.‫اختيار الهدايا المثالية لتعبّري بها ألحبّائك عن حبّك ومودّتك‬ ،‫المنتقاة خصيصا ً للعيد ألوان ج ّذابة وش ّرابات تُضفي عليها لمسة مفعمة بالمرح‬ .‫فضال ً عن أنماط وتطاريز تنضح أناقة‬ ،‫ لتفاجئي بها أحبّاءك بذوقك الرفيع‬Mango ‫اخترنا لك باقة من أجمل هدايا عالمة‬ ّ ‫والنظارات الشمسية الملفتة‬ ‫وهي تضم تشكيلة مبهرة من المجوهرات الراقية‬ .‫لألنظار وحقائب اليد المميّزة واألحذية الجميلة التي تمنح إطاللة تخطف األضواء‬

Cyprus - The Mediterranean all-year-round destination you’ve been looking for

Summer vacations are around the corner and you’re searching for a destination that will keep the whole family entertained. Look no further. Cyprus, the island nation in the Mediterranean, is fast becoming a hotspot for families from the GCC. Conveniently close with only a four hour flight from the GCC, the island offers mountains, beaches, archaeological ruins, fabulous food and nightlife, Cyprus will satisfy everyone’s dream holiday wish list. Read on for a scintillating Cyprus travel itinerary with something for everyone… Larnaka: The coastal city of Larnaka is a visitor’s first port of call for any Cypriot adventure. Built on the ruins of the ancient town of Kition, which dates back to 13th century BC, it’s the birthplace of the philosopher Zeno. Larnaka boasts many five-star properties and will not disappoint the luxury traveller. It offers several attractions such as a seafront lined with palm trees and historical structures such as the Church of Saint Lazarus, Kamares Aqueduct and Larnaka Castle. The 18th century mosque of Umm Haram, built to honour the prophet’s foster mother and perched on the banks of the Larnaka Salt Lake, is a treasure. Paphos: Located at a 1.5-hour drive from Larnaka, Paphos is said to be the birthplace of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Paphos has a formidable reputation – it’s on the UNESCO heritage list and was selected as a European Capital of Culture in 2017. Limassol: Finally, head back down to the coast, this time to the city of Limassol, the second largest city of Cyprus. Limassol contains some of the island’s best beaches, and this vibrant town has a thriving night life, as well as many historic structures for sightseeing. The ancient city of Kourion, located just outside Limassol, is also worth seeing, particularly to marvel at its mosaics. For more information about what to see and do in Cyprus, visit: www.visitcyprus.com or www.facebook.com/ visitcyprus.ar

Volkswagen Kuwait Welcomes Flagship Vehicle, the allnew Touareg and the seven-seater Teramont for the first time in Kuwait

Commenting on the launch of the two new vehicle models, Abdullah Ali, General Manager at Volkswagen Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company said, “We are excited to welcome the all-new Touareg model to Kuwait along with the first seven-seater Teramont, which underlines the continuous innovations that the brand has undertaken in order to provide our customers with increased technology, comfort and safety. We now have a full-SUV line up from the compact Tiguan SUV to the large Teramont.” The all-new Touareg & the Teramont models will be in Volkswagen showrooms throughout Ramadan. The completely redeveloped Touareg encompasses cutting-edge technologies, connectivity, comfort and a state-of-the-art infotainment system, pointing the way to the future. Volkswagen is presenting the fully digitalised Innovision Cockpit for the first time in the new Touareg. The digital cockpit consists of merging a high definition 15 inch touch screen to another 12.3 inch screen that replaces traditional analogue gauges, both which can be

fully personalized to the driver’s preferences. The Touareg provides the blueprint for tomorrow’s digital interior today. Volkswagen Kuwait also unveiled the first evert Teramont model to Kuwait. This seven-seater is considered Volkswagen’s boldest and most robust SUV ever and represents a new chapter in the Volkswagen story, that is crafted for the families’ everyday requirements and with a competitive price point. The functionality of the seven-seat layout was paramount in the Teramont’s development. An innovative 1-step folding mechanism for the second row seats offers room for effortless third row entry and exit, even with child seats in place, and does not compromise on space and comfort. Also, safety for families is priority in all Volkswagen vehicles, and passive safety features include the threepoint seatbelts for all seats, side-curtain head-protection airbags that cover all three rows, and a reinforced safety-cage construction. From front to back, all these technologies work together to help keep families safe.

2018 is a big date for Mido as this year marks its 100th anniversary. The brand wants everyone to join in the celebrations with #MyMidoBigDate, a large-scale interactive social media campaign. Whether a wedding, the birth of a child, a graduation, a special trip or a successful sporting feat, life is full of big dates and important events. From May 15th to September, Mido would like you to share your photos and videos of these unforgettable moments on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #MyMidoBigDate. Every week, one entry will win one of the new Commander Big Date models launched to commemorate Mido’s 100th anniversary. Fitted with an exclusive automatic movement with a big date aperture based on the Caliber 80, the Commander Big Date models are made for special occasions. Share your unforgettable moments To give its fans and followers the chance to join in its 100th anniversary celebrations, Mido is launching the #MyMidoBigDate interactive campaign. The brand would like everyone to share one of their life’s greatest moments on Facebook and Instagram. A wedding, birth, special trip, graduation, legendary concert or sporting victory? From May 15th to September 2018, you can share your unforgettable occasion on social media using the hashtag #MyMidoBigDate. It can be in any format – photo, video or animation. Since May 1st, influencers and friends of the brand have set the tone by sharing their own unforgettable moments. Every week, a participant in the #MyMidoBigDate campaign will win one of the Commander Big Date. www.cpmagazine.net



INJAZ Kuwait Celebrates its Partners in Success at its Ramadan Ghabga


In celebration of the Holy Month of Ramadan and its traditions of giving, INJAZ Kuwait organized a ghabga for its staff and partners in success. The event, held on Monday, May 28, 2018, brought together the organization’s volunteers and supporting entities in a familial setting at the Movenpick Hotel in Bedae. Guests enjoyed a magical night full of the customary Arabic hospitality and Ramadan spirit, set against a backdrop accompanied by traditional Eastern music. During the event, INJAZ Kuwait showed its appreciation and honoured many of its partners and volunteers who helped the organization throughout the years. Mrs. Laila Hilal Al-Mutairi, CEO of INJAZ Kuwait, hailed the efforts of staff and volunteers, commending them on their hard work. “INJAZ’s journey of success continues with your efforts and with the help of our esteemed partners, who have dedicated their time to develop and inspire the youth into becoming the visionary leaders of our future. We strive to build and maintain these relationships with our partners in success to empower the youth to fulfil their ambition towards a better economy, and to foster a culture of volunteering in this society,” she said.

2018 is the year of the FIFA World CupTM with Hublot as the official timekeeper. To mark this special moment Hublot is celebrating football with a powerful universal message on the values that drive a champion. Hublot counts legends including Pelé, Maradona, Jose Mourinho and Usain Bolt as friends and brand ambassadors. They embody success with their strong mind-set and inspiring performances. As champions they convey the message “How to become a champion!” The campaign is brought to life through 13 visuals of football legends combined with motivational quotes. With 30 days to go until the FIFA Wold Cup starts, legends like Pelé and Maradona share their thoughts on what made them into champions. This unique project brings together celebrities who were not expecting to meet each together – it is an Art of Fusion moment for which Hublot is known. “I believe that there is no finer accomplishment for a brand than to rally its friends and ambassadors around a project that conveys positive and inspiring values. The power of the portraits, the intensity of the words, and the charisma of the personalities all combine to make this a truly fine campaign. For us, football is first and foremost a magnificent means of communicating values and this campaign serves not only to pay tribute to the talents, to transmit the desire to play and the desire to achieve one’s dreams, but also to send a message of hope and solidarity. Images and quotes to look back on as often as necessary. So, let’s be champions!” Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO Hublot

Hublot Loves Football – the 2018 campaign Hublot loves football, all the values that the sport conveys and upholds. On the occasion of the FIFA World Cup 2018TM, Hublot is running a visual campaign with a strong message that celebrates the talent and the state of mind of champions. 13 personalities succinctly share the most inspiring quotes to inspire everyone to become a champion. Their words and positive messages full of dreams prove that we can all achieve success. The campaign unites players, coaches and legends who all share a love for football. The campaign features a team of 13 living legends including Pelé, Diego Maradona, coach José Mourinho and Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world and a football fan—, international referee Bjorn Kuipers, Swiss international Xherdan Shaqiri; footballing icons—David Trezeguet, Marcel Desailly and Alexei Smertin— , managers of the national teams playing at the FIFA World Cup 2018TM—Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia), Gareth Southgate (England), Julen Lopetegui (Spain), Didier Deschamps (France) and Hervé Renard (Morocco).


JUNE 2018

Iftar Meals Daily Throughout Ramadan in Ooredoo’s Tent

Keeping its yearly tradition of leading charitable and humanitarian initiatives, Ooredoo Kuwait started distributing Iftar meals to the needy, an initiative fully operated by members of its volunteer program for the fourth consecutive year. Members of the program this year, who exceeded 300, are distributing hundreds of meals in the company’s iftar tent opposite its head office in Kuwait City, and via a designated vehicle that goes to specific places to reach the biggest number of laborers and families in need, the initiative’s target audience. This annual initiative is in line with the company’s core vales of caring, connecting, and challenging. Through this initiative, Ooredoo aims to empower youth, a targetd segment of its corporate social responsility stragey, to support underserved communities, which is one of the main pillars of the company’s overall CSR philosophy. Commenting on this, Ooredoo Kuwait’s Corporate Communications Senior Director Mijbil Alayoub lauded the efforts of the participants in the volunteer program, thanking them for their dedication and commitment to charitable initiatves throughout the year and especially during the holy month of Ramadan. “We have been working with our volunteers for over four years now, and it is their passion and dedication that keep pushing us to do this year after year.” He also underscored the company’s commitment to involving staff from its different departments in those charitable initatives, which include aside from meal distribution several visits to care centres of the elderly, the orphanage, children with special needs, and hospital wards, to share the festive spirit of Ramadan.

‫تعاون مثمر بين شركة الحمراء ودار األيتام‬ ‫حملة "انشر الفرحة" تشهد دعما ً هائال‬



‫ عن اختتام حملة "انشر الفرحة"التي‬،‫ الرائدة في مجال اإلدارة والتطوير العقاري‬،‫ أعلنت شركة الحمراء العقارية‬: ً ‫ وتضمنت الحملة حفال‬.‫نظمتها بالشرا كة مع دار األيتام الذي تشرف على إدارته وزارة الشؤون االجتماعية والعمل‬ َّ ،‫ ومشاهير وسائل التواصل االجتماعي‬،‫ وشركات من القطاع الخاص‬، ‫حضرته شخصيات بارزة ومسؤولون حكوميون‬ .‫حيث شاركوا األطفال اليتامى في جو عائلي عبروا خالله عن حبهم وتضامنهم معهم‬ ‫ استضافت شركة الحمراء العقارية مؤخرا ً حفل غبقة حضره السيد يحيى الدخيل مدير إدارة‬،‫وبهذه المناسبة‬ ‫ وكبار المسؤولين من هيئة تشجيع االستثمار المباشر‬،‫الحضانة العائلية في وزارة الشؤون االجتماعية والعمل‬ ‫ والسفارة‬،‫ البلجيكية‬،‫ وممثلين عن السفارة األميركية‬،‫ ووزارة الشباب‬،‫والخطوط الوطنية وبنك برقان وشركة زين‬ ‫ عاما ً متعة األجواء‬15‫ و‬4 ‫ والسفارة األلمانية حيث شاركوا األطفال األيتام الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين‬،‫الفرنسية‬ .‫العائلية‬ ‫تهدف حملة " انشر الفرحة " إلى إضفاء جو من السعادة على وجوه األطفال والتعاطف مع هذه الفئة التي تحتاج‬ ‫ وتعزيز الوحدة الوطنية وتشجيعهم على التعبير عن أنفسهم فنيا ً وإلهامهم لتحقيق‬،‫الرعاية واالهتمام في المجتمع‬ ‫ كما تهدف شركة الحمراء العقارية إلى إضفاء أجواء إيجابية وذكريات جميلة‬،‫ من خالل مجموعة من األنشطة‬.‫ذاتهم‬ .‫لدى األطفال في هذا الشهر الفضيل‬ ،‫صمموا خاللها علب قرقيعان‬ ،‫وشهدت الحملة أيضا ً مشاركة من األطفال اليتامى الصغار في مسابقة رسم‬ َّ ‫ تم عرض رسوماتهم‬،‫ وتقديرا ً لمواهبهم‬.‫واستمتعوا بالعديد من الهدايا المبتكرة وشاركوا في أنشطة مسلية كثيرة‬ ‫ وتم بيع عدد محدود من علب القرقيعان‬،‫وعلبهم في مواقع مختلفة في برج الحمراء لألعمال ومجمع الحمراء الفاخر‬ ‫ على أن يذهب ريعها لتقديم الهدايا إلى األطفال وشراء ما يحتاجونه من مستلزمات‬،‫المز يّنة برسومات األطفال‬ ّ .‫ودعمهم في تنمية مهاراتهم الفنية‬ ‫ وبعثات‬،‫ ومنظمات الدولية‬،‫تلقت الحملة دعما ً هائال ً من جهات حكومية عدة‬ .‫ والجمهور‬، ‫ ومشاهير التواصل االجتماعي‬،‫ ووسائل اإلعالم‬،‫ ومنظمات األطفال‬،‫دبلوماسية‬ ‫ والذي ستواصل من‬،"‫تجدر اإلشارة إلى أن شركة الحمراء العقارية تبدي التزامها التام ببرنامجها " تمكين الشباب‬ ‫خالله دعمها لهم واالستثمار في أنشطة الشباب التي تساعد في بناء مجتمع شامل وديناميكي وغني ثقافيا ً يعكس‬ .‫ ويشجع األفراد على الحياة االيجابية‬،‫أصالة التراث الكويتي‬

Jazeera Airways announces start of flights from new dedicated terminal on May 22

Jazeera Airways, Kuwait's leading low-cost airline, operating regionally and internationally, officially inaugurated the Jazeera terminal (T5) at the Kuwait International Airport, announcing that it will start welcoming passengers through the terminal starting Tuesday, May 22. The inauguration was announced in an event held at the terminal on Sunday, May 20, and attended by officials from the Kuwait Directorate for Civil Aviation, government entities, partners, travel agents and press. The airline announced that all flights arriving to Kuwait on Tuesday, May 22, from 12:00pm will arrive at the Jazeera terminal while departing flights will gradually be routed to the Jazeera terminal starting Tuesday. All departing flights will be fully served from the new terminal starting Sunday, May 27. Speaking at the event, Jazeera Airways Chairman, Marwan Boodai, said: “We are very excited to welcome our first passengers on Tuesday. The new terminal was designed to facilitate their journey and provide them with a seamless travel experience thanks to a capacity exceeding 2.5 million passengers annually and state-of-the-art facilities that offer passengers advanced self-service check-in alternatives, a modern design to ease the flow of passengers, retail offerings, lots of parking spaces, and most importantly, a quick and simple 90-meter journey from parking to boarding. Our fast-paced travelers no longer have to worry about traffic at the airport”

Ulysse Nardin has chosen Farfetch.com for its first online launch, and presents a special edition of the blue Marine Torpilleur, exclusively available on the website of the international online luxury retailer. This new piece, with a subtly crafted dial, joins the ranks of the popular Marine Torpilleur that was launched in 2017 and is initially available in two more classic versions: a white dial with black indexes and a blue dial with white indexes. On the FARFETCH MARINE TORPILLEUR, you will find layered pink gold coloring. Sober and elegant, it gives a more refined look to the piece overall, accentuating the contrast with the 42 mm steel case. The pink gold brings out the dial’s shimmering, iconic blue. In the same vein, the pear-shaped hands are no longer rhodiumized, but pink gold colored. The power reserve indicator at 12 o’clock is no longer in vermeil red, but also made of pink gold, as is the case for the date of the Le Locle Manufacture’s creation, 1846. The indexes have a small additional touch: the immaculate white has been discreetly transformed into light gray, to soften the dial’s overall look. This new FARFETCH MARINE TORPILLEUR, available with a leather, steel or rubber strap, completes a collection which is already a best-seller. This new addition to the permanent collection, only available online, now forms part of the troop of Torpilleurs. Women will also have their own new product available on Farfetch.com as the CLASSICO JADE, in the red version launched at SIHH 2018, is now available without the diamond-set bezel. It comes with a satin strap for formal version, or with an alligator leather strap, for a more day-to-day look. “Expect more launches in the future,” stated Patrick Pruniaux, CEO of Ulysse Nardin since September 2017. “We’re delighted to launch Ulysse Nardin on Farfetch.com,” continued Mr. Pruniaux. “We’re showing our ca-pacity to adapt to the changing era. It’s the first time that Ulysse Nardin has taken part in e-commerce on a global level.” The blue-anchored brand will be online on Farfetch. com from Monday April 23, 2018, with a collection of more than 45 pieces, including the FARFETCH MARINE TORPILLEUR and the red CLASSICO JADE with a mother-of-pearl-set dial. www.cpmagazine.net





1. How many people (at early 2000s) have walked on the moon: 3, 12,




21, or 37?


2. The word succumb means to be; Overjoyed, Overcome, Overlooked, or Oversized?








3. Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaskan and Samoa are five of a total nine US: Major highways, Basketball leagues, Timezones, or Lions?


4. Tallow, Beeswax, Spermaceti, and Paraffin are traditionally used in making: Paint, Contraceptives, Candles, or Pasta?


5. The famous self-styled anarchist web-hacking group founded in






2003 is called: Mysterious, Incredulous, Anonymous, or Delirious?


6. Name the controversial detention camp established in 2002 by the USA in Cuba?


7. Often suggested as an English national anthem, William Blake's 1804 poem set to Hubert Parry's music is: Copenhagen, Jerusalem, Casablanca, or St Petersburg?


8. Oxygen is a: Conductor, Insulator, Solvent, or Surfactant?


9. A tenth divided by a fifth is a: Tenth, Fifth, Fiftieth, or Half?

"No, gentlemen, you have had your sleep, but I have not slept for two nights," replied the doctor, and he sat down morosely beside his wife, waiting for the game to end. In this sentence, morosely means:

Slinky, Stinky Pete, or Pingu?

10. Which one of these is not a Toy Story movie character: Woody,


with good will and the utmost sincerity


in a sullen, moody manner


in a set manner without serious attention


with concise and precise brevity; to the point

11. Fleckerl, Natural Turn, Chasse, and New York are: Muffins, Cocktails, Dance steps, or Homeopathic brands?

12. Chesterfield, Ottoman, Tallboy, and Cheval are: Furniture: Sailing ships: Australian cities: or Dog breeds?

13. Martini, Rossini, Mojito, and Sazerac are: Composers, New York City districts, or Cocktails?

14. Clipper, Brigantine, Corvette, and Schooner are: Sports cars, Drinking glasses, Card games, or Sailing ships?

15. The French dish called fricandeau contains (what?) in a stew: Mussels, Veal/Meat, Chickpeas, or Chocolate?

Morose means gloomy or in a bad mood, so whenever the adverb morosely describes your actions, you're not feeling very cheerful. There is an element of crankiness in the word morosely, which you can even see it its Latin root, morosus, which means "peevish". So when you do something morosely, you're not just sad, but you're making sure everyone knows how you're feeling.

c. When you do something morosely, you do it in a sullen, moody way. When you sit on the couch, sighing and looking sad because you didn't get invited to your friend's party, you are sitting there morosely.

16. Pegassi Zentorno is an: Italian soup, Estonian for 'Hello', Racing snail, or Sports Car in 'Grand Theft Auto'?


CLASS ATTENDANCE Tom was not at school on Saturday last. He was first absent for four days before that. Today is Monday, the 31st of October. When was Tom first absent? Give the day and date.

19. Mixing yellow and blue paint produces: Orange, Green, Red, or 20. Based on Greek legend, a constant uncontrollable threat,


D. Thursday, Oct. 27

especially to a safe/desirable situation, is called The Sword of: Hades, Damocles, Hermes, or Aphrodite? Car in 'Grand Theft Auto', 17.Music/dance, 18.Mexican volcanoes, 19.Green, 20.Damocles

C. Wednesday, Oct. 26

1.12, 2.Overcome (or to give in to something, or submit or die or be defeated), 3.Timezones, 4.Candles (Spermaceti is a waxy fat from the sperm whale; tallow is derived from animal fat), 5.Anonymous, 6.Guantanamo Bay, 7.Jerusalem, 8.Insulator, 9.Half (to divide a fraction by a fraction, invert the second fraction and multiply, ie, 1/10 x 5/1 = 5/10 = 1/2), 10.Pingu, 11.Dance steps, 12.Furniture (a cheval is a full length floorstanding mirror), 13.Cocktails, 14.Sailing ships, 15.Veal/Meat (the term also refers to sliced veal), 16.Sports

B. Tuesday, Oct. 25

ANSWERS: B. Tuesday, Oct. 25 JUNE 2018

18. Popocatepetl, Pico de Orizaba, and Iztaccihuatl are: Barcelona cathedrals, Mexican volcanoes, Cuban dictators, or The National Flowers of India? White?

A. Monday, Oct. 24


17. Bachata is a type of (What?) from the Dominican Republic: Music/ dance, Hairstyle, Unlevened bread, or Banana sculpture?





(March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)

(November 22 - December)

Friends and fun close to home may appeal to you during the June 13 new moon. Why sit in traffic when you can have as good a time nearby? Concentrate on having fun with easygoing people. On the twenty-sixth, Mars turns retrograde in Aquarius. Take time to think, and don't be in a rush about anything. Keep passions under control, and give patience and good manners more of a chance. The full moon on June 27 shines directly on your career path and social standing. If confronted with unreasonable demands or opinions, be patient and firm. There are people who depend on your solid good sense and performance.

Indulge your inner social butterfly while the moon is new on June 13. There may not be a lot of deep conversations, but that's fine. Go for the casual, cordial, flirty encounters, and have a lot of fun. The sun enters Cancer and summer begins on the twenty-first. Show your best side, especially to friends and family. For the full moon on June 27, pick one or two concerns at the day job, and don't allow yourself to be swamped with other requests. Take your time, be methodical, and don't be rushed. The results will speak for themselves. Your accomplishments won't be denied.

On June 1, fondness and charitable feelings run deep and wide when Venus trines Jupiter. Remember, generosity doesn't have to turn competitive. Romantic sparks may fill the air during the new moon on the thirteenth. Meet a smooth fast-talker or a great dancer who has all your favorite moves. You deserve a partner who can keep up with you. The full moon on June 27 makes it easy for you to unload what you no longer want - and maybe score a couple of new possessions that you love and appreciate. A sudden source of money could appear. Appreciate that, too.




(April 20 - May 20)

(August 23 - September)

(December 22 - January 19)

Life gets cushy and more luxurious with the Venus-Neptune trine on June 2. Love what you're doing, and don't spend everything at once. Look for a financial gain or cash windfall when the moon is new on the thirteenth. Be prudent and suspicious if an offer seems too good to be true, but don't hesitate if the opportunity looks solid. The full moon on June 27 could get complicated, but that's exactly what you want now. There will be more options to choose from, be it clothes, food, entertainments, opinions, or beliefs. Take the time to enjoy the wide variety presented now.

On June 5, the sun conjoins Mercury in Gemini. Your intuition is sharp, and your interest in the world is great. See what you can see. Career is highlighted during the new moon on the thirteenth. It might be a good time for a major change or several minor adjustments.Be flexible and reasonable, and listen as much as you talk. Work and play might overlap when the moon is full on June 27. Get serious about a personal passion, and get enthusiastic about a task that needs to be done. Feel good about all your progress and know that things will be completed when the time is right.

Is there a new kitten or puppy in your life? If not, the June 13 new moon could make the idea tempting. Or maybe it's orchids, houseplants, or a corner of your garden? Add a bit of new life to your environment. Raise your standards - and expectations - in love and romance when the full moon conjoins Saturn on the twenty-seventh. Responsible, mature behavior is not too much to ask of a partner. You deserve it. The sun opposes Saturn that day, too. A tug of war over authority could happen, especially at home. Be reasonable and willing to listen, but stand firm about what matters most.




(May 21 - June 20)

(September 23 - October)

(January 20 - February 18)

Mercury enters Cancer on June 12, and thoughts turn to home, domestic concerns, and finishing an important lingering project. Do what you can and then relax. On the thirteenth, the new moon shows you better ways to project your skills and talents. It will be easier for the world to find you now. You could also discover a new way to promote a favorite cause. The full moon on June 27 could show you a way to work through a complicated situation. A last-minute development could provide an opening that lets you spring into action. Pay attention and be willing to do something unconventional.

On June 5, Venus opposes Pluto. If a love interest goes sideways or takes a walk on the wild side, you don't have to go, too. Your mind could be all over the map when the moon is new on the thirteenth. Get curious about everything, and don't expect to get too deep into any one thing. The world is wide. Sample widely. Carve out extra home time if you can at the full moon on June 27. You're motivated to finish up some tasks around the house that have been tugging at you for a while. A social obligation might compete with this, however.

The moon-Uranus conjunction on June 10 gives you the advantage of surprise if you need it. So long as you're not reckless, you can probably succeed. For the new moon on the thirteenth, indulge in a personal passion that perhaps has been neglected or overlooked for a long time. If no one shares your passion, so much the better. The full moon on June 27 encourages a more active private and internal life. Rather than overbooking yourself, get centered and serious about quality private time. A long-time friend or mentor may have important things to say, or you could remember something valuable and timely.




(June 21 - July 22)

(October 23 - November)

(February 19 - March 20)

A lot of unexpected ideas and thoughts may come and go with the new moon on June 13. Give yourself time and glance at them all. The more interesting and worthwhile thoughts will return. Keep an open mind. On the twenty-first, the sun enters Cancer and summer begins. Quality time with friends and family has a higher priority now. Reconnect and replenish the love. An imperfect romantic partner may shape up with the June 27 full moon. A frivolous or silly relationship wrinkle could straighten out now. If you're looking for love, it could find you now and bring you a simplified, sweeter love life.

Resolve several minor annoyances during the new moon on June 13. Most may not directly affect you. You might not even notice a few issues until you've taken care of them. This can make the next few weeks go much more smoothly. On the twenty-sixth, Mars turns retrograde and won't be direct again until August 27. There's plenty of time to slow down and do something with greater precision and care. Be the adult in the room at the June 27 full moon. You'll still have plenty of fun, perhaps more than usual. Do something new that you just might want to do again.

Take time for family and home concerns around the new moon on June 13. Relax, drink tea, eat that snack, and chat on the phone. Neptune turns retrograde on the eighteenth and remains so until November 24. Life can be just as sweet and romantic without so many fantasies and idealistic expectations. Social life picks up with the full moon on June 27. You may not be swept away by the partying crowd, and you may not be the center of attention, but you will be noticed and heard. Let others dance and prance. Have fun, but there's no need to get hyper about it.



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