TPDW 2017-18 - 08 Glue

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- Galleries and Landscape urban experience art as urban retraining and opportunity for the city

Iacopo Neri

Niccolò Battilana

Siavash Rashidi




Analysis The choice to use Art as a mean to reach an improvement of the situation in a peripheral area of the city was given to us by the realities of urban retraining yet present in the East side of Milan: Lambrate, Ortica Viale Morosini and viale Mecenate. Moreover Milan is a metropolis made up by a profitable artistic circuit composed by 112 exhibition venues and significant annual events - MiArt or Fuorisalone e.g.- referred to art, design and fashion that attract every year thousands of tourists. As consequence of this art circuit there’s a constantly increasing demand for new exhibition spaces and a consequent rent rise in the City centre. In fact, analyzing the growth of the FuoriSalone for example, we saw a tendency to extend the edges of this world to the peripheral areas - Ripamonti with Prada Foundation, Porta Genova with the design District, Lambrate with the Ventura art district and Mecenate with the Gucci Hub exploiting the dismissed area of the suburbs. However comparing with the other big metropolis Milan shows a lack in big open spaces near the city that could be used for artistic exhibitions and events. This fact is also demonstrated by a not solid circuit relative to artistic practices that concerns a strictly relashionship with the environment, as installation art, environmental art, land art and sustainable art. All this range of art have specific needs not necessary common in a metropolitan texture. Therefore we see Grande Parco Forlanini as a big chance for Milan to increase its Art system, thanks to its variegated mix of architectural and natural qualities. Moreover its attractive potentiality is enhnce by its strategic position: in fact, it’s firstly right between the Linate airport and the city centre; between the Ventura art district and the Mecenate Art District; starting - hopefully - from 2020 it will be crossed by the next MM4 with two stations in the western part and finally it will be the natural link between Milan and the next biggest mall in Europe - Westfield Mall - in Segrate.


Design Orme Ortica

Blu at Lambrate station

Millo at via morosini

Gucci Hub





Fuorisalone 2009

Fuorisalone 2012

Fuorisalone 2014

esposizioni _ 580 percorsi _ na

esposizioni _ 946 percorsi _ 7

esposizioni _ 987 percorsi _ 12

Fuorisalone 2015

Fuorisalone 2016

Fuorisalone 2017

esposizioni _ 1258 percorsi _ 15

esposizioni _ 1149 percorsi _ 11

esposizioni _ 1498 percorsi _ 13




However the park was never been considered as an unicum until few years ago and the area doesn’t show an unique identity but instead it seems more to be a not homogeneous compound of FRAGMENTS. Yet the premise to have a change from an artistic point of view is to have a system capable of welcoming it and promoting its development that appear difficult with the current fragmented system. So our project consists in developing a method that could allow a dialog between the sundry fragments already present and lay a direction for future changes. Therefore the first step for the analysis of the site was to understand the architectural and environmental qualities present in the current situation of the park. Overlaying to this preliminary picture of the grande Grande Parco Forlanini a land use map we defined a fragments map which was the basis for our work.





Two vision, one project Once the analysis has been conducted a double target concept has emerged. The GLue project, in fact, becomes the result of two complementary visions: the former is the creation of a open air museum park, made by 8 environmental rooms grouped in 4 exhibitions; the latter is to consider the park as a glue to grip the fragment together throught the implementation of a toolbox of interventions at the edges where they meet and specific area treatments – called special glues – where more attention is needed, due to the fragments’s high artistic potential. The summation of these two visions finally will determine the roadmap of interventions needed to realize the entire experience. The former vision is the idea to apply the logic of a museum to a park. So as in a museum the design of the rooms have to be able to host art pieces, and at the same time can be a catalizer of inspiration for the artist to create artworks capable to dialogue with them, we identify 8 different landscapes with peculiar environmental qualities that we set to be the park rooms. Indeed once recognised their spatial potential, we developed site specific interventions to enhance their suggestive attitude. In this way the succession of landscapes becomes the first level of the artistic experience offered by the park: an ever changing sequence of natural scenarios. In the park as glue vision, the park is set as an naturalistic glue capable to connects the numerous fragments present in the site. In this way we defined a matrix of interventions that we present as a toolbox of systematic connection gimmicks where the park comes in contact with the fragments, defining the borders of it. We divided these borders into two categories: the wall and the fence. The former is an opaque element that we treat as a canvas while the latter is a porous infrastructure with whom we play. The toolbox will reflect the thematics of the exhibitions empowering the requested scenographies and involving phisically the fragments beyond. Further more we take the chance of this instrument to put the base for the refinement of the infrastructures needed to guarantee the ever changing landscape experience, introducing thw path as an element of this matrix. During the preliminar analysis of the current situation of the site, we find some fragments with peculiar properties capable to be converted in new golden fragment that will increase the artistic experience with unique attraction in the park. Therefore those ones require a site specific area intervention defined special glue in order to empower its dialogue with the park.


the park as a museum

the roadmap

the park as a glue

The open Air Museum

4 thematic Exhibitions

activation of the 4 checkpoints

8 environmental rooms

toolbox refinement of the limits and of the path

work on the limits of the glue

construction of the special glues

Golden fragments need special glues

The repaired situation









Fields in the City

Fields in the City is an environmental room that is characterized by the strong contrast present between the metropolitan fabric and the vastness of the agricultural fields. From this opposition, iconic elements are standing out thanks to their strong verticality and that spontaneously create unconventional scenographies for art installations, even of big dimensions. Moreover, we prepare the rooms to host the art pieces inside the gasometer and on the facades of the Ligresti towers while we propose to remove the trees within the fields in order to maximize their visibility.


Current situation

wheat locust maple

promenade usability art position 15



The Underpassage

The Underpassage was born as retraining tool of the area underneath the A51 Tangenziale Est di Milano. What is now a degraded underused space sorrounded by concrete fence is instead a particularly interesting zone from an architectural point of view. Indeed, the overground structure constitutes a covered space with a strong directionality that rarely we experience. In order to host artistic installation we design an intervention that would allow the creation of a technical roof hooked to the lower part of the freeway’s slab. This new solution will create a dynamic and versatile infrastructure for the temporary suspension of art pieces and partitions for open/close spaces. Moreover, in order to guarantee an adequate usability of the room we forecast the demolition of the concrete fences and the resettlement of the terrain, by paving the floor of the covered portions.


Current situation


promenade usability art position 17



The forest

Starting from the perimetric treatment of the paths that extend from the Tangenziale A51 to the Lambro, we glimpsed the possibility to create a Forest. Indeed, tall stem trees are present at the borders of such connections that create a strong feeling of spatial compression. Our intervention aims to extend this quality to the whole area with the consequent removal of the current barriers towards the possibility of internal free circulation. Conceptually the Forest converts the concrete roof of the Underpassage in a moreporous green roof of tree’s crowns and becomes a strong rupture from the previous room, establishing the entrance in a more naturalistic landscape. The Art pieces now are the trees itselves involving the artist to imagine new ways to play with - on and between them.


Current situation

cedar pine elm hackberry

promenade usability art position 19



The Lambro

Starting from the importance that the Lambro river represents for the Lombardia’s territory and the rarity of having such a naturally dynamic element within the park, it has been fundamental for us to recognize its environmental qualities so to fully enjoy them. Actually our intervention foresee the demolition of the “protective� back of the river and the realization of an outflow area slightly in decline in order to establish a not just visual relationship with the park but rather a meeting between ecosystems. In this context it becomes crucial for the installations to relate with the wetland vegetation and the vigorous nature of the river.


Current situation

shrub weeping willow leylandii locust

promenade usability art position 21



Romantic Park

For what concerns the Romantic Park, we are conscious of the current strong citizen use of the park and of its wide variety of tree species so our action is extremely light: basically assisting the extension of these environmental qualities beyond the current limits. In fact, these conditions can be found in a flat and -sometimes- hilly terrain where a smooth opposition appears between grass areas and thickets of trees. The artist is called to play hide and seek with this manifold context, caching or exhibiting his installations.


Current situation

cedar locust elm hackberry

promenade usability art position 23



Salesina Pond

The Salesina Pond is a an environmental room in which is possible to admire suggestive relations between the mirror of water and the florid vegetation that frames it. Altought the conditions of its water are not at their best so we suggest a phytoremediation treatment through the implementation of plants such as Ranunculus Aquatilis on the bottom of the lake and Nimphea Alba or Eichorna Crassipes on the level of the water to fight pollution. The artistic installations will have the challenge to dialogue with the quiet of the pond and its scenic features, better if assisting its healing.


Current situation

weeping willow leylandii locust maple

promenade usability art position 25



Canvas of flowers

The Canvas of Flowers is a room characterized by a nearly total presence of agricultural fields in which the perception of the city has almost disappeared thanks to a strong line of vegetation at its boundary. Our interventio will foresee the refinement of this naturalistic frame through the planting of Poplars in the lacking portions as well as the involvement of the farmers within the GLue project. In fact, in this room the art piece is the agricultural field itself as we imagine it to become a canvas for the artist to paint through the colors of nature.


Current situation

wheat sunflower lavender poplar

promenade usability art position 27




Novegro represents a uniqueness inside the system and a challenge to integrate a small city within a greater park. Compared to the other rooms, Novegro offers a morphology based on a regular grid of streets with urban vegetation on the sides that creates rigid scenographies between a mix of buildings that ranges from residential to industrial. Our intervention tries to amplify the vegetation by conquering the unused spaces of the car deposits and the exteriors of the companies properties. Furthermore the art pieces will be present inside and outside this properties along the road.


Current situation

leylandii locust

promenade usability art position 29




interactive canvas


interactive canvas




interactive canvas murales

ivy interactive canvas





Art and Nature





The Art and Nature exhibition is based on the coexistence of the urban metropolitan fabric and the agricultural fields. This exhibition aims to keep unchanged this ratio between artificial and organic but exploiting it to create a unique atmosphere that could work as scenography for temporary urban installation art pieces. The Art and Nature exhibition gathers the Fields in the City and the Underpassage rooms by virtue of their intrinsic urban flavour and the visible presence of iconic architectures – Gasometer, Ligresti’s Towers, Tangenziale - that share a remarkable extension in verticality.

Installation Art movement Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that often are sitespecific and designed to transform the perception of a space. Generally, the term is applied to interior spaces, whereas exterior interventions are often called public art. The genre incorporates a broad range of everyday and natural materials, which are often chosen for their “evocative” qualities. Many installations are site-specific in that they are designed to exist only in the space for which they were created, appealing to qualities evident in a three-dimensional immersive medium. In this kind of art there is a strong parallel between installation and theater: both play to a viewer who is expected to be at once immersed in the sensory/narrative experience that surrounds him and maintain a degree of self-identity as a viewer. The traditional theater-goer does not forget that he has come in from outside to sit and take in a created experience; a trademark of installation art has been the curious and eager viewer, still aware that he is in an exhibition setting and tentatively exploring the novel universe of the installation. That one operates fully within the realm of sensory perception, in a sense “installing” the viewer into an artificial system with an appeal to his subjective perception as its ultimate goal.



interactive canvas


Checkpoint: Cascina Sant’ambrogio (Cascinet) Activation: one room of the cascina became a showroom in which

it will be showed the entire vision for the park and a photographic gallery of the linear intervention and the artistic installations.

In this case we identify as sector checkpoint the Cascina Sant’Ambrogio, an old cascina characterised by an original Roman architecture. Located in the middle of via Cavriana its rural flavor strongly contrast with the MM4 prefabricated boxes and the a2a structure. Inside the Roman cascina will be stage a specific space for a visual documentary exposition concerning the artistic development of the area.


Interactive wall

Bramble line

Directional lights Information bubbles 35



Art in Nature





The Art in Nature exhibition it is outlined for a variegated mix of environmental elements in a bounded area between the Tangenziale Est and a wide agricoltural fields land. The purpose of the exhibition is to recognize all the different landscapes currently present and to even enhance their natural properties stimulating their intrinsic suggestiveness and offering a wide range of locations for environmental artists. Already fully of human practisces that during the changes of the season succeed each others, the Art in Nature exhibition in addition to them provide also a series of partecipating events suitable to conjugate the arts and the nature and a . The rooms that take part to this exhibition are the ones characterized by their iconic natural elements: the Forest, the Lambro, the Romantic Park and finally the Salesina Pond. Environmental Art Environmental art movement is a range of artistic practices encompassing both historical approaches to nature in art and more recent types of works with ecological and political issues. Environmental art has evolved away from formal interests and it uses natural elements as sculptural materials, focusing on the deeper relationship of systems, processes and phenomena in relationship to social concerns. The tendency to integrate social and ecological approaches developed as an ethical, restorative attitude in this art emerged in the ‘90s of the XX century. Meanwhile over the past ten years environmental art has become a focal point of exhibitions around the world as the social and cultural aspects of climate change come to the forefront. The term “environmental art” often encompasses “ecological” concerns and it refers to an art production with consideration for the wider impact of the works and its reception in relationship to its environments (social, economic, biophysical, historical, and cultural). Although that practice was born in directly connection with the nature, during the years it enlarge its range of landscape/environmental conditions, moving from the rural, to the suburban and urban as well as urban/rural industrial.



interactive canvas


Checkpoint: Cascina Taverna The setted checkpoint for this sector is the Cascina Taverna, an abandoned old Milanese cascina located almost in the centre of the exhibition. Once restored it will become partially a Lab space for thematic Art and Nature workshops for families and in part a visual and multimedia gallery for the environmental installation displaced around the rooms.


Interactive wall

Bramble line

Directional lights Information bubbles 39



Art as Nature





The theme of the third exhibition of the park is the Art as Nature. This sector of the museum has its own origin in recognizing the colours, the sounds, the odors and the seasonal climatic changes of the nature as a piece of art by it-self. This exhibition is made by just one room that is the Canvas of Flower and thanks to its proximity to the Linate airport give the unique chance to create a piece of land art easily visible from who is coming in or leaving Milan. In this case the room become the canvas for the land artists who are invited to play with the agricultural elements in order to create an artwork with two possible levels of reading: one from the human view and one from the plane. Land Art Land Art is an art movement that emerged in the second half of the XX century, mainly associated with the United States and the idea of vast space, and strongly influenced by minimal and conceptual art. Born as progressive art, it expanded the boundaries of art by re-thinking the materials used and the chose of the works sites. In fact, in the 1960s and 1970s land art protested “ruthless commercialization� of art in America. During this period, exponents of land art rejected the museums or galleries as the setting of artistic activity and developed monumental landscape projects which were beyond the reach of traditional transportable sculpture and the commercial art market. Therefore a photographic documentation of the art piece was often presented in normal gallery spaces in order to give the chance to reach a wider audience. The art movement coincided with the popularity of the rejection of urban living and its counterpart, an enthusiasm for that which is rural. Therefore the two characteristic features of this artistic practice are the use of the materials of the Earth (including for instance the soil, the rocks, the vegetation and the water found on-site) and the choice to site the works distant from population centers.



interactive canvas


Site: Dismissed factory on Viale Forlanini The selected chackpoint for this exhibition is the dismissed shed factory at the end of viale Forlanini which powerfully emerges from the agricoltural fields. Based on its big dimensions and its architectural qualities and the proximity to the Linate airport, the structure will become a “Slow Food Mall� divided into three sections: a foodstore of Italian and in particular Lombardian specialties; a showroom which collect the multimedia relatives to the land art pieces made in the exhibition and finally an open space for gastronomic events.


Ivy wall

Functional canal

Luminescent light Sigthseeing benches 43



Art for Nature





The Art for Nature exhibition becomes a solo exposition for the room of Novegro due to its strong peculiarity within the system of the park. The topics that we propose are the ones of the Sustainble Art movement that promotes the research around ecofriendly methods of artistic creation and that we expect it to have the positive power to bring Novegro to a bright productive green-future.

Sustainable Art movement Sustainable art is a recent artistic practice which is identifies for being in harmony with the key principles of sustainability, which include ecology, social justice, non-violence and grassroots democracy. Initially part of the Environmental art, the movement started to be considered an independent branch in the 1990s when critics recognized its own artistic peculiarities. In fact, this art genre seeks to preserve, remediate and/or vitalize the life forms, resources and ecology of Earth. The artworks of this practice have the goals to reclaim or restore polluted and disrupted environments and share information about environmental injustice and ecological problems such as water and soil pollution and health hazards through education. The art pieces are often made by waste material in order to not produce new elements but on the contrary to re-use what the society throw away. Other works instead employ natural materials or engage with environmental forces such as wind, water, or sunlight. Finally the main singularity of the Sustainable art concern the practitioners. In fact they include not only artists, but also scientists, philosophers, designers and activists who often collaborate on restoration, remediation and public awareness projects.


teractive canvas


Checkpoint: Ex CTO factory of Novegro (civic 20) The building chosen for this exhibitions is the dismissed factory of the CTO logisitc services in via di Novegro. The structure will become a space for workshops and seminars for digital fabrication and ecofriendly design.


Carbon-eater vegetal wall

Bike rack fence

Solar lights Activities wayfinding 47


Golden Fragments




Cantiere M4

The area is used as dormitory and logistics for the workers of the close MM4 Forlanini stops. It is composed by fifteen two-floors prefabricated living boxes with multiple rooms and a steel skin. The ground is made of concrete and services and furnitures are already infrastructured on site.


Fragment area: 18.500 m2 Fragment covered area: 4.600 m2

at ga e lllier res eie r i l i r e es atlle ga 4

Special glue area: 7.200 m2



Once the works for the Metro line are finished, the MM4 company will not dismantle the prefabricated boxes or remove the concrete slab. As counterpart, the company will donate the dormitories and the relative infrastructure to the Municipality of Milan. After that, the Municipality will open a call for young artists -under 30- to dwell the rooms for free for 2 years.

in the city lds Fie

Based on the architectural qualities given by the prefab boxes - small single rooms - and the presence of infrastructured services, we suggest to transform the area in an exhibition fair in which the artists are invited to transform the old workers room as their personal showrooms and ateliers. Therefore the proposed Cantiere M4 will host periodical activities, we place it side by side with a 24h lived area. We suggest to transform part of the concrete area which faces the future route that connects with the MM4 station into a skate park. The new function is based on the showmanship of the skateboarding practise and its urban culture belongness. We suggest also to use the waste material of the MM4 for the accomplishment of the skatepark tools.

end of the first cycle Start of the second accomplishment of cycle open call to young the MM4 and consequent start of the under30 artists work for skate p. inauguration of the Cantiere M4 it opens the skate park 73

Skatepark 50




2018 500







Golden Fragments

Music Festival Area

The area is currently a wastes and construction equipment deposit of the MM4 company. It is defined by two entrances facing Viale Forlanini. The ground is mix of debris, soil, dirt and gravel.

Fragment area: 47.600 m2 Fragment covered area: 0 m2 Special glue area: 35.100 m2


ck ’n

Once the works for the Metro line are finished, the MM4 company will have the responsability to remove the equipment and clean and heal the area. After that, the Municipality will rent the site for a 20 years festival concession plus camping, as long as the terrain will be restore to grass and the apple orchard will be planted.

Based on the wide dimensions and the complet absence of valuable constructions to whom establish a dialogue, it was spontaneous for us to direct the attention towards the city of Milan, even more thanks to the close new metro stop Forlanini Neighbourhood. Said so, the scarce quality of the soil and the strategical position suggested the solution to use the area as a Musical Festival space that could serve the whole city.

public entrance


In order to dialogue with the sorroundings, the special glue is designed to be a apple orchard that will serve as a camping during the festival events. The apple tree has been chosen thanks to its relatively short height and fruit tree nature to allow the vision of the “scenographies� from the audience while preserving the agricultural flavour of the exposition.

service entrance

public call for renters

the camping now works a side insaccomplishment of frastructure of the the MM4 and confestival sequent cleaning of the area first festival takes place without camping beginning of the planting

Skatepark 50



2018 500







Golden Fragments

Corelli Creative Market

The area consists in abandoned buildings distribuited in two facing lots where the presence of the green is strongly important with therepresents the 75% of the soil. The buildings are mixed nature, military and industrial, nevertheless they are composed by big covered open spaces.

Fragment area: 57.500 m2 Fragment covered area: 15.500 m2




Special glue area: 26.500 m2

Fo no After buying the three industrial private buildings, the municipality will rent the site to art associations and art professionals at a underrated price for a 9 + 9 year multifuntion concession. This will happen as long as the renters will organise and manage a free to use urban orchard in the designated area.




Taking advantage of the rising hipster milanese culture and based on the peculiarity of every single building swallowed in the trees, we foresee the possibility for this area to become a creative market where events can be arranged and creative professionals can place their studio.

Un de r pa ss a ge

The Special Glue is imagined as a complementary tool to retrain the scarse condition of the urban fabric by introducing a free urban orchard. Moreover, we want to increase the number of users in the area while offering a chance to citizens to cultivate their own food in the city and stimulate the zerokilometer food culture.

inauguration of the CCN

in lds Fie

beginning of the architectural restorations

the city

public call for renters

2018 50




2019 2020

activation of the urban orchard start of the sp. glue transformation





Golden Fragments

Atelier Forte

The history of this fragment goes back in time to the 19th when it saw the establishment of a small industrial settlement that was producing energy out of the river. Throughout the years the ancient architectural quality has survived and now hosts small craft activities and the studio of an artist, Duilio Forte.

Fragment area: 18.700 m2 Fragment covered area: 6.600 m2 Special glue area: 5.200 m2 38

Fo re st

As the only artistic soul present on site, we suggest Duilio Forte to participate in the construction of the GLue project by assisting in the promotion and providing help and artifacts for the exhibition. The municipality will enlarge the riverside and create a beach, a peculiar attraction in front of his studio.

By virtue of the new artistic implementation of the GLue, we ask the complex to open the gates so to obtain the opportunity to integrate the Atelier Forte and the sorrounding area within the park’s paths. This spaces will host Duilio Forte’s art pieces consituting a permanent solo exposition within the park and further empowering the “scenography” that can be seen from the beach, on the other side of the Lambro river. The beach represents an unique opportunity to live the Lambro river with summer events and suggestive winter atmospheres and a motivation for the users of the recreative sorrounding fragments to enter the park throught the extension of via corelli. It also works as way to raise concerns about the river’s health. open gates of the fragment

br m La


beginning of the work for the bridge

2018 50



2019 2020 500

start of the river’s back removal operation the Beach is now fully enjoyable




Golden Fragments

Museum Village

The fragment is mainly exploited as a car deposit and car retail seller. It presents several dismissed buildings, earlier part of a logistics network. The ground is asphalt and the whole complex is sorrounded by 3 m tall walls.

Fragment area: 40.600 m2 Fragment covered area: 20.900 m2 Special glue area: 22.300 m2

Lambro Thanks to the proximity of the checkpoint, we forecast a particular attention on the walls - sorrounding the fragment - for interactive participatory activities. This will progressively raise interest about the buildings behind and their architectural quality. The municipality will give bonus concession to build extra volume for an art foundation or a museum village as long as the buyers will work on the river side and construct a wetland.

st re o F

ark ntic p ma Ro

Conscious of the current trend in art foundation establishments, we notice similarities from a space quality point of view between this site and the other examples around Milan (Hangar Bicocca, F. Prada, Gucci Hub...). The majority of the buildings are sheds and distribuited along a strip, perfect for logistics and to create an entrance towards the park, too. Moreover, their free plan are perfectly suitable to host contemporary art pieces even of big dimension. Finally the position -close to the free way, to Linate and facing directly viale Forlanini makes it extremely strategical. The wetland is imagine as a tool to create a unique atmosphere for the foundation to place art pieces and for the river to safely flood. Regarding the rarity of the intervention we concede the demolition of the walls facing the wetland and the are now used as car deposit.


market analysis to find proper buyer


activation of the limits


2018 2019 50




purchase and sales negotiation

2022 2023

construction of the wetlands and restoration of the fragment inauguration day 2026



Golden Fragments

Truck Food Festival

The fragment is a mainly abusive parking area. It serves the Linate Airport but it is own by a private company. The gound is mainly gravel and low quality soil, except for the concrete infrastructure facing viale Forlanini.

Fragment area: 20.300 m2 Fragment covered area: 200 m2 Special glue area: 20.300 m2

ers low of f

Roma ntic pa rk

as nv Ca

Conscious of the fact that the majority of the fragment is an abusive use of the territory, we propose a strong intervention for the site. The company will donate the 75% of the area - the upper part - and will transform it into a prune forest while avoiding to pay the fine to Segrate’s municipality for the unauthorized appropriation of the land.

Based on the infrastructure already present on site and the strong proximity with the Slow Food Mall checkpoint we imagine a second use of the parking that could periodically become a truck food festival. This will be a culinary event to promote the culture of new wave street food at the doors of the park. In order to filter the presence of the parking and offer a green area to rest an enjoy side events as well as the truck food’s delicacies we propose a prune forest. The prune has been chosen for its capacity to grow even in poor soil condition and for the bright colors of its flowers as a request from the Art as Nature Exhibition.

Linate prune planting first truck food festival

2018 2019 50




the prune forest is fully enjoyable reduction of the parking





Golden Fragments

Novegro Expo

The Novegro Expo is one of the main points of attraction of the Gran Parco Forlanini since the late ‘60s. It hosts several exposition about spare time activities and modelmaking culture. Therefore portions of the green area are abusive.

Fragment area: 143.200 m2 Fragment covered area: 14.800 m2 Special glue area: 31.100 m2

Consciuos of the negotiations between the Novegro Expo and Segrate’s municipality about the demolition of the recently built abusive part, we will let the Expo keep it as long as the owners will construct and manage a park with the relative amenities for the citizens of Novegro and the enjoyer of the GLue.

The “parchetto” functions as an intermediate step between the wide dimension of the Canvas of Flowers rooms and the narrow streets of the Novegro’s one. Furthermore it serves as a complementary resting area for the visitors of the Novegro Expo and finally creates a park with amenities for current and future residents of Novegro.

Nov eg

of f lowers s a nv Ca

As the only fair present on site, we imagine the possibilty for the Novegro Expo to enlarge the topics treated by its expositions and use the green area outside to hosts events linked with the Art for Nature exhibition. These can range from drone technology meetings to sustainable furniture events.


beginning of the Park construction first expo about eco technology

Linate 50





thicket inauguration




Golden Fragments

R&D district

The southern are of Novegro is constituted mostly by industrial buildings and wide open spaces exploited as car deposit. The urban fabric offers a variety of shed typologies while the location resides on a strategical axis between Linate Airport and the future Westfield Mall. The ground is the one of a city settlement mainly covered by asphalt, not in optimal conditions.

Fragment area: 149.300 m2 Fragment covered area: 61.100 m2 Special glue area: 31.900 m2

o egr

Canvas of f low ers

v No

Forecasting important speculations on the Novegro site brought by the really strong position between the Airport and the future Westfield Mall, we ask Segrate’s Municipality to manage the transition towards a research and development district. It will offer the unplanned area next to the new via Janacci and stimulate makers community project and big companies establishment with taxes reduction. As the only request the municipality will select the project based on their eco-sustainability. Based on its industrial heritage, our will is to drive the fragment towards the future of Manifatture 4.0. This will imply the convertion of its free plan building sinto spaces for digital fabrication. Furthermore, as intermediate step between Linate / Westfield and conscious of the eco friendly worldwide trend of big brands, we see the potentials for the area to hosts Flagships or spaces for big companies to exhibit and work on their researches about sustainable design. On the example of the Fablab City movement, the special glue is designed to become a testbed for the researches of future actors. In other words this area will become a platform for conducting rigorous, transparent, and replicable testing of new technologies towards energy efficiency, renewable power source or even reuse design. The design will consists into a wide open green area lotted by a simple infrastructure to garantee basic power source.

events workshops seminars about eco and digital fabrication tax benefit campaign for maker community

first testbed prototype

the testbed is fully functional and serves a wide community of maker artists

Linate 2018 2019 50









The Road Map As we said previously the combination of these two visions determines the project roadmap, which is divided into three main steps: punctual activations, linear activations and area activations. The first step enclosed in a range of five years will start immediately and if we consider hypothetically as beginning year the 2018, it will end in 2023, when the M4 line will be finally completed. In this period we will operate the punctual interventions or rather we will carry out the restoration and activation of the 4 check points. In this way the principal structures of the 4 exhibitions will be able to begin and lead the process of artistic transformation. During this part of the project, once activated the checkpoints will drive the punctual distribution of the artworks. The second phase of the road map concerns the linear interventions. It will include the application of the limits and roads treatments provide by the toolbox. The works on the limits will be used as further attractions for the public and drivers towards the park. Instead the treatments on the roads will begin to provide a sense of unity inside the whole park.This part of the road map will start few years after the activation of the first checkpoint. As the Cascina Sant’Ambrogio will be activated immediately, we suggest to begin the interventions starting from the 2020. From that date all these interventions will be periodically updated even if we suggest that at least for 2030 they will be all activated. Finally the last and most complicate step of the project treats the area interventions, so it concerns both the rooms and the special glues transformations. Because of the complexity of the operations and expensive amount of money, we suggest to start this phase once the project will be having already gone on for some years. Our proposal is to start this phase in according to the activations of the fragments of interest precedently showed following their development. The starting date should be about 2023, with the end of the construction of the metro line, and the relative departement of the company, and the end of the first step, too.



Restoration of the Checkpoints





Empowering of the Rooms Refining the limits of the Exhibitions

2 2023


Construction of the special Glues for the integration of the Golden Fragments towards the accomplishment of the Art Experience

3 2030



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