Prayer Diary, Summer/Autumn 2012

Page 14


growing leaders Pray for St Peter’s Harrogate

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18


t Peter’s Harrogate is a town centre church which is starting its third CPAS Growing Leaders course later this month. Lay Reader Angie Gardner is a psychology lecturer who leads the Growing Leaders teaching at St Peter’s. ‘We’ve seen great things happening through Growing Leaders,’ said Angie. ‘There has been personal and spiritual growth, people discovering God’s vision for their lives and growing in their awareness of what he is calling them to do. ‘Both our new churchwardens have been through Growing Leaders so have a great opportunity to put what they’ve learned into practice, and our last course included several people involved in the youth work at St Peter’s.’


Please pray: For many people beginning Growing Leaders courses this autumn at St Peter’s and elsewhere, to grow in their faith and leadership skills. For Christ-centred relationships with mentors, to help men and women progress as they go through the course. Growing Leaders will continue to help people develop in their sense of service and willingness to be led by Jesus. For God’s encouragement for course leaders like Angie as they discover how he is working in people’s lives. People are richly blessed as they encounter Jesus together on the 24-hour residentials which often begin Growing Leaders courses. Asking God to guide church leaders across the country as they listen to his voice about who to invite on Growing Leaders courses.

Living God, we praise you for all you have done in people’s lives through Growing Leaders courses. May your Spirit continue to teach and guide leaders.

Growing Leaders is a suite of resources used by about 700 churches to equip people for biblicallyfocused, Spirit-led, Christian leadership.

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