CBDA Winter Newsletter 2017

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Canadian londe d’Aquitaine



56-35 Mountford Dr, Guelph, ON N1E 0G6 P: 519-835-9099 E: oneoakblonde@gmail.com

PAUL FEE | Vice President

6211 Line 9 North, Waubaushene, ON LOK 2C0 P: 705-835-2581 E: feehavenfarms@hotmail.com

REED RIGNEY | Secretary

Box 5959, Westlock, AB T7P 2P7 P: 780-348-5308 | E: rigney@clearwave.ca


RR 2 Site 4 Comp 1, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4E8 P: 250-782-8565 | E: dustyacreblondes@outlook.com


310 Ch Bourassa, Ste. Anne De La Rochelle, QC JOE 2B0 P: 450-539-0385 E: slyrye12345@hotmail.com


21 Crystal Rd., RR3, Jasper, ON K0G 1G0 P: 613-275-2422 | E: ferguson.maryellen@gmail.com


Box 32 Ellscott, Alberta T0A 1B0 P: 780-675-1227 | E: littlecreekagroforestry@gmail.com


4426 County Rd., RR3, Hastings, Ontario K0L 1Y0 P: 705-295-6208 | E: hilltoporchardfarm@gmail.com


7060 Line 28 RR 2 West Perth Dublin, ON N0K 1E0 P: 519-345-2518 | E: vbb@ezlink.ca


Reed Rigney Phone: 780-348-5308 Email: rigney@clearwave.ca www.albertablondecattle.com

MANITOBA / SASKATCHEWAN Pat Filz Phone: 306-634-2174 Email: fortyacreblondes@sasktel.net


Steve Acres Phone: 613-836-4190 Email: stevenjacres@sympatico.ca www.ontarioblondes.com


Maureen Landry Phone: 819-336-3966 Email: blondaquitaineqc@hotmail.com www.blondaquitaineqc.com To access the Members Only Section on the website, please contact a Board member for the password. This page features current and archived Board minutes, as well as AGM minutes and committee reports since 2005.

Canadian Blonde d’Aquitaine Association c/o Canadian Livestock Records Corporation 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 0M7 Phone: 613-731-7110 | Fax: 613-731-0704 Email: cbda@clrc.ca Web: www.canadianblondeassociation.ca

r e c B A l o y n t d r e o s F

Welcome and blessings to all that come. Coffee is always on. Don Mehler & Pat Filz

P.O. P.O. Box Box 418, 418, Lampman, Lampman, SK SK S0C S0C 1N0 1N0 306-634-2174 306-634-2174 •• Cell Cell 306-421-6987 306-421-6987 FortyAcreBlondes@sasktel.net FortyAcreBlondes@sasktel.net

We have both open and bred heifers, as well as yearling bulls available.

President’s Message

Message de la Présidente

Seasons greetings and warmest wishes to our Blonde d’Aquitaine community and all others who are reading this scribe. In some parts of the country our members are experiencing the winter season which is upon us, while others from Ontario and east are experiencing above seasonal temperatures. Most will have no complaints about not having to push snow, except for our good friend Rick Drinkill, who sees the dollar signs pile up as he plows the local church parking lot and side streets.

Des vœux les plus chaleureux à notre communauté Blonde d’Aquitaine et à tous ceux qui lisent ce message. Dans certaines parties du pays, nos membres vivent la saison hivernale qui se prépare, tandis que d’autres, comme en Ontario et plus à l’Est, connaissent des températures supérieures à la saison. La plupart n’auront pas à se plaindre de ne pas avoir à pousser la neige, sauf pour notre bon ami Rick Drinkill, qui voit les signes de dollar s’accumuler alors qu’il laboure le stationnement de l’église locale et les rues secondaires.

Like many years before, we have lots to be thankful for and this year was no exception. The Quebec Association hosted this years National and AGM on the Thanksgiving weekend in Victoriaville. A large contingent of members gathered to put on an excellent show which saw Crystal Farms take home Grand Champion for both male and female, with Schiestel Blondes being Reserve female and Donaleen Blondes Reserve male. The AGM provided some productive input for the Board to work on in the coming year, while the banquet dinner had a nice French cuisine touch to it. As always, the mini auction provided a number of laughs as Dave McNevan graciously auctioned off all of the items donated by the members. A special thanks should be extended to the Quebec Association and in particular Maureen Landry who did tireless work organizing a fantastic event.

Comme beaucoup d’années aupa-ravant, nous avons beaucoup à être reconnaissants et cette année n’a pas fait exception. L’Association du Québec a accueilli cette année la Convention Nationale et l’AGA durant les activités de l’Expo Bœuf de Victoriaville qui ont eu lieu la fin de semaine de l’Action de Grâce. Un grand nombre de membres se sont réuni pour offrir un excellent spectacle durant le jugement de l’Expo Bœuf où Crystal Farms a remporté les titres de Grand Champion et Grande Championne, Schiestel Blondes Grande Championne Réserve et Donaleen Blondes Grand Champion Réserve. L’Assemblée Générale Annuelle a apporté plusieurs idées productives aux membres du Conseil d’administration pour l’année à venir, tandis que le repas du banquet a été bien accueilli avec sa touche de cuisine française. Comme toujours, la mini-vente aux enchères a suscité un certain nombre de rires alors que Dave McNevan a gracieusement mis aux enchères tous les articles donnés par les membres. Un remerciement spécial devrait être adressé à l’Association du Québec et en particulier à Maureen Landry qui a travaillé sans relâche pour organiser un événement mémorable.

Having served the maximum length term as our President, Dave Kamelchuk was required to step down from his position. Dave will remain on the board as a director and continue to be a major asset for the breed. On behalf of the entire membership I would like to thank Dave on his exemplary work and dedication during his three years as President. The OBdAA once again hosted their annual Cream of the Crop sale the end of October. The catalogue featured over 40 lots, with something for everyone included in the sales lineup. A great turnout of purebred and commercial buyers were on hand for one of the most exciting events of the year. While I begin my first term as President, my hope is I can serve the membership as well as those who have preceded me. I wish everyone the Merriest of Christmases spent with those closest to you. A new calving season is right around the corner for most, while some may be getting an early jump on it. Keep the coffee brewing and your work boots close by.

Ayant servi le mandat maximal à titre de président, Dave Kamelchuk a dû démissionner de son poste. Dave restera au conseil d’administration et continuera d’être un atout majeur pour la race. Au nom de tous les membres, je tiens à remercier Dave pour son travail exemplaire et son dévouement pendant ses trois années de présidence. L’Association Blonde d’Aquitaine de l’Ontario a de nouveau organisé sa vente annuelle du ‘’Crean of the Crop’’ à la fin d’Octobre. Le catalogue comprenait plus de 40 lots, avec quelque chose pour tout le monde dans la gamme des ventes. Un grand nombre d’acheteurs pur-sang et commerciaux étaient présents pour l’un des événements les plus excitants de l’année. Alors que je commence mon premier mandat en tant que président, j’espère pouvoir servir les membres aussi bien que ceux qui m’ont précédé. Je souhaite à tout le monde un Joyeux Noël passé avec ceux qui vous sont proches. Une nouvelle saison de vêlage est imminente pour la plupart, alors que certains d’entre vous ont déjà commencé. Gardez le café et vos bottes de travail à proximité.

All the best,

Bonne chance,

Nicholas Boyd

Nicholas Boyd

Traduction : Maureen Landry

Cover: Photo courtesy of Nicholas Boyd from One Oak Blondes. The Canadian Blonde d’Aquitaine Association is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in this magazine.



The Alberta Blonde Association held its AGM on November 18th. We are in a healthy financial position and most discussion revolved around advertising. The Association will continue to expand advertising and promotional efforts in 2017-2018. We are also looking forward to hosting the 2019 National Show and AGM in Olds again. Shirley Jackson retired from our Board this year, and we would like to thank her for the years of service she has given to the Association. The 2017-18 Alberta Blonde Bull test has started with a few less bulls than normal. There are nine on test from Little Creek Farms, Upper Cache Blondes and Willow Springs Stock Farm. The bulls are being fed at Willow Springs just as they have the past four years. There are several outcross Polled Fullblood bulls on test, and interest was high on the bulls last year. Bulls are sold by private treaty so don’t wait too long if you are interested in a specific bull. Little Creek Farms and Willow Springs Stock Farm exhibited Blonde cattle at Farmfair International held in Edmonton, Alberta. No Champion banners this year, but there were a couple class winners and Reserve division champions along with a win in the Breeders Herd class. The Blonde cow/calf exhibited by Willow Springs also garnered a lot of attention in the stalls with their muscle and volume. All in all another successful show for the Blondes. by Reed Rigney


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Man/Sask. As this is always ‘’next year’’ country we live in hope that the coming year will prosper us and bring the rain and sunshine we need in proper amounts, so as to induce the best environment for crops and animals alike. As we move into the winter season it appears we are getting a reprieve from heat and not getting into horrid cold as yet. However, do not hold your breath as we may be in a deep freeze with snow to the roof by the time this gets sent out. Just in our Saskatchewan area, after living through one of the worse blizzards, we had a decent crop year and a very open fall. Manitoba had a fair bit of rain and hay crops were excellent. Yields for cereals & oilseeds were average to above average with soybeans & corn being from crop insurance borderline to very good depending how dry an area it was. This would be a good year to have your feed tested for the correct nutrition amounts due to stressful growing conditions. Rolled hay is not all equal. Vitamins and minerals can be added if the hay falls short. There has also been some experiments with spring seeded annuals with some successes noted. Cattle weights were average here but further west they were fairly lean as the pastures did not have any rain to speak of. The lighter carcass weights seem to be an advantage for the market needs. At least some of us have hay, the people that had the devastating fire on the AB/ Sask border have to replace animals as well as feed due to the pastures being poor for a number of years. Sask government made a cash donation to match the Sask Stockgrowers Association’s fund. There are also many private donations of hay, feed and monies.

from the

The Man/Sask association has no Blonde bulls that were sent to the test station in Manitoba this year. Next year is always a possibility, seeing how this is next year country. Have a wonderful Christmas Season and the best to all for the New Year. Keep safe. The Man/Sask Association. by Pat Filz

ONTARIO This year is almost coming to an end, it has definitely come with its challenges! One of the wettest I’ve encountered, if it wasn’t for the Indian summer in September I’d be short on the hay supply! Many Thanks to our sales committee for putting together, along with our consignors another great Cream of the Crop Sale! It’s great to see all of the familiar faces, catching up with old friends and meeting new blonde enthusiasts before or after the sale at the hospitality corner. I heard there was a membership drive down at the Legion in Campbellford later in the evening! I witnessed a TKO at the wash rack, how fast those hind feet can move! I think John V will be a little more cautious while scrubbing those hind legs! The sale average on 41 lots was $2336.58 with 6 new buyers purchasing from the sale! The Top seller, “Van Bakel Blondes 53C Twin” went to her new home at Bar K Farms. The People’s Choice award winner, “Clearidge Evie 1E”, banners sponsored by Little Creek and Acres Farms were presented to Les Fermes Clearidge and Beavermeadow Blondes after the sale. Congratulations to our Raffle winners! Paul Ferguson with the top prize of $2500 and Robert Bird of Odessa, Ontario taking the 2nd prize of $600 cash. This year we had 16 youth showing a Blonde d’Aquitaine as their 4H project! Awesome job! Congratulations on your successful year! The 2017 Show Incentive Program seen 152 Blonde d’Aquitaine cattle shown at 25 fairs across the province. A thank you to the breeders and

provinces 4H members for promoting our breed at these events! Great expose for the breed! Donaleen Blondes is our 2017 Premier Breeder also collecting the High Point Male with Donaleen Danny Boy! High Point Female, Little Creek Apricot shown by Fee Haven Farms! The Canadian National held in Quebec was a fun filled and a successful weekend from what I’ve seen on social media. Thanks to Gilbert Gauthier and Association Blonde d’Aquitaine du Quebec for hosting, I couldn’t leave out thanking Maureen Landry for all you do!! Thanks a Bunch! Thanks to our past Canadian President Dave Kamelchuk and welcome to our new President Nicholas Boyd. Your Ontario Board has been busy discussing areas where we can improve on our sale, advertising, promotional items, performance, raffle tickets and starting to plan our AGM for 2018. A new idea of advertising on social media, a really cheap, cost effective way to advertise our Cream of the Crop Sale. We missed out posting to facebook this year but the ad we placed on Kijiji had 1200 views in the two weeks leading up to the sale! Any new ideas are welcomed by the board anytime or could be brought to our attention at the AGM in the spring or all members to discuss! If you’re anything like me, I’m starting to get excited with the arrival of the new 2018 calves! If I’ve matched the cows up with the right AI bulls! All the best on your 2018 calving season! From the Ontario Blonde d’Aquitaine Association Board of Directors and myself, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! by Nicholas Boyd


News from the Québec Blonded’Aquitaine Association

Nouvelles de l’Association Blonde d’Aquitaine du Québec Bonjour chers Éleveurs Déjà le mois de Décembre, Les fêtes s’en viennent à grand pas !! En ce qui a rapport avec les expositions et jugements au Québec ça été une bonne année, surtout à l’Expo Bœuf (Victo) pour Crystal Farms qui ont remporté les titres de Grand Champion avec WSS Celebration 2C et Grande Championne avec Franmar Crystal 11C ainsi que Donaleen Farms le titre de Grand Champion Réserve avec Donaleen Electric et Jane et John Schiestel le titre de Grande Championne Réserve avec Schiestel Destiny 6D. Le troupeau de l’éleveur a été à Donaleen Blondes et le Premier Éleveur et Exposant a été à Crystal Farms. Selon les commentaires que j’ai vu sur notre page Facebook (Association Blonde d’Aquitaine du Québec) et celle de l’Ontario (Ontario Blonde d’Aquitaine Association) nos amis éleveurs de l’Ontario et de l’Alberta ont aimé leur expérience et ont apprécié les activités durant la Nationale de l’Association Blonde d’Aquitaine du Canada qui a eu lieu durant l’Expo Bœuf 2017. Les Fermes Clearidge ont représenté la race Blonde à l’Expo de Richmond avec 3 de leurs plus bêtes : Clearidge Echo, Clearidge Evie et WSS XTRAVAGANT. Vous êtes les bienvenus à interagir sur notre page Facebook ou vous pourriez insérer des photos de vos Blondes ou tout simplement aller chercher des renseignements des autres amis éleveurs. Pour plus d’information sur votre association, vous pouvez toujours visiter le site Internet de l’association au: http://www.blondaquitaineqc.com Je prends cet occasion pour vous souhaiter de très belles fêtes et une Bonne Année 2018. par Maureen Landry, secrétaire

Hello Dear Fellow Breeders Already December and the Christmas Festivities are just around the corner!! It was a good year in Québec for the shows, especially at Expo Boeuf (Victo) for Crystal Farms who won Grand Champion with WSS Celebration 2C and Grand Champion Female with Franmar Crystal 11C and Donaleen Farms the title of Grand Champion Reserve with Donaleen Electric and Jane and John Schiestel the title of Grand Reserve Champion Female with Schiestel Destiny 6D. The breeder’s herd went to Donaleen Blondes and the First Breeder and Exhibitor went to Crystal Farms. According to the comments I saw on our Facebook page (Association Blonde d’Aquitaine of Quebec) and that of Ontario (Ontario Blonde of Aquitaine Association) our breeder friends of Ontario and Alberta liked their experience and enjoyed the activities during the National Blond Aquitaine Association of Canada which was held during Expo Beef 2017. Clearidge Farms represented the Blond breed at the Richmond Fair with 3 of their best: Clearidge Echo, Clearidge Evie and WSS XTRAVAGANT. You are welcome to interact on our Facebook page where you could insert photos of your Blondes or simply get information from other breeders. For more information on your association, you can always visit the association’s website at: http://www.blondaquitaineqc.com Seasons Greetings to all and a very good year in 2018.

WSS Electra 19E

FB HEIFER CALVES FOR SALE RB 01E - Conan x Klondike Outcross Double Polled WSS 19E - Sauveur x SCS Gainer WSS 30E - Celebration x Supreme WSS 33E - Grand x Gelstar 801X WSS 47E - Papyrus x T4 Primate ET Outcross Hetero Polled Contact us for more details, or for more pedigree info check our CLRC inventory.

Reed & Michelle Rigney Westlock, Alberta (780) 348-5308 rigney@clearwave.ca Breeding Stock, Semen and Embryos available.



a says… SantHave a MERRY

Christmas and give YOURSELF a gift!

West Winds

Beau 9B

homozygous polled fullblood

*pictured here at 1 year of age.

Place your semen order now for spring breeding!


| Box 334, Stavely, AB T0L 1Z0 Phone 403-549-2371 | www.westwindblondes.ca

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