CBDA Winter Newsletter 2016

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Canadian londe d’Aquitaine



Box 32 Ellscott, Alberta T0A 1B0 P: 780-675-1227 | E: littlecreekagroforestry@gmail.com

NICHOLAS BOYD | Vice President

73 Clairfiedds Dr, West Guelph, ON N1G 5H9 P: 519-835-9099 E: oneoakblonde@gmail.com

REED RIGNEY | Secretary

Box 5959, Westlock, AB T7P 2P7 P: 780-348-5308 | E: rigney@clearwave.ca


RR 2 Site 4 Comp 1, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4E8 P: 250-782-8565 | E: dustyacreblondes@outlook.com


310 Ch Bourassa, Ste. Anne De La Rochelle, QC JOE 2B0 P: 450-539-0385 E: slyrye12345@hotmail.com


6211 Line 9 North, Waubaushene, ON LOK 2C0 P: 705-835-2581 E: feehavenfarms@hotmail.com


21 Crystal Rd., RR3, Jasper, ON K0G 1G0 P: 613-275-2422 | E: ferguson.maryellen@gmail.com


4426 County Rd., RR3, Hastings, Ontario K0L 1Y0 P: 705-295-6208 | E: hilltoporchardfarm@gmail.com


7060 Line 28 RR 2 West Perth Dublin, ON N0K 1E0 P: 519-345-2518 | E: vbb@ezlink.ca

The Canadian Blonde d’Aquitaine Association is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in this newsletter. Cover Photo Contest Winner: Emily Fee, Fee Haven Farms

Canadian Blonde d’Aquitaine Association c/o Canadian Livestock Records Corporation 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 0M7 Phone: 613-731-7110 | Fax: 613-731-0704 Email: cbda@clrc.ca Web: www.canadianblondeassociation.ca

President’s Message

Message de la Présidente

Season’s greetings to all who receive this newsletter. It’s been a cool, wet fall out west but as of now it appears that winter will be setting in next week with temperatures dropping into the mid -20s. Time to put on the woolies and make sure the water bowls are working properly. Staying on the positive side as of the time I am writing this there are only 20 more days until the days start getting longer and we head back to summer!

Joyeuses Fêtes à tous ceux qui reçoivent ce bulletin. Dans l’Ouest, nous avons eu un automne frais et pluvieux mais, ils disent que l’hiver arrive la semaine prochaine avec des températures aussi bas que -20. C’est Le temps de mettre nos laines et de s’assurer que les abreuvoirs chauffants fonctionnent correctement. Sur une note positive, à partir du moment où j’écris ceci, il ne reste que 20 jours avant que les journées commencent à devenir plus longues et que l’été approche!

The first weekend of October saw many of us in Olds, Alberta for the 2016 National. It was a great time with excellent cattle, a productive AGM and many good times with fellow breeders from across the country. A highlight for many was the impromptu junior show held after the breed show. The banquet was also a lot of fun with a very animated report on Reed Rigney and Nicholas Boyd’s trip to Aquitanima in France as well as a lively silent auction. Special thanks go out to all who contributed to the weekend to make it a very successful event. The last weekend of October we moved east to Ontario for the annual Cream of the Crop sale. The offering this year was very high quality and the bidding and prices reflected it as such. I would like to take this chance to welcome first time and returning buyers to the blonde breed. We had a board meeting in November with a full agenda. Some of the highlights include we will be staying with the CLRC as our service provider for at least one more year and there will be a National Junior Blonde d’Aquitaine Show in Ontario in 2017. Details will be made known as plans are made but it should be a great time for everyone involved. Hopefully you’ve all been good this year and Santa treats you well. Merry Christmas to all!

La première fin de semaine d’Octobre a vu beaucoup d’entre nous à Olds, en Alberta, pour le National 2016. Ce fut du bon temps avec un excellent bétail, une AGA productive et beaucoup de bons moments avec des éleveurs venant de partout au pays. Un point saillant pour beaucoup était le spectacle junior improvisé tenu après le jugement de race. Le banquet a également été très amusant avec un reportage très animé de Reed Rigney et de Nicholas Boyd sur leur voyage à Aquitanima en France ainsi qu’une vente aux enchères silencieuse animée. Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont contribué à cette fin de semaine pour en faire un événement très réussi. La dernière fin de semaine d’Octobre nous étions en Ontario pour la vente annuelle du Cream of the Crop. L’offre cette année a été de très haute qualité et le prix des enchères en a été la preuve. Je voudrais profiter de cette occasion pour souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux et aux anciens acheteurs à la race Blonde. Nous avons tenu une réunion du Conseil en novembre avec un ordre du jour complet. Parmi les faits saillants, mentionnons que nous resterons avec la SCEA comme notre fournisseur de services pendant au moins une année de plus et qu’il y aura un Salon national de Blonde d’Aquitaine junior en Ontario en 2017. On vous donnera plus de détails à ce sujet, mais ça promet d’être un bon moment pour tous les participants. Espérons que vous avez tous été bons cette année et que Santa vous traitera bien. Joyeux Noël à tous! Traduction : Maureen Landry

David Kamelchuk

David Kamelchuk

PROVINCIAL CONTACTS ALBERTA / BRITISH COLUMBIA Reed Rigney Phone: 780-348-5308 Email: rigney@clearwave.ca www.albertablondecattle.com

ONTARIO Steve Acres Phone: 613-836-4190 Email: stevenjacres@sympatico.ca www.ontarioblondes.com

MANITOBA / SASKATCHEWAN Pat Filz Phone: 306-634-2174 Email: fortyacreblondes@sasktel.net

QUEBEC Maureen Landry Phone: 819-336-3966 Email: blondaquitaineqc@hotmail.com www.blondaquitaineqc.com

To access the Members Only Section on the website, please contact a Board member for the password. This page features current and archived Board minutes, as well as AGM minutes and committee reports since 2005.

2016-17 CBDA Board of Directors - clockwise starting top left - Ryland Cleary (QC), Reed Rigney (AB), Shellie Wolfe (BC), Nicholas Boyd (ON), Dave Kamelchuk (AB), Paul Ferguson (ON), Paul Fee (ON) - missing Ashley McNevan (ON), Bill Van Bakel (ON)


PERFORMANCE PROGRAM Just a reminder to members wishing to have performance numbers and EPD’s calculated for their animals.The first step is to send your 2016 calf birth information. Forms are available on the Canadian Blonde website or they can be emailed directly to you. If you are new to the program we can even enter previous years information to give your animals a larger data base with which to start. The fee for 2016 is $5/cow, and this is to cover the charges we incur through BIO. For that fee you will receive a performance report for your calves including EPD’s as well as EPD’s for your active cows. If you have any questions please contact Reed Rigney - 780348-5308 or rigney@clearwave.ca.


We would like to welcome Shellie Wolfe as our newest Board member and Treasurer, as well as thank retiring Board member Myrna Flesch for her years of service. Myrna will be helping Shellie with the transition to the Treasurers position over the next few months.

SNP DNA update - about half the samples have been converted from Microsattelite DNA to SNP DNA. This process is going more slowly than anticipated, however the SNP/Microsat combo test will be available at a reduced price until the conversions have been completed.

CLRC - The Board has decided to table the discussion regarding moving to a new registry service provider until the fall of 2017. This will give us another year to assess the service level at the CLRC, and our best alternative to the CLRC won’t be ready for us until 2018. In the meantime if you are experiencing any service issues with the CLRC please forward these to the CBDA President Dave Kamelchuk.

There is a Homozygous Polled test available through Delta labs. Apply through the CLRC to have your animal tested for a $75 fee. This test can be completed with hair just as a parentage test is.

A Canadian National Junior Blonde show is being planned for the summer of 2017. It will be held in Ontario so watch future publications for more info.

The Board is working on a Breeder Handbook to be sent to all new breeders, and it will be available to current members on the CBDA website. We hope to have it available in early 2017, and it will contain a lot of pertinant and intersting information for Blonde breeders.

The 2017 National is planned for Thanksgiving weekend at Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville, Quebec or a date and location to be determined in Ontario. Watch for further information in upcoming publications.

Breeding Management: We had a situation in 2016 where an animal did not match its AI sire. Upon further investigation it was learned that the dam was AI’ed and turned in with a bull the next day. This is not proper procedure, and the the CBDA Board passed a policy stating that there must be 14 days between breeding/ bull exposure and exposure to another sire, otherwise a DNA parentage test is required. This is the same standard that many Associations use.


Nous aimerions souhaiter la bienvenue à Shellie Wolfe en tant que nouveau membre du conseil et trésorière, ainsi que remercier Mme Myrna Flesch, membre du conseil d’administration, pour ses années de service. Au cours des prochains mois, Myrna aidera Shellie avec la transition au poste de trésorière.

SCEA - Le Conseil a décidé de remettre les discussions à l’automne 2017 en rapport au transfert de registres à un nouveau fournisseur de services. Cela nous donnera une autre année pour évaluer le niveau de service du SCEA et notre meilleure alternative au SCEA ne sera pas prêts pour nous avant 2018. Entre-temps, si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec le service au SCEA, veuillez en aviser le président de la CBDA - Dave Kamelchuk.

Gestion de l’élevage : Nous avons eu une situation en 2016 où un animal ne correspondait pas à son père d’IA. Après une enquête plus approfondie, on a appris que la femelle avait été inséminé et a été mise avec un taureau le lendemain. Ce n’est pas la procédure appropriée, et le Conseil de la CBDA a adopté une politique stipulant qu’il doit y avoir 14 jours entre l’insémination / mise avec un taureau, sinon un test de parenté ADN est nécessaire. C’est la même norme que de nombreuses associations utilisent.

ADN SNP - environ la moitié des échantillons ont été convertis d’ADN microsatellites en ADN SNP. Ce processus se déroule plus lentement que prévu, mais le test combiné SNP / Microsat sera disponible à un prix réduit jusqu’à ce que les conversions soient terminées.

Il existe un test Homozygous Polled disponible dans les laboratoires Delta. Faites une demande auprès du SCEA pour faire vérifier votre animal à un tarif de 75 $. Ce test peut être complété avec des poils pareil comme un test de parentage.

Un jugement national junior de la Blonde est prévu pour l’été 2017. Il se tiendra en Ontario à suivre les futures publications pour plus d’informations.

Le Conseil travaille sur un manuel d’éleveur qui sera envoyé à tous les nouveaux éleveurs, et il sera disponible aux membres actuels sur le site Internet de la CBDA. Nous espérons qu’il sera disponible au début de 2017 et il contiendra beaucoup d’informations pertinentes et intéressantes pour les éleveurs Blonde. Le National 2017 est prévu pour la fin de semaine de l’Action de Grâce à l’Expo Boeuf à Victoriaville, Québec. Surveillez pour plus d’informations dans les prochaines publications.

Traduction : Maureen Landry


Happy New Year from our yard to yours

r e c B A l ond y t r e o s F

Don Mehler & Pat Filz

P.O. Box 418, Lampman, SK S0C 1N0 306-634-2174 • Cell 306-421-6987 FortyAcreBlondes@sasktel.net

Visitors Welcome

Canadian Blonde d’Aquitaine Association

National Show Results 2016 Grand Champion Bull

Grand Champion Female

WSS Celebration 2C

Little Creek Analise 2A

Reserve Grand Champion Bull WSS Desperado 2D / Willow Springs Stock Farm

Reserve Grand Champion Female WSS Petula 23W / Willow Springs Stock Farm

Bull Calf Champion WSS Desperado 2D / Willow Springs Stock Farm

Heifer Calf Champion Crystal Diva 16D / Crystal Farms

Reserve Bull Calf Champion Little Creek Don Juan 2D / Little Creek Farms

Reserve Heifer Calf Champion High Rock Dutchy 2D / One Oak Blondes & High Rock Farms

Willow Springs Stock Farm

Junior Champion Bull WSS Celebration 2C / Willow Springs Stock Farm Reserve Junior Champion Bull Little Creek Cosmos 252C / Little Creek Farms Premier Breeder Little Creek Farms Premier Exhibitor Willow Springs Stock Farm

Little Creek Farms

Junior Champion Female WSS Cheerleader 29C / Willow Springs Stock Farm Reserve Junior Champion Female Crystal Caramel 11C / Crystal Farms Senior Champion Female Little Creek Analise 2A / Little Creek Farms Reserve Senior Champion Female WSS Petula 23W / Willow Springs Stock Farm

THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS Alberta Agriculture - Ag. Initiative Fund Man/Sask Blonde Association Dusty Acre Blondes Ontario Blonde Association Van Bakel Blondes Ramada Inn Hi-Pro Feeds

Bar K Farms Bellvue Blondes Bogart Cattle Company Crystal Farms Fee Haven Farms Forest View Farms Les Fermes Clearidge Little Creek Farms One Oak Blondes SJF Blondes West Wind Blondes Willow Springs Stock Farm

Also thanks to all those who donated and purchased Silent Auction items including: OTOP Cattle Company Forty Acre Blondes Courtney Wallace

Breeder of the Year REED RIGNEY Willow Springs Stock Farm

Breeder of the Year for 2016 was Reed Rigney (left) of Willow Springs Stock Farm at Westlock, Alberta and it was presented by CBDA President Dave Kamlechuk (right). This is the inaugural year of the award to be presented in annually at the Blonde National AGM.

WSS Celebration 2C

2016 National Champion Bull 2016 Farmfair Grand Champion Bull Roseneath William x MVF Polled Bill Polled FB Herd Sire WSS Cheerleader 29C

2016 National Junior Champion Female 2016 Farmfair Junior Champion Female Hanover Encore x Dalemead Judge

WSS Desperado 2D

2016 Reserve National Champion Bull 2016 Farmfair Reserve Champion Bull Calf Sundance Zephyr x Igha Purchased by OTOP Cattle Co. WSS Charlotte 9C

2016 Peoples Choice Winner Cream of the Crop Sale Purchased by the Bull Moose Hill Farms

THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR BIDDERS AND THESE BUYERS IN 2016 • OTOP Cattle Co. Ashley McNevan & Tyler Sutcliffe - ON • Beavermeadow Blondes, Langstaff family - ON • Bull Moose Hill Farms, Graham family - NB

Reed & Michelle Rigney Westlock, Alberta (780) 348-5308 rigney@clearwave.ca Website: wsscattle.ca Breeding Stock, Semen and Embryos available. Check the Willow Springs website for our Frozen Genetics Catalogue. Select from over 40 AI sires for your 2017 breeding season.


from the




We had another great National event in Olds this fall. There were 26 animals exhibited by six different breeders from Alberta, BC and Ontario.

Here we are once again moving towards winter and onwards to the season where we start the cycle over with calving in the new year.

Additionally there were breeders representing six different provinces in attendance, and we certainly appreciate all the support we got from those people and the others across the country that supported our silent auction. We’re looking forward to another great event in Olds for 2019 so mark your calendars for the first weekend in October.

It has been a roller coaster ride for most of the Prairies, since we started out fearing drought and ended up being so wet that combining is still not feasible in a lot of areas. On top of that, there have been reports of TB in both Alberta and Saskatchewan. Our hearts go out to these ranchers as they deal with the quarantine and resulting losses. Beef prices have been in general lower, but last year was an exceptional year for prices. I believe we can expect the level to rally from the lows in October up to a reasonable price for our animals. There has been some movement of breeding stock between members. Hopefully the herds can weather (pun) the ups and downs of the excesses experienced this year.

Blondes were once again competing at Farmfair International in Edmonton, and have been since 2013. We came away with Grand Champion Bull & Female as well as Reserve Grand Bull in the multi-breed section and earned ourselves spots in the Alberta Supreme show. We also had quite a bit of interest in our breed from International visitors and local cattleman. Hopefully it will lead to more bull sales down the road. The Alberta Association AGM was held in November. Main topic of discussion was increasing our exposure through more advertising as we are in a good financial position. We also welcomed Dave Kamelchuk (Treasurer) and Ross Musgrove (VP) back to the Board. The Alberta Blonde bull test also got started in November with 15 bulls arriving. We are down a little in numbers this year due to poor fall weather.BullswillstartthetestinearlyDecember and be finished by around April 1st. Consignors are Little Creek Farms, Spruce Vale Blondes, Upper Cache Blondes and Willow Springs Stock Farm. If you would like results emailed directly to you, please contact Reed Rigney at rigney@clearwave.ca. by Reed Rigney

With a new president-elect in the states, we are waiting with baited breath to see how he treats his trading partners. COOL maybe on the agenda again. There are three young Blonde bulls entered in the Douglas Test station this year. One from Bellevue Blondes and two from Forty acre Blondes. The manager is new and has instituted a few changes, we shall see how that pans out. The weather has been wet and mild from the time the animals were dropped off until now, very different from some years when it is minus 30 and snow. Feel free to check out the stats on these animals when you are surfing the web. To all our friends and will be friends, have a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New year from all of us at Man-Sask Association. by Pat Filz

ONTARIO Well another Cream of the Crop Sale has come and gone. Always great to see so many familiar faces and catch up with friends and fellow blonde breeders. This year’s sale had new excitement with the changes to the Raffle, giving the winners the opportunity to use a sales voucher on a purchase at the Cream of the Crop Sale or from an Ontario Breeder. Congratulations to our Lucky winners Barb Pearce from Warkworth with 1st prize and Don Dunham of Campbellford claiming 2nd prize. Don (Wendy) used the $1000 voucher for a purchase at this year’s sale. A grand total of $6095 was recorded in ticket sales, up from previous years. Thanks to all involved with making the change to the Raffle at our AGM as it was a successful venture! The proceeds from the raffle support our youth program. This year we had 14 blonde beef projects hitting the show rings across the province. A huge THANK YOU to all the youth who choose a Blonde d’Aquitaine as your beef project! Some items to note of interest from the sale: • Total Sale receipts of $102 550 • 36 Lots averaged $2 724. • 6 new courtesy memberships • Cattle were sold into 5 provinces, BC, AB, QC, NB and NS. • The high selling bull was Crystal Caesar with the top bid of $4 600 belonging to Richard Levert of Alexandria, Ontario. • The high selling female was Franmar Crystal with the top bid of $5 000 belonging to Crystal Farms of Jasper, Ontario. • People’s Choice Award went to WSS Charlotte, purchased by Bull Moose Hill Farms (James Graham) of Belleisle Creek, NB. • Reed Rigney of WSS Farm was presented with the People’s Choice Producer Banner sponsored by Little Creek Farm. • Richard Hines accepted the People’s Choice Buyer Banner for James Graham, sponsored by Acres Farms. The Ontario Board has been busy planning for next year already! With much discussion, we have

agreed to continue with the advertising roadmap for another year along with the raffle. Kirk McGee has done an extremely great job on our ads in numerous publications. We have made our bid to host the 2017 Canadian National, waiting on a response from the Canadian Board. With Christmas fast approaching, Jeremy maybe able to help out with gifts or stocking stuffers from the new list of merchandise he has ordered. On the subject of presents, Dave Payne finally got his balloons he wanted for the Ottawa Valley Farm Show! It’s that time of year again for Bull Tests and Dave Payne is the contact if you want to participate in the Performance Program. Visit the BIO website to find a facility operating nearest you and the requirements needed to enter an animal. Mark your calendars as we are planning our AGM for Saturday March 25th at Bobby C’s in Bowmanville and more details will follow. Contact our Nominating Director Paul Fee if you or know of someone interested in being on the board. Unfortunately, we are still having some website issues with our past service provider and are getting things switched over to our new provider. Due to these issues, the website was shut down or items may not have been posted on our webpage as quickly as we’d like. Hopefully, we can get this rectified soon. On behalf of the Ontario Blonde d’Aquitaine Board of Directors and I, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Happy calving! Steven J. Acres

QUEBEC Nouvelles de l’Association Blonde d’Aquitaine du Québec Bonjour chers Éleveurs Nous sommes dans la neige, ça fond et de nouveau de la neige. C’est l’Hiver au Québec !! En ce qui a rapport avec les jugements au Québec ça été une année tranquille, Les Cleary’s ont représentés la race Blonde à l’Expo de Richmond. Il n’y a pas eu de jugement de la race Blonde à l’Expo Bœuf de Victoriaville cette année. Si le National 2017 de la Canadienne a lieu au Québec cette année nous pourrions peut-être espérer que des nouveaux et anciens éleveurs seront au rendez-vous la longue fin de semaine de l’Action de Grâce à Victoriaville. Encore une fois cette année, Reed Rigney de l’Alberta se prépare à placer une commande de semences de taureaux français avec une livraison pour Février 2017. Nous essaierons de combiner une commande unique pour

toutes les provinces ainsi que d’autres races pour baisser les coûts de transport, biostat, importation, etc… Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez communiquer avec moi ou Reed Rigney de l’Alberta.

at Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville. Hopefully if the CBDA National 2017 is held at Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville during the Thanks Giving weekend we can count on more Québec breeders participating.

Pour plus d’information sur votre association, vous pouvez toujours visiter le site Internet de l’association au: http://www.blondaquitaineqc.com

Once again, Reed Rigney is preparing to place an order of French bull’s semen straws from France, delivery in February 2017. We will try to combine a single order for all provinces as well as other breeds to lower transport costs, biostat, import, etc ... For more information, you can contact myself or Reed Rigney from Alberta.

Je prends cet occasion pour vous souhaiter de très belles fêtes et une Bonne Année 2017. Maureen Landry, secrétaire

News from the Québec Blonded’Aquitaine Association Hello Dear Breeders Our Québec winters: it snows, the snow melts and it snows again, all in the same week!! 2016 was a quiet year for the Québec shows, the Cleary’s represented the Blonde Breed at the Richmond Fair and there were no Blondes

For more information you can always visit the association’s website at www. blondaquitaineqc@hotmail.com Seasons Greetings to all and a very good year in 2017. Maureen Landry, secretary

WEST WIND BLONDES Remember to place your semen orders for spring breeding early!


| Box 334, Stavely, AB T0L 1Z0 Phone 403-549-2371 | www.westwindblondes.ca

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