Hobby Lobby Style Guide Cont'd

Page 20


Brand Benefits & Unique Selling Position Upturis maios que cupid mi, esciminusae quatiat ut velitam, quibus alitas as eiuntemqui cumquae expernam velessequam sendia dolorro dus estia ipsam, simus ducil mos es et que sitae. Pere alit molum eate rehenim et, officaecto entem quunt re volorerio bernatur alicim






Merchandise imported from from many European and Asian countries

Bigger store and selection

Store personnel counts goods every week; when less than half of a basic stock is available, more is ordered

Hobby Lobby Store, Inc. is striving to become the #1 craft and fabric retailer in the country. In order to attain this, the brand must capitalize the opportunity to exploit the brand’s:


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