1 minute read

relationship with God, religion; and the power of Prayer

“I felt like I wasn't really getting spiritually fed in church. But that didn't mean that I didn't have a connection with God. To me, religion is like food. You have all different kinds of food from different cultures, right? Everybody has their own flavor of God. So that's how I see God. I feel you don't put him in a box and say, he's this way. He's so grand. I feel it's an insult to put him in a box and say he doesn't like this. For me, it's more about the relationship and not the religion.”

“It’s always been pretty clear to me what I want for Sydney because I feel like, I'm not going to let them do anything to her that I wouldn't have done to myself if I was in her situation. I want her to be as comfortable as possible, especially, with her situation. So, I haven't had any hard decisions to make.”

“Enough is enough. This is my child, you're not going to come in here and talk to me like, you're better than I am because you have a degree for this. I'm her mother, I'm her father, I'm her doctor, I'm her nurse, I am her

“When you are tired of the technical terms and medical terms and instead of them thinking, okay, well, this person doesn’t know these terms, so I'm going to break this thing down for them. I was like, enough is enough. This is how we're going to do it. I tried it your way, now you all are going to do