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Title from video Palliative Care:

“Palliative care has been helpful in many ways. Everything that we've needed, we've got. Nothing is forced, it’s like they listen to what I have to say. They find a way to meet me in the medium and say, well, here's another option. They give options. So that is the great thing about palliative care, there's no force behind it.”

“They come to you, they don't talk at you, they talk to you. And it’s a team. It's teamwork at its finest. I trust them.”

Introduction to Pediatric Palliative Care

“It probably took a couple of months. When I'm not able to sleep at night, a ventilator is going on and off, all these bells and whistles and alarms. I had no choice but to accept it. I was like, okay, this is my life now. This is how it's going to be. It didn't happen overnight. It’s a process.”

Supporting Siblings

“From the moment that I bought Sydney home, those boys stepped in right away, like they wanted to know how to suction her. They wanted to know how to do her feeds. They wanted to know how to do everything.”

“We have a park that has a pond and I’ll go sit out there under the trees. Sometimes I just get in my car, turn the music up, let all the windows down and just ride. It's just whatever I feel like I need at the moment. Sometimes I want to get out and socialize and just talk to complete strangers. Or sometimes I just want to be alone.”

“I don't take the little things for granted. It's just the little things that count for me, tiny things. It could be me going out in the backyard and lighting the fire pit with some music on and just chilling. I just need a moment.”

Taking Care of Yourself

“That function in stress is poisonous. It will eat you up from the inside out and that energy transfers onto your kids, it transfers onto your spouse. It just transfers so we have to stay positive, and live in the moment, regardless of how bad you think that moment is.”

“We have to find the beauty in things and function more in it.”