2022 Volunteer Impact Report

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1 SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report Table of Contents A Message from Our CEO 2 Volunteer Demographics Place of Residence 3 Gender Identification 3 Age 4 Race/Ethnicity 5 Education 5 Volunteer Retention Years of Service 6 Life Hours 6 Volunteer Impact Administrative 7 Arts & Education 7 Board of Directors 8 Communications & Development 8 Congregate Dining 8 Home Chores & Deliveries 9 Insurance Program 9 Medical Transportation 9 Meal Delivery 10 Meals on Wheels Behind-the-Scenes 10 Social Programming 11 Wellness 11 Wait, There’s More! 12 2022 Volunteer Survey Responses 13 Fast Facts About 2022 14

A Message from Our CEO

Dear SourcePoint supporters,

This report is a celebration of the great work done by volunteers in 2022. While the pandemic began to wane, it still affected many people’s decisions about serving their community. You will be amazed at the diversity of volunteer-provided services that keep older adults in Delaware County thriving through both the best and worst of times.

We can’t thank our volunteers enough for their contribution to SourcePoint and those we serve. We created this impact report to let both our volunteers and the community know that their dedication is critical to the work we do. Whether it is their time, talents, treasures, or all three, we can’t do it without our volunteers—and we wouldn’t want to! When we come together to serve the older adults in our community, everyone benefits. We are fortunate to have so many wonderful volunteers on the SourcePoint team!

2023 is bringing exciting changes and new ideas and we know our volunteers will continue to back our mission to serve older adults.

2 SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report

Volunteer Demographics

Place of Residence

45% of volunteers reside in the City of Delaware. The next largest group, at 17%, reside in Powell, followed by Lewis Center at 9% and Sunbury at 7%.

Gender Identification

Gender Identification

65% of volunteers identify as female and 35% as male.

65% of volunteers identify as female and 35% as male.

3 SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report
5 (1%) 6 (1%) 14 (2%) 2 (0%) 279 (45%) 13 (2%) 31 (5%) 1 (0%) 58 (9%) 2 (0%) 2 (0%) 1 (0%) 11 (2%) 102 (17%) 4 (1%) 1 (0%) 44 (7%) 1 (0%) 35 (6%) 4 (1%) Ashley Centerburg Columbus Croton Delaware Dublin Galena Hilliard Lewis Center Marengo Marion Mount Vernon Ostrander Powell Radnor Shawnee Sunbury Upper Sandusky Westerville Worthington 65% 35% Female Male

Age Range

The 66 to 75-year age pool is the largest, at 46%. Yay, Boomers!

4 SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report
18-25 Years 1% 26-40 Years 3% 41-65 Years 26% 66-75 Years 46% 76-99 Years 24% 18-25 Years 26-40 Years 41-65 Years 66-75 Years 76-99 Years


88% of SourcePoint volunteers identify as white/non-Hispanic. The ethnicity of 9% of the volunteer pool is unknown. The next largest group, at 1%, identify as Black/African American.

Nearly 30% of the volunteer pool have obtained a bachelor’s degree and nearly 20% have earned a master’s degree.

5 SourcePoint
2022 Volunteer Impact Report
6 (1%) 6 (1%) 8 (1%) 2 (0%) 1 (0%) 54 (9%) 539 (88%) American Indian Asian Black/African American Latino Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Unknown White/Non-Hispanic 6% 0% 0% 30% 4% 13% 2% 19% 2% 1% 11% 0% 0% 12% Associates Degree Attending College Attending High School Bachelor's Degree Doctorate Degree High School Graduate JD Master's Degree Nursing Degree Other Some College Some High School Trade School Unknown

Volunteer Retention

With onboarding costs at $30-40 per volunteer, cost-effective volunteer programs focus on retaining hard-won qualified volunteers and encouraging them to engage in multiple areas. SourcePoint’s wholistic volunteer mantra is that all volunteers are on a journey to be leaders, educators, and eventually, recruiters of other volunteers.

45% of volunteers have served between 1-5 years. About 1/3 have served in the 6 to 10-year range.

Years of Service

Life Hours


Hours 301-500 Hours 501-800 Hours

801-1,000 Hours

1,001-2,000 Hours

SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report
148 (24%) 278 (45%) 112 (18%) 63 (10%) 12 (2%) 3 (1%)
Volunteers < 1 Year 1 - 5 Years 6 - 10 Years 11 - 15 Years 16 - 20 Years 21 - 25 Years 36% 24% 10% 11% 3% 11% 3% 1% 1% 0% 0%
Roger VanSickle 25 years Board of Directors
Kathy Packham 24 years Meals on Wheels Rebecca Wallace 22 years Meals on Wheels

Volunteer Impact

At the beginning of each new volunteer orientation, I describe to prospective volunteers what we do at SourcePoint. The mission, I say, is two-fold: we assist older adults with living independently in their homes, and we assist with engaging in life outside of their homes. Some volunteers prefer serving in the capacity of the former, such as Meals on Wheels, medical transportation, and home chores. Others prefer the latter, such as our art and wellness volunteers, along with cafe and kitchen assistants. In whatever capacity meets their skill set, availability, and physical capabilities, our volunteers are all valuable members of the force who keep our seniors both safely at home and actively engaged.


Tucked away in various parts of the building or remotely from their homes, administrative volunteers quietly enter data, scan documents, make ID badges, and run reports that make staff members not only look good, but stay sane. They are unsung heroes who simply love what they do and the staff members they assist. Their 1,182 hours of service spanned the organization with volunteers in HR, in-home care, quality assurance, nutrition, and communications.

Arts & Education

The volunteer quilting group, Do For Others, created 578 blankets and 70 hats for community organizations like Grady Birthplace and ER, Turning Point, St. Joan of Arc, Family Promise, Delaware County Children’s Services, and multiple long-term care facilities and veterans’ services agencies. The volunteer-run gift shop, whose artisan products are sold to support senior services, broke all records since its beginning in 2010, bringing in nearly $17,000 and doubling the anticipated goal. Scrappy Crafters, the volunteer crafting group behind most of the items in the shop, experienced record-breaking attendance, as well. Art assistants help set up on-site exhibits and set up and staffed a show at Gallery 22 in downtown Delaware. Volunteer facilitators led mind aerobics on- and off-site, as well as book club, oodles of doodles, Care, Share and Connect, and special interest groups. Volunteer instructors led various educational presentations throughout the year, including technology classes and one-on-one technology assistance.

Collectively, arts and education volunteers contributed 8,139 hours of their time.

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Board of Directors

SourcePoint’s all-volunteer board of directors were back in-person in 2022, contributing 689 hours’ worth of their time. They helped to set the course and steer the ship while serving on 10 different committees and assisting at special events.

Communications & Development

Volunteers in this department assist with fundraising and outreach events, data entry and literature distribution, and the monthly assembly of bulk mailings. In 2022, a small group of volunteers contributed 382 hours of time

Congregate Dining

Meals are better shared together, and our community cafe volunteers make lunch pleasant for everyone. Having a place to meet friends and make new ones goes a long way toward ending social isolation, not to mention making good nutritional choices. Cafe 55’s fun vibe and delicious menus are legendary in Delaware County. Since last May, the cafe is back in full swing, though cafe assistants and line servers continue to have extra duties to meet the new normal of a post-pandemic world. They collectively contributed 4,273 hours in 2022 while serving 24,168 satisfied customers.

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Home Chores & Deliveries

In-home care’s multifaceted delivery program involves volunteers trekking across the county to deliver critically needed cases of Ensure and Glucerna, as well as care packages, welcome packages, and milestone birthday packages to homebound seniors. This team gave 767 hours and drove 7,838 miles to serve 767 seniors. Meanwhile, home chores volunteers gave 40 hours of their time to rake leaves, clean up landscaping, and provide general help around the house.

Insurance Program

Our insurance program volunteers, including those who are OSHIIP certified and those who provide administrative assistance, served a total of 174 people during 2022 open enrollment, providing a total savings of $76,082, an average of $437 per individual.

Medical Transportation

The medical transportation program took one of the biggest hits during the pandemic and is now on the rebound. A small but mighty band of volunteers delivered seniors to 244 medical appointments, driving a combined total of 11,558 miles. These volunteers contributed 786 hours of their time to drive older adults to doctors, dialysis, physical therapy, dentists, and other crucial appointments. Even older adults lucky enough to live near family can struggle to get a ride from busy grown children and this service is a lifeline for seniors trying to maintain independence.

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Meal Delivery

In weather of any kind, nearly half of all SourcePoint volunteers can be found delivering hot nutritious meals Monday-Friday, along with seasonal special deliveries to provide frozen meals for clients to consume on holidays when the program is closed. In 2022, these volunteers gave 21,842 hours of their time. They collectively drove 188,479 miles around Delaware County, delivering 247,741 meals! At each home, older adults were checked for safety, relieved of food insecurity, and given a midday respite from isolation. Meal drivers are the eyes and ears of the care consultants, reporting back when a client’s condition changes and helping seniors age in place.

Meals on Wheels Behind-the-Scenes

Trays and coolers don’t pack themselves! It’s a massive team effort to get meal routes prepped and on the road. The behind-thescenes work is fast and physical. These teams tend to bond with each other, increasing their interest and longevity in their roles. Volunteers in the kitchen pack prepared food into trays then seal and sticker them to differentiate between three types of meals, as well as hot or cold meals. In 2022, kitchen volunteers spent 5,056 hours packing over 1,000 trays a day, five days a week.

Volunteer packers and runners get the drivers on the road. Packers pack the coolers with hot and cold trays, beverages, and sides, passing them off to a team of runners who load and unload them into drivers’ vehicles. Office volunteers collect meal route information and enter it into spreadsheets and databases. Offsite, several families helped repackage pet food for all the furry companions who get home-delivered meals of their own. These volunteers gave 21,951 hours of time.

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We offer fun classes paced for adults of all abilities, welcoming and well-equipped workout spaces, a cozy warm-water pool, and friendly volunteers on-site to assist and keep an eye out for safety. Delaware County’s older adults have every reason to engage in a fitness routine, encouraged by volunteers who gave 13,115 hours monitoring wellness spaces and facilitating off-site groups like golf leagues and hiking clubs.

Social Programming

SourcePoint’s enrichment center is a bevy of activities that satisfy many interests and foster new friendships. Volunteers in this area serve as activity assistants for bingo, card games, and off-site programming, and activity leaders for line dancing and “Out and About” groups like bowling, Let’s Wine About It, and Men on the Move. Concierge volunteers are on hand to give facility tours and were the force behind the new Welcome to SourcePoint Day. Local bands and performers volunteer their time and talents to provide musical fun every Thursday in fall, winter, and spring, as well as at special events and in Cafe 55. These volunteers contributed 2,176 hours.

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Wait, There’s More!

• Farmers market volunteers handed out 228 packets of vouchers working booths at the Delaware and Sunbury markets and Miller’s Country Gardens, as well as assisting staff at the SourcePoint drive-thru distribution where 378 packets of vouchers were distributed.

• Meals on Wheels volunteers distributed 9,085 pounds of pet food to 116 clients, serving approximately 298 pets. The pet food was repacked for individual delivery by volunteer families and service groups.

• Certified volunteers led Matter of Balance classes.

• Certified therapy and comfort dogs and their handlers volunteered at the center to provide stress-relieving time with furry friends.

• Volunteers with caregiving experience led support groups for others in the same situation.

• The SourcePoint library was staffed by volunteers.

• Home crafters donated a variety of labor-intensive handcrafted items to support the gift shop.

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2022 Volunteer Survey Responses

Annual surveys are an important means of gauging volunteer satisfaction. Our 2022 survey yielded constructive comments and overall high ratings. Here are some highlights, including the all-important Net Promoter Score, in which SourcePoint scored an impressive 80%.

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with SourcePoint’s volunteer experience?

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied Neutral

Not so satisfied

Very dissatisfied

13 SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report
On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend volunteering at SourcePoint to a friend? 0 50 100 150 200 250
2 1 3 1 5 3 4 12 29 172 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fast Facts about 2022:

• 643 volunteers contributed 48,116 hours of their time, valued at $1,441,074.20. ($29.95/hour – independentsector.org)

• 151 new individuals became volunteers.

• Our volunteer base is equivalent to 23 full-time staff members.

“I could not do my job without the daily support of volunteers at SourcePoint. They are truly the glue that supports our vast range of programming opportunities.”

SourcePoint 2022 Volunteer Impact Report

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