Life Together Summer Issue

Page 14

“It’s All About Water� Drinking water is both rewarding and beneficial for young children and of course adults. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 includes a water provision for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Effective October 1, 2011, the provision requires child care providers to make drinking water available upon request to children. Especially with the warmer weather approaching it is important to keep the children hydrated with more water intake because children will be more physical and active in the summer months.

Water hydrates the body, cushioning muscles and joints and should be consumed on a regular basis. There are several other benefits to drinking water. A few include water being the main solvent for food, minerals and vitamins, assists the kidneys, assists in the normality of body functions and does not add fat or calories to the diet. As children move through the day they lose water through urination, perspiration and even exhaling. Providers are encouraged to increase the availability of water in their facilities. It is now recommended that after a serving of milk at a meal that water be given in place of a second serving of milk. There are several food sources for water which we highly encourage providers to serve some of these foods during their meals and snacks each day. These foods include watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, apples and citrus fruits. Many vegetables are also a good source of water. These include carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and celery.

A few tips for serving and increasing the availability of water:

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Display child size water pitchers with cups for easy access. Hand out straws. Children often have fun using straws. Offer mini slices of lemons, limes or oranges to add flavor to the water. Set an example for children by drinking water when thirsty. Avoid serving too much water before and during mealtimes as it can make a child full and could keep them from consuming their food.

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