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Hidden Gems at Cornell

heard stories about how the department used to be in Newman Hall.

The first few weeks of your first year here can be really tough and isolating, so don’t be afraid to ask people you’ve just met to grab a meal with you. Whether it’s lunch between classes or dinner after a club meeting, sharing a meal is a great way to make new acquaintances and build close friendships. People tend to be more relaxed during meals, which allows for great conversation to happen naturally. Plus, sharing food helps you get to know someone better easily since food is a key part of a person’s identity. Learning about the food they enjoy eating and making reveals a lot about someone’s background and upbringing, helping you to form a more meaningful friendship.

By REVA RAO Sun Staff Writer

This story was originally published on April 24.

With over 10 dining halls and 18 cafés scattered throughout Cornell’s campus, each boasting their unique strengths and weaknesses, Cornell dining can be overwhelming for a freshman to navigate. Throughout my first year at Cornell, I found myself trying out different places, but taking random guesses at what to order. If you’re keen to discover the tastiest menu items and fit in like a true Cornellian, know that you’re not alone. Thankfully, I’ve compiled a list of the top five hidden gems at Cornell eateries, complete with specific recommendations on what to order, as not all menu items are created equal.

love their egg sandwiches. Personally, I have a sweet tooth, so I tried creating my own bagel from their menu. I chose a cinnamon raisin bagel and added Cornell’s honey roasted peanut butter, cinnamon sugar creamed honey, mixed berry cream cheese and banana.

Too extra? Perhaps.

The bagel was soft and fluffy with a delightful cinnamon flavor. The honey roasted peanut butter was creamy and salty, which balanced out the sweet cinnamon sugar honey. The mixed berry cream cheese was smooth and luscious, and the fresh berry flavor was a lovely addition. The banana slices completed the whole experience adding a delicate, sweet flair. It was a fantastic combination of flavors that I highly recommend trying.

Whipped Cream Cheese

Mac’s Smoothies you can catch up on work.

Mac’s is a vibrant café situated right in the heart of the Statler. Although the majority of customers are Hotel School students, don’t let that deter you from trying their exceptional smoothies — in my opinion, the best at Cornell. They offer a variety of fruit and frappuccino-style drinks, and I highly recommend trying two of them.

The first smoothie, known as the cookies and cream frappuccino, falls somewhere between a frappuccino and a milkshake. It delivers a much-needed caffeine boost, a sugar rush and the delectable taste of oreo cookies and milk. While it’s not an everyday drink, it’s definitely a treat worth indulging in!

I know I have eaten alone and done all of the things I’ve listed. And to be honest, it kind of sucks. Eating alone makes me feel lonely and small. Every day, I notice plenty of people eating lunch or dinner alone in the dining halls; it’s incredibly common ly your professors! During the semester, some professors will invite students to get a group meal with them. Not only is it usually casual and less stressful, but you also get to learn about the unique experiences of your professors. I remember I once got dinner with a professor emeritus in the physics department and

As the years go on and you move away from dining hall food, keep setting time aside to share food with the people you care about. For example, a few friends and I decided to make time every month to get a meal together this year, regardless of prelims. I don’t see them on a dayto-day basis, so it’s nice to check in with each other. So far, every time we’ve gotten a meal together, our friendship grows stronger.

Bus Stop Bagel’s Make Your Own Bagel

Although I am not a huge bagel enthusiast, I do enjoy visiting Bus Stop Bagels when I crave them. Bus Stop Bagels is a cozy, inviting bagel shop located conveniently near the agricultural quad. There are a mix of booths and seats inside to sit, however, at busy times there are lines that run out the door. Bus Stop Bagels offers both savory and sweet bagels, and many people

Although you can always order a regular egg and cheese bagel, I encourage you to experiment with different spreads and flavors. Here are some mouthwatering combinations to consider if you want to try something new:

1. Cinnamon Raisin Bagel + Honey Roasted PB + Nutella + Banana

2. Cinnamon Raisin Bagel + Blueberry Apple Butter + Honey Roasted PB + Honey Walnut Whipped Cream Cheese

3. Spicy Italian + Basil Pesto + Bacon Scallion

The second smoothie is perfect for those who prioritize health and fitness. Even those who despise vegetables rave about the Green Smoothie. Its secret ingredient is spinach, which is indetectable amidst the fruit and orange juice that compile the other ingredients. Be prepared for long lines during peak times, but trust me, it’s well worth the wait, especially on a hot summer day.

Louie’s Lunch Milkshakes

Louie’s Lunch, situated adjacent to Risley Hall, has become a well-known food truck due to its convenient location, fast food-style offerings and extended hours until 3 am. It’s not surprising that Louie’s is busiest during late-night hours, attracting a diverse clientele, ranging from hard-working students seeking a respite from latenight studying to partygoers looking for a quick bite after a frat party. While some students may frequently complain that Louie’s Lunch food is too greasy, the reality is that after a long day, grease can be just what the doctor ordered. The real standout at Louie’s however are their customizable milkshakes. With virtually any flavor combination possible, you can create your dream shake. Personally, I have two go-to favorites: the Peanut Butter and Chocolate, and the Strawberry and Chocolate. Other flavors include Caramel, Maple, Mint, Mango, Banana and Vanilla.

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