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First-Years, Share a Meal

By MURALI SARAVANAN Former Sun Staff Writer

This story was originally published on July 28, 2018.

According to Forbes magazine, Americans are eating alone more and more often. And from a practical viewpoint, it makes a lot of sense. Eating alone is efficient; you can finish quickly and attend to the next item on your to-do list. You can even catch up on a TV show or watch sports highlights. Or if you’re really desperate, here and at many other college campuses across the nation. Why? Well, let’s face it, eating with others is hard to do in college. With Cornell’s myriad of classes and extracurriculars, everyone has a different schedule. Although it can be hard to find the time for it, sharing a meal with others can be one of the best ways to build a deeper relationship with the people around you. So, firstyears, I strongly encourage you all to make the time in your schedule to share your meals with others, especial-