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Creators of a project on Hurricane Hugo began by defining three sub-topics of information and assigning one student to plan and create each, they are: Hurricane Hugo, the specific event Hurricane, in general Charlotte SC, effects of Hugo Each creator develop his entire sub-topic, including an independent story board and timeline. After completing their sub-topics, the creators got together and contributed their results to the total project, then decided on desirable links between sub-topics.

A teacher decided to couch a geography lesson as creating a multimedia project for a hypothetical travel agency, students create a project that tourists could use to explore several cities. Next, the students spent considerable time devising a classification scheme for the information. The students designed a tree organization, also known as a hierarchical organization, in which a user first saw a main menu containing three buttons that the user could select to specify a city as indicated. The students found that about half of the users were interested in only one choice and wanted to see information about that choice for each city, the students therefore changed to an organization in which the main menu showed a table of cities and choices. The table organization allows a user to select interesting information easily and quickly. The information did not change between these two organizations. The creators simply added links and a new main menu to make navigation more convenient for all potential users.


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