Women in Art

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IES Bachiller Sabuco – Albacete

Eltham Hill School –London

WOMEN IN ART By Maya Sharma-Vu and Marta García Martínez.

Throughout history, women have always been excluded and put at a disadvantage from art. Due to the inequality between men and women, women had to face gender biases which lead to difficulties when trying to sell their work and gain recognition. Algunas de las razones por las mujeres han sido excluidas del arte son, por ejemplo, que nunca se les ha concedido una educación y que en la época se pensaba que las mujeres eran inferiores a los hombres. Women were frustrated that they did not have the same freedom in art as men. They began to sign their artwork under male names or just put their initials to protect their work from being ignored. People also thought that women had weak hands and were not capable of making art or sculptures. Las mujeres han sido vistas y tratadas como objetos y musas en el ámbito del arte en vez de ser vistas por otras perspectivas no relacionadas con la apariencia como la política, ciencia... Only 8% of public art in central London was created by women. However, 85% of the nudes are female. This shows that women are mainly seen as objects instead of accurate representations of creativity. En 1970, las mujeres estaban hartas de ser ignoradas y despreciadas, así que intentaron hacer un cambio. En 1971, Margaret Harrison creó la primera exposición feminista en Londres, pero la policía la retiró. In conclusion, we believe that the underrepresentation of women in art has little or no positive aspects because everything is mainly negative. Este problema era peor en el pasado y se ido resolviendo gradualmente ya que las mujeres han llevado a cabo varios movimientos feministas. Sin embargo, la desigualdad en el arte sigue siendo un problema en nuestra sociedad.

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