Water Management Orewa Riverside

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Orewa Riverside

Water Management Design

Detail Drawings

Middle Age

19th Century

19th-20th Century

20th-21st Century

Stormwater management for High Density Areas

Case Study

In the city of Freiburg in south-west Germany, gutters (bachle) constantly feed by the Dreisam River run throughout the city. During the summer the running water provides cooling air for the area The water needs to be clean and the landscape needs to be and year round it offers a pleasant, gurgling, soothing sound. It is refilled every 8 minutes and has a base slope of 1-2 degrees. This system differs from mine as it uses the river to bring the aesthetic water into the street, but it has the system I propose using in my design.


The swales will be based on this drawing from ARC, but will have the overflow exiting through the channels in the roads. Swales were chosen as they remove contaminants from the water before it ends up in the water ways that lead to the Orewa River and they are also aesthetically pleasing and provide green belts in what would otherwise be just another road.

Water Flow Diagram

Concept Plan This cross section shows the flow of the water to the swale in the centre off the road and then out into the river. The roads are wider to provide on street parking for the residents and visitors of the high density areas.

The layout for the channels from the swales mimic cattle stops as the area has a strong history of being a farming region. The exposed aggregate base will slow down the flow of the water between swales, preventing the swales from eroding.

The plain concrete edges will provide a contrast between the tar-sealed road and create a point of difference, enhancing the use of the channels though out the design and emphasizing the River living theme by providing miniature waterways.

Cora Lawton 1176872

Swale Diagram

Pedestrian Flow Diagram How does the water get from road and houses to How are the swales designed to get water overflow How do people move around the site access the river? the rivers? to the river?

Water control is pivotal to this Orewa Riverside design working. The water ways need to be cleaned up and regenerated with the right control of the water from the streets and houses. It is essential that the water be clean enough to enter the water ways that lead to the Orewa River. In this design water management has been exemplified and not hidden with the use of open channels and swales that are aesthetically pleasing and will educate the public on how the water is treated in order to get it clean enough to enter our oceans. The design develops areas that will have high vehicle traffic and high pedestrian traffic to access park areas from the high density housing.

Pedestrian Design

How do people move through the swales?

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