Copy Works Connection January Issuu

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The Blue Jay Puzzle 6-7 The Power of Kakans 10 - 11 New Year New Resolutions 14 - 15

Business In Light Wellness Systems 20 - 21

Opinion Respecting Albertans Means Letting Them Prosper 24 - 25

BNI Member of Fun Stuff the Month Quotes & Copy Works


16 - 18

26 - 27

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The Blue Jay Puzzle

Do you like blue jays? These colourful, cheeky birds brighten up our winter days.


own at the Nature Centre in Police Point Park, we get a lot of questions and comments about blue jays. Many people have a real soft spot for these noisy birds. Jays love their peanuts and will announce their presence and their hunger if their daily treat is missing. Blue jays are a member of the crows and jays family. Their close relatives in-

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clude ravens, magpies, crows, and other jays. They are all very intelligent birds! Some recognize individual people and know who is a friend and who is not. Many prairie kids have had experience with a pet crow or magpie. The adventures that these birds and their owners get into can be quite hilarious. Do you have some stories to tell? Sometimes visitors to the Nature Centre tell us tales about the local crows, magpies, or jays who have totally figured out how to tease the dogs or cats. The crow and jay family are intelligent, opportunistic birds who will eat almost anything. A dog dish left outside is fair game! They will even work in teams. One bird will tease the dog, luring him away from his food, while the other bird grabs a quick lunch! Some people get really annoyed at this, while others enjoy a good laugh at these clever birds. The blue jays are the most colourful local member of this family. If you travel to different parts of the world, you may find other colourful jay family members. Visitors from eastern Canada often exclaim about our beautiful magpies. We take our magpies for granted because they are common, and we often think of them as pests. Can we stop and reconsider? What do they do that you don’t like? They are very smart and will get into things like garbage or the dog’s food. But that is their role. They are Nature’s clean up crew. Imagine what it would be like if the magpies and other scavengers just left everything to rot. Instead of complaining

about the magpies, perhaps we should be thanking them. And if we look at them with fresh eyes, we can appreciate the wonderful iridescence of their feathers. The blue jay, the magpies’ cousin, is like a favorite child. They are noisy, demanding, in-your-face like the magpie, but somehow we tend to think that they are fun to have around. People will cheerfully respond to the blue jay’s demand for breakfast peanuts, and yet complain when the magpie takes some. It is a puzzle how we develop these favorites.

Feeding birds adds fun to our winters. We hope that you can enjoy all of our birds, recognizing their beauty and their personalities. If you have questions about our blue jays or their cousins, please call the Nature Centre in Police Point Park, 403-529-6225.

Corlaine Gardner

MH Interpretive Program managed by Grasslands Naturalists based in Police Point Park

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LOOKING TO BE A PART OF THE MARKET? We're seeking vendors to fill the following dates:


Cypress Centre Auditorium 2055 21 Avenue SE, Medicine Hat, AB Member of the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17



By Dr. Daniel Schnee


t the beginning of every year, I choose a word or idea that will be my theme for the year, something to organize my annual goals and strategies around. This essential word acts as a heuristic: a key that both inspires and helps me discover just what I need to make my goals occur. And as there are hundreds of languages in the world, this gives us a lot of choices. So, as you renew your efforts to be a better person or

"The beauty of kakans is that they are small and easy."

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achieve more in your life in 2017, I suggest considering the Japanese word kakan. Kakan, an adjective, means to be bold or determined when acting, being resolute and unwavering: a bold person being a “kakan na hito”. What boldness means to each of us can vary, and that is why it is such a useful word for our efforts this year. It can mean putting aside petty fears or insecurities, and being brave enough finally try a new hobby, or meet new friends or finally ask someone on a date. It could also mean becoming a better person through renewed self-analysis and increased charity work, boldly committing to small, well measured steps towards a richer spiritual life. No matter what you choose, you can “kakan-ify” your life, and these “kakans”, little bold steps taken daily, can make a major difference in our own and others’ lives. The beauty of kakans is that they are small and easy. You don't have to decide on a major goal and then have to rely on willpower to make it happen. In fact,

if your kakans are well thought out, no will power is needed. For example, if you want to lose ten pounds, you don't have to try and lose “ten pounds” all at once. As weight loss must be well planned, small steps lead to permanent weight lose are necessary if changes are made to our lifestyle. Trying to lose ten pounds all at once

"No matter what you choose, you can “kakan-ify” your life, and these “kakans”, little bold steps taken daily, can make a major difference in our own and others’ lives."

feels hard because it is hard to change our bodies that much, that fast. We can though lose one pound through healthy living, then another, and another until we just so happen to lose ten of these single pounds in a row. Thus, the idea of losing one pound ten times is psychologically easier and more uplifting. That is the real power of kakans, and how they can lead to cumulative change in our lives. Kakans can be any bold act in our life, but they are especially effective in the spiritual aspect of living. One example is what is referred to in the Sanskrit language as mudita, sympathetic joy for others. This means we take delight in the kakans of others, being happy when others find happiness and fulfill their dreams, whether we like that person or not. This particular kakan means that we will not only achieve, but also actually double, our happiness in uplifting and celebrating others, a great way to make 2017 our best year ever.

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9 . 5% Pa

id Back on Prescriptio ns Last Year!

12 Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17

FREE blister packing FREE medication reviews FREE injections (some exceptions apply) FREE smoking cessation program Pharmacists available with additional prescribing authority Dividends on all pharmacy purchases.

13 AVE CO-OP MALL PHARMACY 3030 - 13th Avenue. S.E. 403-528-6604

NORTHLANDS CO-OP PHARMACY 10 Northlands Way N.E. 403-528-6608


4926 46th Avenue, Taber, AB Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17 13 403-223-5984

By Gillian Reimer, Head of Marketing at the Medicine Hat Public Library

New Years are all about resolutions. We promise things of ourselves. This year I will lose weight. Exercise more. Quit smoking. Save money. Work less. Work more. Watch TV less. Read more. And a multitude of others. In 2017, let’s resolve to enrich ourselves. Don’t plan to fix, change, or overhaul. Enrich. Here at the Library our resolution is to help you become enriched – whatever that means to you.

ded to Recently ad Zumba on are two the collecti D te with DV kits comple k ic ning st s. discs and to

At the broadest level, we have self-help books on almost any topic. This is a good place to start if you have a specific concern you want to address in the New Year. Our staff will help gather all the materials available on the topic, allowing you to become informed, empowered and enriched.

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If your resolution is to cook more, eat healthier, or to become the next contestant on

MasterChef, our collection of more than 1000 cookbooks will take your culinary game to the next level. If you’re like so many others in that you resolve to lose weight this New Year, we can help there too. We have workout DVDs, books, Wii games that will get you moving, and recently added to the collection are two Zumba kits complete with DVD discs and toning sticks. If you were given the gift of technology for Christmas and now you’re realizing you should resolve to become a better user of said

technology, we’re ready to help. We have classes to teach computer, email and Internet basics. Classes to teach you how to use some of our resources like downloading ebooks to your tablet or ereader, how to access emagazines on Zinio, and how to find family history records on Ancestry. The more advanced computer user will appreciate our adult coding classes for a chance to learn new skills. If you resolve to save money in 2017, getting or renewing your library card is a good place to start. For only $5/year for adults, a library card gives you ac-

cess to unlimited entertainment materials. If you’re looking for ways to save money elsewhere, borrow one of our Home Energy Self-Audit Toolkits to see if there’s money to save on your utility bill. Take home an infrared thermometer, power cost monitor, watt meter and thermal imaging camera to identify whether your home is energy smart, or not. If you’ve been saying “I haven’t been to the Library in years” – resolve to visit. Resolve to find out more. Resolve to enrich yourself. Resolve to let us help you become enriched.

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Serving our community for 18 years

rks is an Copy Wo pany ased com Alberta b



Copy Works Design and Gifts is a locally owned operated print shop for the past 18 years. John and Donna Bengert have taken Copy Works from a very little store downtown to its present location in the Co-op Mall on 13th Ave. 16 Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17

BNI Copy Works has expanded into many areas over the years - we are your One Stop Shop for: GRAPHIC DESIGN



We have three qualified designers on staff Matt, Tom and Amanda.

Both digital and laser engraving for all your awards, gifts, plaques, name badges and so much more

We offer all promotional gifts for events, business, trade shows, corporate, etc.

Our newest addition is from a German technology for imprinting on t-shirts. We now offer custom personalized t-shirts in house, no minimums. Let our designers set up your special t-shirt for all occasions, events, family gatherings, weddings, and more.



We publish the monthly Connection and 4 directories yearly (Health and Fitness, Christian, Under Construction and Pet). Call Sharon or Orest to book your ads.

Of course we also offer all the print shop services of binding, faxing, coiling, laminating, cutting, emailing, scanning and folding.

PRINTING SERVICES Postcards, business cards, invitations, tickets, forms, newsletters, etc.

PHOTOCOPYING Crisp clean B&W and vibrant Full Color

BANNER & SIGNS Our new addition of the HP Latex Banner printer offers full brilliant color in high quality for all your banners, signs, decals, canvas pictures and large posters.


In this time or recession it is important to keep the profits in Alberta – keeping our businesses healthy through these tough times. For example there are many online ordering sites but where is your money going - to what country? Our online print site keeps the profit in Alberta – support local, support Alberta. Our website featuring our online catalogues and invitations To read our publications online To order online printing at incredible prices, shipped to your door:

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Why BNI? As BNI Member of the Month I would like to share BNI with you. I joined BNI in May of 2016 and it has been an incredible experience. If your business is looking for growth through referrals you will want to check out BNI (Business Network International). BNI is not a multi-level - it is a network of businesses. Through our weekly meetings and getting to know all the members, growth is the result. Also, the business knowledge and support gained through this membership is priceless. If you are interested in building your business through referrals, I invite you to come to a meeting as a visitor and check it out – call Donna at 403-504-0011 for the details.

IS THE BUSINESS OF THE MONTH. for more information call Donna at 403-504-0011

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Innovative Advertising Opportunities “It’s where everybody is pitching!”

indoor waste unit

streetside waste unit tower directory

Perfect Pitch Marketing Products TM

Innovative in concept. Uncompromising in quality. Unmatched in performance.

golf course

For Information or Advertising Rates call us at 403 526 6129 Address Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17 19

You are invited to a FREE seminar with WES BURWELL Medicine Hat Leisure Centre 6:00pm - 9:00 pm • Jan 26th, 2017 "Biology = Physics animating Chemistry. I view the human body as a collection of flow systems working synergistically. When 'dis-ease'appears, something is impeding one or more of these flow systems. This forces compensation factors to be enacted affecting the bodies'natural pathways. When energy flow redirection goes beyond the ability to compensate comfortably, symptoms appear (stress). This creates a deficiency of electrons in localized tissues which can reduce nerve functioning, blood flow and lymphatic drainage. If we restore the electron potential to the deficient area we have the possibility of restoring systemic flow, thereby undoing compensation factors; symptoms. Light therapy gives -us the ability to shift the electron potential in the tissues through the photoelectric effect, or photobiostimulation." - Wes Burwell

Wesley James Andrew Burwell attended college in Ontario, Canada for Electronics Technology / Technician. After years in the industrial/engineering field, he shifted his focus to alternative/complementary medicine after a family relative developed cancer. Wes began his studies in energy medicine over 8 years ago and became a certified Quantum Biofeedback Specialist, dealing with stress management and helping numerous clients return to health and healing. Along the way he accomplished the groundwork for certification as 20 Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17

a Holistic Health Practitioner as well as a kickboxing/martial arts instructor and Spiritual Healing Coach. Wes approached energy medicine from the basis of electrical theory and physics and found that they are intricately involved on a cellular level. By utilizing various forms of energy, beneficial effects on the human energy system and

LED Light Energy is effective, non-abrasive, non-invasive, and restorative.

Business Light Energy can support: • increases Circulation • Pain relief • Increased Comfort • Skin Rejuvenation • Reduced inflammation • Expedited recovery for bruises, scars, wounds ...And Much More!

He has worked as technical support director for 2 different companies and helped design and develop new and innovative light therapy products. Currently Wes speaks internationally on light therapy principles, application and usage of LED based devices. Wes also still serves clients at Awakenings Wellness Center in Ontario, Canada.

the physical anatomy could be enacted allowing recovery from numerous imbalances.

WELLNESS SYSTEMS Wes has mastered all types of energy medicine: biofeedback, EAV (electroacupuncture according to Voll), infrared therapies, ionic detoxification, homeopathy, nutrition, exercise programs, detoxification protocols based on homotoxicology, Ayurveda, crystal therapy, Reiki therapy, reflexology, intent work and visualizing, EFT techniques, Samadhi meditation, low- level laser therapy and, LED light therapy. Wes has toured extensively for the past 5 years as an international speaker on laser therapy utilization and principles.

For more information Contact Rick Davis: 403.527.9520 Donna Bengert: 403.504.0011

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403.528.4356 3215 Dunmore Road SE Behind Earl’s Restaurant

Mr. Kim Schick Owner/Operator

Present this ad to receive


22 Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17

Collaborative Wellness Approach OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, February 7, 2017 2:00-8:00 pm 102-1865 Dunmore Rd SE

Short presentations will be made by Melisha & Deena of Keys to Hope Counselling Services and Bev with Basic Mobility and Massage about the services they provide.

For More Information

Melisha 403-977-5225

Ne w Downtown Business

Deena 403-581-6561

Bev 403-594-2253

We carry a large selection of NEW and USED vinyl records and will custom order any we don't have in stock.





435 3 St. SE Medicine Hat, AB


Copy Works CONNECTION Issue 01/17 23

By Drew Barnes

MLA Cypress Medicine Hat

With the holiday season upon us, I hope that everyone enjoys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This time of year is filled with hope, joy, and thankfulness. It offers an opportunity for us to reflect on our many blessings and share them with loved ones.


mong the blessings I treasure is the incomparable opportunity to serve and represent my constituents. The holidays are a time when community bonds are felt most strongly, and I thank you for allowing me to celebrate the season with you. In the festivities of the holidays, it’s easy to lose sight of some of the challenges our province has endured in 2016. I think particularly of the many folks from Fort

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McMurray who cannot spend Christmas in their homes this year, as well as the families across Alberta struggling through difficult economic times, perhaps even having to deal with layoffs. Throughout it all, I have always been encouraged by the resilient nature of Albertans. I have been gladdened by extraordinary acts of charity and compassion shown to those in need. I trust that the fundamental strength and character of

Opinion this province always remains even when times are tough. As a province, we’ve seen our share of ups and downs, and we’ve come through it all before. Thanks to hard work, innovation, and generosity, this province has accomplished many great things and has withstood lean years. It is well within our abilities to weather any economic storm, if only given the opportunity to grow and thrive. My primary concern has always been creating a government that empowers people and allows them the freedom to do what they do best, whether the worker or the entrepreneur or the innovator. I desire a government that does not act as an impediment to Albertans by putting on them undue burdens and limiting their opportunity. Because I believe so strongly in the people of this province, I find it discouraging to hear things like Premier Notley telling everyone that her new taxes and restrictions would allow them to “make better choices” that reflect a rigid, imposed world-view. When asked how people would deal with, for instance, large new tax hikes on fuel, she suggested that people should take the bus or walk more, with a flippancy that only Scrooge himself could rival. Of course, in that classic Christmas story, Charles Dickens writes that Scrooge’s employee, Bob Cratchit, being refused

more coal for his fireplace, “tried to warm himself at the candle; in which effort, not being a man of a strong imagination, he failed.” No amount of dreaming could overcome cold reality. When the bitter cold of an Albertan winter sets in, I’m not sure how much imagination it would take to haul tools to a job site without a truck, or take kids and their gear to hockey practice without a vehicle, or carry a load of groceries home only by hand. But much like poor Cratchit, all the imagination we can muster can’t shake the sense that government policies have left us out in the cold. While the government seems determined on Albertans having less – less prosperity, less opportunity, less freedom to make your own choices – I will always stand up for policies that encourage growth and foster healthy, strong communities. If the strength of this province is indeed the people, then government’s purpose should be to create the space for innovation, investment, and prosperity. In short, it must stay out of the way. I’m not holding my breath for a Christmas miracle, but even old Scrooge changed his ways. Regardless of what the future holds, the industrious, creative, and caring people of Cypress-Medicine Hat have what it takes to persevere. Serving you is a true privilege, and I wish you peace and joy in the year ahead.

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When you feel like quitting – think about why you started.

I’m not telling you it is going to be easy – I am telling you it is going to be worth it.

No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch. Don’t give up what you want most, for you what you want now.

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.

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At the urging of Harry’s wife and doctor, 50 year old Harry finally made it to the gym. After consulting with one of the trainers, Harry decided to try out a steep treadmill. “Ok”, said the trainer “I’m going to set it for ten minutes, if you want to go longer just press start again.” At first Harry was doing fine but after 5 seconds he started getting tired, and after a minute he jumped off gasping for breath. Walking to the side to sit down, he passed by a friend of his. “Man”, said Harry. “I could barely last a full minute on that treadmill.” “Alright alright”, said his buddy, “no reason to brag!”

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