Planet Jackson Hole 5.10.17

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At Your Service

When it comes to housing, should the valley rethink its rs? definition of “essential” worke


2 | MAY 10, 2017


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VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 18 | MAY 10-16, 2017

12 COVER STORY AT YOUR SERVICE When it comes to housing, should the valley rethink its definition of “essential” workers? Cover illustration by John Holcroft







Copperfield Publishing, John Saltas EDITOR

Robyn Vincent /



Cait Lee /

Meg Daly, Shannon Sollitt




Caroline LaRosa /

Renshaw, Ted Scheffler, Chuck Shepherd, Jason Suder, Tom Tomorrow, Todd Wilkinson, Jim Woodmencey, Baynard Woods

Jessica Sell Chambers CONTRIBUTORS

Rob Brezsny, Kelsey Dayton, Carol Mann, Scott

MEMBER: National Newspaper Association, Alternative Weekly Network, Association of Alternative Newsmedia

567 W. BROADWAY | P.O. BOX 3249 | JACKSON, WYOMING 83001 | 307-732-0299 | WWW.PLANETJH.COM

May 10-16, 2017 By Meteorologist Jim Woodmencey May is a month of ups and downs - rain, snow, sun, and clouds – sometimes all in the same day. Or, it might be warm and sunny for a few days, followed by cool and rainy with occasional thunderstorms. In many parts of the country the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers”. In Jackson, however, we are about a month behind that saying, because of our latitude and our altitude. It is also still a bit too cool for most plants to start sprouting up, just yet.


With that in mind, don’t let a few 70-degree days lull you into thinking it is OK to plant your garden, we can still get a hard freeze this time of year. Long-term average low temperatures during this week are above the “hard-freeze” range, and are right at 30-degrees this week. Record low temperatures this week though are well below that mark, with the coldest day being 13-degrees, which happened on May 13th, 1985.

Average high temperatures this week in town are up to 62-degrees, getting a little warmer every week now. The potential for more 70-degree days is a reality, whereas 80-degree days are more of a long shot. The record high temperature this week is 83-degrees, that was set way back on May 16th,1934. That entire year was one of the hottest on record in Jackson, with many high temperature records that still stand today.


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MAY 10, 2017 | 3

Jim has been forecasting the weather here for more than 20 years. You can find more Jackson Hole Weather information at






4 | MAY 10, 2017

FROM OUR READERS My Facebook profile picture is my denial letter from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They are the only insurance company in Wyoming. Wyoming has never had any significant competition in the healthcare insurance area. My late husband suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm in 2004 before the ACA, and I have a stack of bills —more than 4 inches tall—from the approximately 30 healthcare providers and services Darrel required. Lifetime caps destroy American families. A bill from his neurosurgeon for one brain surgery was more than $21,000 and my portion was more than $12,000. I started out paying everyone $10 or $20 a month and as I paid them off, I increased the payments until I paid them all off. We were taken to collection by our hometown hospital four months after the rupture. He had a 1 to 2 percent chance to live, and if he did, he would have no quality of life i.e. be hooked up to machines. The last thing on my mind was medical bills. Darrel survived and had a remarkable recovery, but sadly, died five years later—two days after our 23rd wedding anniversary. Both Wyoming Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso are currently on the new healthcare committee. According to under the “open secrets” tab, they have both received campaign donations from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I have no faith that I, or any of the more than 273,000 people in Wyoming with pre-existing conditions, will have any viable health insurance. FYI: The approximate population of Wyoming is 585,000. – Lisa Murphy Weeks

An Unpopular Choice is the Wisest Currently there are three locations where engineers believe changes could improve traffic flow in our valley. Tribal Trails short-cut, an east-west connector from South Park Loop Road south to Highway 89, and upgrades to Spring Gulch Road. Back in July 2016, a strong and well-funded special interest group seemed to have had the power to block an effort to move forward with the Tribal Trails connector. I’m not quite sure why they were effective. Every homeowner in Indian Trails was made aware of the connector and its possible use when they purchased their homes. The connector is platted and has been approved. Money and resistance is not, and never has been, a valid reason for our county commissioners to stall this plan. We have the legal right to use this option. Our Integrated Transportation Plan calls for this connector. This, along with improving South Park Loop Road (keeping the speed limit the same) would, for many, eliminate having to encounter five signals in town: at High School Road; Shervin’s; the Maverik gas station, Albertsons and Spring Gulch Road. Spring Gulch Road should have been improved yesterday. There will be a huge outcry from a lot of people over this. For the good of all, there is no objection that is worthy, logical or fair when we are facing a future of gridlock in our valley. It’s time to make big, difficult, unpopular decisions.


A Cap on the Truth

the “human” role model, adding a unique cultural and professional element to my 40 JH years and forcing us without force to admit, confront and grapple with our prejudices—racial, religious, political, etc.— in all their varying forms. I remember well the first attack you described and the burst of near universal outrage... and the gracious sentence mitigation you suggested to the court. I also remember your professional reassuring guidance as From a Distressed Constituent Ken Lambert’s assistant for my first knee surgery. Dear Sen. Enzi, I was always indebted to your U.S. History class I received your letter dated April 20, 2017, visits as I sought to lead my mostly white students and I have some major issues with the content. thru the senseless, insidious heritage of prejudice First, you say you opposed the “Planning 2.0 Rule” because it “diminished the ability of governors, state towards blacks (and by presumptive implication: anyregulators, and local governments to manage resourc- one else) that our self-serving economic exploitation had injected several centuries ago. You brought es in their state.” Sir, these are federal lands! Those entities should insight, authenticity and empathy to an evil that no not rightly be managing lands that belong to All history teacher or text could. Again, thank you for the depth and breadth of Americans. Do you understand? Your point is totally specious. You are siding with the Cliven Bundys of the beautiful influence you cloaked us in all these years. – Scott Eaton world, and I cannot believe you really want to do that. Proximity to these lands is not enough reason to suggest that local governments should manage On ‘Ungulate Uncertainty,’ April 25 It will be horrible when chronic wasting disease them. My neighbor should never be allowed to redesign my kitchen and have me pay for it, don’t you think? shows up. Yes, we need large predators, not just Second, your vocal support of the Republican human hunting. If we continue to feed elk, we should AHCA bill is reprehensible. This bill absolutely rais- keep all the feed grounds. Reducing or eliminating es premiums on the aged and on the sick. What livestock grazing on elk winter range could help, is health insurance for if not to protect these two especially in the Wyoming Range. – Karla Bird groups first and foremost. What the GOP legislation does is give a huge tax break to the wealthiest top 2 percent of taxpayers, which will be paid for by placing the financial burden on the backs of mid- On ‘SPET Sound Off,’ May 3 dle classes and taking money out of federal proWe can control traffic—by controlling growth. We grams designed to help the poorest of our citizens. do not have to allow our home to be taken over and You need to answer some serious questions that destroyed like Moab and Sedona have. Quality of thinking and caring Wyomingites have for you. We life is much more important than outsiders building are not asleep at the wheel. Come to our town hall and building our economy into a massive, disgusting meetings around the state. We have every right (some tourist trap, while they suck the life out of us. Grow if would say it’s our duty) to demand answers for these we must, but control it. We don’t have to be a “boom outrageous proposals that hurt the vast majority of town”! Americans. – Bob Caesar – Phil Round

Why they weren’t made long ago is a bit of a mystery to me. We are choking to death. The buck stops with our commissioners, so if you are sick to death of bumperto-bumper traffic, I urge you to speak out sooner than later. I think they may be ready to listen. – Carla Watsabaugh

On ‘Free Speech: Wendell’s Jackson,’ February 15 Thank you Wendell Brown for being the zenith of

Submit your comments to with “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line. All letters are subject to editing for length, content and clarity.


MAY 10, 2017 | 5


6 | MAY 10, 2017

Reality Show Rally Populism, belonging, and inside jokes at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally.


t’s hard to know what to make of these post-election Trump rallies. The latest one, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was intended to celebrate his first 100 days in office. It also served as a distraction from the People’s Climate March, which brought hundreds of thousands of demonstrators to D.C., and the White House correspondents’ dinner, which Trump did not attend. The rally was a sign that the fun won’t stop, that Trump will keep on trolling the establishment—his attempt to signify he is still a populist and a nationalist, a man of the largely white swaths of dispossessed America that support him. When I put on my Willie Nelson T-shirt, white running shoes and Orioles ball cap, I wasn’t trying to catch anyone in some kind of James O’Keefe sting shit. I thought of it more like a restaurant critic going incognito. I would, I thought, write a review, reviving my old beat as a theater critic. Trump called Harrisburg a “war zone” during the campaign, but its Farm Show Complex and Expo Center had the air of a carnival on a hot Saturday afternoon as a line zigzagged through the parking lot—the closer you got to entering the arena, the more the bursts of air conditioning coming out of the swinging doors smelled like cowshit. It was like the parking lot of a NASCAR race or a Grateful Dead concert in the 1990s. All of the bootlegged merch signified belonging—they were all pro-Trump or anti-liberal— but it also offered individuality. People in line laughed and commented on the slogans on each other’s shirts or bumper stickers. It was, in fact, almost exactly the way the left acts about each other’s signs at marches. A young guy with a kilt and a Kek flag walked by. “Where are you from?” asked a woman flipping through a People magazine. “The People’s Republic of Kekistan,” he said. “Pakistan?” she asked. “Kekistan,” he said. “You’re from there?” she asked. “I have roots there,” he said. “He’s from Pakistan?” a man asked the woman. “I think Kakistan,” the woman said. “He said he has roots there. Maybe his grandmother or someone remembers something about it.” The man and the woman both laughed. They did not know that, for the 4chan message-board troll, the joke was on them. Kekistan is not a real place but an


BY BAYNARD WOODS @demoincrisis

Harrisburg was more like a war reenactment than a war zone during Trump’s rally.

“alt-right” (a white nationalist movement) memedom created to give an even deeper sense of belonging to the Pepe the Frog-identifying fringe of online shitposters for Trump. If all the Trumpists got a sense of belonging by coming to the rally, the Keksters saw themselves as the avant-garde, the Dada wing of the patriarchy. People say that Trump is a break from the Republican Party that came before him. And while he did disrupt the establishment, he is its apotheosis as the Party of No. There is nothing he is particularly for—so you can pin your issue on him—but he is essentially about being against. And if you aren’t one of the things he is against, then you can feel like he is for you. And now he is president. “You seem pretty down, like you have something heavy weighing on you,” a voice came from the seat beside mine. I looked over and saw an older woman with thick, stark white hair and a black shirt with a bright floral pattern and a high neck. I almost laughed. She was right. We were in the front row, sort of off to the side and behind the stage, and when Trump came out, he would be walking toward us and she was excited. It was her third rally. Her support of Trump came mainly from a worry for her grandchildren, but the rallies she had been to also inspired her. “It’s been hard,” she said, telling me that two of her children had died in the last year. It was a heartbreaking exchange. Then Trump came out. “I could not possibly be more thrilled than to be more than 100 miles away from Washington’s swamp, spending my evening with all of you, and with a much, much larger crowd and much better people, right?” he said when he took the stage. The crowd roared and waved their signs. Trump validated the audience again and again and made the crowd feel like his “accomplishments” were theirs and the slights against him were really aimed at them. I was the enemy, the journalist, who lives in a city full of carnage. But unlike black or brown people

or women or others threatened by the regime based on their being, I could hide my press pass and pretend to belong. Although the crowd delighted in Trump’s long and rambling speech, the main event seemed to be the expected melee in the parking lot afterward. The Kek flag fellow was there with a few of his friends, along with a bunch of right-wing “free speech” supporters wearing helmets and Based Stickman vigilante imitators walking around trying to look tough. It was a tremendous reality show. There were screaming matches between left- and right-wing protesters—although the left contingent was wildly outnumbered, like a dozen kids, most of whom seemed to be queer, of color, or punk, and entirely disorganized—but they were all for the cameras that everyone now carries. Everyone was a “crisis actor,” playing themselves for their own Periscope. Harrisburg was closer to a war reenactment than a war zone, as people sort of hoped it might become violent—like Berkeley, at least. But they just weren’t sure how to do it, or if they really wanted to. If they got home by 11 p.m., maybe they’d catch a glimpse of themselves on the news. Behind all of this was the reality of state power. The police—on horses and, behind them, in riot gear, with billy clubs and bright flashing lights they would turn on to block the cameras of people trying to film them. They periodically charged forward on the horses toward the crowd, which would move back, and then continue milling about like extras wanting camera time. As I left the Farm Expo, a line of riot cops stood in front of an 18-wheeler whose trailer was decorated with Trump memes. That is America. PJH Baynard Woods is editor at large for Baltimore City Paper. His work has appeared in publications from The Guardian to The New York Times. He earned a Ph.D. in philosophy, focusing on ethics and tyranny, and became a reporter to live like Socrates. Email

Life Aquatic Charlie Craighead’s new film offers important lessons about water in the West. BY TODD WILKINSON @BigArtNature



In the film Diversion Charlie Craighead explores the past, present and future of Wyoming’s water.

“If you ask most people, they really have no idea where their water comes from.”

threats posed by more populous states seeking to import water from our region to deal with their own challenges of scarcity. “What I hope people bring when they see the film is an open mind about water. The same goes for climate change, which has been a touchy subject in Wyoming because of its economic dependence on coal and fossil fuels,” he explained. Diversion, an abbreviated version of which already won a grand prize in the Wyoming Short Film Contest, could be an important catalyst for educating the public. “If you ask most people, they really have no idea where their water comes from,” he said. Craighead hopes to have his documentary out by early this summer with possible airing on Wyoming and Montana PBS later, but first he needs our help to get the final phase of professional editing and production done. He’s trying to raise money via Kickstarter and you can help get Diversion completed; heaven knows the West needs to have serious adult conversations about the future of our most important resource. Let’s help Craighead put this important story into circulation. Go here for more information: PJH Todd Wilkinson has been writing his award-winning column, The New West, for nearly 30 years. He is author of Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek about famous Grizzly 399 featuring 150 photographs by Tom Mangelsen. The Book is only available at

MAY 10, 2017 | 7

that more than 90 percent of the water in the Upper Snake River drainage belongs to downstream users, namely farmers, in Idaho. Another issue: much of the instream flows that irrigators return to rivers in Wyoming is responsible for creating wetlands important to wildlife. And in Greater Yellowstone, we’re witnessing legendary glaciers literally disappear. “I looked at a lot of old photographs and films of the mountains and I spoke with Craig Thompson [recently retired professor at Western Wyoming Community College] who is studying glaciers in the Winds. They’re vanishing with phenomenal speed,” Craighead said, noting that to be called a glacier an icefield must be at least 25 acres in size. They’re increasingly rare. “Many glaciers in the Winds, Tetons and Absaroka-Beartooths are already gone,” he noted, pointing out that every single expert he interviewed affirms that hydrological cycles are dramatically shifting. Craighead says Diversion isn’t intended to be a political film. As the son and nephew of famous grizzly researchers and advocates of the federal Wild and Scenic River Act, he believes in the value of gathering empirical facts. Wyoming and her immediate neighboring states face tough questions, particularly in the face of those pushing to build more dams and reservoirs, and the


or several years, Charlie Craighead has been piecing together the complicated story of water in Wyoming. As a society, he says, we cling relentlessly to a script of predictability, counting on rivers always running, trusting that lakes will always fill, believing that glacial melt will always yield late-summer boosts for irrigators, and counting on flows to forever be there when we need them. But Craighead says the arid inland West is a region dwelling in deep denial. The award-winning Jackson Hole filmmaker shared details of many conversations he’s had with scientists in his quest to amass an accurate outlook for water in his home state. One of the experts he interviewed is Bryan Shuman, professor/researcher in the University of Wyoming’s Geology Department. Shuman’s specialty is paleohydrology, paleoclimatology and paleoecology. In simple terms, he studies how the availability of H2O shaped earlier human cultures and the landscapes they inhabited. The quick take-home message should come as no surprise: whenever water became scarce, the ability of a place to sustain people went down. As part of Craighead’s long-awaited documentary, Diversion, Shuman shared insights gleaned from lake bed soil cores. Since the end of the last Ice Age, Wyoming and the High Plains experienced several extended superdroughts in which appreciable precipitation failed to arrive for decades or longer. The Platte River, as just one example, stopped running and lakes either dried up or had no outflows. Impacts on human communities were likely severe. Now climate is changing again and at a rate faster than normal variability, evidenced by rapidly shrinking glaciers in the Wind River Range, earlier runoff, rising average temperatures, low stream levels and outbreaks of wildfires. Is the past a harbinger? Craighead offered a sneak preview of the many fascinating topics Diversion probes, including the fact


8 | MAY 10, 2017

THE BUZZ Back of the Bus The valley’s only public transit will be studied for its ridership and funding. BY SHANNON SOLLITT @ShannonSollitt



o define “fairness” in START funding, town and county electeds voted last week to approve a 10-member funding task force that will investigate who, exactly, is riding the START bus, and who should really be paying for it. While the failure of all three of START’s SPET initiatives suggests public burnout, START director Darren Brugmann warns of an uncertain future without public support. “Federal subsidies have remained flat, and local contributions have had to catch up as operations increase,” he said. “We need to look for other sources just to continue services. There is a concern that it stays stable, and possibly declines.” The SPET proposals were for capital projects: replacing old buses, adding to the fleet, expanding the maintenance facility. The budget in question is just to sustain operations. But public support is needed for both, says County Commissioner Greg Epstein, because transportation is a public service. “[START] has obviously been shut down through trying to tax people twice in a row,” Epstein said. “Where else do we generate revenue?” Epstein noted that public services are generally revenue-negative, and require public subsidies to sustain. “The reason we have [public services] is because we all contribute to them,” he said. Otherwise, “it just doesn’t pencil … you look to public dollars to subsidize so it’s revenue neutral at the end of the day.” Teton Village Association and Jackson Hole Mountain Resort pay a portion of those subsidies. Brugmann’s original ask of the town and county at a May 25 joint information workshop was to compare funding distribution between Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Teton Village Association, and other revenue sources like the lodging tax and the town and county budget. TVA and JHMR collectively pay approximately a third of operating costs each year through season pass and employee pass sales. Meanwhile, almost half of the operating budget goes toward maintaining services to Teton Village. “The question is, what is a fair contribution for all parties?” Brugmann said. “What are [TVA and JHMR] paying compared to other sources of income?” As town planner Bob McLaurin joked at a joint information workshop, however, “fair is what happens at the rodeo grounds on the third week in July.” In other words, fairness is a complicated metric. While Brugmann and Councilman Jim Stanford advocated for increased contributions from the resort and TVA, Commissioners Mark Newcomb and Epstein noted that many other businesses in Teton County benefit from START services, but don’t contribute to

funding. “Before we pinpoint [JHMR AND TVA] in particular, we should look broadly at who’s causing the congestion,” Newcomb said. “Who’s imposing the cost on the rest of us, and shouldn’t we be asking something of them?” Rides to and from Teton Village are not the only service START provides. START has grown accustomed to Teton Village “just kind of paying their share, saying you’re the ones that benefit the most,” Epstein said. “There are a lot of other businesses that aren’t contributing ... but are benefiting from the service.” TVA and JHMR’s contributions are mandated by Teton Village’s master plan, which includes a requirement to mitigate traffic. “They are tasked with quite specifically taking a certain number of cars off the road based on comfortable carrying capacity,” Newcomb explained. The transit facility and paid parking are both written into the master plan. The irony, Newcomb said, is that while Teton Village is required to charge for parking and mitigate traffic, other businesses in town are required to provide a certain amount of free parking. “We require business to build parking, which encourages people to get in their car,” Newcomb said. Research supports Newcomb’s claim. The Economist reported that in Washington D.C., “the availability of free parking is associated with a 97 percent chance somebody will drive to work alone.” Another Economist article in the same issue noted that even after a “ballyhooed urban revival and many expensive tram and rapid-bus projects” across the country in 2014, the amount of people driving to work alone actually increased by three percent due to the “ever-growing supply of free parking.” Free parking, in short, does little to encourage people to leave their cars at home. On top of that, Brugmann pointed out, Stilson is

the only park-and-ride location in the county, and is not serviced in the summer unless riders call in advance, which Brugmann said is often too much of a burden. START is looking to expand summer services to Stilson, but doing so would require extra funding, which START doesn’t currently have. Back to square one. Ultimately, START board members and town and county officials heard Epstein’s and Newcomb’s appeal to a more “holistic” approach. The task force will include representatives from JHMR and TVA, as well as Shooting Star, which pays an annual impact fee. One of its goals, however, is to determine where START can pull additional revenue sources. At the deciding joint meeting last Monday, Commissioner Smokey Rhea echoed her fellow electeds’ concerns. “We want the person at the end of the road to pay for everybody,” she said. “There are 540 short-term rentals between the Aspens and Highway 22, but they don’t pay anything. I don’t want to single out any single organization.” While collecting additional revenue will take time and will likely not draw any results for this year’s budget, Epstein said another part of the task force will be examining where services are needed most, and where START can cut back. He says that people see empty buses and assume no one ever uses START, but “that’s completely untrue.” “You can’t have a robust public transportation system without service,” he continued. “It’s going to take the public sector and START to dig into it, figure out where we can cut… what’s going to make the biggest impact.” The Chamber of Commerce, Board of County Commissioners, Jackson Town Council, and START board will also contribute to the task force. Each entity will name its participants by May 16. PJH SEND COMMENTS TO EDITOR@PLANETJH.COM



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Stash this handy 4 x 9 foldout in your glove box, camera case, or back pocket. It’s the perfect resource for in-depth coverage on Jackson Hole’s signature summer events, as well as info on rodeos, art shows, festivals, fairs, concerts, cookouts, shootouts, and shout outs. When a last minute event pops up, we’ll have that updated on our interactive and easy-to-use website, too. This summer’s 2017 Hole Calendar, found at hundreds of locations across the valley, includes helpful insider tips on where to avoid the crowds, what to do on a rainy day, where to hear local tunes & so much more. If it’s happening in the Hole, we’ve got you covered.

Visit our website The public meeting agendas and minutes for the Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commission can also be found in the Public Notices section of the JH News and Guide.

MAY 10, 2017 | 9



To find out what’s happening in the Hole, savvy locals visit www. Whether you’re looking for something to do tonight, this weekend, or next Wednesday morning, our exhaustive event calendar has you covered. And it’s way too good to keep to ourselves. Now, every visitor and local alike will have a chance to enjoy our all en-compassing summer 2017 pocket calendar.



10 | MAY 10, 2017


Low Levels, High Danger A “very, very empty” reservoir contributed to boater fatalities in the Palisades. BY SHANNON SOLLITT @ShannonSollitt


ow water levels combined with freezing temperatures from snowmelt run-off created precarious boating conditions for the three recreationists found dead in the Palisades Reservoir last week. The bodies of Leo S. Brit of Grapeview, Washington, and Niel and Sydney Hines of Jefferson City, Wyoming, were found floating in the water on Friday. They are believed to have died of hypothermia after their boat capsized. The water temperature that day was 42 degrees. “The initial investigation says their boat was overloaded,” said Bonneville County Sheriff Sgt. Chris Smith. The trio was preparing for an overnight camping trip, and had packed their 16-foot motorized canoe full of gear. The full boat, combined with 14 mile per hour winds that created two- to three-foot swells, and debris-filled water, likely caused their boat to capsize, Smith said. It’s not uncommon for people to make that trip this time of year. What is uncommon, however, is the amount of water in the reservoir. The reservoir is only at 8 percent, which is at least 70 percent lower than usual, Smith estimated. “[Water level] is between 70 to 90 percent full usually,” he said, “but usually we don’t have this snowpack.” Corey Loveland is the water manager for the Bureau of Reclamation, which manages the Palisades Dam and Reservoir. He explained that due to heavy snowpack—150 percent above average—the bureau brought the water level down to anticipate snowmelt. As of May 8, Loveland said, the reservoir was holding 111,00 acre-feet of water. The average for the same date is approximately 710,000 acre-feet. What does that look like to a passerby or recreationist? “Very, very empty,” Loveland said. “It’s essentially down at the bottom.” Such low water levels don’t bode well for boaters. “It’s hard to get boats and

kayaks and canoes out there,” Loveland said, “and the water’s a little murky.” Smith added that low water levels also stir up heavy amounts of debris and obstructions under the water. When the water is already murky, it’s hard to see obstacles that might damage or capsize a boat. And even, or especially, in shallow water, wind can stir up big swells, which Smith says the reservoir is notorious for. “If the wind starts to pick up, it’ll get extremely high swells,” Smith said. Managing water levels with such a heavy snowpack is uniquely challenging, Loveland said. “You’re relying heavily on the forecast, which can change with the weather,” he said. “It depends on how much [snow] melts off … we’re essentially minimizing high flows downstream by lowering the reservoir so we don’t get full.” In other words, they are lowering water levels in anticipation of a heavy snowmelt that hasn’t happened yet. “We still have a lot of high elevation snowpack that hasn’t melted,” Loveland said. “That’s why we brought it down.” As of May 1, the forecast reported 4.3 million acre-feet of snow above the Palisades. Smith estimated the dam is releasing approximately 18,000 cubic feet of water per second from the dam, but with the snowmelt, there are about 23,000 cubic feet of water coming into the reservoir per second. That’s a good sign for recreationists, but makes for a lot of work for the Bureau of Reclamation. Snowmelt is also responsible for the water’s extremely low temps, which is ultimately what killed the boaters. In water between 40 to 50 degrees, it can take as few as 15 minutes for hypothermia to set in, Scientific American reports. Smith estimates the trio was in the water for 12 to 24 hours before their bodies were found. Smith guessed that the water was about 11 feet deep where the boat capsized. The trio had put in at Blowout

boat ramp, and was heading across the reservoir toward Van Creek, about a mile across the water. They were only planning on staying one night, but brought a “whole bunch of gear” that bogged their boat down—tents, clothes, a couple of air mattresses, coolers. Sometimes, Smith said, the safer bet is to take two trips as the crossing is about 15 to 20 minutes. Still, Smith said, they were being responsible. All three were wearing life vests, even though it is not legally required to wear them on the water (it is required to have the life vests in the boat—one per person, Smith said). Smith believes they were on the water after 6 p.m., which is when the wind picked up, but they still had plenty of daylight left. One of the lessons to be learned, Smith said, is to attach a whistle to life vests. That way, folks in danger can call for help even if they are not easily visible from the shore. But that only works if there are people around to hear, and Smith says with the water level as low as it is, not many people are on the water right now. “You couldn’t even get a larger boat into the reservoir on Blowout [boat ramp],” Smith said. There is “nothing wrong with making that trip,” even at this time of year, but people “have to be cautious about what they’re doing. Make sure they’re in the proper vessel, they have safety gear,” he advised. When asked about signage or warnings posted about the reservoir’s low water levels, Smith replied: “As you know, you’re boating at your own risk. If there’s extreme danger, fire, yeah they will [post warnings]. “But low water,” he continued, “is a boater’s responsibility, it’s like driving a vehicle. If the roads get slick, you gotta be careful on the roads. If the water’s low, you gotta be careful on the water.” The trio brought their canine companion with them, who was found onshore Friday, alive. PJH





Entrepreneurial Spirit


Legendary German Engineering

A San Francisco startup recently introduced a countertop gadget to squeeze fruit and vegetables for you so that your hands don’t get sore. However, the Juicero (a) requires that the fruit and veggies be pre-sliced in precise sections conveniently available for purchase from the Juicero company, (b) has, for some reason, a Wi-Fi connection, and (c) sells for $399. (Bonus: Creator Jeff Dunn originally priced it at $699, but had to discount it after brutal shopper feedback. Double Bonus: Venture capitalists actually invested $120 million to develop the Juicero, anticipating frenzied consumer love.)

The state-of-the-art Berlin Brandenburg Airport, originally scheduled to open in 2012, has largely been “completed,” but ubiquitous malfunctions have moved the opening back to at least 2020. Among the problems: cabling wrongly laid out; escalators too short; 4,000 doors incorrectly numbered; a chief planner who turned out to be an impostor; complete failure of the “futuristic” fire safety system, e.g., no smoke exhaust and no working alarms (provoking a suggested alternative to just hire 800 low-paid staff to walk around the airport and watch for fires). The initial $2.2 billion price tag is now $6.5 billion (and counting).

Great Art!

Rich Numbers in the News

Monument to Flossing

n Business Week reported in April that Wins Finance Holdings (part of the Russell 2000 small-company index) has reported stock price fluctuations since its 2015 startup—of as much as 4,555 percent (and that no one knows why).

Artist Lucy Gafford of Mobile, Alabama, has a flourishing audience of fans (exact numbers not revealed), reported in March, but lacking a formal “brick and mortar” gallery show, she must exhibit her estimated 400 pieces online only. Gafford, who has long hair, periodically flings loose, wet strands onto her shower wall and arranges them into designs, which she photographs and posts, at a rate of about one new creation a week since 2014. Russian artist Mariana Shumkova is certainly doing her part for oral hygiene, publicly unveiling her St. Petersburg statuette of a frightening, malformed head displaying actual extracted human teeth, misaligned and populating holes in the face that represent the mouth and eyes. She told Pravda in April that “only (something with) a strong emotional impact” would make people think about tooth care.

Bright Ideas

Though complete details were not available in news reports of the case, it is nonetheless clear that magistrates in Llandudno, Wales, had ordered several punishments in April for David Roberts, 50, including probation, a curfew, paying court costs, and, in the magistrates’ words, that Roberts attend a “thinking skills” course. Roberts had overreacted to a speeding motorcyclist on a footpath by later installing a chest-high, barbed-wire line across the path that almost slashed another cyclist. (A search did not turn up “thinking skills” courses in Wales—or in America, where they are certainly badly needed, even though successful classes of that type would surely make News of the Weird’s job harder.)

Raising a Hardy Generation

Criminal Defenses Unlikely to Succeed

To protest a disorderly conduct charge in Sebastian, Fla., in March, Kristen Morrow, 37, and George Harris, 25 (who were so “active” under a blanket that bystanders complained), began screaming at a sheriff’s deputy—that Morrow is a “famous music talent” and that the couple are “with” the Illuminati. (The shadowy “Illuminati,” if it exists, reputedly forbids associates to acknowledge that it exists.) Morrow and Harris were arrested.

Why? Just … Because

The AquaGenie, subject of a current crowdfunding campaign, would be a $70 water bottle with Wi-Fi. Fill the bottle and enter your “water goals”; the app will alert you to various courses of action if you’ve insufficiently hydrated yourself.

Already on the market

A company called Blacksocks has introduced Calf Socks Classic With Plus—a pair of socks with an internet connection. The smartphone app can help you color-match your socks and tell you, among other things, whether it’s time to wash them. (Ten pairs, $189)

Dark Day for Competitive Eating

A 42-year-old man choked to death on April 2 at a Voodoo Doughnut shop in Denver as he accepted the store’s “Tex-Ass Challenge” to eat a half-pounder (equivalent of six regular donuts) in 80 seconds. Later the same day, in Fairfield, Conn., a 21-year-old college student died, three days after collapsing, choking, at a pancake-eating contest at the Sacred Heart University student center.

Recurring Themes

Prominent tax avoider Winston Shrout, 69, was convicted in April on 13 fraud counts and six of “willful” failure to file federal returns during 2009 to 2014—despite his clever defense, which jurors in Portland, Oregon, apparently ignored. Shrout, through seminars and publications, had created a cottage industry teaching ways to beat the tax code, but had managed always to slyly mention that his tips were “void where prohibited by law” (to show that he lacked the requisite “intent” to commit crimes). Among Shrout’s schemes: He once sent homemade “International Bills of Exchange” to a small community bank in Chicago apparently hoping the bank would carelessly launder them into legal currency, but (in violation of the “keep a low profile” rule) he had given each IBE a face value of $1 trillion. Thanks this week to Larry Neer, Alex Boese, Peter Burkholder, Alex Cortade, Bob Stewart, Mel Birge, Gerald Sacks, Conan Witzel and the News of the Weird Board of Editorial Advisors.













$25 VOUCHER FOR $12.50








MAY 10, 2017 | 11

n Wesley Pettis, 24, charged with damaging 60 trees in West Jordan, Utah, in 2016, was ordered to probation and counseling in March, stemming from his defense that, well, the trees had hurt him “first.”

n New Zealand officials reported in March that Apple had earned more than NZ$4.2 billion ($2.88 billion in U.S. dollars) in sales last year, but according to the country’s rules, did not owe a penny in income tax.



Preschoolers at the Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery in Edmondsham, England, rough it all day long outside, using tools (even a saw!), burning wood, planting crops. Climbing ropes and rolling in the mud are also encouraged. Kids as young as age 2 grow and cook herbs and vegetables (incidentally absorbing “arithmetic” by measuring ingredients). In its most recent accreditation inspection, the nursery was judged “outstanding.”

A one-bedroom, rotting-wood bungalow (built in 1905) in the Rockridge neighborhood of Oakland, California, sold in April for $755,000 ($260,000 over the asking price).

12 | MAY 10, 2017


e c i v r e S r u o Y t A

When it comes to housing, should the valley rethink its definition of “essential” workers? By Shannon Sollitt |


Essential numbers

White, middle-class people

Indeed, government subsidized affordable housing projects like the first two phases of the Grove, or the newly funded Redmond Hall

units, are marketed for critical responders, government employees, teachers. The target demographic of affordable housing projects is indeed critical, local advocate and Shelter JH cochair Mary Erickson says, but it’s also middleclass. Such projects are still unaffordable on service industry wages. Housing advocates agree that one of the biggest challenges in providing affordable housing is product type. Until Redmond Hall, affordable housing projects focused primarily on home ownership—because it’s cheaper, Shelter JH board member Skye Schell says, and the return on investment is higher and more immediate. Rental projects, on the other hand, take time to turn a profit. There’s little incentive for developers to take on a project that could take decades to pay off. Redmond Hall is an affordable rental project, which means that tenants’ incomes cannot exceed 120 percent of the valley’s median income. For a one-person household, that’s $76,776. By Maguire’s estimates, working even 60 hours a week on service industry wages falls $30,000 short, and qualifying for affordable housing does not guarantee being able to afford it. The third phase of the Grove is slated to be the exception to this trend. Electeds selected Habitat for Humanity to take over construction of the project, which means that every unit will go to “category one” individuals, said Habitat director Kendra Heimbuck. All Habitat homes are ownership products, but homes are available to people with incomes between 30 to 80 percent of the area’s median income. For a one-person household, that’s $17,850 to $46,600. Building truly affordable housing for lowincome residents is “difficult to do,” Heimbuck

MAY 10, 2017 | 13

By numbers alone, service industry employees are “essential” to Teton County’s economy. As a gateway community to two of the nation’s most renowned national parks, tourism generates millions of dollars in revenue every year. In 2015, visitors to Grand Teton National Park alone contributed more than $700 million to “neighboring communities,” Jackson the largest among them, according to a Chamber of Commerce report. It’s hardly surprising, then, that almost half of Teton County’s wage earners

work in the service industry. Of the county’s top 10 largest employers, five of them are serviceoriented: Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Four Seasons, Xanterra Parks and Resort, Grand Targhee, and Snow King. Seasonal workers add up to 52,000 temporary residents during peak summer seasons to keep up with booming visitation. But the nature of the work also makes service workers some of the hardest to house. Because it is seasonally dependent, it also encourages a certain transience. Home ownership isn’t an option, and despite efforts to keep up with cost of living, rents are still higher than service wages can afford. “We’re making $14 to $15 an hour in Jackson, which is still pretty good, but with housing the way it is here you’re looking at definitely above 30 percent of your income paying for housing,” Maguire said. Many workers have no choice but to live in their cars and camp, often illegally, on national forest land, in parking lots, and on the street. Affordable housing projects are great, Maguire says, but do little to aid him or his coworkers. Maguire has noticed that such projects often cater to an already privileged demographic. “I’m really happy with what town council has done in terms of trying to get affordable housing to white, middle-class people,” he said. “The town homes through deed restrictions, those are awesome. But as far as service industry workers, they’re below that rate.”


ack Maguire has lived in Jackson Hole most his life, and worked in the service industry almost as long. But when he returned home from college he saw no other option but to move back in with his parents. For 10 years, he has watched his co-workers sleep in their cars, dodge law enforcement in parking lots and campsites, or cram dozens of people into houses designed for families of four—all while working multiple jobs. He considers himself lucky, he says, that he has a room of his own. A lack of affordable housing in the valley is neither a new problem nor an undocumented one. Brutal conditions for commuters this winter, combined with an impending historically busy summer, have refueled a series of discussions among electeds and the public about how, exactly, to house all facets of the population. Many of the solutions focus on “affordable,” housing for the valley’s “essential” workers: first responders, teachers, town and county employees. Such solutions, however, tend to exclude who many consider to be the backbone of Jackson’s economy: service workers.



14 | MAY 10, 2017



Mary Erickson

Jack Maguire

said, which is why Habitat relies on volunteers to help build their homes. In fact, one of Habitat’s criteria for applicants is their willingness to partner with Habitat and put in hours of “sweat equity” on their new home. The Grove’s newest units will look slightly different than the first two phases, Heimbuck said. To keep it affordable, Habitat simplified the structure, kept buildings to two stories, and decreased overall square footage per unit. There’s another layer to these conversations that often gets overlooked. Race plays into everything, including, or especially, housing, Erickson said. Schell explained further: In the service industry, there are often two demographics at odds with each other: 20-something white kids, and Latinos. The Latino population comprises much of Jackson’s workforce. They are also often the most vulnerable when it comes to housing. Jorge Moreno co-founded Shelter JH with Erickson in 2015, and has a handful of theories why. First of all, “most of our poor people, also happen to be Latino,” he said. They are the backbone of the service industry, and often don’t make enough to afford government subsidized housing. And market rents are even higher. Moreno himself has been victim to the housing crisis a handful of times. He was a tenant at Blair Place Apartments in 2015, when his landlord increased rent by more than 40 percent. Moreno was able to work out a deal then, and split the 40 percent rent hike into two-year increments—20 percent in 2015, 20 percent this year. Now that the second increase has arrived, Moreno doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to afford it. He says

if he is forced out of Jackson, he’ll likely leave the valley for good. Living in Victor or Alpine, he said, would be “like a bad marriage for me. Being so close to the place that I love and not being able to engage with it … it’s just gonna kill me.” Research supports Moreno’s fears. A report by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine documents myriad impacts of geographic location on health. One of the factors, it reports, is how living outside of one’s community impacts healthy behavior. Long commutes coupled with long work days puts drivers at risk. Living on the outskirts of a community also limits access to healthcare, and disproportionately restricts such access for lowincome earners. But science aside, multiple road closures this winter demonstrated how difficult and dangerous it can be to live far away from where you work. Moreno’s initial rent hikes inspired him and Erickson to start Shelter JH, a nonprofit housing advocacy group. One of Shelter’s biggest challenges, advocates agree, is housing the Latino workforce. For many, documentation status makes them ineligible for housing, or afraid to even apply. But “there is nothing in the law that requires you to present documentation status for a place to live,” Erickson said. In fact, according to the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988, landlords cannot discriminate based on certain things, including race and ethnicity. They could not, then, single out a tenant based on their presumed country of origin. A landlord could, however, require

everyone in the building to provide proof of citizenship or residency, which is not a protected status. But even those with legal status are subject to abuse and exploitation, Moreno said. “A lot of [Latinos] are being taken advantage of not only by employers, but also by other landlords. They’re taking advantage of the necessity of housing.” Landlords, he said, know that their Latino tenants will never complain, “for fear”— fear of being evicted, of documentation status, of a language barrier. The stakes are high. So they tough it out, work multiple jobs to afford rent, and stay quiet. “Those voices are never gonna be heard,” Moreno said. Especially not if they’re being driven out of town.

Constructing community

Longtime locals like Roger Hayden also feel the repercussions of the housing crunch. Hayden has lived in Jackson for 24 years. In that time, he estimates he’s lived in 12 or 13 different places in the valley, including four years in Victor. His most recent relocation last month was the result of a housing domino effect: Hayden was renting a house in East Jackson. His landlord’s daughter lives in Blair Place Apartments. Her lease is expiring, and her rent is increasing too much for her to afford. “She can’t stay here and she needs a place to stay, so her mother is booting me out,” Hayden said. Hayden looked for a new place through every social channel he had. He posted on Facebook and Mayor Pete Muldoon posted on Facebook on Hayden’s behalf. He went through every contact in his phone. All his efforts produced


becomes especially problematic when talking about families. The only people that can afford to rent a room, Moreno said, are single people willing to share one. “What happens with the families?” Moreno said. He says they’re being pushed away. “We’re talking about families that have been here for 20 years, and put up an effort to be a part of this community. What are we replacing our workers with?”

Tenant protections and pitching tents

MAY 10, 2017 | 15

Moreno says he feels increasingly more hopeless that Jackson will ever solve its housing crisis. The scale of the problem is just too big. “The more I dig into it the more I feel like it’s going to be impossible to fix everything,” he said. “It’s not just employee housing, it’s housing, period,” he said. “That means everything.” But Moreno says tenant protections are a start. It is one of Shelter JH’s biggest action items moving forward. Such protections, he says, need to include rent caps so that situations like his in Blair Place could not happen. “I think if there were at least tenant protections, that would help us start something,” he said. The town council is in the middle of a handful of discussions about tenant protections. The last

action item was to form a stakeholders group of landowners, public health representatives, Shelter JH advocates, and tenants to work together on a comprehensive tenant protection bill. The group’s primary focus is to review health and safety standards, and potentially implement stricter maintenance regulations, requiring landlords to inspect and maintain their property periodically. Councilors are also considering revisions to Contested Case Rules, which would take pressure off of tenants in reporting issues on property, like mold or leaking roofs. Shelter JH argues that tenants are vulnerable, and avoid reporting issues for fear of losing their lease. But when it comes to actually creating more housing, the scope of the problem calls for a multitude of solutions. So far, the most affordable solution to housing a seasonal, service workforce is not really housing at all. It’s car and RV


two “maybes.” One of the “maybes” turned into a “yes.” “I just lucked out,” Hayden said. The housing problem isn’t new, Hayden acknowledged. He ran for county commissioner in 1998 precisely because of it. “It was an issue back then, it always has been.” It’s not new, but it is worse. Approximately 58 percent of Jackson’s workforce lives in Jackson—close to the community’s goal of 65 percent, as outlined in the Jackson/Teton County Comprehensive Plan. But that gap is hard to fill. The 2015 Housing Action Plan reported that the town would have to build 200 new deed restricted units per year for a decade to catch up with its workforce. Councilman Don Frank estimates Jackson is about 2,700 units and $1.2 billion short. It’s hard to build a community, Hayden said, when those who work hardest to contribute have no place to live. Hayden considers himself one such community member. He lists his myriad contributions: In addition to his 12 years as a journalist, “I ran for county commissioner in ‘98, I was on the planning commission after that for a year, I’ve been working for a couple nonprofits, conservation nonprofits, I’ve been a tour guide ... I think I’ve contributed to the community a lot.” For Hayden, that young people like Maguire who grew up in the valley no longer have a way to call it home, “is a real tragedy.” “The point is that we’re losing people that have been here a long time, that want to be here more for the community than for the skiing.” Moreno agrees. The demographic split Schell identified between 20-somethings and Latinos


Jorge Moreno

Roger Hayden


16 | MAY 10, 2017

camping—legally. There are currently two camping proposals on the table: one is a private campsite that would offer RV space for a monthly fee. There is no timeline on that proposal, but it is on the table for this summer. The second is a motion to legalize overnight parking in designated areas in town during peak season. This would allow seasonal employees to sleep in their cars without fear of legal repercussions, and without having to trek to Curtis Canyon late at night. Maguire spoke in favor of camping at an April town hall meeting. It’s not a perfect solution, he said, but it’s a start. “At least we’re giving people an option,” he said. “You’re not getting hassled trying to sleep in your car.” Maguire says the nature of service work is taxing enough, and relieving even one cause of stress would make a difference. “It’s pretty easy to get burned out, knowing you’re going to go to work to get your ass kicked for either one shift, or more than likely two shifts, five to six days a week with no vacation. It’s definitely stressful.” But Jackson resident Tim Rieser is appalled by the proposal. Letting workers compete with tourists for parking spots so they can sleep in their car is “not just ignorant,” he said. “That’s fucking mean… that’s their solution? It’s ungodly.” Rieser suspects town councilors don’t fully grasp the scope of the problem, and if they do they don’t want to make it visible. Letting people sleep in cars, he said, is a way to push the housing crisis out of public view. Rieser thinks the world should know. “I want to put this thing [campsite] on Broadway. I want people to say, Jackson’s got a problem … what is wrong with showing that you have problems and you’re working on them? [Electeds] would rather bury these people in the woods than say we’ve got issues and we’re gonna address them.” Councilors Bob Lenz and Hailey MortonLevinson say they want to ensure that any workforce camping solution be exclusively for the workforce. Morton-Levinson said she isn’t interested in a proposal that asks employees

An artist rendering of Sagebrush Apartments.

to compete with tourists for overnight parking. The solution would likely be some sort of permit system. But she also said she is wary of a pilot program that is rushed and poorly thoughtout. “We have one shot to get it right,” she said. She worries about putting people in campsites without water or electricity. “I’m desperate to find solutions, too,” she said. “But we’ve got to watch out for these other issues.

Roofs and walls

As far as actual housing projects go, it has been a seemingly busy spring for town and county electeds. They have moved forward on two new housing developments in as many months. Town and county have two affordable housing projects on the table: 28 units on Redmond and Hall have already been funded, and shovels have broken ground. Last week, voters approved $2.9 million for town and county employee housing at the Rec Center. However, two other affordable housing initiatives were voted down: town and county employee housing at the START facility, and $4.05 million to replenish what was spent on Redmond Hall and fund additional projects. Affordable housing projects, some argue, are slow and beyond the scope of taxpayer responsibility. Enter restaurateur Joe Rice. He posits that affordable housing standards hinder the development of new housing units. Such was his motivation for proposing a text amendment to Land Development Regulations (LDRs) to exempt new apartments of 20 units or more from affordable housing standards. Rice has a specific project in mind: Sagebrush Apartments, 90 units at 550 West Broadway, which he says will house his employees and any member of the workforce that needs it. In the bigger picture, Rice hopes that eliminating deed restrictions will incentivize the private sector to build more units, provide more roofs, house more families and local employees. “The only way we’re going to solve this problem is through private development,” Rice said.

Rice and his partners argue that dense apartments are inherently affordable, and an increase in supply will lower market rents across town. “The market will take care of it, no doubt about it,” Rice said. The amendment has made it to a final ordinance reading despite initial opposition from Muldoon and Councilor Jim Stanford. Both argued that deed restrictions were, in fact, the only way to ensure that housing remains affordable. But a series of amendments, including a five-year sunset clause that makes the ordinance less permanent, changed their minds for now. Frank praised the amendment, arguing that housing solutions must be more diverse than subsidized affordable projects, because the problem is diverse. The council has a responsibility to people of all income levels and all demographics, he said. “We don’t get to pick and choose.” At this point, people like Moreno of Shelter JH say any kind of action that is taken is hopeful. He says he would rather see electeds make a wrong decision, and learn, than take no action at all. “They’ve just got to take one step,” he said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s the right or wrong step, we’ve just got to start moving in any direction. We can’t just sit in this problem, we have done that already for too many years.” To start, Moreno said, “let’s take a look at what we have, see if that’s working, and ask employees if that’s what they really want.” As for Maguire, he has seen plenty of his local friends leave town for good when they move out of their parents’ houses. Living in Jackson Hole on their own, he said, isn’t even a consideration for them. “It’s actually more of a running joke,” he said. So they move to Denver, or Sheridan, or Salt Lake—“never really back to Jackson.” Maguire, for his part, is leaving Jackson and the service industry for grad school in the fall. PJH For more on Shelter JH’s work to protect working and middle class folks in the valley, visit for a Q&A with Skye Schell.

THIS WEEK: May 10-16, 2017

Compiled by Caroline LaRosa


The People’s Market and EcoFair are this Saturday from 12-5PM at the base of Snow King​.


n Dance & Fitness Classes 8:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $16.00, 307-733-6398 n Beginning Throwing Morning 9:30am, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $184.00 $220.00, 307-733-6379 n Toddler Time 10:05am, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-6379 n Storytime 10:30am, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-6379 n Storytime 11:00am, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-6379 n Resident Writer Nina McConigley writing workshop 3:00pm, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-2164, x.229 n Writing Workshop: It’s All About Me, Writing the Self 3:00pm, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-2164

MAY 10, 2017 | 17



n After School Monthly Workshops 3:30pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $180.00 $216.00, 307-733-6379 n Music Video Production: GR 4-8 3:45pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $99.00 $118.00, 307-733-6379 n Immigration Q&A 5:00pm, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-2164 n Rendezvous River Sports Chamber Mixer 5:00pm, Rendezvous River Sports, Free, 307-201-2309 n REFIT® 5:15pm, First Baptist Church, Free, 307-690-6539 n JHW Kidlit/YA Critique Group 6:00pm, Center for the Arts, Free n Tips for Perennial Gardeners 6:00pm, Teton Recreation Center, $15.00, 307-739-9025 n Improvisation for Adults with Josh Griffith 6:30pm, Black Box Theater, $150.00, 307-733-4900 n Jackson Hole Community Band 2017 Rehearsals 7:00pm, Center for the Arts, $10.00, 307-200-9463 n JHHS Presents Oklahoma! 7:00pm, Jackson Hole High School Auditorium, $10.00 $15.00, n Through Our Lens: A Celebration of Film 7:00pm, The Center Theater, $8.00 - $10.00, 307-733-4900


n Dance & Fitness Classes 8:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $16.00, 307-733-6398 n Digital Photography 9:00am, CWC-Jackson, 307733-7425 n Fables, Feathers & Fur 10:30am, National Museum of Wildlife Art, Free, 307-732-5417 n Glaze Doc 11:00am, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $12.00 - $15.00, 307-733-6379 n Age Friendly Jackson Hole 4:00pm, Senior Center of Jackson Hole, Free, 307-7337300 n Barbara Trentham Life Drawing 6:00pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $10.00, 307733-6379 n Beginning Throwing 6:00pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $215.00 $258.00, 307-733-6379 n Open Studio Modeling: Figure Model 6:00pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $10.00, 307733-6379 n Resident Writer Nina McConigley reading 6:00pm, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-2164, x229 n Reading: Writing the New West 6:00pm, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-2164 n Game Night 6:00pm, Snake River Brewing, Free, 307-739-2337

n Riot Act, Inc. presents Rumors by Neil Simon 7:30pm, Pink Garter Theatre, $15.00 - $20.00, 307-203-9067 n KHOL Presents: Vinyl Night 8:00pm, The Rose, Free, 307733-1500 n Take a Spin Under the Full Moon 8:00pm, R Park, Free, 307-7332292


18 | MAY 10, 2017

MUSIC BOX Much Ado About Minor Keys Toe-tapping rhythms and big band sensibilities at The Wort. BY JASON SUDER


step off Jackson’s beaten path, between the predictability of bluegrass’ tonal transitions and the repetitive hip-hop pulse, is the intrigue of The Minor Keys. It’s the tricks popularized by the big bands of the early decades of the latter century but slimmed down to a violin, guitar and upright bass. Be immersed in the flavor seldom experienced in this flannel-clad valley at 7 p.m. Sunday at The Wort. Mamas, call the sitter, because this is your show. While your husband will let you down later in the evening—face it, he is a man—this show certainly will not. Even if you’re not in the mood, the creamy beats on the bass and the violin’s lightning strikes will send you into an uncontrollable jive. Blame it on the band, with Jeromey Bell behind the six strings. “Even if people aren’t in the mood to dance, people are tapping their toes and feeling the rhythm,” Bell said. It’s the ubiquity of the style. At the peak of swing in the early 40s, there was a counter-culture outlook toward it. The zoot suits and innuendo were all but lewd. As the years turned to decades, the music of our fathers faded into the background and near obscurity. With artists like Parov Stelar and Caravan Palace, the genre is seeing resurgence, although those like Louis Armstrong, Django Reinhardt and Fats Waller never left our Spotify. “It has a pretty broad scope and pretty broad range of appeals because so much of the modern music has

been made from those stepping stones, from those early players that made a certain form, like rhythm changes that define a certain style of music,” Bell said. “A lot of the notes that were played were cutting edge at the time.” “Those notes,” he continued, “gave the style of music its sound. Modern musicians are constantly looking back to borrow those notes and those sounds to redefine their own music.” Contemporary artists are holding the torch high. Squirrel Nut Zippers repackaged the gypsy swirl of Django with calypso rhythms, and Andrew Bird’s Bowl of Fire followed suit with his “Minor Stab.” It originated as the breakthrough work by big band members tearing away and forming groups with fewer artists, allowing the individuals to roam free along their strings and horn holes. “There was a greater freedom to improvise,” Bell

said. “They could play what they were thinking and feeling. They would pass around an idea and not be stuck to the confines of playing the solo that was written for them in a big band setting.” Bell followed the sound. From his mother’s piano to the Pioneer Bar in Haines, Alaska, swing seeped its way into his blood. He met a few musicians in the great white north who shared his particular interests in the illicit, but not explicit, intrigue of the adults’ inaudible language. “Kids and adults both love it, but I think the angle we enjoy playing is the one that kind of brings you in for a closer listen and brings you to your feet for a dance,” he said. “As I met these musicians and we played together,” Bell continued, “they’re the ones who introduced me. … I didn’t realize how much really fun, really cool music there was out there that isn’t popular.”

He met Leslie Steen in such a situation, and separately they moved back to Jackson and began picking around together, Bell on the guitar and Steen on the fiddle. They have maintained the modus operandi that quality music isn’t necessarily what has risen to fame. B-sides and rarities riddle their sets that, of course, include the hits as well, but the general idea is to introduce an unbeknownst audience to a style of music that for too long has been pushed by the wayside. “If you’re going to play ‘Lady Be Good’ or ‘Sweet Sue,’ you better make it special or something you’ve never heard,” Bell advised. Three years later, along with the early addition of Marty Camino’s upright bass to the roster, and The Minor Keys are releasing a four-song EP that features PJH music columnist Aaron Davis. These tracks should be making their way around town by the

WEDNESDAY Vinyl Night (8 p.m. at the Rose) THURSDAY Major Zephyr (7:30 p.m. at The Wort) FRIDAY Friday Night DJ with DJ Dolph (10 p.m. at The Rose) Third Annual Smasher’s Ball with DJ E.R.A. (10 p.m. at Town Square Tavern) SATURDAY Whiskey Mornin’ (3 to 5 p.m. at the Eco Fair) Tilted (10 p.m. at The Rose) Wyobass (10 p.m. at Town Square Tavern) SUNDAY BOGDOG (4 p.m. at Moe’s) MONDAY Hootenanny (6 p.m. at Dornan’s) TUESDAY Bluegrass Night with O.T.P. (7:30 p.m. at The Wort)

beginning of June. While their performance is built for the dancing soul, live appearances in town are infrequent. In the interim between Sunday night’s show and the band’s next meeting, Bell has a few suggestions to fill the lonely hours. The Red Stick Ramblers and the Hot Club of Cowtown satisfy the craving, but Jonathan Stout and his Campus Five will fill out the feast. “[They’re] a great band that doesn’t get a lot of press, but is very much in the same vein as Benny Goodman and Charlie Christian,” Bell said. Ideally, though, don’t miss The Minor Keys playing free 7 to 10 p.m. Sunday, May 14 at The Wort. “It’s a classic, old-time bar, and we’ll have some classic, old-time tunes to go with it,” Bell said. “We’re excited to be bringing something different to town and hope that people enjoy it.” PJH

n Major Zephyr 7:30pm, Silver Dollar Showroom, Free, 307-732-3939 n Riot Act, Inc. presents Rumors by Neil Simon 7:30pm, Pink Garter Theatre, $15.00 - $20.00, 307-203-9067 n Salsa Night 9:00pm, The Rose, Free, 307733-1500


n Friday Tastings 4:00pm, The Liquor Store of Jackson Hole, Free, 307-7334466 n Musical Auditions 6:00pm, Black Box Theatre, Free, 307-733-3021 n Pam Drews Phillips Plays Jazz 7:00pm, The Granary at Spring Creek Ranch, Free, 307-7338833 n JHHS Presents Oklahoma! 7:00pm, Jackson Hole High School Auditorium, $10.00 $15.00,

n Jazz Foundation of Jackson Hole 7:30pm, Silver Dollar Showroom, Free, 307-732-3939 n Riot Act, Inc. presents Rumors by Neil Simon 7:30pm, Pink Garter Theatre, $15.00 - $20.00, 307-203-9067 n The Laff Staff 8:00pm, The Black Box Theater, $10.00, 307-733-4900 n Free Public Stargazing Programs 9:00pm, Rendezvous Park, Free, 1-844-996-7827 n Friday Night DJ featuring DJ Dolph 10:00pm, Pink Garter Theatre, Free, 307-733-1500

n 3rd Annual Smashers Ball 10:00pm, Town Square Tavern, 307-733-3886


n Dance & Fitness Classes 8:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $16.00, 307-733-6398 n REFIT® 9:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $20.00, 307-733-6398 n Concealed Carry Wyoming Class 9:00am, Jackson Hole Shooting Experience, 307-690-7921

n Imagination Book Party & Show 10:00am, Jackson Hole Children’s Museum, $100.00, 307-733-3996 n Natural Dye 10:00am, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $65.00 - $78.00, 307-733-6379 n Library Saturdays: Mini Music & Movement 10:15am, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-6379 n Augmented Reality Workshop: Beginner 11:00am, The Center Conference Room, Free, 307-733-7016

MAY 10, 2017 | 19

n Dance & Fitness Classes 8:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $16.00, 307-733-6398 n Portrait Drawing 9:00am, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $10.00, 307-7336379

n Open Studio Modeling: Portrait Model 9:00am, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $10.00, 307-7336379 n Opening Weekend 12:00pm, Signal Mountain Lodge, Free, 307-543-2831 n Nitro Coffee & Tea Open House 3:00pm, Snake River Roasting Company Warehouse, Free, 307-734-9446 n FREE Friday Tasting at Jackson Whole Grocer 4:00pm, Jackson Whole Grocer & Cafe, Free, 307-733-0450




20 | MAY 10, 2017


A Lens for All Film festival this week highlights collaborations and female filmmaking finesse. BY SHANNON SOLLITT @ShannonSollitt


ince the Academy Awards’ inception in 1929, only four women have been nominated for best director. Only one, Kathryn Bigelow, has won an Academy. For such an old, and frequent, celebration of the arts to only recognize one female director in its history is “mind boggling,” said local filmmaker Lina Collado. It’s also indicative of a historic and cultural erasure of females in film. Collado said that despite the sheer quantity of talented female filmmakers, “we don’t always get the spotlight.” “There are definitely female filmmakers,” she continued, “but unfortunately, when you ask for famous directors, you don’t really hear female names.” Collado hopes to bridge the gap between talent and recognition at the Center for the Arts Thursday. She says her film festival, “Through Our Lens,” is a celebration of gender equality in filmmaking. Rather than focus exclusively on female filmmakers, Collado says the evening celebrates the power of collaboration between talents of all genders. “I think the power lies in the collaboration between female and male [filmmakers],” Collado said. “I think that’s where you create really good work.” Collado dreamt up the event after asking JH Wildlife Film Festival director Lisa Samford about opportunities to screen Collado’s own film, The Trees Don’t Talk Anymore. Samford suggested hosting an event focused exclusively on female filmmakers. “The problem is when [Samford] gave me a few [filmmakers] to contact, they were all male and female teams,”

Stills from some of the films featured at the film festival Through Our Lens: How Did I Get Here, The Trees Don’t Talk Anymore and Forward.

Collado said. The director of Collado’s own film, Kyle McBurnie, happens to be a man. “I couldn’t go and act like the film was mine, when it was done equally by myself and Kyle,” Collado said. “There was kind of a moment where I realized this was the perfect opportunity to show how beautifully collaboration works when it’s done correctly.” While gender equality is the celebration of the evening, the films themselves are drawn together by a different theme: the human experience. Each film explores the variety of ways humans interact with the world, and “how human beings act when a certain situation is presented to them.” In Collado’s film, she documents the experiences of native communities in Manu National Park in the Peruvian Amazon. The park is one of only five national parks in the world that allows people to live inside of it. But, Collado said, living in a national park comes with its own unique challenges. On the one hand, conserving the land is important. On the other, Collado said, strict rules and regulations are seriously damaging to the cultures of people that live there. “Being able to juggle life inside a national park that dictates how you should live your life is very hard,” she said. Orijin Media’s film Undiscovered Guyana, on the other hand, illustrates the importance of conserving water sources for communities in a small coastal South American country. Local alpinist Julia Heemstra appears in front of the camera in her film Equal Footing. The film follows Heemstra and Kim Havel as they climb through the Wind River Range, and explores what it means to be female in a male-dominated landscape. Since no Jackson film festival would be complete without a ski film, professional skier and model Sierra Quitiquit will screen her film How Did I Get Here. But Quitiquit’s story is about more than just skiing. In her film, she grapples with complicated family dynamics,

love, loss, and resilience. Quititquit will also screen Forward, a film she and local filmmaker Phil Hessler made at the Women’s March on Washington. While How Did I Get Here is about finding her voice, Forward is about using it to demand change. Finally, JenTen Productions will preview its film Hearts of Glass, which follows the vertical greenhouse Vertical Harvest through its first year of operation. After the screenings, filmmakers will take to the stage for a Q&A with moderator and local filmmaker Lori Roux. At least one or two questions, Collado said, will be about gender equality in film. Filmmakers will then gather in the lobby for a meet and greet with the audience. To inspire young and aspiring filmmakers, the Center for the Arts gave 100 free tickets to students who might not afford tickets, “but are interested in visual storytelling or filmmaking,” Collado said. The Learning Center, One22, Teton Science School, Jackson Hole Community School and the Doug Coombs Foundation all received tickets to give away to their students. “The purpose is to instill a passion, or cement a passion they might already have,” Collado said. Good storytelling, she added, knows no gender or socioeconomic status. “Anyone that has a story can make it happen. You just have to collaborate with the right people.” Successful collaborations, Collado explained, really strengthen the story you’re trying to tell. “It creates equality that I think is the mission of this event. An equal standpoint in storytelling creates something extremely strong.” PJH Through Our Lens, 7 pm. Thursday, May 11. $10; $8 for students with a valid ID at

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MAY 10, 2017 | 21


22 | MAY 10, 2017



The Graphic Hustle Artist unveils new book that spans beautiful to ‘the warts and moles.’ BY KELSEY DAYTON @Kelsey_Dayton


or Aaron Draplin, graphic design was something fun to do with his skateboarding and snowboarding friends while growing up in Michigan. When he and his buddies tired of coaches in organized sports telling them what to do, how to act, and even what to wear, they turned to skateboarding and snowboarding where the rules disappeared. It wasn’t about who was the best, or winning. In place of uniforms, they wore T-shirts and hats with logos Draplin designed. Today, Draplin is a successful graphic designer, creating logos for brands like Coal Headwear, Union Binding Co., and former President Barack Obama’s stimulus package the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Yet Draplin still works in many ways like he did as a kid—small-batch projects and often for friends or acquaintances. Draplin will talk Wednesday about his career in graphic design and his recently published book Aaron Draplin Design Co.: Pretty Much Everything. He’s speaking at Asymbol—a gallery for which he designed the logo. “I knew Travis as a punk ass kid, then he exploded,” Draplin said of the gallery’s owner/pro- snowboarder Travis Rice. It’s a perfect example of Draplin working with athletes before they were big, and continuing to design with them after they’ve made a name for themselves, a career path he’ll expand on during his talk.

Aaron James Draplin brings his new book to Asymbol Wednesday and the film Gender Revolution screens at the library Monday.

“It’s part book lecture, but also talking about the folly of my little career,” he explained. Draplin pursued graphic design because he loved making snowboarding graphics. But he also knew that graphic design would offer some job security if needed. There would always be companies needing ads or logos. “I’ve always had one foot in the pragmatic and one foot in the ethereal mystery of art,” he said. When he finished design school, he kept pursuing what had taken him down the career path in the first place—working with friends who loved to snowboard and skateboard. As those friends found success and sponsors, they referred him to the companies they worked with and Draplin steadily built his portfolio. For him, there was never a big break, but instead a series of small breaks. The book is a full retrospective of his work. It’s colorful and fun, he said. It’s not only the big and beautiful projects. “I show the crustiest things in this book, too,” Draplin said. “I wanted to pack in all the warts and moles.” It also charts his career and how it impacted his life—how he managed to pay off his debt and buy a house. He said he hopes people see it and remember “there are a lot of ways to make it.” Aaron Draplin, book signing and talk, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 10 at Asymbol Gallery, $10.

A film to open the hearts and minds of a small town Today, most people know someone who is gay or bisexual. But when it comes to understanding gender identity, people are still learning, said Mark Houser, coordinator for Jackson Hole PFLAG, which stands for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays. Fewer people personally know someone who is transgender. “Jackson PFLAG sees sexual orientation and gender identity as complex social issues,” Houser said. On Monday, Jackson Hole PFLAG is offering a free screening of National Geographic documentary

Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric, that explores the complexities of gender in everyday life from birth to old age. The film features interviews with scientists, psychologists, activists and authors to investigate the role of genetics, brain chemistry and modern culture on gender fluidity. But the core of the film is the personal stories. ­ “I think the film personalizes the issue, which for me, often leads to greater understanding,” Houser said. This type of film can also help those who feel isolated about their gender identity. It’s a way to recognize and honor those experiences, Houser said. Houser was impressed with Katie Couric, who interviews people in the film. She approached the subject of gender with curiosity and compassion and spoke to a spectrum of people representing different identities and backgrounds. National Geographic made the film available to schools and nonprofits for screening. While Jackson is ahead of some communities in Wyoming concerning its awareness of LGBTQ issues, gender identity is still a new term for most people. “The verdict is out as to how our community will respond,” Houser said. Gender identity is not a new issue, but one that is rising in visibility. When more than a decade ago Houser worked with Teton County commissioners to designate the county a “Hate Free Zone,” gender identity wasn’t even part of the nomenclature, he said. Houser explained that as more people hear about gender identity and understand the term “transgender,” it seemed the perfect time to provide a film that can offer more information to the community. He hopes the screening will give insight into what it means to be transgender, as well as catalyze new community dialogue and partnerships. PJH Screening of Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric, sponsored by Jackson Hole PFLAG, 6 p.m. Monday, May 15 at Teton County Public Library, free.

n Musical Auditions 1:30pm, Black Box Theatre, Free, 307-733-3021 n The People’s Market 2:00pm, Teton County Fairground Building, Free n JHHS Presents Oklahoma! 2:00pm, Jackson Hole High School Auditorium, $10.00 $15.00, n Precious Places: Community Stories from Philadelphia 2:30pm, Teton County Library, Free, 215-359-5074 n Augmented Reality Workshop: Intermediate 3:00pm, The Center Conference Room, Free, 307-733-7016 n JHHS Presents Oklahoma! 7:00pm, Jackson Hole High School Auditorium, $10.00 $15.00, n Jazz Foundation of Jackson Hole 7:30pm, Silver Dollar Showroom, Free, 307-732-3939 n Riot Act, Inc. presents Rumors by Neil Simon 7:30pm, Pink Garter Theatre, $15.00 - $20.00, 307-203-9067 n The Laff Staff 8:00pm, The Black Box Theater, $10.00, 307-733-4900 n WYOBASS 10:00pm, Town Square Tavern, 307-733-3886


n Dance & Fitness Classes 8:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $16.00, 307-733-6398 n Wilderness First Responder and BLS CPR 9:00am, CWC-Jackson, $725.00, 307-733-7425 n Art Education: Kindercreations 9:30am, Art Association Borshell Children’s Studio, $16.00, 307-733-6379 n Docent Led Tours 2:30pm, Murie Ranch of Teton Science Schools, Free, 307739-2246 n Beginning Stained Glass Design With Light 3:00pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $176.00 $211.00, 307-733-6379 n After School Kidzart Club: Grade K-2 3:30pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $165.00 $198.00, 307-733-6379 n Studio Sampler 3:45pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $264.00 $316.00, 307-733-6379 n Covered Wagon Cookout 4:30pm, Bar T 5, $38.00 $46.00, 307-739-5386 n Adobe InDesign 5:00pm, CWC-Jackson, $200.00, 307-733-7425 n Intermediate Stained Glass - Design With Light 5:30pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $230.00 $276.00, 307-733-6379 n Covered Wagon Cookout 5:30pm, Bar T 5, $38.00 $46.00, 307-733-5386 n Hootenanny 6:00pm, Dornan’s, Free, 307733-2415 n Cabin Fever Story Slam: All-Stars 7:00pm, Pink Garter Theatre, Free, 307-733-2164 x229 n Auditions for our Annual Series of Short Plays 7:30pm, Dancers’ Workshop in the Center for the Arts, Free, 307-203-9067



MAY 10, 2017 | 23

n Dance & Fitness Classes 8:00am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $16.00, 307-733-6398 n REFIT® 8:30am, Dancers’ Workshop, $10.00 - $20.00, 307-733-6398

n Teton Plein Air Painters 9:00am, Outdoors, Free, 307733-6379 n Wilderness First Responder and BLS CPR 9:00am, CWC-Jackson, $725.00, 307-733-7425 n Membership Orientation 10:00am, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, Free, 307-201-2309 n Toddler Time 10:05am, Teton County Library Youth Auditorium, Free, 307733-2164 n Toddler Time 10:35am, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-2164 n Toddler Time 11:05am, Teton County Library, Free, 307-733-6379 n Photography Open Studio 12:30pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, Free, 307-7336379 n Docent Led Tours 2:30pm, Murie Ranch of Teton Science Schools, Free, 307739-2246 n Covered Wagon Cookout 4:30pm, Bar T 5, $38.00 $46.00, 307-739-5386 n Adobe InDesign 5:00pm, CWC-Jackson, $200.00, 307-733-7425 n REFIT® 5:15pm, First Baptist Church, Free, 307-690-6539 n Covered Wagon Cookout 5:30pm, Bar T 5, $38.00 $46.00, 307-733-5386 n iMovie Editing Basics 6:00pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $140.00 $168.00, 307-733-6379 n Mix’d Media: 30th Anniversary Celebration 6:00pm, National Museum of Wildlife Art, Free, 307-732-5437 n Advanced Photography Techniques 6:30pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $65.00 - $78.00, 307-733-6379 n Jackson PFLAG Meeting 7:00pm, St. John’s Church, Free, 307-733-8349 n Auditions for our Annual Series of Short Plays 7:30pm, Dancers’ Workshop in the Center for the Arts, Free, 307-203-9067 n One Ton Pig 7:30pm, Silver Dollar Showroom, Free, 307-732-3939


n Mother’s Day Brunch 10:00am, The Spur, $42.00, 307-732-6932 n Mother’s Day Jazz at Lotus with Chanman 10:30am, Lotus, Free, 307-7340884 n Mother’s Day Brunch At Four Seasons Westbank Grill 11:30am, Westbank Grill, $72.00, 307-732-5620 n Sunday Silver 1:00pm, Art Association of Jackson Hole, $46.00 - $55.00, 307-733-6379 n Riot Act, Inc. presents Rumors by Neil Simon 2:30pm, Pink Garter Theatre, $15.00 - $20.00, 307-203-9067 n Stagecoach Band 6:00pm, Stagecoach, Free, 307-733-4407 n The Minor Keys 7:00pm, Silver Dollar Showroom, Free, 307-732-3939



24 | MAY 10, 2017

CINEMA Football is over. Let the BRUNCH begin! Sat & Sun 10am-3pm •••••••••••


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Not-SoMuch About Ray 3 Generations loses one distinct voice by listening to several others. BY SCOTT RENSHAW @scottrenshaw


ore than 18 months ago, when co-writer/director Gaby Dellal’s 3 Generations premiered at the 2015 Toronto Film Festival, it wasn’t 3 Generations. It was About Ray, a drama centered on a transgender teenager’s transition from female to male. That long gestation from festival debut to U.S. theatrical release, accompanied by a title change, suggests the whiff of failure—and indeed, the movie formerly known as About Ray did not earn critical hosannas in Toronto. So how did a movie with Naomi Watts, Elle Fanning and Susan Sarandon, dealing with a particularly of-the-moment subject, become such a castoff that its distributor avoided any reference to that long-ago premiere? That’s not an easy question, nor does 3 Generations entirely deserve its status as prestige-pic-turned-pariah. The story begins with 16-year-old Ray (Fanning) already well into his identity transformation from Ramona as he lives with his single mother, Maggie (Watts), his grandmother, Dodo (Susan Sarandon), and Dodo’s life partner, Frances (Linda Emond). The next step is beginning hormone therapy, for which the minor Ray requires parental consent. That means not just Maggie’s consent, but that of Ray’s long-absent father, Craig (Tate Donovan)—though Maggie is struggling with the decision. At the heart of the narrative is a

Elle Fanning, Naomi Watts and Susan Sarandon in 3 Generations.

fairly compelling idea, anchored in this unconventional family structure. Dodo may have raised Maggie with another woman, and Maggie may have raised Ray never having married Craig, but this group of New York intellectuals still doesn’t know how to process Ray’s gender identity. Dodo is openly opposed, leading Ray to quip, “For a lesbian, you’re pretty judgmental.” That dynamic gives 3 Generations a kick that might not have been there in a story where Ray’s family was made up of angry conservatives or supportive liberals. What do you do when the open-mindedness you always thought you had collides with the reality of your own child’s life? There’s potent material in that idea, and Watts turns in a performance that’s engrossingly uneasy. She gets some great emotional moments, whether it’s wistfully looking through photos of Ray at a time when it all seemed easier (at least for Maggie), or watching Ray bounce on a bed in a way that reminds Maggie of the carefree child he used to be; there are equally great bits as Maggie sees Craig now in the kind of blissfully “normal” nuclear family she never experienced. Few movies have wrestled honestly with the way even well-intentioned loved ones can feel grief over a gender transition. It would have been a risky move to make 3 Generations entirely about the way the family copes with Ray’s transition, but it would have been a better

choice than what Dellal and co-writer Nikole Beckwith offer. They do spend a fair amount of time on the everyday challenges of Ray’s life—missing part of school to run across the street to a coffee shop’s gender-neutral bathroom, binding his breasts with ace bandages, facing down bullying—in a way that’s honest without feeling melodramatic. But as talented as Fanning is, the lowkey approach to Ray’s own experience makes that part of the story feel like an afterthought, as though the filmmakers knew they were obliged to give us Ray’s point of view even if Maggie’s made for the more unique and thoughtful story. The story gets more convoluted as 3 Generations gives the history of Maggie’s split with Craig, and begins to seem resolute about delivering the most unusual blended family photo possible. Yet in their determination to give everyone a voice, Dellal and Beckwith never allow any one voice distinction. As it turns out, 3 Generations seems like the title the movie should have had all along, and part of why it felt unsatisfying to audiences 18 months ago. It was never entirely about Ray, and maybe it still ended up being too much about Ray. PJH 3 GENERATIONS BB.5 Naomi Watts Elle Fanning Susan Sarandon Rated PG-13

TRY THESE Boys Don’t Cry (1999) Hilary Swank Chloë Sevigny Rated R

Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) John Cameron Mitchell Miriam Shor Rated R

Transamerica (2005) Felicity Huffman Kevin Zegers Rated R

Laurence Anyways (2012) Melvil Poupaud Suzanne Clément Not Rated

Oui, Oui! French wines at a bargain. BY TED SCHEFFLER @critic1


f there is a country synonymous with wine, surely it’s France. And France is well-known for producing some of the planet’s most sought-after and most expensive wines. Thankfully, though, that’s not all it produces. In fact, some of the best wine bargains I know of are French. When I think of Bordeaux, I’m usually dreaming of getting my hands on a first-growth Premier Cru such as Château Margaux or Château HautBrion. But alas, my pocketbook can’t handle that kind of opulence. Luckily, you don’t have to mortgage the house to drink decent Bordeaux. I’m especially fond of the price ($11.99) of 2010 Château de Juge, a well-balanced Bordeaux with silky tannins, and one you don’t have to put away for years before drinking. Ditto Château Damase 2009 ($14.99), which

BEER, WINE & SPIRITS has been a go-to everyday Bordeaux in our household for years. One more: Château Monbadon Côtes de Castillon ($16.99) has mature fruit flavors and a little smokiness, and I found it to pair nicely with a charcuterie platter. Let’s not forget about white Bordeaux: Bordeaux blanc. Dry white Bordeaux wines are typically dominated by Sauvignon Blanc. These wines are much less herbal and fruit-forward (i.e. more subtle) than Sauvignon Blanc from, say, New Zealand. Less dry (sweeter) Bordeaux blanc is made with heftier portions of Sémillon. One of my favorites is Château Ducasse ($17.99), which has gorgeous white-peach aromas on the nose and nice acidity and minerality from the Sauvignon Blanc. For a little less coin, Mouton Cadet ($9.99), in which Sauvignon Blanc dominates, is a great all-purpose white Bordeaux that pairs well with shellfish. As with Bordeaux, high-end Burgundy is also mostly just a fantasy for me. But again, you don’t have to blow the kids’ college fund to drink good Burgundy. I recently cracked open a bottle of J.J. Vincent

Local is a modern American steakhouse and bar located on Jackson’s historic town square. Serving locally raised beef and, regional game, fresh seafood and seasonally inspired food, Local offers the perfect setting for lunch, drinks or dinner.

Bourgogne Blanc ($15.99) and was impressed by its creaminess and subtle hints of oak. Another great white Burgundy bargain is Grand Ardèche ($13.99) from Maison Louis Latour, one of the most-respected wine producers in Burgundy. There are toasted-almond and brioche aromas, and the wine is big and round on the tongue. Red Burgundy for under 20 bucks ain’t easy to come by, so once again I turn to Louis Latour. Latour Valmoissine Pinot Noir ($14.99) has intense cherry aromas on the nose, but is quite nicely balanced and silky on the palate. A good partner for grilled salmon. At our place, we love Domaine Lafage Côté Est ($11.99). It’s a lovely Grenache Blanc, Grenache Gris, Chardonnay and Marsanne blend with honeysuckle aromas and citrus flavors—a perfect porch and picnic wine. And speaking of picnics, Le Rosé de Floridene Bordeaux Rosé ($12.67) would be a perfect wine to pack along. It’s made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot and has an orange hue with

40% OFF

intense (for Rosé) strawberry and passion-fruit flavors. Rhone wines are often bargain-priced, and two of my favorite reds are Guigal Côtes du Rhone ($16.49) and Jaboulet Parallèle 45 Côtes du Rhone ($15.99). The spiciness of Côtes du Rhone makes it a logical partner for grilled and barbecued meats, as well as pizza. À votre santé! PJH

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MAY 10, 2017 | 25

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26 | MAY 10, 2017

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Enjoy all the perks of fine dining, minus the dress code at Eleanor’s, serving rich, saucy dishes in a warm and friendly setting. Its bar alone is an attraction, thanks to reasonably priced drinks and a loyal crowd. Come get a belly-full of our two-time gold medal wings. Open at 11 a.m. daily. 832 W. Broadway, (307) 733-7901.


Local, a modern American steakhouse and bar, is located on Jackson’s historic town square. Our menu features both classic and specialty cuts of locally-ranched meats and wild game alongside fresh seafood, shellfish, houseground burgers, and seasonally-inspired food. We offer an extensive wine list and an abundance

of locally-sourced products. Offering a casual and vibrant bar atmosphere with 12 beers on tap as well as a relaxed dining room, Local is the perfect spot to grab a burger for lunch or to have drinks and dinner with friends. Lunch MonSat 11:30am. Dinner Nightly 5:30pm. 55 North Cache, (307) 201-1717,


Serving organic, freshly-made world cuisine while catering to all eating styles. Endless organic and natural meat, vegetarian, vegan and glutenfree choices. Offering super smoothies, fresh extracted juices, espresso and tea. Full bar and house-infused botanical spirits. Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner starting at 8am daily. 140 N. Cache, (307) 734-0882,


Mangy Moose Restaurant, with locally sourced, seasonally fresh food at reasonable prices, is a always a fun place to go with family or friends for a unique dining experience. The personable staff will make you feel right at home and the funky western decor will keep you entertained throughout your entire visit. Teton Village, (307) 733-4913,


Opened in Jackson Hole by Tom Fay and David Fogg, Moe’s Original Bar B Que features a Southern Soul Food Revival. Moe’s Original Bar B Que offers award-winning Alabama-style pulled pork, ribs, wings, turkey and chicken smoked over hardwood served with two unique sauces in addition to Catfish and a Shrimp MoeBoy sandwich. Additionally, a daily rotation of traditional Southern sides and tasty desserts are served fresh daily from recipes passed down for generations. With a kitchen that stays open late, the restaurant features a menu that fits any budget. While the setting is family-friendly, there is a full premium bar offering a lively bar scene complete with HDTVs for sports fans, music, shuffle board and other games upstairs. Large party takeout orders and full service catering with delivery for any size group for parties, business lunches, reunions, weddings and other special events is also be available.


Jackson’s first Speakeasy Steakhouse. The Million Dollar Cowboy Steakhouse is a hidden gem located below the world famous Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. Our menu offers guests the best in American steakhouse cuisine. Top quality chops and steaks sourced from local farms, imported Japanese Wagyu beef, and house-cured meats and sausages. Accentuated with a variety of thoughtful side dishes, innovative appetizers, creative vegetarian items, and decadent desserts, a meal at this landmark location is sure to be a memorable one. Reservations are highly recommended.


America’s most award-winning microbrewery is serving lunch and dinner. Take in the atmosphere

while enjoying wood-fired pizzas, pastas, burgers, sandwiches, soups, salads and desserts. $9 lunch menu. Happy hour 4 to 6 p.m., including tasty hot wings. The freshest beer in the valley, right from the source! Free WiFi. Open 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. 265 S. Millward. (307) 739-2337, snakeriverbrewing. com.


Owned and operated by Chefs with a passion for good food, Trio is located right off the Town square in downtown Jackson. Featuring a variety of cuisines in a relaxed atmosphere, Trio is famous for its wood-oven pizzas, specialty cocktails and waffle fries with bleu cheese fondue. Dinner nightly at 5:30 p.m. Reservations. (307) 734-8038 or



A Jackson Hole favorite since 1965 THE LOCALS

FAVORITE PIZZA 2012-2016 •••••••••


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Serving authentic Mexican cuisine and appetizers in a unique Mexican atmosphere. Home of the original Jumbo Margarita. Featuring a full bar with a large selection of authentic Mexican beers. Lunch served weekdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nightly dinner specials. Open seven days, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. 385 W. Broadway, (307) 733-1207.


Hot and delicious delivered to your door. Hand-tossed, deep dish, crunchy thin, Brooklyn style and artisan pizzas; bread bowl pastas, and oven baked sandwiches; chicken wings, cheesy breads and desserts. Delivery. 520 S. Hwy. 89 in Kmart Plaza, (307) 733-0330.


The locals favorite! Voted Best Pizza in Jackson Hole 2012-2016. Seek out this hidden gem under the Pink Garter Theatre for NY pizza by the slice, salads, strombolis, calzones and many appetizers to choose from. Try the $7 ‘Triple S’ lunch special. Happy hours 10 p.m. - 12 a.m. Sun.- Thu. Text PINK to 71441 for discounts. Delivery and take-out. Open daily 11a.m. to 2 a.m. 50 W. Broadway, (307) 734-PINK.


Jackson Hole’s only dedicated stone-hearth oven pizzeria, serving Napolitana-style pies

Reservations at (307) 733-4913 3295 Village Drive • Teton Village, WY

MAY 10, 2017 | 27

Mangy Moose Restaurant, with locally sourced, seasonally FRESH FOOD at reasonable prices, is a always a FUN PLACE to go with family or friends for a unique dining experience. The personable staff will make you feel RIGHT AT HOME and the funky western decor will keep you entertained throughout your entire visit.

using the freshest ingredients in traditional and creative combinations. Five local microbrews on tap, a great selection of red and white wines by the glass and bottle, and one of the best views of the Town Square from our upstairs deck. Daily lunch special includes slice, salad or soup, any two for $8. Happy hour: half off drinks by the glass from 4 - 6 daily. Dine in or carry out. Or order online at, or download our app for iOS or Android. Open from 11am - 9:30pm daily at 20 West Broadway. 307-201-1472.


Under the Pink Garter Theatre (307) 734-PINK •

A Jackson Hole favorite since 1965, the Calico continues to be one of the most popular restaurants in the Valley. The Calico offers the right combination of really good food, (much of which is grown in our own gardens in the summer), friendly staff; a reasonably priced menu and a large selection of wine. Our bar scene is eclectic with a welcoming vibe. Open nightly at 5 p.m. 2560 Moose Wilson Rd., (307) 733-2460.


28 | MAY 10, 2017

Restore Your Harmony with Four Statements


aving spent the past two weeks in Maui, I’d like to share the ancient Hawaiian forgiveness and reconciliation practice, Ho’oponopono. This simple practice can restore inner peace, harmony with others, and can be done by anyone at any time. Its benefits have also been studied scientifically. Ho’oponopono (pronounced Ho-o-pono-pono) literally means “to put right; to put in order, to rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat.” The tradition is designed to clean the slate of negative karma caused by holding onto grudges, hurts and resentments. This makes it relevant for us all.

Ancient wisdom and modern science The worldview of ancient indigenous peoples of the South Pacific was incorporated into their cultural practices. Four profound aspects of the Hawaiian wisdom teachings explain why Ho’oponopono can be so powerful. These are also verified by cutting edge science. 1. Harboring resentments, grudges and hurts causes disharmony, discontent and eventually disease in a person. 2. All life is one interconnected living matrix, and therefore the negative energy of any individual or group affects everyone in that family, that community and even extends to the entire world. Conversely, because we are all interconnected, releasing negativity from one person has healing benefits beyond that one person. 3. We are all responsible for the well-being of the entire living matrix because nothing and no one is really “outside” of us. 4. Sincerely forgiving and being forgiven on a regular basis restores life’s natural state of harmony, allowing all life to thrive.

Powerful statements At the heart of Ho’oponopono are the following four universal, powerful states of being: repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love. In the practice of Ho’oponopono these are expressed in four simple sentences: I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. These four statements can be repeated as many times as you want, and are most effective when practiced every day. They can be said in any order that feels right. They can be expressed silently and can apply to yourself, to any person or situation in your life. They can also be spoken directly to the person involved. The cumulative practice can even release negative patterns/events from this and other lives about which you are not currently aware. This deep dive into the essence of the human experience quiets the mind and in many other spiritual practices, a still mind allows the light and love of pure awareness to enter our being.

A novel Mother’s Day application Mother’s Day is this coming weekend, and whether your mother is living or has passed over, we’ve all said less than kind things about our mother silently to ourselves, out loud to her and to others. No matter what she may have said or done, we are carrying that negativity inside us, and it is still reverberating between you and her, until we let it go. This Mother’s Day, you might enjoy releasing any of the ways you’ve been less than honoring to your mother by using Ho’oponopono. Sit quietly, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and bring the image of your mother to mind. Silently say to her slowly, so you can feel it, “ I‘m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” In taking responsibility for negative thoughts and deeds with the energy of Ho’oponopono, you will be extending healing to yourself, to your mother and via the worldwide living matrix, to every mother in the world.

The ultimate mother The Earth is a living being and is truly everyone’s mother; without the Earth we could not exist. You might consider doing a Ho-oponopono: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you,” for our Earth this Mother’s Day, too. PJH

Carol Mann is a longtime Jackson resident, radio personality, former Grand Targhee Resort owner, author, and clairvoyant. Got a Cosmic Question? Email

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MAY 10, 2017 | 29

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30 | MAY 10, 2017



Complete the grid so that each row, column, diagonal and 3x3 square contain all of the numbers 1 to 9. No math is involved. The grid has numbers, but nothing has to add up to anything else. Solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience.










SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2017

ACROSS 1 6 10 14 18

Sharp group Stage award “Kisses, dahling” NASA nods Beatles’ “White Album” song whose title follows “If you want me to” 19 Cost of living? 20 “Yikes!” 21 Beatnik’s “Gotcha” 22 Tycoon, e.g. 24 Biblical verb 25 Bete __ 26 On one’s game 27 Euterpe 29 Unyielding 30 Map feature 32 Crux 33 Resort of a sort 36 One brought to a potluck 39 Map abbr. 40 Drubbing 41 Boater or bowler 44 Antacid name since 1872 48 Remove 50 Con 51 K.T. of country music 52 Offer to pay 54 Venezia casino winner 55 Fill with merchandise 57 Transcript info 58 One digging hard rock? 60 Just like that 61 Greet with a beep 63 Takes action 67 Metro barrier 70 Title of honor 71 Russian refusals 72 Encounter stiff competition 77 Toy, perhaps 81 Novelist Seton 82 Invite to one’s loft, say 83 Jones many keep up with? 86 Blush relative

87 Dummy Mortimer 89 Do wrong 90 One way to split 92 Move, at Coldwell Banker 93 Heave-ho 95 Willpower 99 Medical research org. 100 Comics resident of the Okefenokee Swamp 102 NATO founding member 103 Jimmy on sausage labels 104 Part of NATO: Abbr. 105 Brass, e.g. 107 Prayer leaders 109 76-Down brand 111 Rich, and then some 114 Land 120 Major pain 121 Becloud 122 Apt time to recognize this puzzle’s honoree 123 Pond denizens 124 Indian tourist city 125 Bind, in a way 126 Swerves 127 Gas across the border 128 Highlander 129 Clutter 130 “Fiddler” meddler


1 “La Bohéme” role 2 McGregor of “Trainspotting” 3 Familia girl 4 Trudges 5 Creamy sauce 6 __ Biscuit, product debut of 1912 7 ’50s-’60s sitcom nickname 8 “The Wreck of the Mary Deare” author Hammond __ 9 “MIB” characters 10 Construction units 11 Word of possession 12 Mandatory bet


Words after “jolly” in an iconic ad 14 Affaire de coeur 15 “Really?!” 16 Diva Te Kanawa 17 Something to build on 21 Cons 23 Theme 27 Whiz 28 Big beef 31 Kid’s plea 33 Ping-Pong shot 34 __ bean 35 “Good Eats” host Brown 37 Sun blocker 38 Briefcase fastener 40 Ruin, weatherwise 42 “Double, double toil and trouble” time 43 This and this 45 Energize 46 Rock genre 47 Heron cousin 49 Baseball or football 53 Reject 56 Simpson trial figure Kaelin 58 Chicago exchange, briefly, with “the” 59 Stagger 62 Fey in American Express ads 64 “Pronto!” 65 Do-it-yourselfer’s buy 66 Hollywood Walk of Fame symbol 68 Not as much 69 __ Pie 72 Wall builder 73 Boredom 74 Compact supplies 75 Certain bond, briefly 76 Best Buy buy 78 Caused by

79 Rubberneck 80 Maestro Solti 84 Outstanding 85 Modeled, say 88 Arranges strategically 90 “In my opinion ... ” 91 Author Chomsky 94 It’s on the house 96 X, at times 97 Progressive movement 98 Antipasto fish 101 Exerciser’s accessory 106 Slowly, in music 107 Toughen 108 Ripped off 110 Website charge 111 Locks in a barn? 112 What seems like forever 113 One of Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” 115 Duty 116 Pac-12 team 117 Harbinger 118 Imperfection 119 Where Anheuser-Busch is BUD 122 “Ben-Hur” studio



TAURUS (April 20-May 20) “Kiss the flame and it is yours,” poet Thomas Lux teased. What do you think he was hinting at? It’s a metaphorical statement, of course. You wouldn’t want to literally thrust your lips and tongue into a fire. But according to my reading of the astrological omens, you might benefit from exploring its meanings. Where to begin? May I suggest you visualize making out with the steady burn at the top of a candle? My sources tell me that doing so at this particular moment in your evolution will help kindle a new source of heat and light in your deep self—a fresh fount of glowing power that will burn sweet and strong like a miniature sun. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Your symbol of power during the next three weeks is a key. Visualize it. What picture pops into your imagination? Is it a bejeweled golden key like what might be used to access an old treasure chest? Is it a rustic key for a garden gate or an oversized key for an ornate door? Is it a more modern thing that locks and unlocks car doors with radio waves? Whatever you choose, Gemini, I suggest you enshrine it in as an inspirational image in the back of your mind. Just assume that it will subtly inspire and empower you to find the metaphorical “door” that leads to the next chapter of your life story. CANCER (June 21-July 22) You are free to reveal yourself in your full glory. For once in your life, you have cosmic clearance to ask for everything you want without apology. This is the later you have been saving yourself for. Here comes the reward for the hard work you’ve been doing that no one has completely appreciated. If the universe has any prohibitions or inhibitions to impose, I don’t know what they are. If old karma has been preventing the influx of special dispensations and helpful X-factors, I suspect that old karma has at least temporarily been neutralized. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) “I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions,” Irish writer Oscar Wilde said. “I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” In my opinion, that may be one of the most radical vows ever formulated. Is it even possible for us human beings to gracefully manage our unruly flow of feelings? What you do in the coming weeks could provide evidence that the answer to that question might be yes. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you are now in a position to learn more about this high art than ever before.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Right now the word “simplicity” is irrelevant. You’ve got

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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Of all the signs of the zodiac, you Capricorns are the least likely to believe in mythical utopias like Camelot or El Dorado or Shambhala. You tend to be uber-skeptical about the existence of legendary vanished riches like the last Russian czar’s Fabergé eggs or King John’s crown jewels. And yet if wonderlands and treasures like those really do exist, I’m betting that some may soon be discovered by Capricorn explorers. Are there unaccounted-for masterpieces by Georgia O’Keeffe buried in a basement somewhere? Is the score of a lost Mozart symphony tucked away in a seedy antique store? I predict that your tribe will specialize in unearthing forgotten valuables, homing in on secret miracles, and locating missing mother lodes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) According to my lyrical analysis of the astrological omens, here are examples of the kinds of experiences you might encounter in the next 21 days: 1. interludes that reawaken memories of the first time you fell in love; 2. people who act like helpful, moon-drunk angels just in the nick of time; 3. healing music or provocative art that stirs a secret part of you—a sweet spot you had barely been aware of; 4. an urge arising in your curious heart to speak the words, “I invite lost and exiled beauty back into my life.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Ex-baseball player Eric DuBose was pulled over by Florida cops who spotted him driving his car erratically. They required him to submit to a few tests, hoping to determine whether he had consumed too much alcohol. “Can you recite the alphabet?” they asked. “I’m from the great state of Alabama,” DuBose replied, “and they have a different alphabet there.” I suggest, Pisces, that you try similar gambits whenever you find yourself in odd interludes or tricky transitions during the coming days—which I suspect will happen more than usual. Answer the questions you want to answer rather than the ones you’re asked, for example. Make jokes that change the subject. Use the powers of distraction and postponement. You’ll need extra slack, so seize it! ARIES (March 21-April 19) The process by which Zoo Jeans are manufactured is unusual. First, workers wrap and secure sheets of denim around car tires or big rubber balls, and take their raw creations to the Kamine Zoo in Hitachi City, Japan. There the denim-swaddled objects are thrown into pits where tigers or lions live. As the beasts roughhouse with their toys, they rip holes in the cloth. Later, the material is retrieved and used to sew the jeans. Might this story prove inspirational for you in the coming weeks? I suspect it will. Here’s one possibility: You could arrange for something wild to play a role in shaping an influence you will have an intimate connection with.

Go to for Rob Brezsny’s expanded weekly audio horoscopes and daily text-message horoscopes. Audio horoscopes also available by phone at 877-873-4888 or 900-950-7700.

MAY 10, 2017 | 31

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Will sex be humdrum and predictable in the coming weeks? No! On the contrary. Your interest in wandering out to the frontiers of erotic play could rise quite high. You may be animated and experimental in your approach to intimate communion, whether it’s with another person or with yourself. Need any suggestions? Check out the “butterflies-in-flight” position or the “spinning wheel of roses” maneuver. Try the “hum-and-chuckle kissing dare” or the “churning radiance while riding the rain cloud” move. Or just invent your own variations and give them funny names that add to the adventure.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You can bake your shoes in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes, but that won’t turn them into loaves of bread. Know what I’m saying, Sagittarius? Just because a chicken has wings doesn’t mean it can fly over the rainbow. Catch my drift? You’ll never create a silk purse out of dental floss and dead leaves. That’s why I offer you the following advice: In the next two weeks, do your best to avoid paper tigers, red herrings, fool’s gold, fake news, Trojan horses, straw men, pink elephants, convincing pretenders, and invisible bridges. There’ll be a reward if you do: close encounters with shockingly beautiful honesty and authenticity that will be among your most useful blessings of 2017.



VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Africa’s highest mountain is Mount Kilimanjaro. Though it’s near the equator, its peak is covered year-round with glaciers. In 2001, scientists predicted that global warming would melt them all by 2015. But that hasn’t happened. The ice cap is still receding slowly. It could endure for a while, even though it will eventually disappear. Let’s borrow this scenario as a metaphor for your use, Virgo. First, consider the possibility that a certain thaw in your personal sphere isn’t unfolding as quickly as you anticipated. Second, ruminate on the likelihood that it will, however, ultimately come to pass. Third, adjust your plans accordingly.

silky profundities to play with, slippery complications to relish, and lyrical labyrinths to wander around in. I hope you use these opportunities to tap into more of your subterranean powers. From what I can discern, your deep dark intelligence is ready to provide you with a host of fresh clues about who you really are and where you need to go. P.S.: You can become better friends with the shadows without compromising your relationship to the light.

32 | MAY 10, 2017


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