Cople News October 2020

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Cople News October 2020


Editor’s Notes This is my last edition of Cople News. Libby Sands and Linda Behan are taking over from next month. My intention was that the magazine should reflect as much of village life and activity as possible. I know that they share this aim and I hope that they enjoy the same support and encouragement as I have received over the last ten years. They take over at a challenging time. For the next few months at least events in Cople will remain on hold but things will improve and they will have the opportunity bring their own innovations and ideas to the magazine. Libby has introduced herself in a sort note on page 14. The first few months of getting to grips with new software and deadlines will be demanding and frustrating but be assured it gets easier with practice. Cople News is a team effort and I would like to thank everyone who has contributed. Andrew Duthie remains our treasurer and Brenda Bradbury manages the distribution. Twelve villagers share the distribution task each month. Ian Whiting places the magazine on the village website which widens its circulation and allows us to see everything in colour. Our regular and occasional contributors have produced a consistently high standard of articles. We need more of these and I am sure Libby and Linda would welcome them. One off pieces are always refreshing so let your ideas free. Steve and Eve Halton are leaving the village for a new life in Pembrokeshire. His articles on wild life in Cople have been an inspiration. He has opened our eyes to our surroundings and infected all us with his enthusiasm for his subject. His talks and bird song walks have attracted a large following. Thank you for all that you have done for the magazine and for your contribution as a parish councillor. There is now a large hole in our community that will be difficult to fill. I hope that all goes well with your move and you quickly establish yourselves in your new home. Steve has written a farewell note on page 15. Best wishes Ged Peeke

Cople News Editor : Ged Peeke 39 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TH. Tel 01234 838379 Email: Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates

Annual Charges. Full Page ÂŁ96.

Half Page ÂŁ48

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month circulation 365 copies 3

Letter from the Vicar Dear friends As I write, school terms have just begun, and university terms are about to start. Many children, parents, and teachers will have been worried, and maybe still are, about what the coming weeks will hold, and about the transition back into school after so many (but not all) have been away from term-time routines for so long. For some this is the first term of school, or of a new school, and so there are even more anxieties. For some young people and their parents (including us as a family) this is the first term at university, leaving home during a pandemic, uncertain of what lies ahead. As a Christian parent, I know that the best thing I can do with my concerns for my children is to take them to God in prayer. Someone I follow on Twitter, who is a Christian, a mum, and training to become a vicar, posted an amazing prayer this week, which summed up so much of what I was feeling as I thought and prayed about the children, parents, governors, and staff of our village school and about the children, young people, and parents who live in our village. She used the structure of Psalm 23 (‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’) as a basis for the prayer. So I share it with you, with her permission, to use in whatever way you feel comfortable with – whether to pray it with me, or to use its ideas to shape your thoughts as you reflect in a quiet moment this week. It can be prayed for your own children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces, your neighbours, or for all the children and young people of our village. I hope you enjoy it. “Shepherd God, look after our lambs as they leave the fold to return to school. Lead them safely through corridors and classrooms that may be familiar but have been changed forever. Help them to remember strange new rules and unfamiliar ways of doing things. Guide them as they navigate friendships that might feel awkward due to long absences and lack of contact. Even though they walk without us though the darkest of times, let them feel no fear, for you God are with them and you shall comfort them. Prepare classrooms for them filled with patience and joy, playgrounds anointed with good humour, and lunch tables overflowing with grace. Teach them to be teachable by giving them grateful hearts, ears that will listen well and lips that ask smart questions. Let mercy and goodness follow them in all their adventures and bring them home safely to us at the end of the day. Amen.” (by Jayne Manfredi; used with permission) With my love and prayers Fiona


Dates for All Saints Cople, October 2020 ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS CHANGE Sunday 9.30am (ask the 6pm

4th (Palm Sunday) Morning Praise from Willington, and also livestreamed on Zoom vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Holy Communion

Tuesday 6th 8pm START Course Session 1 –on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Sunday 11th 9.30am Morning Praise from Cople, and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Tuesday 13th 8pm START Course Session 2 –on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Sunday 18th 9.30am Morning Praise from Moggerhanger, and also livestreamed on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) 11.00am Holy Communion Tuesday 20th 8pm START Course Session 3 –on Zoom (ask the vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Sunday 9.30am (ask the 6pm

25th Morning Praise from Willington, and also livestreamed on Zoom vicar for login details if you’d like to join in) Holy Communion

Wednesday 28th 7.30pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting

From the Church Registers Graveside Funeral 7th August 2020

Thomas Andrew FRANKLIN (24 years)

Funeral 28th August 2020 Norah Miriam ADDINGTON (102 years)


Mothers Union Lord God, we offer you our thanks at this harvest time, for the many ways in which you have provided for us. Father, for all you have given and continue to give, we offer our thanks and praise. May we never take your gifts for granted, but always share the gifts of our harvest with those who have so little. May we help our neighbours at harvest time and at all times. (M.U. The Prayers we Breathe)

All Saints Church Revd Fiona Gibson The Vicarage. 3 Grange Lane. Cople, MK44 3TT. Telephone 01234 838145. email; Churchwardens June Thomas 34 Grange Lane Cople Beds MK44 3TT Tel: 01234 831705

Julie Scherrer 26 Grange Way Willington Beds MK44 3QW Tel: 01234 838623>

COPLE VILLAGE TRUST (Registered Charity No. 1090113)

200 CLUB

Prize winners for September 2020 1st prize of £60 254 Hugo Hull 2nd prize of £30 195 Liz Francis 3rd prize of £10 174 Savionn Edwards Thank you for your support All monies raised are used to maintain and improve the Village Hall, Playing Field & Playground. Treasurer Catherine Bayliss

01234 838704/07880 890508


01234 838004



R S WORRALL Building Services

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Extensions, Renovations, Kitchen Installations & Property Maintenance Call Ralph on 07950815192 or 01234 838113


All Saints Road, Cople, Beds


Zoom On ✨ Meditation & Pilates New Outside –Small group Pilates & 1:1 bookings Pilates & Meditation Classes - Currently ONLINE LIVE - Zoom Pop Ups Outside as advertised Subscribe for updates – Pilates classes for Bedford, Cardington, Cople, Riseley, Swineshead and Willington villages of Bedfordshire are currently running on Zoom at the stated times. Classes run in the classical style with limited places to ensure purity of the method. Pilates Classes, Private Sessions, Fully equipped Studio (Note closed atm - taking bookings for when we can open) it is possible to have 1;1 and small groups over Zoom. Julie prides herself in specialising in Rehab, she has a wealth of experience in aiding your Wellbeing and has been guiding Meditation and Wellbeing classes and workshops for over 20 years - DM to subscribe to newsletter for all our latest offerings for your Wellbeing! Monday


Class Type








Pilates Mixed ability




Pilates Mixed ability






PilatesMixed ability



11-5 Bookings open

Wellness & Pilates 1:1 & Privates

Outside Sessions! Face to Face (max 5 persons)



PilatesMixed ability



PilatesMixed ability





10-1 Bookings open

Wellness & Pilates 1:1 & Privates

Outside Sessions! Face to Face (max 5 persons)


Pilates Mixed ability


3-5 Bookings open

Wellness & Pilates 1:1 & Privates

Outside Sessions! Face to Face (max 5 persons)


Pilates Back Management



PilatesMixed ability








Energising, Flowing, Hatha Vinyasa classes with Genevieve Cardington Village Hall Southill Road, Cardington Sundays 10 – 11 a.m. Classes also held in Bedford Monday and Wednesday evenings and Thursday morning.

Phone Gen on 07849 158 850



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New Editor for Cople News I moved into the village about 30 years ago, but due to work commitments I have only been able to join in village activities since my retirement 4 years ago. I now volunteer for GNIC and was really enjoying getting to know people at the coffee afternoons that were held, but unfortunately these have had to stop but only temporarily we hope. When I read that Ged was wanting to retire from the production of the village magazine I hoped someone else would step forward, but as time went on this didn't seem to happen, so I decided we couldn't let such a useful source of information cease to exist. I made sure a newly arrived neighbour had a copy and they were so grateful, saying it gave them all the information they needed in a handy document. Everything they needed in one place. I do hope that myself and Linda are able to follow in Ged's footsteps and create a useful and interesting magazine. Libby Sands

Home Delivery Service in Bedfordshire Villages 14

Wild about Cople – Closing the Book January 2012 – little did I know when I wrote that first ‘Wild about Cople’ in the village magazine (we had to pay for it then!) that I would still be writing it (and always finding fresh and interesting things to write) about 9 years later – and apart from last month did not miss a single month! Well, most of you most probably know by now (the joys of living in a small village) that we are moving. And not just moving but really moving. Upping sticks in a long-dreamed about and (to us) exciting way. We are moving to north Pembrokeshire to a tiny, remote village between Cardigan and Newport accessed via single-track roads – with the allimportant passing places…

To be honest, I can’t wait – there is nothing but total peace and quiet; no traffic noise, no lights of any sort at night – just billions of sparkling stars and a proper Milky Way – just how a night sky should be… As we stood in the garden all we could hear was the bleating of sheep, croaking ravens and the ‘peeeos’ of buzzards – absolute bliss! And a 20min walk to a small, sandy cove on the rugged and remote Pembrokeshire coast. Its not everyone’s cup of tea but it certainly is ours. I felt as if I had been picked up and dropped into a little piece of heaven on earth. But another part of me is sad at leaving Cople. We moved in 13 years ago when the village seemed much quieter – the roads have definitely got a lot busier. All of us; myself, Eve and Shirley can honestly say that we have never lived in such a fantastic village with such a community spirit and we have made some really lovely friends while we have lived here. Friends that we want to stay being friends with – there are plenty of people in Cople who have made us feel that way. There are too many of you to mention but as the saying goes; ‘you know who you are’! We have loved being here but it is now time to move on to fulfil our dreams… Maybe I should do an occasional ‘Letters from Pembrokeshire’ for Cople News?!! I hope you have enjoyed reading my writings over the years – I will miss the monthly updates and I hope that I have been able to share with some of you my absolute love and passion for Nature and how important it is, for all of us, to love, defend and care with all our strength and hearts for this precious jewel of a planet and all of the life that we share it with. Thank you. Diolch… Steve Halton


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WILLINGTON VILLAGE HALL MONDAY NIGHTS DURING TERM TIME 6:30pm until 8:00pm If you are interested in joining us please register Further information can be obtained from Brown Owl Tel :07914 240494 / Email:

B. W. Taylor Plumbing Roofing and all Building Maintenance From “Complete Bathrooms and Kitchens” including tiling and plastering through to “Ball Valves and “Garden Taps” No Job too small Local Reliable service at Reasonable Rates References Supplied if Required

Telephone: Barrie Taylor Mobile

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COUNTRY STOVES & SWEEPS HETAS Registered Wood/Multi Fuel Stove Installation Gas Fires Fitted – GAS SAFE Chimney Sweeping Insurance/Safety Certificates Issued Chimney Lining Bird Guards Fitted Free Survey & Quote Competitive Prices

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Willington Peace Memorial Hall, Church Road, Willington, Beds, MK44 3PU

Open daily Mon-Fri 9.15-12.15 With lunch club available 12.15-1.15

Sessional day care for 2-4year olds during term time. £12.00 for a 3hr session (£4.00 extra for lunch club) We also except 2 and 3/4 year old NEF funding To enquire about a place for your child please email Kelly and Stacey at or call on 07972 148085 22









Prices from £50 per night per double room Dogs welcome Contact Mel Ebbage Tel: 07538257632 Email : 28

PB ELECTRICAL SERVICES All electrical works undertaken from :Full rewires, part rewires. New distribution boards. Additional sockets and light fittings. CCTV installations. No job to small. Call Paul on 07840 683417 or email 29

Gardening in October Toxic Laurel One of the most common plants I see in gardens is also the one that receives least attention and least praise: laurel. For many, Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus), provides an evergreen hedge that although is never the star of the show it does create a perfect and constant backdrop for more flamboyant plants to stand out. Prune once a year, it is generally unfussy about soil conditions and its use as hedging, creating different ‘rooms’ in a garden or preventing prying eyes is unsurpassed. Another function of all hedges is its ability to reduce sound levels from busy roads and a good, densely grown laurel border does this remarkably well. Indeed, many people only realise this when it is too late and they have had an established hedge removed! A question I have had a number of times recently, and I presume it is because increased numbers of people are spending more time outside, is, are laurel fruit edible? Looking like green or black olives or even smallish tomatoes and appearing at this time of the year, they certainly look appetising but, eat them at your peril! My basic rule of thumb with all plants is the ultra cautious: assume a plant or its fruit is poisonous unless you are completely sure that it can be eaten. A surprising number of commonly occurring plants are toxic or have poisonous elements to them. When cut, laurel leaves release an almond smelling vapour that is actually cyanide! Many years ago, a tabloid newspaper carried the story of someone who had trimmed their hedge and was taking the clippings in their car to the local tip when they were suddenly overcome by toxic fumes. Happily, they were able to stop and get out before it was too late. Similarly, those veritable funsters and animal welfare specialists, the Victorians, used to make, as an entertainment, a death jar which was simply a newly torn laurel leaf being put into an empty jam jar along with a butterfly. The lid was then added and they amused themselves by watching it die as it became poisoned by the build up of deadly gas. Don’t you just love human beings?! The internet is full of stories of how it is possible to prepare and eat the fruit of laurel as long as the pips are not ingested but why bother? If you want an almond flavour, erm, simply get some almonds?! As with everything else in the garden, treat with respect and try and resist the temptation to wander around licking things and you and yours will be perfectly safe.


Blade Sharpening Service Clients often ask if I know of all sorts of different trades people who they can trust as simply put, there are so very many untrained charlatans out there. Over the years, I have amassed the names of a large number of trained and qualified people, expert in their fields all of whom very regularly receive glowing endorsements from their customers. The most unusual request I’ve had was for a teacher of Russian! Recently however, I was asked if i knew of a reputable blade sharpener to come and ‘liven up’ a number of sheers, secateurs and other garden tools. To this end, can I recommend the services of local man, Jason, who will come to your house, collect you tools and then disappear off to his well equipped van. Moments later, you once again have tools that actually work! He can be contacted via 07786 666 965.

Quiz The answer to last month’s just for fun quiz question, Which garden in the Cotswolds is notable for its miles of sculptured hedges? Clue: it also gives its name to a type of lavender?, is Hidcote Manor. This month’s question is, inspired by the above, the three main threats to Cherry Laurel plants are Powdery Mildew, Leaf Spot Fungi and Bacterial Shothole. How can these be treated? As usual, many thanks to all of you for contributing to this column, keep them coming, and please contact me with any gardening tasks or queries you may have, or tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855.

Lawn Doctor


Canine Massage from a Client’s Perspective. For the purposes of this article I have assumed that you have taken the first step and decided that your dog would benefit from clinical massage therapy. This may be because: • They have an injury to a muscle (a strain) or they have an intermittent lameness that isn’t resolving • They have a chronic orthopaedic condition such as arthritis or hip dysplasia that is impacting on their quality of life. • They are a sporting or working dog that requires maintenance therapy to keep them at peak performance. • They just seemed to have aged overnight and are no longer able to do everyday things, like getting on or off the sofa. After the initial contact and getting some general information about your dog I require your vet to give consent for me to treat your dog. Why? – under the Veterinary Act 1966 and the Exemption Order 2015 it is illegal for non-vet therapists to treat animals without the consent of a vet. This is to protect the welfare of animals from untrained persons. A veterinary consent form can be downloaded from my web site at or alternatively you can email me at I treat dogs in their own homes as I find this is where they are most settled and relaxed. It also helps to see their home environment and how they interact with any other dogs in the household. At the moment with Covid-19 restrictions I look to treat dogs wherever possible in the garden or in a well-ventilated room. The first session takes about an hour and a half and includes: • Consultation about medical history and questions about your dog’s lifestyle including diet, exercise, and medication • Postural and gait analysis – assessing how the dog moves and stands. This may be videoed to allow for closer study • Palpation – a hands on assessment of the dog which helps to detect areas of muscle tightness and tenderness. • 45-50-minute massage therapy session • Feedback of any findings • Discussion on aftercare and any recommendations • Subsequent sessions take about an hour. I aim for results within 1 to 3 sessions and continuously assess the suitability of the therapy for your dog. If at any time I have any concerns I will refer back to your vet. Common concerns of owners: • My dog won’t settle and lie still. Some dogs do find it difficult to lie on their sides so how I work is adapted to whatever position they find most comfortable. Some dogs won’t settle during the first 32


session as they are not sure about what is happening but generally once they get used to the massage they are asleep by the end of the session. Will it be painful for my dog? Some aspects of the deeper tissue work and the myofascial release are momentarily uncomfortable for the dog. If you have ever had a sports or deep tissue massage you will understand. Any discomfort for the dog is minimised by thoroughly warming up the muscles first and using soothing strokes afterwards.

If you think your dog would benefit from clinical massage therapy, then for a limited period I am offering free muscular health checks. These are a hands-on assessment of the dog that can pick up areas of muscle tightness, tenderness and myofascial restrictions. To book an appointment call 07808 588133. Fiona Hughes is the owner of Cople Canine Massage Therapy and a member of the Canine Massage Guild.


Village Contacts Over 60's Club Secretary : Hazel Shreeves Tel : 838817

Cople Web Site Ian Whiting Tel : 838347 Email: Web Site

Mothers Union Contact: Jill Ebbs Tel : 838659

Village Agent Wendy Worgan 0800 039 1234

Cople Village Trust Chair : Sandra Thacker Tel : 831344

07717 269 440

Cople Sports & Social Club Chair: David Hughes Tel : 838669

Cople Parish Council Clerk to the Council:

Anne Pape 01234 376645

Tuesday Club Joy Duthie Tel : 838407

Biggleswade Chronicle Village Correspondent: Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Our local good neighbourhood scheme GREAT NEIGHBOURS in COPLE seeks to support residents of our village in a manner that will enable them to remain independent for as long as possible. Our volunteers help local people by giving some of their time to undertake tasks such as shopping, picking up prescriptions, light household duties, gardening or putting out the bins or by spending some time with people who may feel isolated or lonely. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or want to talk to someone about using the service please feel free to contact us on 07746624208 on Monday and Thursdays between 1300hrs – 1500hrs or email us at or visit us on Facebook for further information.

Cople Village Hall & Playing Field Available for Hire for: Parties, Wedding Receptions, Meetings, Conferences etc. Main Hall and/or Committee Room - hire charge from £9 per hour, special rate of £25 for children’s parties of up to three hours (conditions apply) Contact 01234 838704 or for more information 34

Machine Services Limited Water End, Cople, Bedford

Suppliers of leading Brand Names in Domestic & Professional powered garden machinery at BIG DISCOUNTS with full service back up Petro, Diesel, Electric, Battery Allen, Atco, Billy Goat, Countax, Eliet, Flymo, Hayter, Honda, Klippo, Lawnflite, MTD, Mountfield, Robin, Ryobi, Stihl, Viking, Westwood, Yardman, etc. For details of Products and Savings visit our website Tel: 01234 831123 Sales + Service + Spares + Repairs


Stylish bathrooms and kitchens to suit your current needs and budget. With spacious working showroom in the heart of Bedford, P & R Interiors is a local family run firm that provides inspirational modern design and cost-effective solutions for both kitchens and bathrooms. There are 54 stunning displays in our beautiful showroom that are constantly being updated. So, you can come in and see exactly what you are buying and experience first-hand with working displays. We can undertake all aspects of building work supply and fit or supply only

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