Newsletter 15

Page 3

Editorial In Solidarity with the Roma People E. PREMDAS PINTO

Social discrimination and

the State and it's instrumentality- to

structural inequities are seen in all

uphold the dignity of the vulnerable

societies – across both the high


income and low income countries. The axes of discrimination and


social exclusion - race, gender, caste, ethnicity and religion – have functioned as the pivotal determinants of poverty and

In Solidarity with Roma People


indignity. The story of Roma

The Roma People in Europe : A story of marginalization and exclusion


People illustrates that such discrimination continues to operate in almost all societies and unless

Vaccines are still unavailable for Roma people, ESE Macedonia


Roma Minority and Social Accountability in Macedonia


The Power of Community Initiative to Increase Access to Health Care: The People of Roma Set the Way

human dignity cannot be fully



Access to Health Can't be a Privilege


Community Based Monitoring in Bulgaria, Amalipe


Barriers that Roma people face regarding access to health careESE, Macedonia

across Europe and the discrimination that they face from the privileged and the governments is the story of a South within the Global North, story of penury amidst plenty. Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights unequivocally calls for prohibition of discrimination: 'The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any


ground such as sex, race, colour,

Budget Monitoring and Dealing with Institutional Barriers in Macedonia

Budget Monitoring and Legal Empowerment in Macedonia

such discrimination is eliminated,

The story of Roma People spread



The refugee issue related to the

language, religion, political or other

Syrian crisis became an important

opinion, national or social origin,

political flash point in Europe in the

association with a national minority,

recent past. How, little do we

property, birth or other status'. Article 2

realize that the Roma People have

promises 'right to life' for all and

been living like virtual homeless

Article 4 affirms 'prohibition of

refugees in the European continent

slavery and forced labour'. However,

for several decades, displaced and

the stories from the ground on the

excluded from the civilizational

human rights violations of Roma

developments! The Human Rights

People speak volumes on the contrary

declarations and treatise and the

and a brazen attitude of the State

European Convention on Human

machineries in not being accountable

Rights have not made significant

to the commitments they have made as

impact on the life and dignity of

far as the Roma People are concerned.

Roma People. This reinforces the need for instituting effective mechanisms for accountability of


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