Context Design Group ... firm summary

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Who we are... CORPORATE OVERVIEW Context Design Group, PLLC was formed to provide clients with totally integrated design and planning services to align their facility and business objectives. At Context, we understand that your building environment must respond to your operational objectives - we call it process-focused design. Our responsive and flexible way of doing business allows us to analyze, understand, and prioritize the “big picture” objectives of your organization. At Context Design Group, no detail is insignificant as we develop targeted solutions for the creation of a process, building, and operational master plan to fit your business environment. Using proven programming techniques, analysis methodology, and design processes, we help our clients visualize and understand how their facility should respond to the changing needs of their business. We are unparalleled in our understanding of the interrelationship of your business facility, process, and organization. OUR PHILOSOPHY Context Design Group believes that excellent architectural design is the joining of the practical requirements with the expressive qualities desired by our clients for their buildings. This union is a complex task that involves both the architect and the client. Successful architecture should be both utilitarian and meet the aesthetic requirements outlined for the project. Context also firmly believes that a building is much more than four walls and a roof designed to enclose a process and keep the rain out. We believe that by working closely with our clients from beginning to end we can produce a building design that is more than “shade and shelter.” We believe that by incorporating architectural design techniques in a proactive relationship with our clients, that resultant design will not only respond to the functions housed within the four walls but will support and reinforce the process located within.

Our core principles... ANALYTICAL

What we do... The Automotive sector of the southeast U.S. is Context Design Group’s primary market. We have been involved with many of the OEM suppliers who have moved into the southeast U.S. to support the transition that has taken place since BMW announced plans for their first U.S. manufacturing facility in 1992. While holding the position of Architectural Department Manager for Simons, Inc.’s Greenville office, Mr. David Lewis was the Lead Architect for the BMW Manufacturing Facility in Greer, SC. He was in charge of all design activities for Simons and provided facility programming, conceptual design, site masterplanning, as well as flow & layout planning analysis for the complete facility. He was Architect of Record for the Body Shop, 50% Vehicle Assembly Building, Testing Labs, Administrative Offices, Cafeteria & Commercial Kitchen, and the Zentrum Vistors Center. Once this project was complete, Mr. Lewis became involved with the design of facilities for a large percentage of the Automotive Suppliers that located in the area supporting the BMW operation. Mr. David Lewis founded Context Design Group in 2002 and since this time the firm has diverse experience working with all segments of supplier manufacturing with design responsibility for facilities supporting a variety of items and in-sequence modules which are manufactured and delivered to the line in JIT & JIS flow. Context Design Group also has a great deal of experience in commercial projects ranging from the medical sector to retail & hospitality to major Warehousing and Distribution facilities. Our team uses the same objective techniques facilitated in Automotive projects in the commercial sector to arrive at a successful design project for our Client.


We invite you to browse the Services we offer to assist our Clients realize their project goals along with samples of our work...

Architecture Context Design Group believes that excellent architectural design is the joining of the practical requirements with the expressive qualities desired by our clients for their buildings. This union is a complex task that involves both the architect and the client. Successful architecture should be both utilitarian and meet the aesthetic requirements outlined for the project. Context also firmly believes that a building is much more than four walls and a roof designed to enclose a process and keep the rain out. We strive to design buildings that speak to the Owner’s requirements and represent their corporate culture and character. We believe that by working closely with our clients from beginning to end we can produce a building design that is more than “shade and shelter.” We believe that by incorporating architectural design techniques in a proactive relationship with our clients, that resultant design will not only respond to the functions housed within the walls of the structure but will support and reinforce the processes located within. The aesthetic side of architecture speaks to many facets of “non-functional” considerations in the design process. Building aesthetics deal with issues pertaining to corporate

image, quality of work space, quality of office space, quality and types of support areas and the selection of appropriate construction materials. Decisions made concerning these issues influence customer and community impressions of the facility and support employee productivity and delight in their work environment. Architecture is a balancing act between the functional and aesthetic considerations of building design. Context Design Group believes that our team of professionals has the experience and expertise to create the proper balance between the functional requirements and aesthetic needs for your future projects. Our team creates buildings which meet and enhance the functional requirements of your project while reflecting desired corporate image and company business goals. Context Design Group would like to team with your company to make your facility needs become a reality. Call us today to learn how our architectural design team can help you define your business objectives along with enhancing your corporate image and functionality through the practice of “Industrial Focused Architecture.”

Master Planning The day-to-day dynamics of running your business result in continual changes in your facility, process, equipment, financial, and administrative tools. Without a clear longterm master plan, short-term reactions to current business conditions often limit options for future growth and frequently have high budget and schedule impacts in the future. Context Design Group sets itself apart by always considering your fundamental, long-term business and operational goals. Our Master-Planning services assist you in analyzing your short- and long-term business goals to define an optimal plan for your current business as we as its future growth. Because we always consider facility, process, logistics, and finances, Context Design Group is uniquely qualified to create the right solution for your business. Unlike most design firms, we understand that your production and operational requirements are critical to your success. Driven by your key business goals and core manufacturing philosophy, the Master-Planning process results in: Facility Analysis & recommendations Operational Analysis & recommendations Integrated Facility / Operational Conceptual Plans Phased Facility Design & Site Master Plan Architectural / Corporate Image Project Cost Justification & Budgetary Cost Estimates Implementation Schedule Our Master-Planning documents are a direct result of our goal focused, team-driven analysis. This document becomes a record of the project scope, and a guideline for detailed architectural and engineering design, contractor selection, cost and schedule tracking, and equipment installation. Master-Planning helps your business maximize its market position and provides a well-defined road map for near-term as well as future growth.

Site Planning For Context Design Group, the goal of site planning is not to merely fit all of the required components onto the site. Unlike most design firms, our Site Planning methodology integrates all aspects of Site, Facility, and Process seamlessly on the proposed tract of land, leaving room for efficient, sensible growth in the future. The first step in our Site Planning process is to gain a complete understanding of the proposed facility and the process that it will contain. Only after identifying these parameters will we begin an in-depth analysis of the particulars of the site, including sustainability to proposed program, zoning restrictions, topography/vegetation, views and vistas, utilities/site access, site infrastructure, circulation, solar orientation/ wind patterns, etc. Context Design Group will weigh all of the above factors in relation to the proposed project. We will then develop several site layout schemes that investigate vehicular/ pedestrian circulation access points, building expansion master plan, cut/fill balancing (including proposed floor elevations), truck access points (shipping/receiving), building visibility and orientation, etc. Additionally, we can analyze multiple sites simultaneously to determine the pros and cons of each alternative. This information is then reviewed with the client and design team to evaluate which solution best fits the functional and contextual requirements of the project. Our team can facilitate discussions with local economic development representatives as well as assemble data on local jurisdictions’ code requirements and other information pertinent to project development. Our team will follow through a checklist of the tasks necessary for the Client to complete in order to obtain a complete due diligence set of information for potential site options. Our designers understand the information needed to make informed decisions regarding project location, permitting, and constructability in respect to various site parameters. By taking advantage of Context Design Group’s site planning service, our clients can be assured that they will select the best available piece of land and develop it in a way that best supports their business and aesthetic goals. This ensures not only the most effective use of capital, but also the short- and long-term success of the facility.

Facility Programming Differences in personality, problem-solving process, background, and work experience all contribute to companies having a wide variety of viewpoints. Without a unified vision for a company, its future direction can be uncertain and its productivity could suffer. Context Design Group’s unique Facility Programming Process is a proven method for building consensus at the management level, project level, as well as your entire organization. This process is unlike any other in the industry and allows us to quickly identify issues that are critical to the success of your project. We can help your company to verbalize its business, operational, and facility goals in our Goal-Setting Sessions. Open discussion and productive dialogues help your company define its priorities and formulate “big picture” goals. The information covered during the Goal-Setting Session is organized in four categories:

Function: including process, people, activities, and relationships;

Form: including facility, quality, and the social/psychological environment;

Economy: addressing cost, scheduling, and efficiency;

Time: entailing historical aspects, present conditions, and future projections.

Because no two companies are identical, Context Design Group customizes its Programming process to suit the needs of your business. Pre-Programming questionaires and Data Collection interviews allow our team to quickly gain insight into your company’s operations and extract critical technical information that is essential to the success of your project. Context knows the value of shop-floor experience and challenges every meeting participant to contribute his/her ideas openly. Key information from the data collection interviews is recorded graphically to create a living body of information for the project and serves to: Establish GOALS - categorized in Function, Form, Economy, and Time headings that typically cover all aspects and values associated with design projects for both the business itself and the project; Collect, organize, and analyze known FACTS - project related pieces of information, which the design team is expected to deal with during the progress of the project; Uncover and test CONCEPTS - ideas and thoughts on new ways to do things, or possible solutions to specific problems, which should be considered by the team in development of design concepts to achieve final solutions to project requirements; Determine the NEEDS - project specific requirements, which have to be accomplished by the design team in order to provide a successful solution for the project; Identify and track ISSUES - these are displayed throughout the process and discussed at various stages of the project to determine focused groups, which will be dedicated to resolve issues before the next phase of the project. The result of Context’s unique Facility Programming Process is a complete understanding of the problem at hand. The information from the Programming Sessions is documented in the Project Information Manual and serves as a road map for the entire design process. By examining process, operational, administrative, facility, and business issues simultaneously, Context can help your company define their business and operational goals, create a sense of unity among your team and clearly identify the key issues for your project.

3D Modeling & Visualization Having trouble imagining the new addition to your building? Not sure how your new facility will look from the road? If you are not a design professional, chances are you have a hard time understanding the three-dimensional implications of two-dimensional drawings. With our state-of-the-art CAD software and unparalleled modeling experience, we can allow you to walk through your facility before you even commit to building it!

three-dimensional CAD models from simple to complex

Our models can be used to show the master plan for your entire site or to demonstrate how your new piece of process equipment will be brought into the building. Our modeling capabilities eliminate lost time due to unforeseen facility or process equipment interferences and can show you the sequence of operation before the heavy equipment arrives. While many firms have in-house modeling capabilities, Context Design Group sets itself apart by creating 3D images of your facility faster than anyone in the marketplace. With remarkable quickness and flexibility, Context Design Group can deliver:

electronic deliverables that prevent redundant design/drafting work

two-dimensional CAD drawings extracted from 3D models photo-realistic renderings from any location or angle

dynamic fly-around or walk-through animations panoramic “real space” views providing a continuous panoramic image equipment installation and removal sequencing

Process Integration Context Design Group is unlike most architectural firms, we embrace and specialize in “Process-Focused Design.” In highly efficient manufacturing, the facility design supports the process flow rather than hinders it. We recognize that your project team knows your business better than anyone. By integrating the depth of experience provided by your team with our cross-industry knowledge base, we are able to facilitate the simultaneous creation of site, facility, and process layouts. Our team can work with you to develop the most desirable operational environment for your company and work with you to implement a longrange master plan for optimization and growth. The key to successful process integration is to first understand the goals and objectives of your business as it is today and analyze the future. Using our unique programming methodology, Context Design Group is able to identify your company’s big picture goals as well as its short- and long-term operational objectives. In preliminary design stages, we conduct an in-depth analysis of your manufacturing process steps and evaluate concepts and techniques associated with the process flow requirements. We develop “what-if” scenarios to cover critical manufacturing issues including: Line v. Cellular Manufacturing Materials Handling & Automation Operations/ Opportunities Impact of Special Operations or New Planned Technology Internal/External Logistics & Supply Chain Techniques Required Degree of Flexibility in Manufacturing Processes Building Systems Interface After analyzing these issues, our team will finalize the process layout and conceptual facility design. Our team will clearly document all facility and process requirements and work with you to define integration steps for the future. Our attention to detail and extensive cross-industry experience can ensure a seamless transition from concept integration to start of production.

Program Management In today’s lean manufacturing environment, business leaders have more responsibilities and fewer resources. Critical tasks, such as the design and construction of new facilities or facility expansions, are frequently outsourced. With capital projects becoming more complex, Context Design Group’s proven Program Management methodology can be the difference between success and failure. Context Design Group is unique in that we first gain an intimate understanding of your business, facility, and operational goals as well as your specific project requirements. Throughout the project, Context ensures that every decision is made based on these critical success factors. Our vast experience in the Industrial market sector enables us to foresee problems before they arise. Unlike typical program managers, we understand the critical issues associated with facility design and construction, process flow, equipment layout, materials handling, equipment installation, and production startup. Our Program Management professionals can provide tremendous value to your team in the following areas: Conceptual Design/Scope Development: Context Design Group’s unique programming methodology effectively identifies the critical goals and needs for your project. Our multidisciplinary experience enables us to bring together a wide range of information, understand this information, and use it to create a conceptual facility and process design. After creating the conceptual design in conjunction with your team, Context will work to clearly identify the scope for the project. This identification prevents future conflicts and ensures an accurate project budget. Design: While many firms design large-scale projects, very few are able to effectively mange the entire design process. Context’s experience in design and design management enables our team to effectively control the design process to maximize the design professionals’ efficiency and improve the project schedule. Construction: Once design is complete, Context can lead the bidding and contract negotiation efforts. After a contractor is selected, our team will ensure the facility is built in accordance with the design and within the allotted time frame. Equipment Installation & Start-up: Completion of the facility is only the beginning. Process equipment installation and start-up is critical to the success of every project. Context can manage this effort to ensure your production requirements are met.

Owner’s Representation Numerous project delivery methods are used for the development, design, and construction of facilities ranging from a traditional Design-Bid-Build course to Design-Build and CM at-risk processes. The decision on what delivery method to utilize for a project should be made with all factors taken into account (most importantly schedule and cost considerations). In some instances, a project’s development and construction is undertaken by the governing municipality or local economic development corporation and leased or sold to the tenant upon completion. Some industrial parks contract the facility construction for the tenant, as well as construct speculative building shells to market to prospective companies. Regardless of the delivery method used, Context Design Group can be an integral part of the team, acting as your representative through the entire process. Coupling our vast knowledge of the construction industry and ability to understand your process and operational requirements, our team can lead you through the initial stages of design & procurement through construction and facility turnover. If the selection of a Design-Builder or CM is necessary as part of the project’s development, Context can develop a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) that assembles your needs and desires for the project. These documents will provide a set format that all submittals must align with in order to produce information that can be efficiently compared and deciphered. We will then analyze the information received and assist you in arriving at the best and most economical decision moving forward. Utilizing Context for RFQ/RFP development as well as consultation services through the entirety of the project allows your organization to focus on its core business strategies and production goals. Our team can review the full contract documents to coordinate with your production team and verify your requirements are met. During the construction phase, Context will make periodic site visits to observe all activities and verify your requirements and quality standards are being realized. We will provide documented reports of our observations in order to have a written record of all activities for your use. Our team will look out for your best interests throughout the design & construction process, ensuring your goals are met with a successful facility development.

Our results... Innovation, customer-orientation, and quality. David Lewis and his team at Context Design Group have done an outstanding job to reflect these hallmarks of our business in the architectural design and layout of our U.S. headquarters in Duncan, South Carolina. This is evidenced by many positive comments on the visual appeal of our building that we have received from our visitors over the years. For more than two decades, Context Design Group has been a strong and reliable partner of the Dräxlmaier Group in all architectural aspects, from the initial building design to contractor selection and construction oversight. We know that we can count on the expertise of David and his team for all our building needs.

Mr. Fritz Dräxlmaier CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Draexlmaier Group

Context Design Group was instrumental in the realization of Starlinger-Sahm’s new North American headquarters and showroom. The project team systematically developed a facility program based on our company’s needs, worked diligently on a design that reflects our Austrian corporate language, and provided the knowledge and direction for negotiating a construction contract within our budget.

Mr. Jimmy Cranford President of American Starlinger-Sahm, Inc.

As an international consulting company, STOG TEC’s division Transatlantic Consulting is engaged in bringing European manufacturing and service companies to the U.S. For more than 10 years, we have had the privilege to work with Context Design Group. Aside from their outstanding architectural and engineering capabilities, the group has a wealth of knowledge and resources which make them invaluable for the tasks we need completed. The network of David Lewis and his team have helped immensely with site selection, contacts of local and state economic development personnel, and construction teams capable of completing a variety of project types. Their international experience bridges the business, cultural, and technical differences between Europe and the U.S. And not least: they are fun to work with!

Mr. Jochen Stog President of STOG TEC GmbH

David Lewis and Context Design Group provide professional services in a timely manner and to a level of detail required to allow the general contractor to construct a quality facility. They are flexible and responsive when working in a design/build delivery approach for a project. David and his team help make a challenging profession an enjoyable experience!

Mr. Tony Warren Senior Project Manager at Hendrick Construction, Inc.


The Automotive sector is historically Context Design Group’s primary market. Beginning in 1992, David Lewis was the Lead Architect for the BMW Manufacturing facility in Spartanburg, SC. He led all design acivities and was involved directly with the BMW project for three years on a day-to-day basis. Once this facility was completed, David was involved with a large percentage of the Automotive Suppliers moving into the area to support the BMW operation. Over the next several years, David was involved in the Honda Motor Company plant in Alabama (1997), Toyota Motor Company plant in Kentucky (1998), BMW Assembly Plant in Leipzig, Germany (1999), and Hyundai Manufacturing Facility in Alabama (2000). Along with major manufacturers, Context Design Group has been involved with many OEM suppliers supporting the automotive growth, performing design services for more than 50 Tier 1 & 2 suppliers. Our team is very familiar with the aspects and requirements of JIT & JIS production, assisting our clients with material flow planning exercises along with programming and assembly schemes. We believe that our work over the last two decades has been an integral part of creating a new building vocabulary that has formed the current standard for facility design and process flow in the Automotive manufacturing sector.

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Context Design Group is adept at analyzing a unique process, breaking it down to the most basic principles, and discovering ways to create an efficient environment for the process to be undertaken. Our design team will utilize our wealth of experience with many varied material flow processes and consider all of your variables to produce a facility design that allows your employees to devote their time to the production process. Your team will not be burdened with making modifications in order to fit a facility that does not conform to your requirements. Context Design Group has dealt with countless manufacutring project types over the years, compiling an in-depth knowledge base in material regulations and the necessary code requirements that must be met accordingly. Our team knows hazardous occupancy characteristics and how they must be addressed. Context also has a number of partner organizations that have a wealth of experience in dealing with the environmental aspects of obtaining permits as well as compiling and analyzing the necessary information for code review. Manufacturing facility design can tend to be a “dirty” process at times; however, Context prioritizes creating a clean, organized environment to allow your business to remain efficient and orderly. Your company’s success is paramount, and this success begins in a production facility meeting all of your needs with flexibility for future modifications as your business evolves and grows.

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Our team of design professionals utilizes the same process and creative techniques used in a Manufacturing project for our Commercial clientele. The technical knowledge and problem-solving capabilities we possess are very useful to develop a successful project ranging from a doctor office to a retail upfit to a bank headquarters facility. Our designers delve into your “process” and prioritize the needs and concepts while developing a program that organizes adjacencies and functional requirements through a thoughtful design. Through the entire process, Context will look to your business principles and goals to drive the aesthetic nature of a facility that further enhances your goals and reflects your organization’s will to grow. We are firm believers that a basic shell cannot be a fully successful facility for any business venture. The company’s building structure should revolve around serving the business’s specific needs with a design that endeavors to facilitate a creative environment with an efficient organization of spaces. With Context, your project will be designed in a thorough process specifically tailored for your business objectives.

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Our legacy & future... At Context Design Group, we are involved in our community and support its economic development efforts, which we see as critical to our success. Through our architectural design practice, we collaborate with our domestic and international clients to design buildings that streamline their business operations and disseminate their corporate image. Over the years, our work with dozens of companies along the I-85 corridor accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars in capital investment and the creation of thousands of jobs. Many of our clients have played a key role in the significant growth and development of Greenville over the past thirty years. For over a decade, David Lewis has supported the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern United States (GACC South) through service on the board as Director and serving as President of the South Carolina Chapter. Through both professional and community service, we have fostered strategic growth and European cultural influence in our local market by assisting companies and individuals in their transition. Our team members have also served local universities by volunteering as design consultants for student projects and critiques as well as serving as mentors for current Architecture students. Our team members are registered design professionals in multiple states, NCARB certified, and LEED accredited in order to serve our clients in all facets of their projects.

We appreciate your time in reviewing our firm summary and would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss our credentials further or provide a more comprehensive firm qualifications document of our experience and work history. Please contact our office and our team will lead a discussion of your project’s goals and the best approach to realize the full potential of your vision as a success.

Mr. David Lewis, AIA Context Design Group, PLLC 4 Washington Park Greenville, SC 29601

864.233.3230 (office) 864.303.4533 (mobile)

Context Design Group, PLLC Architecture | 3D Modeling & Visualization | Process Integration | Programming | Material Flow | Master Planning

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