Inside Memphis Business

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THE POWER PLAYERS 2019 Supplement to Memphis magazine

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Arts and Entertainment


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CEOs, COOs, and Leaders


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Medical: Group Practice Administration


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2019 Inductees


Robert Wang | Steve Charles, M.D. Chris Bird | Carl Ring ••• S O E PH O TO G R A PH S BY L IS A B US ER

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••• B Y





Jon W. Sparks


Brian Groppe


Frank Murtaugh


Samuel X. Cicci


Michael Finger


Lisa Buser, Larry Kuzniewski Christopher Myers Margie Neal Jeremiah Matthews, Bryan Rollins Avery Budin, Angie Harri


Kenneth Neill


Anna Traverse


Ashley Haeger



Bruce VanWyngarden Jeffrey A. Goldberg Kristin Pawlowski Julie Ray Molly Wilmott Britt Ervin


Joseph Carey


Celeste Dixon


Kalena McKinney

Inside Memphis Business is published six times a year by Contemporary Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1738, Memphis, TN 38101 © 2019, telephone: 901-521-9000. For subscription information, call 901-575-9470. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, TN. Postmaster: send address changes to Inside Memphis Business, P.O. Box 1738, Memphis, TN 38101. Opinions and perspectives expressed in the magazine are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the ownership or management.


Did Shakespeare know our Power Players? It’s a temporal impossibility, but his writings suggest that he was aware of what makes them tick. (“There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.” —Julius Caesar). That’s all about risk taking, and in this issue of Inside Memphis Business, you’ll find nobody who is risk averse. The Power Players mentioned here are among the best at what they do in their respective fields. (“To business that we love we rise betime, And go to’t with delight.” —Antony and Cleopatra). The categories range from Architecture to Staffing and encompass people and endeavors that make Memphis exceptional. We again include our list of the Business Hall of Fame, the titans of enterprise whose accomplishments go above and beyond. (“A right judgment draws us a profit from all things we see.” —Cymbeline). As in the past, we introduce the newest members of the Society of Entrepreneurs who will be inducted at a banquet on April 6th. Joining the 27-year-old group of go-getters (“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” —Julius Caesar): ◗◗ Chris Bird of Dillard Door & Security Inc., who really did get his start running a lemonade stand. A savvy entrepreneur even then, he sold all kinds of refreshments to people near a tennis court, figuring out that if people are thirsty, they will come. ◗◗ Steve Charles of the Charles Retina Institute, who has done upwards of 30,000 surgeries, holds more than 100 patents issued or pending, and delights in reading books on birefringence just to increase his knowledge. ◗◗ Carl Ring of Ring Container Technologies, who reluctantly went into his father’s business and proceeded to take it from one factory when he joined, to 18 manufactur-

ing locations, employing more than 700 people in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. ◗◗ Robert Wang, founder of Creative Co-op, has been a member of SOE since 1995 and this year is being elevated to Master Entrepreneur, an honor given to those who best exemplify the characteristics necessary for membership in the Society. We also include Inside Memphis Business’ Innovation Award winners from 2018 and our four CEOs of the Year from 2019. The top innovators are: ◗◗ Brian Booker of One Step Initiative for his educational enterprise. ◗◗ Alberto Pappo and Michael Dyer of the St. Jude Solid Tumor Network for medical research. ◗◗ Van Turner of Memphis Greenspace for bringing city parks into the 21st century. ◗◗ Gebre Waddell of Sound Credit for industry-changing software in the music recording business. Our notable CEOs are: ◗◗ Meri Armour of Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. ◗◗ Jack Soden of Elvis Presley Enterprises. ◗◗ Nathan A. Bicks of Burch, Porter & Johnson. ◗◗ Jonathan and Jarrett Logan of Castle Black Construction.

Jon W. Sparks, Editor

Here’s a Tip If you’re not getting the Tip Sheet, now would be a good time. Each Friday, Inside Memphis Business magazine emails its Tip Sheet newsletter to subscribers. It’s a quick read but with useful information for people in Memphis business: short features on small enterprises, a rundown of news items from the week, and links to news stories in other local publications. We’ve added a couple of features from the magazine as well: Hot Sheet and Power Players. The Hot Sheet is a listing of corporate milestones, including new hires, promotions, acquisitions, awards, and the like. We also include a Power Player each week taken from our list of hundreds of influential Memphis people that fill up our April Power Players issue. So sign up for the Tip Sheet — it takes less than a minute — by going to and scroll down a bit. You’ll see the signup box on the right. Easy as that.

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The 2018 Innovation Award Winners BRIAN BOOKER O N E S T E P I N I T I AT I V E


Brian Booker is founder and CEO of One Step Initiative, which gives study abroad opportunities to students who might normally not have the opportunity. The organization targets students of about 20 high schools between sophomore and senior years from underserved Memphis communities for its work, and has travel programs available in various African countries. “A lot of job opportunities are contingent on international experience,” Booker says. “Can you speak a second language, or work in a multicultural environment? These are things our students can say upon leaving this program. It’s good for everyone to find commonality with someone from a different background or culture.”

Gebre Waddell’s company, Sound Credit, is poised to radically transform the way we experience digital music, by bringing the focus back to the players who make it all happen. He and his team figured a way to embed credits in sound files and it is the industry standard for archiving musician and production credits, liner notes, and album art. The idea is to keep track of performers and participants in studio work and eventually for streaming services to connect to it directly, enhancing the listener’s knowledge and keeping accurate numbers for all those with a stake in a music track’s success.


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, launched the Childhood Solid Tumor Network recently as a way to distribute data, research, and most importantly, samples of tumor cells for other scientists to replicate and study on their own. It’s the first network of its kind and it’s priceless. Dyer’s and Pappo’s work at St. Jude gives researchers around the world access to work completed by St. Jude scientists, it’s free from complex contracts and agreements for use, and it’s literally free. The labs that request the information only pay the shipping cost.

VAN TURNER G R E E N S PA C E Statues celebrating the Confederacy that stood in two Memphis parks for decades were, for many, a hindrance to enjoying those public spaces. A growing consensus — including the mayor, the city council, and many citizens — wanted them removed. But legal entanglements kept that from happening. Van Turner figured out a way to deftly remove the statues from their prominent spots. It was appropriate, he says, to release the city from its past. “Memphis is a great city and I think it can be even greater. It was just time for us to move forward and put the past in the past.”


2019 CEO of the Year MERI ARMOUR L E B O N H EU R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S PI TA L



In her tenure as Le Bonheur’s CEO, Meri Armour brought strong leadership to an institution undergoing change. Over a three-year period, she oversaw the construction of a new, 255-bed hospital and raised $104 million toward the project. And her Vision 2020 strategic plan that, among other things, seeks to engage more meaningfully with families. She is as humble as she is determined about what she does. “I am passionate and I am honest,” she says. “I care about kids and I care about Le Bonheur. I’m honest about the fact that it’s not about me.”

When Priscilla Presley asked Jack Soden in the early 1980s what he thought should be done with Graceland, he knew immediately. After Elvis Presley died, the mansion was becoming expensive and entangled in legal issues. Soden thought it was obvious how to turn it around: open the mansion up to tours. But many said it would never last. He took the reins and turned it into one of the top tourist destinations in the world. It continues to expand with a new hotel and convention space as well as an ambitious visitor complex and exhibition space. The secret? “We’ve never stopped keeping Elvis relevant,” he says.

Attorney Nathan A. Bicks is the chief manager at the prestigious Burch, Porter & Johnson law firm and a master at finding consensus. In recent years, outside law firms have settled in town, but Bicks finds an advantage in staying local. “We have unique resources of breadth and depth across a diverse community,” he says. “We are able to use our sense and knowledge of ‘place’ as a differentiator to set us apart from our competition.” Bicks disdains email and texts. If someone in the office sends him a text or email, he’ll usually go to their office to talk. “I try to encourage everybody to not communicate electronically,” Bicks says.


The Logan brothers not only look alike — they’re twins — but they think alike. The co-founders of Castle Black transitioned over the years from doing residential buildings to commercial construction, keeping a careful eye on the marketplace. They’ve got business savvy and they love what they do. “Building has always been a thing that Jonathan and I have been passionate about,” Jarrett says. “Back when we were little boys, we’d both always take things apart and put them back together. And it stemmed from that, our love for architecture and design. Our love for that is what led us into building.”

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Business Hall of Fame

If all of the individuals featured in the pages of this special issue of Inside Memphis Business are “players,” then those featured on this particular list, the Business Hall of Fame, compose our city’s business all-star team. And what a dream team it would be, with the top players from such diverse and important industries as real estate, transportation, advertising, investing, fashion, hospitality, banking, security, and — two classic institutions in our city — cotton and music, to name a few. Here is a list of 17 Memphians whose achievements over the past several decades have done more than bring them personal and professional success; these are people who have truly changed the face of the city. They’ve put their unique stamp on Memphis and offer a shining example of what is possible for the generations of Memphians that follow in their footsteps. Chairman and CEO, Belz Enterprises, one of the South’s largest commercial real estate firms. Pioneered the factory-outlet mall concept. Renowned for work on development of The Peabody and Peabody Place. Master Entrepreneur Award, Society of Entrepreneurs, and Junior Achievement; Lifetime Achievement Award, Downtown Memphis Commission. Founder, Belz Museum of Asian & Judaic Art. Partnered with Henry Turley on Harbor Town and other downtown projects.

WILLIAM B. DUNAVANT JR. Founder and former CEO, Dunavant Enterprises. B.B.A., University of Memphis. Widely acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost experts on cotton and commodities trading with holdings around the world. Inducted into Futures Industry Association’s Hall of Fame. Founder, The Racquet Club of Memphis, and brought major-league tennis to Memphis. Avid hunter, sportsman, and philanthropic patron of Ducks Unlimited and Memphis University School.

GEORGE CATES Founder, former chairman, CEO, MidAmerica Apartment Communities. Started company as Cates Company in 1977. Later became MAA on New York Stock Exchange. Former board chair, Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, Memphis Rotary Club, MLGW, Memphis Symphony, Memphis Research Consortium, and more. Chair, Neighborhood Preservation, Inc. Board member, Overton Park Conservancy, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, UT.

ART GILLIAM Chairman and president, Gilliam Communications, Inc. B.A. in Economics, Yale University; M.B.A., Michigan. Founded WLOK, first blackowned radio station in Memphis, in 1977. Named many times #1 Gospel Station in nation, Religion & Media Quarterly. WLOK recognized as a Tennessee Historic Landmark. Inducted into Society of Entrepreneurs in 2007. Longtime sponsor of WLOK Stone Soul Picnic. Received 2011 Visionary Award from Downtown Memphis Commission.


O. MASON HAWKINS Chairman and CEO, Southeastern Asset Management, Inc. B.A., University of Florida; M.B.A., University of Georgia. Noted value investor, operates one of the most successful mutual-fund families in the world, founded in 1975; has been called “the Warren Buffett of the South.” Seeks to own highly competitive businesses “managed by honorable and capable people.” Inducted into the Society of Entrepreneurs, 1996. Played key role in the Grizzlies’ move to Memphis. J.R. “PITT” HYDE III President, Hyde Family Foundations. Founded AutoZone in 1979, now nation’s premier auto parts distributor. Inductee, Automotive Hall of Fame. Philanthropic activities include support for Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Ballet Memphis, ArtsMemphis, and Memphis in May. Helped found Memphis Bioworks Foundation, Memphis Tomorrow, and the National Civil Rights Museum. Primary sponsor of AutoZone Park. Helped bring the Grizzlies to Memphis; part of minority ownership group. IRA A. LIPMAN Founder, Guardsmark, LLC, in 1963 and sold the company to Universal Protection Service in 2015. Wharton School Board of Overseers, Dean’s Medal. American Business Ethics Award; Stanley C. Pace Leadership in Ethics Award, Committee for Economic Development. Corporate Citizenship Award. Founding Chairman, Memphis Shelby Crime Commission. Honorary life chairman, national chairman 1988-1992, National Conference of Christians and Jews. Honorary chairman, national chairman, chairman emeritus, National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Society of Entrepreneurs. Established the John Chancellor Award for Excellence in Journalism. Ira A. Lipman Center for Journalism and Civil and Human Rights named in his honor at Columbia University. contin u ed on page 13

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Business Hall of Fame contin u ed from page 11

JOHN R. MALMO Chairman emeritus, Archer Malmo, Inc., and principal, John Malmo Marketing Consulting. Educated at Boston University. Entrepreneurial Fellow, University of Memphis. Founded John Malmo Advertising in 1967. Former president, Memphis Advertising Federation. Former director, American Association of Advertising Agencies. Recipient, American Advertising Federation Silver Medal Award. Trustee chairman, Moore Tech. Regular radio commentator, and author of When on the Mountain There Is No Tiger, Monkey Is King. BRAD MARTIN Chairman, RBM Venture Company. Former chairman and CEO, Saks Incorporated. Former interim president, U of M. Graduate, student body president, U of M. M.B.A., Vanderbilt. Grew Saks revenue from $70 million to $7 billion. Board member, Chesapeake Energy, FedEx, First Horizon, Pilot/Flying J. Author, Five Stones: Conquering Your Giants; Myles’ Pesky Friends (a children’s book). JIM MCGEHEE Former chairman, Memphis Shelby County Airport Authority. Successfully secured Northwest Airlines hub status for Memphis and inauguration of transatlantic service. Director, Financial Strategy Group Investment Management and Pinnacle Airlines. Former CEO, McGehee Realty and Development Company and McGehee Mortgage Company. Served on Baptist Memorial Hospital’s advisory board, Rhodes College Board of Trustees, Campbell Clinic Foundation. ALLEN B. MORGAN JR. Co-founder and chairman emeritus, Regions Morgan Keegan, Inc. Launched Morgan Keegan in 1969 and took the company to national prominence as leading investment firm in the South. Firm merged with

Regions Bank in 2001 and was acquired by Raymond James in 2012. Named “Entrepreneur of the Year,” Memphis Society of Entrepreneurs, 1994. One of the three outstanding CEOs in the securities industry, Financial World magazine, 1995. Former Chairman, Securities Industry Association, 2002. DAVID PORTER Founder and president, Consortium MMT. Songwriter, singer, and record producer. Grew up in South Memphis and was an integral part of the Stax Recording Studio success of the 1960s and ’70s. Along with Isaac Hayes, wrote numerous soul classics including more than 100 Billboard chart hits for Sam & Dave, Carla Thomas, Lou Rawls, and others. Inducted into Songwriters Hall of Fame, 2005. Heavily involved in Memphis small-business enterprises. RUDI E. SCHEIDT Former chairman, Hohenberg Brothers Co. Helped initiate international cotton trade with China, Eastern Europe. Graduate, University of California. Board experience includes Memphis Symphony Orchestra, Memphis College of Art, Opera Memphis, Memphis Arts Festival. Recipient, Governor’s Award for Arts Leadership, State of Tennessee. Contributions to U of M led to Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music named in his honor. FREDERICK W. SMITH Founder, chairman, and CEO, FedEx Corporation. Launched Federal Express, 1973. Since then, FedEx has become a Memphis institution and a global economic powerhouse. First implementer of airport-hub concept and pioneer of the “Just In Time” inventory concept. Co-Chairman, Energy Security Leadership Council. Trustee, U.S. Council for International Business. Member, Aviation Hall of Fame. Consistently named one of Barron’s “World’s 30 Best CEOs.” Chief Executive 2004 CEO of the Year.

PAT KERR TIGRETT Chairman and CEO, Pat Kerr, Inc. International fashion designer whose design firm specializes in bridal couture, with offices in London, New York, and Memphis. Widow of financier and philanthropist John Burton Tigrett, and a longtime “player” on the city’s music and cultural scene. Founded the Blues Ball, 1994, an annual festive salute to all forms of Memphis music, providing insurance benefits for Memphis’ legendary musicians and supporting children’s charities. Also organized the Moonshine Ball and Jingle Bell Ball. HENRY TURLEY Founder, Henry Turley Company. Real estate developer and “new urbanism” pioneer at the center of the downtown Memphis “renaissance” of the 1990s. Conceptualized and created nationally acclaimed mixed-use Harbor Town community on Mud Island, 1985, now home to several thousand residents. Developed similar communities at South Bluffs and Uptown Memphis, where mixed-income housing replaced urban blight. Founding Member of the Society of Entrepreneurs. JESSE TURNER JR. President and chairman, Tri-State Bank of Memphis. Educated at University of Chicago, and succeeded his father, Jesse Turner Sr., as Tri-State Bank head in 1990. Founded in 1946 to serve the African-American community in the Mid-South, Tri-State played an influential community role in the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and 1960s. Operates own CPA firm. Member of Christian Brothers High School Hall of Fame. National Treasurer of the NAACP.

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70 YEARS Since 1947

Chris Bird and his team at Dillard Door & Entrance Control continue the fine tradition of service excellence and integrity that the Mid-South has come to expect from the Dillard name...Since 1947.




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Poets and philosophers have meditated on what makes architecture sing to the soul. Humankind’s most lasting art form is architecture. When form was added to shelter’s function, it was art. When engineering and design were introduced, it was formal architecture. When it lasted lifetimes, it was truth. We’re fortunate to have these POWER PLAYERS who have mastered this city-enhancing art form. Their creations range from schools to hospitals, banks to municipal buildings, corporate centers to casinos. REBECCA CONRAD Principal, ANF Architects, LEED AP. Bachelor of Architecture, Auburn University. Projects include U of M Community Health Facility, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, Student Recreation Center - Crosstown High School, I-40 Solar Farm, Pink Palace Renovation, CBU Rosa Deal School of Arts, Cooper Wilson Center, Buckman, FedEx, Trezevant Manor, and The Village at Germantown Senior Living Communities. Past president, AIA Memphis. Vice chair, Downtown Commission Design Review Board. METCALF CRUMP Chairman and CEO, The Crump Firm, Inc. Master in Architecture, Harvard. Graduate studies at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Firm includes architects, planners, and designers. Clients include FedEx, Smith & Nephew, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, International Paper, Orpheum Theatre, Highwoods Properties, CBRE Memphis, and Commercial Advisors. Past president, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Tennessee and AIA Memphis. AIA College of Fellows. RICK GARDNER Principal and Practice Leader, HBG Design. Board of Advisors, UT School of Architecture. Practice is ranked 3rd nationally in hospitality and entertainment architecture and interior design. Firm honored with 8 national and local “Best Workplaces” awards. Clients include Elvis Presley Enterprises, Carlisle Corporation, Caesar’s Entertainment, International Paper, FedEx Express, and UTHSC.

SCOTT FLEMING President, Fleming Architects, PC. Projects include U of M Law School, Kroc Center, St. Mary’s School, New Collierville High School, Bartlett High School. Past president, AIA Memphis. Member, National Council of Architectural Registration Board, Lambda Alpha, Urban Land Institute, American Institute of Architects. Board member, Land Use Control, Streets Ministries, Shelby Farms Project. TIMOTHY N. GARRETT Director of Architecture, Belz Enterprises/ Belz Architecture. Graduate, U of M. AIA Member, NCARB, LEED AP, registered in 6 states. Recent projects include Poplar Tower Renovations, Onyx Medical Expansion, UTMP Expansion, Horizon Surgery Center, and Crone Law Firm. Former board member, AIA Memphis. Board president, Memphis & Shelby County Humane Society. SUSAN GOLDEN Founding partner, president, and healthcare practice leader, brg3s architects. Bachelor of Architecture, University of Tennessee. Clients include Youth Villages, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, Shelby County, Regional One Health, West Cancer Center, St Jude. Notable projects include Methodist University ED, Le Bonheur faculty office building, Methodist Hospice, Youth Villages. Current projects include Youth Villages’ Residential Treatment Center and the Shelby County Health Department. REB HAIZLIP Principal, Haizlip Studio. Master of Architecture, Tulane. Practice specializes in education, museums, and nonprofits. Projects include U of M Pedestrian Bridge, U of M Student Center, Dixon Gallery and Gardens. Board member, Tulane School of Architecture. Trustee, Aydelott Education Fund. Member, AIA Memphis and AIA Tennessee, College

of Fellows, American Museum Association, Association of Children’s Museums, and Association of Science and Technology Centers. TOM MCCONNELL Principal/lead architect, Pickering Firm, Inc. Bachelor of Architecture, UT – Knoxville. Projects include FedEx Ground Sort Hubs, Smith & Nephew, Kroger stores – including Kroger Union Avenue, Nike-Northridge expansion, Wright Medical HQ, TBC Distribution Center, Volvo Distribution Center, and Memphis Union Mission. FRANK RICKS Founding Principal, Looney Ricks Kiss/ LRK. Memphis-based design firm nationally recognized for sustainable community planning, urban design, mixed-use, residential, office and retail projects. Projects include Crosstown Concourse, Memphis Cook Convention Center renovation, Union Row, FedEx Logistics HQ, The Commonwealth, The Rise, Orion HQ, Artspace Lofts, Chisca Hotel, Gray Canary, FedExFamilyHouse, AutoZone Park, Stax Museum, Old Dominick Distillery, Tennessee Brewery and Pinch District Plan. JIMMIE TUCKER Founding Principal, Self + Tucker Architects, with Juan Self. Bachelor’s, Princeton; Master’s in Architecture, Washington University, St. Louis. LEED Accredited Professional, U.S. Green Building Council. SACE Clean Energy Champion. Firm specializes in planning and designs that revitalize and sustain communities. Projects include Universal Life Insurance Building Revitalization, Cleaborn Pointe at Heritage Landing, Hattiloo Theatre, STAX Museum, Memphis Business Academy. President, Memphis Chapter, National Organization of Minority Architects. Adjunct Professor, Architecture, U of M. BARRY ALAN YOAKUM Co-principal, archimania, with Todd Walker. archimania is ranked 8th best Design Architect in the U.S. Projects include Ballet Memphis, CBU, U of M, City Leadership, GPAC, FedEx, Hattiloo Theatre, Christ Community Health Services, Tennessee Shakespeare Company, Orion Federal Credit Union, Youth Villages, Regional One Health, City of Memphis, Meritan, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare.

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Arts & Entertainment

While Memphis has given the world tangible goods and services that have reshaped the way we do business and experience the world, it’s also produced artists and entertainment entrepreneurs who have opened our eyes and turned the world on its ear, including Sam Phillips, Isaac Hayes, William Eggleston, and Marguerite Piazza. The POWER PLAYERS here persist in the tradition of culture as business that elevates us all. WARD ARCHER Owner and founder, Archer Records and Music+Arts Studio. Manager, Blue Barrel Records. Recent work includes John Kilzer’s new album Scars with two-time Grammy winner Matt Ross-Spang, Summer Avenue’s Some Kind of Color, European blues artist Mathis Haug, Watermelon Slim, Blind Mississippi Morris, Bruce Newman, Eric Lewis, and Amy LaVere. Other artists and producers in the studio include the Allman-Betts Band, Jason McKinney, Avon Dale, Rev Sekou, Keia Johnson, Lucero, Ed Finney, Keia Johnson, Eden Brent, Joe Restivo, and Deborah Swiney. New film sound projects include Lights May Flicker, Solus, Dean’s List, Morgan Jon Fox’s The One You Never Forget, and mixing Scott Bomar’s score for the upcoming film Dolemite is My Name. EKUNDAYO BANDELE Founder and CEO, Hattiloo Theatre. From 2011-2013, spearheaded a $4.3 million and a second $1 million capital campaign, resulting in a newly constructed theatre and annexed development center in Overton Square that opened, debt-free, in June 2014. Board member, Overton Park Conservancy, Memphis Travel, Memphis Brand Initiative. Recipient, United Way of the Mid-South award, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis award, Congressional Certificate of Honor. BRETT BATTERSON President & CEO, Orpheum Theatre Group, parent organization of the Orpheum Theatre and the Halloran Centre for Performing Arts & Education. B.A., Augsburg College; M.F.A., Tulane University. In 2018, as part of the co-producing group, the Independent Presenters Network, the Orpheum received its fourth Tony Award for Best Musical for The Band’s Visit. 2017 Presenter of the Year, North American Performing Arts Managers and Agents. Founder, Memphis Cultural Coalition. Antoinette Perry (TONY) Award voter. Active with Rotary Club of Memphis, Broadway League, Mid-South Arts Against Hunger, and Independent Presenters Network. Married to author and photographer, Veronica Randolph Batterson. 16 |

MICHAEL BOLLINGER Director, Bartlett Performing Arts & Conference Center. Was theater and cultural arts center director in Missouri, New York City, Virginia. Former artistic director, Lyceum Theatre. Produced/directed 200+ theatrical productions. At BPACC, launched Arts In Ed and Music by the Lake series, expanded performing arts series. Recipient, Missouri Arts Award, Governor’s proclamation, and commendation for work in arts from President Clinton. NED CANTY General director, Opera Memphis. B.A., Catholic University of America. Directed at Santa Fe Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Opera Theatre of St. Louis, Florida Grand Opera, New York City Opera, Israeli Vocal Arts Institute, Shanghai Conservatory. Festival director, NY Television Festival, 2005-2010. Oversaw creation of annual 30 Days of Opera showcase and Midtown Opera Festival, successfully reaching out to young people and the wider community. Board member, Opera America. 2017 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. PAUL CHANDLER Executive director, Germantown Performing Arts Center (GPAC). A 25-year veteran in entertainment, production, and the venue industry and major fundraiser. Oversees educational programming, youth symphony orchestra while managing a venue used by IRIS Orchestra, Memphis Symphony, Opera Memphis. Worked with Memphis Botanic Garden to create Live at the Garden series. MICHAEL DETROIT Executive producer, Playhouse on the Square. BME, Music Education, Northern Michigan University; MFA, Musical Theatre, San Diego State University. Oversees $15 million in assets and

$2.5 million annual budget for producing shows on three seperate stages. 100+ professional stage credits, 100s of TV commercial, industrial, and voice-over credits, and appeared in eight films. JON HORNYAK Senior executive director, Memphis Chapter, Recording Academy. B.A., U of M. 2016 recipient, U of M College of Communication and Fine Arts Distinguished Achievement Award. Architect, Grammy Museum’s Living Histories video archives. Executive producer, Sounds of Memphis documentary. Involved in MusiCares that gives assistance for music people in times of need. Board member, Grammy Museum Mississippi. Multiple Mid-South Regional Emmy nominations. CARISSA HUSSONG Executive director, Metal Museum, only U.S. organization dedicated to art and craft of fine metalwork. Bachelor’s, Univ. of Washington and Boston Univ.; M.B.A., U of M; Whitney Museum of American Art Curatorial Fellow. One of “25 Who Shaped Memphis: 1989-2014,” Memphis Flyer. Recipient, Ellida Fri Leadership Award, 50 Women Who Make A Difference, Memphis Center City Commission Vision Award. Former founding executive director, UrbanArt Commission. MARCIA KAUFMANN Executive director, IRIS Orchestra. Graduate, Manhattan School of Music. Served as executive director, Portland Baroque Orchestra, Breckenridge Music Festival. Cofounder and artistic director, Icicle Creek Music Center. Member, numerous chamber ensembles and chamber orchestras. PRESTON LAMM CEO, River City Management, which includes Rum Boogie Cafe, King’s Palace Cafe, Pig on Beale, Mesquite Chop House, Spindini. Graduate, Mississippi State. Former board member, Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau, Memphis Music Commission, DeSoto Arts Council. Recipient, Pioneer Award, 2004, Memphis Restaurant Association, for redeveloping restaurant business on Beale Street. Finalist, 2013 CEO of the Year award, Inside Memphis Business. DEBBIE LITCH Executive producer, Theatre Memphis. B.S., Mathematics; M.A., Guidance Counseling. Recipient, Memphis Symphony Orchestra Hebe and Amphion Awards for outstanding contribution to the arts; Germantown Arts Alliance Arts and Humanities Award; American Association of Community Theatre’s

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Twink Lynch Award; Gyneka Award from Women’s Theatre Festival of Memphis; “Janie McCrary Putting It Together” Ostrander Award; Memphis Symphony Amphion Award. National Planned Giving Institute Certification, College of William & Mary. SHERRY MAY Co-director, Live at the Garden summer concert series at Memphis Botanic Garden. Former director of marketing, development, and special events, Beale Street Historic District. With co-director Jamison Totten, has helped make Live at the Garden, now in its 19th year, a premier outdoor entertainment venue in the MidSouth, with an annual attendance of more than 30,000 people. Focus on marketing, public relations, sponsorships, sales. Co-producer, Summer Symphony at the Live Garden. Member, Arts & Culture Memphis Marketing Exchange. Board member, Blues Foundation. Former board member, Memphis Travel. LAWRENCE “BOO” MITCHELL Chief manager/engineer, Royal Studios. Chapter governor, Memphis Chapter, Recording Academy. Producer, Take Me to the River documentary. Has won several awards from NARAS for working on Grammy award-winning and nominated projects. Clients include Al Green, Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars, North Mississippi All-Stars, Keith Richards, Robert Plant, Boz Scaggs, Wu-Tang Clan, John Mayer. Earned the 2016 “Record of the Year” Grammy Award for Engineering “Uptown Funk,” the first song recorded in Memphis to win this award. ROBERT MOODY Music director, Memphis Symphony Orchestra. Internationally acclaimed conductor, having guest conducted such world class orchestras as the Chicago Symphony and the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl. International work includes Slovenian Philharmonic, Vienna Chamber Orchestra. In demand as both orchestral and opera conductor. Work can be heard on multiple commercial audio recordings. EMILY BALLEW NEFF Director, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art. B.A., Yale; M.A., Rice University; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Leading art museum with a core mission of education and public service that celebrated 100 years in 2016. President, Association of Art Museum Curators. Fellow, Center for Curatorial Leadership. First curator of American painting and sculpture at Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts, with expertise in American art, eighteenth century art, photography.

DOROTHY GUNTHER PUGH Founding artistic director, Ballet Memphis. Nationally respected leader in movement to diversify American ballet. Fellowships at Stanford and National Arts Strategies Chief Executive Program. Professional company tours internationally to prestigious venues including Kennedy Center. Recipient, Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis Legends Award, Women of Achievement Award for Initiative, Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Award for Community Service, Gordon Holl Outstanding Arts Administrator Award. Member, Dance-USA Board of Trustees; chair, Dance-USA Art Director’s Council. One of five women artistic directors of major U.S. dance companies. 2017 Memphian of the Year, Memphis magazine. KEVIN SHARP Linda W. and S. Herbert Rhea Director, Dixon Gallery and Gardens. Leads museum and public garden with dynamic and diverse exhibition and education programs. Expanded Dixon’s audience, membership, donor base, income yearly since 2007. Built collaborative relationships with museums in U.S., Europe. Oversaw Dixon’s AAM reaccreditation in 2011, developed strategic plans in 2009, 2012, 2016. Created comprehensive plan for facilities and grounds in 2014. Led a major renovation of the museum in 2015. Oversaw construction of the Farnsworth Education Building in 2018-2019.

TV Shows • Columns • Radio Show • Books • Podcasts

KATIE SMYTHE Founder, CEO, and artistic director, New Ballet Ensemble and School. Performed with the State of Tennessee Ballet Company, only non-professional artist selected by Director Norbert Vesak of the Metropolitan Opera Ballet. Past member, Loyce Houlton’s Minnesota Dance Theater. New Ballet Ensemble has garnered national praise at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, a 2014 recognition for afterschool programs from First Lady Michelle Obama, and from the Washington Post. NATALIE WILSON Executive director, Levitt Shell at Overton Park. Over 18 years in the nonprofit sector. Former director of visitor experience, Shelby Farms Park Conservancy, where she was a key player of the 2016 re-development of the park. Community advisory board, Girl Scouts Heart of the South. Founding board member, Gilda’s Club Memphis. Advisory board, U of M School of Anthropology. 2015 Shape the State Hero, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. T H E P O W E R P L AY E R S 2 0 1 9 | IN S ID E M EM P HI S B U S IN E S S .C O M |

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3/8/19 12:42 PM


Research Hospital Memphis Club. Past member, Houston High School Booster Club. Supports Memphis Union Mission, Make-A-Wish Mid-South, and Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


Auto Dealers

From affordable to luxurious, from domestic to import, from basic to loaded with bells and whistles, a wide range of automobiles on the streets of Memphis can be traced back to the POWER PLAYERS who fill these pages. And when it comes to getting around our city from point A to point B, these are the folks who get the wheels — and heads — turning. We go to them when that magnet and muscle start drawing us in. DAVID S. ANDREWS Founder and CEO, City Enterprises, LLC, holding company for City Auto, Dealers Auto Auction Group, City Auto Finance, City Leasing, Pace Finance, City Construction and Development. With operations in 4 states and 12 cities, City Enterprises employs over 800. Focuses on helping organizations in the communities they operate in. They include St. Jude, YMCA, Down Syndrome, ALS, Boys and Girls Club, Le Bonheur, Memphis Youth Ministries, Nite Life, Chairman’s Circle Chamber of Commerce, and a host of other organizations. Board member, BBB, NIADA, Society of Entrepreneurs. MARK GOODFELLOW Owner, It’s All Good Auto Sales. Community service includes adopting Westwood and Kirby High Schools, the Red Day Program with Keller Williams, and Porter-Leath. “Favorite Used Car Dealership,” The Commercial Appeal, Memphis Most. Was a four-star athlete at Marion High School in Arkansas, excelling at basketball, baseball, football, and tennis. With Devin Donaldson, won the 2010 United States Tennis Association’s 7.0 Mixed Doubles National Championships in Arizona. AL GOSSETT President, CEO, owner, Gossett Motor Cars. The largest privately owned automotive group in the Mid-South. Gossett Motor Cars manufacturers include Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, Kia, Hyundai, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, Mazda, Mitsubishi, and Fiat. Member, Memphis Grizzlies ownership group. Board member, Landmark Community Bank. Director, Sequential Brands Group, Inc. Strong supporter and advocate of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Make-A-Wish. RUSSELL GWATNEY President, Gwatney Mazda of Germantown, Gwatney Saab of Memphis, and Gwatney Mazda of Jackson. B.A., Arkansas. Finalist, 2005 Time Quality Dealer of the Year. Recipient, Andrew Jackson Award,

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2000 Tennessee Volunteer of the Year, Tennessee Society of Economic Development. Board member and former chairman, Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission. Member, Tennessee Automotive Association Insurance Trust. Former chairman, Greater Memphis Chamber and Memphis Youth Initiative. TRUDY HIGGINBOTHAM MOODY Owner, Mercedes-Benz of Collierville. B.A., Psychology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Also owns Mercedes-Benz and Porsche of Jackson, Mississippi. Winner, “Best Mercedes-Benz Dealership to Work For” in nation, Mercedes-Benz “Best of the Best” Dealer, Porsche “Premier Dealer.” Involved with the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children and the Mississippi Animal Rescue League. HENRY A. HUTTON President/dealer, Chuck Hutton Chevrolet, Chuck Hutton Toyota, Scion, and Chuck Hutton Co. Business degree, UT. Graduate, Tennessee Banking School at Vanderbilt University, Banking School of the South at LSU. Board member, Greater Memphis Automobile Dealers Association. President, Mid-South Chevy Dealers Local Marketing Group. Board member, Memphis Zoo. JAMES J. KERAS JR. President, Jim Keras Automotive Group. B.S., Business Administration, UT. Familyowned business since 1949. Became dealer principal in 1978. Recipient, “Circle of Excellence,” General Motors “Select Dealer,” and “Mark of Excellence” awards. Member, Board of Commissioners, MemphisShelby County Airport Authority. Former president, 100 Club of Memphis and Greater Memphis Automobile Dealers Association. Volunteer pilot for Angel Flight missions. ERNIE NORCROSS Owner/general manager, Volvo Cars of Memphis. B.B.A., UT- Martin. Board member and past president, Greater Memphis Automobile Dealers Association. Member, Volvo Retailer Advisory Board, Creative Forum Board, and Volvo Product Advisory Board. Member, St. Jude Children’s

KAREN LOMBARDO General manager, Roadshow BMW/ MINI, a privately owned franchise in Cordova serving the entire Mid-South. Previous experience includes financial services and marketing roles for BMW in Ohio, New Jersey, and Louisiana. 2018 Automotive News “Top 40 Under 40” Honoree. Member, National Automobile Dealers Association NextGen Leadership Club. Kicked off the 2019 Roadshow Gives Back initiative in January, which will generate a charitable donation to a local nonprofit or charity in Memphis each month in 2019, with plans to give back over $70,000. BRUCE KENT RITCHEY SR. President, Landers Auto Group, a privately owned dealership group with locations in Memphis, Southaven, and Jackson, Mississippi. Graduate, Hendrix College. 2018 SOE Inductee. Automobile Franchises include: Ford, Nissan, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Buick, GMC, Audi, Jaguar, Land Rover and Volkswagen. President, Greater Memphis Auto Dealers Association. Chairman, Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South, Board of Visitors, U of M. Heavily involved in Collierville, Germantown, and Desoto County Education Associations. Major benefactor of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital through FedEx St. Jude Classic, St. Jude Memphis Marathon. Partner with Susan G. Komen Mid-South. JOSEPH H. SCHAEFFER III President, Wolfchase Honda and Wolfchase Nissan. B.B.A., Texas Christian University. Member, Honda Market Advisors Board, Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South, Greater Memphis Automobile Dealers Association, National Automobile Dealers Association, and Tennessee Automotive Association. Former vice chair, St. Mary’s Board of Trustees. Former treasurer, Holy Communion Vestry. Active in Memphis Youth Services and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. ROB WALKER General manager, Infiniti of Memphis. Began management career when the family-owned dealership opened in 1990. Multiple recipient, Infiniti Award of Excellence. Member, National Automobile Dealers Association, Tennessee Automotive Association, and the Greater Memphis Automobile Dealers Association. Sponsor, Live at the Garden concert series. Longtime supporter of the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Foundation and the Memphis Chapter of the PKD Foundation.

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Banking: Administration

When it comes to banking institutions, a strong leader is as good as gold. The POWER PLAYERS in Banking Administration have dedicated their careers to ensuring that their financial institutions run properly and that the money entrusted to them is in good hands. And these days, when it comes to our bottom lines, few things are more important than being able to trust the folks who oversee our hard-earned dollars. We have chosen administrators from local banks and from branches of national banks and from financial institutions that aren’t technically banks at all, credit unions. Regardless, their training and experience cover residential, commercial, and private banking with a strong focus on customer service. You may already know your banker or teller; now meet your financial institution’s administrator. KIRK BAILEY Chairman, West Tennessee, Pinnacle Bank. Leadership positions in Memphis bank since 1980. Founded Magna Bank 1999. Graduate, magna cum laude, U of M, where he was captain of the golf team. PMD degree, Harvard Business School. Active in industry, community affairs. Board member, five local organizations. Serves in many capacities, Christ United Methodist Church. TARA BURTON President and CEO, FedEx Employees Credit Association. B.S., Mathematics, University of Central Arkansas; M.B.A., Accounting, U of M. NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer. Recipient, 2017 Super Women in Business Award, Memphis Business Journal. Honoree, 2016 Women to Watch, Credit Union Times. Volunteer, Rachel’s Kids, Girl Scouts of America, FedEx Family House, Children’s Miracle Network hospitals, Idlewild Elementary PTO, Central Gardens Neighborhood Association. HAROLD BYRD President, Bank of Bartlett. B.B.A. and M.S., Business, U of M. Co-founder, Bank of Bartlett, Bartlett Mortgage, Bartlett Travel. Former Tennessee State Representative. Former special assistant to U.S. Senator Jim Sasser. President, Memphis Rebounders. Former president, U of M Alumni Association, Tiger Scholarship Fund. Recipient, Partner in Education Award, SCS, Distinguished Alumni Award, U of M. Board of Directors, U of M, Lane College, Crescent Club. WILLIAM J. CHASE JR. Founding president and CEO, Triumph Bank. B.A., History and Business Administration, Vanderbilt University. Attended University College, Oxford University. Graduate, National Commercial Lending School, American Bankers Association (ABA). Founded bank in 2005, 20 |

specializing in commercial banking. Member, Governing Board of St. Francis Hospital – Memphis and Economic Club of Memphis. Former member, Community Bankers Council Division (ABA). Former board member, Tennessee Bankers Association. Former president, Chickasaw Country Club. FRANK CIANCIOLA Board chairman, president, and CEO, Bank3. Former CEO, Victory Bank & Trust; founder, CEO, and chairman, Renasant Bank. Served as chairman and vice chairman, Metropolitan Bank. M.S., Finance, U of M; Graduate, School of International Banking (University of Virginia), School of Commercial Lending (University of Oklahoma), The Effective Executive Program (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania). W. CRAIG ESRAEL President and CEO, First South Financial. B.B.A. and M.B.A., University of Wisconsin. M.S., University of Arkansas. Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Executive of the Year, Memphis Business Journal. Entrepreneur of the Year, Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. Profiled as one of the Fittest CEOs in America, Fortune. Recipient, Tennessee Volunteer Commendation Award by Governor of Tennessee. University of Wisconsin Distinguished Alumni Award. Federal Reserve Bank, St. Louis, CDIAC. JAMES P. “JAKE” FARRELL Chairman, president, CEO, Landmark Community Bank. B.S., Business Administration, University of Arkansas; National Commercial Lending Graduate School, University of Oklahoma; Stonier Graduate School of Banking; Rutgers University; International School of Banking, University of Virginia. Former trustee and vice

chair, St. George’s Independent School. Co-chair, DishesFor-Wishes. Supports Holy Apostles Episcopal Church. Member of Parent’s Council, Rhodes College. MOTT FORD Vice chairman and CEO, Commercial Bank and Trust Company. Vice Chairman, Tennessee Bankers Association. Graduate, UT, Stonier Graduate School of Banking, American Bankers Association. With company more than 25 years. Past president, Independent Bankers Division, Tennessee Bankers Association. Board member, Memphis Academy of Health Sciences (charter school), Tennessee Bankers Association, Community Depository Institution Advisory Council (CDIAC) for the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. GENE HENSON President, Memphis & North Mississippi Region, Trustmark National Bank. B.B.A., Accountancy, University of Mississippi; Graduate School of Banking, LSU. Board member, Tennessee Bankers Association. Past chairman, Government Relations Committee. Past member, Government Relations Council Administrative Committee, American Bankers Association; Campaign Cabinet Executive Committee, United Way of the MidSouth; Board of Trustees, Memphis Museums, Inc.; Board of Directors, University of Mississippi Alumni Association. Member, Greater Memphis Chamber Board of Governors, Economic Club of Memphis. Member and past chairman, Board of Regents Executive Committee, Barret School of Banking. BRYAN JORDAN Chairman, President, and CEO, First Horizon National Corporation. B.A., Catawba College. Responsible for setting strategic direction for the 5,500-employee company, managing assets, and overseeing day-to-day operations. 2017 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business; Best CEO, mid-cap category, Institutional Investor magazine’s 2013 All-American Executive Team. Board member, American Bankers Association, American Bankers Council, AutoZone, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Governor’s Foundation for Health and Wellness, Memphis Tomorrow, Mid-Size Bank Coalition of America, Operation HOPE, Tennessee Bankers Association. Chairman, Memphis Tomorrow. DAVID C. MAY Market executive and commercial banking executive for Tennessee and Kentucky, Regions Bank. B.B.A., Banking and Finance, University of Mississippi. Board member, United Way of the Mid-South, Memphis Chamber of Commerce and Chamber’s Chairman’s Circle. Serves on Governor’s Drive to 55 leadership. Past board member, Leadership Memphis, Christ Methodist Day School, Service Over Self, and EpiCenter.

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JOHNNY B. MOORE JR. President and CEO, SunTrust Bank, Memphis. B.B.A., Accounting, Rhodes College. Board member and chairman, Memphis and Shelby County Port Commission. Board member, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, Memphis Tomorrow, National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis & Shelby County EDGE. Member, Board of Trustees, Memphis University School, Hutchison School, Promise Academy, Plough Foundation. Member, ALSAC/St. Jude Advisory Board. ROBERT S.SHAW, JR. Co-founder and CEO, Paragon Bank. B.A. and M.A., University of Mississippi. Graduate, American Bankers Association National Commercial Lending School. Board member, Memphis Child Advocacy Center. Board member and treasurer, Pinecrest Camp and Retreat Center. Board chairman, Woodland Presbyterian School. Elder and stewardship committee member, Germantown Presbyterian Church. Member, Economics Club of Memphis. Former board member, Ole Miss Alumni Association and March of Dimes. W. SCOTT STAFFORD President, CEO, director, Evolve Bank & Trust. B.S., Commerce and Business, University of Alabama. Board chairman, Neighborhood Christian Centers. Board member and treasurer, Young Presidents’ Organization (Southern 7 Chapter). Board member, Presbyterian Day School. Member and officer, Second Presbyterian Church. 2015 Inside Memphis Business CEO of the Year. Evolve a sponsor of Halloran Centre Music Series, River Arts Fest, Levitt Shell and Cooper-Young Festival. SUSAN S. STEPHENSON Co-founder, co-chairman, and president, Independent Bank. Former chairman, president, and CEO, Boatmen’s Bank of Tennessee. First female chairman and CEO of a Tennessee bank. Board member, St. Louis Federal Reserve. Member, Memphis Society of Entrepreneurs. Former chair, Executive Committee and Board, Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis, New Memphis. Treasurer, Elmwood Foundation. Member, Baptist Women’s Hospital Advisory Board.

With ten locations across the Memphis area, Healthcare Realty is the go-to source for on Baptist Memorial Hospital campuses. A variety of locations and levels of build-out provide move-in ready suites, time-share space and the ability to build to suit. It’s your move.

WILLIAM R. TAYLOE President, Financial Federal Bank. Member, Financial Federal Board of Directors. B.A., University of Mississippi. Responsible for oversight and management of the bank as well as having an active role in business development, risk management, strategic planning. Bank focuses on high-quality customer service and customized solutions in private banking, mortgage banking, commercial banking. T H E P O W E R P L AY E R S 2 0 1 9 | IN S ID E M EM P HI S B U S IN E S S .C O M |

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3/7/19 4:06 PM


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Dating back at least to the start of the Plough Chemical Company in the early twentieth century and Abe Plough’s first product, Plough’s Antiseptic Healing Oil, the bioscience industry has been alive and well in Memphis. Today, the tradition of world-class bioscience not only lives on in the Bluff City — home to orthopedic titans, medical-research mavens, entrepreneurial dynamos, and sci-fi-sounding technologies — but is putting Memphis on the map in a huge, exploding field, thanks to the POWER PLAYERS on these pages. The future is indeed today. BOB BEAN CEO, YX Genomics Holding Corp. and its two companies. Transnetyx, co-founded in 2000 to build the first fully automated genetic testing method to detect genetic mutations in mouse biopsies; research laboratories around the world. YX Services develops methods for companies seeking higher throughput and automated solutions to sample processing challenges. Named 2012 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. JAMES BEATY Pediatric orthopaedic surgeon, Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics. M.D., UTHSC. Board certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. Board chairman, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Board member, Campbell Foundation, UT-Campbell Clinic. Former chief of staff, Campbell Clinic; former director, Pediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship. President, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. EUGENE ECKSTEIN Professor and chair of U of M Department of Biomedical Engineering. Initial and current academic coordinator, U of M-UTHSC Joint Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering. Inaugural J.R. Hyde Chair of Excellence, UTHSC. Fellow and past president, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Pi Tau Sigma, Sigma Xi. Member, BMES, EMBS, AAAS. Panel judge, Innovation Awards, Inside Memphis Business. KEVIN FOLEY Chairman and director of complex spine surgery, Semmes-Murphey Clinic. Director, Spine Fellowship Program, Department of Neurosurgery; Professor of Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Biomedical Engineering, UTHSC.

Medical director and chairman, Medical Education & Research Institute. M.D., UCLA. Member, AOA Honor Medical Society. Member of board of directors, Digital Surgery Systems, Discgenics, DuraStat, LaunchPad Medical, Practical Navigation/Fusion Robotics, and Triad Life Sciences. FRANK A. MCGREW III Director of cardiovascular research and clinical cardiologist, The Stern Cardiovascular Foundation. B.S., Johns Hopkins University; M.D., Case Western Reserve. Certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, American Board of Internal Medicine. Former scientific project officer, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Former governor, American College of Cardiology for Tennessee. Member, Joint Civilian Orientation Committee of the Department of Defense. Former president, English-Speaking Union. ROBERT PALMISANO President and CEO, Wright Medical Group, Inc. In current position since September 2011. B.A., Political Science, Providence College. Former president and CEO, ev3 Inc., a global endovascular device company acquired by Covidien in 2010. Former president and CEO, IntraLase Corp., MacroChem Corporation, Summit Technology Inc. Has held several positions at Bausch & Lomb, Inc. Member, Board of Trustees, Providence College. MARY V. RELLING Chair, Pharmaceutical Department, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Pharm.D. degree, University of Utah. Elected to Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. Pediatric Cancer Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology; Team Science Prize, American Association of Cancer Research. Co-leader, NIH-funded Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium.

Member, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Committee, Children’s Oncology Group. ISAAC RODRIGUEZ Co-founder, chief science officer, SweetBio Inc. B.S., University of Virginia; M.S. and Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University. “Top 40 Under 40” 2015, Memphis Business Journal. 2016 Innovation Awards winner, Inside Memphis Business. Named a “Top 10 Alumni,” VCU. Board member, New Memphis. Board member, Seeding Success, Setting the Standard (STS) Enterprises, Virginia Latino Higher Education Network. 2017 keynote speaker, NASA Langley’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration. Former council member, Mayor Luttrell’s Young Professional Council. Former steering committee member, Mayor Strickland’s transitional team. GARY STEVENSON Managing partner and co-founder, MB Venture Partners. B.S., Accounting, University of Missouri; M.B.A., Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University. CPA, Chartered Financial Analyst. Firm has invested in more than 40 medical-device and biotech startups, including 18 in Shelby County. Participated in financing GTx and BioMimetic Therapeutics, Inc. Board member, several current and former MBVP portfolio companies. Board member, ZeroTo510, Life Science Tennessee. ROBERT WILLIAMS President and chair, Department of Genetics, UTHSC; UT-ORNL governor’s chair in Genomics; B.A. and Ph.D., University of California; fellowship, Yale University. Developer of open access web sites for scientific discovery since 1994, including most prominently GeneNetwork, and new experimental methods and models to test how well we can predict disease risk just using genetic data. Numerous Medical Grant Awards.

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Business Organizations

They encourage growth, development, economic prosperit y, and new opportunities. They’re forums for networking, exchanging views, educating the public, and uniting toward a common goal. Whether generalized or geared toward a specific interest or industr y, these groups help make Memphis stronger, better, and more forward-thinking. Some member rosters boast the city’s movers and shakers, while others hone and shape the next generation who will lead Memphis and the Mid-South far into our future. Whether or not you recognize the names, faces, or organizations, our city and region are better for these groups and for the POWER PLAYERS who lead and direct them. STEVEN J. BARES President/executive director, Memphis Bioworks Foundation. Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, M.B.A. Co-founder/board chair, Innova LLC, TriMetis. Co-founder, Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering. Board member, Memphis Medical District Collaborative. Member, inaugural class, Leadership Tennessee. Former executive, International Paper, Hewlett-Packard. Former president/co-founder, Sparcom. Has authored nine patents, published numerous articles. JOZELLE LUSTER BOOKER President & CEO, The MMBC Continuum. Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing; Jackson State University; Executive MBA, U of M. Developed model for stellar supplier diversity program, experienced supplier diversity executive and economic development leader. The MMBC Continuum is the Economic Accelerator for minority-owned and women-owned businesses in the MidSouth region. Board member, Greater Memphis Chamber. Devotes time, talent, and treasure to organizations and causes that improve the human condition. SCOTT A. BROCKMAN President and CEO, Memphis Shelby County Airport Authority. Accredited Airport Executive First Past. Chairman, Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, American Association of Airport Executives; International Association of Airport Executives Board. Former president, Southeast Chapter of AAAE; chairman, 2011 AAAE National Airports Conference; chairman and Southeast chapter representative, AAAE Board of Examiners; chairman, AAAE Audit Committee; chairman, Airports Council International – North America Economic Affairs Committee, North America representative, ACI World Economic Board. AAAE Distinguished Service Award, May 2013. SEC AAAE Airport Professional of the Year, 2010 & 2012. 24 |

PEARSON CRUTCHER Executive director, The Society of Entrepreneurs. B.S. and master’s, Social Work, UT-Knoxville. Caters to Mid-South business owners, presidents, and other key executives through programs such as monthly Entrepreneurs Roundtable meetings, the Insights Group, and the Annual Dinner and Award Banquet. Named to “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. Graduate, Leadership Memphis. Founders Committee, UT/West Institute for Cancer Research. Volunteer, Team READ. REID DULBERGER President and CEO, Economic Development Growth Engine (EDGE) for Memphis and Shelby County. M.S., Carnegie Mellon; M.A., Georgetown University. Organizational responsibilities include business financing programs and tax incentive programs such as Foreign Trade Zone-77, PILOTs, TIFs; along with Greater Memphis Alliance for a Competitive Workforce and the International Port of Memphis. Chief economic development officer, Memphis and Shelby County. Former vice president, MemphisED Administration, Greater Memphis Chamber. Certified Economic Developer and Economic Development Finance Professional. ANNA MULLINS ELLIS President and CEO, New Memphis, an organization that works to attract, develop, activate and retain diverse talent for a more vital and prosperous Memphis. Stewarded the launch of High Ground News and served as publisher, driving the production of local journalism focused on what’s next for Memphis. Serves as director of TEDxMemphis. Named “Top 40 Under 40” by Memphis Business Journal and 20<30 by Memphis Flyer. 2015 graduate of the Leadership Development Intensive.

GWYN R. FISHER Greater Memphis regional director of economic and community development, State of Tennessee. Founder and CEO, Revolution Strategy. B.A., Scripps College; J.D., U of M. Former executive director, MPACT Memphis. Contributing Author, Smart City Memphis. Named to “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. Participant in British Council Transatlantic Network. Program coordinator, Marshall Memorial Fellowship. Former chair, Mayor Mark Luttrell’s YP Collaborative. DON GLAYS Executive director, West Tennessee Home Builders Association. B.B.A., Diploma of Renewable Resources Technology. Hosts VESTA Home Shows. Organization is largest local home builders’ association in Tennessee. Member, several local chambers of commerce, MLGW Community Advisory Council. Serves on Land Use Committee, Executive Officers Council, National Association of Home Builders. JOHN E. GNUSCHKE Director, Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Center for Manpower Studies. Professor, Economics, U of M. Director, Applied Information Technology Center. Co-director, Center for Real Estate Research. B.S., Utah State; Ph.D. and M.A., University of Missouri at Columbia. Former president, Association for University Business and Economic Research. Joined U of M’s Millionaire’s Research Team for receiving more than $1 million in research grants for 15 straight years. ANGELA GRAI Association executive, Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA) of Memphis. Attended U of M, Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management. Organization offers education and networking opportunities to local Commercial Real Estate professionals. Attends BOMA International’s Annual Issues Conference in Washington, D.C. Visits congressional delegation to advocate interests of commercial real estate industry in Memphis.

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RANDY HUTCHINSON President and CEO, Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South. B.A., Western Maryland College; M.B.A., Wilmington College. Organization represents 3,900 BBB Accredited Business members. Provides more than 1.2 million reports on Mid-South businesses annually to consumers wanting to deal with reputable businesses. Educates consumers on how to avoid scams. Member, Rotary Club of Memphis. Graduate, Leadership Memphis. Member, Board of Trustees, Concord Academy. Member, National BBB Operating Committee. ERIC MATHEWS Founder and CEO, Start Co., venture development for high tech and high impact organizations. B.S., Chemistry, Rhodes College; M.S., Cognitive Science, University of Memphis. Advocate and builder of highgrowth potential businesses and their diverse founders. Pioneer of systemic early stage startup investing in Memphis. Author. Board Member of Global Accelerator Network & Ballet Memphis. Former associate director, FedEx Institute of Technology. TOMMY PACELLO President, Memphis Medical District Collaborative. J.D., U of M. MCRP, U of M School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy. Attorney and city planner. Directs strategy, development, activation of the Memphis Medical District Collaborative on behalf of its eight healthcare and educational anchor institutions. Named Top 40 Real Estate Professionals under age of 40, Urban Land magazine. Chair, Memphis Chapter of Urban Land Institute. JEREMY C. PARK CEO, cityCURRENT; member of LLC, Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance. cityCURRENT is a privately funded catalyst, hosting over 150 free community events annually, along with an array of media and philanthropic initiatives. Author, “Giving Back” column in The Commercial Appeal; and books, Giving Back with Purpose and Giving for Growth. Forbes contributor. Producer and host of ChangeMakers podcast, The SPARK, The SPARK

Awards on WKNO-TV, cityCURRENT radio show across the Cumulus Media Memphis network. BEVERLY ROBERTSON Interim president, Greater Memphis Chamber. Graduate, U of M; Wharton School of Business executive program. Former president, National Civil Rights Museum. Principal, TRUST Marketing, where she has landed national accounts like Promus Companies, Holiday Inn Worldwide, Midas International, Merrill Lynch, and others. Locally, has worked with City of Memphis, LeMoyne-Owen College, Shelby County Government, and Memphis Area Transit Authority. More than 30 years of experience in public/community relations, communications, strategic planning, and research. LINN SITLER Heads Memphis & Shelby County Film and Television Commission Office, which worked with multi-million dollar Hallmark and Netflix productions --and hundreds of film/tv/digital productions in 2018. Co-created with Reid Dulberger the first cash refund production incentive only for Memphis filmmakers. Six years in a row, led successful efforts for Memphis’ selection as “top movie city” by MovieMaker Magazine. One of less than 60 film commissioners in world to earn certification from The Association of Film Commissioners International. Board member, U of M College of Communication and Fine Arts. Member, Tennessee Women’s Forum. Past broadcasting career included international syndication and national broadcast. LESLIE LYNN SMITH President and CEO, Epicenter, regional entrepreneurship hub. Drives strategy and measures impact among a partner network, connects entrepreneurs to resources to create an inclusive, growing economy. National entrepreneurial ecosystem thought leader. Board member, Center for American Entrepreneurship, InBIA, Memphis Fourth Estate, Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis. Former CEO, TechTown Detroit, a business accelerator and incubator.

BLAIR TAYLOR President, Memphis Tomorrow. B.A., Connecticut College; M.B.A. and M.S.W., Columbia University. Directs strategic, collective action by CEOs of Memphis’ largest enterprises to promote opportunity and quality of life for all Memphians. Founder and Chair, Tennesseans for Quality Early Education; Board member, Chamber, Seeding Success, Crime Commission, MBI, Safeways. LAURIE TUCKER Executive director, Economic Club of Memphis. Co-Founded Calade Partners, a strategy and marketing consultancy. Former senior vice president of marketing, FedEx Services, where she successfully led rebranding initiatives and critical go-to-market strategies. University of Memphis Board of Visitors. Board Member, Regional One Health Extended Care Hospital and Alliance Data Systems. DAVID WILLIAMS President and CEO, Leadership Memphis. B.A., Journalism, U of M; M.B.A., University of Colorado at Denver. Organization prepares and mobilizes leaders to work together for the good of the whole community. Offers Executive Program for senior leaders, FastTrack Program for emerging leaders. Action Initiatives include Volunteer Memphis, Graduate Memphis. Board of Trustees, Memphis Public Library. ROBY S. WILLIAMS CEO, Black Business Association of Memphis. B.A., History, LeMoyneOwen College. Has been with organization since 2002. Assists minority and women business owners to achieve success in their business operations. Formerly employed in Branch Division, Commercial and Retail Lending, and Marketing Division, First Tennessee Bank. Formerly employed in Business Marketing for South Central Bell and AT&T in Memphis. Works to be an “opportunity facilitator.”

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Certified Public Accountants

Keeping our money straight can be a terrifying prospect to many people — the meticulous attention to detail required can be daunting, to say the least. And if we’re not careful enough, we can face an audit, and nobody wants that headache. But soaring in like the Batman of bookkeeping to save us all from financial misadventures are Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), those fearless heroes who know more about financial law than most can dream of. Whether providing services for individuals, organizations, or certain types of businesses, or working exclusively for a corporation, these POWER PLAYERS can operate in v ir t ually any area of finance — from estate or financial planning, to auditing or income tax services, to venture capitalism. Cool. GREGORY E. BARNES Managing partner, Memphis office, KPMG, LLP. B.B.A., Accounting and Economics; M.S., Finance, U of M. Graduate, Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Business Executive Development Program. Certified Public Accountant, Chartered Financial Analyst. Advisory board chair, U of M School of Accountancy. Advisory board member, U of M Fogelman College of Business and Economics. Board member, Greater Memphis Chamber. Member, Leadership Memphis. JUD CANNON CEO, Cannon Wright Blount. B.B.A., U of M. Started company with Doug Wright and Richard Blount more than 15 years ago, offering business, software, outsourcing solutions for clients beyond general accounting services. Firm offers tax and audit services, technology, accounting, and consulting solutions. Professional concentrations include healthcare, business improvement, outsourcing. P. ANTHONY CLARK Market managing partner, Memphis/Dallas-Fort Worth, DHG. Bachelor of Accountancy, University of Mississippi. Industry leader for firm’s Hospitality and Resorts practice. Serves clients in construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, distribution. Member, Advisory Council, University of Mississippi Patterson School of Accountancy. Chairman’s Circle, Greater Memphis Chamber. Member, American Institute of CPAs, Tennessee, Florida Society of CPAs.

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J. EUSTIS CORRIGAN, JR. Senior managing director & shareholder, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. B.S. Accounting, LSU. Focused on transforming accounting, tax and advisory services into creative solutions that make life and business easier for clients. CPA licensed in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Member, AICPA (Tax Section) Chairman’s Circle, Economic Club of Memphis, Church Health Development Committee, St. Jude Volunteer, LDI Graduate, New Memphis Institute, CBIZ Executive Advisory Committee, St. Michael Catholic Church (Parish Council). DAVID L. CUICCHI Managing director and tax director, Cannon & Company CPAs, P.C. B.B.A., J.D., University of Mississippi. Certified Public Accountant. Firm offers full array of accounting, tax, consulting services to individuals and businesses. Past president, Estate Planning Council, Memphis Chapter of Tennessee Society of CPAs, Germantown Charity Horse Show. Past treasurer, Memphis Rotary Club Longtime Rotary Reader for elementary students. Treasurer, World Cataract Foundation. VINCE DEGUTIS Office managing partner and Tennessee tax managing partner, Deloitte LLP. 33 years of experience in professional services. Serves as tax or advisory partner for publicly held, privately owned, domestic, international companies. M.S., B.B.A., U of M. Board member, Brooks Museum. Advisory board member, U of M School of Accountancy. Advisory board member, UTHSC College of

Medicine. Member, American Institute of CPAs, Tennessee Society of CPAs, Massachusetts Society of CPAs. DAVID L. DELBROCCO Owner, DelBrocco & Associates. B.B.A., U of M. Member, Tennessee Society of CPAs, American Institute of CPAs. Owned company since 1990. Firm serves manufacturing, distribution, real estate, nonprofit companies throughout Mid-South. Chapter chairman, March of Dimes, Crossroad Music Exposition. Past treasurer, Leadership Memphis. RANDAL L. GREGORY Managing Partner, Fouts & Morgan, CPAs, P.C. B.A., Mississippi University for Women. Member, American Institute of CPAs, Tennessee Society of CPAs. Member, Associated Builders and Contractors Inc., West Tennessee Home Builders Association. With firm since 1991, serving clients in construction, home building, nonprofit organizations, professional service businesses. Experienced in tax and audit, partner in charge of marketing. Oversees firm’s staff of over 30 professionals, paraprofessionals, support personnel. Firm is a member of CPAmerica International. JOHN M. GRIESBECK Managing member, Reynolds, Bone & Griesbeck PLC. Graduate, U of M. Firm offers audit, tax and advisory services to private companies throughout the Mid-South including financial institutions, manufacturing and distribution, real estate, dealerships and nonprofits. Member and past chairman, TSCPA. Past chairman, Allinial Global. Member, AICPA, CBHS Hall of Fame. JOHN D. IVY JR. Managing member, Frazee Ivy Davis, PLC. Serves owner-managed enterprises, non-profits and individuals. Volunteer board and committee service to Trezevant Manor, Second Presbyterian Church, Economic Development Growth Engine for Memphis and Shelby County. J. KENNETH (CHIP) MARSTON JR. CEO and founder, The Marston Group, PLC. Focuses on advisory, tax, transactional financial reporting, entrepreneurial ventures. Advisor to several companies, families, trusts, foundations. Trustee, Dixon Gallery and Gardens, DGG Endowment Board. Nexus: Mentor – Class of 2011; Rotary Club of Memphis East, Paul Harris Fellow; past vice chairman/board member, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis; U of M School of AccountancyAdvisory Board.

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KEVIN MCADAMS Office managing shareholder, Memphis Office, Elliott Davis Decosimo. Joined firm in 2005. More than 20 years of experience in tax planning, compliance, consulting. Responsible for administration, daily operations, organization of office. Firm founded in 1925. Has more than 750 professionals located in offices in four states. Elliott Davis Decosimo is one of the Top 30 accounting, tax, consulting firms in the United States. B. ROBERT PAYNE President and managing partner, Brundige, Payne & Company, PC. Co-founded firm in 1977, providing accounting, tax, consultation services. Former member, Advisory Board, U of M School of Accountancy. Charter member, former officer, Germantown and Whitehaven Rotary Clubs. Former board member, Evangelical Christian School. Member, American Institute of CPAs. Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow. Elder, First Evangelical Church. MIKE SKINNER Partner in charge, HORNE Cyber. B.A., M.A., University of Mississippi. Provides information technology audit, regulatory compliance, information security consulting, internal control consulting, business solution implementation. Over five years with the firm, over ten with regional and local firms. Affiliations include American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists, Institute of Internal Auditors. Recognized in the AICPA’s 40 Under 40. JEFFREY L. THOMASON Chief Manager - Watkins Uiberall, PLLC Graduate, University of Alabama. Joined firm in 1990. Provides leadership while guiding the strategic direction of the firm. Continues to serve as a trusted advisor to the firm’s clients. Firm founded in 1971. Has over 75 employees in Memphis and Tupelo offices. Has become the largest locally owned CPA firm in Memphis. RICHARD WRIGHT Managing Partner – Memphis, Ernst & Young. Graduate, Christian Brothers University. With firm for 25 years providing audit and other services to clients in the manufacturing, distribution, retail, transportation industries. Board member, treasurer, United Way of the Mid-South. Member, American Institute of CPAs. Manages EY’s Entrepreneur of the Year program in the Memphis market.

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CEOs, COOs, and Leaders

Every Memphian has an investment in our city. Our endeavors help to steer the growth of our community. A few corporate giants make an impact here and well beyond. You’ll find these titans and the numbers by which they’re measured on the stock exchange. The individuals must guide their companies across the perilous seas of business health and stockholder happiness. And not only are their names connected to Memphis by investors and business insiders worldwide, but they are often the names behind civic ventures that help make our city complete. Through strategic direction and day-to-day operations, these POWER PLAYERS help their companies hit their marks. Own a share in these firms and you own a share in the future of Memphis. SCOTT BARBER Regional president, Caesars MidSouth including Horseshoe and Tunica Roadhouse, Mississippi, and two Harrah’s North Carolina properties managed for the Cherokee Tribe. M.B.A., University of North Carolina. Implemented numerous creative and successful business endeavors within the Mid-South’s gaming markets, becoming an integral part of the community by reinvesting his time in local nonprofit organizations including American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, United Way. Board member, AutoZone Liberty Bowl, United Way, Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau. RON BEAL Chairman, president, CEO, Orgill, Inc. Graduate, Georgia Tech, M.B.A., University of North Florida. Former U.S. Army Field Artillery Officer. Joined Orgill in 1985 as general manager of the Hardware Division. Became president and CEO in 2005; elected chairman 2013. Served on numerous industry boards, including president of the International Hardware Distributors Association. Recently inducted into Home Channel Hall of Fame. H. ERIC BOLTON JR. Chairman and CEO, MAA. Bachelor’s, Accounting; M.B.A., Finance and Real Estate. Named 2007 Distinguished Alumni, U of M Fogelman College of Business & Economics, 2001 Multifamily Executive of the Year. Board member, EastGroup Properties, Inc. (NYSE: EGP). Member, Advisory Board of Governors, National Association of REITs.

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KENNARD BROWN Executive vice chancellor and COO, UTHSC. Assistant professor, College of Pharmacy; Department of Surgery, College of Medicine; chief administrative officer, UTHSC campus. Ph.D., Health Science Administration, UTHSC; J.D., U of M. Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives. Previous director, Office of Equity and Diversity, Office of Employee Relations, Center on Health Disparities.

GREGORY CHRISTOPHER Chairman and CEO, Mueller Industries, Inc., a multinational corporation involved in the manufacture, distribution, and sales of copper, brass, and other metal products for a variety of industries. Bachelor’s degree in engineering, University of Buffalo, and graduate degrees in business from the University of Pittsburgh and Harvard Business School. Joined Mueller in 1992 and served as VP of Sales – Standard Products Division (2000 to 2005), president of Standard Products Division (2005 to 2007), and COO (2007 to 2008). Became CEO in 2008 and chairman of the board in 2016. Recipient, Copper Club’s 2017 Ankh Award. PAUL DEPRIEST Executive vice president and COO, Baptist Memorial Health Care. B.S., Eastern Kentucky University; M.D., University of Kentucky College of Medicine; completed residency in obstetrics and gynecology, fellowship in gynecological oncology at University of Kentucky Medical Center. Master’s, healthcare management, Harvard School of Public Health. Named one of the five “Top Doctors for Women” in the South by Women’s Health magazine. Board member, MERI (Medical Education and Research Institute), Select Health Alliance.

ROBERT B. CARTER Executive vice president, FedEx Information Services, and chief information officer, FedEx Corporation. Member of five-person executive committee, which plans and executes corporation’s strategic business activities. Responsible for setting technology direction of FedEx applications, infrastructure, networks, data centers providing global support for products. More than 30 years of systems development, implementation experience.

MARK HALPERIN Executive vice president and COO, Boyle Investment Company. Appointee, EDGE for Memphis and Shelby County. Founding board member, Triumph Bank. Named 2008 Commercial Broker of the Year, Memphis Area Association of Realtors Commercial Council; 2012 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser, Memphis Chapter of Association of Fundraising Professionals. Recipient, 2008 Realtors Commercial Alliance National Award, National Association of Realtors, Commercial Division.

ANDY CATES Founder, general partner, and CEO of RVC Outdoor Destinations, country’s leading provider of high-quality outdoor vacation properties. B.B.A., Finance, University of Texas, Austin. Member, Lambda Alpha International. Founding partner, Viceroy Investments, LLC in Dallas; Value Acquisition Fund in Memphis. Project developer and board chairman, Soulsville Revitalization Project. In 2000, worked with pursuit team to attract Grizzlies to Memphis and get support for the FedExForum. Member of original Grizzlies ownership group. Board president, the Daily Memphian. Former board member, Pioneer Natural Resources, Myelin Repair Foundation.

BRYAN JORDAN Chairman, president, CEO, First Horizon National Corp., parent of First Tennessee and FTN Financial. B.A., Catawba College. Sets strategy for 4,300-employee company founded in 1864 with 14th oldest national bank charter. Company named a top employer by American Banker and Working Mother. Chairman, American Bankers Council, Memphis Tomorrow, Youth Villages. Board member, AutoZone, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corp., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Governor’s Foundation for Health and Wellness, Mid-Size Bank Coalition of America, Operation HOPE, Tennessee Bankers Association.

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RICHARD W. MCDUFFIE COO, Dunavant Global Logistics Group. Richard has been in the global Logistics and Supply Chain industry for over 25 years with specific industry experience in automotive, specialty retail, consumer products, and agricultural commodities. For the past 9 years he has provided the vision and leadership in building Dunavant’s logistics division into a recognized global logistics service provider. Formerly, he has served as Vice President of Supply Chain for the Fortune 300 retailer, AutoZone, and Vice President of Global Logistics for Williams-Sonoma. DAVID T. POPWELL President and COO, First Tennessee Bank. B.S., University of Alabama; J.D., Washington and Lee University School of Law; LL.M., NYU School of Law. Responsible for all aspects of banking for Memphis-based First Horizon National Corp. Former chairman, president, CEO, SunTrust bank in Memphis; executive vice president, National Commerce Financial Corp.; Shareholder, responsible for mergers and acquisitions practice group, Baker Donelson et al. BILL RHODES Chairman, president, and CEO, Customer Satisfaction, AutoZone. B.S., UT-Martin; M.B.A., U of M. Leads Fortune 500 company with net sales of $10 billion in 2015. Board member, Coalition for Auto Repair Equality, Retail Industry Leaders Association, Memphis Tomorrow, Youth Programs, Inc., National Civil Rights Museum, Teach for America, Rhodes College Board of Trustees, Dollar General. CHRISTINE D. “CHRIS” RICHARDS Executive vice president and COO, EdR Collegiate Housing. B.A., Education, U of M. Oversees operations of owned and joint-venture collegiate housing portfolio along with directing management services division. Former vice president of operations, regional director, EdR. Member, National Apartment Association’s Student Housing Committee. Member, Institute of Real Estate Management. Certified Property Manager.



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RAJ SUBRAMANIAM President and COO, FedEx; president and CEO, FedEx Express; Co-president and Co-CEO, FedEx Services. Graduate, Indian Institute of Technology; M.S., Chemical Engineering, Syracuse University; M.B.A., University of Texas - Austin. Oversees FedEx portfolio of operating companies and more than 450,000 team members. Member of five-person executive committee that plans and executes FedEx’s strategic business activities. Has been with company since 1991. Board member, First Horizon National Corporation. Member, World 50, U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum. MARK SUTTON Chairman and CEO, International Paper. Started at International Paper in 1984 as engineer in Louisiana. Worked up to mill manager in Wisconsin; in 2000, promoted to director of European corrugated packaging operations where he helped run company’s operations in seven countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa. Later, senior vice president of industrial packaging. Returned to the U.S in 2005 as vice president of corporate strategic planning.

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PAULO TEIXEIRA Global CEO, The Juice Plus+ Company. Former CFO, The Bryce Company. Born, raised, educated in Sao Paulo, Brazil (as a chemical engineer, M.B.A.). Moved to Memphis in 1989 and now describes himself as a “Memphian born somewhere else.” Board member, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis, Mid-South American Heart Association, Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, Regional One Health Foundation, The Juice Plus+ Foundation. Married to Priscilla and father of Lucas. Enjoys tennis, fishing, reading, aeroponic gardening. NIKHIL VARTY CEO and director, ServiceMaster. Appointed to role in summer 2017. B.S., Financial Accounting and Management; M.S., General Management, Bombay University, Mumbia, India. M.B.A., University of Scranton. Former vice president of mergers and acquisitions, president of the Americas, WABCO. Extensive business experience leading large companies with roles at Honeywell International, Pricewaterhousecoopers. JEFFREY WARNE President and CEO, Perkins & Marie Callendar’s, LLC. Bachelor’s, St. Cloud State University; M.B.A., University of Chicago. Former chief executive, O’Charley’s Inc.; president and COO, Pick Up Stix; executive vice president and COO, TGI Friday’s International; CFO, Carlson Restaurants Worldwide.



Chief Financial Officers

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that a dependable Chief Financial Officer is the cornerstone of any corporation. A CFO must be trustworthy, a straight-shooter, anchored by experience but with a sharp eye out for new opportunities. Without the backing of a strong CFO, a corporation can fall prey to any number of pitfalls. But it’s not just about the for-profit sector — CFOs are also responsible for nonprofits and the donations given to them in good faith. Nonprofits could not survive without CFO know-how to maximize the effectiveness of funding for their cause. The POWER PLAYERS listed here are smart, savvy, solvent, and most importantly, they are behind some of the biggest names in Memphis business. These individuals ensure its financial footing is solid as a rock. WILLIAM (BILL) T. GILES CFO and executive vice president, Finance, Information Technology, ALLDATA, Customer Satisfaction, AutoZone. B.S., Accounting and Management, Alfred University. Named a top 25 CFO of public companies in U.S. in 2012, The Wall Street Journal; 2010 CFO of the Year, Memphis Business Journal. Certified Public Accountant. Board member, Brinker International, AutoZone Liberty Bowl, Lausanne Collegiate School, Youth Villages. ALAN B. GRAF JR. Executive vice president and CFO, FedEx Corporation. M.B.A., Indiana University, where he is a member of the Academy of Alumni Fellows. Responsibilities include all aspects of FedEx Corporation’s global financial functions. Board Member, NIKE, Inc., Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc., and Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare. Trustee, University of Memphis. BILL GRIFFIN Executive vice president and CFO, Baptist Memorial Health Care. Bachelor of Accountancy, University of Mississippi. Certified Public Accountant; chartered global management accountant. Fellow, Healthcare Financial Management Association; HFMAcertified healthcare financial professional. Board member, Christ Community Health Services, Medical Education Research Institute, Mississippi True.

GLENN R. LANDAU Senior vice president and CFO, International Paper. Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, Rutgers University. Has worked at the company since 1991, holding positions with increasing responsibility within the U.S. container and European container business. Named CFO in 2017. JASON LEE Executive vice president and CFO, Orion Federal Credit Union. B.B.A., Finance, Texas Tech University; Executive M.B.A., U of M. Provides overall strategic direction and strategy for Orion. Chairman, Memphis Executive M.B.A. Alumni Advisory Council. Board member, RISE Memphis. Member, ConnectFSS Innovation Committee. Served on U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Credit Union Advisory Council. WILLIAM C. LOSCH III Executive vice president and CFO, First Horizon National Corporation. B.S., Business Administration, University of Richmond; M.B.A., Virginia Commonwealth University. Leads the corporation’s financial activities including treasury, accounting, controls, tax, financial planning, strategic planning. Chairman, Dixon Finance & Audit Committee. Treasurer, Dixon Board of Trustees. Board member, First Tennessee Foundation.

CHRIS MCLEAN Executive vice president of finance, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare. In position since 2001. B.S., Accounting, Christian Brothers University; M.B.A., U of M. Began Methodist career in 1984 in corporate finance. Has worked for several health systems in East Tennessee. Previously vice president of Methodist’s Mississippi division. Member, Tennessee Society of CPAs, Healthcare Financial Management Association. Board member, Wesley Housing and Health Choice. JEFFREY PEARSON CFO, ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Holds degree in accounting, U of M. Certified Public Accountant. With ALSAC for 22 years; in current position since 2006. Former chairman, Evangelical Christian School. Finalist, 2010 CFO of the Year Award, Memphis Business Journal. Married to wife, Mindy, with two children, Hannah and David. FRANK REID CFO, Duncan-Williams Inc. Graduate of CBU. Certified Public Accountant. Oversaw transition to the Pershing system while maintaining independence as a fully computing FINRA member. Created an in-house, self-directed 401(k) plan for employees with no outside administration costs. Licensed Financial & Operations Principal; General Securities Principal; Registered Options Principal; General Securities Representative. RICK WAGERS Senior executive vice president and CFO, Regional One. Oversees finance, materials management, security, engineering, facilities development, safety, revenue cycle. Alumni, Leadership Memphis. Member, Health Financial Management Association Solutions Group. Recipient, 2012 CFO of the Year, Memphis Business Journal. 2015 Senior Executive Meritorious Service Award, Tennessee Hospital Association. Board member, Leadership Memphis, Tennessee Hospital Association Solutions Group. JIMMIE D. WILLIAMS CFO and senior vice president, Belz Enterprises. B.S., Accounting, UTMartin. Company one of the largest commercial and industrial developers in the South. U.S. Army Officer Training School, Finance Corps. Board member, ArtsMemphis, Repairing the Breach. Member, Board of Trustees and Development Committee, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Chairman, Mid-America Student Housing, Inc. Member, Lambda Alpha International, American Institute of CPAs.

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Commercial Insurance

If you’re in business, you need insurance. Large and small companies need protection from the insurmountable costs property damage, debt, lawsuits, and theft can create. Commercial insurers must be able to take both a macro and micro view of the company they’re representing. The POWER PLAYERS in this category are savvy in risk management, strategic retail or wholesale insurance, property and casualty, and warehousing or manufacturing risk, to name just a few areas. Helping clients take a business to market, manage risk, consult them on claims, and address larger issues in the industry are all of premium importance. Servicing day-to-day needs is just as crucial to a successful relationship. Everyone experiences misfortune at some point, and when that happens, commercial insurance is there to save you. J. DALE CROW Counsel for the Professional Services Group of Risk Strategies Company. 60+ offices nationally, including Memphis, Nashville, Birmingham, and Atlanta. Specializes in professional liability and property & casualty insurance solutions for architectural and engineering firms, law firms, and accounting firms. Formerly a professional liability litigator, assists his clients in risk management consulting services, contract review, and also regularly presents risk management seminars for local, state, and national industry associations. LARRY E. CRUM President/Agent, Larry E. Crum & Associates. Began career with Nationwide Insurance in an apartment and grew to one of the largest Nationwide Insurance agencies in the U.S. Inducted into Nationwide Insurance Hall of Fame and consistently an All-Star Agent, the top 12 agencies. Staff of 40 licensed agents in nine offices (including a Vietnamese and a Hispanic office) in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri. Agency licensed in 37 states. Portfolio diversified with 60 percent personal lines, 30 percent commercial lines, and 10 percent in financials. CINDI GRESHAM President, Boyle Insurance Agency, Inc. Provides insurance for all lines of personal and business needs including industry programs for senior care, professional liability, contractors, apartments and condominiums, nonprofit organizations. Certified Insurance Counselor. Past president, Insurors of Tennessee, Insurors of Memphis. Member, SecureRisk, Professional Insurance Association, Insurors of Tennessee. Member, MTSU Insurance Hall of Fame Committee. Former chairman, Customer Service Representative Council, CNA customer service council. Former member, State Auto Agents Council. 32 |

JEFFERY S. HALL President/principal, Insight Risk Management. Experience with large commercial and group employee benefits with a focus on warehousing, contracting, transportation. Founded company by leading merger between McDonell Insurance and Menard, Gates & Mathis. In business since 1919, company provides business/commercial insurance, personal insurance, bonds, health and life insurance. Member and former president, Insurors of Memphis. Former board member, Insurors of Tennessee. Former trustee, Evangelical Christian School. MARK E. HARRIS Principal, Harris, Madden, Powell, Stallings & Brown, Inc. B.A., Emory University; J.D., U of M. Expertise in heavy casualty, construction, surety, management liability, logistics, manufacturing risk. Active in developing alternative risk solutions including captives shared risk programs. Former director, Insurors of Memphis. Former president, West Tennessee Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, Collierville Chamber of Commerce. Member, Specialized Carriers and Riggers Association. Top status, Amerisure agent, Travelers Leadership Council. W. JOSEPH LAMMEL Principal, Lammel & Associates. Specializes in transportation, construction, surety, financial risk. B.B.A., Risk Management, U of M. Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter designation, American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters. Former board member, Memphis Development Foundation, Orpheum Theatre, St. Agnes Academy, SRPA, Mid-South Regional Blood Center.

S. EUGENE MATHIS JR. CEO, Mathis, Tibbets & Massey. Surety bonding, contractors’ insurance, workers compensation, general liability, employee benefits, inland marine coverages. Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter, Associate in Risk Management. Adjunct professor, U of M. Former president, Memphis Chapter, Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters, Builders Exchange of Memphis. Sponsor, Fire Museum of Memphis. JEFF MICHAEL Vice president, Clay & Land Insurance, Inc. B.S.,Business, U of M. Joined father, Mike Michael, at Michael Insurance Agency in 1975. Merged with Clay & Land Insurance in 1982. Firm is a full-service, independent, and family-owned agency providing all lines of insurance. Services include professional liability, property, general liability. Member, Central Board, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis, Inc. Lifelong member, St. John’s Methodist Church. DALE MORRIS Owner and principal, Morris & Associates. B.A., Hampden-Sydney College. Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter and past president, Memphis Chapter. Associate in Risk Management. Past chairman, Memphis and Shelby County Insurance Advisory Committee, Greater Memphis Insurance Council. Former president, Windyke Country Club Board of Directors. Co-Sponsor, Child Advocacy Center’s Annual Works of Heart Art Auction & Exhibit. STEPHEN L. OSEMAN President and owner, Oseman Insurance Agency. Graduate, University of the South. Formed agency in 1985 and has grown the business to one of the largest independent agencies in Tennessee with 17 employees. Offices in Memphis and Jackson, Mississippi, specializing in the automotive industry, healthcare P&C, education, social services, entertainment, transportation. Licensed in almost every state. Member, Insurors of Tennessee, Insurors of Memphis. KENNETH DAVID PAYLOR CEO and president, USI of Tennessee, Inc. Master of Business Administration, U of M, with concentration in management. Accountable for executive management and handling large risk management programs. More than 200 offices in the U.S. Certified Insurance Counselor, Associate in Risk Management. Received Certificate of Achievement for Advanced Consultancy Practice I. Former board member, Sister Ruth Ann Center.

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JOHN ROBERT PITTS Co-CEO, Lipscomb and Pitts Insurance, LLC. B.S., University of Tennessee. With partner Mat Lipscomb III, majority owner of largest locally owned insurance agency in the Mid-South. Former board member, Youth Villages, Boy Scouts, Insurors of Tennessee Large Agency Committee, Governor Haslam’s Tennessee Business Partnership, Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers. Active in Carnival Memphis. President’s Club member, University of Tennessee. KIRK RIGGINS Partner, Page, Chaffin & Riggins Insurance. B.S., Economics, UTKnoxville. Agency is hands-on in dealing mainly with Main Street America business. Licenses in multiple states. Holds Certified Insurance Counselor Designation. Served on many trade, community, private boards and committees. Member, Insurors of Tennessee. BRAD V. SMITH President, Smith-Berclair Insurance. Former president, Cecil Smith Insurance. Purchased Berclair Insurance Center and merged two companies into Smith-Berclair Insurance. Board member, Liberty Bowl, Trusted Choice. NCAA Division I college football official. Former president, Insurors of Memphis, Insurors of Tennessee. Tennessee member, national Board of Directors, Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America. Elder, Grace Evangelical Church. DAVE THOMAS CEO, Kemmons Wilson Insurance Group since April 2016. B.S., Computer Science. Forty-year veteran in the insurance marketplace. Kemmons Wilson Insurance Group founded in 1952 alongside Holiday Inn and remains family owned. With offices in Memphis, Nashville, St. Louis, Little Rock, Birmingham, Jackson and Destin, the group offers risk mitigation expertise in commercial, nonprofit, hospitality, private client, aviation, employee benefit sectors. Licensed in all 50 states. PAUL WOODS Managing director and client executive, Marsh USA, Inc. B.B.A., Risk and Insurance Management, U of M. Member of Marsh’s Southeastern Partnership Management team. Special industry knowledge includes transportation/logistics and wholesale/retail segments. Board member, Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center. Member, Board of Chapter Advisors, Phi Gamma Delta, Mu Tau Chapter. Trustee, Robert E. & Evelyn McKee Foundation.

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Commercial Real Estate

The city’s Commercial Real Estate (CRE) market is constantly in flux. There is always a business considering relocating from one part of the city to another and new businesses looking for a location. CRE professionals are the ones businesses seek out to help them fi nd that perfect location for their needs. We asked: When it’s time for your office, retail, or industrial deal, who do you want brokering it? These POWER PLAYERS aren’t just developing properties, they’re developing our business environment. RONALD “RON” BELZ President and CEO, Belz Enterprises. One of largest commercial and industrial developers in the South. Developed more than 25 million square feet of property, including Shelby Oaks, Goodlett Farms, Appling Farms, The Peabody, Peabody Place. Specializes in development and management of industrial, retail, office, and residential properties across the country. Board member and chair, The Assisi Foundation. PAUL BOYLE President, Boyle Investment Company. Graduate, Washington and Lee, New Memphis, Leadership Memphis. Member, Chairman’s Circle, Greater Memphis Chamber. Board Member, Urban Land Institute, Brooks Museum of Art. Executive Committee Member, Commercial Real Estate Owners’ Alliance. Founder, West Institute for Cancer Research. ANDY CATES CEO and President of Brokerage Services for Colliers International in Memphis. Recipient of Colliers Everest Award and numerous Memphis Area Association of Realtors Pinnacle Awards. SIOR Memphis Chapter President, 2013; Memphis Chamber Board, 2015-2019; Chairman’s Circle Co-Chair, Greater Memphis Chamber, 2017-2019; Clean Memphis Board Vice Chair, 2018-2019. DARRELL T. COBBINS President and principal broker, Universal Commercial Real Estate, LLC. B.A., Rhodes; M.B.A., U of M. Chairman’s Circle/Board of Directors, Greater Memphis Chamber. Board of Directors, National Civil Rights Museum. 2013 Board chairman, New Memphis. Past chairman, MLGW. Recipient, 2011 Agent of Change Award, MULYP, 2012 African American Male Image Award for Business, Hobson-Goodlow Foundation. Appointed by Governor Haslam to Tennessee’s State Board of Education. 34 |

in Southaven, and multiscreen movie theater complexes for Malco Theatres. Inducted into Commercial Hall of Fame, Memphis Area Association of Realtors. ROBERT “BOB” LOEB President, Loeb Properties, Inc. B.S. and M.B.A., Southern Methodist University. Projects in Memphis include the redevelopment of Overton Square Theatre District, Broad Avenue Arts District, and University District revitalization. Trustee, Memphis University School and Memphis College of Art. Director, Playhouse on the Square and Neighborhood Preservation, Inc. Member, Overton Park Conservatory Board.

JEFF MORRIS President, Morris Auction Group and THOMAS FARNSWORTH Morris Realty Group in Memphis; Partner, Farnsworth Investment Luxury Estates Auction Group in Company and Holdings. Member, Destin, Florida. Graduate, UT-Martin, Society of Office and Industrial Realtors. Worldwide College of Auctioneering. Recipient, Memphis Area Association of CAI, AARE certified. Tennessee Realtors Commercial Broker Lifetime Auctioneer Commission. Member, Tennessee Auctioneer Achievement Award, Lambda Alpha Commission, Memphis Area Association of Realtors, International Excellence in Real Estate Lifetime Achievement Award, Carnival Memphis Cook Halle Award. National Auctioneers Association, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas Auctioneer Associations. RICK FOGELMAN CEO, Fogelman Properties. B.S., finance, GARY PROSTERMAN University of Texas at Austin; MBA, U of President and CEO, Development M. Establishes and implements compaServices Group, Inc. B.S., UTny’s business strategies. Owns/operates Knoxville; post-graduate studies85 multifamily communities of over Georgetown University. Current 27,000 apartment homes throughout projects include: mixed use redevelthe country. Board of directors, National Multi Housing opment of 10 acres in the Edge inCouncil. Past vice president, Tennessee Apartment cluding offices, apartments, restaurants and the Association. Licensed real estate broker in Tennessee. Ravine Park; and redevelopment of a historic building in downtown Ft. Worth into a Kimpton Hotel. Board LAWRENCE “LARRY” JENSEN member, Hapten Sciences, Inc., University of Tennessee College of Consumer Services, and Housing Foundation President and CEO, Cushman & of West Tennessee. Wakefield | Commercial Advisors. Clients: Smith & Nephew, Campbell FRANK QUINN Clinic, AutoZone. 2005 Commercial Broker of the Year, 2008 Office Broker Managing director, CBRE. B.B.A., of the Year. Ex-president, Memphis University of Mississippi. Market Tomorrow, board member, Shelby Farms Park leader of the CBRE operations in Conservancy. Chair, Methodist Healthcare Foundation. Memphis and Jackson, Mississippi, overseeing leasing, sales, and CARMA C. JUDE management efforts for industrial, office, and retail brokerage. Member of the New Portfolio manager, Healthcare Realty. Memphis Institute, Greater Memphis Chamber, and B.S., Business Management, Louisiana the Chamber’s Chairman’s Circle. Serves on the Tech University; M.B.A., Finance and University of Mississippi Real Estate Advisory Board. Real Estate, U of M. Certified Commercial Investment Member. Company owns seven properties total- EDWARD “EDDIE” SAIG ing 516,000 square feet. President, NAI Saig Company, full-service industrial, retail, office MICHAEL A. LIGHTMAN brokerage firm. Business degree from University of Arkansas. Pinnacle Owner, Michael Lightman Realty Co., Award as the Highest Producing a regional leader in commercial Commercial Real Estate Broker. NAI property brokerage and land investGold Club Award. Ex-president of Memphis Chapter of ment. Developed Shelby Business Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR). Member, Park. Germantown’s Exeter Village, Lambda Alpha National Real Estate Chapter. Centennial Place, South Lake Centre

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“If you build it, they will come.” With that declaration, the construction industry could be said to operate. But a lot of meaning is in the simple statement. To “build it” is no mean feat. It takes the minds and muscles of professionals, skilled laborers, farsighted foremen, and multitasking managers. The structure exists on paper, but pragmatic hands are required to turn wishful thinking into a realized vision. In the Architecture category, we quoted Le Corbusier: “Architecture is the learned game … of forms assembled in the light.” So, who do you think does all that assembling? A construction site is one sure sign of economic progress. Whenever cranes dominate the urban or suburban skyline, you can almost hear the economic engine revving. A designer dreamt the city up. The POWER PLAYERS in construction put it on the map. JACK BEARDEN Vice president, Belz Construction LLC. Firm offers design, design-build, general contracting services. Focuses on healthcare, industrial, office, retail, government, education construction. Clients include Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, St. Jude, Nike, Saint Francis Healthcare, Campbell Clinic. LEED Accredited Professional. Member, Associated General Contractors, American Society of Healthcare Engineering, U.S. Green Building Council, Memphis & Shelby Co. Building Code Board. FRED GRINDER President, Grinder Taber and Grinder, Inc. B.B.A, U of M. Firm offers general contracting, design/build, construction management, LEED-certified projects. Projects include Crosstown Concourse, Rhodes College, Christian Brothers University, Wolf River Medical, Ballet Memphis, Travure, Orgill Headquarters, and Hutchison School. Recipient, multiple AIA Awards for Excellence, American Architecture Award for Redeemer Presbyterian Church and Memphis Teacher Residency. Achieved LEED Platinum status for Crosstown Concourse. Member, Associated Builders and Contractors. RUSTY LINKOUS President, Linkous Construction Company, Inc. Firm specializes in general contracting, construction management, consulting. Projects include Malco Theatres, Michael Lightman Realty, CBHS, Briarcrest Christian School, Lausanne Collegiate School, MCR Safety, Poplar Healthcare, FedEx, Highland Church of Christ, Financial Federal. Recipient, Platinum Safety Training and Evaluation Process Award; multiple Excellence in Construction Awards, Associated Builders and Contractors.

H. MONTGOMERY MARTIN Founder & CEO, Montgomery Martin Contractors. B.S., Auburn. Firm specializes in retail, office, healthcare, multi-family, hospitality, urban redevelopment, institutional. Clients include Shelby Farms Park, Rael Development, Highwoods Properties, Henry Turley Company, AutoZone Park, Kroger, CBU, Regional One Health, Dixon Gallery and Gardens. Board member, WKNO, Independent Presbyterian. Member, Kiwanis International, Urban Land Institute, Memphis Chamber’s Chairman’s Circle. CHRIS MCDERMOTT Owner, Grinder Haizlip Construction. BSCE, Oklahoma. More than 30 years’ experience in the field. Specializes in commercial, industrial, residential construction. Projects and clients include Wright Medical HQ, Grizzlies Sportsplex, Mellow Mushroom, Gossett Porsche/VW/Audi, Trinity Ridge Business Park, OrthoMemphis, Valero, FedEx, Cargill. Board member, Ronald McDonald House. Recipient, District 6800 Rotarian of the Year. Professional engineer, LEED professional, Leadership Memphis ‘03. CLYDE L. PATTON JR. President, Patton & Taylor Construction Company. Firm offers services in general construction, construction management, value engineering. Projects include Harbor Town Landing, The Carrington at Schilling Farms, Civic Center Apartments, 88 Union Center, Centennial Garden Apartments Phases 2, 3, & 4, Fieldstone Apartments Phases 2-8, Memphis Cotton Exchange, Taylor Bend Apartments in Oxford, MS, The Residences at Thornwood. Builder of the Year, MAHBA. Member, Memphis Area Association of Realtors, Lambda Alpha International, Associated Builders and Contractors.

JOE T. SAVAGE Owner and CEO, Metro Construction. Specializes in commercial renovation and new construction of cold chain, education, historic, hotel & condo, industrial, office, religious, restaurant, retail projects. Recent projects include Oxford Toyota (LEED), LEO Events, Brookhaven Pub & Grille, Eversauna Cold Chain, Kuehne+Nagel Cold Chain, Phenix Salon Suites, Tanger Mall outparcel, Wolfchase Mall outparcel, Graceland Chapel in the Woods. ALLEN WAGNER President, Wagner General Contractors, Inc. B.B.A.,Harding University. Wagner General, a commercial general contractor licensed in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas, is Diamond Level certified in the ABC Safety Training and Evaluation Process, and it is the culmination of a dream to have a company where employees and clients are treated with respect and always dealt with honestly. TIM WEATHERFORD Southeast Regional President, Flintco, LLC. Specializes in construction management projects for healthcare, education, hospitality and corporate clients. Recent clients include St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, ServiceMaster, University of Memphis, Campbell Clinic, Collierville Schools, Baptist Memorial Healthcare Corporation, UTHSC, Bartlett City Schools. Member, Associated Builders and Contractors, Memphis Chamber Chairman’s Circle. CHRIS L. WOODS President, Chris Woods Construction Co., Inc. Clients and projects include FedEx, Memphis Shelby County Airport Authority, Bayer Crop Science, Main Event Entertainment, Olympus Corporation of the Americas, TAG Truck Center, Gill Properties, Tennessee Air National Guard, Memphis Land Bank, Lakeland School System, MGM Resorts International, ExxonMobil Pipeline Company, Baptist Memorial Healthcare Corporation, Indmar Marine, Brim’s Snack Foods, Brixmor Properties, Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Recipient, multiple Excellence in Construction Awards, Associated Builders and Contractors. Member, Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated General Contractors of America, American Institute of Architects, U.S. Green Building Council.

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Employee Benefits

Quality health and financial benefits packages not only make employees happy, they make companies more competitive and efficient — and what business owner or manager doesn’t want that? Professionals in this category broker these high-quality benefits and balance the needs of employers and employees alike. Not only do these POWER PLAYERS have an expert understanding of financial advising, they know what benefits and amenities are most important to employees, including healthcare plans, pension plans, and, in some cases, even childcare, transportation, and cafeteria plans. ED BARNETT Founder and president, The Barnett Group, Division of HUB International. Member, American Association of Life Underwriters. Lifetime member, Million Dollar Roundtable; recipient, Top of the Table Award. Order of Excalibur, AXA Advisors. AXA Advisors Hall of Fame. Recipient, 2013 Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Living Award for Inspiration in Faith and Health. Former board member, Make-AWish, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Foundation, MS Society, Magna Bank. ROBERT “BOB” BROWN Founder and Partner, UCL Financial Group, LLC. Mr. Brown is a Chartered Life Underwriter, Past President of the Memphis Local, Tennessee State, and National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Recipient, many industry awards, Tennessee Insurance Professional of the Year (2000), Lester A. Rosen Humanitarian and Achievement Award, Ameritas Hall of Fame, 2013 Robert E. Musto Tennessee Insurance Hall of Fame, MTSU. Former board member, Life Insurance Foundation for Education, Life and Qualifying member of MDRT, Court of the Table since 2005. KAREN W. BUCKNER Partner and office leader, Mercer. B.A., Mathematics, Vanderbilt University. Company is a human resources consulting firm and subsidiary of Marsh and McLennan Companies. Consulting actuary for large retirement plans. Member, Society of Actuaries, American Academy of Actuaries. Enrolled actuary for DOL and IRS. Mercer recognized by Memphis Business Journal as largest employee benefits firm in Memphis. Leadership Memphis Executive Class, 2013.

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TODD DYSON President, Clay and Land Insurance, Inc., founded in 1968. Started with company in 1989. Specializes in employee benefits consulting, administration. Member, multiple broker advisory boards and committees. Multi-year Leaders Club qualifier. Member, National Association of Health Underwriters, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Colonial Country Club. Board member, Memphis Golf Association. KELLY O. FINNELL President and founder, Executive Financial Services, Inc., a national ESOP consulting firm that has implemented ESOP transactions in 20 cities in 12 states across the US. Bachelor’s, J.D., U of M. Author, The ESOP Coach: Using ESOPs in Ownership Succession Planning; numerous articles published in professional journals, including September 2012 issue, Estate Planning. Spoken at over 300 conferences including: the Heart of America Federal Tax Institute, Great Plains Federal Tax Institute, Alabama Federal Tax Institute. TIMOTHY J. FINNELL President and founder, Group Benefits LLC. B.B.A., U of M. Firm provides strategic planning for companies seeking employee benefits solutions. Frequent speaker on healthcare and benefits. Interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, CNNMoney. Executive of the Year Finalist, Memphis Business Journal; 2015 and 2016 Pacesetters Award Honoree, Memphis Business Journal. Certified Healthcare Reform Specialist, Chartered Financial Consultant. Member, Memphis Health Underwriters Association, American Society of Financial Service Professionals.

KEITH A. JAMES President, CEO, chief manager, The James Group, LLC, a national employee benefits consulting firm. M.B.A., East Carolina. Lifetime member, National Association of Health Underwriters Leading Producers Round Table. Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives. Past president, Mid-South Association of Health Underwriters. Graduate, Leadership Germantown. Tennessee Long Term Care Partnership Training. Former member, Germantown Athletic Club Advisory Commission, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Broker Advisory Council. JAMES “JAY” F. KEEGAN JR. Chairman and founder, Bodock, Inc. President and CEO, Adams Keegan, a national HR and employer services firm. Founder and CEO, Staff Line, a national staffing firm. Cofounder, The James Group, a national life and health insurance agency. Member, Young Presidents’ Organization, Chairman’s Circle of Greater Memphis Chamber, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Memphis Club. Graduate, Leadership Memphis, New Memphis. Past chairman and director, Emerge Memphis. Former director, Navy League of Memphis. WM. ASHLEY PACE Producer partner, Lockton Companies. Graduate, UT. Excels in effective benefit plan design, risk management strategy, compensation, retirement strategies to position organizations to reduce insurance costs and increase productivity. Recipient, Presidents Club Award. Member, International Foundation of Employee Benefits, National Business Group on Health, Society of Human Resource Managers. Mentor, NEXUS Leadership Program. Board member, American Heart Association. CHARLES SIMS JR. President and CEO, the Sims Financial Group, Inc. Certified Financial Planner, Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow, Certified Mutual Funds Manager. Member, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Life and qualifying member, Million Dollar Round Table. First African-American member of John Hancock’s Hall of Fame. Life and founding member, Crescent Club of Memphis. Board member, First American Bank, WKNO.

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Every day we rely upon engineers in incalculable ways — or at least in ways incalculable to us but certainly not to these experts. Our bridges, electrical systems, homes, and cars are the products of expert engineering; just ask any of the POWER PLAYERS on this list. JEFF L. ARNOLD President and CEO, Fisher Arnold, Inc. B.S., Civil Engineering, Christian Brothers University. Registered Professional Engineer. Projects include I-69, SR-385, U of M University Center. Member, CBU Engineering Advisory Board. PAC Trustee, American Council of Engineering Companies; past president of Memphis Chapter. MARK W. ASKEW President, A2H, Inc. B.S., Civil Engineering, U of M. Following its motto of “Creating an Enhanced Quality of Life for Our Clients & Community,” A2H specializes in architecture, engineering, planning, landscape architecture, surveying. Board chairman, Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. Member, Advisory Board, Herff College of Engineering, U of M. SCOTT BARRY Senior principal, Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. (SSR). Certified in Plumbing Design and as a LEED AP. SSR a longtime leader in comprehensive engineering design and facility consulting services, specializing in engineering design for civil, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, instrumentation and controls, structural, transportation, construction management, inspection. Current projects include Ballet Memphis, City of Memphis property maintenance relocation, Central Station renovation, St. Jude building expansion, I-40/I-240. JAMES F. COLLINS Principal, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Memphis. Projects include Environmental Impact Statement for a new multimodal bridge over the Mississippi River in Memphis, design of Elvis Presley Boulevard improvements, industrial warehouses, I-240/Airways interchange, Memphis/Shelby County traffic signal

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coordination, and redesign of Saddle Creek South. 2010 ACEC Featured Engineer. PHILLIP G. COOP Chairman and co-founder, EnSafe, Inc. A.B. degree, Harvard University. Co- founded EnSafe in 1980. With offices throughout U.S., company provides environmental consulting, engineering, industry safety, hygiene consulting, geographic information services. Member, White House Advisory Panel on Sustainability. Charter member, Hazardous Materials Control Institute. Recipient, Herff Honor Award for Distinguished Service in Engineering. Elected into the Society of Entrepreneurs in 2011. GREG DOTSON Client service leader, Barge Design Solutions. B.S., Civil Engineering, U of M. Professional Engineer in TN, AL, MS, NC, AR, GA. Participant, West Tennessee STEM HUB Steering Committee, Leadership Memphis (Class of 2017). Board of Directors, Intelligent Transportation Society of Tennessee, Memphis chapter of the American Council for Engineering Companies. Past president, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Tennessee Section. Experience includes traffic and transportation infrastructure projects in the Memphis area. MICHAEL POHLMAN President/CEO, Pickering Firm, Inc., a professional engineering and architectural design services provider for facilities, roads, municipalities, water resources, natural resources, surveying. B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Christian Brothers University. Member, Greater Memphis Chamber’s Chairman Circle, Tennessee Economic Development Council. Past president, Tennessee American Council of Engineering Companies. Advisory Board Member, U of M and CBU Schools of Engineering. 2014 CBU Alumni of the Year. Member, MLGW Board of Commissioners.

NISHA POWERS President, Powers Hill Design, LLC. B.S., Civil Engineering, UT-Knoxville. Founded firm in 2005. Appointed by Governor Bill Haslam to the Tennessee Aeronautics Commission; board member and past chairman. Board member, Women’s Foundation. Co-chair, Grants Committee, Visible Music College. Projects include Main Street to Main Street Multimodal Connector, Overton Square Garage Detention Basin, Zoo Parking Expansion. Recognitions include MBJ’s “Super Woman in Business,” “Top 40 Under 40” of the Ruby R. Wharton Outstanding Community Service Award. Passionate about encouraging young girls to consider engineering as a career. HARRY PRATT President and CEO, Allen & Hoshall. B.S., Civil Engineering, Christian Brothers University. M.S., Civil Engineering, U of M. M.B.A., U of M. Registered Professional Engineer in six states. Past member, Dean of Engineering Advisory Board, Christian Brothers University; Civil Engineering Advisory Board, U of M. Past president, Executive M.B.A. Alumni Association, U of M. Former adjunct professor, Department of Civil Engineering, U of M. Member, American Consulting Engineers Council, National Society of Professional Engineers, Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers. With Allen & Hoshall since 1975. Served as project manager for 62 FedEx projects. Recently served as Technical Project Manager for City of Memphis’ Main Street to Main Street Intermodal Connector Project. JAMES H. TOLES Principal, Toles & Associates, Inc. Established company in 1987. B.S., Civil Engineering, U of M. Former structural technician and structural design engineer, Pickering. Former project manager and administrator, MLGW. Former project manager, FedEx. Registered Professional Engineer in many states. Member, Consulting Engineers of Tennessee, Society of American Military Engineers, Memphis and Shelby County Land Use Control Board. J. WESLEY WOOLDRIDGE Civil department manager, Renaissance Group, Inc. B.S., Mississippi State. Professional Civil Engineer. Certified Arborist. Specializes in site planning and engineering, as well as state and municipal permit compliance. Clients include Shelby County Schools, Collierville School System, FedEx, MPD, Vita Property Management Group. Involved in multi-family, hotels, assisted living, small-lot infill urban development. Current work includes Collierville High School construction administration, commercial development, municipal utility design, hotel/hospitality development.

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While being a medical professional is among the most satisfying careers, few (if any) jobs are filled with more pressure. The commitment it takes to be a doctor, nurse, technician or first responder is not only physically demanding but also mentally taxing and emotionally draining. As a result, mental health and substance abuse issues afflict professionals in the medical field at higher rates than the general population. The Landing was created specifically for professionals like you in need of treatment, support and recovery.

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2019 Inductees

Robert Wang | Steve Charles, M.D. | Chris Bird | Carl Ring The Society of Entrepreneurs is a remarkable group of local visionaries who, beyond having good business sense, also know how to take risks and capitalize on them. This year, three names were added to the organization and they live up to what it takes to be the best kind of entrepreneur. In addition, the SOE is presenting its Master Entrepreneur Award to Robert Wang, who was inducted into the group in 1995 and since then has recovered from not one but two devastating business collapses brought on by outside factors. Each time, he wasted no time in getting back into action. As he puts it, “In business, improvement is not enough. Businesses must revolutionize.” M A S T E R


Robert Wang Creative Co-op and The Regent Group

Making money always came naturally to Robert Wang, somewhat like breathing. “When I was young, I knew how to make money,” he says. “When I came to this country, I wanted to be in business, so I worked very hard to save a lot of money. Woke up at four o’clock in the morning and delivered papers, seven o’clock went to a computer lab. At nine o’clock, I was a salesman on the road, and worked until the sun set.” His first business was selling macrame and he saved around $8,000 and bought a Ford Econoline 100 van to move merchandise. Later came a small warehouse. He added products and started growing faster than his competitors. “You keep in touch with the market,” he says. “And you understand your customer. I studied what was going on in the market, and added on.” He brought in his employees as a team and brainstormed constantly. “We continued challenging ourselves, and create, create, destroy, create, destroy, create. We kept on the leading edge to success.” One of his best resources is to listen to young customers and keep an open mind. “We sell home furnishing products. Buyers are in their late 20s, 30s, 40s. There’s nobody 60 years old buying anything from us — they don’t need it. Their house is too big, they have too much furniture, so you learn from young people.” As hard as Wang has always worked and as savvy as he is about business, there has 40 |

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still been adversity. A major computer failure that lasted months shut his company down in 2000. “When you have a million-dollar-a-week expense and you’re dying, the bank tells you to shut it down.” Wang was back to zero. But in 2001, at age 52, he started again. “In a few short years, it became a $40 million to $50 million company.” And then on February 8, 2008, a tornado tore into his warehouse, destroying nearly 90 percent of his inventory. Wang took a breath and kept going, salvaging what he could, telling the insurance liquidator to go away, calling his manufacturers to send product fast. “I’m back in business within eight days, shipping product.” Wang says it surprised people that he went down to nothing, came up again, was almost destroyed again, and came through it. “I felt like a fighter in the ring,” he says. “My hand was tied, and I got beat to death. But I’m a fighter and I fought back. They respect that. And when I get up, when I come up, I never age a little bit.” Inside Memphis Business: What would you advise a young entrepreneur? Robert Wang: Find what you like, what you’re good at. And find a niche. Don’t ever be a small fish in a big pond. Find a small niche. If you can find a small niche business, you can be a big fish in a small pond. Something different. Don’t copy, you cannot just follow people.


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Steve Charles, M.D. Charles Retina Institute

How does Steve Charles relax? “If I’m spotted with a fishing rod or a golf club,” he says, “call the funeral home.” It’s not that he doesn’t unwind, it’s more that he prefers to rewind. Charles doesn’t take a break from work, he doubles down on it. Here’s how the world’s leading vitreoretinal surgeon describes his week: “I see cases Monday and Wednesday, and I operate Tuesday and Thursday. I’ve done more retina surgery than anybody in the world, 30,000 cases, hardcore clinical work so I know what the problems are. Thursday night I’m on an airplane — I’ve been flying jets since 1982 — and I’m either teaching or doing engineering every single Friday, Saturday. If I’m not, I will get myself a reading assignment. I’ve got three books in the last week, and I’ve read half of two of them. One is on light scattering, one is on polarization, and another one is on birefringence, and I will complete those because it’s something I need for a project.” Yes, but what about, you know, fun? “I’ve never personally seen the Grizzlies or the Tigers play, I’ve never been inside the FedExForum. Or the Orpheum except one time 25 years ago. I’ve never been to AutoZone Park. I’m delighted Memphis has all those things, but it’s not for me. I don’t play golf, I don’t fish, I don’t take vacations, I’ve not seen a movie in 30 years. I want to do my job. But it kind of irritates me when people say I’m a workaholic, or if they say I’m an overachiever, or I need balance in my life. I do have balance. I have engineering, surgery, teaching, and most importantly, I’m a daddy.” Work is his yin and his yang. “I don’t need some other relaxation,” Charles says. “I do fly a jet, and people say, ‘Oh, so that’s your hobby!’ No it’s not. I’m an airline transport pilot. I’ve got five jet type ratings. It’s serious, highly focused, like in the operating room.” There are clues in his childhood as to how he turned out this way. One grandfather was a surgeon, the other a mechanical engineer. “I always wanted to be a design engineer,” he says. “But when I went to engineering school, I was frustrated with trying to find a place to do engineering that helps society, that did something that I thought was meaningful and challenging.” Meanwhile, his father, an artist and college professor, introduced him to some people worth knowing. “I had dinner with Jacques Cousteau one on one. Buckminster Fuller, I talked to him. I’ve met Frank Lloyd Wright, I’ve met Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert Frost came to our house. So, we didn’t have any money, but we were always around bright people that worked hard, and did good things.” It’s the sort of experience that would inform Charles the entrepreneur. “Philosophically, I’d rather have an hour

in front of the brightest optics guy at the University of Arizona than to hire some third-tier person full-time,” he says. “For example, I’m friends literally with the top robotics guys in the world. Joe Engelberger, the father of robotics, and Takeo Kanade at Carnegie Mellon.” Charles says he had a distaste for business thanks to an uncle he describes as “brash,” and yet he’s managed to do five startups, and achieved $7 billion in sales for Alcon Laboratories and machines he’s designed. He has more than 100 patents issued or pending. “In every instance the startups I did were to bring an idea along to a level where it finally got over the risk threshold,” he says. “The goal wasn’t for me to make money, it was to get a product that we needed.” “I pride myself on spending a ton of time in engineering,” he says. “So that I’m good at. I taught myself optical design. I’ve got about 20 patent applications now in the photonics base, which I did not learn in engineering school. So, ongoing education in engineering has been my core competency really.” Inside Memphis Business: What mistakes have you made? Steve Charles: My failings have always been having insufficient capital to grow the company the rate it should have been growing. The business development and licensing part has been challenging. What I’ve done right is identify the right types of people over and over again because that’s where I’m comfortable. IMB: What advice would you give to a budding entrepreneur? SC: People say, “I want to be an innovator like you.” And I say, “Well, what technical competency do you have?” And they say, “What do you mean? I want to start a company. Do you think I should get an MBA?” I say, “To add up the score of the non-product that you haven’t thought of yet? Why don’t you develop the technical competency in something that’s likely to help, whether it’s biotech or it’s med tech.” IMB: Does anything upset you? SC: I never get angry, so I don’t believe in anger, but I’m focused, and that’s the way I am in the cockpit. I prefer that feeling of precision and focus than chilling out with a fishing rod or a golf club. IMB: How do you feel about being in the Society of Entrepreneurs? SC: What got me so excited was looking at the SOE book (There’s Something in the Water) and seeing these people. I was just stunned to see what these people have accomplished. To be in an organization where now I get to talk to some people like that who have really done some incredible things, clearly it’ll be a learning experience for me. T H E P O W E R P L AY E R S 2 0 1 9 | IN S ID E M EM P HI S B U S IN E S S .C O M |

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Chris Bird Dillard Door & Security, Inc.

Yes, Chris Bird started out with a lemonade stand. Even then, he was entrepreneurially looking for that edge, so he set it up near a tennis court that didn’t have refreshments nearby. “Whatever they wanted,” he says, “I had it right there.” Growing up, he always had something going on, parlaying business ideas into money so he could realize his ultimate goal: to be an astronaut. It was not to be. His eyesight kept him from slipping the surly bonds of earth, and suddenly, after putting so much effort into it, he had to start over. He was a stockbroker for a couple of years, but ended up getting tricked by his father to get into the door business. “I had a computer consulting business,” he says, “and my father said, ‘Just come get us computerized and then you can go.’ I got it computerized and then they had me doing hardware schedules and door schedules and going out and learning how to weld and everything else. I was never able to leave.” But Bird took to the trade, attending the Savannah College of Art and Design with post grad studies at the University of Arizona in the early 1990s and getting certified as an architectural hardware consultant. After his father retired, Bird went on his own, doing consulting and then starting Spec Tech, a specifications business in architectural doors and hardware. One of the people he’d worked with was John Dillard, whose father famously installed the gates at Graceland. “He did overhead doors, I did swinging doors,” Bird says. “He knew I was looking to acquire a swinging door business and one day at Rotary, he said, ‘Well, Chris, why don’t you just buy me out?’” So, in 2002, he acquired the company with 12 employees and started to grow it. It included automatic gates and expanded into electronic security, which would be spun off as Dillard Security Services. Bird’s company now has 60-plus employees and has from $10 million to $12 million in revenues, up from about $2 million at the start. Dillard is, he says, in acquisition mode. It bought a glass company and hopes to bring on an electrical company and other door companies. He says that, “In the commercial playground we work in, if it’s a door, we do it. If a swinging door, a sliding door, an automatic door, coiling door, a sectional overhead door, we do it. We do hangar doors. Any kind of industrial commercial door, we do it. Add to that automatic gates and everything that goes with that.” Inside Memphis Business: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten? Chris Bird: I go back to my

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grandfather teaching me the value of hard work. It’s sort of been my mantra going ahead. I’d rather be paid to get educated than pay to get educated. Hard work pays you to get educated. I’ve always been able to learn something. It hasn’t always been pleasant, but I’ve always taken away something very valuable. IMB: What advice would you give a budding entrepreneur? CB: Work for somebody else first and do as much as you can, work in as many different areas as you can, learn as much as you can from the people you work for, and get paid to be educated. School is great, and I think everybody needs a good basic education. I believe in higher education as well, but the value of hard work and everything you can learn while you’re working for someone else is, to me, just a pre-requisite for being your own boss. IMB: Is there a mistake you made that taught you a valuable lesson? CB: Wanting to be an astronaut and doing all the right moves to get to that point, and then realizing that everything you’d worked so hard for was gone and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it, was a very valuable lesson about always having a back-up plan. IMB: How do you find your employees? CB: We’re about developing employees as opposed to finding them. I realized early on you’re never going to find people that fit perfectly. We look for people with good character, good work ethic, and good attitude. Then we train them to be what we want them to be. It’s harder and harder today to find people with a good work ethic. We’re reaching out to trade schools, even high schools, to bring kids in, train them, interns, and then send them to professional training to get them where we want them to be. Finding those guys that are ready to go to work is next to impossible. IMB: Dillard was famous for doing Graceland’s gates. How did that happen? CB: When Elvis bought Graceland, there were no gates. Elvis’ father Vernon called John Dillard Sr. and said he wanted some gates up there. John contracted with a metal worker to make the gate, and then John and some helpers installed it. He actually built the first gate operator. Automatic gates were not a real thing back then, so he took a motor off a door and turned it sideways and made an automatic gate. Anytime something would go wrong with the gate or Vernon wanted something else, he’d call over here and ask for John and he’d go fix it. One time John was at Graceland, and the phone rang. Nobody answered it, so John picked it up and it was Elvis. Elvis said, “Thank you, Mr. Dillard. I really appreciate it. Can you get my dad?” The gates are still there. They’ve changed the operators out a couple of times and they’re a little more modern now. They get a lot more use than they used to.

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Carl Ring

Ring Container Technologies Carl Ring was, shall we say, unenthusiastic about the family business. His father, Bob Ring, had founded the consumer packaging company in 1968 making tin cans for the food industry, but Carl had no interest in participating.

The more important step to me is the second step, which is creating a vision around that product or service that your people can rally behind — a vision they can believe in, a vision they can get excited about, a vision that brings enthusiasm to it, and commitment. That is what lights the match to me.

“I had no fantasy of working for him,” he says. “I thought it would be sort of miserable working for him.” Carl admired his father, but realized that he was out of the ordinary. “People that can take nothing and create something from it are a breed I don’t quite understand,” he says. “But he started about four other companies in the early ’60s before he started Ring in ’68. And Ring was the one that finally just took off and was successful.” In 1980, Carl got a call from his father. The young man had gotten his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech in 1978 and was happy to be working for DuPont. But his father had health issues, wanted to expand into plastics, and said he needed his son to come. “When I showed up,” Carl says, “I was given a toolbox and made night shift mechanic, and then a day shift mechanic, and then after a year I became an engineer, designing and building machines. And then the plant manager walked out one day and I was told ‘OK, you’re now the new plant manager.’” He demurred, to no avail. He’d go on to vice president of engineering, then vice president of operations, and eventually was made president. “I objected but it was given to me anyway.” Knowing what he knew — and what he didn’t know — Carl surrounded himself with the right people in finance, sales, and operations. “I will forever be grateful to that group of executives who helped and even opened my eyes to some things that I needed to see,” he says. Carl would take the company from one factory when he joined, to 18 manufacturing locations, employing more than 700 people in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. Not bad considering that his father had once told him that most businesses that made it into the second generation failed anyway. In 2017, it was announced that Dell Inc. founder Michael Dell’s MSD Partners would acquire Ring Container from Carl Ring and his family.

IMB: What is it about Memphis that seems to encourage entrepreneurialism? CR: We are large enough to have some of the most world-renowned entrepreneurs right here within our city limits. They’re people that you read about in the Wall Street Journal and yet we are small enough that many of us actually know those people. It’s easy for that to become contagious when you eat dinner with them and you meet them and you shake their hand and you hear what they have to say.

Inside Memphis Business: What would be your advice to a young entrepreneur? Carl Ring: Creating a service or a product is only the first step. Many people seem to feel it’s the first and final.

IMB: What mistake did you make that you learned the most from? CR: As a mechanical engineer, I was taught that the solution to every problem is a more perfect machine. I was told when I was hired to design and build that perfect machine, and if only I did that, everything else would take care of itself. Everything else did not take care of itself. It was only after trying to lead people who were not excited about what they were doing, and not excited about where they were, it was only then that I became aware that it really did not feel right. So we started really paying attention to what their needs and wants were. They wanted to be part of it and excited about it, to make decisions for themselves and for their departments and their processes. Once we started giving them that kind of support and trust, then it felt better. People wanted to join us instead of leaving us. IMB: What’s the best advice you’ve been given? CR: It’s good to know when to ignore the numbers and ignore the bean counters and just do what needs to be done — what you know is right, what you know has to happen even if the numbers don’t support you then. We’ve done that multiple times over the years where we designed machines, built plants, took on customers, spent great deals of money doing things on paper that was really no return for. The question was usually not what is the return going to be for this investment; the question was usually, in 10 years from now, are we going to be happy we spent that money?

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Financial Planning Money ain’t easy. It can be hard enough to obtain, so when it comes to growing your dollars, choosing the right fi nancial planner is critical. A good fi nancial planner moves easily between devising long-term comprehensive fi nancial plans and tackling very specific goals such as buying a home or investing an inheritance. He or she has a command of sound investments and is prepared to assess the risks and possible outcomes of a variety of plans. In addition to bringing strong credentials to the table, the planner must also possess a more personal trait — the gift of making clients feel comfortable and confident in their decisions. BRIAN DOUGLAS Principal, Guidingpoint Financial Group. Works with those approaching and in retirement to implement retirement income strategies and intergenerational planning practices. Only Accredited Domestic Partnership Advisor (ADPA) in the Mid-South, working with non-traditional families, single parents, LGBTQ individuals and couples to better understand and manage their complex financial planning concerns and needs. KATHLEEN FISH President and founder, Fish and Associates Financial Services. M.B.A., U of M. Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor. Member, Financial Planning Association, Society of Entrepreneurs. Founding partner, Fusion Advisor Network. Board member, Playhouse on the Square, Playback Memphis, Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change at U of M. JIM ISAACS President and CEO, Legacy Wealth Management. Legacy has consistently been named by Investment News and Memphis Business Journal as a “Best Places to Work.” Certified Financial Planner, B.A., Ithaca College; M.B.A. Finance, Seton Hall University. Member, Board of Trustees and IC Chair, Christian Brothers University and Vistage member. MARTY KELMAN Chairman and co-founder, KelmanLazarov Inc. Certified Financial Planner. B.A., University of Virginia; M.Ed. and M.B.A., U of M. Former president, Memphis Chapter for the International Association of Financial Planning. National Leadership Council of Facing History and Ourselves; past president, Memphis Chapter. Member, 44 |

Holocaust Memorial Committee of Memphis Jewish Federation. Former president and trustee, Lausanne Collegiate School. Board member, U of M Alumni Association, Unknown Child Foundation. KAREN M. KRUSE President, Advisory Services, FTB Advisors, Inc. Senior vice president, First Tennessee Bank. B.A., M.B.A., University of Memphis. 25 years in financial planning, investment, trust services industry. Team works with clients on goals-based financial planning and investing. Certified Financial Planner, Accredited Investment Fiduciary, Certified Retirement Counselor. Member, FTB Advisors Investment Committee, First Horizon Pension and Investment Retirement Committee. Alumna, New Memphis. Trustee, Gestalt Community Schools. Mentor through Streets Ministries. CHARLES R. (MACK) MCKINNEY Managing principal and financial advisor, Waddell & Reed, Inc. B.B.A., Managerial Finance, University of Mississippi. Named to 2011, 2013, 2014 Waddell & Reed Circle of Champions. 2012 Advisor Medalist Program. Awards based on sales management activities. Joined firm in 2009; promoted to current position in 2011. Enjoys golfing, hunting, playing lacrosse, supporting local community organizations and initiatives. JIM E. MEEKS JR. Managing partner, Northwestern Mutual of Memphis. Territory covers West Tennessee, Arkansas, North Mississippi, Southern Missouri. Business specializes in investment strategies and products, life insurance, employee and executive benefit programs, education funding, estate analysis, retirement analysis. Became managing partner in 2009. Has qualified for Million Dollar Round Table many times.

JOHN PHILLIPS V Founding member and chief investment officer, Red Door Wealth Management. Graduate, University of Virginia. Company provides comprehensive asset management for personal advising, retirement plans, family office and business owners as well as maintaining a strategic relationship with accounting firm Cannon Wright Blount, PLLC. Named to “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Analyst. Member, Thorn Society (MUS). Board member, Presbyterian Day School Alumni Association, MPACT Memphis, Nexus Leadership, Memphis Athletic Ministries, Osiris. DAVID PICKLER President and CEO, Pickler Wealth Advisors. Senior partner, The Pickler Law Firm and Pickler Accounting Advisors, Collierville. Named to Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisors list, 2015; cited twice by Barron’s as among the top advisors in the state of Tennessee. Recipient, Altruism Award, Registered Rep magazine, 2011. President, American Public Education Foundation. CHARLES SIMS JR. President and CEO, Sims Financial Group. Certified Financial Planner. Fellow of Life Underwriter Training Council, Certified Mutual Funds Manager. Member, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Life and qualifying member, Million Dollar Round Table. First AfricanAmerican member, John Hancock’s Hall of Fame. Life and founding member, Crescent Club of Memphis. Board member, First American Bank and WKNO. DAVID WADDELL CEO, Waddell & Associates. B.A., Economics, University of the South; M.B.A., Babson College. Certified Financial Planner. Contributor: The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Fox News, Bloomberg, Nikkei CNBC Japan. Featured expert: Barron’s, Inside Memphis Business, Daily Memphian, Commercial Appeal. Named “Top 40 Under 40”, Small Business Awards Finalist, Executive of the Year, Memphis Business Journal. Chair, EpiCenter Board of Directors. Vice Chair, New Memphis Board of Trustees. Co-Chair, Chairman’s Circle. Board member, Memphis Chamber of Commerce. Founding president, MPACT Memphis.

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Higher Education

Memphis boasts an array of higher education institutions. And those directing the institutions of higher learning in our city and region must bring the right attributes to the job and commit themselves to students’ success. Whether they run a small college or a sprawling university, the POWER PLAYERS in this category are masters of organization with keen intellects and an eye for what makes a campus conducive to learning. DR. TRACY D. HALL President, Southwest Tennessee Community College. Bachelor’s, University of Missouri-St. Louis; master’s, Wichita State University; doctoral, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Missouri-Columbia. Former vice president of academic affairs, St. Louis Community College-Forest Park. Member, Higher Learning Commission Peer Review Corps., American Association of Women in Community Colleges, Missouri Community College Association, National Council of Instructional Administrators. MARJORIE HASS President, Rhodes College. Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral degree, Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Former president, Austin College in Sherman, Texas. Board member, Association of American Colleges & Universities. Former chair, Board of Directors, National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities. Former board member, Council for Independent Colleges. Served as presidential sponsor for Texas Women in Higher Education conference. DON W. JONES Assistant vice president, Enrollment and Student Services, Belhaven University. B.S., Bethel University; Ed.S., Arkansas State University; M.B.A., University of Phoenix. Co-author of two textbooks. Recipient, White House Volunteer Service Award, University of Phoenix Service Award, Mississippi Emergency Service Medal. Member, Golden Key, Phi Delta Kappa, Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Societies. Commander, 210th MP Battalion for the Mississippi State Guard. Member, Lion’s Club. BETTY SUE MCGARVEY President, Baptist College of Health Sciences. Ph.D., Nursing, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Recipient, Distinguished Alumni Award, UTHSC School of Nursing, U of M Lowenberg School of Nursing, Baptist College of

Health Sciences. Member, Memphis Rotary Club. Board member, Leadership Memphis and Memphis Medical District Collaborative. ANDREA LEWIS MILLER President, Lemoyne-Owen College. M.S. and Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biology. Post Doctoral Fellowship, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. More than 20 years experience in higher education. Former chancellor, Capital Area Technical College, Baton Rouge Community College. Former vice president for Academic and Student Affairs, STCC. Assistant dean, College of Human and Community Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno. LEWIS REICH President, Southern College of Optometry. Graduate, University of California at Berkeley. Completed Residency in low vision rehabilitation, Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Chair, Memphis Medical District Collaborative. Vice president, Board of Directors, National Board of Examiners in Optometry. Fellow, American Academy of Optometry. Former chair, Optometry Admissions Test Committee, Chief Academic Officers, OptomCAS committee. Research funded by National Eye Institute, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. DAVID RUDD President, University of Memphis. Ph.D., Psychology, University of Texas - Austin. Has record fundraising over the past four and half years, total over $160M, exceeding historic averages by 50%. Significant improvement in retention and graduation rates, with the six-year graduation rate now exceeding the national average for public universities at 52%, and received national recognition from the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. University research expenditures reached an all-time high this past fiscal year at

almost $65M. Actively investing in an effort to reach Carnegie Tier I status in the next five years. STEVE J. SCHWAB Chancellor, University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC). Internationally recognized physician and researcher in kidney disease. Led UTHSC to position as one of region’s largest healthcare providers and state’s largest healthcare educator with major campus and practice locations in Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville. Board member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UT Medical Center (Knoxville), Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, Saint Thomas Health System (Nashville). JOHN SMARRELLI JR. President, Christian Brothers University. Doctorate and master’s, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Received awards for teaching, published in scientific journals, obtained funding for research, authored textbooks. Board member, International Association of Lasallian Universities, St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army (Chairman), Memphis Talent Dividend, Teacher Effectiveness Initiative Advisory Board, Gulf South Conference, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Board chair, Crosstown High School, New Day Schools, Tennessee Independent Colleges, and Universities Association. Active in the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration. KEN STEORTS President/founder, Visible Music College. Ph.D., Integration of Religion and Society, Oxford Graduate School; M.M., Music Composition and B.F.A., Commercial Music-Recording & Engineering, U of M; founder, Grammy nominated rock band Skillet. President, Madison Line Records, Visible Community Music School. Dove Award nominee (songwriter). Billboard charting songs as artist and songwriter. Downtown Memphis Commission Vision Award, 2013; Thomas W. Briggs Community Service Award, 2016. In Memphis rock band “the beep.”

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Where you stay when you visit a city can make all the difference in your sojourn — and determine whether or not you will ever come back. POWER PLAYERS in the hospitality industry understand the importance of quality lodging and conference accommodations in a tourist destination such as Memphis. From downtown to East Memphis and beyond, this city knows how to take care of you. CINDY BREWER Principal and cofounder, LEO Events. Graduate, UT. LEO has produced some of the city’s largest events, such as Le Bonheur’s grand opening, AutoZone’s national sales meeting, various festivals. Former board chair, Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau. Former member, Memphis Chamber Small Business Council. Graduate, Leadership Academy 2010 Masters program. Recipient, Memphis Business Journal’s “Top 40 Under 40,” 2004; Darrell A. Ledet award.

KARL FRIEDRICH General manager, River Inn of Harbor Town. B.B.A. degree. Attended hotel management school, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Oversees operations of hotel and restaurants, including overall performance of property. Former general manager at small luxury hotel in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina. Former president, International Hospitality Management, a management and consulting firm specializing in luxury Jamaican resorts.

DOUGLAS BROWNE General manager, The Peabody Memphis. President, Peabody Hotels & Resorts. Educated, Paul Smith’s College, Hotel and Restaurant Administration, and Florida International. Chairman, Tennessee Hospitality Association, AutoZone Liberty Bowl. Named Peabody Hotel Group’s “General Manager of the Year” and received award of same name from Metropolitan Memphis Hotel and Lodging Association, Tennessee Hospitality Association. Recipient, Spirit of Memphis Award, Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau.

MATT HUSS General manager, Sheraton Memphis Downtown Hotel. Recipient, Employee Satisfaction Hotel of the Year (Davidson Hotels) 2006, 2012, and 2013; Director of Meeting/Convention Services of the year for Wyndham International 1996; Agoura Hills Business of the year 2012; Conejo Valley sponsor of the year. Manager of the Year, Wyndham Milwaukee center 1994.

PACE COOPER President and CEO, Cooper Hotels. B.A., Columbia College; M.B.A., Harvard. Recipient, Developer of the Year Award, Hilton Worldwide, Hotel Owner of the Year Award, HotelWorld Network. Member, Tennessee, American Hotel and Lodging Associations. Chairman, Multi Franchise Organization. Member, Hilton Advisory Board. Past chairman, International Association of Holiday Inns. PHIL CORDELL Global head, Focused Service and Hampton Brand Management, Hilton. Focuses on strategy, international development, growth of Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton by Hilton, Tru by Hilton. Has overseen growth of the Hampton brand to encompass more than 2,000 properties. Frequent speaker and panelist on industry topics. 48 |

KEVIN KANE President and CEO, Memphis Tourism. President of its subsidiary, Memphis Management Group LLC. Graduate, U of M. Chairman, Destination Marketing Association International, Memphis Rock ’N’ Soul Museum. Board member, U.S. Travel Association, Blues Foundation, Riverfront Development Corporation, International Tennis Hall of Fame, Christian Brothers High School, MMHLA, Greater Memphis Chamber. CRAIG MARSHALL General Manager, Westin Hotels & Resorts. 20 plus years with IHG (Holiday Inns Inc) including selected as the 12th associate of the “Charter Group” of Hampton Brand at its inception. Served on the Boards of the Metro Memphis Hotel & Lodging Association, Memphis Tourism, Welcome Memphis, and The MidSouth Better Business Bureau. Responsibilities include

(but not limited to) ownership of a Hampton, GM of 8 hotels with progressive size and scope, exec of a 700 room resort, hotel manager of a 560 key convention hotel, and a marketing consultant (IHG) for 35 hotels in 5 states, as well as numerous corporate and operation positions. JACK SODEN CEO, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. Graduate, Regis University. Elvis Presley’s Memphis home opened in June 1982. Oversaw opening of The Guest House at Graceland (a $92 million resort hotel) and Elvis Presley’s Memphis (a multi-gallery entertainment complex across from the mansion) in 2016 in advance of the 40th anniversary of the superstar’s passing. Board member, Greater Memphis Chamber. Co-chair, Tennessee Tourism Committee. BILL SPENCER General manager, Memphis Hilton. B.A., Trevecca University in Nashville. Certified Hotel Administrator. With Davidson Hotels for 18 years. Former general manager, Hilton Raleigh Durham Airport. Hotel specializes in banquet catering functions for companies and social events; works specifically with corporations, social groups, athletic teams. Former president, Hotel Motel Associations. Board member, Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau. Member, Skål International. WAYNE TABOR General manager, Holiday Inn Select Downtown. Attended Holiday Inn University General Manager’s School. Recipient, Billy Hicks Award, Memphis CVB; Fiduciary Responsibility Award, Hospitality Management Advisors. Metropolitan Memphis Hotel and Lodging Association Award. Chairman, MMHLA. Member, Tennessee, American Hotel and Lodging Associations. Former board member, Fogelman YMCA, Memphis Restaurant Association. NAIL TASK General manager, Big Cypress Lodge. In 2016, moved to Memphis from Chicago to oversee hotel as part of Bass Pro Shops Hospitality Division in the Memphis Pyramid. Before Memphis, graduated from the Swiss Hotel Management School in Switzerland and moved around the world to assist in the opening and managing of new hotels. Previous positions include time at The Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa Valley and the Titanic Deluxe Resort in Turkey.

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Independent Schools

You don’t want to get called out of class to report to the headmaster, but if you need someone to run an independent school, these are among the best. Enrollment in private schools for pre-K to 12th grade nationwide went from 7.3 million in 2006 to 6.3 million in 2016 — a drop of 14 percent — according to the U.S. Census Bureau. So for these POWER PLAYERS to be successful, they have to stay on their toes. BRAXTON BRADY Head of School, Evangelical Christian School. Graduate, U of M; Master’s, Theological Studies, Covenant Theological Studies. Was chaplain and director of Building Boys, Making Men program at Presbyterian Day School; director of player relations, U of M football team; family ministries pastor, Harvest Church. Graduate, Emerging Leaders Program. Has served on the board of numerous inner-city ministries in Memphis. ALICIA BROWN Principal, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School. B.S., Education, U of M; Master’s, Teaching and Learning, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 25 years at SFA, serving as classroom teacher, director of student affairs, and assistant principal. School partnered with Project Lead the Way to inspire K-8 students with handson, transformative learning. Specialized PLUS program offers traditional campus experience to students with learning disabilities. SFA accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, a charter member of the National Catholic Education Association, and associate member of TAIS and MAIS. School recipient, Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, 2010. JIM FERGUSON President and head of school, Northpoint Christian School. B.S., Mississippi State University; M.E., University of Mississippi. NCS is a Christ-centered, college preparatory school serving students in grades PK-12. Ranked #5 Best Private K-12 School in Mississippi, #2 Best Christian High School in MS, niche. com. Ranked #3 in enrollment size of private schools in Memphis MSA by MBJ. NCS offers STEM, foreign language, and computer classes beginning in JK; 22 AP and honors classes; 15 hours of college credit and dual enrollment opportunities; 30 interscholastic sports teams; 15 fine art electives and an award-winning 50 |

fine art department; and 4 intramural sports for JK-4th grade students. STEVEN HANCOCK Headmaster, Presbyterian Day School. B.M., Music Education and Violin Performance, Lawrence University; M.S., Curriculum Design, University of Illinois. PDS is a Christian school for boys age two through grade six. Staff has expertise on the education of young boys from all walks of life. Notable alumni include Fred Smith, PItt Hyde, Paul Tudor Jones. Board member, Memphis Youth Symphony Program and Neighborhood Christian Centers. THOMAS HOOD Headmaster, St. Agnes Academy - St. Dominic School. B.S., Engineer Mechanics, United States Military Academy. M.S., Aeronautical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. School founded on four pillars of Dominican charism: study, prayer, community, service. School works with students from 2k-12th grade to prepare them to be leaders. Member, National Association of Independent Schools, Southern Association of Independent Schools, Tennessee Association of Independent Schools, Memphis Association of Independent Schools, National Catholic Educators Association, Dominican Association of Secondary Schools. Works with veterans’ causes and Catholic ministries. Retired lieutenant colonel, United States Army. RALPH JANIKOWSKY Headmaster, Westminster Academy. Westminster communicates the vision of classical Christian education to churches in Memphis and the greater Memphis community to encourage like-minded parents to raise the next generation of Christians and church leaders. Recently completed construction of a new playground, implemented after-school care program, and entered into a long-term lease at current facility. Commanded two U.S. Navy warships and earned numerous accolades,

including two Legions of Merit. Westminster named 2016, 2017, and 2018 “Best Places to Work,” Commercial Appeal. THOR KVANDE Headmaster, Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal School. B.A., History, Muhlenburg College. Master’s, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Delaware. Former dean of middle school beginning in 2004. Promoted to headmaster in 2011. Former positions at St. John’s Episcopal School (Olney, MD), The Independence School (Newark, DE), Woodland Country Day School (Bridgeton, NJ). ANN M. LAURY Head of school, Christ the King Lutheran School. B.S., Education, U of M; Double Master’s, Instruction and Curriculum, Educational Leadership and Administration, Cumberland University. Extensive teaching background in Memphis, Mississippi, and Nashville public schools. Teacher and early childhood director at Christ the King before becoming head of school in 2016. Recipient, Cummins business award. Member, NAEYC, LEA, NLSA. AdvancEd Training For School Accreditation. Certified Apple Teacher. Involved with Make-A-Wish, Christ the King Youth Ministries, Job Comfort Dog Ministry. Clinical supervisor, Western Governors University. STUART MCCATHIE Headmaster, Lausanne Collegiate School. Bachelor’s, Education, Lancaster University, U.K. Master’s, School Administration, University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Extensive education experience in the United Kingdom, Bahamas, and United States. Former dean of students, Indian Mountain School, Lakeville, Conn. Former headmaster, the Oakwood School, Greenville, NC. WENDELL MEADOWS Head of School, First Assembly Christian School. B.S., Southeastern University; M.S., Education, Troy State University. Co-educational and multi-denominational school for PreK-Grade 12. AdvancED exemplary school. Member MAIS. Emphasis is on strong academic preparation in the context of Biblical Worldview and extracurricular

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development through fine arts and athletics. Faculty, staff, and students volunteer at St. Jude, LeBonheur, Madonna Learning Center, Habitat for Humanity, Memphis Union Mission, Su Casa Family Ministries, and other local and international civic causes. MARK MERRILL President, Briarcrest Christian School. B.S., Christian Brothers University; M.B.A., U of M. BCS provides college-prep, Christian education. Has consistently increased market share in a declining private school market over past decade. New York University, Stern School Distinguished Lecturer. Briarcrest named a “Best Christian Workplace,” 2007-2016, 2018. Named Best Private School in Memphis, Memphis Parent 2016 and 2017. Best Private School in Memphis – 2014, 2015 and 2018, The Commercial Appeal. #1 Private School in Memphis, Memphis Business Journal 2007-2018. ADAM MOORE Head of school, Woodland Presbyterian School. B.S., Education and Social Studies, Mississippi College. M.Ed. and Specialist Degree in Supervision and Administration, Union University. Former president, Memphis Association of Independent Schools. Current Board member, Tennessee Association Independent Schools. Woodland is a five-time winner of the Top Workplace and multi-year winner of Memphis Parent, Best Private School. For 62 years, Woodland fosters individual growth of the intellectual, spiritual, creative, physical, social, and emotional roots. J. ROSS PETERS Head of school, St. George’s Independent School. B.A., English, Sewanee; M.Ed., English Education, University of Georgia. St. George’s is a PK-12 Episcopal school that combines agile teaching and active learning. Georgia PAGE Star Teacher, 2015. William G. Hutchins Mastership Award, Asheville School, 2001. Board member, BRIDGES USA, Tennessee Association of Independent Schools. Member, Le Bonheur Family Partners Council. Member, NAES, NAIS, EAB, NPEA, MTC, INDEX.

DANIEL PETERSON Head of school, Evangelical Christian School. B.A., Carson-Newman University; M.Div. in Theology and Ph.D. in Leadership and Christian Education from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Has presented at several national and regional conferences and completed Colson Fellows National Program. Elder, Harvest Church. Hosts “Equip,” a weekly podcast on thinking and teaching with a Christian worldview. DAVID POOS President, Christian Brothers High School. B.A., Humanities, CBU. Master’s, Reading, St. Paul University; Master’s, Secondary School Administration, St. Louis University. Board member, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Former board member, CBHS, La Salle Retreat Center, De La Salle Middle School at St. Matthew’s, Catholic High School Principals Association, Provincial Council for the Saint Louis District of the Christian Brothers. Inductee, Bishop Kelley Hall of Fame. Recipient, Guiding Star Award, De La Salle Middle School, St. Louis. KRISTEN RING Head of school, Hutchison School. B.A., Master’s, English, Wake Forest University. Ed.D., High Point University. Education experience as senior administrator, teacher, coach in private, independent schools in Alabama, North Carolina. Began career as an English teacher in 2006. Recipient, Waddill Excellence in Teaching Award for exemplary classroom instruction. Division 1 Field Hockey Atlantic Coast Conference scholar athlete. PETE SANDERS Headmaster, Memphis University School, a college-preparatory school for boys in grades 7-12, founded in 1893. B.A., History, St. Lawrence University; M.A., History, Queen’s University; M.Ed., Administration and Supervision, University of Virginia. Over 30 years of experience in independent school education and administration, with previous leadership roles at Collegiate School (Richmond, VA), Brunswick School (Greenwich, CT), University School (Fort Lauderdale, FL), Christ Church Episcopal School (Greenville, SC), before joining MUS in 2017.

ALBERT THROCKMORTON Head of school, St. Mary’s Episcopal School. B.A., Architecture; Master’s, Teaching: English and Social Studies, Rice University. Head of school since 2012. The mission of St. Mary’s Episcopal School is to provide a superior educational experience for girls that will encourage and enable them to reach their individual potential. President, Memphis Association of Independent Schools. Member, Education Advisory Board, Independent School Executive Forum, Country Day School Headmasters’ Association. Former Trustee, National Association of Independent Schools, One Schoolhouse. Elder, Second Presbyterian Church. Active with the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, National Association of Episcopal Schools, SAIS, TAIS. BRYAN WILLIAMS Head of school, Christ Methodist Day School. B.A., History, U of M; Master’s, Teaching, Christian Brothers University; Doctorate of Education, Union University. CMDS devoted to exceptional Christian elementary education for boys and girls. Uses STEAM initiative to combine academic elements with a hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum. “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. Treasurer, MAIS. Involved with Dorothy Day House, Bellevue Baptist Church, Forrest Spence Fund. TRENT WILLIAMSON Head of School, Harding Academy. B.A., Harding University; M.A., History, U of M. Founding director and board member, Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust. Co-teaches Honors African-American History with Dr. Scott Frizzell. The mission of Harding Academy is to teach students to love others as Christ loves them, to think creatively and learn with open minds, and to live courageously to the glory of God.

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This is a new category in our annual listing of that’s not so much about who has a certain job title as it is about knowing what’s going on behind the scenes. These POWER PLAYERS are advisers and consultants who typically understand the intricacies of how things work in the public and private sectors, from policy to politics, and who makes those things work. They are the movers and shakers that other movers and shakers talk to. ROSHUN AUSTIN President/CEO, The Works, Inc. M.A., Urban Anthropology, U of M. B.A., Sociology-Anthropology, Middlebury College. Specializes in affordable housing development and community development finance. Board member, Neighborhood Preservation, Inc. Vice-chair, Blight Authority of Memphis, Explore Bike Share, Methodist Healthcare Foundation, Christian Community Foundation, ULI Memphis, Management Committee, BLDG Memphis. Former board member, Slingshot Memphis. Health, Educational and Housing Facilities Board, City of Memphis. Community Redevelopment Agency. Memphis Landmarks Commission. STEVE BARLOW Neighborhood Preservation, Inc. in Memphis, Tennessee promotes neighborhood revitalization by collaboratively developing practical and sustainable resolutions to blighted properties and to the systems that lead to widespread neglect, vacancy and abandonment of real estate. The Organization focuses on policy advocacy as well as implementing and documenting replicable comprehensive neighborhood improvement projects.

ERIC GOTTLIEB Associate professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Rhodes College. B.S., Environmental Science, Rhodes College. M.S., Mathematics, University of Washington. Ph. D., Mathematics, University of Miami. Co-founder, Overton Park Alliance. Former first vice president, Evergreen Historic District Association. TOM JONES Principal at Smart City Consulting, primary writer and editor of Smart City Memphis blog, author of City Journal column in Memphis magazine, and author of Shelby Farms Park: Elevating a City. B.A., Journalism, U of M. Attended courses in urban issues at Vanderbilt University and Tulane University. Former board member at Downtown Memphis Commission, National Civil Rights Museum, UrbanArt Commission, and Urban Land Institute-Memphis, and former executive committee member of Memphis in May International Festival and Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau.

KATIE MIDGLEY Director of research and evaluation, Plough Foundation. M.S., College of Arts & Sciences, The University of Alabama. B.S., Mississippi State University. Joined Plough Foundation in 2011. Formerly with JUSTIN ENTZMINGER U of M, The Urban Child Institute. Board member, Grantmakers in Aging, Family Safety Center. Executive director, Innovate Memphis. Former board member, Shelby County Books from Birth, B.A., English, Georgetown University, Wolf River Conservancy. Mayoral appointee to Community M.B.A., Entrepreneurship, Massey School of Business, Belmont University. Healthcare Steering Committee, Aging Commission of MidSouth Advisory Council. Founding member, Overton Park Advisory Committee, Data Governance Conservancy Roots Program. Graduate, New Memphis for City of Memphis. Strategy Advisor, Fellows Program, Leadership Memphis Executive Program. Music Export Memphis. Advisory Committee, Center for “20 Under 30,” Memphis Flyer . “Top 40 Under 40,” Applied Earth Sciences and Engineering Research, U of Memphis Business Journal. “Best Individual: Adult”, M. Member, Smart Cities Collaborative, Bloomberg The Spark Awards. Philanthropies Innovation Cohort.

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ERIC ROBERTSON President and CEO, Community LIFT & River City Capital Investment Corp. Board chairman, Memphis Branch of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Board member, Soulsville Foundation, Slingshot Memphis, Memphis 3.0. Former board chairman, Leadership Memphis. Recipient of the Memphis Business Journal’s “Top 40 Under 40” Award, the Tri-State Defender’s inaugural 50 Men of Excellence Award and an Outstanding Alumni Award from U of M College of Arts & Sciences, where he received BA, Anthropology. Graduate, NeighborWorks America’s Achieving Excellence executive education program at Harvard Kennedy School. SUSAN ADLER THORP Owner, Susan Adler Thorp Communications. Former political columnist, The Commercial Appeal and political/government analyst for local media. University of Missouri, Bachelor of Journalism. Board member, Dixon Gallery & Gardens, Temple Israel Museum. Member, Brooks Museum Acquisitions Committee. Chair, Dixon Gallery & Gardens Visual Arts Committee. Former member, Temple Israel Board of Trustees, Memphis Jewish Home, Plough Towers, Metal Museum, Memphis Jewish Community Center, Urban Arts Commission. MARK YATES Chief Visionary Officer, Black Business Association of Memphis. Founder, Memphis Youth Summer Business Experience, The Enlightenment Center, LES mental health outpatient care for children and families. B.A., Economics and Finance, Howard University. Executive M.B.A. Owen Graduate School of Business, Vanderbilt University. Founder, Voices for Memphis’ Children. Chairman, River City Capital. Former chief of staff and faculty, LeMoyne Owen College; chief of staff U.S. House of Representatives. Former chairman, Shelby County Democratic Party. Served multiple positions at First Horizon. Former vice chair, Industrial Development Board. Former treasurer Shelby County Health and Education Board. Former commissioner, Shelby County Land Use Control Board.

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Information Technology

Goodness knows that most of us have spent at least a few hours in front of the computer, staring at a spinning beach ball or a stagnant hourglass, wondering, “How does this make my life easier, again?” If your business needs help with its technology infrastructure, data storage, or any problems that may arise, don’t succumb to the whims of an inadequate system or the limits of your own abilities. Call in the POWER PLAYERS in Information Technology. STEVE BARGIACCHI CEO, ProTech Systems Group, Inc. Founded company in 1992 and has since grown it into a top Mid-South technology and talent solutions company with the largest local, IT workforce. Former Board Chairman, Boys & Girls Club. Board Director, Paragon Bank. Charter board member, Greater Memphis IT Council. Member, Ingram Micro’s Data Center Advisory Board. Member, Memphis Chamber Chairman’s Circle. WAYNE COOK Chairman, founder, and CEO, Cook Systems International Inc. Has more than 35 years of IT leadership and service experience. Founded company in 1994. Former president, Eagle Systems Technology; COO, SCB; director of MIS, First Tennessee Bank. Ensures that Cook Systems International has exceptional operational talent and technology to deliver the most successful IT solutions to Fortune 1000 clients and government entities. J. MICHAEL DRAKE CEO, masterIT LLC. B.B.A., Finance, U of M. Founded company in 2005 to serve the 20-500 person organization with a complete outsourced IT process providing dramatically better results through cloud, managed, and mobile services. Former 13-year president/ CEO, Econocom USA, Inc. Inaugural MSPmentor Hall of Fame member for top managed service experts, entrepreneurs, executives globally. Board member, Methodist Healthcare Foundation.

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NICK GANT President and founder, Gant Systems. Actively managing clients in six states. Offering managed IT services, cloud, backup and disaster recovery solutions. Formed company in 2007 and has grown to perennially recognized high performing small business. Microsoft SMB Champion Partner. Previously helped build Business Continuity Program for First Tennessee Bank. Current board chair, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of West Tennessee. Executive Board member, Clean Memphis. Former board member, Building Greater Communities, Inc. “Top 40 Under 40.” JAY MYERS Business Development Manager, AVI-SPL. Founded company in 1996 with focus on video conferencing and audio-visual integration. Author, Keep Swinging, winner of 2010 Ethan Award; Hitting the Curveballs. Inducted into 2011 Christian Brothers High School Hall of Fame. 2018 inductee, Society of Entrepreneurs. Board member, Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South Executive Committee. Former board chairman, Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South. BRIAN PRENTICE Managing partner, Vaco Risk Solutions. B.S., Management Information Systems, Finance, Fordham University; M.B.A., Information & Communication Systems, Financial Management, Fordham University. More than 25 years of IT and business consulting leadership experience. Former board member, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Volunteer activities include Room in the Inn, Boy Scouts of America.

MARK PRYOR Chairman and CEO, The Seam, a commodity trading and agriculture technology company. Previously served as vice president at The Seam and global head of information technology at Noble Group/ Noble Agri. Founder, Cotton Technology Alliance. Board member, Agricenter International. Member, International Cotton Association. Technical advisor to American Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA), American Peanut Council, Cotton USA Sustainability Task Force and U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). SYLVESTER TATE President and CEO, Tate Computer Systems, Inc. U of M, STCC, U.S. Navy, Tennessee Technology Center. Graduate, Executive Management Institute, CBU. Company is Apple Authorized Reseller and Repair. Recipient, Minority Business of the Year Award, Mid-South Minority Business Council Continuum. Alumnus of the Year, STCC. Board member, STCC. PAUL TOMES President and CEO, WorldSpice Technologies. Bachelor of Computer Science, U of M; degrees in electrical and computer engineering technology, State Technical Institute. Manages ongoing strategic direction of the company, which provides Data Center Co-Location, Cloud/Virtual computing, Integrated Voice/Data (VOIP) systems, high speed internet, Wide Area Network services. ADAM UNDERWOOD Partner and President, Mellon Consulting Group, LLC. B.B.A., Rhodes College. Specializes in custom designed medical software applications, database integration, website development and marketing, disaster recovery solutions. Board member, Alturas Ministries, Leadership Germantown, Germantown United Methodist Church. Active Lifeblood donor. JIM VAN DE VUURST Principal owner, Vanick Digital. Graduate, U of M. Company provides web-based software, websites, mobile application development services, SAP consulting services. Active with Incarnation Catholic Church, Greater Memphis Chamber, Memphis IT Council, U of M BIT Advisory Council.

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Investment Brokers

How long should I be investing? What kind of returns can I expect? Am I putting too much money in one investment? How much risk am I willing to accept? As potential investors, we turn to the experts to handle some of our most important, and personal, financial questions, and to help us ensure, as much as possible, that our funds will carry us comfortably through our retirement years. These companies are not only helping hardworking residents make the most of their dollars, they’re also investing in the city and helping the local economy grow. Keeping an eye on your money is a full-time job; it would be impossible for us to keep track of every rise and fall in the global economy. We trust these POWER PLAYERS to do it for us, and as far as we’re concerned, their stock is rising.

DAVID RAINS Branch manager, managing director, Raymond James & Associates. B.S., Engineering, U of M. Specializes in growth and income from investable assets. Previous experience as branch manager and assistant manager at Legg Mason and J.B. Bradford, respectively. Chairman, finance committee, First United Methodist Church of West Memphis. Past president, U of M Engineering Alumni Association.

JOSEPH R. HEINZ Executive director, UBS Financial Services Inc. B.B.A, Iowa; Master of Management, Duke University. Firm provides tailored investment service including asset management and estate planning. Specializes in wealth management and financial planning. Certified Financial Planner. Awarded Wealth Management Executive Education Certificate, Directors Council from UBS Financial Services. Married to Mary Jo Heinz, with six children, 11 grandchildren.

DUNCAN F. WILLIAMS President and CEO, Duncan-Williams, Inc. Business Marketing degree, University of Alabama. Former member, FINRA’s National Adjudicatory Council. Former chairman and member, FINRA’s District 5 Business Conduct Committee. Member and past chairman, New Memphis. Advisory Board member, SunTrust Bank. Member, MCVB Board of Directors. Board of Directors Executive Committee, Greater Memphis Chamber; co-chair, Chairman’s Circle. 2012 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. 2013 Inductee, Society of Entrepreneurs. Former member, Economic Club of Memphis Board.

HAMPTON HOLCOMB Financial advisor/investment specialist, Memphis office, Strategic Financial Partners. D.D.S., UTHSC. Company specializes in high net worth individuals and business transition planning. Metlife Securities Masters Level Achievement for eight years. Founding Elder, Fellowship Church. Supporter of Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Board member, Agape, Hope Christian Community Foundation, Downline, Young Life Memphis Urban, Northrise University Zambia Africa. LANCE HOLLINGSWORTH Principal, senior vice president, and chief investment officer, Summit Asset Management LLC. B.B.A., magna cum laude, U of M. Certified Financial Planner professional. With firm since 1995. Active in St. Francis Home and School Association, St. Vincent de Paul, Memphis chapter of Families with Children from China. Volunteers with youth golf development. Member, Tiger Scholarship Fund.

MICHAEL E. KISBER President, FTN Financial, a division of First Tennessee Bank with average daily trading volume of $5.5 billion. Marketing degree, U of M. Joined FTN Financial in 1993. Awarded recognition of Colonel Aide de Camp, highest honor to a Tennessee citizen for outstanding achievement and civic contribution in 2013. Member, U of M Board of Visitors. Member, Financial Markets Association Foundation Board of Directors. ARI M. LITVIN Senior vice president and complex manager, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. B.A., Political Science, University of Colorado at Boulder; California Lutheran University M.B.A. Program. Graduate, American College’s Certified Financial Planner curriculum. Named to list of Wall Street Top 100 Branch Managers. Wells Fargo Advisors Premier Manager Award Winner. Branch Manager Development Committee. Crescent Club Board of Governors. Member, ASPCA. Supporter, Habitat for Humanity. MARK A. MEDFORD President and CEO, Vining Sparks. Master’s, University of Mississippi. Certified Public Accountant and accredited by American Institute of CPAs. Former president and CEO, FTN Financial. Former managing partner, National REIT Leader, National Bank and Thrift Tax Leader. Served on Southeast’s Merger and Acquisition Team, National Securitization Team with KPMG. Chairman, Regional Bond Dealers Association. Former board member, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association.

STEVEN WISHNIA President and managing director, Highland Capital Management, LLC. B.B.A., Pace University. Founded Highland Capital in 1987. Registered Investment Adviser, managing equity, fixed-income, short-term cash portfolios for endowments and foundations, institutions, municipalities, high net worth clients. Board member, Pension and OPEB Committee, MLGW. Trustee, Plough Foundation. PHILIP ZANONE CEO, B. Riley Wealth Management (formerly Wunderlich Securities), a wholly-owned subsidiary of B. Riley Financial, Inc. Joined Wunderlich in 1997 as head of the private client group and became president of the firm in 1999. Began his investment career in 1991 at Morgan Keegan and continues to serve clients as a financial advisor in addition to overseeing the firm’s sales, trading, and operations units. Graduate, Vanderbilt University. Board member, InsCorp (OTCQX: IBTN), The Assisi Foundation of Memphis.

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Law: Business Litigation & Employment

In the grayscale world of business law, you’re going to need someone who can discern just what victory is — and how best to achieve it. When a case goes to court, not losing is often a victory. And unlike the cases in television dramas, many can drag on — which means you’ll need an expert who knows when to settle and when to keep negotiating. In compiling this POWER PLAYERS list, we set to fi nd out: Who are the top local lawyers when you must go to trial or argue before a judge? Who’s the one person you want as your general when you wade into legal battle? Who’s the one you pray you never fi nd yourself opposite in a court of law? Who can help you make the tough decisions that are in your fi rm’s best interests? Check out these folks. You may be calling on one someday. LEO BEARMAN JR. Senior counsel, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC. J.D., Harvard. Litigator of the Year, Tennessee Bar Association; listed in The Best Lawyers in America, Chambers USA, Mid-South Super Lawyers. Former president, Tennessee Junior, Memphis, Shelby County Bar Associations. Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers. Elected member, International Association of Insurance Counsel, American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. Recipient, Pillars of Excellence Award, U of M Alumni Association. NATHAN BICKS Member, Burch, Porter & Johnson, PLLC. B.A., Brown; J.D., Georgetown. Practice focuses on complex litigation with emphasis on white-collar crime, healthcare fraud, class-action matters. Named by BusinessTN as one of “150 Best Lawyers in Tennessee.” Town attorney for Collierville. Former appointee, hearing panelist, Tennessee Supreme Court Board of Professional Responsibility. President, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art. Past president, Memphis Jewish Community Center. 2019 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. W. KERBY BOWLING Shareholder, Evans Petree, PC. J.D., U of M. Serves as co-leader of Labor and Employment Law Practice Group. Worked at Kellogg as unionized laborer before campaigning against organized labor. Assists clients in remaining nonunion and avoiding employment litigation. Admitted to practice before Tennessee Supreme Court, U.S. District Court, Western District of Tennessee, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third, Fifth, Sixth Circuits. AV rated by MartindaleHubbell. Included in The Best Lawyers in America 2019 for Administrative/Regulatory Law and Labor LawManagement for seventh year. 56 |

ALAN CRONE Attorney and founder, The Crone Law Firm, PLC. B.A., J.D., U of M. Licensed in Tennessee and Arkansas. Represents executives, employees, and entrepreneurs in employment and commercial litigation including wrongful termination, discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, partnership and contractual disputes, non-competition enforcement and defense, overtime, wage and hour disputes, and more. Appointed chief counsel for Tennessee Department of Employment Security in 1995 by former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist. Senior Policy Advisor for the Mayor of Memphis. RICHARD GLASSMAN Senior shareholder and president, Glassman, Wyatt, Tuttle & Cox, PC. J.D., U of M Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law. Practice devoted to business and professional liability/ malpractice litigation in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas. Certified Civil Trial Specialist, Civil Pretrial Practice Advocate. Fellow, Tennessee and Memphis Bar Foundation. Member, Litigation Counsel of America, American Board of Trial Advocates. Former adjunct professor of Law-Insurance Law. Recipient, 2012 Distinguished Alumnus Award, U of M. DEBORAH GODWIN Partner, Godwin, Morris, Laurenzi & Bloomfield, P.C. B.A., magna cum laude, University of Michigan; J.D., Boston College. Areas of practice include ERISA, labor and employment, civil rights, personal injury. Director of firm’s ERISA Law Section. American Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section and Committee on Developing Labor Law. Named to The Best Lawyers in America, Top 50 Women Attorneys in Mid-South Super Lawyers. AV-rated, Martindale-Hubble.

MYRA HAMILTON Law: Employment General counsel, Hamilton Entertainment Employment Law, LLC. Practice areas include employment and labor, HR and corporate compliance, business contracts. Represents clients before the U.S. EEOC, Tennessee Human Rights Commission, various U.S. District Courts. Member, Memphis, American Bar Associations. Included on the Attorney Referral List with U.S. EEOC in several jurisdictions. Member, ABA Forum, Center for Racial and Ethnic Diversity, ABA Presidential Advisory Council on Diversity. Inducted into Top 100, The National Black Lawyers. 2017 Women of Excellence award, New Tri-State Defender. ALBERT C. HARVEY Partner, Lewis Thomason. B.S., J.D., UT. Areas of practice include business and commercial, construction, healthcare, intellectual property, product and professional liability. Former president, Memphis, Tennessee Bar Associations. Former member, American Bar Association Board of Governors. Recipient, Lawyers’ Lawyer Award, Memphis Bar Association. Former chairman, Tennessee Bar Foundation. Retired from U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Major General. JOHN J. HEFLIN III Member, Bourland, Heflin, Alvarez, Minor & Matthews, PLC. B.A., J.D., Vanderbilt. Areas of practice include complex commercial litigation, breach of contract, fraud, insurance, intellectual property, securities, construction. Chair, firm’s litigation practice. Former president, Memphis Bar Association. AV Preeminent Rating, Martindale-Hubbell. Listed in The Best Lawyers in America, Mid-South Super Lawyers. CHARLES HILL Member, Glankler Brown, PLLC. Practice includes employment law, broker/dealer litigation, contracts, and commercial litigation. Experience in litigation over restrictive covenants, covenants against disclosure of proprietary information, protection of trade secrets, creating social media policies. Member, Memphis and Tennessee Bar Associations and Defense Research Institute. Board member, Greater Memphis Chamber. Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers. Named to The Best Lawyers in America. Board member, Youth Programs, Inc. Operator of FedEx/St. Jude Classic golf tournament. MICHELE HOWARD-FLYNN Managing partner, HF Law Group, PLLC. B.A., Political Science and History, Morehead State University; J.D., Tulane University. Practice areas include business litigation, estate planning, probate and estate administration. Past President, Association for Women Attorneys. Member, Tennessee and American Associations for Justice, Tennessee Bar

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Association. Member, House of Delegates, Memphis Bar Association. Past board member, Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women. LISA KRUPICKA Member, Burch, Porter & Johnson, PLLC. Practice concentrates on employment litigation and business advising. Fellow, College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. Named to The Best Lawyers in America (2017 Memphis Management Employment Lawyer of the Year; 2019 Memphis Employment Litigation Lawyer of the Year), “Top 100 Lawyers in Tennessee” in MidSouth Super Lawyers. Named to Chambers USA’s America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. Former board member, Memphis Bar Association; former chair of Labor & Employment Section. Board and Executive Committee member, National Civil Rights Museum. LISA LICHTERMAN Shareholder, Littler Mendelson, PC. J.D., Vanderbilt University. Practice includes employment law and HR compliance. Selected Fellow of The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. Named to Chambers USA’s America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. Frequently named to Mid-South Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law. Selected as a Mid-South Top 50 Women Attorneys for 2016 & 2017. Martindale-Hubbell AV rating. Former board member, Memphis Bar Association; former chair of Labor & Employment section. Trustee, Pink Palace Museum. MICHAEL G. MCLAREN Member, Black McLaren Jones Ryland & Griffee, PC. B.A., Yale University; J.D., Loyola University. Practices in federal and state litigation, commercial litigation, professional liability, insurance coverage, environmental law, construction law, fidelity and surety law. Former vice president and general counsel, Wright Medical Technology. Named in Mid-South Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America. Appeared in films such as A Time to Kill, The Firm, and The People vs. Larry Flynt. JOHN MCQUISTON II Shareholder, Evans Petree, PC. B.A., Rhodes College; graduate, U.S. Naval Justice School; J.D., Vanderbilt. Experience includes banking, construction, securities, fraud, antitrust, breach of fiduciary duties, e-commerce. Named one of top 100 lawyers in Tennessee, top 50 lawyers in the Mid-South, top 15 lawyers in Memphis. Mediator for FINRA. Former director, Memphis Bar Association. Former chairman, Tennessee Bar Association’s Section on Anti-trust and Business Torts. Former chairman, St. Mary’s Episcopal School. Founding member, Society of Entrepreneurs.

ROBERT F. MILLER Member, Farris Bobango, PLC. B.A., Vanderbilt; J.D., U of M. Specializes in general civil litigation, commercial litigation, railroad litigation, construction litigation, bankruptcy law, insurance defense litigation. Member, Memphis, Tennessee, American Bar Associations. Honored numerous times in Mid-South Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America. Former member and chairman, Board of Directors, St. Agnes/St. Dominic Schools. RICHARD J. MYERS Member, Apperson Crump, PLC. B.A., Loma Linda University, M.A., University of Chicago; J.D., Cornell School of Law. Areas of practice include litigation, real estate, public law and governmental relations. Member, Memphis Bar Association. Joined firm in 1997. Serves as city attorney for Oakland, Tennessee. Elected member, World Cataract Foundation Board of Directors. Advisory Board member, U of M’s Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. RANDALL D. NOEL Partner, Butler Snow, LLP. J.D., University of Mississippi. Practice includes business litigation, data security, products defense. Listed in Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, The Best Lawyers in America, Lawdragon, Super Lawyers. Former president, Tennessee Bar Association, American Counsel Association, Tennessee Legal Community Foundation. Fellow, American, Tennessee, Memphis Bar Foundations. Former Chair, Governor’s Council for Judicial Appointments.

Association, Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers. Former treasurer, American Bar Association. ROBIN H. RASMUSSEN Founding member, Dinkelspiel Rasmussen & Mink, PLLC. B.A., J.D., U of M. Areas of practice include employment law, workers’ compensation, civil litigation. Boutique firm founded in 2010. Member of Memphis, Tennessee, Mississippi, Federal Bar Associations. Licensed in Tennessee, Mississippi. Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award in Real Estate Transactions. Certified Yoga Instructor. STEPHEN L. SHIELDS Founding partner, Jackson Shields Yeiser & Holt. Graduate, University of Toledo College of Law, Yale Law School. Practice represents employers in private and public sectors. President, Tennessee Association of Professional Mediators. Past president, Memphis Bar Foundation; past chair of Labor and Employment Law section. Member, Memphis, Tennessee, American Bar Associations. Author, Alternative Dispute Resolutions in Tennessee; Alternative Dispute Resolution: Staying in Business and Out of Court.

DAN NORWOOD Partner, Norwood & Atchley. J.D., U of M. Represents clients involved in discrimination, retaliatory discharge for whistleblowing, workers’ compensation claims, breach of contract. Named to The Best Lawyers in America, MidSouth Super Lawyers in labor and employment law. Featured on cover of Memphis magazine as the “Giant Killer” for success in suing government, discriminating employers. Member, Memphis, Tennessee Bar Associations, National Employment Lawyers Association.

BRUCE M. SMITH Member, Apperson Crump PLC. A.B., Duke University; J.D., U of M. General counsel, Memphis Area Transit Authority. Practice includes employment law, litigation, transit law. Frequent lecturer on public transit system labor and regulatory issues, ADA regulations, legal ethics. Former chair, Transportation Research Board Committee on Transit and Intermodal Transportation Law. Former Hearing Panel member, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. Fellow, Tennessee Bar Foundation. Awarded Transportation Research Board 2017 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lectureship. Named to Best Lawyers In America.

LUCIAN T. PERA Partner, Adams and Reese, LLP. A.B., Princeton; J.D., Vanderbilt. Focuses practice on commercial litigation, media law, legal ethics work. Listed in The Best Lawyers in America, Chambers USA’s America’s Leading Business Lawyers, and BusinessTN. Member, American Law Institute. Recipient, President’s Award, Tennessee Bar Association; Sam A. Myar Jr. Memorial Award, Memphis Bar Association; Justice Joseph W. Henry Award for Outstanding Legal Writing. President, Tennessee Coalition for Open Government. Former president, Tennessee Bar

JEFFREY C. SMITH Partner, Waller Lansden Dortsch & Davis. Practice includes employment law, commercial construction litigation, counsel in construction, equipment distribution, franchise, healthcare industries. Has defended employers against discrimination claims, unfair competition, wrongful termination. Member, American Bar Association’s Forum on Franchising, Appellate Practice Committee, Commercial and Business Litigation Committee. Board member, Tennessee Justice Center.

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JEFF WEINTRAUB Partner, Fisher Phillips. Represents employers in jury trials in employment discrimination, harassment, and “whistleblower” lawsuits, FLSA collective actions, labor cases, and the like, in all courts and agencies. Licensed in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Missouri. Selected for HR Executive’s 2017 & 2018 Top 100 Most Powerful Employment Lawyers in the Nation and included in Chambers USA, Best Lawyers in America, & Mid-South Super Lawyers. Past Chair of Chamber’s Small Business Council and legal advisor to SHRM-Memphis Board. MURRAY B. WELLS Partner, Horne & Wells, PLLC. B.F.A, Westminster College; J.D., University of Arkansas (Student Bar Association president). Areas of practice include civil rights litigation, federal criminal defense, catastrophic injury. Named to Top 100 Lawyers - Civil Plaintiff. Admitted to practice in California, Tennessee, federal districts of California, Western and Middle Tennessee, Sixth Circuit Court of appeals, all state courts. Teaches CLE to other lawyers in a wide variety of litigation topics. GEORGE WHEELER Member, Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh, PLLC. B.S., with honors, UT-Knoxville; J.D., Vanderbilt. Areas of practice include business and corporate law, healthcare, intellectual property, personal injury. Member, Litigation and Health Law sections, American Bar Association. Member, Health Law section, Memphis Bar Association. Named to The Best Lawyers in America, Mid-South Super Lawyers. AV Peer Review Rating, Martindale-Hubbell. EDWARD YOUNG Shareholder, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz. B.S., U of M; J.D., Vanderbilt. Represents employers before NLRB in employment litigation, collective bargaining, labor arbitration. Achieved landmark judgment against the EEOC for $750,000. Led efforts for a food manufacturer in Ohio in a union campaign that involved 600 voters and communications in multiple languages, resulting in a vote in favor of the company. Member, Labor and Employment Law Section and Committee on Equal Employment Law, American Bar Association. Former president, Economic Club of Memphis, Memphis Jewish Federation.

Memphis Magazine’s

THE 2019






As the earth gets flatter and more crowded, businesses are profiting from emerging markets. For companies trying to reach customers, wherever they may be, the specialists they need are logistics service providers, aka third-party logistics (3PL) firms. An essential link in the supply chain, the best 3PLs know how to get the product where it needs to be in the most timely and cost-effective manner. Clients may contract with these POWER PLAYERS for storage, warehousing, order fulfilment, cartage, drayage, and delivery of countless kinds of goods via air, land, ocean, and river. There are also a host of dynamic trucking companies with local, regional, and national reach. If the world map is flat, globalization puts Memphis right in the middle. Crowded? Sounds like an opportunity. CHARLIE ANDREWS COO, Nickey Warehouses, Inc. B.B.A., Marketing, UT-Martin. Services include warehousing, order fulfillment, reverse logistics, international shipping, transportation management. Has been with company for more than 10 years. Member, International Warehouse & Logistics Association, Mid America CropLife Association, Southeast Warehouse Association, Warehousing Education and Research Council. LANNY CHALK Terminal manager, Fullen Dock and Warehouse, LLC. Attended Jacksonville State University. More than 20 years’ experience in freight, distribution, and warehousing industries. Member, former facility chairperson, Area Maritime Security Committee. Member, Greater Memphis Chamber, Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. Fullen Dock is a full-service, intermodal river terminal and warehousing facility. Clients include barge brokers, freight forwarders, manufacturers requiring barge, harbor, and tug services, transshipment, trucking, storage. With Port 740, LLC, the company owns one tug. WILLIAM B. DUNAVANT III CEO and president, Dunavant Enterprises, Inc. Board member, Memphis University School, New Memphis, National Advisory Board, Jefferson Scholars Foundation, University of Virginia. Advisory Board, Baptist Memorial Hospital. Past chairman, Cotton Council International, New Memphis, St. George’s Independent School. Past president, American Cotton Shippers Association, World Cotton Exporters Association, Memphis Botanic Garden, The Chickasaw Council of the Boy Scouts of America. 60 |

JIM ETTER Senior vice president, Pharmaceutical 3PL Operations, EVERSANA Life Science Services. B.S., Marketing, Indiana University. Member, Warehousing Education and Research Council, and Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. Elder, Harvest Memphis. EVERSANA offers the broadest suite of outsourced service capabilities for BioPharma, MedTech and Rare Disease companies, providing clients the freedom to focus on what really matters – creating healthcare innovations that make people’s lives better. Supports Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Leadership Memphis, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. BUZZ FLY Vice president, Patterson Warehouses, Inc. Winner, 2011 Michael S. Starnes Leadership in Logistics Award. Former president, Greater Memphis Chamber Uniport Association. Member, Warehousing Education Research Council, Memphis Regional Logistics Council. Elder, First Evangelical Church. More than 32 years’ experience in transportation and warehousing business. Operates two million square feet of modern food-grade space and provides complete inventory, fulfillment, and order management services for 19 accounts. Additional services include cross-dock operation, intermodal drayage, retail freight consolidation. MARK H. GEORGE Chairman, IMC Companies. Founded Intermodal Cartage Company in 1982 with wife, Melinda, and IMC Companies in 2009, now one of largest intermodal carriers in the country with more than 2,300 employees. Past board member and officer, Intermodal Association of North America, Memphis World Trade Club. 2nd vice chair, American Trucking Association Intermodal Motor

Carrier Conference. Vice chairman and one of 12 founding members, North American Chassis Pool Cooperative (NACPC). KEN HAZEN President and CEO, CTSI-Global. B.B.A., U of M. Formed transportation consulting company MultiModes before purchasing Continental Traffic Service. Co-author, The Role of Transportation in the Supply Chain; The Role of Freight Bill Payment and Transportation Information in the Supply Chain Industry. Former chairman, Associated Catholic Charities of West Tennessee. Former president, U of M Alumni Association and Board of Visitors. Fundraising leader for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. GLENN LACY Regional service center manager, YRC Freight. Specializes in providing reliable long-haul transportation services for industrial, commercial, and retail customers in North America. Company employs about 750 people in Memphis and prides itself on high safety standards. B.S. degree. With company for 30 years. Supports United Way of the Mid-South, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Married to wife, Kitty, with two children, Kelli and Garrett. STUART LESLIE Director, Vaco’s Logistics practice based in Memphis. B.B.A., Logistics/Supply Chain Management, U of M. Mentor for transportation fellows through U of M. Board member, World Trade Club of Memphis. Member, APICS Memphis, Transportation Club of Memphis. CLIFFORD F. LYNCH Principal, C.F. Lynch & Associates. Member, Warehousing Education and Research Council. Certified member, American Society of Transportation & Logistics. Past president, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. Recipient, CSCMP Distinguished Service Award. Named AST&L Outstanding Transportation/Logistics Executive in 1997. Author, five books on logistics and supply chain management. Adjunct professor, Supply Chain Management, U of M.

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W. NEELY MALLORY III President, Mallory Alexander International Logistics. Accepted the President’s E Star Award for Excellence in Exporting and the Governor’s GATE Award for facilitating global trade. Past president, Memphis World Trade Club. Former board member, National Cotton Council, Cotton Council International, Agriculture Transportation Coalition. Board member, Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce. Chairman, Regional Logistics Council of Memphis and the Mid-South. PAT NELSON President, Lehman-Roberts Company. Chairman of the Board, Lehman-Roberts Company and Memphis Stone & Gravel Company. B.A., Rhodes College. M.B.A, University of Memphis. Elder and former Staff Committee Chair and Capital Campaign Committee Co-Chair, Second Presbyterian Church. Executive Committee Secretary, National Asphalt Pavement Association. Board member, Tennessee Road Builders Association, Presbyterian Day School and Independent Bank. Member, Young Presidents’ Organization. Former board member, Streets Ministries. RICK RODELL Founder and chairman, Cornerstone Systems. Educated in Transportation, Northwestern University. Founded company in 1997. Member, The Global Leaders. Employees remain partners after selling private stock to them under government approved ESOP. Past chairman, former board member, Intermodal Conference of the Transportation Intermediaries Association. Transportation Clubs International Person of the Year, 2011. Actively involved in mentoring new Directors of local charities. Supports The Forsaken Children (Ethiopia), Coaching For Literacy, Make A Wish, Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, Memphis Neighborhood Christian Centers, and more.



Look around your home and office and city. Now imagine those same spaces without the goods and necessities that make living and working in today’s modern world possible. Right here in Memphis, manufacturing companies are producing everything from paper, chemical, and agricultural products to motorized equipment and cleaning solutions. Advancements in the industry are made every day, and these POWER PLAYERS are leading the way to a more efficient, safer future. TOMMY BLAYLOCK Plant Manager, Memphis Cellulose LLC, Georgia-Pacific (GP) Cellulose operations in Memphis, TN. B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Alabama. Memphis plant has been a part of the local business community for 100 years. Pulp used in specialized applications including LED Displays, technical papers, paints, currency papers, filtration, and other products.

ALLEN W. PIERCE SR. General Manager, Manufacturing, New and ReCon Parts, Cummins Inc. B.S., Chemistry and Mathematics, North Carolina A&T State University; M.B.A., Duke University. Leadership Memphis, class of 2000. Member, Finance Committee chair, LeMoyne-Owen College. ODI Certified Facilitator. Founding member, Executive Board, Remanufacturing Industries Council.

KATHY BUCKMAN GIBSON President and COO, Buckman. Bachelor’s degree, Duke University; M.B.A. & J.D., Emory University. Chairman, Pre-K Initiative of the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce Chairman’s Circle. Board member, National Civil Rights Museum Board and Girls Inc. Past member, TAPPI Foundation Board of Trustees. Past vice chairman, Board of Executives, Sloan Center for Paper Business Industry Studies. Campaign chair, United Way of the Mid-South, 2008. Past board member, Memphis Bioworks Foundation.

JACK SAMMONS President, Ampro Industries. Company manufactures personal care products. President, River City Laboratories. Former chairman and current board member, MemphisShelby County Airport Authority. B.B.A., U of M. National president, Ethnic Product Manufacturers Association.

KUNIO KAMIMURA President, Sharp Manufacturing Company of America (SMCA). Over 35 years of experience at Sharp. Joined Sharp in 1983 after graduating from Tokai University graduate school with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Memphis operations include a Health and Environmental Division and a Business Solutions Group. KEVIN OHNECK Vice president and plant manager, Hino Motors Manufacturing. Facility located in Marion, Arkansas. Has A.S. degree, Applied Science. Plant is one of Hino’s most productive and has been in operation since 2006. Hino Motors supplies rear driving axles and rear suspension components for light trucks and SUVs. Notable clients include Toyota and Hino trucks. Past president and board member of ACT!, a nonprofit for persons with disabilities.

KARL SCHLEDWITZ Co-founder, chairman, CEO of Monogram Foods, a leading manufacturer and marketer of ready-toeat further processed meats including jerky, corn dogs, precooked bacon, appetizers, sandwiches, and smoked sausage. Monogram operates nine plants in seven states with over 2,800 employees. Longtime member of the Memphis Zoo Board, the Orpheum Theatre Board, and trustee emeritus of the UT Board of Directors. LEIGH SHOCKEY CEO, Drexel Chemical Co., manufacturer and formulator of chemical products for agriculture. Business degree, UT-Martin. Chair, West Tennessee District export Council, Greater Memphis Chamber. Board member, Liberty Bowl, Tennessee Board of Regents, Memphis in May, Crop Life America, University of Memphis Business School Board of Advisors.

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Marketing and Public Relations

Ours is an increasingly image-conscious world. As technology has introduced new forms of media for mass consumption, a key principle in business has consistently been underscored: It’s not enough to be good at what you do. Whether your company needs an image makeover, wants to launch a new brand, product, or service, or simply seeks better exposure in the marketplace, hiring a marketing and PR agency can go a long way toward ensuring that your message is in tune with your target audience and pitch-perfect. BILL CARKEET CEO and Co-Owner, Oden, a 48-yearold B2B marketing communications and branding firm. Chairs management team. Leads shaping of firm’s future, opportunity assessment, and services. B.S., Education, University of Memphis. Former Vice President, Marketing, First Tennessee Bank. Board Member, ArtsMemphis, and Chair, Marketing Council. Board Member, Banc3 Holdings, Inc. Former Board Member and President, Chicago-based Association of Professional Design Firms (APDF). DOUG CARPENTER Principal, DCA, creative communications consulting firm. Has provided business-based communications solutions for public and private sector clients for over 30 years. Instrumental in successful efforts to institute and reimagine avenues that advance the momentum of Memphis, including the illumination of the Mighty Lights, founding of Explore Bike Share, international introduction of Memphis Greenspace, launch of Big River Crossing, and revitalization of the Tennessee Brewery. COURTNEY ELLETT Founder and owner, Obsidian Public Relations. Firm named Small Business of the Year in 2013, Memphis Business Journal. PR Director of the Year, Memphis Advertising Federation. “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal; “50 Women Who Make A Difference,” Memphis Woman. Recipient, six Silver VOX Awards, Memphis Chapter, Public Relations Society of America; Addy Awards’ Best of Show, Memphis Advertising Federation. Finalist, 2013 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. Executive of the Year in 2014, Memphis Business Journal.

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CHARLES T. GAUSHELL Principal/founder – Paradigm Marketing & Creative. Differentiating businesses and organizations since 1992. Specializing in creating Smart Art and Creative Strategy, Paradigm is a full-service branding, marketing, creative, advertising firm. Clients include Buff City Soap, Pyros Fire Fresh Pizza, Semmes Murphey, Bella Vita, TraVure, Allure Bridal, Flat Hat American Ale, The Citizen, and a wide variety of startups to century old businesses across the country. Recipient,numerous Addy, Telly, Davey Awards. Leadership Memphis alumnus; judge for national Davey and Telly Awards; cancer survivor. TRACE HALLOWELL Founder and managing partner, Tactical Magic. Received numerous national, international honors for advertising, branding, creativity. With more than 30 years in the business, his work is published in numerous books, magazines, college textbooks that highlight the best in creative marketing. Clients include CGHP, Malasri Engineering, Soundways, Sowell Realtors, Sterling National Bank, Trousseau, Uniform Masters. CHRISTI KELLEY President and CEO, Kelley & Associates Advertising, Inc. Represents clients in the medical, agricultural, industrial, real estate, financial, retail, B2B industries. Recipient, numerous awards including Addy, Telly, SIAA, MIRM, NAMA, PIAS Graphic, MarCom, International Communicator Awards. Board member, First South Financial. Involved with First 8 Memphis, MSPAL, Porter-Leath, other nonprofits. 2019 marks 40 years of business for the always women-owned company.

JERRY KLEIN Owner and President, Kossman/Klein & Company, founded in 1981. Long standing clients include John J. Campbell Company, DroneScape and Bluff City Jaguar Land Rover. Founder and first president, Germantown Rotary Club. Recipient of Dean Campbell award, Germantown Rotary; U of M Herbert Lee Williams Outstanding Career Accomplishment award. Past chairman, Memphis Goodwill Industries, Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau. Chairman, Germantown Economic Development Commission. STINSON LILES Co-founder and co-principal, Red Deluxe Brand Development. Works with some of the city’s top brands, including Baptist Memorial Health Care, Memphis Grizzlies, Hyde Family Foundations, Duncan-Williams. 2012 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business magazine, and awarded the Memphis Advertising Silver Medal award for advertising achievement, 2017. DEIDRE MALONE Founder, President and CEO, The Carter Malone Group LLC, “Creating integrated marketing communications strategies for our clients.” (Offices located in Memphis and Jackson, MS.) Founding member, Tennessee Public Relations Alliance; Member, PRSA; President, NAACP Memphis Branch; 1st Vice President, National Women’s Political Caucus; Former Shelby County Commissioner; Former board member, EDGE , Baptist Health Sciences College. VALERIE MORRIS President and CEO, Morris Marketing Group, a strategic marketing, public relations, communications firm. Provides senior strategy and implementation of holistic marketing and PR campaigns serving a variety of clients across many different business sectors locally, regionally nationally. Recipient, numerous VOX, Hermes, MarCom awards. One of “Top 10 Companies to Watch in 2018.” Recognized in “Super Women in Business,” “Women with Drive,“ “Top 40 under 40.” Recipient, “Jeff Piselli Media Support Award.” Board member, Leadership Memphis, AutoZone Liberty Bowl, Memphis & Shelby County Sports Authority, American Heart Association Go Red ELT. HOWARD ROBERTSON JR. Principal and CEO, TRUST Marketing & Communications, Inc. Oldest African American-owned marketing firm in this part of the country. Client roster includes City of Memphis, MethodistLeBonheur Healthcare, Durham School Services, Shelby County Government, Memphis-Shelby

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County Airport Authority, others. Board member, Hattiloo Theatre, Laurinburg Institute in North Carolina. Past chairman, Soulsville Foundation, Memphis in May. CYNTHIA H. SAATKAMP President and co-founder, Hemline, building tailored brand strategies for clients including Hilton Worldwide, Ballet Memphis, Baptist Memorial Health Care, LEO Events. “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. Recipient, Marketing Professional of the Year, Communications Firm of the Year, American Advertising Federation. Former board member AAF Memphis, Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Midtown Memphis Development Corporation. Board member, Central Gardens Association. TIM SELLERS Co-founder, partner and director of operations, inferno, providing strategic counsel and marketing communications solutions to clients in bioscience, healthcare, logistics, financial services. B.S., UT Knoxville. Recognized by AAF Memphis as “Advertising CEO of the Year,” “Ad Man of the Year.” Former board member, CASA of Memphis and Shelby County, Hope Youth Ministries, AAF Memphis. Board of Visitors member, University of Tennessee College of Communication and Information. SHEPERD SIMMONS Founder and president, Counterpart Communication Design. B.A., Southern Mississippi. Specializes in message strategy. Offices in Memphis, Dallas, Philadelphia, Detroit, Winston-Salem, Fort Myers. Clients include AARP, P&G, Progressive Insurance, FedEx, Hilton. Has earned 500+ awards, national and international, including The One Show, Graphis, New York Festivals. Named “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. Home & School Association officer. Lector. BRIAN SULLIVAN Principal and CEO, Sullivan Branding. Helped create award-winning creative campaigns, internal communications, company culture, training programs, developed national brands for clients including hospitality, healthcare, entertainment, professional sports, tourism, education. Board member and area vice president, USTA Tennessee. Vice chairman, Marketing Committee, USTA Southern. Past trustee, New Memphis. Board

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member, Beale Street Caravan, The Orpheum Theatre Group, UT-Knoxville Alumni Association.



ELIZABETH TATE Chairman and CEO, Signet, Inc. WBENC certified company. Clients include International Paper, FedEx, ServiceMaster, TruGreen, ABB, First Tennessee, Genie. Founding member, PeerNet industry consortium, member of PPAI, board member, NAWBO Memphis. PPAMS Hall of Fame, PPAI Greatest Places To Work For, ASI Best Places to Work. Recently recognized as Distinguished Friend of the Fogelman College of Business at U of M, and named to Fogelman Hall of Fame.

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LORI TURNER-WILSON CEO and founder, RedRover Sales & Marketing. Syndicated “Guerrilla Sales & Marketing” columnist in publications including Memphis Daily News, Nashville Ledger. President, AMA Memphis. “Top 10 Companies to Watch in 2014,” Greater Memphis Chamber. Small Business Awards, Executive of the Year finalist, “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. CEIL T. WALKER CEO and president, Walker + Associates. Recipient, Telly, Addy, Vox, MarCom awards for clients including Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, Higher Education Commission, McDonald’s, Thomas & Betts, Lucite International. Outstanding Alumnus, University of South Florida School of Mass Communications. Former governor, River City States Council, American Association of Advertising. Recipient, Memphis Symphony’s Hebe Award. BECKY JONES WEST President and founder, WestRogers Strategic Communications, LLC. Services include media planning and buying, political and public affairs, crisis communications, brand development. Planned and bought media for Ted Cruz for President. Trustees chair, former board chair, Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis. Advisory Board, Ole Miss Meek School of Journalism and New Media. Board member, Ole Miss Women’s Council. RUSS WILLIAMS CEO, Archer Malmo, an integrated agency founded in 1952 with 190 employees. B.S., Christian Brothers University. M.B.A., University of Virginia School of Business A 25-year veteran of strategic action and an avid supporter of the Downtown Memphis creative community. Recipient, Memphis American Advertising Federation “2016 Silver Medal Award,” Inside Memphis Business 2016 CEO of the Year. “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal.

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Medical: Group Practice Administration

Doctors and nurses aren’t the only players keeping our hospitals and research institutions running, and the people in the business of saving lives aren’t always the ones wearing stethoscopes or peering into microscopes. The healthcare industry is ever-changing, from insurance regulations and day-to-day expenses, to ground-breaking discoveries and the acquisition of grants. These are the POWER PLAYERS behind the players. These individuals have their fingers on the pulse of change and growth in the healthcare industry and its need for expansion and development. For them, finding ways to provide the best clinical outcome in a challenging, evolving environment is just another day at the office. PAM ALEXANDER President and CEO, MidSouth Healthcare Management. Previous experience includes various positions with MPL; COO, Symbion Physician Services. Opened Midsouth Healthcare Management in 2010, providing practice management services to include oversight management, accounts payables and monthly financials, human resources, billing and collection services to all specialties. Certified Medical Coder. KIM AVERY CEO and General Counsel, MidSouth Pulmonary Specialists, P.C. B.B.A, International Business and Economics, M.B.A., Healthcare Economics, J.D., University of Memphis. Practice is one of the largest privately owned pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine practices in the Southeast. Specializing in the treatment of respiratory illnesses, sleep apnea and insomnia, and hospital intensivist services. Been with the practice for 20 years. Consults with other specialty practices. DREW BOTSCHNER CEO, University Clinical Health. M.B.A., Xavier University; law and bachelor’s degrees, Wake Forest University. Private practice arm of the UT College of Medicine. Offers clinical practices in dermatology, family medicine, nephrology, ophthalmology (Hamilton Eye Institute), plastic surgery, neonatology, dermapathology, neurology, minimally invasive surgery, pathology, hematology. Leadership and legal roles in hospital systems throughout Ohio prior to joining University Clinical Health in 2014.

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DEBBIE EDDLESTONE CEO, Stern Cardiovascular Foundation. B.A., Education, LSU. Practice offers comprehensive approach to wellness and preventive medicine with 11 Mid-South locations. Partnered with Baptist Memorial Health Care in 2011; 2012 merged with Memphis Heart Clinic. Board member, American Heart Association, MGMA, National Association for Professional Women, Medaxiom. Named to Memphis Business Journal’s Superwomen in Business. 2017 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. JOHN GROSS Practice administrator, Shea Clinic. B.A., LSU. Comprehensive ENT medical practice and surgery center specializing in treatment of chronic hearing and balance disorders. Member, Leadership Council, Association of Otolaryngology Administrators. Elected National Program chairperson, AOA Annual Institute in San Francisco. Starkey Foundation 2018 Director’s Award for providing outstanding help to the hearing impaired within the Memphis community. Member, Board of Directors For Memphis Oral School for the Deaf. Member, Board of Directors for Mid-South Chapter of the American Red Cross. Starkey Foundation 2018 Millennium Award in recognition of those whose lives embody their mission of “So the World May Hear.” DAVID HARANO CEO, Gastro One. B.B.A., Finance, Emory University. M.B.A. and M.H.A., Georgia State. Former chair, Medical Group Management Association’s Gastroenterology Administration Assembly. Board

member, Preventing Colorectal Cancer. Chairman, Colorectal Cancer Committee, Tennessee Cancer Coalition. Member, Tennessee Group Practice Coalition, Memphis Medical Group Management Association, Baptist Healthcare Services Group Advisory Board, MetroCare Physicians Practice Advisory Forum.

GEORGE HERNANDEZ CEO, Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics; executive director, The Campbell Foundation. 2012 Large Business of the Year, Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce. Board member, Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce. Member, City of Germantown Planning Commission. Germantown Police Department Reserve. Committee chairman, American Academy of Orthopaedic Executives. Member, Board of Examiners, Healthcare Financial Management Association. JOHN A. LEWIS CEO, Semmes-Murphey Clinic, which offers neurosurgery, neurology, physiatry, pain management; serves all major medical centers in the Memphis area. M.B.A., Christian Brothers University. CPA, CITP, Certified IT Project Manager; fellow, American College of Medical Practice Executives. Member, Tennessee Association of CPAs, American Institute of CPAs, Medical Group Management Association. Memphis Heart Ball chair. Senior Warden, Church of the Holy Communion. Board member, American Heart Association, Shelby County Books from Birth (Imagination Library), Neurosurgery Executives Resource and Value Education Society. MARK SWANSON CEO, Baptist Medical Group/Baptist Memorial Health Care. B.S., Old Dominion University; M.D. Eastern Virginia Medical School. M.S., Healthcare Management, Harvard School of Public Health. Pediatric residency training at U.S. Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, VA. Completed fellowship training in anesthesia and critical care at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Formerly served as chief medical officer and chief quality officer for the system.

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Medical: Hospital Administration

Doctors and nurses aren’t the only ones keeping our hospitals running, and the people in the business of saving lives aren’t always the ones wearing stethoscopes. The following POWER PLAYERS are responsible for making healthcare delivery run smoothly, so that doctors can do their jobs and you can get the care you need. MERI ARMOUR President, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. M.S.N. and M.B.A., Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing and CWRU Weatherhead School of Management. Led Le Bonheur to become one of the nation’s Best Children’s Hospitals as named by U.S. News & World Report. Board member, Urban Child Institute, Tennessee Women’s Association, UTHSC Research and Technology Development, Hospital Wing, Children’s Hospital Alliance of Tennessee, Memphis Research Consortium. REGINALD COOPWOOD President and CEO, Regional One Health. Earned medical degree at Meharry Medical College. Practiced as general surgeon before roles as CMO and CEO in health systems. Serves as the Memphis Division Chair of the March of Dimes; board member of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee; past chair and current board member of Tennessee Hospital Association; member of American Hospital Association nomination committee. Alumni, Leadership Memphis. Recipient, 2014 CEO of the Year award, Inside Memphis Business; 2011 CEO Meritorious Service Award, 2013 Diversity Champion, 2017 President’s Award from the Tennessee Hospital Association. JAMES R. DOWNING President and CEO, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. As the architect of a new six-year strategic plan, he is leading the expansion of St. Jude clinical care and research programs in Memphis and around the globe. Instrumental in launching the Pediatric Cancer Genome Project, which has sequenced the normal and cancer genomes of more than 800 young cancer patients with some of the least understood and most aggressive tumors. The project is laying the groundwork for the next generation of patient care by integrating findings into the clinic. For his contributions to pediatric cancer research, Downing has received many honors, including election to the Institute of Medicine and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

AUDREY GREGORY Market CEO, Saint Francis Healthcare. Master’s and Bachelor’s, Nursing; Master’s Healthcare Administration, Armstrong Atlantic State University. Ph.D., Global Leadership, Lynn University. Responsible for oversight of Saint Francis Hospital - Memphis and Saint Francis Hospital - Bartlett. Named one of Becker’s Hospital Review 130 Women Hospital and Health System Leaders To Know. 2017 Tennessee Hospital Association Diversity Champion. Board member, Tennessee Hospital Association. JASON LITTLE President and CEO, Baptist Memorial Health Care. Former executive vice president and COO, Baptist; CEO Baptist Memphis, Baptist Golden Triangle, Baptist Collierville. Recipient, Early Career Healthcare Executive Award, American College of Healthcare Executives. Board member, Greater Memphis Chamber, Healthcare Institute, Memphis Tomorrow, Tennessee Hospital Association, Mississippi Hospital Association, New Memphis, Memphis Bioworks and Healthcare Alliance of Tennessee. Member, Senior Protection Coalition. MICHAEL O. UGWUEKE President and CEO, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, D.H.A. Medical University of South Carolina, M.P.H. Emory; B.S. Shaw University. Modern Healthcare Up and Comer, 2012 and 2018 Modern Healthcare Top 25 Minority Executive in the country. Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives. Member, Greater Memphis Chamber, National Civil Rights Board of Directors, Memphis Tomorrow, New Memphis, UT Advisory Board, Tennessee Hospital Association, Memphis Medical District Collaborative, Memphis Bioworks, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.



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3/12/19 2:55 PM

The 2019


Now Accepting Nominations

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Give and take. It’s a phrase bandied about most often when a compromise is involved. But for an altruistic group, the “take” part simply doesn’t apply. These POWER PLAYERS don’t seek the spotlight, and their work quietly improves the fabric of the city in countless areas — from hunger and homelessness to racial reconciliation, education, the arts, healthcare, and the environment. Behind the scenes, they feed the poor, heal the sick, and provide more than just the basic necessities of life. They do so leading foundations and organizations that collectively give hundreds of millions of dollars to the region. But most importantly, they give those they serve a sense of hope and dignity. The term “give till it hurts” is not in their vernacular, as they happily give and ease the hurt of those they serve. And the city is better because of them. CHARLES BURKETT Chairman, First Tennessee Foundation. B.B.A., U of M; graduate, University of Virginia School of Banking, UT Executive Development Program. Retired in 2011 as president of banking, First Tennessee. The First Tennessee Foundation makes investments towards these vital aspects of a community: Arts & Culture, Education & Leadership, Environment, Financial Literacy, and Health & Human Services. Since its inception in 1993, the First Tennessee Foundation has contributed more than $90 million to strengthen communities. MAURICIO CALVO Executive Director, Latino Memphis. B.S., Christian Brothers University. Has been working to promote growth among the Latino middle class in Memphis since 2008. Latino Memphis provides aid and support to the Memphis Latino community, such as assistance in health care, college advice, and immigration services. Also puts on over 30 events during the year, including an annual festival and a 5K. Top 10 Young Professionals, The Memphis Chamber. “12 Who Made a Difference in 2012,” The Commercial Appeal. “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal, 2014. 2018 “Communicator of the Year,” Memphis chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Board Member, Downtown Memphis Commission, Memphis Travel, We Are Memphis, Shelby Farms park Conservancy, National Leadership Council for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Graduate, Leadership Memphis, Leadership Tennessee. BOB FOCKLER President, Community Foundation of Greater Memphis. A.B., Princeton University. Leads the largest charitable grantmaker in the Mid-South, with grants of more than $175 million last year. Manages more than 1,000

charitable funds for individuals, families, and organizations throughout the region, with total assets of more than $450 million. Board Member, Memphis University School. Former board chair, Southeastern Council of Foundations. BARBARA ROSSER HYDE President, J.R. Hyde III Family Foundation and J.R. Hyde Sr. Foundation. Dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Memphis area. Involved in public education reform, including KIPP Academy, Teach for America, and New Leaders. Founding Member and Former Board Chair, Shelby Farms Park Conservancy. Former Trustee, New Memphis Institute and Yale University Art Gallery. Named one of “Top 100 Most Powerful People in Tennessee,” BusinessTN, 2004. PAULA JACOBSON President, Methodist Healthcare Foundation. B.A., Tulane University; M.A., Southern Methodist University. Leads fundraising for clinical priorities and community health initiatives of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, including hospice, community health disparities initiatives, and the comprehensive sickle cell center; led the fundraising efforts for the new Gary Shorb Tower at University Hospital. Former Board of Trustees president, Temple Israel. Former executive director, Jewish Foundation of Memphis. Board chair, Girls on the Run, Memphis. Board vice chair, MIFA. LAURA K. LINDER President and CEO, Jewish Community Partners. Executive Director, Memphis Jewish Federation. Bachelor of Arts, Journalism, and Psychology, Indiana University. Certified Fundraising Executive. Named to “Top 40 under

40,” Memphis Business Journal. Emerging Young Leaders Award, National Council of Jewish Women, Milwaukee. Past President, Memphis Planned Giving Council. Past Secretary, Memphis Grantmaker’s Forum. Past Board Member, Playhouse on the Square/Circuit Playhouse. RICK MASSON Executive Director, Plough Foundation. B.A. Economics, M.S., Accounting, U of M. Foundation makes grants within Shelby County to meet community needs. After previous run as executive director, served as finance director and chief administrative officer for the City of Memphis. Former executive director, Shelby Farms Park Conservancy. Board member, Triumph Bank. Former chairman, MLGW Utility Board. JENNY NEVELS Executive director, Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation. B.A., Rhodes College. Raised $15 million in 2016 and 2017. Causes include Baptist Heart Institute, Kemmons Wilson Family Center for Good Grief, Baptist Reynolds Hospice House, scholarships for students at the Baptist College of Health Sciences, Baptist Operation Outreach, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Spence and Becky Wilson Baptist Children’s Hospital. Named one of “50 Women Who Make a Difference,” 2005. Board of directors, Rotary Club of Memphis (Downtown Rotary). Member, Association of Health Care Philanthropy, Association of Fundraising Professionals. MAUREEN O’CONNOR Vice President of Institutional Advancement for Le Bonheur. Leads the efforts of the Le Bonheur Foundation, Marketing, Public Policy, Trauma Administration, and Injury Prevention teams. Prior to joining Le Bonheur in January 2009, worked for The New York Times Company in advertising, marketing, and sales in New York, and served as vice president of Sales and Executive Vice President and station manager for WREG-TV News Channel 3 in Memphis. Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Iona College; M.B.A., Christian Brothers University.

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TAMMIE RITCHEY Executive director, Regional One Health Foundation. Chief development officer, Regional One Health. Serves as relationship manager connecting philanthropists to programs, causes, and clinical leaders who can fulfill their desire to change healthcare and impact lives. Native Memphian, Rhodes College graduate. Certified Fundraising Executive. Member, Memphis Downtown Rotary Club, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Association of Healthcare Philanthropy, Health Management Academy. GAYLE S. ROSE Chairman, Rose Family Foundation. CEO and founder, EVS Corporation. Bachelor’s of Music, University of Northern Iowa; Master’s, Management and Public Administration, Harvard, Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, UNI. Immediate Past Chair, Memphis Symphony Orchestra. Founder, Team Max. Co-founded the Chopra Companies with Deepak Chopra. Named one of Tennessee’s “100 most powerful people,” BusinessTN. 2012 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. Recipient, Changing Face of Philanthropy Award, International Women’s Funding Network. Women of Achievement Award. ELIZABETH ROUSE President and Chief Executive Officer, ArtsMemphis. Oversees the organization’s support of the local arts community. Joined ArtsMemphis in 2006 and previously served as Chief Development Officer and Chief Operating Officer. A Leadership Memphis alum and a member of the Memphis Tourism Board of Directors. ArtsMemphis invested $2.4 million in 75 local arts groups last year thanks to 1000+ local donors. JAN YOUNG Executive Director, Assisi Foundation of Memphis, Inc. Doctorate in Nursing. Recipient: Outstanding Alumni Awards from University of Memphis and University of Tennessee; member of numerous professional organizations. Organization awarded grants of more than $240 million dollars in grants since 1994. Initiatives include Transition to Success, Bridges Out of Poverty, and Ethical Fitness.










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Public Service

No city can thrive without the support of a vibrant public service community. From feeding the hungry to promoting diversity to establishing and preserving green spaces in the city, public service keeps us moving toward a better tomorrow. The following POWER PLAYERS represent active organizations and waves of folks volunteering their time, money, and expertise for the good of the community. JEN ANDREWS CEO, Shelby Farms Park Conservancy. Oversees services, amenities, and operations at Shelby Farms Park and Shelby Farms Greenline, including implementation of Master Plan. Former director of development and communications with the Conservancy. B.A. English Literature, Rhodes College. Memphis Flyer, “Top 20 under 30”. Former board member, Playhouse on the Square. Member, New Memphis, Leadership Memphis, City Parks Alliance, National Recreation and Parks Association, Mid-South Regional Greenprint Communications Committee. KENNETH R. BENNETT Founder, Street Ministries. B.S. and M.S., U of M. Executive Director, SOUL (Sending Out Urban Leaders), responsible for hiring staff to train, develop, and fund urban leaders across the city. Recipient, Thomas W. Briggs Community Service Award, East Memphis Rotary Citizen of the Year, Memphis Theological Seminary’s Humanitarian Award, Lyndhurst Prize, 2015 Memphis Fatherhood Hall of Fame award. RUBY BRIGHT Executive director and chief administrative officer, Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis. Named Foundation of the Year, MPACT Memphis. Former chair, Women’s Funding Network. Recipient, Henry Logan Starks Award, Memphis Theological Seminary; Changing Face of Philanthropy Award, Women’s Funding Network; Kate Gooch Award, Leadership Memphis; J.A. McDaniel Award, Urban League; Ruby R. Wharton Award for Community Service; Women of Achievement Vision Award; Evie Horton Award. 2014 Memphis Business Journal “Super Women in Business.” KEVIN DEAN CEO, Momentum Nonprofit Partners. B.A., U of M; M.S., Christian Brothers University. Recipient, 2013 Ruth J. Colvin and Frank C. Laubach Award for Excellence in Community-Based Adult Literacy from ProLiteracy in Washington, D.C.; 2015 74 |

Innovation Awards, Inside Memphis Business. In 2006, won national award for nationally replicated service-learning based curriculum that engaged young people in disaster relief and cleanup. Coauthored literacy-themed service-learning curriculum for high school students that has been used across the United States. H. DALE HALL Organization celebrating 82nd anniversary as world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. B.S., Biology and Chemistry, Cumberland College; Master’s, fisheries science, LSU. (2019 LSU Distinguished Alumni Award recipient) 30 years with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2006-2010 as Director, appointed by President George W. Bush. Formerly owned a natural resources consulting company. In current position since 2010. Author of numerous published papers on wetlands, fisheries ecology, and other Conservation topics. CYNTHIA HAM CEO, BRIDGES. B.A., Journalism, U of M. Former principal and chief PR officer, Archer Malmo. Executive Director, Memphis in May, from 1987 to 1996, where she launched Beale Street Music Festival. Opened Mud Island in 1982. First marketing director, Beale Street Historic District. Chairman, Beale Street Caravan. Outstanding Journalism Alumni Award, 1999. Lifetime Achievement Award with husband Jeff Sanford, Downtown Memphis Commission, 2011. Recipient, AdFed Silver Medal Award, 2013. SALLY JONES HEINZ President & CEO, MIFA. B.A., Rhodes College, M.A. University of Texas at Austin. Joined in 2007 as vice president of development. Founded in 1968, MIFA is celebrating 50 years of supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis. Recipient, Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, Rhodes College, 2014; Outstanding

Executive Leader Award, Memphis Chapter, Association of Fund Raising Professionals, 2014. MELANIE ANN KELLER President and CEO, Meritan, Inc. B.S., Nursing, and M.H.A., U of M. Nonprofit health and social services agency that provides home healthcare, homemaker service, private duty nursing, and other nursing services to individuals with disabilities, senior employment services, and foster care services in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Georgia. Agency part of Shelby County Coordinated Response to Elder Abuse. Recipient, Outstanding Home Care Leader Award, Tennessee Association for Home Care; 2015 Memphis Business Journal Super Women in Business Award; 2015 Health Care Hero winner for Administrative Excellence. PATRICK W. LAWLER CEO, Youth Villages. B.A. and M.A., U of M. Youth Villages helps 27,000 children and families nationwide annually with more than 3,000 staff in 76 locations. Recognized in 2006 as one of “America’s Best Leaders,” U.S. News and World Report. Board member, Bank of Bartlett, Saint Francis Hospital-Bartlett. Master Entrepreneur, Society of Entrepreneurs. Has led Youth Villages since the organization was founded in 1986. SHANTELLE LEATHERWOOD CEO, Christ Community Health Services. B.S., Health Care Administration & Planning, Tennessee State University; Master’s, Health Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia. CCHS, since 1995, has provided high-quality health care in a distinctively Christian manner to the medically underserved. 2009 Geiger Gibson Emerging Community Health Center Leader. Board Member, Tennessee Primary Care Association, One by One Ministries. Member, MLH My Sister’s Keeper Planning Committee, American Heart Association’s Memphis Health Equity Committee. TONY MARTINI President and CEO, Memphis Goodwill Industries. The nonprofit provides employment and life skills assistance to persons with significant work barriers. Provides contract services through government partnerships. President, Tennessee Association of Goodwills. Past President, Southeastern Association of Goodwills. Graduate, New Memphis Academy. Finalist, 2014 Executive of the Year, Memphis Business Journal. 2015 Outstanding Italian, Memphis Italian Fest. Founder, the Excel Center for Adult Learners. ESTELLA H. MAYHUE-GREER President and CEO, Mid-South Food Bank. B.A., M.A., U of M. Has been with Food Bank since 1996. Started Food Bank’s Kids Cafes, Food for Kids BackPack Programs, Mobile Pantry. Organization serves needy people in 31 counties

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through a network of 274 charitable feeding programs. Member, UT College of Medicine Advisory Board, Trezevant Manor Board of Directors. Served on the Feeding America National Council. Named one of “50 Women Who Make A Difference,” Memphis Woman. Graduate, Leadership Memphis. 2015 Memphis City Council Humanitarian Award. CHARLES MCVEAN Chairman and founder, Peer Power Foundation. Graduated with honors, Vanderbilt University. Nonprofit tutors more than 1,000 kids in schools in Tennessee and Mississippi, combining performance-based compensation with powerful effects of peer groups. Chairman and CEO, McVean Trading & Investments. Founder and chairman, Aerobic Cruiser Hybrid Cycles. Recipient, 2013 Innovation Award, Inside Memphis Business, for the Big River Crossing. G. SCOTT MORRIS Founder and CEO, Church Health. B.A., University of Virginia; M.Div., Yale; M.D., Emory University. Board member, Healthy Shelby, Urban Youth Initiative, Orpheum Theatre and Halloran Centre for Performing Arts and Education. Member, Memphis Bioworks Foundation Advisory Board. Chairman, Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society Ethics Committee. Honorary Doctor of Letters, 2015, U of M. Society of Entrepreneurs Master Entrepreneur award, 2011. Memphis Theological Seminary’s President’s Humanitarian Award, 2010. The Kindness Revolution’s Spirit of Kindness Award, 2010. KENNETH ROBINSON President/CEO, United Way of the MidSouth since February 2015. Past Tennessee Commissioner of Health (2003-2007). Has served as Health Program and Policy Consultant, County Health officer to the mayor of Shelby County since 2008. Longtime civic leader and past board member of local United Way, playing key role in fund distribution and community impact efforts. Pastor, St. Andrew AME Church. B.A., cum laude, Harvard; M.D., Harvard Medical School; Master of Divinity, Vanderbilt. RICHARD C. SHADYAC JR. President and CEO, ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which is supported by more than 11 million loyal donors and volunteers and has become the most trusted and most loved brand in the health nonprofit space. Has propelled ALSAC to become the top healthcare charity in the United States. More than 31,000 fundraising activities held annually in communities in all 50 states, including the inaugural World Golf Championship-FedEx St. Jude Classic and St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend. Board chair, Memphis Tomorrow. 2017 Ellis Island Medal of Honor; 2016 CEO of the Year, Inside Memphis Business. B.A., Marquette University; J.D., Loyola University.



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GARY SHORB CEO, The Urban Child Institute. B.S., Clemson University, M.B.A., U of M. Previously, led expansion of Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown and new Le Bonheur hospital, and garnered the Corporation of the Year, Memphis Business Development Corporation, and best hospital in Memphis, U.S. News & World Report. Former board member, National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis Bioworks Foundation. Former chairman, Memphis Tomorrow. CASEY KAUFMAN TANSEY President and CEO, Make-A-Wish Mid-South. B.S., University of Tennessee. President and CEO since August 2017, but has been with the organization since 2003. Make-AWish creates life-changing wishes for children between the ages of 2 and 18 with critical illnesses in north Missisippi, West Tennessee, and Arkansas. Chapter received national Make-A-Wish Infinite Wish Award, multiple Fundraising Achievement Awards. Certificate of Fundraising Management, Indiana University. Member, national Chi Omega Steering Committee. VAN TURNER Director and president, Memphis Greenspace. Partner, Bruce Turner, PLLC. Chairman and Commissioner, Shelby County District 12. B.A., Morehouse College, magna cum laude. J.D., University of Tennessee College of Law. Responsible for removal of confederate statues from Memphis Park and Health Sciences Park. Member, Memphis, Mississippi, Tennessee, American, National Bar Associations. “Top 40 Under 40,” Memphis Business Journal. MidSouth Rising Stars 2010-2016, Super Lawyers. JUNE WADDELL WEST Executive director, Memphis Heritage, Inc. B.F.A., University of Arkansas. Graduate, Leadership Memphis ‘95. Memphis Heritage educates, advocates and coordinates groups to save, reuse, and maintain architecturally and historically significant buildings and neighborhoods. Worked to successfully preserve Overton Square, Rowland Darnell Mansion, Tennessee Brewery, Hotel Chisca, Sears Crosstown and the Wm. Ellis Building. Coordinated the efforts to keep the historic Pinch District on the National Register of Historic Places. Currently working to help revitalize Historic Melrose High School in Orange Mound, Aretha Franklin’s Birth Home, and the Mid-South Coliseum.

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3/13/19 9:39 AM




In this age of sophisticated criminals and corporate espionage, a company can never be too careful. Security firms are only too aware of the dangers — physical, tactical, electronic — that can face even the most cautious of companies. A single breach can spell major disruption, and it can endanger lives and livelihoods like never before. That’s why the U.S. security industry is forecast to grow nearly 4 percent annually through 2018, according to the National Security Industry Association. In this category, we name the Memphis POWER PLAYERS who keep us, our belongings, and our businesses safe. CHRIS BIRD President, Dillard Door & Entrance Control, Dillard Security Services, DSS Firearms and Tri-State Glass. Actively involved in various church and community organizations including the Memphis Rotary Club Board, Regional One Health Foundation Board, Calvary Episcopal Church Vestry, Door and Hardware Institute, the Construction Specifications Institute, UofM Morrison Architectural Scholarship Board, Memphis Heritage Board, NFIB State Leadership Council and PAC Board, Associated Builders and Contractors Board, Crime Stoppers and the Audubon Park Community Association Board. E. WINSLOW “BUDDY” CHAPMAN Executive director, Crimestoppers of Memphis and Shelby County. B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M.S., Administration of Justice, Southern Illinois. Former manager of business development, Guardsmark; vice president and director of personnel administration, Dobbs International Services; director, Memphis Police Department, 1976-83. Past member, White House Presidential Advisory Commission on Law Enforcement. Graduate, Leadership Memphis. JONATHAN FRASE President of Frase Protection, providing smart home security and security camera systems for both homes and small businesses. Company started by his father nearly 50 years ago. Joined company after a successful career as a commercial airline pilot and instructor. Chairman, St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen Advisory Board. Finance Council Member, Catholic Diocese of Memphis. Hobbies include beekeeping, gardening, and breeding Dexter cattle. Proud husband and father of three children.

KIM HEATHCOTT Founder and CEO, Clarion Security LLC. B.A. Economics, Vanderbilt; M.B.A., Southern Methodist University. Largest women-owned business and top 5 Pacesetter for the past two years, Services include uniformed, armed, and unarmed security officers, security patrols, and alarm response. Past president, National Alliance of Women Business Owners, Memphis Chapter. Leadership Memphis 2012 graduate, Member, Small Business Council, Memphis Chamber. Co-Chairman, NAWBO women’s Accelerator. Married to Clarion Security President, Larry Heathcott. BARRY MARSHALL President and Partner, Security One, Inc. More than 35 years of experience in public and private sectors. Graduate, U of M. Began career at Security One, the commercial security firm founded by his father in 1973. Joined Shelby County Sheriff’s Department in 1977 and serves as a reserve instructor with the Memphis Police Department. Security One rated as a top security company by the Memphis Business Journal, 2012 and 2013. Board member, Carnival Memphis. MICHAEL MCCUNE President, Corporate IQ, Inc. Served for 17 years with Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, working in Patrol, Fugitive, Civil, and Narcotics Divisions. Former President, Shelby County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association. Founded in 1998 to investigate internal thefts at a local trucking business, company is an upscale security firm managed and owned by former law enforcement professionals, specializing in armed residential patrol, armed limousine service, and armed executive protection utilizing former and off-duty law enforcement officers.

PATTI PHELPS Owner and CEO, Phelps Security, Inc. Company founded in 1953 by Lloyd Phelps, Sr. After attending MSU and a career as Sales Manager for OES, Inc., purchased Phelps Security, Inc. with her late husband, Lloyd Phelps, Jr. Cofounder, B.I.G. for Memphis. Board Member, CrimeStoppers and Memphis Fallen Officer Memorial. Past board member, COMEC. Past Committee Chair, BOMA Emergency Preparedness Committee. More than 35 years experience managing and operating one of Memphis’ oldest security companies. Nationally certified, Woman-Owned Business. CRAIG WEISS Co-founder and CEO, Central Defense Security. B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.B.A., U of M. Helped Central Defense Security become top security provider in the region. Board chairman, Paragon Bank. Past president/ chair, Memphis Jewish Community Center. Executive committee member, United Way of the Mid-South, Memphis Child Advocacy Center. Board member, Memphis Shelby Crime Commission. Board of Visitors, U of M. National board member, Secure Community Network, BBYO, Jewish Rock Radio, JCC Association. STANLEY ZITRON Founder and CFO, Avision Inc. Founded company in 1995, providing innovative surveillance and perimeter protection, utilizing megapixel cameras and wireless technology, and specializing in corporate, industrial, medical, retail, and educational security. Also founded The Showroom Inc., a chain of retail stores, and The Cancer Hot Line. Member, Electronic Security Association, Tennessee Burglar & Fire Alarm Association, National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association, and Better Business Bureau. Partner, AVIGILON, Inc. Company now offers Analytics with security cameras, helping customers be proactive against crime.

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3/8/19 2:51 PM




Good help can be hard to find, but local companies are well-prepared to take the guesswork out of the hiring process. Offering some combination of professional recruiting, personnel consulting, headhunting, and executive placement, these companies serve employer clients throughout the city, region, and country. Whether it be direct hire, contract, or contract-for-hire services, staffing agencies make it their business to fill the gaps in your workforce, with a broad range of job opportunities. These companies are dedicated to the talent needs of clients, as well as the goals and interests of the candidates they represent. The individuals bring a wealth of experience to their positions — from banking and accounting to personnel management and information technology — that broadens their expertise in staffing and human resources. DOTTY SUMMERFIELD GIUSTI President, Summerfield Associates, Inc. Certified WBE. Member and Recipient, Norbert I.B. Fried Ethics Award, National Association of Personnel Services. Charter Member, Million Dollar Circle. Member, Five Million Dollar Circle, Tennessee Association of Personnel Services. “50 Women Who Make A Difference,” Memphis Woman. Board Member, Memphis Child Advocacy Center and Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South. Founding Member, Greater Memphis Information Technology Council. GAREN HADDAD President and CEO, gatewaypersonnel. com, 33-year-old Executive Search & Staffing firm. Company specializes in accounting, finance, operations, engineering, technology, HR, administrative disciplines. Member,, nation’s premier consortium of top recruiters within executive search industry. Board Member, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Mid-South. KIRK JOHNSTON Senior managing partner, Vaco Memphis. B.A., Finance, University of Memphis. Vaco specializes in consulting, contract, and direct hire placements in technology, finance, accounting, marketing, supply chain, logistics. National company named to the Inc. 5000 “Fastest Growing Privately Held Companies” for 11 consecutive years. Vaco was named one of Memphis’ Best Places to Work in 2017 and a finalist for the 2017 Small Business Awards. Founding Member, Memphis chapter, AMA. Board Member, Orphanos Foundation, General Chairman, Mystic Society of the Memphi, 2018.

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JAMES “JAY” F. KEEGAN JR. Chairman and founder of Bodock, Inc., a holding company with four operating subsidaries. President and CEO, Adams Keegan, a national HR services and software company. Founder and CEO, Staff Line, a multi-state staffing firm headquartered in Memphis. Co-Founder, The James Group, a multi-state life and health insurance agency. Member, Young Presidents’ Organization, Chairman’s Circle of Greater Memphis Chamber, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Memphis Club. Leadership Memphis and New Memphis alumnus. Past Chairman and Director, Emerge Memphis. Former director, Navy League of Memphis. DENISE BURNETT STEWART President/CEO, OR Nurses Nationwide, Inc., Travel Nurses, Inc.; R.N., St. John’s School of Nursing; B.S.N., Maryville College. “Largest Women Owned Business” from 2006-2010, and 2011 Corporate E Award, Tennessee Council on Women. Partner, The Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses. Administrator, American Heart Association

Community Training Center. Member, LifeWings Partners, LLC Board of Trustees, and Chair of Baptist College of Health Sciences Board of Directors. DINAH TERRY CEO and President, Omni Staffing Plus, Inc. Graduated from Belhaven University in Memphis. Provides testing, training, and placement. Has been in position since 1999. Former Owner and Operator of OmniAdult Training Center, providing training and placement for medical transcription and terminology. Attracts highly motivated and committed employees who are empowered by providing them with career development opportunities. DAN WEDDLE President, ProTech Systems Group, Inc. B.B.A., University of Memphis. Firm offers talent acquisition, technology consulting, managed/cloud services. Company named 2016 Cisco South Partner of the Year. Received 2013 and 2014 Torch Award, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis, and 2015 National Medallion Award & National Award of Merit from the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Firm is technology partner and supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis. Board Member, Streets Ministries, ESMOC CDC Inc. and the Greater Memphis IT Council. Leadership Memphis Executive Program, 2017.

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3/11/19 2:50 PM




Alexander, Pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Cates, Andy (CRE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Fockler, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Hollingsworth, Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Andrews, Charlie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Cates, Andy (CEO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Fogelman, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Hood, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Andrews, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Cates, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Foley, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Hornyak, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Andrews, Jen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Chalk, Lanny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Ford, Mott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Howard-Flynn, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Archer, Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chandler, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Frase, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Huss, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Armour, Meri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 69

Chapman, E. Winslow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Friedrich, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Hussong, Carissa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Arnold, Jeff L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Chase Jr., William J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Askew, Mark W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Christopher, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Gardner, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Hutton, Henry A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Austin, Roshun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Cianciola, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Garner, Douglas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Hyde Jr., J.R. “Pitt” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Avery, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Clark, P. Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Garrett, Timothy N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Hyde, Barbara Rosser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Cobbins, Darrell T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Gaushell, Charles T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Hutchinson, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Bailey, Kirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Collins, James F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

George, Mark H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Isaacs, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Bandele, Ekundayo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Conrad, Rebecca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Gibson, Kathy Buckman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Ivy Jr., John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Barber, Scott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Cook, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Giles, William “Bill” T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Bares, Steven J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Coop, Phillip G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Gilliam, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Jacobson, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Bargiacchi, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Cooper, Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Giusti, Dotty Summerfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

James, Keith A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Barlow, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Coopwood, Reginald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Glassman, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Janikowsky, Ralph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Barnes, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Cordell, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Glays, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Jensen, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Barnett, Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Corrigan Jr., J. Eustis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Gnuschke, John E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Johnston, Kirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Barry, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Crone, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Godwin, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Jones, Don W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Batterson, Brett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Crow, J. Dale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Golden, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Jones, Tom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Beal, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Crum, Larry E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Goodfellow, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Jordan, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Bean, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Crump, Metcalf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Gossett, Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Jude, Carma C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Bearden, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Crutcher, Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Gottlieb, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Bearman Jr., Leo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Cuicchi, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Graf Jr., Alan B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Kamimura, Kunio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Grai, Angela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Kaufmann, Marcia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Kane, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Beaty, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Belz, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Dean, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Gregory, Audrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Belz, Ronald “Ron” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

DeGutis, Vince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Gregory, Randal L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Keegan Jr., James “Jay” F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Bennett, Kenneth R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

DelBrocco, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Gresham, Cindi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Keller, Melanie Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Bicks, Nathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 56

DePriest, Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Griesbeck, John M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Kelley, Christi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Bird, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 77

Dotson, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Griffin, Bill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Kelman, Marty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Blaylock, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Douglas, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Grinder, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Kisber, Michael E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Bollinger, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Downing, James R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Gross, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Klein, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Bolton Jr., H. Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Drake, J. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Booker, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Dulberger, Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Haddad, Garen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Kruse, Karen M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Kvande, Thor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Krupicka, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Booker, Jozelle Luster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Dunavant III, William B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Haizlip, Reb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Botschner, Drew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Dunavant Jr., William B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Hall, H. Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Bowling, W. Kerby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Dunavant, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Hall, Jeffery S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Lacy, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Boyle, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Dyer, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Hall, Tracy D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Landau, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Brady, Braxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Dyson, Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Hallowell, Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Laury, Ann M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Halperin, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Lawler, Patrick W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Brewer, Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Bright, Ruby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Eckstein, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Ham, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Lammel, W. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Brockman, Scott A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Eddlestone, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Hamilton, Myra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Landau, Glenn R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Brown, Alicia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Ellett, Courtney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Hancock, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Leatherwood, Shantelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Brown, Kennard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Ellis, Anna Mullins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Harano, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Lee, Jason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Brown, Robert “Bob” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Entzminger, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Harris, Mark E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Leslie, Stuart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Browne, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Esrael, W. Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Harvey, Albert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Lewis, John A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Buckner, Karen W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Etter, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Hass, Marjorie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Lichterman, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Hawkins, O. Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Lightman, Michael A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Burkett, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Burton, Tara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Farnsworth, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Hazen, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Liles, Stinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Byrd, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Farrell, James P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Heathcott, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Linder, Laura K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Ferguson, Jim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Heflin III, John J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Linkous, Rusty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Calvo, Mauricio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Finnell, Kelly O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Heinz, Joseph R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Lipman, Ira A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Canty, Ned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Finnell, Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Heinz, Sally Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Litch, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Cannon, Jud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Fish, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Henson, Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Little, Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Carkeet, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Fisher, Gwyn R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Hernandez, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Litvin, Ari M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Carpenter, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Fleming, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Hill, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Loeb, Robert “Bob” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Carter, Robert B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Fly, Buzz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Holcomb, Hampton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

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Logan, Jarrett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Noel, Randall D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Rodell, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Tigrett, Pat Kerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Logan, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Norcross, Ernie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Rodriguez, Isaac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Toles, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Lombardo, Karen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Norwood, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Rose, Gayle S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Tomes, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Rouse, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Triplett, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Rudd, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Tucker, Jimmie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Losch III, William C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Lynch, Clifford F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

O’Connor, Maureen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Tucker, Laurie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Ohneck, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Mallory III, W. Neely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Oseman, Stephen L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Malmo, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Saatkamp, Cynthia H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Turley, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Sammons, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Turner Jr., Jesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Turner, Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 76

Malone, Deidre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Pace, Wm. Ashley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Sanders, Pete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Marshall, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Pacello, Tommy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Savage, Joe T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Marston Jr., J. Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Palmisano, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Schaeffer, Joseph H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Ugwueke, Michael O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Martin, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Pappo, Alberto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Scheidt, Rudi E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Underwood, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Schledwitz, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Martin, H. Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Park, Jeremy C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Martini, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Patton Jr., Clyde L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Schwab, Steve J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Van de Vuurst, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Mass0n, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Patton, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Sellers, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Varty, Nikhil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Mathews, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Paylor, Kenneth David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Shadyac Jr., Richard C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Mathis Jr., S. Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Payne, B. Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Sharp, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Waddell, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

May, David C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Pearson, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Shaw Jr., Robert S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Waddell, Gebre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

May, Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Pera, Lucian T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Shields, Stephen L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Wagers, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Mayhue-Greer, Estella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Peters, J. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Shockey, Leigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Wagner, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

McAdams, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Peterson, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Shorb, Gary S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Walker, Ceil T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

McCathie, Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Phelps, Patti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Simmons, Sheperd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Walker, Rob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

McConnell, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Phillips V, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Sims Jr., Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Wang, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

McDermott, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Pickler, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Sitler, Linn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Warne, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

McDuffie, Richard W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Pierce Sr., Allen W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Skinner, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Weatherford, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

McGarvey, Betty Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Pierotti, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Smarrelli Jr., John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Weddle, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

McGehee, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Pitts, John Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Smith, Brad V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Weintraub, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

McGrew III, Frank A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Pohlman, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Smith, Bruce M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Weiss, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

McKinney, Charles R. (Mack) . . . . . . . . . 44

Poos, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Smith, Frederick W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Wells, Murray B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

McLaren, Michael G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Popwell, David T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Smith, Jeffrey C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

West, Becky Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

McLean, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Porter, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Smith, Leslie Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

West, June Waddell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

McQuiston II, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Powers, Nisha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Smythe, Katie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Wheeler, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

McVean, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Pratt, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Soden, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 48

Williams, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Meadows, Wendell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Prentice, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Spencer, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Williams, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Medford, Mark A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Prosterman, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Stafford, W. Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Williams, Duncan F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Meeks Jr., Jim E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Pryor, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Steorts, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Williams, Jimmie D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Mercer, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Pugh, Dorothy Gunther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Stephenson, Susan S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Williams, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Stevenson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Williams, Roby S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Stewart, Denise Burnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Williams, Russ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Subramaniam, Raj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Williamson, Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Wilson, Natalie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Merrill, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Michael, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Quinn, Frank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Midgley, Katie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Miller, Andrea Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Rains, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Sullivan, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Miller, Robert F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Rasmussen, Robin H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Sutton, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Wishnia, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Mitchell, Lawrence “Boo” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Reich, Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Swanson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Woods, Chris L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Moody, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Reid, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Moore, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Relling, Mary V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Tabor, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Wooldridge, J. Wesley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Moore Jr., Johnny B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Rhodes, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Tansey, Casey Kaufman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Wright, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Morgan Jr., Allen B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Richards, Christine D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Task, Nail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Woods, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Morris, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Ricks, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Tate, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Yates, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Morris, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Riggins, Kirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Tate, Sylvester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Yoakum, Barry Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Morris, Valerie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Ring, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Tayloe, William R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Young, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Morris, G. Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Ring, Kristen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Taylor, Blair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Young, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Myers, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Ritchey Sr., Bruce Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Teixeira, Paulo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Myers, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Ritchey, Tammie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Terry, Dinah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Zanone, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Robertson, Beverly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Thomas, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Zitron, Stanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Neff, Emily Ballew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Robertson, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Thomason, Jeffrey L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Nelson, Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Robertson Jr., Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Thorp, Susan Adler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Nevels, Jenny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Robinson, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Throckmorton, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

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6800 Poplar Ave., Suite 208 Germantown, TN 38138 901.683.1850 TASLRS18_MEM.indd 1 MEMPHISDIVORCE.COM

Gil Buie, Morgan Nicole Stanford, James J. Webb Jr., R. Miles Mason Sr.*, Sharon Mason, Baylie Shepard, Abby Wilson, Taylor L. Fields, Patrick Jones *Chosen to Super Lawyers

Left to right: Gil Buie, Morgan Nicole Stanford, James J. Webb Jr., R. Miles Mason Sr. (chosen to Super Lawyers), Sharon Mason, Baylie Shepard, 10/11/18 Abby Wilson,

Taylor L. Fields, Patrick Jones

10:41 AM

T:9” S:7.875”

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