Flying the flag news bulletin 050314

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Flying the Flag

05/03/2014 10:44

Government pledges a £2 million support package for the tourism industry.. order to support affected destinations and tourism businesses get back on their feet in the aftermath of the recent flooding. VisitEngland has been working closely with destinations and Government on what should be done to support the most affected areas which have suffered as a result of the flooding in UK. Feedback from the destinations and the results from two urgent research studies looking at the impact on businesses and the perceptions of consumers have informed our decision to focus on providing two clear avenues of immediate activity which will provide business support and a targeted marketing campaign aimed at boosting bookings. Whilst the majority of tourism businesses have been unaffected and the resounding message from industry has been ‘business as usual’, VE know from their research that 10% of consumers have been put off taking a trip to affected areas. To combat this negative perception a dedicated tactical marketing campaign will launch in March using a mixture of print, digital, and outdoor platforms featuring both affected destinations and others across England. The advertising creative will include an attractive price-point to stimulate immediate bookings. VE have already communicated with many destinations to source product and pricepoints to be featured in this campaign.A practical online free guide is now also available and covers everything from assessing the situation, communicating with customers, reviewing marketing activity, government support and legal considerations.

Bravo Zulu to Hilton Worldwide.. ..for expanding their ban on use of shark’s fin in their hotels and restaurants. Anyone who has witnessed the senseless removal of a shark’s dorsal fin only for the distressed fish to be thrown back in the sea to die a painful death will have wondered why it has taken so long for this to happen. Having lived in Hong Kong for many years I know the great importance many Chinese people place on incorporating shark’s fin soup as part of a special meal and the quality of the fin used. It will take many years to change this culture and that pertaining to ivory and rhino horn so it is good to see Hilton Worldwide picking up the baton.

It's Climate Week 2014: are you ready to win? It's the second day of Climate Week: all this week across Britain, thousands of people are running events and activities to promote ways to live and work more sustainably! Participation is completely[UNIQID]

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