Bringing in the Harvest

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s I have been speaking to Marketplace Christians at the start of this year and listening to the sermons that are coming through not only from our church but from many others, there seems to be a theme coming through.

It is not the normal “Rah Rah” of the new year and the hoping it is going to be better than the last. Rather, it seems to me that people have drawn a line in the sand and have decided to CONNECT with God and to start taking hold of the promises that He has spoken to them. This is a year of FAITH. My sense for myself and for my family is that our Harvest is ready. Now is the time for action – acting on what God has told us to do. As we step out and have Faith we will see the most exciting things unfold. We need to have a clear understanding of the character of our Father and what it is He has done for us. In Colossians 1:9 (Amplified Bible) Paul prays “... that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things.” Verse 10 talks about living a life that honours him – “bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God”. Then in verses 11 and 12 he prays “that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy, giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God’s holy people) in the Light.” Jesus and the finished work of the cross have qualified us to accomplish the works He has called us to do. He has given us everything for life and godliness. We are called, equipped and qualified to do what we were born to do. Now is the time of harvest, now is the time where all the sowing that you have been doing will start to bear fruit. It is not dependant on the times and seasons of this world, but on God’s schedule. Just as He prospered Isaac after he obediently sowed during the famine, it is time for us to stand ready, look for our fields and call in the harvest. There is much work to do in the Kingdom. Now is not the time to be building your own kingdom as it will not last. As you seek His Kingdom first, then all these things will be added to you. Often we find ourselves eating our seed instead of obediently sowing it and waiting for God to provide the harvest.

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