Confederated Umatilla Journal 05-2017

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Summary of CTUIR Board Minutes Continued from page 16B unanimously to reappoint Ross Simmons to the TERO Commission for a 2 year term. -Tribal Water Commission, 1 vacant position with 1 application from John Barkley. Motion passed unanimously to reappoint John Barkley to Tribal Water Commission for a 2 year term. -Education & Training Committee. Kat Brigham was serving as tribal member before the special election. ETC recommends Kat Brigham remain as BOT representative until Justin Quaempts, BOT Member returns from extended medical leave. Motion passed unanimously to advertise for 1 position on Education & Training Committee. -Housing Commission. Housing Commission recommends removal of commission member based on the process established in the Advisory Code, Chapter 2. Rosenda Shippentower asked if this is proper way for removal of a commissioner. Malena Pinkham explained there are two ways for removal. Armand Minthorn reported on incidents and follow up conducted. Malena Pinkham added that by resolution Housing Commission follows the Advisory Bylaws. Move to accept the Housing Commission’s letter seeking removal of a member and advertise for 1 vacant position. Motion carries 5 for - (Armand Minthorn, Woodrow Star, Jeremy Wolf, Kat Brigham and Aaron Ashley) – 2 against (Rosenda Shippentower and Alan Crawford) – 0 abstaining. Oregon Environmental Council (OEC). On March 27 a BOT work session was conducted with OEC to gather information to determine if Kat Brigham could continue to remain on OEC. If the BOT supports her membership, will BOT allow her to use her BOT travel to cover the quarterly OEC meetings. Motion passed to deny Kat Brigham continued membership to on the Oregon Environmental Council. Motion carries 4 for - (Jeremy Wolf, Rosenda Shippentower, Alan Crawford and Aaron Ashley - 2 against (Armand Minthorn and Woodrow Star) - 1 abstaining (Kat Brigham). Terms Expiring:

May 2017

Bill Burke, Tiichám Conservation District, expires on April 6; Fermore Craig Sr., Cultural Resource Committee, expires on April 6; Ken Hall, Land Acquisition Committee, expires on April 6; Patrice Walters, Economic & Community Development, expires on April 6; Shawna Gavin, Health Commission, expires on May 27; and Lawanda Bronson, TERO Commission expires on May 4. Motion passed unanimously to send letters notifying members of expiration of terms and advertise for the vacancies. Will continue to advertise for: 1 position for Tiichám Conservation Dist., 2 year term, meet 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 1:00 PM and 1 position for Umatilla Cultural Coalition (No Stipends) - meet as needed. All applications will be due Monday, April 17 by 4:00 PM. A BOT work session will be scheduled Friday, April 21 at 8:30 AM to review applications and will take action on the application appointments on Monday, April 24. BOT Travel Reports. 1) Kat Brigham, Olympia, WA from March 19-21 to meet with WA legislators and the Governor. Also presented the painting from Governor Inslee that he gave CTUIR . BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Armand Minthorn, Travel, April 3-4 to Hood River to attend Hanford Cleanup Board meeting. Travel, April 5, The Dalles to meet with Parks Dept. Travel, April 6, Burbank, to meet with USFWS on Rattlesnake Mt. 2) Jeremy Wolf, personal leave, March 27 from 2 – 4 PM. 3) Rosenda Shippentower, Personal leave, May 2 – 3. Travel, April 24-25 to San Francisco, CA to attend Native American Finance Conference. 4) Woodrow Star, Travel, April 6, Spokane to attend Healing Lodge meeting. DATE: APRIL 3, 2017 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; Kat Brigham, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Woodrow Star, Member, and Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman. Justin Quaempts, Member on leave. Armand Minthorn, Member on

travel. Resolution 17-025: Topic: Approval of EDA Planning Grant Application. The BOT approved the EDA Economic Development Planning Grant Application and authorizes the Interim Executive Director to execute and submit the EDA Application and to take such further action as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Resolution. Motion passed unanimously. Other Board Action: Kenworth Lease Renewal by Bill Tovey, Dept. of Economic & Community Development. Bill reported on background of lease between CTUIR and Kenworth. A work session was held on March 30 to review the lease. Move to approve and authorize the Board of Trustees Chairman to execute the Amendment to Lease Agreement between the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and Transport Equipment Company, Inc., which Amendment extends the term of the Lease from December 1, 2016 to November 30, 2021 and adjusts the lease payments to $7,500 per month. Motion passed 5 for (Jeremy Wolf, Aaron Ashley, Woodrow Star, Alan Crawford and Kat Brigham) – 1 against (Rosenda Shippentower) – 0 abstaining. BOT Travel Reports. 1) Kat Brigham, March 27-28 to Olympia, WA to provide testimony to WA State Legislature. BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Kat Brigham, Travel, April 11-13 to Tucson, AZ to attend a water planning meeting held by the Native Nations Institute. DATE: APRIL 10, 2017 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; Kat Brigham, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Woodrow Star, Member, and Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman. Justin Quaempts, Member on leave. Armand Minthorn, Member on personal leave. Quorum present. Resolution 17-026: Topic: 2017 Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan. The BOT enacts the proposed Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan (TTIP) and directs the ED to execute the necessary contracts and program documents required to accomplish the projects, make modifications as

Confederated Umatilla Journal

necessary to implement the annual Transportation Improvement Program; and directs the ED to forward this resolution to the US Department of Interior BIA Umatilla Agency and the NW Regional Office, Division of Transportation. Motion passed unanimously. BOT Travel Reports. 1) Aaron Ashley, April 3-4 to Salem to provide testimony on SB 144. 2) Kat Brigham, April 4 to Walla Walla to attend monthly WW3MP meeting. 3) Woodrow Star, March 28-31 to Washington DC to attend annual Indian Health Budget Consultation. BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Jeremy Wolf, Travel, April 12-14, Portland for US v. OR meeting. 2) Alan Crawford, Travel, April 14, Tulalip, WA to attend Boys & Girls Club. 3) Aaron Ashley, Travel, April 14, Tulalip, WA to attend Boys & Girls Club. DATE: APRIL 17, 2017 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; Kat Brigham, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Armand Minthorn, Member; and Woodrow Star, Member. Justin Quaempts, Member on leave. Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman on travel. Quorum present. Resolution 17-027: None. Other Board Action: a. Four Chairs meeting by Gary Burke, BOT Chair. Four Chairs meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 28 at WRC with CTUIR hosting. Gary Burke, Jeremy Wolf, Alan Crawford, and Audie Huber will attend the meeting. BOT Travel Reports. 1) Aaron Ashley, Tulalip, WA for Boys & Girls Club, April 14. 2) Kat Brigham, Phoenix, AZ to attend Cultural Water Use, April 14-17. BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Alan Crawford, travel to ATNI at Portland, May 22-26. 2) Armand Minthorn, travel to Washington DC, May 1-4 attend State/Tribal Working Group meeting with DOE. 3) Jeremy Wolf, travel to Portland for CRITFC meeting, April 26 at 4PM to 27 at 4PM. 4) Kat Brigham, personal leave, Fri. April 21 from 1-4 PM. 5) Rosenda Shippentower announced she will be at a Cayuse Technology meeting from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM on April 18.


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