Antone Minthorn, far left in this file photo, wants to walk again in his 11th Kanine Ridge Hike, the 6-mile uphill event that's part of the Salmon Walk celebration. But the 80-year-old tribal leader may have to reconsider following a health setback. See story on page 5A.
The Walla Walla Valley is known by the Cayuse and Walla Walla people of this land asPas~opo. This translates in the native language to 'the place of the balsam root suntlower'. A story includes information about Piupiumaksmaks, who is pictured in this painting in 1847 by Paul Kane. See story on Page 18A.
Acosia Red Elk switched from champion jingle dress dancer to the Swing dance at the Dancing with the Pendleton Stars.
She received a perfect score and was a crowd favorite. More on Page 4A.
On e crate mati a ourna The monthly newspaper of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation - Pendleton, Oregon May 2016
Best friends win 'Gates' scholarships
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i nto a m edical f i eld," F a r row said. "In middle school I wanted to be a physical therapist, then an athletic trainer and in my sophomore year I knew I really wanted to be a doctor. Last year I decided I wanted to be the ultimate doctor — a cardi o t h o r a ci c
surgeon." Simpson plans initially to go into medical imh Ir
Ancient One coming home
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MISSION — Best friends Alyssa Farrow and Olivia Simpson have won coveted Gates Millennium Scholarships, which will pay for all college expenses up to and including a graduate degree. F arrow, graduating th i s year from Ni xyaawii Community School (NCS), and S impson, a g r a d u ate t h i s June from Pendleton Hi gh School (PHS), plan to attend Stanford and Oregon Institute of Technology, respectively. Both are members of Alyssa Farrow the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). With the Gates, both girls plan to study pre-med. "I'd always wanted to go
Volume 24, Issue 5
Five tribes will work together to rebury Kennewick Man
By Lynda V. Mapes
Rattling sticks Mason Looney, left, carries the lacrosse ball in a game with players from Whitman College, including the Whitman and Linfield girls teams that played prior to the game with the Xa' lish Lacrosse team from the Confederated Ttfbes of the Umatt'lie Indian Reservation. Vaughn Herrera was turning to his right but wes stopped by Looney's foot. At rightis Jimmy Smiley, e freshman pitcher for the Whitman baseball team. More photos on pages 5B and 6B.
SEATTLE — Five t r i b al bands claiming Kennewick Man as a relative, including t he Yakama N a t i on , w i l l work together to rebury him after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Wednesday it has validated the skeleton is Native American. Scientists at the University of Chicago this month documented they w er e able to independently validate last summer's scientific findings as to the skeleton's ancestry by at least three lines of evidence, said John Novembre, associate professor of human genetics at the University of Chicago, who led the review. The validation was part of a federal process to allow repatriation of the skeleton. The team's finding clears the An i n O n
Digging for roots
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Julia Johnson proudly holds up a luksh root that she dug up during root gathering. The individual root is one of the bigger ones found that day. Turn to page 12A for more photos.
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Pur P le camas sets the focal Iskuulpa. Photo by Dallas Dick.Poi nt for thi s Photo takenin APril near Hansell Road looking towards
Ye//ow arrowleaf balsamroot, left, and the pink-flowered grass widow burstinto the sunshine near Iskuulpa Creek look-out on the east side of the Umatillla Indian Reservati on.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
.. The monthly newspaper for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Publish date
46411 Timine Way Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone 541-429-7005
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June 2
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
ews Summer Sch eel starts on June 20 Classes planned at McKay Elementary School in Pendleton PENDLETON — Summer School will last from June 20-July 8 for students going into grades first through eighth, according to a news release from the Education Department for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Classes are planned from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday for three weeks at M c Kay E l ementary School on Southwest 44th Street in southwest Pendleton. Limited busing will be provided from areas selected by MIDCO Bus Company for students who sign up. Parents will be advised of drop-off and pick-up times and locations soon. Summer School will f ocus on three main goals, said Ll oy d C o m m ander, Youth Services & Recreation Program Manager Those goals are: To increase Summer School attendance; there will be an incentive plan. To utilize technology to enhance instruction and student learning. Toward that goal, integrated technology will be utilized in all content areas. Students will be using Chromebooks, computers and electronic games that feature math and reading programs. Further, students will learn keyboarding and how to use technology in different ways. Increase reading and math fluency. That should follow with the use of books, computers, flash cards, games and other materials. Activities wil l i n c l ude w ater days, sports days, art days, a scavenger hunt day, and an obstacle course. S ummer School w i l l b e t a u gh t b y certified teachers with assistance in the classroom from Indian Education Coordinators. Breakfast and lunch w il l b e served with a staggered schedule to maximize instructional time, said Commander. A big celebration is scheduled on the last day of Summer School for parents and students at McKay. "We expect this Summer School to be the best ever so plan on sending your c hild or c h i l d r e n e v er y d a y, " C o m mander said. Students will receive an application packet for Summer School during the last three weeks of school in town. The packed also can be obtained at the CTUIR Recreation Program or at Cay-Uma-Wa. For more information contact Commander at541-429-7887 or email
May 2016
A Nixyaawii team included, from left, Sunshine Fuentes, Kaitlynn Melton, Mary Stewart, and Ella Mae Looney.
Representing team lmtatunma (The talkatives) from Nixyaawii Community School, from left, are James Penny, Damon Ward and Devan Barkley.Coach was Linda Sampson and languagejudge was Mildred Quaempts.
Commencing the 2016 Language Knowledge Bowl held at Wildhorse Resort and Casino is the Master of Ceremony Jefferson Greene of Warm Springs Oregon.
Members of X aamma team from Nixyaawii Community School included, from left, Carson Moreno, Wilbur Oatman, Stacy Fitzpatrick. ~
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• . • and the word is • . • MISSION — The ninth annual Language Knowledge Bowl hosted 26 teams at Wildhorse Resort and Casino May 2. The bowl is put on annually by the Language Department of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Participating in the bowl were 96 students, 13 coaches, 17 judges and 24 volunteers who participated as quizmasters, scorekeepers, timekeepers, and registration personnel. There were eight dialects of indigenous languages spoken at the event. First place winning team was K'yash Chix from Yakama with student Captain Jaydin Howe, Allyson Avarado, Hanna Jim, Delano Hamilton, Coach Roger Jacob, and Judge Virginia Beavert. Second place team was Wanapam from Priest Rapids-Wanapum with Captain Joseph Seelatsee, Jordan Buck, Katrina Buck, Coach Alex Buck, and Judge Yawinpum Wishnay. Third place went to Wiwnu from Warm Springs with Captain Skye Victorino, Ashlyn Wolf, Annabelle Arthur, Coach Ange Anguiano, and Judge Annie Kirk. Fourth place was Your Favorite Indians from Yakama with Captain Percefonee Kahama, Suzanne George, Jazmin Myakok,Jennette George, Coach Gina and Corey Greaves, and Judge Lavina Wilkins.
Ramah lawsuit settlement funds of $ 5 M earmarked for new education facility MISSION — About $5 million from a federal court settlement will be used to continue plans for the design and construction of a new tribal education facility following adoption of a resolution in March by the Board of Trustees (BOT) for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). Settlement funds from th e Ramah Navajo Chapter lawsuit came after it was determined that the Bureau of Indian Affairs underpaid the CTUIR and other nations contract support costs that were necessary to operate federal programs. The $5 million is the CTUIR's share of the funds, which should be released in June. The BOT resolution stated that all the settlement funds from the Ramah lawsuit would be used to help pay for an education facility, noting that the Board still must review an entire funding plan, site selection and design/construction plans. "Earlier this year (2016), when the new Board was w e i ghing n u m erous tribal needs it was recognized that a
new education facility was an area the Board needed to place an emphasis," said Rosenda Shippentower, BOT Treasurer. "The Board agreed that the realization of a new education facility would be one of its top priorities during their term and that funding sources for an education facility would be identified." The Cay-Uma-Wa facility, built in the early 1970s is one of the oldest buildings in the community and a new facility has been discussed for many years. " Many can r e l ate to th e f act t h a t t hroughou t t h e y e ar s m an y o f o u r c hildren, g r a n d c h i l d re n an d g r e a t grandchildren have attended Head Start there," Shippentower said. "Although the building has received quite a few facelifts throughout the years, most everything about the building has pretty much seen its day." It is unlikely, according to the BOT resolution, that the CTUIR will receive substantial financial contributions from either the federal or state governments
Confederated Umatilla Journal
for construction of a tr i bal education facility, which means the Tribes will be required to pay the construction costs. In addition to the $5 million from the Ramah settlement, the former BOT Treasurer Aaron Hines last year set aside $1 million of contingency funds to begin the planning and design for a new education facility. The 2013-14 BOT approved that funding plan. A request for proposals has been issued to acquire an educational consultant to assist in evaluating the programs and services that should be offered in the education facility, and potential funding sources for construction and operational costs of the facility, the resolution states. While the Ramah settlement funds will not cover the entire cost of the new building, the funds will help get the planning and construction process started on a "very positive note," Shippentower said. For more information, comments or questions, contact Shippentower at 541429-7379.
'Stars' cfance to raise money for charities AcosiaRed Elk scores perfectm ark
Local 'stars'included, from left, Kathy Kinkead, Dave Nelson, Randy Thomas, Robb Corbett, Acosia Red Elk and Megan Corey Furstenberg.
PENDLETON — Eight-time world j i n gle dress champion, business owner and yoga instructor, Acosia Red Elk, took to a different kind of stage during the second annual "Dancing with Your Pendleton Stars" charity and ballroom competition. Red Elk along w ith f iv e other 2016 Pendleton " stars" - M e g a n Corey Furstenberg,
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K athy K i n k e a d , Robb Corbett and D avid N e l s o n raised money for a charity or n o n profit organization of their choice. Red Elk chose Systems of Care at Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center. To prepare for the event, which took place at the Vert Auditorium, the stars received one-on-one training for five days - one hour a day with professional dancers from the Utah Ballroom Dance Company. Dance styles included the Quickstep, Nightclub Two-
by Miranda Rector of the CUJ
Step, Charleston, Cha-Cha, Tango, and Swing which was performed by Red Elk. During the event, each local star performed their 60-second routine with enthusiasm. The Vert as packed for an audience that expressed its pleasure with laughter and applause. After the individual sets, three judges critiqued and scored the couples based on performance. When judges asked Nelson if his previous job had any correlation with dance, he joked by saying that as a former state senator one gets used to dancing around the issues and spinning the truth. Nelson wasn't the only one who had jokes that night. Master of ceremonies Jesse Maher bantered with all dancers and after Corbett's tango, Maher teased saying, "Let's see if the judges liked the bullfighting or if they thought you were full of bull." The highest scorer of the night was Red Elk who received a perfect 30 and coming in second was Furstenberg, former Pendleton Roundup Queen, with a score of 29.
"It was hard to dance in heels," said Red Elk, "I thought I had forgotten my entire routine when I first got out there." During the intermission, the audience was allowed to vote for their favorite dancer by donating money or putting their ticket into the dancer's jar. The dancer with the most fundraising and votes would take home the trophy. Each charity kept the money that was donated to them and all tickets and event sales went to CAPECO Food Bank. After several new performances by The Utah Dance Company, Furstenberg raised the most money and was deemed winner of the competition. Her charity of choice was Pioneer Relief Nursery whose mission is "to prevent child abuse and neglect by early intervention that focuses on building successful and resilient children, strengthening parents and preserving families," according to their webpage. Next year's event will also be held in the Vert Auditorium and the date is scheduled for April 8, according to Fred Bradbury, Co-Chair.
Ballots are due May 77. A drive-up ballot boxis located at the front of the Nixyaawii Governance Center. How much easier can get?
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
Minthorn taking on health challenge A
ntone Minthorn doesn't plan to lean to the right too long. After all, he's a Democrat. In fact he' s the chairman of the Democratic Party in Umatilla County. But for a few w eeks more, he' ll be working to stand up straight and walk erect following w hat may or may n o t have been a mild stroke in early April. A longtime leader for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian, Minthorn is at the Milton-Freewater Health and Rehabilitation Center and figures he' ll be there until he regains his balance. It all started on Tuesday, April 11, when he was on his way from his Thomhollow home to an Economic and Community Development Commission meeting at the Nixyaawii Governance Center. He pulled over in the parking lot near the Community Center when his nose and ear started to burn. "I thought I' d b etter go to Yellowhawk," he said, but when he arrived the doors were locked. Yellowhawk is closed on Tuesdays. Minthorn made his way back to his rig and planned to drive himself to St. Anthony Hospital in Pendleton but his daughter, Kim, told him "You don't look so good." She drove her father to the hospital emergency room. "I walked into the emergency room and sat down and t ol d t hem I ha d a strong burning in my nose, and pain on the right side of my head behind me ear was intense," Minthorn said,
'It's not exactly spinning; it's like leaning forward like a log would fall, that kind of feeling.' The pain eventually went away and the testing began. "I felt okay and they put me through that tube (MRI). They said it didn't indicate a stroke. In that tube I started getting vertigo; I had a hard time swallowing." Doctors told him the vertigo may have been caused by high blood pressure and high blood sugar. "I always knew I probably had it, but I'd never been told I had diabetes," Minthorn said as one the facility staff pricked his finger to test his blood sugar. It all came to a head, Minthorn thinks, when he arrived at St. Anthony where he spent a week. That Friday, April 15, he went home with a walker. He chose the Milton-Freewater rehab center, but a room wasn' t readily available. Once a room was made available "Kim broughtmeoverandthat'swherel'mat,"hesaid. Minthorn describes his situation like this: "It's not exactly spinning; it's like leaning forward like a log would fall, that kind of feeling." His legs move. He has no problem picking up his feet. He doesn't shuffle
and he doesn' t slump. He has a fir m h a n d shake. It's just that Antone Minthorn l ean t o t h e right. "I need to build up my muscles to balance the right side," he said. Minthorn said he wished the facility schedule was more structured. He manages his own time for hourly workouts that range from pushing his feet against a wall to turning his upper body back and forth to regain big-muscle control. B efore whatever happened to hi m , Minthorn w a l k e d m i l e s each w e ek, including about a half mile each day at noon during his lunch break from work in the Language Program at the CayUma-Was Education Department. On other days he walked one to two miles up the hill to Tamastslikt Cultural Institute. He doesn't like to use past tense. He walks so he can participate again in the annual Kanine Ridge Hike, which is part of the Salmon Walk Celebration. This will be his 11~ trek in August.
He's also got a lot of other business to attend to. The 80-year-old former chairman of the Board of Trustees and the General Council is actively involved in a remarkably long list of commissions and committees on-and-off the reservation. H ere's what M i n t h orn d oes in h i s spare time: - Serves on the CTUIR Economic and Community Development Commission - Serves on the CTUIR Farm Committee - Co-chair of the Economic Development Committee for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians - Member of the Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts Board of Directors - Chairman of the Confluence Project - Member of the Potlatch Fund Board of Directors - Member of the Ecotrust Board of Directors - Member of th e George St. Denis American Legion Post ¹140 - Member of th e C o l u m bi a G o r g e Commission And, like we said above, he's the chairman of the Umatilla County Democratic Party. He's eager to get back to work. "It's frustrating to have to be here, but nobody wants to be here," he said. As he improves with physical therapy, Minthorn is learning how to use a computer tablet. "That's frustrating too," he said, "but once I learn to operate it consistently I' ll be back on the email track."
GONA will focus on historical and intergenerational trauma MISSION — A three-day "Gathering of Native Americans" (GONA) designed to examine historical and intergenerational trauma is planned May 10, 11 and 12 at Wildhorse Resort & Casino. Focusing on adults, GONA w i l l e x amine how unresolved grief turned into intergenerational trauma, according to information fro m th e D epartment of Children and Family Services (DCFS) for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). Historical t r a um a i s d e scribed as "essentially, the devastating trauma of genocide, loss of culture, and forcible removal from families and communities are all unresolved and become a sort of 'psychological baggage' ... continuously being acted out and recreated in contemporary aboriginal culture," according to Social Justice Report of the Australian Human Rights Commission. A DCFS document states that "... if trauma is not dealt with adequately in one generation it often gets passed down unwittingly in our behaviors and in our though systems ... for example, if you want to heal children and youth, you have to heal yourself as well to break the cycle." GONA will remind participants about the government that removed children from their families to attend boarding schools far from home. This, according to DCFS, was so that the federal govemment and churches could remove tribal culture from the children by changing their appearance, not allowing them to
May 2016
speak their own language, and/or not allowing children to practice traditional ceremonies, etc. Also, Indian children were abused by the boarding school staff and system, including verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and forced physical labor instead of attending classes. GONA is coming to the Umatilla Indian Reservation because the Tribes are experiencing high rates of substance abuse, depression, domestic violence, child neglect, abuse of children and elders, and suffer high rates of unemployment and health disparities, according to the DCFS. The first conversation that led to GONA coming here included Sandy Sampson, Chief Carl Sampson, BOT Chairman Gary Burke and then-BOT Treasurer Aaron Hines, who were approached by the Native American Rights Fund. " We knew t h i s w o u l d b e n efit t h e community to heal or speak of how that affected them," said Debra Shippentower, Circles of Care Family Services Representative. The effort includes support from the CTUIR Health Commission, the Board of Trustees and General Council. A collaborative partnership formed with Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center Community Health, Prevention Program, Alcohol and Drug, DCFS and Education programs, plus Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and NARF.
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May 20, 2016 Nixyaawii Governance Center
10:00 — 11:00AM
Confederated Umatilla Journal
itoria s One world, not two For many American Indians growing up we are told we have to live in two worlds. The Indian World and the White (Dominant) World. Prior to contact by European explorers and settlers, North America was widely populated by Natives. Estimates range from twelve million to well over twenty-five million. European incursion into North America not only brought in new people, cultures, values, and customs it also brought new diseases. Those diseases such as smallpox, influenza, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague and measles had a more devastating effect on our population than warfare. By 1900, the U.S. Census reported there were 237,000 American Indians in the United States, we represented .002% of the U.S. population at that time. This is considered our lowest population count, a time when we were nearly extinct. This is also a time when it may have been determined that we should find a way to live in two worlds. Growing up here in Nixyaawii, I was told to find a balance between these two worlds. I was to leam and remember from whom I came. To leam my own history, which measles and warfare played a major role, and how it affected my People. I was to leam English, mathematics, reading, writing, western science, g civics, law, and American culture. Advancing my personal and professional education was and still is expected. These expectations came from my parents, family, friends, and elders. I searched for balance. I looked to ensure I had a foundation in my Indian culture first, before looking to learn new cultures. I thought I had found a balance. About sixteen years ago, I was giving a talk in Arizona about working with Native youth and finding a balance between indigenous ways of knowledge and western science. I extolled extensively on how our Youth in the Salmon Corps program were finding balance in two worlds, how they were developing western ideals and skills while maintaining their traditional connections with salmon, water, and our land. As I finished the talk, I could see two women in back looking right at me and when I finished one gestured for me to go and sit by them. I walked to the back of the conference room and quickly saw one was my teacher, my mentor, and my friend Winona LaDuke. I was an undergraduate student of hers at the University of Oregon years before. She introduced me to (atwai) Wilma Mankiller, former Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. It truly was an honor to be asked to sit with them both. Wilma told me I gave a good speech, but I was wrong on one point. She told me, "You live in one world, the Indian world." She took the time to teach me that the White world wanted me to think that I live in two worlds, because it would cause turmoil within me and would cause me to question my own beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Wilma explained that we as Indian People have always been on these lands and though great attempts were made to rid the land or our People, we still stand tall today. She explained that it is the other people, who immigrated to our lands, who must live in two worlds. I thanked her for her words; I would go on learning a great deal from this powerful woman both while she was on this land and when she passed into the next. I have reflected on this teaching many times. I now can clearly see that I was never told by my own People that I lived in two worlds. The push of my family, friends and elders was to ensure I learned from anyone willing to teach me, I just had to be willing to leam. I was charged by my late grandfather, Charles F. Sams Sr. to go out into the world and learn all the good things that will help the People and to leave the bad teachings where I found them. Since 1900, we have seen a significant rebound in our population. Today we number over 5.2 million American Indians, representing over 2% of the U.S. population. We continue to send our youth into the world, not to find a balance between two worlds, but to gain knowledge and experience that will help sustain and grow our living culture, protect our values, and bring balance to our lives. We as a People are not going anywhere, we were placed here by our Creator. We were given our laws and way of life. We live in our World and it is up to other people to leam to live with us, as a sovereign People.
overnm ent,
CUJphoto/Dallas Dick
Struttin' his stuff Alex Allen dances in the 10-and-under category. About three dozen natives participated in the pow-wow, which followed a salmon feast at Blue Mountain Community College. For more photos turn to Page 20A.
Confederated Um at i ll a Jou r na l
46411 Timine Way Pendleton, OR 97801 541-429-7005 FAX 541-429-7005
w w
Publisher Charles F. Sams III
Display advertising rate
CUJ staff:
Quarter page:$58.50
Wil Phinney, Editor Miranda Vega Rector, Reporter/Photographer Dallas Dick, Freelance Photographer
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
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Mail Subscriptionsi $15 peryear or$28 for two years.
M & D & 7 awards in 201 5, including first places for best feature photo and news photo.
Next CUJl June 2 Ad deadline: May 17 News deadline: Niay24
May 2016
o umns Leaders must commit to transparency for membership e relationship between a community and its leadership is built on trust. Trust comes from transparency and transparency comes from communication. Understandably, within government operations there are boundaries in place to protect confidential interests and in some cases leaders simply don't engage to avoid a sense of loss in authority. However, there seems to be a severe lapse in basic communication directly between leadership and constituents regarding non-sensitive information that affects the daily lives of our membership. This current system of operation alienates and fosters a sense of "us versus you". Transparency is also more than a rundown of minutes in the CUJ or vague meeting announcements on our website. While I appreciate these efforts, it seems it is no longer adequately sustaining our progressive people. It will take commitment from each individual elective to utilize all avenues of communication and possibly even consider new technologies. When leaders engage to inquire our thoughts and experience, you affirm that our voices matter and we are important contributors to our civic process A disappointing example of this distancing system of communication is the exclusion of General Council from the conversation on issues like the distribution of the RAMAH settlement or marijuana within the CTUIR
boundaries. This division refutes the objective of a tribal government that thrives on the principles of a democratic system in which we tribal members are stakeholders. We constantly talk about the importance of education; this should absolutely include the constant education of information to our people. How are resolutions and votes in the board room directly reflecting the issues we are facing daily on an individual level? Not everyone has the privilege to attend BOT work sessions and it would be beneficial to have a weekly publicized summary of actions being taken on our behalf. Another unfortunate point lies within instances of crisis, such as the tragic events we experienced in March. Direct communication would have been essential in alleviating some of the frustration and animosity that followed. The letter sent out to the community seemed to be a Band-Aid for the lack of presence from leadership during the neighborhood response that followed and while the intention is appreciated we truly needed a more spirited sense of assurance. A positive model is with the elected leaders who have been operative in interaction with their constituents. One particular member at-large has built a solid foundation of reliance through positive communication and presence in our community. I believe the effects of his efforts showed in the sizeable number of votes he received this last election. The Warm Springs tribe was very inclusive
of their citizens in their marijuana endeavor and they had a record turnout in both voters and participants. Finally, in regards to knowledge sharing: we can' t afford to assume our citizens automatically understand the ins and outs of our operations. It is our responsibility to teach just as much as it is for us to learn. In the few months I' ve been serving in General Council, I was genuinely surprised at how many people do not understand the basics of our meeting process let alone how to assert their right to information. I believe from that lack of clear instruction comes a sense frustration and distrust, which also seems to be cultivating an apathetic sense of duty amongst our younger generation. This is not good for building a strong future of leaders. When we are left in silence, we are left with rumors and assumptions. And perhaps instead of the defensiveness that seems to follow disapproval of the current system, please consider it is very much a possibility that a different approach is needed to implement effective outreach in communication and teaching. As Steve SoHappy always says "I'm not trying to hurt anybody' s feelings." This is true for me in my words here; simply, a personal observation that there is much opportunity to be had in strengthening the trust between leaders and the community with just a little more communication. — Jiselle HalPnoon is Secretary for the CTUIR General Council
Tribes'unwritten law has no place in open public debate s your Board of Trustees (BOT) Vice-Chair, Fish ICc Wildlife Commission (FWC) Chair and fellow Tribal member I am here now not to fight over our foods or call out any of my people. I am here to provide supported facts and describe what the FWC have been tasked and ultimately decided to do in respect to our foods and our people. Tamanwit/Tamalwit is our "unwritten law". Throughout my short life I have heard many elders articulate it as our natural laws; felt it in song, dance and sweat; seen it in my child's eyes. In short, it is our way of life as native people of these lands. This along with the other issues of money in the CUJ April 2016 Op-Ed, "Commercializing our ceremonial fish violates Tamanwit", have been addressed and defended to Secretary Close at the Feb. 2, 2016, General Council, the March 8, 2016 Fish ICc Wildlife Commission Meeting and the BOT in 2015. To my knowledge he has not changed his stance. Our unwritten law has no place in an open public debate, but what I can say or should say is we all have
been born into our way of life. Our way of life that is a balance between two worlds and a daily fight to preserve our history and culture while adapting to an ever changing present. All of which defines our responsibilities to the First Foods and our next seven generations — a task every generation is honored with. The FWC will be providing compensation to our ceremonial and subsistence tribal fishermen for a number of reasons: they risk their lives, their crews' lives, their boats, nets, tools along with burning fuel for their boats and vehicles. What we provide as compensation to the fishermen is an offering of appreciation from a tribal budget that has not always been available to give. In fact, the Brigham family along with a few others provided fish for ceremonial purposes without Tribal compensation from 1978 to the early 1990s. This timeline of financial capacities/compensation coincides with the Tribes' influx of economic development and our Wildhorse Resort ICc Casino origins. Transparency and opportunity for all potential CTUIR ceremonial and subsistence providers is a priority for the FWC moving forward. As footnoted in last months Op-Ed, four different ceremonial and subsis-
tence permits have been awarded in 2016. Further, the FWC deemed there is no violation of the CTUIR Fish and Wildlife Code, Section 5.18, G., "... no one shall sell or offer for sale, and a commercially licensed fishbuyer or wholesalefish dealer shall not have in his or her possession,fish taken for subsistence or ceremonial purposes." The fishermen are not setting financial terms with the FWC nor are they negotiating a price for their service to the Tribes. The FWC is providing the compensation as a part of the permit at the FWC's discretion. I appreciate the FWC and Tribal staff for providing guidance in historical reference in this matter along with an understanding that both the natural and human worlds are that of a give-and take relationship. We will give all for the preservation of our 1855 Treaty retained rights by way of remembering the promises given to the First Foods and our people, both of which have given so much already. Nothing is free, especially our way of life. Qayciyowyow — Xitsu-ilp-ilp aka Jeremy Red Star Wolf is chairman of the CTUIR Fish & Wildlife Commission. He also is Vice Chairmanfor the Board of Trustees.
Tamanwit means being respectful, accountable and truthful avid Close's April CUJ opinion article pretty much blasted past Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) members who are no longer with us to talk to about this issue, (atways Sam Kash Kash, Kenneth Bill, Elize Farrow, Raymond Shippentower, Rod Cowapoo, Rose Mary Narcisse, Jay Minthorn and Mitch Pond) along with the current FWC and me. The FWC [for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation ] (CTUIR) has never commercialized ceremonial fish, violated Tamanwit or the Fish and Wildlife Code, nor did I violate the Fiscal Management Policies. Robert [Brigham] has fished for the FWC from 1978 to2016; the first20 years there was no compensation provided. For 5 years I wasn't on the FWC and he was still selected to fish for the tribe. The FWC is not a commercially licensed fish buyer or wholesale fish dealer. An objective of the FWC is to give the tribal community an opportunity to have one of the first foods, salmon, available. In the spring of 2015 David Close came to our house
May 2016
to talk about himself and how much more he could do for the Fisheries Program if hired, but never brought up ceremonial fishing. Afterwards, he drove off in a University of British Columbia van. Later Close contacted FWC members, stating I should be removed from the FWC due to conflict of interest of our ceremonial fish. The FWC discussed the issue and made a decision not to support my removal because, as Chair or a member of the FWC I never voted, signed any permits or purchase orders. I was not present when the FWC made this decision. In reviewing the February 2016 General Council information Close distributed, without support from the Board of Trustees or the General Council offlcers, the information that focused on the Brighams and one Bronson. The list was incomplete, purchase orders have the wrong dates, and some are identified incorrectly. Some are reimbursement for boat gas, oil, knives and vacuum fish bags, not for fish delivery. The current FWC process is to review any fishermen interested in fishing for CTUIR. Once a tribal fisherman has been selected, a permit is prepared that identifies their helpers and fishing sites. The fishermen must pro-
Confederated Umatilla Journal
vide all vehicles and fishing gear. The permit is signed and sent to enforcement. The process has not changed since 1977, other than to do more outreach. The FWC have always been open to improving the current process. Close didn't bring up the eel or bison harvest, where funds are provided to pay the permit holders to harvest and bring them back to CTUIR. The FWC doesn't have the funds to provide per diem and mileage to cover 3-4 weeks of fishing to fishermen. Therefore a decision was made to provide compensation to the fishermen for the use of their fishing gear, by the number of fish they caught, which is counted at least twice to confirm the number of CTUIR fish. Tribal fishermen must ice fish daily, communication with the Fisheries Program daily, and provide all the salmon to the transporters. The fish transporters are paid by the FWC to pick-up the fish using CTUIR equipment. Traditional Law is about being respectful, accountable and truthful. — Kat Brigham is former chairperson o f the CTUIR Fish & Wildlife Commission. She also isformer Secretary for the Board o f Trustees
Bonita A. "Bunny" Lloyd April 17, 1938 — April 12, 2016 Bonita A. "Bunny" Lloyd, a Pendleton resident, passed away Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at her home. She was 77 years old. A dressing ceremony was held April 14 at Burns Mortuary of Pendleton Chapel. Recitation of the Rosary was held at the Agency Longhouse, followed by a Washat Service. Funeral Mass followed at St. Andrew's Church, followed by burial at the Agency Cemetery. A dinner was held after the burial at the Agency Longhouse. She was born April 17, 1938, at Tutuilla, Oregon, to Peter and Louise (Beavert) Lloyd. She attended school at Starkey in a train boxcar
Boy, did we mess up in the April CUJ. Seems like one mistake begat another and another. Some weren't as big as others but we' ll take a try at listing them so you know we don' t ignore it when our readers point out our blunders — big or small. First, the biggest muff was in a story about a meeting BOT vice-chairman Jeremy Wolf attended in Montana to discuss buffalo hunting. One quote suggested that the Montana Fish and Wildlife or the Oregon Fish and Wildlife "... may have to restrict us all" was attributed to Wolf that should have been attributed to Carl Scheeler, wildlife program manager. Wolf noted that "Our Treaty is with the United States and although we do try to work with all State level Fish and Wildlife agencies, the harvest, safety and resource management is achieved within and between the Tribes first." On top of that, the quote referred to a state agency when it should have been a federal agency. Wolf also didn't like that the lead to the story used the term "were" when the meeting had not yet occurred. The story was written as the CUJ went topress and we should have said something like "was expected to" so it wouldn' t look like we were using at, as Wolf suggested, a "crystal ball". "Safety is what brought us together, but resource (specifically, First Foods) management from a Tribal perspective became
and then attended St. Andrew's Catholic School. Bunny married Seymour Senator. She was a homemaker and she also drove harvest truck. She enjoyed yarn work. She is survived by her daughter Laura Allen and husband Larry of Pendleton, four grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents Peter and Louise Lloyd, her sister Irene Melendrez, her brother David Lloyd, her son Melvin Gifford and great-grandchild Jemyni K. Bean. Sign the online condolence book at www.bumsmortuary.corn. Burns Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of arrangements.
our goal knowing safety can be achieved within that continued coordination. We look forward to increased communication between the Greater Yellowstone Treaty Tribes. Wolf said an op-ed on page 7 sets the record straight. • On page 1, the cutline under a photo of Doris Scott and her daughter the date of the shooting occurred on March 19. We said May 19. • In a photo of the candle-light vigil held on the evening after the shooting, one of the singers was misidentified. It was Fred Hill, not Armand Minthorn. • The identifications were botched on a pair of sports photos on pages 4B and 5B. In the black-and-white shot on page 4B, that's not Shaw Broncheau, who plays for Weston-McEwen. It' s really Quinton Quaempts, who plays for Mt. Hood Community College. He was playing in Pendleton in a game against Blue Mountain Community College. On page 5B, the Pilot Rock player taking a cut at the softball is Stacy Fitzpatrick, a Nixyaawii Community School student playing for the Rockets. It's not Madison Dave. • In a photo of Easter egg hunting on Page 11B, Kamia Dick's first name was misspelled. WHEW. It's important for us to get things correct. We' ll try harder and, we' re sure, you' ll let us know when we humans make more mistakes.
Library Assistant Fisheries Science Closing Date: May 31, 2016 Part-Time (0.75 FTE or approx. 32 hrs/wk) $28,163 — $36,607 Location: Portland, Oregon The Columbia River Inter-Trbal Fish Commission (CRITFC) assists four tribes in the co-management of their treaty rights within the Columbia River Basin. The position offered is within the StreamNet Library. CRITFC is seeking a Library Assistant to support library services for the organization's scientific and technical staff, Commissioners and staff from the four member tribes, and the fishery management community throughout the Columbia River Basin and the Pacific Northwest. The Library Assistant position requires experience with computers and will be responsible for gathering, organizing, and maintaining information resource Essential Job Functions: Specific duties of this position include, but are not limited to: Assist with the task of organizing StreamNet Library materials by processing and shelving materials. Assist patrons in locating library materials and provide referral to the Assistant Librarian for reference questions. Assist with interlibrary loans by locating materials for loan and processing as directed. Work with Library staff to assure smooth and effective operations by creating and continually evaluating existing systems, resources, policies, and procedures/methods. Other duties as assigned to assist CRITFC and StreamNet Library achieve overall goals and purposes. Job Requirements/Qualifications: High School diploma. Experience using Internet resources and online catalogs; Demonstrated accuracy and attention to detail; Demonstrated ability in Windows operating system and MicrosoR Office applications; Excellent oral and written communication skills; Ability to work positively within a team and assist a diverse array of professionals and patrons; Dependability, creativity, flexibility, and ability to work independently. Please see the complete job description for more information. You may also visit our website at to learn more about the following position, or to view other opportunities. Send application, cover letter, and resume to: CRITFC ATTN: Human Resources 700 NE Multnomah, Suite 1200 Portland, OR 97232 You may also submit your application by:
Upcoming C7UIR Elder's Events May 6: Elder's meeting at the Senior Center at 9 a.m. ! May 13: Warm Springs elder's dinner May 19: Yakama elder's dinner at the Sun Dome June 3: Elder's meeting at the Senior Center at 9 a.m";,; June 10: Nez Perce Tribe's elder's day 8 dance l July 8: Elder's meeting at the Senior Center at 9 a.m. July ii: Spirit Mountain dinner ",,;:
:;;FYI: The elders are forming four groups of eight or more to make this 2016 CTUIR Elder's.:", :, :"Dinner event a success. We are asking for local donations, live entertainment, badge makers, ; "flyers, gift baskets, and hotel discounts or coupons. ! Volunteers need to be appraoved by DCFS or Senior officers. • No- vendors at the event but you can call Wildhorse Resort 8 Casino to ask if they will allow vendors in nearby areas. • No children or grandchildren, please. Any questions or to attend an event, please contact Theda Scott at 541-429-7388. „,""
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Fax to 503.235.4228 email to
Receptionist Office of the Executive Director Closing Date: Jun e 3, 2016 Regular, Full time, exempt $32,834.00 — $42,687.00 Location: Portland, Oregon This position is the primary Receptionist and first point of contact for the Columbia River InterTribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). The primary responsibilities of the Receptionist will be to open theoff ice each business day, answer and route incoming telephone calls to appropriate CRITFC staff, receive and distribute facsimiles/mail and greet commissioners, guests, and staff members. The Receptionist reports to the Executive Assistant, and provides general clerical support to members of the Office of the Executive Director department. This position provides clerical assistance to the CRITFC Administrative Assistants and the Administrative Assistants provide backup reception duties as needed. This support includes, but is not limited to, filing, faxing, answering phones, typing, scheduling of meeting conference rooms, and maintaining the company database. This position will also open, date stamp, scan and log mail for CRITFC, copying, occasional faxing requests and other clerical support activities as requested. For more information please see the attached job announcement or visit On-Call Receptionist Office of the Executive Director Temporary, on-call, non-exempt $12.56/hr — $16.34/hr (Equivalent to CRITFC Grade 3) Location: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Portland, OR Recruitment Period: Open until Filled This position is the primary Receptionist and first point of contact for the Columbia River InterTribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). The primary responsibilities of the Receptionist will be to open the off ice each business day, answer and route incoming telephone calls to appropriate CRITFC staff, receive and distribute facsimiles/mail and greet commissioners, guests, and staff members. The Receptionist reports to the Executive Assistant, and provides general clerical support to members of the Office of the Executive Director department. This position provides clerical assistance to the CRITFC Administrative Assistants and the Administrative Assistants provide backup reception duties as needed. This support includes, but is not limited to, filing, faxing, answering phones, typing, scheduling of meeting conference rooms, and maintaining the company database. This position will also open, date stamp, scan and log mail for CRITFC, copying, occasional faxing requests and other clerical support activities as requested. For more information please see the attached job announcement or visit Application procedure: Hiring preference will be given to qualified enrolled members of federally recognized tribes and Alaska natives, especially to members of the four CRITFC member tribes (Warm Springs, Yakama, Umatilla, and Nez Perce). All qualified individuals, including women, veterans, minorities and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply and will be given fair and equitable consideration. Note: no incomplete application will be considered. Complete application materials include a cover letter, CV/resume, a completed job application (available on our website at www.criffc. org "employment opportunities" on bottom left corner, or by calling 503-238-0667), a copy of college transcripts (does not have to be certified) and a list of at least three professional references.
May 2016
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Water Committee of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation will hold a public hearing, pursuant to Section IX.D of the Tribal Stream Zone Alteration Regulations, on application SZ-16-01 submitted by the Tribal Fisheries Office, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801. The applicant requests a Major Stream Zone Alteration Permit to conduct a project on 3.8 miles of Meacham Creek. Proposed alteration activities include: Removal of man-made dikes and levees, creation of new channels within the Meacham Creek floodplain, alteration of existing side channels, the addition of large woody debris features, mechanical and chemical removal of noxious (non-native) weeds, and the planting of riparian vegetation in the 3.8 miles of stream. A public hearing on this Stream Zone Alteration Permit request will be conducted on Tuesday June 7, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Walla Walla conference room (¹101A) in the Nixyaawii Governance Center at 46411 Timine Way, Mission Oregon. The public is entitled and encouraged to attend the hearing and submit oral or written testimony pertinent to the application. Written testimony may be presented at the hearing or must be received before May 28, 2016. For further information, please contact Craig Kvern, CTUIR/DNR Water Resources Program at (541)429-7271. John Barkley, Chairman Tribal Water Commission NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) will hold the following public hearing:
Conditional Use ¹CU-15-003 — Applicant, CTUIR Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Program, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801, requests Conditional Use approval from the NRC for a stream restoration project on an approx. four-mile stretch of Meacham Creek (river mile 1.9 to 5.7). Project area includes subject properties: Allotments 1417, 1283, T2141, 1231, 1232 and 1138 owned by individual Tribal members or the CTUIR and held in trust by the U.S. Dept. of Interior; lots owned by the CTUIR in fee title identified as tax lots 900, 1300, 1400, 2801 and 2500 on Umatilla County Assessor's Map 2N36 all being located within the exterior boundaries of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Project purpose is to restore floodplain function and processes to improve in-stream habitat for endangered fish species including the removal of levees, excavation and the downing of trees to be used in the project. The subject properties are zoned G-1 (Big Game Grazing Forest) where "Fish and Wildlife projects..." can be permitted with conditional use approval (Land Development Code (LDC) li3.290) subject to approval criteria in LDC sections 6.015, 4.025 and Chapters 6 and 13. The hearing will be held Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Nixyaawii Governance Center Wanaq'it Conference Room (L202) on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR. The public is entitled and encouraged to attend the hearing and to submit oral or written testimony regarding the request. To obtain additional information, contact the Tribal Planning Office at, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, Oregon, 97801 or call (541) 429-7518. Ray Huesties, Secretary Natural Resources Commission
CTUIR Board of Trustees
Chair Gary Burke
Secretary David Close At-large BOT Members: Armand Minthorn Justin Quaempts Aaron Ashley Woodrow Star
Vice Chair Jeremy Wolf Treasurer Rosenda Shippentower
General Council Chair Alan Crawford CTUIR Deputy Executive Director: E x ecutive Director: David Tovey Debra C roswel I
General Council Meeting Pendleton Pioneer Chapel received three prestigious awards in 2009
+ The Oregon Funeral Directors Association Award of Funeral Service Excellence + The Best Of Eastern Oregon Award as voted by the readers of the East Oregonian
Nixyaawii Governance Center, May 19, 2 p.m. D~ratt a ends:
+ Pendleton Chamber of Commerce 2009 Business of the Year
1. General Council Chairman Report — Alan Crawford, GC Chair 2. Election Commission Annual Report — Rachel Matamoros, EC Chair 3. Pendleton Round-Up 2016 Update — Rob Collins, Pendleton Round-Up Board of Directors, Secretary and Indian Director
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We offeran array of Monuments and Headstones. Available in a wide variety of sizes, colorsand designs. Call today to learn m ore.
Burns Mortua o f PE N D L ET O N
May 2016
(541) 276-2331
Tribal Court 541-276-2046
Human Resources 541-429-71 80
Department of Children and Family Services 541-429-7300
Science 8 Engineering/Air Quality Burnline 541-429-7080
Enrollment Office 541-429-7035
Senior Center 541-276-0296
Finance Office 541-429-71 50
TERF 541-276-4040
FinanceCredit Program 541-429-71 55
Confederated Umatilla Journal 541-429-7399
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Gates Scholars Continued from Pa e 1A
aging at OIT in Klamath Falls, but said she may go pre-med now that she has the Gates. Farrow, the daughter of Alanna Nanegos and Bear Farrow, said the Gates application was rigorous. It included eight essays, each at least 1,500 words, on subjects ranging from goals to overcoming challenges to how to succeed in college. Farrow said it should h ave been a two-month process but she likes to procrastinate. "I rem ember d u r i n g a b a s k etball practice I went up to Jeremy (Maddem, NCS coach) and told him I can't practice. I told him I had an essay due at 11:59 so
Farrow said. The day after Nixyaawii beat Adrian at the state basketball tournament Farrow
learnedshe was a Gates semi-fi nalist. When she found out, Farrow texted her friend: Did you check your email? Did you get the Gates? You need to go check." Farrow said she had a feeling about her best friend. "That's just the person she is. I knew she needed to check. She texted me the whole time she was on her email and then she said, 'I got it.' We were crying through texts," Farrow said. Simpson, the daughter of Patricia Ball and Joe Simpson, lives with her mother in Pendleton. She applied for six schol-
Special FWC Meeting WHAT: Fishers Meeting WHEN: May 17, 20161:30 PM WHERE: NixyaawiiGovernance Center; Winaha and Qapqapa Conference Room — L201A, Second Floor, NE Corner Mission, Oregon WHO: F ish & Wildlife Commission For more information contact: Preston Bronson at 541-429-7277 or Jeremy Wolf at 541-429-7382 s at in the bleachers and finished it "
arships and interviewed for the Ford Family scholarship, but kind of put that effort on hold after learning of the Gates. Her mother and Br andi W easkus, CTUIR Higher Education manager, suggested she go for the Gates. Then Jill Gregg, coordinator for the ASPIRE program at PHS, started to push her to get the eight essays completed. Gregg said Simpson was very concerned about the cost of college and because she was $1,500 short of tuition at OIT was considering community college. "She was so worried about the cost; now she doesn't have to limit herself," Gregg said. "She's always been financially focused because she doesn't want to graduate with debt." Does Gregg think Simpson has the right stuff to reach her goals? "Anytime you' re talking about medical school when you' re in high school ... that's challenging, but she's a hard worker and she puts her mind to it and gets the work done." Simpson said her inspiration is her mother, who recently returned to Blue Mountain Community College to earn her associate's degree. For Farrow, her parents inspired her. "They were strict, they still are. My dad isn't as strict but my Mom puts the hammer down. 'What are you doing, who are you wi th?' And I' m t h ankful for that. I' ve never even thought about getting into trouble." F arrow a l w a y s w a n te d t o a t t e n d Nixyaawii but it was a big debate with her parents. "I told them I have to come out here. I'm not comfortable in town. We had an agreement that every single semester I had to get a 4.0 (grade point average). She challenged me and here I am. A lot of people say Nixyaawii is easy but I don' t. It's no different than any system that Pendleton has." Farrow already was flying high before the Gates after being accepted at Stanford. Two other schools — Dartmouth in Hannover, New Hampshire, and Davidson College in North Carolina — had also accepted her but Stanford was her first choice. "I visited in November . .. oh my gosh
Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center
SYSTEMS OF CARE PROGRAM Invites you to the
Children's Mental Health Awareness Day May 7, 2016
Probate No:P000096398IP Allotment:
Farrow was a three-point shooter for the girls' basketball team, played volleyball, is secretary for the second year on the Youth Council and is assistant leader for the Peer-to-Peer education mentor program. Farrow thanked the many people at NCS and in the CTUIR Education Department, including Michelle Van Pelt, the school's Career/Post Secondary Counselor; teachers Mary Green and Jewell Kennedy; Principal Ryan Heinrich and administrative assistant Carrie Phinney; language teacher Damian Totus; and Annie Smith, Native American Higher Education Coach and Liaison. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was established in 1999 to provide outstanding African American, American Indian / Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, and Hispanic American students with an opportunity to complete an undergraduate college education in any discipline area of interest. Continuing Gates Millennium Scholars may request funding for a graduate degree program in one of the following discipline areas: computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health or science.
William Clarke Jackson Iden tfication i No: 143A001321
Legal Description Sec t ion Townslri Ran e
Aggregated Fraction
Share Acres:
30/3N /34E
14.685: 29.37
at the Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center Large Conference Room
Bernie Sanders.
CTUIR Notice of Option to Purchase In the Matter of the Estate of:
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
I have to come here. It wasn't an option (to go elsewhere) the way the students were down there, so open and friendly. They welcomed me to the campus like I was already a student there," Farrow said. Both girls have their quiet sides, but both say their friends would characterize them differently. Said Simpson, "I'm shy but my friends say if you get to know me I'm funny and sarcastic." Farrow said, "I'm outgoing with those I'm comfortable with. I love to laugh and make people laugh; goofy I guess." Simpson, is a big Tr ail Blazer fan, went to a playoff game in late April. She played basketball before tearing her ACL as a freshman. She said she's not political but "loves Obama because he took on a challenge." She said she's voting for
Tribe: Umatilla Fair Market Value
$110.14 $110.14
This notice is to serve as theofficial cTUIR Notice 0 0 non Io Purchasefor the above referenced estate that the confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation ("cTUIR") of oregon will exercise itsoption to Purchaseunder the authority of the CTUIR Inheritance Code* any and all interest/s of the above referenced trust or restricted allotments at fair market value pursuant to
Section 105(C)(4)*. CTUIR Inheri lance CodeSermon 105(E) — Tribal Member Right to Purchose. ' g ' ' :Ay M f | C fd dT 'b 1 dp I I h C fd ic E~R 'bR l t Tribes has filed a Notice of Purchase pursuant to Sections 1.05(D)(2), (3) and/or (5) of this code may purchase such lands in the '
Join us for Kid's Carnival, Garne, Activities for all Ages & Family BBQ!
For more information please contact Aaron Noisey, 541-429-4901
placeofthe Confederated Tribes if: a. T he member of the Confederated Tribes owns an interest in the subject trust parcel on the date of death of the decedent; b. The eligible member of the Confederated Tribes files his/her notice of intent to purchase the interest in the subject trust parcel with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees within 30 days after publication of the purchase by the Confederated Tribes in the Tribal newspaper; and c. The eligible member of the Confederated Tribes' right to purchase under this subsection shall be subject to the requirements that the fair market value of the interest in trust lands as determined by the secretary [of the Interior] must be paid as set forth in section 1.05(c)(4) of this code, and shall be subject to the rights of the surviving spouse and Indian lineal
descendant set forth in section l. 05(c)(2), (3) and (7). d. The eligible member of the Confederated Tribes deposits payment in the amount equal to the fair market value of the subject trust parcel, of interest therein, with the BIA Umatilla Agency Superintendent which payment shall be accompanied by the identification of the decedent, the probate case number and trust parcel in question. The eligible member must make the Ml payment for the subject trust parcel, or interest therein, within 60 days of filing its notice of intent to pwchase. In such an event, the eligible member shall be authorized to acquire the interest in the subject parcel in the place of the Confederated Tribes.
Please contact the cTUI. Land Proi ects Program at (541) 429-7485 | f you have any questions, concerns,or to requesta copy of the Inheritance code. * The cTUIR Inheritance code was approved by the Board of Trustees of the confederated Tribes of the Umahlla Jnrhan Reservation (cTUIR) per Resolution No. 08-028 (April 7, 2008) and approved by the secretary of the Intenor, Bureau of Indian Affairs onMay 16, 200$ (effective 180 after approval= November 12,200$) in accordance with the Jndian Land Consolidation Act, [P.L. 97-459, 25 U.S.C. Ch. 24 $2201-2221].
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
The "close knit" tribal
community, cultural identity
• gg +P
and native ay
languages were listed as + +
key strengths.
Kim Minthorn from the CTU IR Recreation Program.
+ +About 50 people participatedin the American Indian Alaskan Native Education Plan: Community Conversation April 27in the Nixyaavvii Governance Center on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Among attendeeswas Salam Noor, Oregon Department of Education Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction. Many others represented a variety of disciplines, including the faces you see surrounding this story.
'Cemmunity Cenversatien' identifies strengths, needs MISSION — Strengths and assets, needs and priorities, plus recommendations came out of "Community Conversation" to review the state's American Indian Alaskan Native Education Plan during a meeting April 27 at the Nixyaawii Governance Center on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. About 50 people, including several representatives of the Oregon Department of Education and Pendleton School District 16R attended. Salam Noor, ODE Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, was at the meeting. The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) was well represented by, among others, Justin Quaempts, chairman of the Education and Training Committee and a member of the CTUIR Board of Trustees.(Quaempts also serves on the Nixyaawii Community School board of directors.) Parents and CTUIR staff that included the Tribes' Education Department, Human Resources, Department of Children and Family Services, and the Department of Economic and Community Development, plus Veterans Services and Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, were part of the discussion. The "Community Conversation" aimed to address the "roadmap" of 11 objectives in the state's American and Alaskan Native Education Plan. Toward that goal, "kitchen table" small-group discussions took place to identify the community's strengths and needs, plus recommendations for implementation of the plan.
Linda Sampson, After School and Language teacher
Brent Spencer, STEP Project Manager of the CTUIR
The "close knit" tribal community, cultural identity and native languages were listed as key strengths. The groups reported needs such as parental involvement; consequences for truancy; and better communication between parents, District 16R and the Tribal Education Department. Also identified as needs were more native educators/teachers in classrooms; addressing chronic absenteeism; teaching models that adapt to the uniqueness of every child rather than a cookie cutter approach to learning; and, of course, more resourcesto tackle the issues. Recommendations reflected both the community's needs and strengths as the conversation "weaved" each of the small discussion groups' comments into a story about the community's educational system. One of the key recommendations was to continue language immersionclasses. The report-out also suggested removing barriers that deflect native educators to earn teaching degrees, and making a teaching career more attractive and lucrative to students who obtain their teaching degrees, but for whatever reason don't return to instruct tribal students. The recommendations suggested advocates for students as young as middle school to consider teaching careers. Consistent tutoring programs, the use of volunteers, more tribal coordinators, and remedies to the current busing schedule also were discussed. Another recommendation was to incorporate a holistic food/diet program for students that would combat behavioral problems and absenteeism.
Pioneer Asphalt, inc. Pendleton Ready Mix, Inc. Pioneer Construction, Inc.
Cheryl Myers, Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Chief of Staff
Jon Peterson, retiring Pendleton School District 16R Superintendent.
~ •
• 5
A •
May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
20f8 '
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Mission Longhouse Annex. Luksh is considered one of the tougher roots to dig because itis deeperin the groundin comparison to cous and bitter root.
QP 8 8 g5 W omen goafoot i)ging MISSION - The Root Feast is considered the biggest celebration of the year feeding more than 430 people from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Coeur 'd Alene, Colville, Nez Perce, Yakama, Warm Springs, and the Wanapum band. "It's one of the biggest turnouts we' ve seen," said Ar-
Above, Pamela Shippentower holds a fresh luksh root that she dug out of the ground. At right, the roots are cleanedin preparation for cooks at the Longhouse.
mand Minthom, a Longhouse leader and an elected member of the Board of Trustees for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. In preparation for the feast, roughly 25 women spent two days gathering their 'sisters' such as bitter root, luksh and cous. Several more women stayed at the Longhouse preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for the diggers. After the gathering, it took another one and a half days at the longhouse to clean the roots. The feast was held the follow'AP ing Sunday.
The event included services from 9 a.m. to noon followed by the table set up and feast. Those who were first time diggers presented their bag of roots to an elder and everyone had the chance to taste the different traditional spring first-foods. The menu included salmon, deer, lamprey, bitter root, cous, luksh, chokecherries, huckleberries, and of course, clean water. Additionally, the meal included a number of foods from the general population like bread, pie, cakes, and salads. "They were all made right in the [longhouse] kitchen," said Minthom. "What's so neat is that this is a group that makes things happen. It's not one or two individuals, it's a group effort." The week following was the Children' s Feast where all young people who were also first time diggers were recognized and gifted their gatherings to an elder. The next feast will be the huckleberry feast in late July or early August, depending on when the harvest takes place.
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The day atter all three roots were gathered, the womenjoined together at the Mission Longhouse Annex to clean the roots and prepare them for the Root Feast. Around one and a half days worth of work went into cleaning the roots.
CUJ photos by Miranda Rector 12A
Root diggers pose for a photo on a hillside outside of Pilot Rock. They include, from right front, Kat Brigham, Shawna Gavin, Pam Shippentower, Jolie Wendt, Cheryl Shippentower, Carman Chalakee, Julia Johnson, LeAnn Alexander, Eva Looney, Trinette Nowland, Beth Looney, Carina Vasquez, Brosnan Spencer, Kaitlyn Treloar, L'Rissa Sohappy, Ella Mae Looney, Cloe McMichael, Susie Patrick, Latis Nowland, and J'Dean Looney Roper.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
Extreme turkey hunting ng Gobler call brings cougar to tribal hunter Looki for a new " The thought ran through my min d said. "These are the chances you take )oil? ... 'this cat is going to be on me and I am when you enter their territory and sound like their prey. So whether you' re calling going to have to fight'," he recalled. But the cat never landed. As he sat up, elk, deer or turkeys or anything else, be Jamison expected to see a dead cat at his prepared," he said. Kimberly Weathers A lifelong h u n ter an d f i s h erman, feet. Instead he saw it slink into the brush about 10 feet away. Jamison trailed along with his grandfa"It looked like a dog with its tail be- ther Louis McFarland, his father Walter Broncheau, and uncles Archie Broncheau, tween its legs and appeared to be limping," Jamison said. Eddie McFarland and Francis "Wi ttsHe got up from witts" McFarland. under the bru sh Along w i t h o t h e r t e achers, "they and first looked to helped me develop m y a b i l i t ies as a the sky to gather hunter." his senses, then Jamison hunts big game, waterfowl ',o+cnn' w hocern d i a n and upland birds, but never predators, started looking for „, 4: "although I have always been aware of n ame is Ta-mo-pin :-.~ blood. 1904 SW Frazer "I still w a sn' t Kuts-kuts, hiked them." 541-379-001 0 about a q u a r t er sure if I'd hit the Good thing. mile up the botcat an d w a s n ' t r tom of a canyon a bout to go i n t o Malvin jamison provided much of this w here he'd h a d the brush to look story through a written recollection of the f luck before, but for it," he said. He incident with the cougar. this time no gobwaited about five ,i' rr' ffr blers responded to minutes and then 'r his diaphragm call. headed out. H e mo ved Jamison called ,cra, to another l ocaC arl S c h e e l e r , tion wh ere he' d m anager o f t h e i 'r had even better C TUIR W i l d l i f e Frazler Office SuPPIY e luck on previous P rogram, t o l e t earnalaroIcsnraf ca raa/year eaclaean nfl-Ni-llil iiy S,Mein Pendleton,OR. hunts. That hunt h im kno w t h e r e soo.frssfereNeesn pply,conc errrsre could be a woundproved to be one a'e •e he' ll never forget. ed cougar to deal All camoed up, w ith. T h e y m e t s hortly a f t e r t o Jamison "stealth walked" another quarter mile to arrive discuss the incident. at what he calls his "honey hole" when They concluded that Jamison probably hit the cat because of its behavior and he a hen turkey scooted out. He put up a turkey fan to use as a de- agree to contact a federal trapper. coy about 25 feet away from and began Jamison went home and the thought of calling. the incident went around over and over "I called and listened closely for about in head and finally surmised the cougar 15 minutes," Jamison recalled. "Finally must be dead. "I knew as fast as it came at me there (541) 276-1121 227 • S. Main • Pendleton o wwwfrazierofficesnpplyzom I heard the gobble maybe 500 yards to draw on my left. On continued calling was no possible way we did not make with more enthusiasm. He was coming contact with each other. The momentum on a string." would have forced contact except for one thing — the impact of that shotgun blast." The turkey was getting closer, but at about 100 yards out he abruptly went Jamison knew the cat was shot in the silent. front left shoulT hin k i n g der and should About the time I realized it it was closing b e less t h a n the d i s t a n ce, 0 ya rd s i n was a cougar, it began a full 3side Jamison readthe brush ied himself for w h er e he'd speed charge at me! The 621 Sixth St. in downtown Umatllla the shot. last seen it. He cat was barely off the end called Scheeler h e ca u g h t who suggested of the barrel when I pulled m ove m e n t h e go b a c k • N E W S E LECTION OF ROACHES straight ahead. with assistance the trigger. • Q u een sixed mink blanket in case with handle " Bu t it — to look for the w asn' t ' a cougar. • N e w line of blankets t om t u r k e y , " About eight • E x t ra large cornhusk bag Jamison said. His mind began to process hours later with friends and a dog named — fox no, coyote no — "a cougar." • 2 f u l l-sized Dentilium Shell Capes Duke, they found the cougar right where "The cat was about 10 yards away Jamison thought it would be. Commercial and brain tanned buckskin "That was combat turkey hunting at looking at the fan decoy. About the time • 6 w h i te buckskin dresses I realized it was a cougar it began a full the highest level," Jamison said. "Even • Dentilium shell dresses speed charge at me," Jamison said. with my l i f etime of experience in the • Mo n ey cowrie dress He raised the barrel just in time — with woods and shooting, any slight mistake • Ol d style trade cloth dresses his eyes pinched shut - to point and fire and this could have ended a lot differa 3-inch magnum turkey load. ently." ~ Large stock of moccasins - all sizes ~ Extra Large Dark Otter d IN n'S I S I "The cat was barely off the end of the kakin Shi S Jamison cautions hunters that if they barrel when I pulled the trigger." are calling in their turkey they should be • Beaded antique old and new shawls • Tule mats • Men' s,women's ft children's hard-sole fully beaded mocassins • He fell on his back in the brush and aware of the potential for harm. Roaches,shell dresses for women and children o pfrfrite buckskin dresses for women and children • Ol d style trade "Be aware of everything, always be cloth dresses for children • White3X large deer hides e Offer hair wraps • Wing and jingledresses for threw his arms and gun up over his face women and girls • Large stockcommercial and brain-tanned hides and chest expecting the cat to land on him. on high alert, stay steady and calm," he MISSION — It happened so fast Malvin Jamison wasn't sure if he'd been attacked or if his shotgun blast had stopped a cougar pouncing on what it thought was a turkey on a timbered ridge east of Mission last month. Fortunately, Jamison is still upright, working in the Fisheries Program in the Department of Natural Resources for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. After sneaking out of the house for an early hunt
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May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
gk o
Lining up during a hand drum song from Fred Hill Sr., in photo at right, Head Start children are, from left, Solomona Malumaleumu, Van Sohappy, Treson Farrow, Lisa Mclntosh, Ruby Sams, Desmond Nez and Chance Squiemphen Jr. During the Week of the Young Child children from CayUma-Wa Head Start and Tribal Day Care enjoyed a taco-wrap lunch made by the kids with whole wheat tortillas and fresh vegetables. The week also included a math/science day. Both classrooms are growing sunflowers from seeds. The Week of the Young Children was a nationwide event celebrated by Early Head Start and the Head Start programs. The eventis sponsored by the National Association of Education of Young Children.
Week of the Young Child
CTUIR youth push voter registration MISSION — If Indians didn't register to vote it's not the fault of Lennox Lewis, chairman of the Youth Council for the C onfederated Tribes of th e U m a t i l l a Indian Reservation (CTUIR). It's too late now to register and vote in Oregon's May 17 primary election, which features the presidential nomination of Democrat and Republican candidates. (There is plenty of time to register before the November General Election. ) Lewis, a senior at Nixyaawii Community School, worked on a pair of get-thevote out projects, including a 10-minute presentation on a national webinar that
drew participation by Native Americans across the United States. The CTUIR was the only tribe in the nation invited to participate, perhaps due to a video produced and shared on Facebook by CTUIR Youth Council that encourages young Indians to register. The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and Rock the Vote (RTV) sponsored the webinar entitled "Native Vote 2016 Webinar Series: Engaging Native Millennials." NCAI's Malia Villegal explained why the youth vote is an essential part of Indian Country and shared some resources
to all employees. "We are excited to see exactly how our voter registration efforts paid off." The Youth Council set a goal of registering 65 people; each Youth Council member was expected to register three
people. The Council also produced the video, which was posted on Facebook. NCAI, Native Vote, CTUIR General Council and nearly 60 individuals shared it on their Facebook pages as well. The Youth Council's video was shown during Lewis' remarks and drew rave reviews from the NCAI staff.
Community forum planned June 5 to review health assessment
for teaching about Native participation. RTV's Sarah Audelo talked about Democracy Dan and RTV's new Millennial Challenge highlighting young people and why they choose to exercise their right to vote. In his remarks, Lewis told w ebinar listeners how many Indians are regist ered to vote in Umatilla County a n d what is being done locally to boost those numbers. The Confederated Umatilla Journal ran a story about voter registration last month and CTUIR Executive Director Dave Tovey encouraged people to register to vote in an email that went
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M ISSION — A community forum t o discuss results of a tribal health assessment is planned June 5 at the Longhouse on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. "We need to your voices to improve the community's health and create a culture of wellness," said Carrie Sampson, assistant administrator at Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center. The forum will be from 5-7 p.m. Food and childcare will be available. Fitbits and other prizes will be awarded during a raffle. An assessment of 330 tribal members, c onsidered a statistically l e g i t i m a t e number of respondents, was conducted by Lyndsey Watchman in March. Tribal members shared their health histories,
answering questions that ranged from w eight control and p h y s ical activi t y to marijuana use and sexual behavior as part of a l a r ger U m a t i l l a-Morrow Counties Health Survey conducted in December. Results of the survey are designed to assist Yellowhawk in three ways: • Understand the current health care needs of the community; • Al i gn Yellowhawk's mission and goals with the community's needs, and; • Provide better service, leading to improved overall health. The survey covered Yellowhawk's service area, which includes Umatilla, Morrow and Union counties. The majority of tribal members live in Umatilla County.
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Community Forum • g
l i
s I I
There will be no forum in May. Starting in June, the forum will be changed to the last Tuesday of the month
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
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Tamastslikt solar carport dedicated West said Bobbie Conner, TCI director, and Jess Nowland, former assisstant MISSION — A solar carport, designed facilities manager, inspired Energy Trust. to help Tamastslikt Cultural Institute "We got the message from Jess that move closer to "net zero" energy use, was we could move faster. That became our dedicated April 22 at the interpretive cen- goal because ofyour efforts. You have ter on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. inspired us to be better," West said. The event took place under one of Clemens at Blue Sky, which is funded the carports in the Tamastslikt parking by ratepayers who check off a box on lot with speakers that included repretheir bills to earmark $1 on each payment sentatives of the two major funders that to be used for energy efficiency, said the worked with the Confederated Tribes of solar carport is the "last step to net zero." the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Before the power generation, there Three members of the CTUIR Board of were efficiency fixes at the museum. Trustees attended: "It was a beauS ecretary D a v i d t ifu l b u i l d i n g Close, Woodrow but an inefficient 'We gotthe message Star and Armand building," ClemMinthorn . C l o se from Jess that we ens said. "Bobbie m ade b r i e f r e and the staff decould move faster. That marks. c ided to r e d u c e M ak in g r ebecame our goal because energy costs and m arks w er e P e cut electricity use t er W e s t f r o m of your efforts. You have by 53 percent and Energy Trust and natural gas by 70 inspired us to be better.' Bill Clemons from percent." P aci f i c P o w e r T he wind mi l l Peter West from Energy Trust of Oregon Blue Sky, the two is expected to rep rimary f u n d i n g d uce the p o w er s ources , a l o n g use by another 25 with Jonathan Lewis from Hier Electric percent and the solar panels will cut use in The Dalles, the company that installed by an additional 55 percent. the solar panels as well as the wind turLewis from Hier Electric gave a brief bine at Tamastslikt. overview of the work on the solar panels Pacific Power Blue Sky contributed 75 and wind turbine. As he spoke the wind percent of the funding, Energy Trust cov- apparently reached 7.8 miles per hour ered 14 percent and the CTUIR pitched because theblades began to turn. in the remaining 11 percent. For the wind turbine, Pacific Power Power tobe generated from the solar pan- Blue Sky provided 52 percent of the fundels and the turbine are part of Tamastslikt's ing, Energy Trust contributed 35 percent effort to become net zero, which means the and the CTUIR picked up the remaining museum wants to produce as much power 13 percent. as it uses. The solar panels are expected to West and Clemens were presented generate 123 kilowatts of power. with tribal flags and necklaces with rep"Early on Tamastslikt came to us about licas of an eagle feather on each. making the museum energy efficient," Following the dedication, the group West said. "It was a special relationship gathered for a photo taken by a drone — your museum and our mission." overhead.
May 2016
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
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Tribes, Pendleton School District sign updated MOU
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On hand for the signing of the updated Memorandum of Understanding were, from left, Modesta Minthorn, CTUIR Education Department Director; Aaron Ashley, BOT member; Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman; Jon Peterson, Superintendent of Pendleton School District 16R; Justin Quaempts, BOT member; Gary Burke, Board of Trustees Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, BOT Treasurer; and Michelle Monkman, Board Chair for Pendleton Schoo/ District 16R.
MISSION — A revised memorandum of understanding, updating one originally adopted 17 years ago in 1999, was signed by Gary Burke, Board of Trustees Chairman of the Confederated Tribes of the U m a t i l l a I n d i a n R eservation (CTUIR), Justin Quaempts, Chairman of the Eudcation Training Commission, Modesta Minthorn, CTUIR Education
Director, and Jon Peterson, Superintendent of the Pendleton School District 1 6R in a ceremony at th e N i x y aaw i i Governance Center April 29. The revised MOU incorporates a comprehensive approach to addressing issues like absenteeism by "utilizing and uplifting the unique cultural traditions of the Tribes and providing an academic support
for native students in the district, Modesta Minthom, the CTUIR Education Department Director, said in a news release. "We are supportive of the work that has been happening in the Pendleton School District with our native students," said Minthom. "We believe this updated MOU is a document to support further efforts of academic achievement for our native students."
Justin Quaempts, the CTUIR Education and Training Commi ttee chair, said "The MO U w i l l p r o v i d e a clear and proactive p at h f o r p a r t n e r ship between us which will be positive and impactful for our n at ive students for years to come. Both parties should be commended for w o r k in g t o gether to update such an important document."
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Cece Hoffman demonstrates yoga technique during the April 23 Youth Council Summit at Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center. Youth gathered to hear motivational speaker Jeremy Arno share leadership skills.
HOT tells Youth Council members they empower next generation
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MISSION — The Youth LeadershipCouncils for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation made their quarterly report to the Board of Trustees. But it was responses from the BOT that perhaps made the most impact at the meeting. "The energy changes when you are in here," BOT member Justin Quaempts told the gathering of about a dozen young people representing the h ig h school council and the middle school council. Members are from Mission, Pendleton, Pilot Rock and Athena-Weston schools. "I could be home right now watching TV, but instead I'm here making a difference," said Megan Van Pelt, putting into perspective the work and efforts of the CTUIR youth. Lennox Lew is, the Youth C o u n cil chair, and Lyndsey Littlesky, the Junior Youth Council c h a ir , m ade remarks during the presentation, as did Kelsey Burns, former Youth Council chair who currently serves as cultural ambassador. Lewis and Burns will graduate from high school this year. Woodrow Star, a member of the BOT, explained that he did not have the same opportunities as young people today and reminded them they can reach any goal.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
He also said the Youth Councils make leaders realize that their job includes making tribal youth an important part of their work. "We talk about supporting the treaty a nd make business decisions, but i n reality we' re talking about your future," Star said. "The treaty was signed for the youth, for the people. It's my time to say that. Your presence makes us put up or shut up. Seeing you gives us strength." David Close, BOT secretary, encouraged the youth to obtain "educational tools." " It's not about t hat d egree on th e wall," Close said. "It's really about the tools you gain going through the process. The key after you get those tools is what y ou do with t h em? I'm p r oud of y o u guys. If I could do it you guys sure can." Council advisor Cor Sams reminded the BOT that the council members give up two hours a week toward their efforts. "They have busy lives, extra-curricular activities, and school work but find time to meet once a week," Sams said. "As an advisor I'm so proud." Said Quaempts, "Thank you for being the change we need in our community. I was not as engaged or aware when I was your age. Now you' re empowering others."
May 2016
First-come, first-served for summer swim passes MISSION — Swim passes to the Pendleton Aquatic Center will be available May 31 on afirst-come, fi rst-served basis for low-income families and individuals. A total of 64 swim passes will be available for low-income families with another 10 swim passes for low -income individuals, according to Lloyd Commander, manager of the Recreation Program for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). Low-income application deadline is 4 p.m. May 27 at the Recreation office. Applications are available at Rec. F amilies and indi v i du als wil l h a v e to show proof of income to qualify for low-income passes. Once they do, they will go on the first-come, first-served list, Commander said. Another 16 passes will be available for above-income families with the same
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Co u pon- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
AvTOMOTrvE;, TIRE;, LveE:,
May 27 deadline. Names will be drawn at 1 p.m. May 31 by lottery "because we will get more applications than we can fund," Commander said in a news release. (Applications received after the deadline will not be considered for the lottery. ) A pplicants must p r o v id e a p h o n e number so they can be notified if they have been chosen for a swim pass. Swim passes will be available at the Pendleton Parks Office at 865 Tutuilla Road near Olney Cemetery in Pendleton, or they can be picked up at the Pendleton Aquatic Center. The CTUIR Recreation Program will not have swim passes to give out, Commander said. For further information, contact the Pendleton Parks Office at 541-0276-8100, or the Recreation staff at 541-429-7886 or 541-429-7887.
THE SHoF 238 SW C o URT AvE P ENDLETo N 5 4'i -276-8 9 4 9
IndianLake campground clean-up May 21 For more information contact Leigh Pinkham-Johnston or Tami Rochelle at 541-276-3873. Follow us on Facebook at htt s: Indian-
INDIAN L A K E — A clean-up day is planned Saturday, May 21, at In d i an L ake Campgr o un d o n t h e U m a t i l l a Indian Reservation southeast of Pilot Rock. The clean-up us set for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a free lunch provided at noon. Participants are reminded to dress appropriately for the work.
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clean-up day and for other events at the campground. Indian Lake Campground also is on Instagram at@indianlakecampground.
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May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
u ture
ra ition
he Walla Walla Valley is known by the Cayuse and Walla Walla people of this land as Pasxapa. This translates in the native language to 'the place of the balsam root sunflower'. Pasxapa was a place where the Walla Walla River and its smaller streams ran wild and horses grazed freely in a warmer climate than in the surrounding environs. The name reflects the convention for naming places in the native languages after the natural resource found there. At this time of year in particular, the arrowleaf balsamroot sunflower, calledpasxa, is visible in abundance throughout the land. Before, Marcus Whitman encountered the Cayuse village that came to be known as Waiilatpu, before Fort Nez Perce and later Fort Walla Walla and the ensuing fur trade were established at Wallula Junction, before the mixed marriage community of trappers, traders and women and children of Walla Walla descent arose as Frenchtown, before the Treaty Council of 1855 was convened and signed in the Walla Walla Valley and the heart-wrenching Battle of Walla Walla took place just six months later, this Ice Age flood-shaped land was home to family bands and villages tied to this area for millennia. During the earliest encounters with non-Indians, from the Columbia River to the eastern reaches of the Walla Walla Valley, Indians of this valley negotiated with nonIndians in the region. Prominent tribal leaders such as Tamatapam, Hiyuumtipm, and Peopeomoxmox (or Piupiumaksmaks), and many others assisted these new people, following in the footsteps of "Yellept," who encountered Lewis and Clark, welcoming them inbound and assisting them outbound. Tamatapam, Piupiumaksmaks, painted in 1847 by Paul Kane was instrumen(from Stern 1993) tal in establishing a fur trade for his people. When movement of the Hudson Bay Fort across the Columbia River to what is now Washington State was proposed, it was not permitted by the headmen of that time. Hiyuumtipin was the headman of the people of Weyiilet, and it was with his permission that the Whitman Party created their mission there. It was agreed that in exchange for the right to establish the mission on Cayuse soil, the missionary promised that annual presents would be made to Hiyuumtipin's band. However, these gifts were not forthcoming, according to the Indian people.
In his journal of the 1855 Treaty Council, Colonel (then Lieutenant) Lawrence Kipp gave figures for the Indians present, estimating a total of 5,000 Indians gathered, Cayuse and Walla Walla among them. In contrast, at that time, there were fewer than a dozen Americans as yet dwelling in the Walla Walla Valley. Peopeomoxmox, Walla Walla headman andson of Tamatapam, was atthe Treaty of 1855. Yet, soon after, these newfound rights within the Walla Walla Valley were challenged and the Battle of Walla W alla ensued. Peopeomoxmox began a truce process to end the bloodshed but was captured and brutally slain while a prisoner of war. Farming at Waiilatpu (source, Chiefs and Chief Traders, Stern 1993 ) A stable farming community of Cayuses sprang up neighboring the mission. They came, not only because of the advantages of the soil, but because from nearby Waiilatpu, the missionaries could watch their ripening crops while they were away, lest fellow-tribesmen steal them. Evidently, crops in the ground at that time had not yet clearly acquired the status of property. Since the Cayuse had fitted their planting and harvesting into their native rounds, and were gone during the intervening months, congregations at services peaked during spring planting and at harvest time in late summer. By 1843, Cayuses were farming some sixty tracts; they had fenced their fields, probably with poles and rails, in areas Marcus and Narcissa Whitman, sketched by Paul ranging from Kane in July 1847 (from Stern 1993) a quarter of an acre to three acres, planted wheat, corn, peas, and potatoes. They acquired above all, cattle, but also hogs and hens, and some sheep as well. In 1842, several went down to the Willamette to trade horses for cattle. Two years later, Narcissa Whitman reported that some were going out eastward along the Oregon Trail as far as Fort Hall, to trade their "cayuses" (Cayuse horses) for emigrant cattle.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
The Walla Walla Valley looking towards the Blue Mountain foothills
Marcus Whitman recognized that the Cayuse were already predisposed in their Waasat (seven drum religion) observances to a ritual in which the tribal religious leader served as principal officiant. The role that Whitman took in Christian services displaced that native role and ultimately, the Cayuse chiefs found themselves overshadowed. Of particular weight in the Cayuses assessment of Marcus Whitman was his practice of medicine, a curer to be sure, but also a potential sorcerer. Such fears emerged in the first year of the mission and they were to dog him t h r o ugh the remaining years. Indian suspicions were kept alive by such practices as setting out poisoned meat for wolves and injecting emetics (which induce vomiting ) into melons to deter thieves. It might be said that the eventual attack upon Waiilatpu (Whitman Mission ) was predetermined, as there were multiple aggravations. Yet the final desperate stroke came after a decade of accommodation. It was driven by the overwhelming sense of hopelessness in the face of the crushing flow of overland migrations,
capped by an epidemic disease and the interpr etation that linked Marcus Whitman as agent to both.
Pasxa (balsamroot sunflower) in bloom near Waluula
The Walla Walla Valley â&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Heart of the Country The Walla Walla people sheltered along the Columbia River in winter and moved, along with the Cayuse people, up streams that flowed from the Blue Mountains for spring root digging. In late summer, they returned to the permanent village of Waluula 'Wallula' to receive bands of Nez Perce,
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who joined them for intertribal gatherings. The northwest corner of the Blue Mountains gives rise to a series of streams that eventually join to form the Walla Walla River. One of these streams, the Touchet River, comes from the native name, Tuusi, and refers to the baking of salmon on sticks over coals or fire, yet the name has been largely misunderstood as derived from the French. As tribal place name information clarifies, the name is a rendering of the Walla Walla or Northeast Sahaptin phrase, tuushi 'of baking salmon'. This name does not refer to a place where Indian people baked salmon, but to the Myth Time story of Coyote destroying the Swallow Sisters' dam. In this story, Coyote breaks up the dam, creating Celilo Falls and releasing the salmon trapped below, so they may feed the people upstream. Coyote then travels upriver with the returning salmon, catching a few and roasting them, but he is enchanted by Fox and Wolf before he can enjoy his repast. While Coyote sleeps, Fox and Wolf eat the salmon, then smear Coyote's muzzle with salmon oil so that when he awakes, he thinks he must have eaten all the fish, despite the rumblings in his empty stomach. This place commemorates the mythic event and helps track Coyote on his travels. Among the many, here are a few more native place names in the valley: Walawala 'many small streams'. The Walla Walla River and its tributaries, such as Mill Creek in Walla Walla, Washington. The name refers to the Walla Walla Valley, which is bisected by numerous streams. The village situated in this valley was called Pasxapa, 'place of the balsamroot sunflower'. The name was pronounced Waluula in Northeast Sahaptin. Pasxa 'balsamroot sunflower'. The a rea of Walla Walla, Washington, t h e m iddle Walla W alla R i ver, and M i l l Creek. Contrary to popular belief, native people did not call this area Walla Walla.
The local cayuse band was better known as the Pasxapu 'sunflower people', after a place a bit up- stream of the Whitman mission between the Walla Walla River and Mill Creek, so named for the balsamroot sunflower. The Nez Perce call the Cayuse people Weyiiletpu 'people of the waving grass', and the comparable Sahaptin term is Waylatpam. Weyiilet 'place of waving grass'. Near Whitman Mission historical park, within the city limits of Walla Walla, Washington. This name has often been interpreted to mean 'place of rye grass' but names for rye grass in Sahaptin or Cayuse Nez Perce bear no resemblance to this term. It has also been interpreted by an elder as 'place of waving grass'. On June 6, 1806, William Clark recorded the name of a band of people visiting the Nez Perce as "Ye-E-al-po...who reside to the South of the enterance of Kooskooske into Lewis's river," indicating the mouth of the Tucannon River at the Snake River. On June 8, 1806, Meriwether Lewis noted two men of the "Y-e-let-pos" band among the Nez Perce visitors that day. Subsequent to the exploration period, the term Weyiiletpu has been applied generically to refer to all Cayuse people. The origin of this term may be Old Cayuse "Wilet." The Sahaptin cognate is Waylatpam.
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There is much to tell of this valley. The national stories of the Ice Age Trail, the Lewis and Clark Trail, the Whitman Mission and the Oregon Trail all contribute to the written history that has become synonymous with this valley today. A much older story, a story of what shaped the land and how the land shaped the culture of a people, is the larger history the Tribes prefer to tell. - Submitted by Tamastslikt Cultural Institute, the interpretive center on he Umatilla Indian Reservation
- SOO-~7S-TA L K ( A S S A
SUPPORTEDBY YELLOWHAIK TRIBALHEALTH CENTER Looking north towards Waluula along Nci Wana, the Columbia River
May 2016
(Images from Caw Paws Laakni, 2015)
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Dancing across the BMCC Timberwolves mascotin the center of the gymnasiumis Logan Quaemptsin the 18and-older men's contest.
Dancers at BMCC
Brooklyn Jones, 5, dances glides across the gymasium floor at Blue Mountain Community College during a pow-wow celebrating the threeday Arts and Culture Festival at the college.
The Timberwolf mascot painted on the wa/Ilooks ominous as Nancy Minthorn dancesin the 18-and-older women's division at thepow-wow during the Arts and Culture Festival at Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton April 20 following a free salmon feast sponsored by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
CUJ photos by Dallas Dick
34~'-"' Ahnrjnriuia|IJ / uiinr> IJ>k< Fu Y/e~lJIo JzrwJihhlzw i nr> RJ 10 k race begins@9:30 am 5 k race begins@10 am 1 mile walk begins @10:30 am (please arriveYzho ur earlyforyour race)
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For more information please contact Lindsey X. Watchman 8 (541) 278-$155, email lindse watchman@Yellowhawh.or . or follow us on the Yellowhawh Facebooh pase 20A
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
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CTUIR Flag Day Nlay 20
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MISSION — A Flag Day celebration is planned onthe morning of May 20 on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. T he day w il l s t art at 10 a.m. w i t h posting of the colors by George St. Denis American Legion Post 140, veterans, General Council officers and members of the Board of Trustees for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). Following an invocation from Toni Cordell, CTUIR Veterans Services officer, Chuck Sams, a Navy veteran and the Tribes' Communications director, will make brief remarks. The flag raising will take place at 10:30 a.m. with a flag song by tribal youth. A
flag dedication will take place at 10:40 with Thomas Morning Owl. G ene r a l ,p\lh WALLq C ou n c i l C ha i r m a n Alan Crawf or d w i l l ty of 1SS" m ake cl o s ing remarks and GC Vice Chairman Kyle McGuire will make the closing prayer. At 11 a.m. the colors will be retired. Immediately following the Flag Day Ceremony, George St. Denis Post 140 will conduct an of ficial flag di sposal ceremony.
Departme nt
Native Vote Every Vote Counts
Winner of Fun Run logo contest recieves $150 MISSION — Loren "Snow" Sweowat is the winner of the 2016 Fun Run Logo Contest. As the winner, Sweowat received a $150 grand prize and the logo will be used for all 2016 Fun Run memorabilia, including t-shirts and sweatshirts. The Fun Run will be held May 21 at the July grounds and registration will begin at 9 a.m. The 10K race will start at 9:30 a.m. followed by the 10 a.m. 5K race and then the 1 mile walk at 10:30 a.m. Raffles and other family friendly activities will be open to all and lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
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May 2016
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
Ancient One onin
ALE -AÃRRRCk R CASH Sc PRI2E CIIVEAWAY Won if by land. Two if by sea.
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way for the next steps, in which potential claimants of the remains must now document their cultural connection to the Ancient One, as tribes refer to the skeleton. Kennewick Man is one of the oldest and most complete skeletons discovered in North Am erica, dating back nearly 9,000 years. Debate has continued since the 1996 discovery as to whether the remains should continue to be studied by scientists, or reburied, as tribes have long wished. The breakthrough in confirming the ancestry of the skeleton after years of research came with DNA testing, which enabled scientists to compare DNA in an ancient finger bone from Kennewick Man with saliva samples from Colville tribal members, where genetic similarities were confirmed. T hat research wa s p e r f o r me d b y Morten Rasmussen and Eske Willerslev and their collaborators at the Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, with results published in July 2015 in the N ature. The next steps in the repatriation process will be taken cooperatively between tribes that have fought for reburial ever since two students discovered the skeleton washed out of a bank of the Columbia River on Corps of Engineers property during hydroplane races in Kennewick. The area where the skeleton was found was ceded by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation during the treaty of 1855. But it's part of a Columbia Plateau landscape that would also have been vi sited and t r a v eled through by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation; the Wanapum Band; the Yakama Nation; and Nez Perce. All of those tribes consider the Ancient One a relative. Armand Minthorn, a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and a member of the NAGPRA review committee, said the five Plateau tribes' assertion has been vindicated. "He's our relative,our ancestor," Minthom said. Minthom said the five tribes for nearly 20 years have "followed the law but had to deal with litigation, deal with inaction in Congress." Traditionally, repatriation would be to a site as close as possible to where the skeleton was originally interred, said Rex Buck Jr., leader of the Wanapum people whose ancestral lands are at Priest Rapids Dam near Mattawa, Grant County. Tribes welcomed the news from the Corps. "Obviously w e are hearing an acknowledgment from the Corps of what we have been saying for 20 years," said JoDe Goudy, chairman of the Yakama Nation. "Now we want to collectively do what is right, and bring our relative back for reburial." Michael Coffey, a spokeswoman for
Win CASH Every Saturday in May! Diw94©5MHf J 39iiJ)NLJ~, M i i ) ~@piN
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the Corps Northwestern Division, said the agency by law had to verify the findings before allowing the next steps in repatriation to proceed. She said it may be February 2017 before cultural ties can be affirmed so repatriation may take place. Until then, the skeleton will remain at the Burke Museum of H i story and Culture. Tribes visit the Ancient One regularly, and w il l continue to do so,
Confederated Umatilla Journal
The area where the skeleton was found was ceded by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation during the treaty of 1855. But it's part of a Columbia Plateau landscape that would also have been visited and traveled through by the Colvilles; the Wanapums, the Yakamas and Nez Perce. s aid Chuck Sams, spokesman for th e C onfederated Tribes of the U m a t i l l a Indian Reservation. " In keeping wi t h our traditions and our law, he has been displaced, and we continue to offer our prayers and our hopes for a safe j back to the land again." Meanwhile, federal legislation proposed by U.S. Sen. Patty Murray also is advancing, with language calling for repatriation of the skeleton tucked into a water bill scheduled to be heard in committee as soon as Thursday. The legislation does not affect the Corps going forward w ith its process, Cof fey said. Nor does the Corp's process put Murray off the legislation, said Kerry Amdt of Murray's staff: "Because this is just one step of many in the process the Army Corps must follow, Sen. Murray will continue to push her legislation forward in the Senate to ensure that one way or another, the remains go to their rightful place." The remains have been at the center of controversy since the initial find. The Corps' early decision to hand the bones over to local tribes resulted in a lawsuit from a team of scientists, headed by Doug Ow sley of th e Smithsonian Institution, who argued the find should be preserved for study. Ow sley later said his research showed that not only wasn't Kennewick Man Indian, he wasn' t even from the Columbia Valley. Owsley argued he seemed to be from the coast, because of high levels of isotopes from marine-derived nutrients in his bones. Isotopes in the bones told scientists Kennewick Man was a hunter of marine mammals, such as seals, Owsley said. "They are not what you w ould expect for someone from the Columbia Valley," he said in an October 2012 meeting with tribal leaders. "You would have to eat salmon 24 hours a day and you would not reach these values. "This is a man from the coast, not a man from here. I think he is a coastal man." T hat work w a s ov erturned by t h e Rasmussen/Wi l l erslev team's genetic testing.
May 2016
M ore rew a rd s o f f e re d t o f i n d p oachers of t h i r d bi g h o r n RUFUS - The Oregon State Police continue the investigation into the third bighorn sheep ram that was unlawfully killed in early April near milepost 118 on Interstate 84 east of Rufus. Two additional rewards have been offered, with total rewards now at $2,000, for information which leads to the arrest/ conviction of the person (s) responsible. The rewards are as foll ows: Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) Statewide TIP reward $500 (previously offered), OHA Clatsop County Chapter reward $500, and Oregon Foundation for North American Wil d Sheep (OR-FNAWS) reward $1,000. The Oregon State Police is requesting any person with information on this incident to contact Senior Trooper Jubitz at 541-705-5330. The Oregon State Police received several reports from passing motorists about the bighorn sheep found dead April 10. The callers reported that the sheep was in an unusual position and was possibly dead. The dead ram was located by OSP Fish and Wildlife Troopers in a rock slide near the highway. A necropsy determined the ram had been shot and left to waste. There is no indication that this incident has any connection to the killing of two rams earlier in the month just east of this location. The Oregon State Police is requesting any person with information on this incident to contact Senior Trooper Jubitz at 541-705-5330. Information also can be called in to the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) Statewide TIP line at 1-800-452-7888. Rewards are paid for information leading to the arrest/conviction of person (s) for the illegal possession, killing, taking, and/or
here was a vacant plot on Short Mile Road, a vacant plot where no house abode. There was a vision to build on that plot, where all would be able to worship a lot. There on Short Mile Road built a small place, there people found love and experience God's grace. Peoplecame toShortMileRoadto see,and they found a welcome always to be. As people came the vision grew to see a bigger dwelling, and the vision began to grow to others all telling. People came to Short Mile road far and near, to help build that house that God said should appear. To the hundreds who spent their time so freely, we appreciate you and we say we love you dearly. To those who waited so patiently watched us grow, we are happy to say our work is here to show. God hashelped us with every move we endeavor, God has moved upon hearts that will last forever. So may God keep us in His will and guide our hand, till we complete His task and join that heaven band. Thank You to All WhoHelped —Far and Near We hope to see you back soon!
waste of deer, elk, antelope, bear, cougar, big horn sheep, mountain goat, moose, and/or game birds. TIP rewards can also be given for the illegal taking, netting, snagging, and/or dynamiting of salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, and/or large numbers of any fish listed in Oregon statute as a game fish. In addition, a reward may be issued for information that results in an arrest /conviction of a person who has illegally obtained Oregon hunting/angling license or tags. People who "work" the system and falsely apply for resident licenses and/or tags are not legally hunting and/ or angling and are considered poachers. Increasing damage to wildlife habitat by off-road vehicles prompted the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) in 2009 to create the Natural Resources Reward Program that offersa $200 reward for information leading to the arrest of anyone causing natural resources damage by the illegal use of motorized vehicles and is similar to its highly successful TIP program. It offers the following rewards: $100 for game fish; $100 for upland birds; $200 forhabitat;$250 for deer, bear, antelope, and cougar; and $500 for elk, big horn sheep, moose, and mountain goat. From the Oregon State Police
May 2016
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Karen Cook, FNP Rita Campbell, RN Bobi Tallman, RN D rew Rivera, CHR
K e lsey Swearingen, CHR
o(%r d
Contact us at: (541) 278-4564 or (541) 429-4925
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Sign up inside Arrowhead Travel Plaza May 1- 31
WIN 1 Nights Stay at Wildhorse Resort Sc Casino Dinner for 2 at Traditions Buffet Cineplex Tickets for 2
WinnerAnnounced Wed. June 1 on Arrowhead Facebook!
Soo.6 5 4 .g45~• PENDLETON, OR • I-S4,EXIT216
Must be 21 or older to enter. Management reserves the right to alter, suspend or withdraw offer/promotion at any time. Owned and operated by CTUIR.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
Or S
The monthly newspaper of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation - Pendleton, Oregon
Meeting May 10 to discuss sports co-ops with Pilot Rock or Pendleton MISSION â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Basketball and golf appear to be safe at the Eagles' Nest and at Wildhorse R esort Golf C o u r se, but th e N i x y a a w i i Community School Board of D i rectors is considering moving all other sports from Pilot Rock to Pendleton High School when school starts next year. A community meeting to discuss co-op plans is set for May 10 from 6-7 p.m. at Nixyaawii Community School. Right now Nixyaawii and Pilot Rock have a cooperative agreement, known better as a co-op, that allows Nixyaawii to play on Pilot Rock teams for football, baseball and softball. Before NCS fielded its own volleyball team, the Nixyaawii girls played for the Rockets. The School Board is wrestling with the issue of distance and time with the Pilot Rock co-op. Athletes often leave Nixyaawii around 3:30 p.m. for p r actice and don' t return from Pilot Rock until 7 p.m. or later. "The School Board understands the strain it puts on students and families," said School Board member Chuck Sams. "The issue is traveling back and forth to Pilot Rock." According to Sams, Pendleton only is interested in a co-op if the agreement includes all sports. However, Sams said Nixyaawii definitely would retain basketball and golf, and possibly cross country. "The others are up for discussion with -0
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Players on the Nixyaawii Community School golf team include, from left, L'Rissa Sohappy, Alyssa Tonasket, Wilbur Oatman, Austin Ancheta, Lennox Lewis, Riley Lankford, Blake Kannier, Justin We/ls, James Penny. Lankford, Kannier and We//s are from Pilot Rock. The team plays their district tournament at Pendleton Country Club before the state tournament in Creswell in mid-May.
Nixyaawii golf team takes momentum into district tourney MISSION â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Led by a pair of Pilot Rock aces, the golf team for Nixyaawii Community School was preparing to play in the 1, 2 and 3A district tournament at Pendleton Country Club. The teams competing with Nixyaawii will be 3A schools Vale, Nyssa, Grant Union, Heppner and La Pine; plus 1 and 2A teams Wallowa, Enterprise, Echo and Imbler. The state tournament is in Creswell on May 16 and 17. "If the boys make their shots like they are capable of then we should make state as a team," NCS Coach Ryan Heinrich said.
Through the spring season, the Nixyaawii squad has been at or near the top in tour n a ment. One big reason is the play of sophomore Riley Lankford and senior Blake Kannier, two of the three Pilot Rock golfers playing with Nixyaawii under the two schools' co-op agreement. Lankford, with an average score of 81 this year, has been medalist in several tournaments he's played in this season. Kannier is averaging 86 and has finished in the top five of every tournament. The team's third spot is filled by NixyNix
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Rippin' a triple and scoring in extra innings Kyle Butler, playing for the Dodgers in a Pendleton Little League game against the A' s, belted a triple in extra innings at Ken Me/ton Ballpark. He scored to win the game when the next batter singled. Cuephoto/Dallas Dick
Nixyaawii golf n in
Contributed photos from Marcus Luke
Down the stretch Sunridge Middle School sprinter Marcus Aaron Luke, above, finished firstin four events April 22in a meet at Hermiston High School. He was firstin the 100-, 200-meter dashs, first at 400 meters, and anchored the team's4 by 100-meter relay team as well. Luke and Zach Wt'ggins from La Grande are duelingit out this spring. In the meet at Hermiston April 14, Luke ran the 200 meters in 25.71 seconds and the 100meters in 12.67 seconds. Below, Samatha Allen sprints down the track for Sunridge. Other tribal student-athletes for Sunridgeinclude Chauncy Sams, Stockton Hoffman and Anton Hughes, and Samantha Craig.
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aawii senior Lennox Lewis, who is averaging 103. Coach Heinrich said Lewis has some low 90s in his bag if he can stay in the game mentally. "Even if we don't make it as a team," Heinrich said, "Riley has a good shot at being district champ again and going to state as an individual." The fourth and fifth golfers were to be determined prior to district in a playoff between NCS sophomore Wilbur Oatman and three freshmen â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Austin Anchetta and James Penney from Nixyaawii and Justin Wells from Pilot Rock. In tournaments, five golfers play but team scores are based on the top four individual scores. Nixyaawii has won th e Pendleton Country Club's small school invitational with a four-man score of 367. That' s when Hunter Melton was on a team. He decided to play basketball instead. The squad was second in their own Nixyaawii Invitational which featured fiveteams. Their score was 382. T hey won th e H e r m i ston Bul l d o g Invitational at Big River Golf Course in Umatilla with a score of 378. And the team was third with a fourg olfer score of 380 at the tough hi l l y Buffalo Peaks course in Union. At district, Vale is the frontrunner even though N i x yaawii beat them at Pendleton Country Club by 30 strokes
'If the boys make their shots like they are capable of then we should make state as a team.' NCS Coach Ryan Heinrich
earlier this year. Two caveats: Nixyaawii was missing Melton and Vale was missing one of its top golfers. After that, Coach Heinrich said, it looks like it's "us, Heppner and Echo" in the two, three and four spots. Nixyaawii beat Heppner for the first time by seven strokes at Buffalo Peaks, but have not yet beat Echo. The three Pilot Rock boys have a bit of a leg up on competitors because two days a week they practice at Pendleton Country Club, which features fairways surrounded by l arge trees and Birch Creek, which can prove menacing for golfers used to wide open spaces. Last year Nixyaawii won the district title and was in sixth place after the first day at state. But senior Tyapo Farrow became sick and had to withdraw on day two and NCS slipped far down on team leader board.
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Princesses second at The Dalles Happy Canyon PrincessesApollonia Saenz and Elena Van Pelttook second place April23 in the Cherry Festival Parade at The Dalles. The girls competed in the equestrian division of theparade. Van Pelt rode "Smokey" and Saenz was riding "Roanie". The girls received a red and yellow ribbon. The first place title was won by the Round-Up Court. The festival is a longtime favorite of locals, according to The Dalles Chamber website. It is set in the "spectacular" Columbia River Gorge and showcases The Dalles' "deep agricultural heritage and Western roots".
Happy Mother's Day to mothers everywhere! May 8 2B
Cu J photo/Dallas Dick
A a line up of a tribal trio Three members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation are stacked one, two, three at a gamein Athena between the Weston-McEwen TigerScots and the Pilot Rock Rockets. Brandon Dearingis on the mound and Shaw Broncheauisin center field for Weston-McEwen with Devon Barkley leading off at second base. Barkley attends Nixyaawii Community School but plays for the Pilot Rock through a co-op between the two schools.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
Happy Canyon receives Oregon Heritage Award Presentation takes place at TravelOregon conference at Wildhorse Resort 8 Casino PENDLETON — The Happy Canyon Indian Pageant and Wil d W est N i gh t Show received the Or egon H e r i t age Tourism Aw ard w hen Tr avel Oregon announced its achievement awards during the 2016 Governor's Conference on Tourism held April 22-25 at Wildhorse Resort & Casino on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The annual awards recognize people and organizations from across the state that "go the extra mile" to enhance the travel and tourism industry in Oregon. The Oregon Heritage Tourism Award recognizes outstanding incorporation of Oregon's authentic cultural or natural history as a way to draw visitors to the state. Distinguished as America's longest running community pageant, the Happy Canyon Indian Pageant and Wild West Night Show and its 800 volunteers received this year's award. Volunteers recreate the history of Pendleton, beginning with the proud traditions of its first citizens - the peoples of the Cayuse, Walla Walla and Umatilla nations. They then tracethe arrival of settlers in search of a new promised land, and the coming of the cowboys who have forever left their mark on the frontier town. The pageant r uns annually in conjunction with t h e Pendleton Round-Up. The state's most prized recognition is the Governor's Tourism Award. This year's award recognizes the sister park agreement between Crater Lake National Park and W u y i s han N a t i onal Scenic Area (a UNESCO World Heritage Site in China ). The Gene Leo Memorial Award, which honors the late Gene Leo who was known for his Oregon tourism contributions as Director at the Oregon Zoo, Portland Rose Festival, and the Portland Oregon Visitors Association was presented to the
Willamette Riverkeeper, for its efforts to protect and restore the Willamette River. The International Sales and Development Award was given to Lorna Davis, Executive Director of the Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce. The Outstanding Oregon PR Initiative Award went to The Jupiter Hotel, which earned the award for its efforts to position itself as the epicenter of Portland's artisan community by focusing on local partner ships T he Outstand in g O r e go n V i s i t o r Guide A w a rd , w h i c h c elebrates the best domestic or international content program that inspires potential travel to Oregon, went to Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory for its 2015 Travel Planner. The Oregon Outstanding Advertising Award was presented to the Tillamook County Creamery Association for their Co-Op advertising campaign that targeted dairy lovers. T he Outstanding O v e r al l O r e g on Marketing Program Award, which recognizes the best integrated domestic or international overall marketing program or campaign, was presented to the Central Oregon Visitors Association for its "Adventure Calls" campaign. The Oregon T o u r i s m L e a d ership Award, which recognizes individuals who champion the value of tourism and whose leadership behind the scenes contributes significantly to the recognition and impact of Oregon's travel and tourism industry, was presented to Melissa Steinman, owner of the Kayak Shack in Waldport. The Oregon Tourism Commission, dba Travel Oregon, works to enhance visitors' experience by providing in formation, resources and trip planning tools that inspire travel and consistently convey the exceptional quality of Oregon. The commission aims to improve Oregonians' quality of life by strengthening economic impacts of the state's $10.6 billion tourism industry that employs more than 105,000 Oregonians. www. TravelOregon.corn.
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47328 Shortmile Rd. Umatilla Indain Reservation Pastor - - Vern Kube 541-966-9520 P.O. Box 1132 - Pendleton OR, 97801 -
Join us Sunday's at 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.
Caring oraurPinp ~o l~ "Se not 6e overcome wit6 evil 6ut overcome evil wit6 good — ROmGI.PZS 12:21
"7Ee 6attle is against t6e rulers of darkness "- Xy.6esians 6:i2
Upcoming event: Sunday May 8 Mother's Day forallmother -s and a special tenor solo by David Kube
Sunday May15 Guest Speaker Rev, LeeMcLoud
Wedneday May25 05CQNIQn!
Fgwify ~nnecten
Sueemlon Arming
encl ConsoIidglion May 2016
Speaker Rev, Dave Moore President o f the American Indian College June II, 20I6 9AM'-SPM
Sf. Andrew» - KsferrHal[
Phoenix, Arizona
Ailieion, Og 4MeslaPrwided+ ll(yRfe Confederated Umatilla Journal
Graduation Dates Nixyaawii Community School May 27 at 6p.m. at Wildhorse Resort Rivers Event Center
Pendleton High School June 4 at 10 a.m. at Round-Up Grounds
term, meet 3rd Tuesday at 9:00am at NGC. 1 Umatilla Cultural Coalition (No Stipends)This notification formally announces that appli- Meet As Needed cations are now being taken from tribal members All applications will be due on Monday, May who wish to serve on the Commissions/Commit- 23, 2016 by 4 p.m. and BOT will make appointtees listed below. Appointed members will receive ments on Monday, June 6, 2016. a $100.00 stipend per meeting effective January Applications available at the Nixyaawii Gov1, 2016 once the minutes have been approved ernance Center or online at www.ctuirorglgovon CTUIR pay days. ernmentlcommittees-commissions Completed 1 position for A & D Oversight Committee — 2 applications should be submitted to the Nixyaawii year term, meet 4th Wednesday at 1 — 2:30pm. Governance Center lobby. For moreinformation, 1 position for Election Commission — Stag- call 541-276-3165. Completed applications are gered Terms, meet as needed. Position 6, BOT to be returned to the Nixyaawii Governance Appointed Center switchboard desk. If you have any ques1 position Farm Committee — 3 year term, tions, please contact David Close, BOT Secretary meet 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 1:00pm 541-429-7374 or Doris Scott, Secretary II at 1 position for Housing Commission — 4 year 541-429-7377. TRIBAL MEMBERS:
Weston-McEwen High School
p: •
May 28 at 7 p m. at high school gym
Echo High School
Yellawhawk Off
June 3 at 6 p.m. at Echo gymnasium
After Hours Medical Advice Services
Pilot Rock High School June 11 at 11 a.m. at high school gym
Stanfield Secondary School
June 5 at 2 p.m. at school gym •
Wildhorse Resort Bc Casino presents the
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4th 2Lnnual Mammoth Cup Golf Tournament
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Sunday, May 15 Wildhorse Resort Golf Course
Open Mon-Sat I Oam-5pm
54 I .429.7700 4B
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Thank you Dear Nixyaawii Community School and School Board, It's no secret I was totally opposed to Alyssa attending Nixyaawii Community School. Prior to her freshman year, Alyssa had to arrange a meeting with me and the principal to negotiate her potential enrollment. She made her case, it was a good case. Alyssa wanted to remain close to her traditional life while achieving academically. She also knew her father would be excited for her to play basketball (and other athletics) for the Golden Eagles, that too was a big motivator for her and I appreciated her consideration of both her parents'wishes. Because of her ability to make a sound argument for what was important to her, I enrolled her at Nixyaawii. At that time I thought that she would not be challenged by the curriculum at NCS and I would have to transfer her to Pendleton at some point before graduation. I then set the bar high, expecting her to demonstrate to me that she was challenging herself and her teachers if needed. Each year at NCS she surpassed my expectations. During Parent/Teacher meetings I asked her teachers to set the bar higher for her, I think a few of the teachers still here today have met with me and I was clear about what I expected - we all had a job to do; I as her parent would provide a home environment that is conducive to her learning, the teachers must provide an education that will prepare her to be accepted and to be successful in college, and she has to do all the work at an above average level. A few years later, here we are... Alyssa did as I instructed, she achieved a 4.0 throughout her high school career, and she became a leader within her peer group and like most studious students, she was called names, like, "nerd" and "four-eyes." And being the youngest in her class she was teased about her age. Somewhere inside herself she decided to shake off the "noise" and keep forging ahead. I believe she gained her strength and commitment to achieve her goals because her "teachers" taught her to be confident. Confidence is not necessarily a part of her GPA, it is not graded on her report card, but confidence is the foundation piece that enables us and her to keep challenging ourselves, to take the risk of being wrong, or not being chosen, to apply herself, to apply for that opportunity not knowing if she' ll be accepted or rejected. Who knows what Alyssa Farrow's future will be after graduation this May, I certainly don' t. But I do know she will live her life by her own design, and that is remarkable for a young Indian woman who was raised her entire life on a small, economically challenged, Indian Reservation in the middle of rural Eastern Oregon. Each NCS Board Member, faculty member, administrator, counselor and volunteers, can never be thanked enough for all of your hard work and dedication. You' ve played a critical role in my daughter's life and I thank you for supporting her, for helping her find the confidence and pride in herself that is mission critical to being successful in all aspects of Alyssa's life. You are changing lives for the better! AThank you is Not Enough —but it is sincere and you are appreciated. Alanna Nanegos Thank you to all the drummers and dancers that showed up to attend and support the Blue Mountain Community College Dinner and Powwow on April 20. Special thanks to Fred Hill, Tessie Williams, Kim Minthorn, Lisa Minthorn, and the Native American high school students who volunteered during the powwow. We would also like to express our thanks to the BMCC Associated Student Government, ambassadors,and Phi Theta Kappa students who volunteered their time to serve food during the salmon dinner. Thanks to those who brought side dishes, desserts, and bread. Sincerely, Annie Smith, Native American Liaison and Higher Education Coach
May 2016
Stewart, Melton named to Class 1A first team state basketball all-stars All stars Hunter M elton and M ar y St ewart have been named to the Class 1A Oregon Basketball Coaches Association all-state teams. The all-star list was only recently released after the season ended in March. In addition to M elton and Stewart, three other Nixyaawii players received all-star honors. F redy Campos was named t o t h e second-team and Ira Ashley to the third team on the boys' side. For the girls, Sunshine Fuentes received honorable mention. Both the Nixyaawii boys' and girls' teams won th e Ol d O r e gon L e ague
championship and played in the Class 1A state tournament in Baker City. Player of the year for the boys was M ax Mar ti n f r o m Sh erman Co u n t y , which won the state title. Bill Blevins, a lso from Sherman County, won t h e coach of the year award. On the girls' side, Dani Baker from North Douglas and Kennedy Nofziger from Country Christian shared the player of the year award. Coach of the Year went to Russ Halverson from Country Christian, the state champions.
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Co-op meeting n in
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parents and students," Sams said, noting that the Board at its last meeting in April did not make any decision. R ather, Chairman Randall M e l t o n called for a community meeting to get input before a decision is made. "We discussed the pros and cons but made no decision either way," Sams said. "We want to weigh all factors before our decision." After word got ou t o f th e possible move to Pendleton, a petition was circulated by Nixyaawii student-athlete Stacy Fitzpatrick asking to keep the co-op with Pilot Rock where she plays softball for the Rockets. Principal Annie Tester said Pilot Rock wants Nixyaawii students to continue to participate in sports for the Rockets. She noted that besides sports, Pilot Rock and Nixyaawii share a prom and homecoming events. Tester said she planned to bring the school's athletic director and coaches to the meeting on May 10.
afteryou quit smoking, your risk of heart disease is cut in half.
Mom, your encouragement, support and love has helped us grow to what we are today! Thank you for being a blessing in our lives. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! All our love, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
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Next CUJ: June 2 News deadline: May 24 Ad deadline: May 77
May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
ealth Authority
A group estimated at about 50 players gathers before the game to get instructions about the "Creator's Game" from Robby Bill and Lindsey Watchman, two of the coaches for the Xa'lish lacrosse team. The throng splitinto team and played for about an hour.
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Xa'lish rattle sticks at Whitman College t was hectic an d h i l a r i ou s w h e n s om e 5 0
people, ranging from kindergarteners to older adults, took the field to play the "Creator's Game" at the Whitman College sports complex on April 23. T he game was a n a t u ral extension of a g a m e
played at the July grounds last summer. A group Marie/ Hoisington hurls the lacrosse ball across the field for one of the two huge teams. There were red and grayjerseys, and other colors as well but that didn't seem to bother the players.
of Whitman students were doing service work and one day came out to play lacrosse with the team of youngsters on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. "We wanted to connect with the women's team
and we talked about keeping the momentum going,"
'There are great teachable moments, even
for us adults.'
said Robbie Bill, Community Health Representative Outreach Coordinator at Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, and one of the team coaches. It was a different style for those besides the 10 youngsters from the CTUIR that participated. Others included w omen from b oth the Wh i t man and
Linfield College team that played prior to the Creator's Game. (Whitman put a bigtime smack-down on Linfield.) Also taking the field were Whitman baseball players, likely boyfriends of the women's team, Bill said. One fellow played barefoot.
Additionally, Noel Leavitt was tracking the la-
crosse ball up and down the field. He is Whitman's Associate Dean of Students, Pre-law advisor and a
research associate in the sociology department. (One of the other adults wore cowboy boots.) So many people on the field at one time was a little confusing, especially since they were wearing jerseys of different colors. "I think it was the best part of the game," Bill said. Even though there was a bit of serious lacrosse
being played, there was lots of laughter as well. "I saw one lady fall to her knees she was laughing so hard," Bill said. Bill said he's never surprised by th e Creator's Game and its participants.
"We always have great weather and great kids who show up," he said. "There are great teachable moments, even for us adults. I'm learning not to be
so uptight and think I know everything. I'm learning from the kids as much as I am teaching them."
Along with Bill, coaches Lindsey Watchman and Andrew Pickens attended the contest. Watchman
played but Pickens was satisfied watching from the sidelines.
Cashis Alvarez-Bevis sprints away from Lindsey Littlesky during a game at Whitman College in Wal/a Wal/a Apnl 23. Ten players from the Umatilla Indian Reservation joined women from the Whitman and Linfield College teams, and many others who picked up sticks for the fun competition.
M ason Looney makes a move on a couple ofW hitman students,perhaps members ofthe college baseball team, under sunny skies in Walla Walla April 23. The game was part of a lacrosse relationship growing between Whitman College and the CTUIR lacrosse team.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
CUJ photos and story by Wil Phinney */
Lindsey Littlesky snags the ball out of the air in front of a defender from the Linfield College lacrosse team. Linfield and Whitman women played beforejoining the participantsin the Creator's Game.
Grace Moses Watchman runsaway from Noah Leavitt ,Wh itman's Associate Dean ofStudents, Pre-law advisor and a research associate in the sociology department. Leavitt helped coordinate the game.
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her knees she was laughing so hard.'
Michael Pasena, a senior of Pendleton High School, strides out as he carries the ball toward his team's goal.
May 2016
Vaughn Herreraraces away from Lindsey Watchman, one ofthe Xa lish (m eans wolf) lacrosse team coaches. They played on opposite sidesin the game at Whitman College.
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Mustangers off to spring action
CV J photo/Dallas Dick
kinship Cafe Order dessert See'.~ SI
w ith lu n c h and get a soda, tea, or lemonade
Kylie Bronson, far left, turns Lena's Sonny around a barrel during a Mustanger playday April 24. The playdays started April 3 and Kylie and son Cohen Bronson, top right, haven't missed an event. Cohen throws his hands in the air after pulling a ribbon off the tail of a goat. Below, Bobby Parrish Jr., yanks the ribbon off the tail of the goat. Both times it was Haley Porter holding the critter. Several tribal members participate in the playdays, including Cortney Herrera, Teegan Hererra, Kash Bronson, Rylen Bronson, Lawanda Bronson, Cole Sazure, Skylin Picard, Robert Picard Jr.and Sr., Sophie Bronson, Colten Bell, Lilly Picard and Phoenix Everano.
Wildhorse pays out $5.5 million in April jackpots MISSION â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wildhorse Resort and Casino paid out $5,518,101 in jackpots for the month of April. On average, the win n ings per day were at $183,937 and 5,223 guests won a jackpot larger than $500. Of those 5,223 jackpots, 1,116 were worth $1,200 or more, 242 jackpots were for $2,500 or more, 104 were for $4,000 or more, and 22 jackpots in the month of April were worth more than $8,000. Wildhorse also handed out four jackpots over $15,000including one for $28,071. Year to date, Wildhorse is averaging over 176jackpots of $500 or more each day, including 37 of $1,200 or more a day. So far in 2016, Wildhorse has paid out more than $22 million in $500 or more jackpots.
FIRST FRIDAYS ERE FREE! Open Mon-Sat I Oam-Spm 54 I.429.7700
Happy a50tha Bithday Tim Cochran
Cafe: 54 I.429.7702
May 19 Love,Rena and family
www 5 8B
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
Student art exhibition at Crow's Shadow opens with reception May 19
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MISSION - "Explorations in Print : N ixyaawii S t u d ent E x h i b i t i on " w i l l showcase the work produced by a select g roup o f s t u d e n t s f ro m N i x y a a w i i Community School at Crow' s Shadow I nst i t u t e f o r t h e
Shadow's Executive Director. S tudent arti sts to be f eatured ar e Arlen Blue Thunder, Sunshine Fuentes, Shandiin Horton, EllaMae Looney, Teata Oatman, L'Rissa Sohappy, and Shanae Williams. This isthesecond CROW ' S DOW I NsrIr u r E ARrs y ea r o f t h i s c ollaborative project and is
through mid-June. An opening reception is set for Thursday, May 19, from 5-7 p.m. at Crow' s Shadow, the gallery and print-making facility on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The exhibit will continue through June 17. This past school year the students have been learning printmaking in the Crow' s Shadow studio under the direction of Master Printer Frank Janzen. During the past school year, wstudents have visited one to two times a week to build their knowledge of linocut printing. Each student has been instructed in all the technical aspects of the process and has produced their own limited-edition prints. The resulting works have been of "remarkable quality and exemplify the creative potential of these talented young artists," said Karl Davis, Crow' s
generously funded t hrough grants from the Oregon Ar t s Commission Arts Build Commu n i ties Fund and the Umatilla County Cultural Coalition.
Renowned local p ai nter James Lavadour founded Crow's Shadow in 1992 to provide a creative conduit for educational, social, and economic opportun i t ies for N a t iv e A m e r i cans through artistic development. "This collaboration with N i x y aawii
Community School perfectly encapsulates the mission statement. This project helps to strengthen the relationship between Crow's Shadow and Nixyaawii High School and extend our outreach to a new generation of artists from the local community," said Davis.
PlXXA SINGLE TOPPING PIZZA Medium $11.99 Large $13.99
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New Hours 8 AM - 7 PM • Mon. - Thu. 8 AM - 8 PM • Fri. • Same day appointments available • Walk-Ins welcome
*Taco Beef, Refried Beans, Lettuce, Onion, Tomatoes, Black Olives, Cheddar
Cheese 8 Taco Chips. (sour cream extra) *BLT Bacon, Lettuce 8 Tomato with Mayo on the side. Mission Combo Pepperoni,Canadian Bacon, Sausage, Beef, Green Peppers, Mushrooms Black Olives8 BBQ Sauce. BBQ Chicken Bacon Chicken,Bacon, Onions 8 BBQ Sauce. Western Chicken Pizza Chicken,Canadian Bacon, Onions, Cheddar Cheese, Bacon 8 BBQ Sauce. Chicken Bacon Ranch Chicken,Bacon, Diced Onions 8 Ranch Sauce. Garlic Chicken Chicken, Onions, Tomatoes 8 Garlic Sauce. Totally Meat Canadian Bacon, Beef, Sausage, Pepperoni 8 Bacon. The Super Hawaiian Canadian Bacon,Pineapple, Diced Onions, 8 Bacon.
If CHI St. Antbony Hospital
The Veggie Black Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers 8 Tomatoes. *Pre-baked pizzas.
Eat In or Carry Out - Mfe will bake any pizza here on request! Call ahead at 541-276-9082. We will have it for you to pickup.
2801 St. Anthony Way Pendleton, OR 97801
541-966-0535 May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
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CTUIR women gather for statew ide listening tour pRE"Ãi
MISSION — A statewide listening tour made a stop on the Umatilla Indian reservation in April to gather data and stories of issues affecting women. The listening tour was conducted by the Women's Foundation of O r e gon (WFO) which is the only statewide organization dedicated to making Oregon a good state for women and girls, according to WFO's Executive Director Emily Evans. She said that out of other Oregon reservations who w ere contacted, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) were the only one able to participate in the tour. It also is the only Native American based community of their 12 stops. Roughly 25 tribal women in the community p a r t i c ip ated in t h e l i s t ening town hall meeting which was held at the Longhouse Annex. Upon entering, each woman was greeted by a WFO staff member who handed them a welcoming packet. On the wall was a paper board
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Local women of the Umatilla Indian reservation discuss mental health issues while at the Mission Longhouse durinth the Listening to Her Oregon tour
with ten topics such as "leadership", "time pressure", and "physical health". The women were given three stickers a nd asked to put a sticker under th e topics they feel need improvement in their community and the life of women and girls. The top issues with the most stickers were Education and Job training, Safety: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Mental health, physical health and wellbeing, and leadership. There also was a listening booth in the WFO traveling RV. Women signed up to tell a short 30-to-60-second personal story of issues that they' ve faced in their community. According to Evans, they currently have close to 1,000 recorded stories from women who've attended the tour. In addition, there were surveys that the attendants completed. As the evening went on, women were divided into small groups where they could focus on in d i v i d ual topics and
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express their concerns. "The Tribe is always talking about the children and taking care of the children but we don't invest in them," said Kathleen Peterson, a CTUIR member wh o was speaking on childcare and caregiving issues. "Having a new bowling alley is nice, but it would be nicer to have a childcare center." "The biggest thing with our Tribe is that we are in denial that this happens to our children," said Linda Sampson in regards to sexual assault and domestic violence issues. "We say we have a lot of counseling, but we really don't care. You can't solve sexual assault and violence with four counseling sessions." Modesta Minthorn, CTUIR Member talked about education and job training issues. "I went to college and got my Bachelors, came home [to the Umatilla Indian Reservation ] and there were no jobs for
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
'Having a new bowling alley is nice, but it would be nicer to have a childcare center.' me," she said. "I started working for a non-profit that worked with the Tribe. After six years I went back to school and got my Masters in Linguistics, still no job. So I went to the University of Oregon to work and after a year I got employed part time off a grant with the CTUIR language program ... Before that, I had two degrees with no job prospects on my own reservation and I asked myself what was the point of going to school." They were then asked to come up with solutions to the problems. Some of the solutions for child care and caregiving included investment in a foster home for adults, and a child center. One solution for sexual assault and domestic violence was to have ongoing women's support groups. Education and leadership solutions included the Tribal government getting more involved with youth and having Native art fairs that showcase successful Natives in acting, media, and other forms of art. T he next day, staff from th e W F O shared their findings from the night before. Some of them are as follows: • 100 p e r cent of wo men who a nswered the surveys said that they or someone they know has suffered from domestic violence and sexual assault • 67 p e r cent of women or someone they know suffered from mental health that negatively affected their lives • 48 p e r c e nt of wo men said that due to the lack of affordable high quality childcare there was an adverse effect on their family • 76 p e r cent said they have experienced discrimination based on gender • 71 p e rcent feel pretty safe in their community and 19 percent feel somewhat safe Although these are the initial findings, the official survey won't be out until the end of September. The WFO staff said that they weren't surprised by the results because many of the other communities they have visited had similar outcomes and when the survey is finished they will be able to compare the issues that Oregon women face compared to the rest of the states. "We have found thatOregon women vote more than Oregon men. Oregon women give more blood than Oregon men," said Ev ans. Overall, "Oregon w omen and girls are stepping up f o r Oregon. Now it's time for Oregon to step up for their women and girls."
May 2016
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Sexual Assault Awareness walk addresses human trafficking on CTUIR
Various CTUIR departments and community members take to the streets during the Sexual Assault awareness walk while Umatilla Tribal Police Officers escort them around the housing areas.
MISSION — Community members and police officers gathered at the Longhouse Annex to participate in the Sexual Assault Awareness Walk on April 25. Every year, the Department of Family Violence Services (DFVS) of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) puts on a walk to stand against sexual assault. While walking along the housing areas of the
reservation, participants held up signs with statements such as "No one asks for it" and "Consent is the presence of a yes when a no is a viable option." After the walk, Detective Tony Barnet, Special Victims Criminal Investigator of the Umatilla Tribal Police Department (UTPD), spoke about some recent local cases that involve human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking and sexual
assault. Detective Barnett fielded questions about why this activity is prevalent on the Umatilla Indian Reservation and what strategies the Tribal Police has to investigate and combat these acts. " Off i cer B a r n e t t ' s p r e s e n t a t i o n brought light to sex trafficking as truly existing in our area and community," CTUIR Family V i o l ence Coordinator Desiree Coyote said in an email.
Coyote also said that there was a positive response by attendants regarding the growth of the Tribal domestic violence program and that an elder stated that there are concerns with DFVS being 100 percent grant funded. To report any criminal activity, including sexual assaults, contact the UTPD at 541-278-0550.
Celebrate National Physical Fitness Month Do Something Every Day With These Qpportunities To Move! F Itn e S S
W a l k S Com p lete9 of 11community walks to be one of 75 participants eligible fora Fitbit Flex for only $20
beginning May 2-6, from 4-5 pm then Tuesday 8 Thursday afternoons from 4-5 pm for the month of May. Meet at YTHC Prevention building. •j
Se r V e
Ii u P ! Vol l eyball Thursdays in May at the Nixyaawii gym from 11:30- 12:30 pm
YTHC C o m m u n ity Fu n R u n May21@8CTUIRJutyGrounds YOuth W e l l n e S S
P r O g r a m co me participate inthemedwalks w/our youth, playor volunteer a encourage
them to keep moving 8 making healthy choices after school every day this month between 4-5:30 pm Meet at YTHC Prevention building
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THE FINALE! Community Competition Tuesday May 31" @3:30@ July Grounds Form a group, come to compete, play fun, enjoy exciting Nike games8 win w/tug of war at the end of day. Hotdogs for everyone!! May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Sen. Hansell hears about school funding at meeting with BOT "And it's dropped since then," he said. (As of mid-April, the NCS enrollment
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Young At Heart A Tribute toSaturday Morning Classics
Proceeds benefitthe
Oregon East Symphony
Tickets on salenow at the Wildhorse
Gift Shop orwildhorseresort.corn
•0 •
MISSION — Oregon Sen. Bill Hansel, was 52.) Republican from Athena, got a short fiStar said some of the blame can be nancial lesson about how funding works placed on 'historical trauma" that infor the charter school on the Umatilla cluded boarding schools, and abuse of Indian Reservation when he met April alcohol and drugs "behind closed doors 14 with the Board of Trustees (BOT) for in families." the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla "Why are our adults unable to mainIndian Reservation (CTUIR). t ain jobs? Wh y ar e a l a r g e n u m b e r He was schooled about the 1855 Treaty u nemployable? Education and t r a i n with the U.S. government that promised ing on Indian reservations goes back construction of a school and teachers, to historical trauma ... They say we' re among many other things that never grounded in the past and it carries over materialized. for generations. That affects the education He was informed of absenteeism, the of youth," Star said. drop-out rate, and historical trauma as Star told Hansel that the Treaty — "anwell. other historically broken treaty" — calls BOT member Justin Q u a em p ts, a for the federal government to build a member of the Tribes' Education and school, provide teachers and housing for Training Committee as well as a member teachers, but that's not been done. " We' re su r v e ye d t o of the board for the Nixyaawii Community School death but Indian youth are 'The sins of (NCS), told Hansel that the still dropping out at a high CTUIR is in a "precarious" our fathers ... rate," he said. "The Board position as far as funding always recognizes that." (The rest of the is concerned. In other discussion: " Somet i m e s p e o p l e verse says 'are H ansell w a s a s k e d d on't realize N i x y aaw i i a bout the possibility o f visited upon (Communit y S chool ) is s ending a l e t te r t o t h e their sons.') p art o f P e n d l e to n 1 6 R U .S. Department of En (the local school district," We' re reaping ergy about the clean-up at Quaempts said. Hanford. that now Many tribal m embers "Some issues just won' t and it can be consider NCS an In dian go away," said BOT memschool and, while the stub er Ar m an d M i n t h o r n , discouraging dent population primarily w ho f o r y e a r s s e r v e d to see what is Indian, the NCS is a pubon the Oregon Hanford lic school open to anyone needs to be Cleanup Board. The new — Indian or not — that is BOT replaced Min t h orn done.' living within at least three with David Close on the Oregon Senator school districts — PendleC leanup B o a rd , w h i c h Bill Hansell ton, Weston-Athena, and Hansell sits on as well. Pilot Rock. B oth M i n t h o r n a n d That's why the funding Close expressed concern part is wobbly. a bout D O E' s p r o p o sal t o p r i o r i t i z e For example, when Pendleton School cleanup areas. District 16R voters approved a tax bond "The DOE has limited funds, but they in 2013, none of that money came to NGC. want to prioritize some areas and not " We' re tr y i n g t o f i g u r e i t o u t , " pay attention to others," Minthom said. Quaempts said, noting that the state has "We can't prioritize five or six (sites) if to be p art of the school-funding equation. other areas won't get proper attention Hansell said he'd try to "find different and we' re leaving legacy waste for a ways to skin a cat" and said state funding long time." would be easier to obtain if Ni xyaawii Close told Hansel he sad also conjoined with other charter schools across cerned with the prioritization plan. "We' re concerned with the process; all the state in asking for increased money for education. He was told that only one the cleanup areas are important," he said. other charterschool exists on a reserva- "We have concernsfornatural resources, tion — that of the Siletz. for the Big River as waste continues to BOT member Woodrow Star told Hanmigrate to the Columbia." sel that among other reasons, NCS was Hansel said the Hanford cleanup isstarted to combat absenteeism and a high sues are "mind boggling." drop-out rate for Native American stu"The sins of our fathers," he said. [The dents attending Pendleton High School. rest of the verse says 'are visited upon "We were doing the best we could at their sons.'] "We' re reaping that now and 16R before Nixyaawii," Star said. it can be discouraging to see what needs Some Indian student su r v eys and to be done," Hansell said. grade assessments showed student's Hansell said he and State Rep. Greg attendance declining, which led to poor Barreto, Republican from Cove, intend grades and many times leaving school. to attend and "represent the CTUIR" at " We tried t o r e ctify t ha t w i t h t h e a May 9-10 meeting in Pendleton of the charter school," Star said, noting that the Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board. school expected at least 100 students in He also heard about and responded the first year, but the average that year was in the 60s. Hn II P 2 B
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
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Showing off their work ata recent exhibit of art created by elementary and middle school students were twins Stella and Rosie Hines, with Rosie holding Brooklyn Jones. The twins are in Mrs. Leonard's fourth grade class at West Hills School. Brooklyn, 5, is a kindergarten class taught by Mrs. Jones. Their mother is Rosie Hines. The artwork covered every wall and additional panels at the Pendleton Convention Center.
Pendleton 'Relay for Life' cancer fundraiser June 17-18 stay the night," she told the CUJ. Donations are always welcome. Before the June Relay, at least three American Cancer Society projects are planned in May: Saturday, May 7 — Bazaar at the Free Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 15 — Painting party at Mac's starting at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 21 — Yard Sale at First Community Credit Union. For more information about Relay for Life in Pendleton, contact Preston at 541-379-6294, or visit the website at
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Irene Jackson, Cage Irene has gone above and beyond in attempting to find answers to questions or solutions to problems for st ff. he has alwa s i teracted wi h gu sts and f ow co- orkers w th a smile nd a s i t ive d e a r.
Nllndy LeGore, F8B Culinary Mindy is always helping out everyone, and in any station she is needed. She goes above and beyond to insure the customers re always h (py.
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May 2016
Students proudly show off their art
PENDLETON — The 2016 Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the Am erican Cancer Society, but it's much more than that, says Carol Preston, one of the event organizers. The Relay will take place overnight June 17-18 at Sunridge Middle School and teams are being recruited to participate. Preston said organizers hope teams will once again be represented from Wildhorse Resort & Casino, Cayuse Technologies and Yellowhawk Tr ibal Health Center. All three used to have teams but their participation in recent years has dwindled. Preston said in an email that in addition to raising money, the Relay has two other messages: to "honor survivors and to encourage those that have gotten a diagnosis that there is hope and life after the diagnosis." A luminaria wil l t ake place as the sun goes down on Saturday night to "honor those who have lost their battle with cancer and to show that we want to stop cancer and not let others lose to the C word," Preston said. The Relay helps promote awareness of the research that is taking place to fight cancer. About 78 cents of every dollarraised goes to research. ) "We want the next generation to have a better chance to not have the diagnosis," Preston said. Preston said organizers are looking for participants/groups "that want to make a difference." "Come walk a lap or two if you can' t
Confederated Umatilla Journal
~Ay2pgg DCFS recognizing Foster Care with meal, activities on May 25 Theme: 'Honoring, Unifing and Celebrafing Families'
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MISSION — To celebrate National Foster Care Month the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) will host a meal and activities Wednesday, May 25, at the Nixyaawii Governance Center on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The event is planned from 5:30-7 p.m. To register or for more information contact Marie Allman at 541-429-7300. The theme this year is " H o n o r ing, Uniting and Celebrating Families." "The role tribal foster care has with tribal children and families is an important role of utilizing and assessing the extended kinship relations that surround a child," Julie Taylor, DCFS Director, said in a news release from the department. DCFS relies on the extended family to provide temporary or permanent care of a child when a child comes in to the care of the department, Taylor said. DCFS is guided by the family of the child and the Juvenile Code of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) when it comes to placement preferences. As a result, the department has a high rate of success in matching children with relative providers. On April 21, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown proclaimed May as Foster Care Month. I n the pr oclamation Br ow n s aid " . . . foster and relative families, who open their homes and hearts and offer help to children whose families are in crisis, play a vital role helping children and families heal and reconnect and in launching children into successful adulthood." Nationally, recruitment for foster care is a challenge for both states and tribes, Taylor said. The task of recruiting individuals to become foster-care providers in Indian Country is due to several factors that include, but are not limited to, the impact of historical trauma and the stigma that surround "foster care." In March, DCFS hosted a tw o -day training in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) at Tamastslikt Cultural Institute on Tribal Approaches to Foster Care. The training attracted 20 participants ranging from service providers to current foster parent providers. Participants of the training gained information on approaches to t rauma-informed parenting, wor k i n g with children who come from substanceabusing families, mandatory reporting, and working with children who are in foster care. The training served to provide a background and introduction to the role of foster care and the importance the role of foster care has within tribal communities. The trainers provided content around the impact of historical federal policies and trauma associated with those policies
Management reserves aB rights to alter, suspend or withdraw promotionsioffers at any time.
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Recycle 8. save the Earth for future generations
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Trio attends 'Protecting Our Children' conference M ISSION — Alex N i lo, Cedr i c Wildbill and Ashley Hardin fr om the Department of C h i l d ren and Family Services (DCFS) in April attended the National Indian Welfare Association's 34th annual Protecting Our Children, National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in St. Paul, Minnesota. Nilo is Child Protection Services intake screener, Wildbill is Targered Case Management date coordinator, and Hardin is assistant director for DCFS on the Umatilla Indian
Reservation. The trio made two presentations "Tribal Approaches to Different Response" and " T r i bal T argeted Case Management Approach and Implementation." About 45 people attended the first workshop and 65 were at the second workshop. Alecia McConnell, a member of t he Confederated Tribes, did no t attend with th e DCFS threesome but participated on a youth panel plenary session called "L earning from Youth with Lived Experience." -
on American Indian /Alaska Native (AI/ AN) communities which significantly impacted the number of AI/AN children in care. AI/A N children are disproportionately removed from their homes as compared to those of non-native children, meaning, AI/AN are removed at a higher rate from their homes than non-native children. The training stressed the importance of having tribal homes, especially relative (kinship) placements, readily available for tribal children coming in to care to reduce the amount of trauma that can take place for a child when they are removed from their home and placed into a home they are not familiar with. The training focused its attention around the utilization of tribal culture as a protective factor - a mechanism designed to help children build strength, draw strength, and develop healthy coping skills. The participants of the training worked together throughout the training to place themselves in the shoes of a tribal child going in to care and as the provider in identifying resources for the children to ensure an adequate support system was in place for the child. One participant stated, "The activity where we had to come up with local resources helped me come to the realization of how resourceful our community is." Certified foster parents of DCFS are required to complete 30 hours of training a year. DCFS is currently working to enhance the training opportunities available to community members who are interested in becoming tribal foster parents and who are current foster parents. If there are questions about how to become a foster parent for DCFS call 541-429-7300.
May 2016
' E40i O IT ',C AL'
young frst-time
A Global Disability Resource and Advocacy Center EOCILis a proud supporter of the CTUIR community and other communities and programs that promote and value inclusion, equality and opportunities for people with disabilities and elders. EOCILis a disability resource and advocacy enter that provides an array of services for people with disabilities or seniors. These services are designed to empower clients to improve the quality of their lives and promote full access to society. EOCIL is operated by people with disabilities and seniors who themselves have been successful in establishing independent lives. These individuals have both the training and the personal experience to know exactly whatis needed to live independently.
dig gers Abigayle Ford gifts her Great Grandmother, Lillian Spino, her first gathering of roots during the Childrens Root Feast held at the Mission Longhouse on April 28. It is tradition for first-time diggers to present their first gatherings to an elder who can no longer go out to the fields on their own. Roughly 140 people attended the feast. I 1ls
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CVJ photolMiranda Vega Rector
"Explore E volut i o n "
Happy Birthday Melsue! May 4
March 11May 28
aTSil-TSil a
We love you! The family.
Happy Birthday Christina! May 17 "Tamisha Latisha" We Love you!
The Barkley family and Zane and Joseph
FIRST FRIDAYS 2LRE FREE! Exhibits, Museum Store Mon-Sat, l Oam-5pm Kinship Cafe I I am-2pm
www.tarn Like the CUJ on facebook
May 2016
54 I -429-7700
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Explorations in Print:
,luiII aha'y,
Nixya'awii Student Exhibition May 19- June 17,2016
Opening Reception: May 19,5pm-7pm Free and open to the public
'I "
Teata Oattnan,untitled, linocut, ed. of 4
®~"W 'R
Ella MaeLooney, Eternal Love,linocut, ed. of 6
This special exhibit features linocut and lithograph prints produced by a select group of students from the Nixya'awii Community High School. Taught by Tamarind Master Printer Frank Janzen, the students worked for the past school year in the Crow's Shadow studio learning printmaking. This project made possible in part by the Oregon Arts Commission: Art Builds Communities, and the Umatflla County Cultural Coalition.
University of Washington students Casey Wynecoop, left, and Estabon Hayes, right, help with the transport of potting plants at the CTUIR Native Plant Nursery.
Learning about tribal sustainability MISSION — The Native Plant Nursery received six pairs of helping hands by five university students and their professor on April 21 and 22. Clarita Lefthand-Begay, American Indian Studies instructor from the University of Washington (UW), took five students on a two-day field trip to the
Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts 48004 St Andrews Road, Pendleton, OR 541-276-3954 ~
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Memorial Day - May 30 16B
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). The focus of the class included how tribes are managing human-environmental systems to accomplish their sustainability goals, and how tribes are incorporating knowledge and western science into their stewardship strategies. To learn about the work it t akes to manage and grow n a t ive pl ants, the UW students put up w ith rain to help employees at the plant nursery pot seeds and transport plants from the greenhouses to the potting fields. They also spent a day with Wenix Red Elk, Public Outreach and Education Specialist for the Department of Natural Resources at the CTUIR. They visited Iskuulpa and learned about first foods like cous, and were told the CTUIR creation story. "It's great to have five kids out here ... it saves us a lot of time," said Steve Bushman, Native Plant technician. "They were excited even though it started to rain ... they' re hard workers." In an essay written by UW student Casey Wynecoop, a Spokane Tr ib al member, he stated that as a child he' d visit both Mission and Pendleton before the new casino was built and he was impressed with how far the Tribe has come since then. "It was a privilege to see and experience what they have been able to accomplish with their revenue from a gaming enterprise to contribute to their thriving culture," said Wynecoop. "They are an inspiring people."
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May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
• • C• ~ s ~
BOT minutes The following are summaries of Board of Trustees minutes. They are not complete minutes, nor are they the minutes of the work sessionsin which the BOT discussions and debatesissues before votingin an open session.The summaries are presented here as they are provided, without CUJ editing.
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DATE: March 14, 2016 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; David Close, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Armand Minthorn, Member; Justin Quaempts, Member and Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman. Woodrow Star, Member on travel status. Quorum present.
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Resolution 16-018: Topic: IRR Inventory 2016. RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees adopts the attached "IRR inventory 2016" for submission to Bureau of Indian Affairs Department of Transportation and to be used as a reference document in future development of the Tribal Long-range Transportation Plan and Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan annual submission; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees assumes am intermittent 40-ft Right of Way from the centerline of all Tribal/BIA owned roads for transportation maintenance purposes; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that The Board of Trustees directs Tribal Staff to forward this resolution and attachments to the US Department of the Interior Northwest Regional Office Divisions of Transportation for immediate inclusion in the IRR Inventory. AND, that said Resolution has not
The Museum Store at Tamastslikt Cultural Institute
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been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 14th day of March, 2016. MOTION carries 7-0-0. Resolution 16-019: Topic: Office of Special Trustee (OST). RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chairman, Treasurer, Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, Director of Finance and Accounting Manager to correspond directly with OST and to execute all documents that are necessary to request disbursements of Tribal funds which are on deposit with the Office of Special Trustees (OST) to be deposited directly into another Tribal account, to request access to Tribal records held by the OST, to request information regarding Tribal accounts and to set Tribal Investment and liquidity objectives; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the following individuals as the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) representatives who have authority to conduct business with OST: Gary Burke, Chairman, Board of Trustees Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer, Board of Trustees Dave Tovey, Executive Director Debra Croswell, Deputy Executive Director Paul Rabb, Director of Finance Tom Croswell, Accounting Manager; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the following individuals to request information regarding Tribal accounts as needed from time to time for the conduct of routine business: Bill Tovey, Director of Economic and Community Development Mae (Koko) Hufford, Land Project Manager Gordon Schumacher, Range Ag 8 Forestry Program Manager AND, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby instructs OST to distribute from the Tribes account PL 7076703 to the Tribes General Fund Account currently held at U.S. Bank, Pendleton, Oregon, annually on the first business day of every January, April, July and October, the entire account balance if the balance is in excess of $1,000; If the balance is less than $1000 hold until the next quarter. AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended ore repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 14th day of March, 2016. MOTION carries 7-0-0. Resolution 16-020: BOT Priorities and Action Plans for 2016-17. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the attached Board Action Plans for the 2016-17 Board Term; AN BE ITFURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director to implement the goals and tasks laid out in the action plans, and to provide regular briefings to the Board concerning progress in achieving these priorities; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, theBoard has determined that Board focus areas should be distinguished from other ongoing work by receiving the following preferences: the Board, staff, committees and commissions will adjust their use of time to give particular attention to these topics; the Board, staff, committees and commissions will place emphasis on these focus areas when communicating with each other, with the General Council, and with the Tribal community; these focus areas will receive preference for receipt of discretionary funding as those opportunities arise (although no budget appropriations are made with enactment of this resolution): departments will collaborate closely on these focus areas; and department work plans and budgets may be adjusted when feasible to reflect the importance of these projects; AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 14th day of March, 2016. MOTION carries 7-0-0. Resolution 16-021: Education Facilities, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby dedicates all settlement proceeds from the Ramah Navajo Chapter lawsuit to pay for the design and construction of the Tribal education facility; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the funding n /n
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
BOT minutes plan, site selection and design professional and construction manager contracts for the Tribal education facility shall be subject to Board of Trustees approval; AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 14th day of March, 2016. MOTION carries 4 for — (Rosenda Shippentower, Justin Quaempts, Aaron Ashley and David Close) — 3 against (Alan Crawford, Jeremy Wolf and Armand Minthorn) — 0 abstaining. Other Board Action: Summer Youth Employment Program. The Education Department staff met with the BOT in a work session on March 9 and presented their plan for the 2016 Summer Youth Employment program, as per directive in the 2016 Budget Appropriations Report. MOTION: Justin Quaempts moves to approve releasing the additional $27,467 reserved in the 2016 budget to the Education Department for use in implementing this year's Summer Youth Employment Program. Motion carries 7-0-0. - CTUIR Support Letter of Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians grant application CTUIR submitted a letter of support on January 14, 2015. This was in support of ATNI applying for the Environmental Protection Agency's Indian General Assistance program funds. MOTION: Alan Crawford moves to approve Dave Tovey, Executive Director of CTUIR sending another letter of support for ATNI to apply for IGAP funds. Motion carries 7-0-0. - BOT Travel Reports. 1) J eremy Wolf, Portland, Feb. 24-25 for CRITFC meeting. 2) Rosenda Shippentower, Eugene, March 4-6, Eugene to attend Indigenous People's Reception and UO Public Interest Law Conference. MOTION: David Close moves to approve reports. Armand Minthorn seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 7-0-0. BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Rosenda Shippentower, Personal leave, March 24 from 2:30 — 4pm. MOTION: Armand Minthorn moves to approve leave requests. Justin Quaempts seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 7-0-0. DATE: March 21, 2016 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; David Close, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Armand Minthorn, Member; Woodrow Star, Member, Justin Quaempts, Member and Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman. Full quorum. Resolution 16-022: Topic: Stanffeld Irrigation District MOA RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the Memorandum of Agreement between the Confederated Tribes and Stanfield Irrigation District attached to this Resolution as Exhibit 1C; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes its Chairman to execute the attached Memorandum of Agreement, or one containing substantially similar terms, and to take such further action and execute documents as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution; AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. Dated this 21st of March, 2016. MOTION carries 8-0-0. DATE: March 28, 2016 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; David Close, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Armand Minthorn, Member; Woodrow Star, Member, Justin Quaempts, Member and Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman. Full quorum. Old Business. a. Inter-Tribal Buffalo meeting by Jeremy Wolf. Informed the Board there is a meeting Tuesday, April 5 at Yellowstone, ID. Salish Kootenai and Nez Perce Tribes will be attending. A BOT Work Session is scheduled for Friday, March 31. At that time the agenda will be presented and reviewed; plus an update on the Wed. April 6 Inter-agency meeting with federal agencies. Aaron Ashley, BOT Member; Joe Pitt, Attorney and Carl Scheeler, DNR staff will be attending with Jeremy Wolf. Other Board Action: Commission/Committee Update by David Close, BOT Secretary. 1) Credit Board — Three vacancies for 3 year
Q pp o r t u n i t y
term with three applications from Doris Wheeler, Toni Minthorn and Susan Johnson. Motion to reappoint Doris Wheeler, Toni Minthorn, and Susan Johnson to the Credit Board each for 3 year terms. Motion carries 8-0-0. 2) Cultural Resources Committee — One vacancy for 2 year term with one application from Jo Marie Tessman. Motion to reappoint Jo Marie Tessman to Culture Resources Committee for a two year term. Motion carries 8-0-0. 3) Economic 8 Community Development Committee. One vacancy for 2 year term with one application from Les Minthorn. Motion to appoint Les Minthorn to Economic 8 Community Development Committee for 2 year term. Motion carries 8-0-0. 4) Election Commission — Five vacancies for staggered terms. The BOT appoints four positions 1, 3, 5 and General Council appoints positions 2, 4, 6, & 8. Motion to send two applications, Kelly Long and Margaret Sheoships to General Council for review and report back to BOT. Motion carries 8-0-0. Motion to reappoint Doris Scott to position number 8. Motion carries 8-0-0. 5) Jeremy Wolf asked about existing members whose terms were extended for purpose of making presentation on existingcode amendments to BOT. Dave Tovey, Executive Director said he would check on status and report back to BOT. 6) Health & Welfare Commission. One vacancy for 3 year staggered term and two applications from Martina Gordon and Sandra Sampson. By secret ballot Martina Gordon was appointed to Health 8 Welfare Commission for a 3 year staggered term. 7) Hous-
t o I n t e r n ! Wildhorse Resort 8 Casino has Internship opportunities for enrolled CTUIR Jr. and Sr. College level students! If you are interested in putting some of your academic training to work in a thriving business environment, please submit a letter of interest by May 31. Please send letters of interest to: Wildhorse Resort 8 Casino Dorothy Cyr Human Resources 46510 Wildhorse Blvd. Pendleton, OR 97801 541-966-1736
D ID YOU KN O W S The aboriginal religion was the guardian spirit religion, with a strong element of earth worship. The basic religion of the three tribes was the guardian spirit religion, and the religious practices of the three tribes were much the same. Closely related to religion was their attitude toward their lands. They regarded their land as sacred, not only because their ancestors were buried there, but because they had been placed upon the land of care for it, and the land in, in turn, cared for them. Gathered from 'as days go by'
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Continued on a e 20B
May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
BOT minutes •
ing Commission. Sandy Sampson voluntarily resigned from the Housing Commission. Move to accept voluntary resignation from S. Sampson from Housing. Motion carries 8-0-0. 8) Natural Resources Commission — Gerald Reed was appointed to NRC on April 2, 2012 for a three year term, which his term expired on April 2, 2015. A meeting was held between David Close, BOT Secretary, Rosenda Shippentower, NRC Chairman and Patty Perry the Administrative Staff for NRC regarding his expired term and to straighten out the staggered terms. Gerald Reed has turned in an application to be reappointed. Move that the BOT Secretary to notify Mr. Gerald Reed of term expiration and to advertise. Motions carries 8-0-0. 9) Science 8 Technology Committee. One vacancy for 2 year term with one application from Shawn Joseph. Move toappoint Shawn Joseph to the Science & Technology Committee for 2 year term. Motion carries 8-0-0. 10) Terms expiring. Paula Post and Butch Sams terms both expire on April 7 from Law 8 Order Committee. Move to advertise for two positions for 2 year terms on Law & Order Committee. Motion carries 8-0-0. 11) To continue to adverting for: 1 position on A&D Oversight Committee, 2 year term, meet 4th Wed. from 1-2:30pm. It was noted that A8D Task Force is an oversight committee with no stipends and position is General Council appointment. Move that A&D application(s) be sent to General Council. Motion carries 8-0-0. 1 position for Election Commission — 1 BOT position, meet as needed. 1 position for Tiicham Conservation District — 2 year term, meet 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 1:00pm. 1 Umatilla Cultural Coalition (No Stipends)Meet as needed. All applications will be due Monday, April 18 by 4:00pm. A BOT work session will be scheduled Friday, April 22 at 8:30 AM to review applications and the BOT will make appointments on Monday, April 25.
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DATE: April 4, 2016 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; David Close, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Armand Minthorn, Member; Woodrow Star, Member, Justin Quaempts, Member and Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman. Full quorum. Resolution 16-023: Topic: Emergency Operations Plan 2016. RESOLVED, promulgated herewith is the revised Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. This plan supersedes any previous Emergency Operations Plans; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, adoption of this plan will set out an orderly response to an event which is of such magnitude that it threatens to overwhelm the response capability of the CTUIR; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby adopts this Emergency Operations Plan revision and makes it the Emergency Operations Plan for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 4th day of April, 2016. MOTION carries 7-0-0. (Jeremy Wolf not present for vote) Resolution 16-024: Topic: Memorandum of Understanding with Pendleton School District. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the attached Memorandum Of Understanding (Exhibit 1) between the CTUIR and the Pendleton School District; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes its Chair, the Chair of the Education and Training Committee, and the Tribal Education Director to execute the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the CTUIR; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees hereby expresses its support for the constructive working relationship between the Education and Training Committee and the Tribal Education Department with the Pendleton School District as reflected in the Memorandum of Understanding and hereby directs both the Education and Training Committee and the Tribal Education Department to dedicate the time, personnel and resources to work with the Pendleton School District representatives to develop and implement the programs needed to achieve objectives set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding. AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 4th day of April, 2016. MOTION carries 8-0-0. Resolution16-025 Topic:ANA and SEDS Grant Application by Yellowhawk. RESOLVED, that the CTUIR Tribal Health Commission, which is the governing board of Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, and represents the tribal community met onMarch 29, 2016 and has approved this project and provided ample opn in n 21B
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BOT Travel Reports. 1) Woodrow Star, March 17-18 Healing Lodge, Spokane WA. MOTION: Justin Quaempts moves to approve reports. Alan Crawford seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 6-0-0. [Gary Burke and Jeremy Wolf not present for vote] BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Gary Burke, Travel, March 29 Col. River Housing mtg.— Celilo, OR. Travel, May 22-26, ATNI Grand Ronde, OR. 2) Alan Crawford, Travel, April 11-15, Western Regional WIOA Training Phoenix. Travel,May 22-26ATNI Grand Ronde, OR. Travel, June 26-30 NCAI Spokane, WA. 3) Jeremy Wolf, Travel, March 29 Col River Housing mtg. Celilo, OR. Travel, April 4-7 Inter-Tribal Bison mtg. West Yellowstone, ID. 4) Aaron Ashley, Travel, April 4-7 Inter-Tribal Bison mtg. West Yellowstone, ID. 5) Rosenda Shippentower: Travel, April 9-10 Travel Warm Spring Museum, Portland. Travel, May 23-26ATNI Grand Ronde. 6) Justin Quaempts, Personal leave, 3-14 pm, March 28. Travel, May 1-5 State/Tribal Suicide Prevention Washington, DC. 7) Armand Minthorn, Travel, April 4-6 Meet with HPS, Lewiston, ID. Travel, April 13-14 HAB Richland, WA. Travel, April 15 Mill Creek Ceremony, Walla Walla, WA (poll).
8) Justin Quaempts, Personal leave rescinded leave request March 28 from 1-3 pm. MOTION: Alan Crawford moves to approve leave requests. Woodrow Star seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 8-0-0.
May 1st:Dionne Bronson 2nd:Leah VanPelt 4th: Rylen Bronson 13th:Chris Marsh 8 Robert J. VanPelt 15th:Kyle Bates 20th:Kyella Picard 21st:: Pam Peterson & Julius Patrick 24th:Chance Squiemphen, Jr. 25th:Buster Brigham 8 Alekz VanPelt 26th:Stacey Kash Kash 28th: MaKeisha Van Pelt 29th: Elliot Watchman
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Congratulations for Graduating with Honors
Cece, Olive, and Sissy
May 2016
BOT minutes
YTHC - Ma 2016 Health Cookin Class Cinco de Mayo Theme
portunity for membership of the CTUIR to have input in development of the project; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Confederated Tribes has delegated to the administration of the Confederated Tribes' three year SEDS grant to Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center and full confidence in the ability of Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center to successfully implement this project, AND, that this Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and will remain in full force and effect. DATED this 4th day of April, 2016. MOTION carries 8-0-0. Other Board Action: WRC Architect Engineer Motion by Gary George, Wildhorse Resort 8, Casino Chief Executive Officer. By Resolution 15-076 (November 16, 2015) the Board of Trustees approved Wildhorse Resort & Casino's 2016 budget which included funding to hire an Architect/Engineer and the Board of Trustees conducted a worksession on March 30 to review the completed WRC Expansion Feasibility Study. MOTION: Woodrow Star moves to approve the January 2016 WRC Expansion Feasibility Study and direct the WRC CEO to move forward with the retention of a qualified Architect/Engineering firm to develop a Master Plan based on the Feasibility Study, which includes an outdoor Arbor arena, for BOT consideration and approval. Motion carries 8-0-0. TERO Fee Guideline Motion by Aaron Hines, TERO Manager. On Wednesday, March 31 the draft guidelines were presented for BOT review. MOTION: Alan Crawford moves to approve the TERO Fee Guidelines and also to direct the Executive Director to continue to monitor the status and uses of TERO fees. Motion carries 8-0-0. Umatilla Tribal Police Department Wage Study Motion by Ray Denny, Director of Public Safety.On Wednesday, March 31 a work session was conducted with recommendation to increase wages for police and dispatch staff effective January 1, 2016. MOTION: Woodrow Star moves to approve the revised 2016 budget for Umatilla Tribal Police, providing an increase in wages for police and dispatch staff effective January 1, 2016. The wage increase is in the result of a wage analysis conducted in 2015 by CTUIR Human Resources. The additional amount needed to cover this budget increase is available in the 2016 UTPD budget appropriation due to vacancies and other budget adjustments, and will be addressed in August, 2016 as part of the 2017 Target Budget Appeal process. Motion carries 7 for (Woodrow Star, Alan Crawford, Justin Quaempts, Armand Minthorn, David Close, Jeremy Wolf and Aaron Ashley) — 1 against (Rosenda Shippentower) — 0 abstaining. BOTTravel Reports. 1) Gary Burke, March 28 to Celilo and Lone Pine to attend meeting with Senator Merkley and Rep. Blumenauer regarding
housing on the Columbia River. 2) Woodrow Star, March 12-16 to Phoenix, AZ to attend NIGA Conference. MOTION: Alan Crawford moves to approve reports. Woodrow Star seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 5-0-0 . BOT Leaveand Travel Requests. 1) Woodrow Star, travel, Green Bay Wl June 7-9 to attend "Business of Indian Ag" training. MO T ION: Alan Crawford moves to approve leave requests. Woodrow Starseconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 5-0-0.
When: Wednesday, May 18'h 11:00 — 12i30
Where: WIC Building • Chips and Salsa • Me xican Coleslaw E"
• Spinach-Poblano Enchiladas
• Strawberries and Chocolate Sauce
DATE: April 11, 2016 BOT Present: Gary Burke, BOT Chairman; Jeremy Wolf, Vice Chairman; Rosenda Shippentower, Treasurer; David Close, Secretary; Aaron Ashley, Member; Armand Minthorn, Member; Woodrow Star, Member, and Justin Quaempts, Member. Alan Crawford, General Council Chairman is on travel status. Quorum present. esolution 16-026: Topic: Honoring Nations Award. RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees endorses the nomination to the Harvard American Indian Economic Development Honoring Nations Award Program semi-finalist round; AND, that said Resolution has not been modified amended or repealed and is still in full force and effect. DATED this 11th day of April 2016. Motion carries 7-0-0. BOT Travel Reports. 1) Rosenda Shippentower, April 9-10 to Portland to attend The Museum at Warm Springs 15th Annual Honor Dinner. 2) Jeremy Wolf, Verbal report on Inter-tribal buffalo meeting. 3) Aaron Ashley, Verbal report on Inter-tribal buffalo meeting. 3) David Close, Verbal report on trip to Portland for the Warm Springs dinner. MOTION: Justin Quaempts moves to approve reports. Woodrow Star seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 7-0-0. BOT Leave and Travel Requests. 1) Gary Burke, Personal leave, Friday, April 15. 2) Rosenda Shippentower, Personal leave, April 12 from 1 to 2:20pm. Local travel, WRC, April 20-21, Caregivers Conference. 3) Jeremy Wolf, Travel, April 22 to Oregon City to attend Willamette Falls Riverwalk. Note: Armand Minthorn departed at 2:50 pm for travel to Vancouver, WA.MOTION: Aaron Ashley moves to approve leave requests. Justin Quaempts seconds. Discussion. Question. Motion carries 4-0-0.
Contact: Jennifer Lewis 541-278-7558 or niferlewis@ ellowhawk.or o n't For et Your A r o n s!
YellOWha14kiS ClOSed Eyer T uesda M o r n i n Yel/owhawk Tribal H e a l th Center is c/osed every Tuesday morning until 72pm
If you have any questions regarding YTHC business hours please contact YTHC at (541 j 966-9830
Happybi rthday
5'acq and %id $'ones Love Mom and family
office of
~(*)~ Tribal Government
* • 1•
• •
Jonathan M. Wainwright Mem orial VA Medical Center pi-erMZ Sera~ M ~ i ~ a ' V ~ e c r
Hotel Reservations at Wildhorse Hotel Call1-800-654-9453,press¹/forfrontdesk,or Make reservation online — go to www. wildhorseresort. corn ! Room Tax 9% & Additional Persons — $10.00 per person Group Cut-off date Sunday, April 24, 20/6
Dream as if you' ll live forever, live as if you' d die today May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Cleaning up the Rez
Day April 22.
38 California sea lions killed this year at Bonneville Wildlife workers from Oregon and Washington have killed 38 California sea lions at Bonneville Dam this year. That's the most in any single year since getting approval from NOAA Fisheries in 2008. NOAA spokesman Michael Milstein says it appears the program is working. "These are the fish that a lot of people are working really hard to save by improving habitat and making improvements at the dam and we don't want to
lose ground by having them be eaten by sea lions on their way back to spawn," he said. The authorization to kill the animals runs out in June of 2016. Oregon and Washington have asked for another five years. NOAA Fisheries is expected to decide in June or July. More than 1,000 p eople posted comments du r in g t h e public testimony phase of the renewal. Sport fishing guide Bill M o n roe Jr. supports the program. He's seen sea lions take fish off customers lines. He also wor-
ries about their impact on endangered salmon and sturgeon. "I don't think we need to kill every sea lion we see. That' snot the pointhere. The point here is to cull the population to a point where it won't have such a huge impact," he said. But the Humane Society of the U.S. is against the program. It sued the states in Federal Court in 2008, but lost. Now it's again arguing that the program should stop. "This is, if you will, a kind of treadmill
of death. You put the animals on it and you' renever gonna get off because it isn't getting you anywhere. What you are doing is not making any progress at all. Which means you are killing them for nothing," said Sharon Young with the Humane Society. This year, during the height of the sea lion occupation, biologists counted 6,500 of the animals from Bonneville Dam to the East Mooring Basin in Astoria. That is the largest number ever for the Columbia River.
' Join us for a meet and greet and to learn about potential
training opportunities in different skilled crafts and trades from representatives from the PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS ' MAY 10, 2016 iI TWO DIFFERENT MEETING TIMES â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 2PM OR 4:30PM .I AT THE NIXYAAWII GOVERNANCE CENTER I, For more information, please contact the TERO staff at 541-429lI 7180 or by email at 22B
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
MMEACHANGE Have youever been told by a T h e re is something you can do health care professional that you: about being at risk for Diabetes. — Are at risk for getting Diabetes? — Have Pre-Diabetes? — Have high blood sugar? — Had Gestational Diabetes?
( le &GO HMPs&
This program helps us learn how to create a lifestyle to prevent Type 2 Diabetes. We meet for 76 weekly sessions and six monthly follow-up sessions with a trained Lifestyle Coach.
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celvgRzrQLzvIelvs co4 a4o n o l o nye-v Pr-e t) ' YKLLOWHA'IIIIK TRIBAL H EALTH C ENT E R Confederated Umatilla Journal
I â&#x20AC;˘
WILDHORSERESORT & CASINO PENDLETON, OREGON This GONA Healing conference is designed to empower individuals to effectively engage in personal health, wellness and self-care to support healthy lifestyles among children, youth, families and community. To look inside the traumas brought on by the historical' boarding school era and its current impacts on our Tribal Community. Asking community what healing should look like, what is needed, what is our individual part. Call for Attendees: 3-Day Healing conference is FREE 5 open to all adult Nixyaawii community members, Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation, Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, Cayuse Techology Wildhorse Resort &. Casino employees. We encourage participants to attend all 3 days, but it is optional. (Note: Support stag will be in attendance as we understand that subjects may sensitive to some)
Call for Elders Stories: We would like to capture stories from Elders who cannot attend the conference, which will be made into short videos. Stories about your past, family stories R. community history. If you are interested, contact Debra Shippentower. (Note: Interviews will take at least an hour and we will need photos you would like to share in the video)
Tuesday-Thursday: Open registration at 7:30am - Event start time at 8am Cayuse Room at Wildhorse Resort 5 Casino in Pendleton, OR To register early please fill out & return the form below to Debra Shippentower or Sara Haskett at Yellowhawk. Forms can be faxed, called in, emailed or delivered in person. Debra Shippentower
Sara Haskett
Sara Hasketto
Phone: (541) 215-1961 Fax: (541) 278-7571
Phone: (541) 278-7528
GONA Healing Conference
M a y 10-1 2, 2016 Wildhorse Cayuse Room
Tribal Affiliation
Phone Number (including area code)
Email/Mailing Address
Which day(s) will you be able to attend? Check boxes: Will you need transportation? (Mission Area only) If yes, list physical address/Housing area/number: Daily: Registration at 7:30am Start at 8am 10th
l authorize my image (photograph/video) and any audio message to be used for positive publicity or other educational purpose, YellowhawkTribal Health Center and CTUIR are not liable or responsible should I become injured while participating in the Healing conference May 10-12, 2016. Please contact Debra Shippentower if you have questions: Phone number (541) 215-1961 or email
Confederated Umatilla Journal
May 2016
rcn<llctun. or~gi
Pendleton Mayor Phillip Houk, and Pendleton City Councilman John Brenne.
Volunteers shed light on their grandparent and senior programs MISSION — In Celebration of National Services Month, a day of recognition and sharing was held in the chambers of the Board of Trustees (BOT) for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). Volunteers and representatives of the Foster Grandparent and Senior Comp anion p r o gr ams shared with BOT Chairman Gary Burke as well as BOT Vice Chairman Jeremy Wolf. There were a total of 25 individuals who attended the get-together including Umatilla County Commission Chair George Murdock; Pendleton Mayor Phillip Houk, and Pend-
leton City Councilman John Brenne. Volunteers spoke about their "love" for being a foster grandparent and a senior companion. They shared about how it helps teachers who can't always be one-on-one with each student, they spoke of children advancing in their curriculum because of the extra help that they provide, and they told stories about helping the elderly run errands or go grocery shopping when they have no one else to do it. During the meeting, Mayor Houk designated April 12 to be, in part, National Services Day in Pendleton. "We wanted to explain to the BOT what we are
doing on the reservation and in the community," said Brenne. "Hopefully they can apply for grants and get more volunteers to the CTUIR." Brenne said currently there is one foster grandparent in the reservation education system that is working with children and one senior companion who works with an elder, but he'd like to encourage more volunteers and support for giving back to the community. "We continue to look for foster grandparents and senior companion volunteers," Brenne said. To learn how to get involved, contact Brenne at 541-276-4479
The free service includes a full range of estate planning services to enrolled Umatilla Triba I members, including: • Wills Drafting • Options regarding fractionation of trust lands. • J • Leaving whole interests to heirs • Leaving interests to classes of heirs as •
joint tenants
• • • •
• Gift deeds Land consolidationoptions and sales Durable Powers of Attorney Health Care Directives Other documents related to Estate Planning
4 •
• •
Similar services may be available for low-income Indian people enrolled with other tribes: Native American Program — Legal Aid Services of Oregon ( 503) 223-9483 . May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Luncheon
IIIiI I Itottet " It'
: Business Development Services will be.: celebrating CTUIR Nat'ive Amer ican Small 5usinessDay by hosting a luncheon on June 8'" M honor and : recognize the cont'ribut'ions of Nat 'ive: American smallbusiness owners. • a•••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••• • • • • • • a
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Location: Cayuse HallWildhorse Resort & Casino Tickets: $20
Meyer Memorial Trust funding review Representatives from the Meyer Memorial Trust visited the Umatilla Indian Reservation in April to explain a new process for funding opportunies. About two dozen people attended the meeting April 12 at Tamastslikt Cultural Institute. People came from as far away as Lone Rockin Grant Count, Milton-Freewater and Weston to learn about the new process the Trust is rolling for grant applications. The Trust gave out about $40 million last year and expects to do the same this year. Focus areas are designed to "improve Oregon to make Oregon a great place to live." Theyinclude housing opportunities, healthy environment, education, and community building. Chuck Sams, Communications Director for the CTUIR, is an advisor to the Trust and hosted the meeting.
CTUIR Education Department- Youth Services Program
Title Vl Indian Education Public Hearing May 26th at 5pm-6pm
Doors open at ll:30 AM, Program begins at ll:45 AM
The Public Hearing for the Title VI Indian Education Grant will be held: May 26th at 5PM to 6PM at Recreation classroom ¹2.
m •
Dinner will be served and discussion will center around the Indian Education Formula grant.
" We will also discuss the goals and objectives of the Title VII program. This meeting is open to the public and time will be give for questions.
Call for details: 541-966-1 920 46510 Wildhorse Boulevard ~ Pendleton, OR 97801
For more information please call Lloyd Commander at (541) 429-7887. CTUIR
Lloyd Commander Youth Services and Recreation Manager LIKEUSON E5
Phone: 541-429-7887 Fax: same number
Peiping giativeAmericanEminesressacceeg
1 Q4 Q 26B
an eclectic mix of music on KCUW 104.3 FM throughout the day and night
Confederated Umatilla Journal
Umatilla Reservation Community Radio
1Q4 5
May 2016
Hansell nin
fr m P
briefly about the efforts by Umatilla and Morrow counties to take ownership and management of the now -defunct Umatilla Army Depot where weapons of mass destruction, namely sarin gas bombs, have been destroyed. CTUIR Executive Director, responding to questions from BOT Treasurer
Rosenda Shippentower, said that, basically, the National Guard wants to take over the site. "They want 60 percent with the remainder to the counties. We'd rather have it the other way," said Tovey, who served as chairman of the Original Land Re-use Authority Committee. T he Tribes and counties would lik e to use the land for, among other things,
economic development. (The Tribes also want land set aside as wildlife habitat. ) In a passing remark, Hansell suggested the concrete igloos that were used to store bombs, could become platforms for solar panels. Shippentower also asked H a n sell about protection of the Tribes' air space relative to drones. "We want to make sure it's safe," she
Sale Prices Valid a
said. Hansell agreed saying drone use is "an issue of privacy and safety." The Senator noted that three places have been selected in Oregon for testing — Pendleton Airport, the Warm Springs Reservation, and a Tillamook site. " That's where the poli cies wil l b e worked through and your issues will be part of the process," he said.
ne 7 2016.
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May 2016
Confederated Umatilla Journal
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Confederated Umatilla Journal
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May 2016